Current Path : /home/rsfshcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jeg-elementor-kit/ |
Current File : /home/rsfshcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/jeg-elementor-kit/readme.txt |
=== Jeg Elementor Kit === Contributors: Jegtheme Tags: elementor, elements, addons, widgets, templates Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.7.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 2.6.12 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Additional widgets for Elementor page builder. It has 40 highly customizable widgets. == Description == Additional widgets for Elementor page builder. It has 40 highly customizable widgets. == Essential Widgets == We include widgets that you can customize to your as you want. - **Accordion**. Add collapsable content. Suitable for FAQ content. - **Icon Box**. A box that includes icon, title, and description. - **Testimonial Slider**. Add testimonials on your site. Useful to increase users belief in your products or services. - **Image Gallery**. Display images as grid and masonry gallery. Add additional filterable feature. - **Progress Bar**. Progress bar element with escalating animation. - **Fun Fact**. A box that include icon and number content. - **Form - WP Form widget**. Styling WP Form element. - **Client Logo Slider**. A logo image slider. - **Navigation Menu**. Create dropdown navigation menu. Allow your users navigate to another page. - **Post Block**. Display list of your posts on page. - **Team**. Show your team members with name, position, bio, picture, and social media links. - **Pie Chart**. Create data pie charts and show it on your page. You can change styles, content, and percentage. - **Portfolio Gallery**. Add portfolio gallery with hover effect. - **Image Box**. A box that includes image, title, and description with hover scale animation. - **Animated Text**. Text widget that using rotating, highlight, and gradient animation. - **Countdown**. Countdown to show your contents of future events. - **Button**. Add button with customizable style. - **Video Button**. Add button with YouTube or Vimeo video pop up on click. - **Post List**. Select some posts to show it on a list. - **Category List**. Select some categories to show it on a list. - **Mailchimp**. Provide sign up form to your users. You can manage mailing list, automated mailing, newsletter, and many other options with mailchimp. - **Heading**. Highlight your headlines with custom styles. - **Post Title**. Show the title of the post. - **Post Featured Image**. Post featured image with style and hover animation. - **Post Comment**. Include comment to the post using default theme style. - **Post Terms**. A list that show the taxonomies assigned to the post. You can choose one of the following options: category, post tag, or post format - **Post Excerpt**. Show the excerpt of the post. - **Post Date**. Post publish or modified date with default, relative, or custom format. - **Post Author**. Show post author information. - **Social Share**. Add social button and share your post to social media when the button is clicked. - **Off Canvas**. Add off canvas content to the page. Choose the content from saved templates. You can choose to slide off canvas from left, right, top, or bottom. - **Tabs**. Divide your contents into several tabs with the title in vertical or horizontal style. Show content by click the title. - **Dual Button**. Add two buttons side by side. Also you can add middle text. - **Search**. Add search functionality with popup form. Let your visitors find what they are searching on your site. - **Feature List**. Add feature lists with icons. - **Post Content**. Show the content of single post. == New Widgets == - **Product Grid**. Display products in a grid. - **Product Carousel**. Display products with a carousel. - **Product Categories**. Displays the product category that you created. - **Banner**. You can promote your products with banners. == Elements == - **Sticky Element**. Create Sticky element for Section and Column. == Feature == - **Global Style options**. Choose your Global Style Template Kit for your site. - **Header and Footer Template**. Create Header or Footer template for the entire site or with specific conditions. - **404 Template**. Choose your 404 Template for your site. == Frequently Asked Questions == **Is this plugin require any plugin to be installed?** Yes. Since this plugin extend widget from Elementor. Elementor is required. Also if you want to use WP Form element, you need to install WP Form. **Can I use this plugin with any themes?** Yes, you can. This plugin works with any themes as long you use Elementor and the theme compatible with Elementor. **After the update, some styles have changed and looks weird. What can I do to fix it?** Please try to regenerate CSS via Elementor > Tools > Regenerate CSS option on admin dashboard. **My Elementor editor isn't loading. What should I do?** Please make sure the WP Memory Limit on your site has set to 128 MB or greater. You can check your site status on Elementor > System Info. Please read this article for further reading https://elementor.com/help/requirements/ Also you can disable some widgets that you don't need from Jeg Elementor Kit > Elements dashboard to reduce memory usage. == Changelog == = 2.6.12 - 25-02-2025 = * Improvement: Capable to add HTML on review content in Testimonial widget * Improvement: Security issues * Improvement: Add more Breakpoints for Responsive Mode in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Line Break feature for Title on Icon Box widget * Fix: Discounts on sale issue in Product Grid widget * Fix: Responsive Issues in Gallery widget * Fix: Undefined Array Key Error for Custom Attributes on Links Elements * Fix: Undefined Offset when plugin updates * Fix: Heading tag HTML issues in Animated Text widget = 2.6.11 - 29-11-2024 = * Fix: Block Content not working on Post Content widget = 2.6.10 - 21-11-2024 = * Improvement: Security issues * Improvement: Add Overflow Hidden Option in Off-Canvas widget * Improvement: Add the Dynamic Tag feature to the Textarea, Media, and Text (default) control types * Fix: Header and Footer templates not working with Polylang * Fix: Add To Cart Button not showing after pagination in Product Grid widget * Fix: Empty Class Elementor Frontend issues * Fix: Pencil Icon feature from Astra theme not working on customizer * Fix: Sticky Element not completely hidden when scrolling down * Fix: Anchor menu not working * Fix: YouTube Short URLs not working in Video Button widget * Tweak: Add Description for Sub Menu Click On Text option in Nav Menu widget * Tweak: Remove Gutenverse Banner = 2.6.9 - 15-09-2024 = * Improvement: Security issues * Fix: JavaScript not working due to Elementor Update version 3.24.0 * Tweak: Add Label for Jeg Elementor Kit Custom Post Type = 2.6.8 - 22-08-2024 = * Improvement: Add Number Animation Duration option on Fun Fact widget * Improvement: Security issues * Improvement: Add Aria Label for button in Off-Canvas widget * Improvement: Add Aria Label for link in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Capability Support for 404 Template with WPML and Polylang * Improvement: Add Aria Label for Load More button in Gallery widget * Improvement: Add Transiton Duration option for Title and Description in Image Box widget * Improvement: Add Transiton Duration option for Title in Post Block widget * Fix: Overlapping menu issue on hover * Fix: Sticky element width issue when window is resized = 2.6.7 - 19-06-2024 = * Fix: PHP warning = 2.6.6 - 13-06-2024 = * Improvement: Security issues * Improvement: Add more options for description in Testimonial widget * Fix: Seriliazed Data issues * Fix: PHP Deprecated warning on Product Carousel widget * Fix: Inline Font Icons feature issues * Fix: Metform conflict with Bootstrap library from Jeg Elementor Kit * Fix: Background style for current nav menu not working in Nav Menu widget * Fix: String translation on Post Content widget and Post Excerpt widget * Fix: Border Radius not working due to gradient background color in Accordion widget = 2.6.5 - 26-04-2024 = * Improvement: Security issues * Fix: Data Sanitize, Escape and Validate issue * Fix: Hover Arrrow Padding option not working in Testimonial widget * Fix: Conflict with Ultimate Membership Pro plugin = 2.6.4 - 02-04-2024 = * Improvement: Security issues * Improvement: Add data attributes for links in Icon Box widget * Fix: Nav Menu not Clickable in Nav Menu Widget * Fix: Bootstrap conflict with wpDataTables plugins * Fix: Level 3 and above menu issue on mobile devices in the Nav Menu widget * Fix: Sub Menu Icon not working with SVG in Nav Menu widget = 2.6.3 - 20-02-2024 = * Improvement: Add the Dynamic Tag feature to the Link control type * Improvement: Use wp_get_attachment_image function for render images * Improvement: Add Multilanguage support for Jeg Elementor Kit Templates * Improvement: Make Transition working on Gradient buttons in Accordion, Button, Client Logo, Dual Button, Icon Box, Image Box, Nav Menu, Off-Canvas, Search, Social Share, Tabs, Team, Testimonial, Video Button widgets * Improvement: Update viewport meta value * Improvement: Add title attribute for the link * Improvement: Security issue * Improvement: Minify Jkit Icon CSS file * Improvement: Add Transition Duration Option for Title and Icon in Post List widget * Improvement: Add Close Button Style Options in Search widget * Improvement: Add more styling option for icon in Video Button widget * Improvement: Add hover border and box shadow style options for button in Mailchimp widget * Improvement: Add more options for icon in Button widget * Improvement: Add hover options in Accordion widget * Improvement: Add Title attribute for Read More button and add Aria-Label attribute for Thumbnail link in Post Block widget * Improvement: Add Aria-Label attribute in Video Button and Social Share widgets * Improvement: Change Viewport meta tag from maximum-scale to user-scalable * Fix: Fatal Error occurs when Element Order option is empty in Product Grid widget * Fix: Sticky Element makes the keyboard disappear on mobile devices * Fix: Nav Menu widget conflict with Twenty Twenty-One theme * Fix: Select List option in Mailchimp widget not working * Fix: Post pagination for CPT is not functioning correctly with custom taxonomies * Fix: Remove Elementor Top Bar from Jeg Elementor Kit pages * Fix: WooCommerce HPOS support issue * Tweak: Add Frontend Available capabilities for Slider and Color control = 2.6.2 - 26-09-2023 = * Improvement: Add border on content hover in Team widget * Improvement: Add Transition Duration options in Social Share widget * Improvement: Add Text Stroke Group Control * Fix: Prevent Accordion Content to trigger the slide in the Accordion widget * Fix: Off Canvas position issue in Off-Canvas widget * Fix: Sticky Top position if have WordPress Admin Bar in mobile * Fix: Hover transition duration when Icon has color in Button widget * Fix: Elementor Dynamic Tag not working issue * Fix: Quote override option issue in Testimonial widget * Fix: Bootstrap conflict with VikWP plugins * Fix: Untidy style when there is pagination in the Post Block widget * Fix: ALT tag issue on Images * Fix: Image Size not working on Banner widget * Fix: Logo icon in Elementor editor is repeating * Fix: Advanced Options is missing on Container * Tweak: Disabled Margin Top and Bottom for Prefix and Suffix in Fun Fact widget * Tweak: Hide JKit CPT from CPT Elementor settings * Tweak: Add Filter for Control Options * Tweak: Add Filter for Mailchimp Response data = 2.6.1 - 03-03-2023 = * Improvement: Add separate Icon style options if have both positions in Accordion widget * Improvement: Add Width, Height, Top Position, and Right Position options for percent tooltips in Progress Bar widget * Improvement: Add Margin option for Submenu Item in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add different text to highlight in the Heading widget * Fix: Alignment in Style 2 Layout in Testimonial widget * Fix: Style options not working in some HTML elements in Post Comment widget * Fix: Remove Highlight Text option and write Focused Text in Title option instead in Heading widget = 2.6.0 - 21-02-2023 = * Improvement: Add more units for Width option on Pagination style * Improvement: Add Alignment option for Dots in Testimonial widget * Improvement: Add Bottom option for Icon Position in Icon Box widget * Improvement: Add Margin option and Custom Position option for badge in Icon Box widget * Improvement: Add a few options for Testimonial widget * Improvement: Add Border option and Border Radius option for Menu Item Style in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Prefix and Suffix style option in Fun Fact widget * Improvement: Add more Margin option in Testimonial widget * Improvement: Add Highlight option and Display option for Heading widget * Improvement: Add Color option for Icon and some more options in Button widget * Improvement: Add Close Button Position option in Off-Canvas widget * Improvement: Add a few style options in Accordion widget * Improvement: Add Alignment option for image in Image Box widget * Improvement: Add Element Order option for arranging Title, Meta, Excerpt, and Read More in Post Block widget * Improvement: Add New Options in Tabs widget * Fix: Pagination button width issue on responsive mode * Fix: Image not showing in Portfolio Gallery widget * Fix: Glass Blur Effect issue * Fix: Testimonial widget styles issue * Fix: First and Last Sub Menu Item border issue on Nav Menu widget * Fix: Border Radius on image issue in Image Box widget * Fix: Sticky Element issue with Entrance Animation Elementor * Fix: Connector position in Feature List widget * Fix: PHP Parse Error on PHP 7.2 * Fix: Units in Slider control option on Responsive mode * Fix: Icon Spacing option not working in Video Button widget * Fix: Tooltips Text not centered on Progress Bar widget * Fix: Query Args issues * Tweak: Change Height option position in Testimonial widget = 2.5.13 - 23-01-2023 = * Improvement: Add Date URL option for Post Date widget * Improvement: Update SweetAlert2 library to v11.6.16 * Improvement: Add Dummy Data for Post Featured Image and Post Excerpt widget on Elementor Editor * Fix: Style issue in Search widget * Fix: Glass Blur Effect style problem on a widget that has a minus margin * Fix: Glass Blur Effect z-index issue * Fix: Related Query on Archive and Search page * Fix: Post Comment widget not showing in Elementor Editor * Fix: Missing CSS Box Option on Post Comment widget * Fix: Gallery and Portfolio Gallery widget responsive issue * Fix: Allowed Tag HTML issue = 2.5.12 - 19-12-2022 = * Fix: Conditions issue in Header/Footer Template * Fix: Template issue with inline javascript * Tweak: Add more allowed HTML Attributes = 2.5.11 - 13-12-2022 = * Improvement: Add Show/Hide Button options for Product Grid and Product Carousel widgets * Fix: Header and Footer Templates Conflict with MetForm plugin v3.0.0 and above * Fix: Header/Footer Template Condition issues * Fix: Mailchimp Saved Notification issues * Fix: Close Button style issue in Video Button widget * Fix: Display Direction issue on Nav Menu widget * Fix: Popup search issue in Search widget * Tweak: Add more allowed HTML Tag and Attributes * Tweak: Notice Banner mechanism = 2.5.10 - 15-11-2022 = * Improvement: Add woff2 file format and compress woff file format for Icon Font * Improvement: Security issue * Fix: Polylang Flag issue = 2.5.9 - 08-11-2022 = * Fix: Translation File issues * Fix: Widget not showing issue = 2.5.8 - 08-11-2022 = * Fix: Disabled Elements not fully disabled * Tweak: Do check user capabilities in ajax callback instead in router = 2.5.7 - 04-11-2022 = * Improvement: Security issue * Improvement: Mailchimp API Key Validation on save * Fix: Enable and Disable Elements not working = 2.5.6 - 03-11-2022 = * Fix: Custom Attributes in link html tag is not showing * Fix: 404 Template not working * Fix: Notice Banner showing issues * Tweak: Add some allowed SVG Tag and Attributes = 2.5.5 - 28-10-2022 = * Improvement: Add Sticky Position and Box Shadow option for columns and Hide on Scroll option in Sticky Elements * Fix: Dropdown options style in Template Jeg Elementor Kit Dashboard * Fix: Drag Template in Jeg Elementor Kit Dashboard issue * Fix: Missing attributes in SVG elements * Fix: Sticky elements calculation * Fix: Sticky elements issue with WordPress Admin Bar * Fix: Post Comment widget cannot send comments * Tweak: Add P and Script Tag to Allowed Tag HTML * Tweak: Add Notice Banner = 2.5.4 - 20-10-2022 = * Tweak: Remove Magnific Popup library files * Tweak: Remove Bootstrap-Iconpicker library and use jeg-iconpicker instead = 2.5.3 - 18-10-2022 = * Improvement: Update Font Awesome library to v6.2.0 * Improvement: Update wp-color-picker-alpha library to v3.0.2 * Improvement: Update vex library to v4.1.0 * Improvement: Update Search, Team, and Video Button widgets due to library update * Fix: Sticky Elements not working on first config * Tweak: Add Template Tag to Allowed Tag HTML * Tweak: Remove Microplugin and Sifter library * Tweak: Remove Magnific Popup library = 2.5.2 - 13-10-2022 = * Improvement: Disable click for body content in Accordion widget * Improvement: Remove unused file * Improvement: Prevent adding script without enqueue wp functions = 2.5.1 - 09-10-2022 = * Improvement: Update Notiflix library to v3.2.5 * Improvement: Update Bootstrap library to v5.2.2 * Improvement: Update Selectize library to v0.14.0 * Fix: Header and Footer Template issue * Fix: Data Sanitize, Escape and Validate issue = 2.5.0 - 04-10-2022 = * Improvement: Add a Icon Position option for the Icon Box widget * Improvement: Update popup label text * Improvement: Add Responsive option in Sticky elements * Improvement: Add Mute option for YouTube videos in Video Button widget * Improvement: Add a Description, Button Link, Animation and Transition option in Tabs widget * Improvement: Add a more option for Accordion widget * Improvement: Add Column Default value for Tablet and Mobile in Post Block widget * Improvement: Add Wrap option for Horizontal Layout in Tabs widget * Improvement: Update Chart.js library to v3.9.1 * Fix: Clone template issue * Fix: Top position of off-canvas if have Admin Bar in Nav Menu widget and Off-Canvas widget * Fix: Jeg Elementor Kit menu issue * Fix: Cannot change color of SVG in Tabs widget * Fix: Custom CSS issue in Product Carousel widget * Fix: Tab Text Alignment not working in Tabs widget * Fix: Issue if Elementor not actived * Fix: Text Domain issue * Fix: Data Sanitize, Escape and Validate issue * Fix: Enqueue issue * Tweak: Update Gutenverse banner = 2.4.4 - 26-07-2022 = * Improvement: Add a self-hosted video option for the Video Button widget * Improvement: Add Gap option for next-previous button pagination * Improvement: Add show description option for Banner widget * Improvement: Add transition duration option for Product Carousel widget * Improvement: Add CSS filter option for Image in Team widget * Improvement: Add Row Gap option in Countdown widget * Improvement: Add Button and Form Fields style option in Post Comment widget * Improvement: Add Border Radius option for First and Last Sub Menu Item in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Height option for border bottom in Image Box widget * Fix: Countdown widget not working in Safari browser * Fix: Default style in Fun Fact widget, Image Box widget, and Nav Menu widget * Fix: Description color option not working in Image Box widget * Fix: Pagination in Post Block widget * Fix: Gallery widget issue * Fix: Description default style issue in Image Box widget * Fix: Elementor Frontend CSS Enqueue issue in template * Fix: Disabled Next Prev style issue * Tweak: Render Content Backend on Preview * Tweak: Change justify content and align items default options in Fun Fact widget * Tweak: Change Gutenverse banner position in dashboard template * Tweak: Add new condition for template = 2.4.3 - 13-06-2022 = * Improvement: Add Product Category option on Product Grid widget * Improvement: Add Extra Sub Menu Position option and Margin style option on Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Border style option for normal, hover, and active section in Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Add Icon/Image Position option for Image Box widget and Fun Fact widget * Improvement: Add Padding Thumbnail option on Product Categories widget * Fix: Product Title Color option not working on Product Grid widget * Fix: Product Category option not working on Product Carousel widget * Fix: Row Gap option in Product Grid widget cannot be set to 0 * Fix: Glass Blur Effect options not working * Fix: Width menu issue in mobile if have margin set * Fix: Text domain for translation * Fix: Pagination for Product Grid widget * Fix: Price element word spacing * Tweak: Add class selector for Jeg Elementor Kit menu * Tweak: Update Element Icons * Tweak: Add shortcode renderer for post content * Tweak: Set default value for Banner widget * Tweak: Add Forum menu in Jeg Elementor Kit menu * Tweak: Add Gutenverse Banner in Jeg Elementor Kit Dashboard * Tweak: Add custom plugin notice update = 2.4.2 - 14-04-2022 = * Improvement: Add Line Break feature for Description on Icon Box widget * Improvment: Add hover option for button on product block * Improvment: Add background and hover option for image on product block * Fix: Link URL cannot clicked on Accordion widget * Fix: Some Typography option on Product Categories widget not working * Fix: Product Grid widget Column issue * Fix: Product Grid widget Ajax Pagination issue * Fix: Badge onsale width cannot set to 0 * Fix: Nav Menu Widget direction and position issue = 2.4.1 - 05-04-2022 = * Improvement: Add vertical display for Nav Menu widget * Improvement: Separate content Padding in Banner widget * Fix: Transform element issue * Fix: Position of social icons on dashboard * Fix: Nav Menu widget conflict with Glass Blur Effect options * Fix: Off-Canvas widget back to top after clicked when use sticky elements * Fix: Cannot read properties of undefined issue * Fix: Some pagination options not showing * Fix: Custom Post Type filter not working * Fix: Icon Position option from Banner widget not working * Tweak: Icon size at Navigator Elementor Editor = 2.4.0 - 07-03-2022 = * Add New Widget: Product Grid, Product Carousel, Product Categories, and Banner * Improvement: Update dashboard * Improvement: Add Next Prev for Pagination elements * Fix: Cannot read properties of undefined issue * Fix: Testimonials responsive issue = 2.3.2 - 04-02-2022 = * Improvement: Add hooks filter for remove form control * Fix: Link URL in Content Description Accordion Widget * Fix: Bootstrap conflict with Formidable Forms plugin and Bookly plugin * Fix: Mobile menu logo width issue * Fix: Pagination issue = 2.3.1 - 10-01-2022 = * Improvement: Multi Control Name Filter in the Gallery widget * Improvement: Increase max-width Logo in the Nav Menu widget * Fix: Remove profile image placeholder on Testimonials widget * Fix: Conflict transform setting with Elementor 3.5.0 * Fix: Sticky Element in Elementor not Working = 2.3.0 - 10-12-2021 = * New Feature: Custom 404 Template * Improvement: Set collapse as default for accordion element on the plugin setting * Improvement: Set Dummy data for empty data in the Post Terms widget * Improvement: Add image margin option on the Post List Widget * Fix: Burger Menu issue * Fix: Sticky Element with fixed position issue = 2.2.1 - 24-11-2021 = * Improvement: Close Burger Menu when a link to the HTML ID attribute * Fix: Image Box Description cannot use HTML = 2.2.0 - 03-11-2021 = * Add New Widget: Post Content * Fix: Sticky Element for Header and Footer Template = 2.1.0 - 19-10-2021 = * New Feature: Global Style options * Add New Widget: Sticky Element on Advanced Section and Column * Fix: Post Block and Post List filter issue * Fix: Fix icon issue in Elementor editor = 2.0.1 - 21-09-2021 = * Fix: Header and Footer conditions issue * Fix: Empty responsive value in Client Logo and Testimonials widget * Fix: Mailchimp subscribe issue * Fix: Bootstrap conflict with Gravity Forms plugin = 2.0.0 - 13-09-2021 = * New Feature: Header and Footer Template * Improvement: Additional Custom Breakpoints support * Improvement: Add border radius for Sub Menu Item in Nav Menu * Fix: padding sub menu in nav menu = 1.11.3 - 23-08-2021 = * Fix: Animated text UTF8 characters splitting * Fix: Typography issue in post block, category list, post terms, team, and nav menu * Fix: Typography gradient color in post title = 1.11.2 - 02-08-2021 = * Fix: Remove unnecessary stop button in client logo widget = 1.11.1 - 31-07-2021 = * Improvement: Update logo assets = 1.11.0 - 21-07-2021 = * Add New Widget: Feature List = 1.10.2 - 05-07-2021 = * Improvement: Add border style in menu item = 1.10.1 - 02-07-2021 = * Improvement: Add form style option in search widget = 1.10.0 - 23-06-2021 = * Add new widget: Dual Button and Search * Fix team popup overflow on tablet and mobile = 1.9.0 - 18-06-2021 = * Add new feature: Enable / disable elements option * Improvement: Change deprecated function for Elementor 3.2.0 or later * Improvement: Add equal height option in image box widget * Improvement: Add icon shape and global color in social share widget * Improvement: Add background overlay on post block widget = 1.8.3 - 12-05-2021 = * Fix bootstrap modal conflict * Fix animated text line height * Improvement: Add tabs widget title box alignment = 1.8.2 - 03-05-2021 = * Fix heading title center alignment = 1.8.1 - 30-04-2021 = * Fix inline style mailchimp form and button width = 1.8.0 - 30-04-2021 = * Add new widget: Tabs * Improvement: Add title inline background option in heading widget * Fix inline style mailchimp button width * Fix SVG icon = 1.7.0 - 23-04-2021 = * Add new widget: Off Canvas * Improvement: Elementor tested up to: 3.2.1 = 1.6.2 - 21-04-2021 = * Improvement: Change rotate transform CSS to avoid conflict with entrance animation = 1.6.1 - 20-04-2021 = * Improvement: Add tooltip background color option to the progress bar * Improvement: Add switch color and background color option to the progress bar with switch style * Improvement: Add stripe color option to the progress bar with stripe style * Improvement: Add icon style option to the progress bar with inner content style = 1.6.0 - 16-04-2021 = * Add new widget: Social Share * Fix custom css on Elementor editor * Fix dashboard javascript error = 1.5.0 - 09-04-2021 = * Add single post widget: Post Title, Post Feature Image, Post Comment, Post Terms, Post Excerpt, Post Date, and Post Author * Improvement: Add new style to team widget * Fix mailchimp form submit error * Fix deprecation warning php 8 = 1.4.5 - 31-03-2021 = * Improvement: Add responsive style pie chart size = 1.4.4 - 29-03-2021 = * Improvement: Icon box button hover style * Fix pie chart size * Fix pie chart content z-index = 1.4.3 - 24-03-2021 = * Improvement: Adjust mailchimp responsive style * Improvement: Add mailchimp message typography = 1.4.2 - 24-03-2021 = * Fix active menu item background * Fix not full active sub menu background * Fix double nav menu indicator icon in elementor editor = 1.4.1 - 23-03-2021 = * Fix category style post block widget type 3 on pagination load * Fix icon style icon box widget = 1.4.0 - 19-03-2021 = * Add new widget: Heading * Improvement: Add related post option to Post Block and Post List widgets * Improvement: Add no content style setting to Post Block and Post List widgets = 1.3.1 - 18-03-2021 = * Fix post block and list pagination = 1.3.0 - 17-03-2021 = * Add new widgets: Category List and Mailchimp * Improvement: Change button color to gradient background option * Improvement: Add gradient icon to icon box widget * Fix wrong add control stack st_css_custom notice * Fix icon box with global link style * Fix icon box icon margin option = 1.2.0 - 12-03-2021 = * Improvement: Filter params to ajax post * Add new widgets: Countdown, Button, Video Button, and Post List * Add glass blur effect on advanced style = 1.1.5 - 10-03-2021 = * Improvement: Add no icon option fun fact widget * Improvement: Add hamburger and icon size option navigation menu widget * Improvement: Remove pagination when not in use * Fix load more gallery widget * Fix broken link gallery widget * Fix image width and height post block widget * Fix image height gallery widget * Fix post block title link = 1.1.4 - 04-03-2021 = * Improvement: Use built JS files = 1.1.3 - 03-03-2021 = * Fix current menu style, navigation menu widget = 1.1.2 - 03-03-2021 = * Fix element icons not show on light mode editor * Fix accordion white background * Improvement: Add no icon option icon box * Improvement: Add hover animation on fun fact and image box * Improvement: Add icon post block meta * Improvement: Add category position option on postblock style 3 * Improvement: Use locale number format on fun fact = 1.1.1 - 01-03-2021 = * Add global rotate option * Fix team widget style option = 1.1.0 - 18-02-2021 = * Add new widgets: Team, Pie Chart, Portfolio Gallery, Image Box, and Animated Text * Add new font icons * Fix syntax error on PHP 7.2 or below * Fix CSS Box * Improvement: Use tab on widget style settings = 1.0.0 - 18-01-2021 = * Initial Release