
Your IP :

Current Path : /var/softaculous/chamilo/
Upload File :
Current File : //var/softaculous/chamilo/configuration.php

// Chamilo version 1.11.28
// File generated by /install/index.php script - [[DATE_GENERATED]]
/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
 * This file contains a list of variables that can be modified by the campus site's server administrator.
 * Pay attention when changing these variables, some changes may cause Chamilo to stop working.
 * If you changed some settings and want to restore them, please have a look at
 * configuration.dist.php. That file is an exact copy of the config file at install time.
 * Besides the $_configuration, a $_settings array also exists, that
 * contains variables that can be changed and will not break the platform.
 * These optional settings are defined in the database, now
 * (table settings_current).

// Database connection settings.
$_configuration['db_host'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$_configuration['db_port'] = '3306';
$_configuration['main_database'] = '[[softdb]]';
$_configuration['db_user'] = '[[softdbuser]]';
$_configuration['db_password'] = '[[softdbpass]]';

 * Directory settings.
// URL to the root of your Chamilo installation, e.g.: http://www.mychamilo.com/
$_configuration['root_web'] = '[[softurl]]/';
// Path to the webroot of system, example: /var/www/
$_configuration['root_sys'] = '[[softpath]]/';
// Path from your WWW-root to the root of your Chamilo installation,
// example: chamilo (this means chamilo is installed in /var/www/chamilo/
$_configuration['url_append'] = '';

 * Login modules settings.
// -> Go to your portal Chamilo > Administration > CAS to activate CAS
// You can leave these lines uncommented even if you don't use CAS authentification
//$extAuthSource["cas"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/cas/login.php";
//$extAuthSource["cas"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/cas/newUser.php";

// Map CAS attributes with user/user extrafields values BT#17620
/*$_configuration['cas_user_map'] = [
    'fields' => [
        'email' => 'mail',
        'firstname' => 'cn',
        'lastname' => 'sn',
        'active' => 'disabled',
        'status' => 'role',
    'extra' => [
    'replace' => [
        'role' => [
            'STUDENT' => 5,
            'GUEST' => 5,
            'HEI_COORD' => 1,
            'SCHOOL_COORD' => 1,
            'HEI_TUTOR' => 1,
            'SCHOOL_TUTOR' => 1,
            'ADMIN' => 11,

// -> Uncomment the two lines bellow to activate LDAP AND edit app/config/auth.conf.php for configuration
// $extAuthSource["extldap"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/login.ldap.php";
// $extAuthSource["extldap"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php";
// -> Uncomment the line bellow to activate Facebook Auth AND edit app/config/auth.conf.php for configuration
// $_configuration['facebook_auth'] = 1;
// To fetch external login information, uncomment those 2 lines and modify the following files: auth/external_login/newUser.php and auth/external_login/updateUser.php
// $extAuthSource["external_login"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/newUser.php";
// $extAuthSource["external_login"]["updateUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/updateUser.php";

 * Hosting settings - Allows you to set limits to the Chamilo portal when
 * hosting it for a third party. These settings can be overwritten by an
 * optionally-loaded extension file with only the settings (no comments).
 * The settings use an index at the first level to represent the ID of the
 * URL in case you use multi-url (otherwise it will always use 1, which is
 * the ID of the only URL inside the access_url table).
// Set a maximum number of users. Default (0) = no limit
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_users'] = 0;
// Set a maximum number of teachers. Default (0) = no limit
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_teachers'] = 0;
// Set a maximum number of courses. Default (0) = no limit
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_courses'] = 0;
// Set a maximum number of sessions. Default (0) = no limit
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_sessions'] = 0;
// Set a maximum disk space used, in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc)
// Default (0) = no limit
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_disk_space'] = 0;
// Set a maximum number of usable courses. Default (0) = no limit.
// Should always be lower than the hosting_limit_courses.
// If set, defining a course as "hidden" will free room for
// new courses (up to the hosting_limit_courses, if any value is set there).
// hosting_limit_enabled_courses is the maximum number of courses that are *not* hidden.
$_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_active_courses'] = 0;
// Email to warn if limit was reached.
//$_configuration[1]['hosting_contact_mail'] = 'example@example.org';
// Portal size limit in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc).
// Check main/cron/hosting_total_size_limit.php for how to use this limit.
$_configuration['hosting_total_size_limit'] = 0;

 * Content Delivery Network (CDN) settings. Only use if you need a separate
 * server to serve your static data. If you don't know what a CDN is, you
 * don't need it. These settings are for simple Origin Pull CDNs and are
 * experimental. Enable only if you really know what you're doing.
 * This might conflict with multiple-access urls.
 * Please note that recent browsers forbid the loading of resources from
 * a different portal URL then where they are, due to CORS rules.
 * To allow for CDN usage with different URLs, you need to specifically
 * allow CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin for your main Chamilo URL.
 * This has to be done at the web server level, because Chamilo's PHP code
 * doesn't change HTTP headers of all files served from the Chamilo directory.
 * To do that on Apache, use
 *   Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http(s)://main-chamilo-url"
 * in Nginx:
 *   add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'http(s)://main-chamilo-url';.
// Set the following setting to true to start using the CDN
$_configuration['cdn_enable'] = false;
// The following setting will be ignored if the previous one is set to false
$_configuration['cdn'] = [
    // You can define several CDNs and split them by extensions
    // Replace the following by your full CDN URL, which should point to
    // your Chamilo's root directory. DO NOT INCLUDE a final slash! (won't work)
    'http://cdn.chamilo.org' => [
    // copy the line above and modify following your needs

 * Misc. settings.
// Security word for password recovery
$_configuration['security_key'] = '[[SECURITY_KEY]]';
// Hash function method
$_configuration['password_encryption'] = 'sha1';
// Set to true to allow automated password conversion after login if
// password_encryption has changed since last login. See GH#4063 for details.
//$_configuration['password_conversion'] = false;
// You may have to restart your web server if you change this
$_configuration['session_stored_in_db'] = false;
// Session lifetime
$_configuration['session_lifetime'] = 360000;
// Activation for multi-url access
// When enabling multi-url, settings can be configured by multi-url using a simple
// sub-element. E.g. $_configuration['session_lifetime'][1] = true; could be turned into
// something like $_configuration['session_lifetime'][2] = false; to affect only URL
// with ID 2. The ID can be found in the access_url table.
//$_configuration['multiple_access_urls'] = true;
$_configuration['software_name'] = 'Chamilo';
$_configuration['software_url'] = 'https://chamilo.org/';
// Deny the elimination of users
$_configuration['deny_delete_users'] = false;
// Version settings
$_configuration['system_version'] = '1.11.28';
$_configuration['system_stable'] = true;

 * Settings to be included as settings_current in future versions.
// Uncomment the following to prevent all admins to use the "login as" feature
//$_configuration['login_as_forbidden_globally'] = true;
// If session_stored_in_db is false, an alternative session storage mechanism
// can be used, which allows for a volatile storage in Memcache, and a more
// permanent "backup" storage in the database, every once in a while (see
// frequency). This is generally used in HA clusters configurations
// This requires memcache or memcached and the php5-memcache module to be setup
//$_configuration['session_stored_in_db_as_backup'] = true;
// Define the different memcache servers available
//$_configuration['memcache_server'] = array(
//    0 => array(
//        'host' => 'chamilo8',
//        'port' => '11211',
//    ),
//    1 => array(
//        'host' => 'chamilo9',
//        'port' => '11211',
//    ),
// Define the frequency to which the data must be stored in the database
//$_configuration['session_stored_after_n_times'] = 10;
// If the database is down this css style will be used to show the errors.
//$_configuration['theme_fallback'] = 'chamilo'; // (chamilo theme)
// The default template that will be use in the system.
//$_configuration['default_template'] = 'default'; // (main/template/default)
// Hide fields in the main/user/user.php page
//$_configuration['hide_user_field_from_list'] = ['fields' => ['username']];
// Aspell Settings
//$_configuration['aspell_bin'] = '/usr/bin/hunspell';
//$_configuration['aspell_opts'] = '-a -d en_GB -H -i utf-8';
//$_configuration['aspell_temp_dir'] = './';
// Custom name_order_conventions
//$_configuration['name_order_conventions'] = array(
// 'french' => array('format' => 'title last_name first_name', 'sort_by' => 'last_name')
// Course log - Default columns to hide
//$_configuration['course_log_hide_columns'] = ['columns' => [1, 9]];
// Course log - User extra fields to show as columns for default
//$_configuration['course_log_default_extra_fields'] = ['extra_fields' => ['office_address', 'office_phone_extension']];
// Unoconv binary file
//$_configuration['unoconv.binaries'] = '/usr/bin/unoconv';
// Proxy settings for access external services
/*$_configuration['proxy_settings'] = [
    'stream_context_create' => [
        'http' => [
            'proxy' => 'tcp://example.com:8080',
            'request_fulluri' => true
    'curl_setopt_array' => [
        'CURLOPT_PROXY' => 'http://example.com',
        'CURLOPT_PROXYPORT' => '8080'

// E-mail accounts to send notifications to when executing cronjobs - works for main/cron/import_csv.php
//$_configuration['cron_notification_mails'] = array('email@example.com', 'email2@example.com');

// Help desk emails that will recieve email notifications in import_csv.php
//$_configuration['cron_notification_help_desk'] = array('email@example.com', 'email2@example.com');

// Only shows the fields in this list
/*$_configuration['allow_fields_inscription'] = [
    'fields' => [
    'extra_fields' => [
// Boost option to ignore encoding check for learning paths
//$_configuration['lp_fixed_encoding'] = 'false';
// Fix urls changing http with https in scorm packages.
//$_configuration['lp_replace_http_to_https'] = false;
// Fix embedded videos inside lps, adding an optional popup
//$_configuration['lp_fix_embed_content'] = false;
// Check the prerequisite in lp of a quiz to use only the last score in the attempts
// $_configuration['lp_prerequisite_use_last_attempt_only'] = false;
// Manage deleted files marked with "DELETED" (by course and only by allowed by admin)
//$_configuration['document_manage_deleted_files'] = false;
// Hide tabs in the main/session/index.php page
//$_configuration['session_hide_tab_list'] = array();
// Show invisible exercise in LP list
//$_configuration['show_invisible_exercise_in_lp_list'] = false;
// Chamilo is installed/downloaded. Packagers can change this
// to reflect their packaging method. The default value is 'chamilo'. This will
// be reflected on the https://version.chamilo.org/stats page in the future.
$_configuration['packager'] = 'Softaculous';
// If true exercises added in LP can be modified.
//$_configuration['force_edit_exercise_in_lp'] = false;
// List of driver to plugin in ckeditor
//$_configuration['editor_driver_list'] = ['PersonalDriver', 'CourseDriver'];
// Hide send to hrm users options in announcements
//$_configuration['announcements_hide_send_to_hrm_users'] = true;
// Hide certificate link in index/userportal pages
//$_configuration['hide_my_certificate_link'] = false;
// Hide header and footer in certificate pdf
//$_configuration['hide_header_footer_in_certificate'] = false;
// Security: block direct access from logged in users to contents in OPEN (but not public) courses. Set to true to block
//$_configuration['block_registered_users_access_to_open_course_contents'] = false;
// Allows syncing the database with the current entity schema
//$_configuration['sync_db_with_schema'] = false;
// When exporting a LP, all files and folders in the same path of an html will be exported too.
//$_configuration['add_all_files_in_lp_export'] = false;
// Send exercise student score to manager in email notification
//$_configuration['send_score_in_exam_notification_mail_to_manager'] = false;
// Show blocked LPs by prerequisite to students
//$_configuration['show_prerequisite_as_blocked'] = false;
// Mail header extra HTML attributes
//$_configuration['mail_header_style'] = '';
// Mail body extra HTML attributes
//$_configuration['mail_content_style'] = '';
// Show all agenda events in personal agenda from all session no matter the visibility.
//$_configuration['personal_agenda_show_all_session_events'] = false;
// Allows to redirect to the session after the inscription in session about
// $_configuration['allow_redirect_to_session_after_inscription_about'] = false;
// Allows to do a remove_XSS in course introduction with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY
// in order to accept all embed type videos (like vimeo, wistia, etc)
// $_configuration['course_introduction_html_strict_filtering'] = true;
// Allows to do a remove_XSS in question of exersice with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY
// $_configuration['question_exercise_html_strict_filtering'] = true;
// Allows to do a remove_XSS in exersice result end text with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY
// $_configuration['exercise_result_end_text_html_strict_filtering'] = true;
// Allows to do a remove_XSS in wiki pages with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY
// $_configuration['wiki_html_strict_filtering'] = true;
// Prevents the duplicate upload in assignments
// $_configuration['assignment_prevent_duplicate_upload'] = false;
//Show student progress in My courses page
//$_configuration['course_student_info']['score'] = false;
//$_configuration['course_student_info']['progress'] = false;
//$_configuration['course_student_info']['certificate'] = false;
// Set ConsideredWorkingTime work extra field variable to show in MyStudents page works report
// (with internal id 'work_time' as below) and enable the following line to show in MyStudents page works report
// $_configuration['considered_working_time'] = 'work_time';
// Allow add/remove working time in reporting page
// $_configuration['allow_working_time_edition'] = false;
// During CSV special imports update users emails to x@example.com
// $_configuration['update_users_email_to_dummy_except_admins'] = false;
// Certification pdf export orientation
// $_configuration['certificate_pdf_orientation'] = 'landscape'; // It can be 'portrait' or 'landscape'
// Hide main navigation menu (left column in userportal)
// $_configuration['hide_main_navigation_menu'] = false;
// PDF image dpi value. Default value 96
// $_configuration['pdf_img_dpi'] = 96;
// Hide LP time in reports.
// $_configuration['hide_lp_time'] = false;
// Hide rating elements in pages ("Courses catalog" & "Most Popular courses")
// $_configuration['hide_course_rating'] = false;
// Customize password generation and verification
// For this configuration to be taken into account you need to set define('CHECK_PASS_EASY_TO_FIND', true); in app/config/profile.conf.php
/*$_configuration['password_requirements'] = [
    'min' => [
        'lowercase' => 2,
        'uppercase' => 2,
        'numeric' => 2,
        'length' => 8,
        'specials' => 1,
    'force_different_password' => false,
// Customize course session tracking columns
$_configuration['tracking_columns'] = [
    'course_session' => [
        'course_title' => true,
        'published_exercises' => true,
        'new_exercises' => true,
        'my_average' => true,
        'average_exercise_result' => true,
        'time_spent' => true,
        'lp_progress' => true,
        'score' => true,
        'best_score' => true,
        'last_connection' => true,
        'details' => true,
    'my_students_lp' => [
        'lp' => true,
        'time' => true,
        'best_score' => true,
        'latest_attempt_avg_score' => true,
        'progress' => true,
        'last_connection' => true,
    'my_progress_lp' => [
        'lp' => true,
        'time' => true,
        'progress' => true,
        'score' => true,
        'best_score' => true,
        'last_connection' => true,
    'my_progress_courses' => [
        'course_title' => true,
        'time_spent' => true,
        'progress' => true,
        'best_score_in_lp' => true,
        'best_score_not_in_lp' => true,
        'latest_login' => true,
        'details' => true
// Add column "Unlocked" in student LPs table to display info about a lp subscription
//$_configuration['student_follow_page_add_LP_subscription_info'] = false;
// Add column "Acquisition" in student LPs table to display info about a lo adquisition. Requires DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES
(20, 3, 'acquisition', 'Acquisition', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NOW());
SET @ef_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO extra_field_options (field_id, option_value, display_text, priority, priority_message, option_order) VALUES
(@ef_id, '1', 'Acquired', NULL, NULL, 1),
(@ef_id, '2', 'In the process of acquisition', NULL, NULL, 2),
(@ef_id, '3', 'Not acquired', NULL, NULL, 3);

//$_configuration['student_follow_page_add_LP_acquisition_info'] = false;
// Prepend a column in student LPs table to display a checkbox to select the LP category and its LPs. Requires DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES
(20, 13, 'invisible', 'Invisible', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NOW());
//$_configuration['student_follow_page_add_LP_invisible_checkbox'] = false;
// Show the LP not marked as invisible by teacher in tracking page
//$_configuration['student_follow_page_include_not_subscribed_lp_students'] = false;
// Show certificate of achievement icon from the student details in course tracking
//$_configuration['course_tracking_student_detail_show_certificate_of_achievement'] = false;
// Allow change the order to show the tools in "My progress" page.
/*$_configuration['my_progress_course_tools_order'] = [
    'order' => ['quizzes', 'learning_paths', 'skills'],
// Allow show all details of each course in session when clicking on session details
//$_configuration['my_progress_session_show_all_courses'] = false;
// Hide session link of course_block on index/userportal
//$_configuration['remove_session_url']= false ;
// Allow foldable block for session list in session category on My courses tab
//$_configuration['user_portal_foldable_session_category'] = false;
// Shows a legend in the agenda tool
$_configuration['agenda_legend'] = [
    'red' => 'red caption',
    '#f0f' => 'another caption'
// Set customs colors to agenda events
$_configuration['agenda_colors'] = [
    'platform' => 'red',
    'course' => '#458B00',
    'group' => '#A0522D',
    'session' => '#00496D',
    'other_session' => '#999',
    'personal' => 'steel blue',
    'student_publication' => '#FF8C00'
// Display sessions occupations in personal agenda
//$_configuration['personal_calendar_show_sessions_occupation'] = false;
// It allows to send invitations to friends for an agenda event. Requires DB changes:
CREATE TABLE agenda_event_invitee (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, invitation_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, user_id INT DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_4F5757FEA35D7AF0 (invitation_id), INDEX IDX_4F5757FEA76ED395 (user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE agenda_event_invitation (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, creator_id INT DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_52A2D5E161220EA6 (creator_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE agenda_event_invitee ADD CONSTRAINT FK_4F5757FEA35D7AF0 FOREIGN KEY (invitation_id) REFERENCES agenda_event_invitation (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE agenda_event_invitation ADD CONSTRAINT FK_52A2D5E161220EA6 FOREIGN KEY (creator_id) REFERENCES user (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD agenda_event_invitation_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD collective TINYINT(1) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D8612460AF68C6B FOREIGN KEY (agenda_event_invitation_id) REFERENCES agenda_event_invitation (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_D8612460AF68C6B ON personal_agenda (agenda_event_invitation_id);
// Then add the "@" symbol to AgendaEventInvitation and AgendaEventInvitee classes in the ORM\Entity() line.
// Then uncomment the "use EventCollectiveTrait;" line in the PersonalAgenda class.
//$_configuration['agenda_collective_invitations'] = false;

// It allows to other users to subscribe for events.
// Requires enable agenda_collective_invitations before.
// Requires DB changes:
ALTER TABLE personal_agenda ADD subscription_visibility INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ADD subscription_item_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE agenda_event_invitee ADD type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE agenda_event_invitation ADD type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ADD max_attendees INT DEFAULT 0;
UPDATE agenda_event_invitation SET type = 'invitation';
UPDATE agenda_event_invitee SET type = 'invitee';
// Then uncomment the "use EventSubscribableTrait;" line in the PersonalAgenda class.
// Then add the "@" symbol in ORM\InheritanceType, ORM\DiscriminatorColumn and ORM\DiscriminatorMap lines in the AgendaEventInvitation class.
// Then add the "@" symbol in @ORM\Entity line in the AgendaEventSubscription class.
// Then add the "@" symbol in ORM\InheritanceType, ORM\DiscriminatorColumn and ORM\DiscriminatorMap lines in the AgendaEventInvitee class.
// Then add the "@" symbol in @ORM\Entity line in the AgendaEventSubscriber class.
//$_configuration['agenda_event_subscriptions'] = false;

// Enable reminders for agenda events. Requires database changes:
 CREATE TABLE agenda_reminder (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_id INT NOT NULL, date_interval VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:dateinterval)', sent TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
// Then add the "@" symbol to AgendaReminder class in the ORM\Entity() line.
//$_configuration['agenda_reminders'] = false;
// Sets the sender ID when using the cron main/cron/agenda_reminders.php to send reminders in course events.
//$_configuration['agenda_reminders_sender_id'] = 0;
// ------
// Save some tool titles with HTML editor. Require DB changes:
ALTER TABLE course_category CHANGE name name LONGTEXT NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE c_course_description CHANGE title title LONGTEXT NOT NULL;
-- Only with allow_portfolio_tool enabled
ALTER TABLE portfolio_category CHANGE title title LONGTEXT NOT NULL;

New changes:

// This option will not remove tags when presenting LP list so it might be a source of security vulnerability.
// $_configuration['save_titles_as_html'] = false;
// Show the full toolbar set to all CKEditor
//$_configuration['full_ckeditor_toolbar_set'] = false;
// Allow change the orientation when export a (course progress) thematic to pdf. Portrait or landscape
//$_configuration['thematic_pdf_orientation'] = 'landscape';
// Show number of users in session list
//$_configuration['session_list_show_count_users'] = false;
// Session admin access to all course content
//$_configuration['session_admins_access_all_content'] = false;
// Session admin allowed to edit all courses content
//$_configuration['session_admins_edit_courses_content'] = false;
// Adds roles to the system announcements (requires DB change BT#12476)
ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_drh INT DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_session_admin INT DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN visible_boss INT DEFAULT 0;
//$_configuration['system_announce_extra_roles'] = false;
// Limits that a session admin has access to list users
//$_configuration['limit_session_admin_list_users'] = false;
// Course tools visibility edition in sessions
//$_configuration['allow_edit_tool_visibility_in_session'] = false;
// Enable the support to ODF files
//$_configuration['enabled_support_odf'] = true;
// Pdf orientation when exporting documents
// $_configuration['document_pdf_orientation'] = 'landscape'; // It can be 'portrait' or 'landscape'
// Use alternative footer when exporting document to PDF
//$_configuration['use_alternative_document_pdf_footer'] = false;
// If the MySpace page takes too long to load, you might want to remove the
// processing of generic statistics for the user. In this case set the following to true.
//$_configuration['tracking_skip_generic_data'] = false;
// Show view accordion lp_category
//$_configuration['lp_category_accordion'] = false;
// Show the best progress instead of averages in reporting of learnpaths
// $_configuration['lp_show_max_progress_instead_of_average'] = false;
// Enable redefinition of the setting to show the best progress instead of averages in reporting of learnpaths at a course level.
// $_configuration['lp_show_max_progress_or_average_enable_course_level_redefinition'] = false;
// Show view accordion lp_item_view
// $_configuration['lp_view_accordion'] = false;
// Allow export learning paths to students
//$_configuration['lp_allow_export_to_students'] = false;
// Allow survey tool in learnpath
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_answer ADD COLUMN c_lp_item_id INT(11) DEFAULT 0;
// Edit src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CSurveyAnswer.php and add a '@' character in front of 'ORM\Column(name="c_lp_item_id"
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_invitation ADD COLUMN c_lp_item_id int(11) DEFAULT 0;
// Edit src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CSurveyInvitation.php and add a '@' character in front of 'ORM\Column(name="c_lp_item_id"
//$_configuration['allow_survey_tool_in_lp'] = false;
// Show surveys from main course in all course sessions
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_answer ADD COLUMN session_id INT(11) DEFAULT 0;
// Edit src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CSurveyAnswer.php and add a '@' character in front of 'ORM\Column(name="session_id"
//$_configuration['show_surveys_base_in_sessions'] = false;
// ------ HTTP headers security
// This section relates to options to increase the security of your Chamilo
// portal against attacks specifically focused on HTTP headers vulnerabilities
// These are all disabled by default, because some of these settings might
// affect some features of Chamilo, like the inclusion of iframes or the
// submission of forms by anonymous users. Please make sure you do the due
// tests before enabling in production. Learn more about how to form secure
// headers at https://securityheaders.io/
// HTTP Strict Transport Security is an excellent feature to support on your
// site and strengthens your implementation of TLS by getting the User Agent
// to enforce the use of HTTPS. Recommended value
// "strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains".
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Strict-Transport-Security
// You can include the "preload" suffix, but this has consequences on the
// top level domain (TLD), so probably not to be done lightly. See https://hstspreload.org/.
//$_configuration['security_strict_transport'] = 'strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains';
// Content Security Policy is an effective measure to protect your site from
// XSS attacks. By whitelisting sources of approved content, you can prevent
// the browser from loading malicious assets.
// The provided default is an *example*, please customize.
// This setting is particularly complicated to set with CKeditor, but if you
// add all domains that you want to authorize for iframes inclusion in the
// child-src statement, this example should work for you.
// You can prevent JavaScript from executing from external sources (including
// inside SVG images) by using a strict list in the "script-src" argument.
//$_configuration['security_content_policy'] = 'default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' *.youtube.com yt.be *.vimeo.com *.slideshare.com;';
//$_configuration['security_content_policy_report_only'] = 'default-src \'self\'; script-src *://*.google.com:*';
// HTTP Public Key Pinning protects your site from MiTM attacks using rogue
// X.509 certificates. By whitelisting only the identities that the browser
// should trust, your users are protected in the event a certificate
// authority is compromised.
//$_configuration['security_public_key_pins'] = '';
//$_configuration['security_public_key_pins_report_only'] = '';
// X-Frame-Options tells the browser whether you want to allow your site to
// be framed or not. By preventing a browser from framing your site you can
// defend against attacks like clickjacking.
// If defining a URL here, it should define the URL(s) from which your content
// should be visible, not the URLs from which your site accepts content.
// For example, if your main URL (root_web above) is https://11.chamilo.org/,
// then this setting should be: 'ALLOW-FROM https://11.chamilo.org'.
// These headers only apply to pages where Chamilo is responsible of the HTTP
// headers generation (i.e. ".php" files). It does not apply to static files.
// If playing with this feature, make sure you also update your web server
// configuration to add the right headers for static files. See CDN
// configuration documentation above (search for "add_header") for more
// information.
// Recommended (strict) value for this setting, if enabled: "SAMEORIGIN".
//$_configuration['security_x_frame_options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN';
// X-XSS-Protection sets the configuration for the cross-site scripting
// filter built into most browsers.
// Recommended value "1; mode=block".
//$_configuration['security_xss_protection'] = '1; mode=block';
// X-Content-Type-Options stops a browser from trying to MIME-sniff the
// content type and forces it to stick with the declared content-type. The only
// valid value for this header is "nosniff".
//$_configuration['security_x_content_type_options'] = 'nosniff';
// Referrer Policy is a new header that allows a site to control how much
// information the browser includes with navigation away from a document
// and should be set by all sites.
//$_configuration['security_referrer_policy'] = 'origin-when-cross-origin';
// Enable samesite:None parameter for session cookie.
// More info: https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site
// Also: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2020/01/get-ready-for-new-samesitenone-secure
//$_configuration['security_session_cookie_samesite_none'] = false;
// Enable Permissions-Policy header
// More info: https://scotthelme.co.uk/goodbye-feature-policy-and-hello-permissions-policy/
// and also:  https://scotthelme.co.uk/a-new-security-header-feature-policy/
//$_configuration['security_permissions_policy'] = 'geolocation=(self "https://example.com"), microphone=()';
// ------ HTTP headers security section ends here
// ------ Survey configuration settings
// Add answered_at field in table survey_invitation
// Requires DB change:
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_invitation ADD answered_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL;
//$_configuration['survey_answered_at_field'] = false;
// Add support to mandatory surveys. The user will not be able to enter to the course until fill the mandatory surveys
// Requires DB change:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, visible_to_self, changeable, created_at)
VALUES (12, 13, 'is_mandatory', 'IsMandatory', 1, 1, NOW());
//$_configuration['allow_mandatory_survey'] = false;
// Allow required survey questions. Applies to yesno/multiplechoice question type. Requires DB change:
ALTER TABLE c_survey_question ADD is_required TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
//$_configuration['allow_required_survey_questions'] = false;
// Hide Survey Reporting button
//$_configuration['hide_survey_reporting_button'] = false;
// Hide survey edition tools for all or some surveys.
//Set an asterisk to hide for all, otherwise set an array with the survey codes in which the options will be blocked
//$_configuration['hide_survey_edition'] = ['codes' => []];
// Allows to set the date and time of availability for surveys. Requires DB changes:
// ALTER TABLE c_survey CHANGE avail_from avail_from DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE avail_till avail_till DATETIME DEFAULT NULL;
// Requires change the Doctrine type from date to datime in CSurvey::$availFrom and CSurvey::$availTill
//$_configuration['allow_survey_availability_datetime'] = false;
// Mark the "Required" field during question creation process when displaying the form.
//$_configuration['survey_mark_question_as_required'] = false;
// Allow add additional actions (as links) in survey list for teachers.
// e.g. ['myplugin' => ['MyPlugin', 'urlGeneratorCallback']]
//$_configuration['survey_additional_teacher_modify_actions'] = [];
// Allow show answers in anonymous surveys
//$_configuration['survey_anonymous_show_answered'] = false;
// ------

// Allow career diagram, requires a DB change:
//UPDATE extra_field_values SET created_at = NULL WHERE CAST(created_at AS CHAR(20)) = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
//UPDATE extra_field_values SET updated_at = NULL WHERE CAST(updated_at AS CHAR(20)) = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
//ALTER TABLE extra_field_values modify column value longtext null;
//$_configuration['allow_career_diagram'] = false;
// Allow scheduled emails to session users.
// sudo mkdir app/upload/scheduled_announcement
// Uncomment and set the following setting to true before moving on
//$_configuration['allow_scheduled_announcements'] = false;
// Add "attachment" file upload extra field label in: main/admin/extra_fields.php?type=scheduled_announcement&action=add
// Add "send_to_coaches" checkbox options field label in: main/admin/extra_fields.php?type=scheduled_announcement&action=add
// Add the list of emails as a bcc when sending an email.
// Configure a cron task pointing at main/cron/scheduled_announcement.php
$_configuration['send_all_emails_to'] = [
    'emails' => [
// Allow ticket projects to be access by specific chamilo roles
/*$_configuration['ticket_project_user_roles'] = [
    'permissions' => [
        1 => [17] // project_id = 1, STUDENT_BOSS = 17

// Allow additional data (exercise and learningpath) in the ticket
// - Required DB change
// ALTER TABLE ticket_ticket ADD exercise_id INT DEFAULT NULL AFTER course_id;
// ALTER TABLE ticket_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT FK_EB5B2A0D6285C987 FOREIGN KEY (exercise_id) REFERENCES c_quiz (iid);
// ALTER TABLE ticket_ticket ADD lp_id INT DEFAULT NULL AFTER exercise_id;
// ALTER TABLE ticket_ticket ADD CONSTRAINT FK_EB5B2A0D6285C231 FOREIGN KEY (lp_id) REFERENCES c_lp (iid);
// $_configuration['ticket_lp_quiz_info_add'] = false;

// Exercises configuration settings
// Send only quiz answer notifications to course coaches and not general coach
//$_configuration['block_quiz_mail_notification_general_coach'] = false;
// Show question feedback (requires DB change: "ALTER TABLE c_quiz_question ADD COLUMN feedback text;")
//$_configuration['allow_quiz_question_feedback'] = false;
// Add option in exercise to show or hide the "previous" button.
//ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD show_previous_button TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1;
//$_configuration['allow_quiz_show_previous_button_setting'] = false;
// Allow to teachers review exercises question with audio notes
//$_configuration["allow_teacher_comment_audio"] = false;
// Block copy/paste/save/print keys and right-clicks in exercises
//$_configuration['quiz_prevent_copy_paste'] = false;
// Always show the test description on the results page of the test
//$_configuration['quiz_show_description_on_results_page'] = false;
// Allow add additional actions (as links) in exercises list for teachers.
// Callback get the $exerciseId and $iconSize as parameters.
// e.g. ['myplugin' => ['MyPlugin', 'urlGeneratorCallback']]
//$_configuration['exercise_additional_teacher_modify_actions'] = []
// Generate certificate when ending a quiz.
// The quiz needs to be linked to a gradebook category and have set the pass percentage.
//$_configuration['quiz_generate_certificate_ending'] = false;
// Allow the teacher to rate the open, oral expression and annotation question types with a decimal score.
//$_configuration['quiz_open_question_decimal_score'] = false;
// Add answer-saving procedure check before starting the quiz
//$_configuration['quiz_check_button_enable'] = false;
// Add a checkbox to allow to user confirm the number of answers saved in quiz attempt
// - Requires to edit the src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/TrackEExerciseConfirmation.php file adding the "@" in the ORM phpdoc block
// - Requires DB changes:
// CREATE TABLE track_e_exercise_confirmation (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, course_id INT NOT NULL, attempt_id INT NOT NULL, quiz_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT NOT NULL, confirmed TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, questions_count INT NOT NULL, saved_answers_count INT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
//$_configuration['quiz_confirm_saved_answers'] = false;
// Allow reuse of questions between courses
// $_configuration['quiz_question_allow_inter_course_linking'] = false;
// Delete automatically the questions when a quiz is deleted
// If questions are reused between courses only deletes the non-reused questions
// or reused questions where the quiz has the lowest iid value from c_quiz_rel_question
// $_configuration['quiz_question_delete_automatically_when_deleting_exercise'] = false;
// Opens the quiz question description by default
//$_configuration['quiz_question_description_open_by_default'] = false;
// Opens advanced parameters options by default when creating or editing quiz questions
//$_configuration['quiz_question_edit_open_advanced_params_by_default'] = false;
// Define how many seconds an AJAX request should be started to avoid loss of connection.
//$_configuration['quiz_keep_alive_ping_interval'] = 0;
// Hide search form in session list
//$_configuration['hide_search_form_in_session_list'] = false;
// Allow exchange of messages from teachers/bosses about a user.
//$_configuration['private_messages_about_user'] = false;
// Allow the messages to be visible for the students
//$_configuration['private_messages_about_user_visible_to_user'] = false;
// Allow send email notification per exercise
//$_configuration['allow_notification_setting_per_exercise'] = false;
// Hide free/oral/annotation question result see BT#12613
//$_configuration['hide_free_question_score'] = false;
// Hide user information in the quiz result's page
//$_configuration['hide_user_info_in_quiz_result'] = false;
// Show the username field in exercise results report
//$_configuration['exercise_attempts_report_show_username'] = false;
// Allow extends allowed question types for embeddable exercises.
/* By default, only the following question types are allowed: 1, 2, 17
Add these types to allow them in embeddable exercises:
 1 = Multiple choice
 2 = Multiple answers
 3 = Fill blanks or form
 4 = Matching
 5 = Open question
 9 = Exact Selection
10 = Unique answer with unknown
11 = Multiple answer true/false/don't know
12 = Combination true/false/don't know
13 = Oral expression
14 = Global multiple answer
16 = Calculated question
17 = Unique answer image
21 = Reading comprehension
22 = Multiple answer true/false/degree of certainty
23 = Upload answer
$_configuration['exercise_embeddable_extra_types'] = [
    'types' => [],

// Score model
// Allow to convert a score into a text/color label
// using a model if score is inside those values. See BT#12898
$_configuration['score_grade_model'] = [
    'models' => [
            'id' => 1,
            'name' => 'ThisIsMyModel', // Value will be translated using get_lang
            'score_list' => [
                    'name' => 'VeryBad', // Value will be translated using get_lang
                    'css_class' => 'btn-danger',
                    'min' => 0,
                    'max' => 20,
                    'score_to_qualify' => 0
                    'name' => 'Bad',
                    'css_class' => 'btn-danger',
                    'min' => 21,
                    'max' => 50,
                    'score_to_qualify' => 25
                    'name' => 'Good',
                    'css_class' => 'btn-warning',
                    'min' => 51,
                    'max' => 70,
                    'score_to_qualify' => 60
                    'name' => 'VeryGood',
                    'css_class' => 'btn-success',
                    'min' => 71,
                    'max' => 100,
                    'score_to_qualify' => 100

// Allow show link to request relation between HRM and user
//$_configuration['show_link_request_hrm_user'] = false;
// Allow CKEditor start up with ShowBlocks plugin active
//$_configuration['ckeditor_startup_outline_blocks'] = false;
// Manage the links to Session Index page
// 1 = Default. Works as it is now (default is to link to the special session page)
// 0 = No link (hide session title)
// 2 = Link to the course if there is only one course
// 3 = Session link will make course list foldable
// 4 = No link (only session title)
//$_configuration['courses_list_session_title_link'] = 1;
// New grid view the list of courses
//$_configuration['view_grid_courses'] = true;
// Show courses grouped by categories when $_configuration['view_grid_courses'] is enabled
//$_configuration['view_grid_courses_grouped_categories_in_sessions'] = true;
// Load course notifications in user_portal.php using ajax
//$_configuration['user_portal_load_notification_by_ajax'] = false;
// Hide the "what's new" icon notifications in course list
// $_configuration['hide_course_notification'] = true;
// Show less session information in course list
//$_configuration['show_simple_session_info'] = true;
// Show course category list on My Courses page before the courses. Requires a DB change
//ALTER TABLE course_category ADD image varchar(255) NULL;
//ALTER TABLE course_category ADD description LONGTEXT NULL;
//$_configuration['my_courses_list_as_category'] = false;
// ------

// Skills can only be visible for admins, teachers (related to a user via a course),
// and HRM users (if related to a user).
// $_configuration['allow_private_skills'] = false;
// Additional gradebook dependencies BT#13099
// ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN depends TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
// ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN minimum_to_validate INT DEFAULT NULL;
// ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD COLUMN gradebooks_to_validate_in_dependence INT DEFAULT NULL;
// $_configuration['gradebook_dependency'] = false;
// Courses id list to check in the gradebook sidebar see BT#13099
/*$_configuration['gradebook_dependency_mandatory_courses'] = [
    'courses' => [1, 2]
// Gradebook id list needed to build the gradebook sidebar see BT#13099
$_configuration['gradebook_badge_sidebar'] = [
    'gradebooks' => [1, 2, 3]

// Show language selector in main menu an update the language in the user's
// profile.
//$_configuration['show_language_selector_in_menu'] = false;

// When using the my-courses list filter by category, set this option to true
// to only show courses in the user's configured language
// $_configuration['my_courses_show_courses_in_user_language_only'] = false;

// Hide base course announcements when entering a group.
//$_configuration['hide_base_course_announcements_in_group'] = false;

// Disable delete all announcements button
//$_configuration['disable_delete_all_announcements'] = false;

// Default glossary view "table" or "list"
//$_configuration['default_glossary_view'] = 'table';

// Allow or block user subscriptions to a lp/lp category
/*$_configuration['lp_subscription_settings'] = [
    'options' => [
        'allow_add_users_to_lp' => true,
        'allow_add_users_to_lp_category' => true,

// Allow public courses access with no terms and conditions validation.
//$_configuration['allow_public_course_with_no_terms_conditions'] = false;

// Allow delete user for session admin
//$_configuration['allow_delete_user_for_session_admin'] = false;
// Allow enable/disable user accounts for session admin
//$_configuration['allow_disable_user_for_session_admin'] = false;
// Allow edit/delete agenda events for HRM users
//$_configuration['allow_agenda_edit_for_hrm'] = false;
// Allow double validation in registration page
//$_configuration['allow_double_validation_in_registration'] = false;
// Allow multiple anon users see BT#13324
//$_configuration['max_anonymous_users'] = 0;

// Send email notification to admin when a user is created
//$_configuration['send_notification_when_user_added'] = ['admins' => [1] ];

// Send email notification to course members when document is added BT#13964
//$_configuration['send_notification_when_document_added'] = false;

// Hide email content forcing using to click in a link to visit the portal to check the message
//$_configuration['messages_hide_mail_content'] = false;
// If you install plugin redirection you need to change to true
//$_configuration['plugin_redirection_enabled'] = false;
// Customize on hover agenda view. Show agenda comment and/or description
/*$_configuration['agenda_on_hover_info'] = [
    'options' => [
        'comment' => true,
        'description' => true,
// Disable jquery, jquery-ui libs added in the learning path view
//$_configuration['disable_js_in_lp_view'] = true;
// Show all sessions (old, current, future) in my course page
//$_configuration['show_all_sessions_on_my_course_page'] = true;
// Redirect to home tool after uploading a student publication or a adding a comment
//$_configuration['allow_redirect_to_main_page_after_work_upload'] = false;
// Empty the session student list when subscribing multiple users
//$_configuration['session_multiple_subscription_students_list_avoid_emptying'] = false;
// Disable the option to set course coach in session when editing course
//$_configuration['disabled_edit_session_coaches_course_editing_course'] = false;
// Show sender's email when receiving email notifications.
//$_configuration['show_user_email_in_notification'] = false;
// Set skill levels name, then later it will be parsed using get_lang BT#13586
/*$_configuration['skill_levels_names'] = [
    'levels' => [
        1 => 'Skills',
        2 => 'Capability',
        3 => 'Dimension',

// Show popular sessions on homepage
//$_configuration['show_hot_sessions'] = false;

// Hide skill levels options
//$_configuration['hide_skill_levels'] = false;

// Hide the session list in Reporting tool. Useful when a course has too many sessions.
//$_configuration['hide_reporting_session_list'] = false;

// Allow session admin to read careers
//$_configuration['allow_session_admin_read_careers'] = true;

// Enable cloud links in document tool
// $_configuration['enable_add_file_link'] = false;

// Send score in percentage in the exam result notification
//$_configuration['send_notification_score_in_percentage'] = false;

// Google translate key (for the text2speech feature in the documents tool)
// To get it, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library, create or
// use your own project, then search for "speech" and follow the instructions
// This service has a cost above 60 minutes of use.
//$_configuration['translate_app_google_key'] = '';

// Block access to any user to "my progress" page
//$_configuration['block_my_progress_page'] = false;

// Hides the "my progress" tab from the navigation menu
//$_configuration['hide_my_progress_tab'] = false;

// Add user extra fields in report: main/mySpace/exercise_category_report.php
//$_configuration['exercise_category_report_user_extra_fields'] = ['fields' => ['skype', 'rssfeeds']];

// Order sessions
// Requires DB change: ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN position INT DEFAULT 0;
// Requires edit Entity Session: src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Session.php uncomment "position" variable.
// Requires uncomment the position get and set
//$_configuration['session_list_order'] = false;

// Show skills as a hierarchical table
//$_configuration['table_of_hierarchical_skill_presentation'] = false;

// Restrict course chat only for course coach in sessions
// Course coaches will can chat with students only. And students will can chat with all course coaches
//$_configuration['course_chat_restrict_to_coach'] = false;

// Allow teachers, drhs and admins to access blocked LP's because a prerequisite.
//$_configuration['allow_teachers_to_access_blocked_lp_by_prerequisite'] = false;

// Allow connect skills with course tools (exercises, forum threads, works, etc)
// 1. Add an "@" before "ORM\Entity" in these Entities:
//SkillRelItemRelUser/SkillRelItem/SkillRelCourse (in src/Chamilo/SkillBundle/Entity/)
// 2. Add an "@" before "ORM\OneToMany" in the "Skill.items" and "Skill.courses" variable definitions (in src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Skill.php)
// 3. Run the following DB changes:
CREATE TABLE skill_rel_item_rel_user (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, skill_rel_item_id INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_by INT NOT NULL, updated_by INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_D1133E0DFD4B12DC (skill_rel_item_id), INDEX IDX_D1133E0DA76ED395 (user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE skill_rel_item (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, skill_id INT DEFAULT NULL, item_type INT NOT NULL, item_id INT NOT NULL, obtain_conditions VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, requires_validation TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, is_real TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, c_id INT DEFAULT NULL, session_id INT DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, created_by INT NOT NULL, updated_by INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_EB5B2A0D5585C142 (skill_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_item_rel_user ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D1133E0DFD4B12DC FOREIGN KEY (skill_rel_item_id) REFERENCES skill_rel_item (id);
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_item_rel_user ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D1133E0DA76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id);
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_item ADD CONSTRAINT FK_EB5B2A0D5585C142 FOREIGN KEY (skill_id) REFERENCES skill (id);
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_item_rel_user ADD result_id INT DEFAULT NULL;

CREATE TABLE skill_rel_course (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, skill_id INT DEFAULT NULL, c_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_E7CEC7FA5585C142 (skill_id), INDEX IDX_E7CEC7FA91D79BD3 (c_id), INDEX IDX_E7CEC7FA613FECDF (session_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_course ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E7CEC7FA5585C142 FOREIGN KEY (skill_id) REFERENCES skill (id);
ALTER TABLE skill_rel_course ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E7CEC7FA613FECDF FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES session (id);
// 4. Set the following "allow_skill_rel_items" setting to true
//$_configuration['allow_skill_rel_items'] = false;
// 5. Insert skills links in the skill_rel_course table directly to have them
// appear in the skills page for the course in a session, or use the
// main/cron/import_csv.php script with a file in main/cron/incoming/ with
// a name matching the following pattern skillset_yyyymmdd.csv
// 6. Assign skills to users through each supported tool (see skill.lib.php::getItemInfo())
// 7. Confirm users skills through the gradebook interface (new skill_rel_user.php icon on main page)

// Allows to send a notification when a user has achieved a skill
//$_configuration['badge_assignation_notification'] = false;

// Generate random login when importing users
//$_configuration['generate_random_login'] = false;

// Remove html tags when exporting glossary definitions in a CSV file
//$_configuration['allow_remove_tags_in_glossary_export'] = false;

// Show base course categories in portal children
//$_configuration['allow_base_course_category'] = false;

// Send two emails when creating a user. One with the username other with the password.
//$_configuration['send_two_inscription_confirmation_mail'] = false;

// LP view custom settings
/*$_configuration['lp_view_settings'] = [
    'display' => [
        'show_reporting_icon' => true,
        'hide_lp_arrow_navigation' => false,
        'show_toolbar_by_default' => false,
        'navigation_in_the_middle' => false,
        'add_extra_quit_to_home_icon' => false,
// To enable the add_extra_quit_to_home_icon feature for single LP, add the following extrafield:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES (6, 13, 'add_extra_quit_button', 'Add extra quit button', '', 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, NOW());

// Force to hide the invisible course documents in sessions
//$_configuration['hide_invisible_course_documents_in_sessions'] = false;

// Show more expected choice and status in exercise results BT#13950
//$_configuration['show_exercise_expected_choice'] = false;

// Hide exercise question label (ribbon) BT#13950
//$_configuration['exercise_hide_label'] = false;

// Send welcome message by email and to the chamilo inbox BT#14034
//$_configuration['send_inscription_msg_to_inbox'] = false;

// Allow administrators to see personal messages between a teacher and a student.
// Please make sure you include a note in your terms and conditions as this might
// affect privacy protection.
//$_configuration['allow_user_message_tracking'] = false;

// Filter messages between a teacher and a student between the session start end dates
// Need $_configuration['allow_user_message_tracking'] = true;
//$_configuration['filter_interactivity_messages'] = false;

// Add a portfolio tool (duplicating the Notebook tool). Requires DB changes:
CREATE TABLE portfolio_attachment (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, comment LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, size INT NOT NULL, filename VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, origin_id INT NOT NULL, origin_type INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE portfolio (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, c_id INT DEFAULT NULL, session_id INT DEFAULT NULL, category_id INT DEFAULT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, content LONGTEXT NOT NULL, creation_date DATETIME NOT NULL, update_date DATETIME NOT NULL, is_visible TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, origin INT DEFAULT NULL, origin_type INT DEFAULT NULL, score DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, INDEX user (user_id), INDEX course (c_id), INDEX session (session_id), INDEX category (category_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE portfolio_category (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, is_visible TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, INDEX user (user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE portfolio_comment (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, author_id INT NOT NULL, item_id INT NOT NULL, tree_root INT DEFAULT NULL, parent_id INT DEFAULT NULL, content LONGTEXT NOT NULL, date DATETIME NOT NULL, is_important TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lft INT NOT NULL, lvl INT NOT NULL, rgt INT NOT NULL, score DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, INDEX IDX_C2C17DA2F675F31B (author_id), INDEX IDX_C2C17DA2126F525E (item_id), INDEX IDX_C2C17DA2A977936C (tree_root), INDEX IDX_C2C17DA2727ACA70 (parent_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE portfolio ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A9ED106212469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES portfolio_category (id) ON DELETE SET NULL;
ALTER TABLE portfolio CHANGE is_visible visibility SMALLINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE portfolio ADD is_highlighted TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE portfolio ADD is_template TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE portfolio_comment ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C2C17DA2A977936C FOREIGN KEY (tree_root) REFERENCES portfolio_comment (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE portfolio_comment ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C2C17DA2727ACA70 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES portfolio_comment (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE portfolio_comment ADD is_template TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE portfolio_category ADD parent_id INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
CREATE TABLE portfolio_rel_tag (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, tag_id INT NOT NULL, c_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT DEFAULT NULL, INDEX IDX_DB734472BAD26311 (tag_id), INDEX IDX_DB73447291D79BD3 (c_id), INDEX IDX_DB734472613FECDF (session_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
// In 1.11.8, before enabling this feature, you also need to:
// - edit src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Portfolio.php, PortfolioCategory.php, PortfolioAttachment.php and PortfolioComment.php PortfolioRelTag.php
//   and follow the instructions about the @ORM\Entity() line
// - launch composer install to rebuild the autoload.php
// To allow to add tags to portfolio items, create a extrafield called "tags" that can be modified and visible to others
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES (19, 10, 'tags', 'tags', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, NOW());
// To enable (make visible for students) the new Portfolio tool when creating a course it's necessary to create a new setting parameter
INSERT INTO settings_current (variable, subkey, type, category, selected_value, title, comment, scope, subkeytext, access_url, access_url_changeable, access_url_locked) VALUES ('course_create_active_tools', 'portfolio', 'checkbox', 'Tools', 'true', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle', 'CourseCreateActiveToolsComment', null, 'Portfolio', 1, 0, 0);
//$_configuration['allow_portfolio_tool'] = false;
// Allow advanced selection of who can view the posts and comments. It requires DB changes:
// ALTER TABLE portfolio_comment ADD visibility SMALLINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL;
// Then add the "@" symbol to the CPortfolioComment::$visibility property in the ORM\Column() line.
//$_configuration['portfolio_advanced_sharing'] = false;

// DEPRECATED: gradebook_enable_best_score is deprecated. Use gradebook_display_extra_stats instead.
// Enable best score column in gradebook. Previously called disable_gradebook_stats
//$_configuration['gradebook_enable_best_score'] = false;
Enable specific columns in gradebook table.
[1] = Ranking
[2] = Best Score
[3] = Average
//$_configuration['gradebook_display_extra_stats'] = ['columns' => [1, 2, 3]];

// Allow teachers to access student skills BT#14161 (skills setting must be enabled in the platform)
//$_configuration['allow_teacher_access_student_skills'] = false;

// Allow sharing options for the documents inside a group
//ALTER TABLE c_group_info ADD document_access INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
//$_configuration['group_document_access'] = false;

// Allow sharing options for the documents inside a group category
//ALTER TABLE c_group_category ADD document_access INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
//$_configuration['group_category_document_access'] = false;

// Allow LP export to chamilo format (CourseBackup)
//$_configuration['allow_lp_chamilo_export'] = false;

// Allow exercise auto launch
//$_configuration['allow_exercise_auto_launch'] = false;
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD autolaunch TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0;

// Enable speed controller in video player
// $_configuration['video_features'] = ['features' => ['speed']];
// Hide the context menu on video player
//$_configuration['video_context_menu_hidden'] = false;
// Enable player renderers for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, DailyMotion, Twitch medias
//$_configuration['video_player_renderers'] = ['renderers' => ['dailymotion', 'facebook', 'twitch', 'vimeo', 'youtube']];

// Disable token verification when sending a message
// $_configuration['disable_token_in_new_message'] = false;

// My courses session order. Possible field values: "start_date", "end_date", "name" Order values: "asc" or "desc"
// $_configuration['my_courses_session_order'] = ['field' => 'end_date', 'order' => 'desc'];

// Allow set courses in session in read-only mode. Require DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, visible_to_self, changeable, filter, created_at)
VALUES (2, 13, 'session_courses_read_only_mode', 'Lock Course In Session', 1, 1, 1, NOW());
// $_configuration['session_courses_read_only_mode'] = false;

// Allow SCORM packages when importing a course
// $_configuration['allow_import_scorm_package_in_course_builder'] = false;

// Avoid all the scorms folders to be included by default in the partial course backup
// and enable the scroms folders to be selected manualy
//$_configuration['course_backup_allow_scorm_selection_in_select_form'] = false;

// Hide announcement "sent to" label
// $_configuration['hide_announcement_sent_to_users_info'] = false;

// Hide gradebook graph.
// $_configuration['gradebook_hide_graph'] = false;

// Hide gradebook table for student.
// $_configuration['gradebook_hide_table'] = false;

// Hide gradebook "download report in PDF" button
// $_configuration['gradebook_hide_pdf_report_button'] = false;

// Shows a link to the "Global gradebooks" page in the /index.php and /user_portal.php page.
// It also enables the main/gradebook/all_my_gradebooks.php page.
//$_configuration['show_all_my_gradebooks_page'] = false;

// Show pending survey link in user menu
// $_configuration['show_pending_survey_in_menu'] = false;

// GDPR: European's General Data Protection Rules activation option
// Set to true to disable the new personal data page inside the social network
// menu
// $_configuration['disable_gdpr'] = true;
// Set the LinkedIn organization id BT#17468
//$_configuration['linkedin_organization_id'] = false;

// GDPR requires users to be informed of the Data Protection Officer name and
// contact point. These can only be defined here for now, but will be moved to
// web settings in the future.
// Name of the person or organization that is responsible for the treatment of
// personal info
//$_configuration['data_protection_officer_name'] = '';
// A description of the role of the DP Officer in this context
//$_configuration['data_protection_officer_role'] = '';
// An e-mail address where to contact the data protection officer for queries
//$_configuration['data_protection_officer_email'] = '';

// Show multiple conditions to user during sign up process
// Example with a GDPR condition
/*$_configuration['show_conditions_to_user'] = [
    'conditions' => [
            'variable' => 'gdpr', // internal extra field name
            'display_text' => 'GDPRTitle', // checkbox title will be translated with get_lang('GDPRTitle')
            'text_area' => 'GDPRTextArea', // this will be translated using get_lang('GDPRTextArea')
            'variable' => 'my_terms',
            'display_text' => 'My test conditions',
            'text_area' => 'This is a long text area, with lot of terms and conditions ... ',

// Make GDPR terms public (useful when using the platform for anonymous survey
// invitations where users can leave personal info).
// $_configuration['gdpr_terms_public'] = false;

// Hide LP item prerequisite label in the LP view
//$_configuration['hide_accessibility_label_on_lp_item'] = true;

// Round score in exercise category export
//$_configuration['exercise_category_round_score_in_export'] = false;

// Redirect index to url for logged in users
// In this example the index.php will be redirected to user_portal.php for logged in users
//$_configuration['redirect_index_to_url_for_logged_users'] = 'user_portal.php';

// Teachers can CRUD classes
// ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD author_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
//$_configuration['allow_teachers_to_classes'] = false;

// Do not unsubscribe users from session nor course when users are unsubscribe to class
// $_configuration['usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_course_nor_session_on_user_unsubscribe'] = false;

// Do not unsubscribe users from course when courses are unsubscribe to class
// $_configuration['usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_course_on_course_unsubscribe'] = false;

// Do not unsubscribe users from session when sessions are unsubscribe to class
// $_configuration['usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_session_on_session_unsubscribe'] = false;

// Show all users in selector as initial list when subscribing users to class
//$_configuration['usergroup_add_user_show_all_student_by_default'] = false;

// Validate user login via a webservice, Chamilo will send a "login" and "password" parameters
// to the "myWebServiceFunctionToLogin" function, the result should be "1" if the user have access.
/*$_configuration['webservice_validation'] = [
    'options' => [
        'wsdl' => 'https://example.com/soap?wsdl',
        'check_login_function' => 'myWebServiceFunctionToLogin'

// Hide the username when showing the complete name for a user.
// Example: using api_get_user_info()['complete_name_with_username'] or $user->getCompleteNameWithUsername()
//$_configuration['hide_username_with_complete_name'] = false;

// Hide the username in course chat
//$_configuration['hide_username_in_course_chat'] = false;

// Allow multiple attempts in gradebook evaluations
// CREATE TABLE gradebook_result_attempt (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, result_id INT NOT NULL, score DOUBLE, comment LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME, updated_at DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
//$_configuration['gradebook_multiple_evaluation_attempts'] = false;

// Hide country flags in the language switcher
// $_configuration['hide_flag_language_switcher'] = false;

// Hide complete name in who is online page
// $_configuration['hide_complete_name_in_whoisonline'] = false;

// Block student publication edition BT#14985
// $_configuration['block_student_publication_edition'] = false;

// Block student publication add documents BT#14986
//$_configuration['block_student_publication_add_documents'] = false;

// Block teacher to modify a work score edition BT#14987
// $_configuration['block_student_publication_score_edition'] = false;

// Enable system to manage e-mail templates in users registration forms
/*CREATE TABLE mail_template(
  id int not null primary key auto_increment,
  name varchar(255) not null, -- a friendly name for the template, to remember what it is like
  template text, -- the template content (in Twig format)
  type varchar(255) not null, -- the type of the mail (we can use current template names to fill that)
  created_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
  updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
  author_id INT NOT NULL,
  url_id INT NOT NULL,
  default_template TINYINT not null,
  system int not null default 0 -- whether it can be deleted or not (system = 1 means it's initially from Chamilo, any other template can be created/deleted/edited, but the ones with system=1 cannot)
// $_configuration['mail_template_system'] = false;

// Enable filter by language for system and courses templates
//ALTER TABLE system_template ADD language VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'english';
//Edit src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/SystemTemplate.php and add a '@' character in front of 'ORM\Column(name="language"'
// $_configuration['template_activate_language_filter'] = false;

// Students can only upload one publication
// $_configuration['allow_only_one_student_publication_per_user'] = false;

// Hide percentage in best/average gradebook results
//$_configuration['hide_gradebook_percentage_user_result'] = true;

// Use exercise platform score settings in the gradebook graph
// $_configuration['gradebook_use_exercise_score_settings_in_categories'] = true;

// Activate the view with ViewerJS for PDF files within the lessons for IPad and IPhone
// $_configuration['allow_pdf_viewerjs_in_lp'] = false;

// Allow DRH user to access all visible session course announcements
// $_configuration['allow_drh_access_announcement'] = false;

// Allow my personal files link in the homepage
// $_configuration['allow_my_files_link_in_homepage'] = false;

// This option sets default parameters in the main/session/session_import.php
/*$_configuration['session_import_settings'] = [
    'options' =>  [
        'session_exists_default_option' => '1',
        'send_mail_default_option' => '1',

 * Fields visibility in the profile user page
$_configuration['profile_fields_visibility'] = [
    'options' => [
        'vcard' => false,
        'firstname' => false,
        'lastname' => false,
        'photo' => true,
        'email' => true,
        'chat' => true,
        'terms_ville' => false, // extra field value

// This option sets default parameters in the main/admin/user_import.php
/*$_configuration['user_import_settings'] = [
    'options' =>  [
        'send_mail_default_option' => '1',

// Disable all new exercise attempts in all the platform
// $_configuration['exercises_disable_new_attempts'] = false;

// Improve speed when rendering gradebook student reports using Doctrine APCU cache
// $_configuration['gradebook_use_apcu_cache'] = true;

 Add a minimum time limit to be in the learning path
 in order to get the last item completed
 Requires a DB change:
    ALTER TABLE c_lp ADD accumulate_work_time INT NOT NULL;
    CREATE TABLE track_e_access_complete (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id int(11) NOT NULL, date_reg datetime NOT NULL, tool varchar(255) NOT NULL, tool_id int(11) NOT NULL,   tool_id_detail int(11) NOT NULL,  action varchar(255) NOT NULL,   action_details varchar(255) NOT NULL, current_id int(11) NOT NULL, ip_user varchar(255) NOT NULL, user_agent varchar(255) NOT NULL, session_id int(11) NOT NULL, c_id int(11) NOT NULL,   ch_sid varchar(255) NOT NULL, login_as int(11) NOT NULL, info longtext NOT NULL, url text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13989 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
    CREATE INDEX user_course_session ON track_e_access_complete (user_id, c_id, session_id);
 Add course checkbox extra field "new_tracking_system"
 Add session checkbox extra field "new_tracking_system"
 Only applied for courses/sessions with extra field "new_tracking_system" to "1"
//$_configuration['lp_minimum_time'] = false;

// Add collapsable option for user course categories
// ALTER TABLE user_course_category ADD collapsed TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL;
// $_configuration['allow_user_course_category_collapsable'] = false;

// Add collapsable option when showing the course list inside a session in userportal.php
// ALTER TABLE session_rel_user ADD collapsed TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL;
// Create a new session extra field called "collapsed" (checkbox yes/no - option)
// $_configuration['allow_user_session_collapsable'] = false;

// Allow to session admins login as teachers
//$_configuration['allow_session_admin_login_as_teacher'] = false;

// Allow gradebook stats
// Requires to edit the GradebookLink.php And GradebookEvaluation.php files adding the "@" in the ORM phpdoc block

//$_configuration['allow_gradebook_stats'] = false;

// Hide social media links
//$_configuration['hide_social_media_links'] = false;

// Show chamilo unique question id in exercises
// $_configuration['show_question_id'] = false;

// Show pagination if question list is bigger than "x" value, if 0 pagination will not appear.
// Option only when building an exercise as a teacher
// $_configuration['show_question_pagination'] = 100;

// Number of questions to show in every page
// Option only when building an exercise as a teacher
// $_configuration['question_pagination_length'] = 20;

// Teachers cannot delete an exercise/questions, change exercise visibility, download to qti, clean results
// $_configuration['limit_exercise_teacher_access'] = false;

// Changes the row list when using jqgrid/sortable tables
//$_configuration['table_row_list'] = ['options' => [50, 100, 200, 500]];

// Default selected row in jqgrid/sortable tables
//$_configuration['table_default_row'] = 50;

// Disable Chamilo.org announcements at the top of the admin page
//$_configuration['admin_chamilo_announcements_disable'] = false;

 Disable course report graphs
 0 = Shown
 1 = Hidden
 2 = Click to show
//$_configuration['hide_course_report_graph'] = 0;

// Visually "fold" forum categories by default
// $_configuration['forum_fold_categories'] = false;

// Set extra fields as required in the inscription.php page
/*$_configuration['required_extra_fields_in_inscription'] = [
    'options' => [

/* Set extra fields as required in the profile.php page
$_configuration['required_extra_fields_in_profile'] = [
    'options' => [

// Community manager users
//$_configuration['community_managers_user_list'] = ['users' => [1]];

// Hide global chat video
//$_configuration['hide_chat_video'] = false;

// global forum in social network BT#15309
//$_configuration['global_forums_course_id'] = 0;

// Hide forum post revision checkbox
//$_configuration['hide_forum_post_revision_language'] = false;

// Allow forum post revisions
// Requires new forum_category and forum_post "language" extra fields (multiple select)
//$_configuration['allow_forum_post_revisions'] = false;

// Allow forum category filter on language
// Requires new forum_category "language" extra fields (multiple select)
//$_configuration['allow_forum_category_language_filter'] = false;

//Allows to subscribe to notification of forums of the base course for users subscribed in a session
//Only works if subscribe_users_to_forum_notifications is set to true in the course's settings
//$_configuration['subscribe_users_to_forum_notifications_also_in_base_course'] = false;

// Allow to show users in a map, users need to have a coordinates extra field BT#15176
//$_configuration['allow_social_map_fields'] = ['fields' => ['terms_villedustage', 'terms_ville']];

// Translate HTML based in the HTML "lang" attribute see BT#15166
//$_configuration['translate_html'] = false;

// Avoid add a reply-to header when a no-reply address is set.
//$_configuration['mail_no_reply_avoid_reply_to'] = false;

// Allows to user add feedback (likes or dislikes) to posts in social wall. Requires DB changes:
// CREATE TABLE message_feedback (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, message_id BIGINT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, liked TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, disliked TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_DB0F8049537A1329 (message_id), INDEX IDX_DB0F8049A76ED395 (user_id), INDEX idx_message_feedback_uid_mid (message_id, user_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;
// ALTER TABLE message_feedback ADD CONSTRAINT FK_DB0F8049537A1329 FOREIGN KEY (message_id) REFERENCES message (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
// In 1.11.8, before enabling this feature, you also need to:
// - edit src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/MessageFeedback.php
//   and follow the instructions about the @ORM\Entity() line
// - edit src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Message.php
//   and follow the instructions about the @ORM\OneToMany line for the $likes property
// - launch "composer install" to rebuild the autoload.php
//$_configuration['social_enable_messages_feedback'] = false;

// Disable dislike button in the social network.
//$_configuration['disable_dislike_option'] = false;

// Block student's access to the course documents when using the ckeditor "Browse server" button
//$_configuration['block_editor_file_manager_for_students'] = false;
// Show a language flag next to the user picture in the social network
//$_configuration['social_show_language_flag_in_profile'] = false;

// Add subject and body in the mailto: footer
//$_configuration['add_user_course_information_in_mailto'] = false;

// Add gradebook score style configuration in the flat view
// See api.lib.php in order to find the options: examples SCORE_DIV = 1, SCORE_PERCENT = 2, etc
//$_configuration['gradebook_report_score_style'] = 1; //  Means the score will be (X / Y) "SCORE_DIV"

// Allow show the score display custom (when it is enabled) in a standalone column in gradebook
//$_configuration['gradebook_score_display_custom_standalone'] = false;

// Blocks "my files" access to anon users
//$_configuration['block_my_files_access'] = false;

// Allow .htaccess files in SCORM packages
//$_configuration['allow_htaccess_import_from_scorm'] = false;

// Allow general certificate
//$_configuration['allow_general_certificate'] = false;

// Allow exercise categories
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD exercise_category_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
// enable @ORM in CExerciseCategory adn CQuiz::exerciseCategoryId
//$_configuration['allow_exercise_categories'] = false;

// Send new user inscription notification only to general admins (table settings_current = emailAdministrator)
//$_configuration['send_inscription_notification_to_general_admin_only'] = false;

// Allow extra settings for the quiz results page
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD page_result_configuration LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)';
//$_configuration['allow_quiz_results_page_config'] = false;

// Allows you to show or hide the number of the question in the exercises
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD COLUMN hide_question_number int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Show/Hide question number in quiz';
//$_configuration['quiz_hide_question_number'] = false;

// Allows you to show or hide the attempts table of an exercise on start page
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD COLUMN hide_attempts_table int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Show/Hide attempts table of an exercise on start page';
//$_configuration['quiz_hide_attempts_table_on_start_page'] = false;

// Allow multiple options for the exercise "save answer" option
//$_configuration['allow_quiz_save_correct_options'] = false;

// Show languages flags by country in the language switcher.
//$_configuration['language_flags_by_country'] = false;

// Allow compilatio plagiarism prevention tool
CREATE TABLE c_plagiarism_compilatio_docs (
    c_id int(11) NOT NULL,
    document_id int(11) NOT NULL,
    compilatio_id varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

// If table exists already
ALTER TABLE c_plagiarism_compilatio_docs drop primary key;
ALTER TABLE c_plagiarism_compilatio_docs CHANGE COLUMN id_doc document_id INT NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE c_plagiarism_compilatio_docs MODIFY compilatio_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL;

//$_configuration['allow_compilatio_tool'] = false;
/*$_configuration['compilatio_tool'] = [
    'settings' => [
        'key' => '',
        'api_url' => 'https://app.compilatio.net/api',
        'proxy_host' => '',
        'proxy_port' => '',
        'max_filesize' => '',

// Allow user to enter a LP item if it was validated in another session.
// $_configuration['validate_lp_prerequisite_from_other_session'] = false;

// 1 = SCORE_AVERAGE (5 / 10)
// 2 = SCORE_PERCENT (50%)
// 3 = SCORE_DIV_PERCENT (5 / 10 (50%))
// $_configuration['exercise_score_format'] = 0;

// Hide course sidebar
//$_configuration['hide_course_sidebar'] = true;

// Allow online users by user profile
// 1 = COURSEMANAGER (teacher)
// 5 = STUDENT
// Example: The online users will be available only for teachers and students.
//$_configuration['allow_online_users_by_status'] = ['status' =>  [1, 5]];

// Allow add one column by each user extra field indicated to the Gradebook Flatview for each user.
// $_configuration['gradebook_flatview_extrafields_columns'] = ['variables' => []];

// Show hidden exercises that were added to a LP in the exercise list
// $_configuration['show_hidden_exercise_added_to_lp'] = true;

// Show full lp item title
// $_configuration['show_full_lp_item_title_in_edition'] = false;

// Hide course catalog welcome message
//$_configuration['hide_course_catalog_welcome'] = true;

// Survey
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_question ADD parent_id INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
// ALTER TABLE c_survey_question ADD parent_option_id INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
//$_configuration['survey_question_dependency'] = true;

// Student publication: force to download document before upload an assignment.
// $_configuration['force_download_doc_before_upload_work' ] = true;

// Allow teachers to decide which skills are assigned through their courses
// $_configuration['skills_teachers_can_assign_skills'] = false;

// Changes the ck editor enter mode value. Default: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P
// $_configuration['ck_editor_enter_mode_value'] = 'CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR';
// Set CKEDITOR config for Vimeo Embed plugin
//$_configuration['ckeditor_vimeo_embed'] = [
//    'config' => [
//        'client_id' => '',
//        'client_secret' => '',
//        'access_token' => '',
//    ],

// ALTER TABLE user_career ADD COLUMN extra_data LONGTEXT;
// $_configuration['allow_career_users'] = false;

// LP view menu location. Options: "left" or "right"
// $_configuration['lp_menu_location'] = 'left';

// Hide the "Open in new window" button in learning paths when viewing long content (using the button disconnects SCORM tracking - more details in #4954)
//$_configuration['lp_ios_hide_open_in_new_window_button'] = false;

// Show notification events
/*CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notification_event (
id INT unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
        title VARCHAR(255),
        content TEXT,
        link TEXT,
        persistent INT,
        day_diff INT,
        event_type VARCHAR(255)
ALTER TABLE notification_event ADD COLUMN event_id INT NULL;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notification_event_rel_user (
    event_id INT unsigned,
    user_id INT,
    INDEX FK_EVENT (event_id),
    INDEX FK_USER (user_id),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE notification_event_rel_user ADD CONSTRAINT FK_EVENT FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES notification_event (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
// create new user text extra field called 'notification_event' to save the persistent settings.
// $_configuration['notification_event'] = false;

// Add help text to put 2 names in registration form
//$_configuration['registration_add_helptext_for_2_names'] = false;

// Allow career/promotions in global announcements
// ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN career_id INT DEFAULT 0;
// ALTER TABLE sys_announcement ADD COLUMN promotion_id INT DEFAULT 0;
//$_configuration['allow_careers_in_global_announcements'] = false;

// Allow career/promotions in global calendar. Require DB changes:
// ALTER TABLE sys_calendar ADD COLUMN career_id INT DEFAULT 0;
// ALTER TABLE sys_calendar ADD COLUMN promotion_id INT DEFAULT 0;
//$_configuration['allow_careers_in_global_agenda'] = false;

// Hide start/end dates in "My courses" page (user_portal.php)
//$_configuration['hide_session_dates_in_user_portal'] = false;

// Catalog search settings visibility
/*$_configuration['catalog_settings'] = [
    'sessions' => [
        'by_title' => true,
        'by_date' => true,
        'by_tag' => true,
        'show_session_info' => true,
        'show_session_date' => true,
    'courses' => [
        'by_title' => true,

// Enable learning paths with only one SCO item to use the score returned by
// the SCO as an indicator of progress of the whole learning path
// Before enabling, make sure you added an LP extra field of type int, called use_score_as_progress
// $_configuration['lp_score_as_progress_enable'] = false;

// Use this link as the "Forgot password?" link instead of the default. This setting should be transformed into a hook for plugins at a later time
//$_configuration['pass_reminder_custom_link'] = '';

// In Scorm comunication use the username instead of the user_id
//$_configuration['scorm_api_username_as_student_id'] = false;

// Zoom in description images quiz
// $_configuration['quiz_image_zoom'] = [
//    'options' => [
//          'zoomWindowWidth' => 400,
//          'zoomWindowHeight' => 400,
//     ]
// ];

// In Scorm comunication use a specific extra field instead of the user_id
//$_configuration['scorm_api_extrafield_to_use_as_student_id'] = '';

// LMS will try to update SCO status every time the status is not sent by the SCO
//$_configuration['scorm_lms_update_sco_status_all_time'] = false;

// Show online user only to Administrators
//$_configuration['whoisonline_only_for_admin'] = false;

// Prevent going back to previous questions
// ALTER TABLE c_quiz ADD COLUMN prevent_backwards INT DEFAULT 0;
//$_configuration['quiz_prevent_backwards_move'] = false;

// Allow third party plugins to be uploaded through a form in the plugins section
//$_configuration['plugin_upload_enable'] = false;

// $_configuration['allow_session_status'] = false;

// Sets the sender id when using the script tests/scripts/disable_user_conditions.php
// $_configuration['disable_user_conditions_sender_id'] = 0;

// Set the default tab in the admin session list. Values: all, close, active, custom.
//$_configuration['default_session_list_view'] = 'all';

// Search user by extra field in the user list.
//$_configuration['user_search_on_extra_fields'] = ['extra_fields' => ['variable1', 'variable2']];

// user subscription to a session rather than to a base course
// user session is created at first subscription
//$_configuration['catalog_course_subscription_in_user_s_session'] = false;
// user session duration in days - after the session end date, more subscriptions are prevented
//$_configuration['user_s_session_duration'] = 3*365;
// id of the admin to attach user session
//$_configuration['session_automatic_creation_user_id'] = 1;

// Skip scorm package file names clean up
//$_configuration['skip_scorm_package_clean_up'] = false;

// Course chat: Send message on button click only, if false then send on enter too.
//$_configuration['course_chat_send_message_only_on_button'] = true;

// Course catalog show extra fields (visible and filtered)
//$_configuration['allow_course_extra_field_in_catalog'] = false;

// Course catalog links behaviour.
$_configuration['course_catalog_settings'] = [
    'link_settings' => [
        'info_url' => 'course_description_popup', // course description popup page
        'title_url' => 'course_home', // Course home URL
        'image_url' => 'course_about', // Course about URL
    'redirect_after_subscription' => 'course_home', // or 'course_catalog' to stay in the page
    'extra_fields_in_search_form' => ['variable1', 'variable2'],
    'extra_fields_in_course_block' => ['variable3', 'variable4'],
    'standard_sort_options' => [
        //  1 means allow sorting in ascending order
        // -1 means allow sorting in descending order
        'title' => 1,
        'creation_date' => -1,
        'count_users' => -1, // subscription count
        'point_info/point_average' => -1, // average score
        'point_info/total_score' => -1, // score sum
        'point_info/users' => -1, // vote count
    'extra_field_sort_options' => [
        'variable5' => -1,
        'variable6' => 1,
    'pre_filter_on_language' => 1, // By default, filter the courses catalogue on user language (prevents searching without language)

// Display the course catalog in home page
//$_configuration['course_catalog_display_in_home'] = false;

// Page "My Courses" shows specific course extra fields (CourseManager::getExtraFieldsToBePresented)
/*$_configuration['my_course_course_extrafields_to_be_presented'] = [
    'fields' => ['mots_cles', 'duree_en_min', 'format'],

// Disable fields to add an attachment when creating and announcement.
//$_configuration['disable_announcement_attachment'] = false;

// Disable sending emails.
//$_configuration['disable_send_mail'] = false;

// CKEditor font names
/*$_configuration['ck_editor_font_names'] = [
    'names' => [
        'Arial' => 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
        'Comic Sans MS' => 'Comic Sans MS, cursive',
        'Courier New' => 'Courier New, Courier, monospace',
        'Georgia' => 'Georgia, serif',
        'Lucida Sans Unicode' => 'Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif',
        'Tahoma' => 'Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif',
        'Times New Roman' => 'Times New Roman, Times, serif',
        'Trebuchet MS' => 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif',
        'Verdana' => 'Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif',

/* Show download files button after finishing all LP. Example: ABC is the course code, and 1 and 100 are the doc id
$_configuration['download_files_after_all_lp_finished'] = ['courses' => ['ABC' => [1, 100]]];

// Show/Hide password field in user profile. Adds a customizable link depending on the user status.
$_configuration['auth_password_links'] = [
    'profiles' => [
        5 => [
            'azure' => [
                'show_password_field' => false,
                'extra_link' => '<h4>Change!</h4><a href="www.example.com">Wachtwoord aanpassen</span></a>'
            'extldap' => [
                'show_password_field' => true,
                'extra_link' => '<h4>Change!</h4><a href="www.example.com">Wachtwoord aanpassen</span></a>'

// Show unsubscribe buttons on page "My courses"
//$_configuration['enable_unsubscribe_button_on_my_course_page'] = false;

// Allow LP category in sessions.
// ALTER TABLE c_lp_category ADD COLUMN session_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL;
//$_configuration['allow_session_lp_category'] = false;

// Enable recording of all answers (even temporary) in the track_e_attempt_recording table
// This requires a column to be added to the table with the following query:
// ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt_recording ADD COLUMN answer longtext default '' AFTER question_id;
// This is an experimental feature, known to create issues in the
// exercise_report.php page when wanting to grade an attempt (due to usage in
// get_exam_results_data()).
//$_configuration['quiz_answer_extra_recording'] = false;

// Disable clean results for teachers
// $_configuration['disable_clean_exercise_results_for_teachers'] = true;

// Show certainty degree question result in Exercises
// $_configuration['show_exercise_question_certainty_ribbon_result'] = false;

//Allows to add increment in minutes to the date range component timepicker, example: 5,10,30 minutes
//$_configuration['timepicker_increment'] = 5;

//Allows teachers to edit survey questions after students have answered them
//$_configuration['survey_allow_answered_question_edit'] = false;

// Allows prevent to the user before leaving a learning path
//$_configuration['lp_prevents_beforeunload'] = false;

// Disable slideshow documents
//$_configuration['disable_slideshow_documents'] = false;

// Disable search documents
//$_configuration['disable_search_documents'] = false;

// Disable available space in the document tool
//$_configuration['disable_document_quota_message_for_students'] = false;

// Show a donation suggestion message on the course creation page
//$_configuration['course_creation_donate_message_show'] = false;
//$_configuration['course_creation_donate_link'] = '<some donate button html>';

// Allow my student publications page
//$_configuration['allow_my_student_publication_page'] = false;

// Show handpicked "popular" courses on the home page instead of users-chosen
// courses.
// Create an extra field for courses called "popular_courses" (type CHECKBOX) OR
// INSERT extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, visible_to_self, changeable, created_at)
// VALUES (2, 13, 'popular_courses', 'Popular course', 1, 1, NOW());
// $_configuration['popular_courses_handpicked'] = false;

// Default items per page in main/mySpace/users.php
// $_configuration['my_space_users_items_per_page'] = 10;

// Add teachers column in course list.
// $_configuration['add_teachers_in_course_list'] = false;

// Allow teachers and admins to see students as friends on social network
// $_configuration['social_make_teachers_friend_all'] = false;

// Prevent the use of images copy-paste as base64 in the editor to avoid
// filling the database with images
//$_configuration['ck_editor_block_image_copy_paste'] = false;

// Shows a link to the "my lps" page in the /index.php and /user_portal.php page.
// It also enables the main/lp/my_list.php page.
//$_configuration['show_my_lps_page'] = false;

// Disables access to the main/lp/my_list.php page
//$_configuration['disable_my_lps_page'] = false;

// When exercise is finished send results by email to users, depending the settings below:
// Requires a new Exercise Extra field type called with variable = "notifications".
/*$_configuration['exercise_finished_notification_settings'] = [
    'notification_teacher' => [ // Notification label
        'for teacher' => [ // for teacher
            'send_notification_if_user_in_extra_field' => [
                'company_variable' => ['Company A', 'Company B'],
            'email' => 'teacher1@example.com,teacher2@example.com', // multiple emails allowed
            'attempts' => [
                    'is_block_by_percentage' => true,
                    'status' => 'passed', // passed/failed/all (depends in the exercise pass %)
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptPassed', // exercise extra field
                    'content_default' => 'Hi, ((user_lastname)) ', // value if MailAttemptPassed is empty
                    'add_pdf' => 'PdfExerciseExtraField', // exercise extra field
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptFailed',
                    'status' => 'all',
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptAll',
                    'status' => 'all',
                    'attempt' => 1,
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptAttempt1', // exercise extra field,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'attempt' => 2,
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptFailed2', // exercise extra field,
                    // if Exercise failed and attempt = 2 then the student will be subscribe to course code:
                    'post_actions' => [
                        'subscribe_student_to_courses' => ['SECOND_ATTEMPT'],
        'for admin' => [
            'email' => 'admin@example.com',
            'attempts' => [
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptFailed',
    'notification_coach' => [ // Label
        'for coach ' => [ // for teacher
            'email' => 'coach@example.com',
            'attempts' => [
                    'status' => 'passed',
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptPassed', // exercise extra field,
                    'status' => 'failed',
                    'content' => 'MailAttemptFailed', // exercise extra field,

// After a user updates his profile, send notifications.
/*$_configuration['user_notification_settings'] = [
    'notification1' => [ // Notification label
        'email' => 'admin1@example.com,admin2@example.com', // multiple emails allowed
        'sender_email' => 'sender@example.com',
        //'if_extra_field_changes' => ['variable1', 'variable2'],
        'if_field_changes' => ['phone', 'email'],
        'subject' => 'User profile update',
        'content' => '/mail/user_profile_update.dist.tpl',

// Shows a marker if the course was shared in other portals.
//$_configuration['multiple_access_url_show_shared_course_marker'] = false;

// Show official_code and order user based on this field in the multiple access url user management page
//$_configuration['multiple_access_url_user_management_show_and_order_by_official_code'] = false;

// Add option to copy a session with its course-session content BT#17832
//$_configuration['duplicate_specific_session_content_on_session_copy'] = false;

// Allow add usergroups to a LP BT#17854
//CREATE TABLE c_lp_rel_usergroup (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, lp_id INT NOT NULL, usergroup_id INT NOT NULL, c_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
//CREATE TABLE c_lp_category_rel_usergroup (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, lp_category_id INT NOT NULL, usergroup_id INT NOT NULL, c_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
//$_configuration['allow_lp_subscription_to_usergroups'] = false;

// Gradebook student pdf export settings
/*$_configuration['gradebook_pdf_export_settings'] = [
    'hide_score_weight' => true,
    'hide_feedback_textarea' => true,

// Use exercise score in platform settings in gradebook total rows/columns.
//$_configuration['gradebook_use_exercise_score_settings_in_total'] = false;

// Use exercise score in platform settings in gradebook total rows/columns.
//$_configuration['gradebook_use_exercise_score_settings_in_total'] = false;

// Show a link on the results page to download an answers report
//$_configuration['quiz_results_answers_report'] = false;

// Hide the breadcrumb navigation (for example if you don't want users to go
// sniffing around a specific course). Should be combined with hiding the menu
//$_configuration['breadcrumb_hide'] = false;

// Hide the sidebar completely to avoid users navigating away.
// Warning: this currently leaves a weird empty space where the sidebar should
// be. We recommend using this only in very specific circumstances.
//$_configuration['sidebar_hide'] = false;

// Block question categories BT#17789
//ALTER TABLE track_e_exercises ADD COLUMN blocked_categories LONGTEXT;
// Requires an exercise extra field "block_category" type checkbox (Yes)
//$_configuration['block_category_questions'] = false;

// Make questions mandatory selectable when using question select type = 5 (category-random)
//ALTER TABLE c_quiz_question_rel_category ADD COLUMN mandatory INT DEFAULT 0;
//$_configuration['allow_mandatory_question_in_category'] = false;

// Discard orphan questions from course copies/backups
//$_configuration['quiz_discard_orphan_in_course_export'] = false;

// Resource sequence: Validate course in the same session.
//$_configuration['course_sequence_valid_only_in_same_session'] = false;

// Allows to show the sequence graphic in the course intro
//$_configuration['resource_sequence_show_dependency_in_course_intro'] = false;

// Allow time per question. BT#17791
// Requires a question text extra field called "time", value in seconds.
// ALTER TABLE track_e_attempt ADD COLUMN seconds_spent INT;
//$_configuration['allow_time_per_question'] = true;

// Disable change user visibility tool icon.
//$_configuration['disable_change_user_visibility_for_public_courses'] = true;

// Add another layer of security by checking if the user is disabled
// at every page load (might generate considerable extra DB load)
// $_configuration['security_block_inactive_users_immediately'] = false;

// Allow all office suite documents to be uploaded in the "My files" section of the social network
//$_configuration['social_myfiles_office_files_upload_allowed'] = false;

// Enable a "Previous question" button in surveys
// $_configuration['survey_backwards_enable'] = false;

// All courses with category MY_CATEGORY will be used as course templates BT#18083
// $_configuration['course_category_code_to_use_as_model'] = 'MY_CATEGORY';

// Shows the best exercise score attempt for a student in the reports.
/*$_configuration['add_exercise_best_attempt_in_report'] = [
    'courses' => [
        'ABC' => [88, 89], // Where ABC is the course code and 88 is the exercise id

// For a student: Shows only the list of teachers from my courses in the Chamilo inbox.
// $_configuration['send_only_messages_to_teachers'] = true;

// Allows add tag to filter messages in inbox. Requires add an tag type extrafield for messages.
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES (22, 10, 'tags', 'Tags', '', 0, 1,	0, 1, 1, NOW());
//$_configuration['enable_message_tags'] = false;

// Survey duplicate: Order survey questions by student name
// $_configuration['survey_duplicate_order_by_name'] = true;

// Allow gradebook_comment
CREATE TABLE gradebook_comment (id BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INT DEFAULT NULL, gradebook_id INT DEFAULT NULL, comment LONGTEXT NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_C3B70763A76ED395 (user_id), INDEX IDX_C3B70763AD3ED51C (gradebook_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
ALTER TABLE gradebook_comment ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C3B70763AD3ED51C FOREIGN KEY (gradebook_id) REFERENCES gradebook_category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
// $_configuration['allow_gradebook_comments'] = true;

// Allow anon users to send emails to the platform admin.
// $_configuration['allow_email_editor_for_anonymous'] = true;

// Add certificate footer. Add your template main/template/default/export/pdf_certificate_footer.tpl
// $_configuration['add_certificate_pdf_footer'] = true;

// Shows a popup with the list of answered/unanswered questions before sending a test.
// $_configuration['quiz_check_all_answers_before_end_test'] = true;

// Custom cloud link URLS, this requires enable_add_file_link = true
// $_configuration['documents_custom_cloud_link_list'] = ['links' => ['example.com', 'example2.com']];

// Shows exercise session attempts in the base course.
// $_configuration['show_exercise_session_attempts_in_base_course'] = false;

// Shows exercise attempts in sessions where user is general coach
// $_configuration['show_exercise_attempts_in_all_user_sessions'] = true;

// Allow coach users to always edit announcements inside active/past sessions.
// $_configuration['allow_coach_to_edit_announcements'] = false;

// Show invisible LP in the course home for students. BT#17744
//$_configuration['show_invisible_lp_in_course_home'] = true;

// Show start/end date in LP list for students.
//$_configuration['lp_start_and_end_date_visible_in_student_view'] = true;

// Show all student publications (from course and from all sessions) in the work/pending.php page if true. BT#18352
//$_configuration['assignment_base_course_teacher_access_to_all_session'] = true;

// Show a link to the work/pending.php page in my courses (user_portal)
//$_configuration['my_courses_show_pending_work'] = true;

// Show exercise report from all courses in a new page: exercise/pending.php
//$_configuration['my_courses_show_pending_exercise_attempts'] = true;

// Disables the following BBB plugin settings in the plugin form and use them in priority.
/*$_configuration['plugin_settings'] = [
    'bbb' => [
        'tool_enable' => 'true', // string value
        'host' => 'https://www.example.com',
        'salt' => 'abc123'

// Enable X-Sendfile headers on forced download files going through document/download.php
//$_configuration['enable_x_sendfile_headers'] = false;

// Extra settings for the agenda (FullCalendar v3)
/*$_configuration['fullcalendar_settings'] = [
    'settings' => [
        'businessHours' => [
            // days of week. an array of zero-based day of week integers (0=Sunday)
            'dow' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], // Sunday - Thursday
            'start'  => '10:00',
            'end' => '18:00',
        'firstDay' => 0, // 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday

// Allow session admin access to main/admin/user_update_import.php and main/admin/user_export.php
//$_configuration['allow_session_admin_extra_access'] = true;

// Replace the Chamilo logo URL.
//$_configuration['platform_logo_url'] = 'https://chamilo.org';

// Hides the session graph in the main/auth/my_progress.php page.
//$_configuration['hide_session_graph_in_my_progress'] = true;

// Shows only users from active sessions in tracking.
//$_configuration['show_users_in_active_sessions_in_tracking'] = true;

// Allows a quick question description edition with a selected image from a popup.
//$_configuration['allow_quick_question_description_popup'] = true;

// Allows the use of the external id instead of the internal id.
//$_configuration['use_career_external_id_as_identifier_in_diagrams'] = true;

// Add a career legend below the diagram, a variable will be called
// get_lang('CareerDiagramLegend') and printed below a diagram
// $_configuration['career_diagram_legend'] = true;

// If true then a variable will be called get_lang('CareerDiagramDisclaimer') and printed below a diagram;
//$_configuration['career_diagram_disclaimer'] = true;

// Disable webservices.
//$_configuration['disable_webservices'] = true;
// Enable admin-only APIs: get_users_api_keys, get_user_api_key
//$_configuration['webservice_enable_adminonly_api'] = false;

// Block a user account if there are multiple failed login attempts. It requires DB changes:
CREATE TABLE track_e_login_attempt
    username   VARCHAR(100)       NOT NULL,
    login_date DATETIME           NOT NULL,
    user_ip    VARCHAR(39)        NOT NULL,
    success    TINYINT(1)         NOT NULL,
    INDEX idx_track_e_login_attempt_username_success (username, success),
    PRIMARY KEY (login_id)
  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
  ENGINE = InnoDB;
// Then add the "@" symbol to TrackELoginAttempt class in the ORM\Entity() line.
//$_configuration['login_max_attempt_before_blocking_account'] = 0;

// Ask user to renew password at first login.
// Requires a user checkbox extra field called "ask_new_password".
//$_configuration['force_renew_password_at_first_login'] = true;

// If the user is blocked with not allowed (red message), then the breadcrumb is hidden.
//$_configuration['hide_breadcrumb_if_not_allowed'] = true;

// Configuration setting to disable course code field in course creation form.
//$_configuration['course_creation_form_hide_course_code'] = false;

// Configuration setting to make required course category in course creation form.
//$_configuration['course_creation_form_set_course_category_mandatory'] = false;

// Show option to set course announcement date
// Allow sending notifications at a specific date. Requires DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at)
VALUES (21, 13, 'send_notification_at_a_specific_date', 'Send notification at a specific date', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NOW()),
       (21, 6, 'date_to_send_notification', 'Date to send notification', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NOW()),
       (21, 13, 'send_to_users_in_session', 'Send to users in session', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NOW());
//$_configuration['course_announcement_scheduled_by_date'] = false;

// Enable upload of large SCORM files from FTP by uploading them to app/cache/
// and showing them in the SCORM upload form
//$_configuration['scorm_upload_from_cache'] = false;

// Enable image upload as file when doing a copy in the content or a drag and drop.
//$_configuration['enable_uploadimage_editor'] = false;

// Ckeditor settings.
//$_configuration['editor_settings'] = ['config' => ['youtube_responsive' => true, 'image_responsive' => true]];

// Overwrites the app/config/auth.conf.php settings
//$_configuration['extldap_config'] = ['host' => '', 'port' => ''];

// To use an encrypted ldap admin password in app/config/auth.conf.php
// if set to true then you need to put in app/config/auth.conf.php the encrypted passeword in $extldap_config['admin_password']
// To generate the encrypted password you can use the script tests/scripts/ldap_encrypt_admin_password.php
//$_configuration['ldap_encrypt_admin_password'] = false;

// Salt to use for admin ldap password decryption
//$_configuration['ldap_admin_password_salt'] = 'salt';

// Limit providers for OpenID (classic) authentication
/*$_configuration['auth_openid_allowed_providers'] = [

// Option to hide the teachers info on courses about info page.
//$_configuration['course_about_teacher_name_hide'] = false;

// Hides the option "Never expire" for expiration date in add/edit user page
//$_configuration['user_hide_never_expire_option'] = false;

// Allow multiple languages to a course
// as a selection bar for languages used in the course.
// Add another field "multilingual" to be used separately as a true/false
// field to represent the fact that the course can have content in multiple
// languages (without precision).
// Requires DB change:
INSERT INTO `extra_field` (`extra_field_type`, `field_type`, `variable`, `display_text`, `default_value`, `field_order`, `visible_to_self`, `visible_to_others`, `changeable`, `filter`, `created_at`) VALUES
(2,     5,      'multiple_language',    'Multiple Language', '',        0,      1,      0,      1,      0,      NOW());
//$_configuration['allow_course_multiple_languages'] = false;

// Update user expiration in x days or months when login the first time
/*$_configuration['update_student_expiration_x_date'] = [
    'days' => 0,
    'months' => 0,

// Enables to define which user status to show when option is true from $_configuration['user_status_show_option']
//$_configuration['user_status_show_options_enabled'] = false;
// The user status is hidden when is false, it requires $_configuration['user_status_show_options_enabled'] = true
/*$_configuration['user_status_show_option'] = [
        'COURSEMANAGER' => true,
        'STUDENT' => true,
        'DRH' => false,
        'SESSIONADMIN' => false,
        'STUDENT_BOSS' => false,
        'INVITEE' => false

// Allow learnpath prerequisite on quiz to unblock if maximum attempt is reached
//$_configuration['lp_prerequisit_on_quiz_unblock_if_max_attempt_reached'] = false;

// Enables to hide user status when option is true visible only for admins from $_configuration['user_status_option_show_only_for_admin']
//$_configuration['user_status_option_only_for_admin_enabled'] = false;
// The user status is hidden when is false, it requires $_configuration['user_status_option_only_for_admin_enabled'] = true
/*$_configuration['user_status_option_show_only_for_admin'] = [
        'COURSEMANAGER' => false,
        'STUDENT' => false,
        'DRH' => false,
        'SESSIONADMIN' => true,
        'STUDENT_BOSS' => false,
        'INVITEE' => false

// Set the default expiration date when a user is created by role and days
/*$_configuration['user_number_of_days_for_default_expiration_date_per_role'] = [
        'COURSEMANAGER' => 365,
        'STUDENT' => 31,
        'DRH' => 31,
        'SESSIONADMIN' => 60,
        'STUDENT_BOSS' => 60,
        'INVITEE' => 31

// Course extra fields to be presented on main/create_course/add_course.php
//$_configuration['course_creation_by_teacher_extra_fields_to_show'] = ['fields' => ['ExtrafieldLabel1', 'ExtrafieldLabel2']];

// Configuration setting to make some extra field required in course creation form.
//$_configuration['course_creation_form_set_extra_fields_mandatory'] = ['fields' => ['fieldLabel1','fieldLabel2']];

// Course extra fields to be presented on course settings
//$_configuration['course_configuration_tool_extra_fields_to_show_and_edit'] = ['fields' => ['ExtrafieldLabel1', 'ExtrafieldLabel2']];

// Relation to prefill course extra field with user extra field on course creation
// on main/create_course/add_course.php and main/admin/course_add.php
// Fill the array with the course extra field to fill => user extra field where the value comes from
/*$_configuration['course_creation_user_course_extra_field_relation_to_prefill'] = [
    'fields' => [
        'CourseExtrafieldLabel1' => 'UserExtrafieldLabel1',
        'CourseExtrafieldLabel2' => 'UserExtrafieldLabel2',

// Hides the icon of percentage in "Average of tests in Learning Paths" indication on a student tracking
// $_configuration['student_follow_page_hide_lp_tests_average'] = false;

// Add navigation to the next or previous lp without going to the list.
// Requires DB change:
// ALTER TABLE c_lp ADD next_lp_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
//$_configuration['lp_enable_flow'] = false;

// User extra fields to be check on user edition to generate a specific process if it was modified
//$_configuration['user_edition_extra_field_to_check'] = 'ExtrafieldLabel';

// Enable skills in subcategory to work independant on assignement
// Require DB changes:
// ALTER TABLE gradebook_category ADD allow_skills_by_subcategory tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT '1';
// Requires edit Entity GradebookCategory: src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/GradebookCategory.php uncomment "allowSkillsBySubcategory" variable.
//$_configuration['gradebook_enable_subcategory_skills_independant_assignement'] = false;

// Shows the deleted quizzes in my progress page.
//$_configuration['tracking_my_progress_show_deleted_exercises'] = true;

// Hide IP in exercises reports
// $_configuration['exercise_hide_ip'] = false;

// Enable signature in attendance sheet for users
// Require DB changes:
// ALTER TABLE c_attendance_sheet ADD signature longtext NULL;
// ALTER TABLE c_attendance_calendar ADD blocked tinyint(1) NULL;
// Requires edit Entity CAttendanceSheet : src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CAttendanceSheet.php  add the @ symbol for attribute $signature into ORM\Column() line.
// Requires edit Entity CAttendanceCalendar : src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CAttendanceCalendar.php add the @ symbol for attribute $blocked into ORM\Column() line.
//$_configuration['enable_sign_attendance_sheet'] = false;

// Shows a link to the "my missing signatures" page in the /index.php and /user_portal.php page.
// It will only appears if enable_sign_attendance_sheet is alos true.
//$_configuration['show_missing_signatures_page'] = false;

// Make sessions by duration always accessible to coaches (otherwise
// they are only accessible during the active duration).
//$_configuration['session_coach_access_after_duration_end'] = false;

// Hide visibility options for session visibility after end date.
/*$_configuration['session_visibility_after_end_date_options_configuration'] = [
    'visibility_options_to_hide' => [

// Restrict the list of students to subscribe in the course session. And disable
// registration for users in all courses from Resume Session page
//$_configuration['session_course_users_subscription_limited_to_session_users'] = false;

// Disable tab to add classes in course session for non-admins
//$_configuration['session_classes_tab_disable'] = false;

// Disable the possibility for teachers to edit course visibility
//$_configuration['course_visibility_change_only_admin'] = false;

// Allow DRH user to access all students from reporting.
// $_configuration['drh_allow_access_to_all_students'] = false;

// Disable links in gradebook view for students
// $_configuration['gradebook_hide_link_to_item_for_student'] = false;

// It adds option to define if a document can be downloaded or not.
// Create a document extra field with field label "can_be_downloaded" of type "Checkbox options".
// $_configuration['documents_hide_download_icon'] = false;

// Add the username value to the "subscription to session" confirmation email
//$_configuration['email_template_subscription_to_session_confirmation_username'] = false;

// Add the "remember password" link to the "subscription to session" confirmation email
//$_configuration['email_template_subscription_to_session_confirmation_lost_password'] = false;

// Add a custom extra footer for notifications emails for a specific language, for example for
// privacy policy notices. Multiple languages and paragraphs can be added.
/*$_configuration['notifications_extended_footer_message'] = ['english' => ['paragraphs' => [
    'Change or delete this paragraph or add another one'

// Option to define duration for a calendar in attendance sheet.
// Create an attendance calendar extra field with field label "duration" of type "text".
// $_configuration['attendance_calendar_set_duration'] = false;

// Enable comments in attendance sheet for users
// Require DB changes:
//CREATE TABLE c_attendance_result_comment (iid int not null PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, attendance_sheet_id int not null, user_id int not null, created_at datetime not null, updated_at datetime not null, comment text not null, author_user_id int not null);
//CREATE INDEX c_attendance_sheet_user ON track_e_access_complete (attendance_sheet_id, user_id);
// Then add the "@" symbol to CAttendanceResultComment class in the ORM\Entity() line.
//$_configuration['attendance_allow_comments'] = false;

// Enable categories in Wiki tool.
// 1. Run the following DB changes:
CREATE TABLE c_wiki_rel_category (wiki_id INT NOT NULL, category_id INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_AC88945BAA948DBE (wiki_id), INDEX IDX_AC88945B12469DE2 (category_id), PRIMARY KEY(wiki_id, category_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE c_wiki_category (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, c_id INT NOT NULL, session_id INT DEFAULT NULL, tree_root INT DEFAULT NULL, parent_id INT DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, lft INT NOT NULL, lvl INT NOT NULL, rgt INT NOT NULL, INDEX IDX_17F1099A91D79BD3 (c_id), INDEX IDX_17F1099A613FECDF (session_id), INDEX IDX_17F1099AA977936C (tree_root), INDEX IDX_17F1099A727ACA70 (parent_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB;
ALTER TABLE c_wiki_rel_category ADD CONSTRAINT FK_AC88945B12469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES c_wiki_category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE c_wiki_category ADD CONSTRAINT FK_17F1099AA977936C FOREIGN KEY (tree_root) REFERENCES c_wiki_category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE c_wiki_category ADD CONSTRAINT FK_17F1099A727ACA70 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES c_wiki_category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
// 2. Add an "@" before "ORM\ManyToMany" and "@ORM\JoinTable" in the "CWiki::$categories" property definition (in src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CWiki.php)
// 3. Add an "@" before "ORM\Entity" in the "CWikiCategory" class definition (in src/Chamilo/CourseBundle/Entity/CWikiCategory.php)
//$_configuration['wiki_categories_enabled'] = false;

// Relation to prefill session extra field with user extra field on session creation on main/session/session_add.php
/*$_configuration['session_creation_user_course_extra_field_relation_to_prefill'] = [
    'fields' => [
        'client' => 'client',
        'region' => 'region',

// It adds option to define prerequisites with start and end dates for learnpath items.
// Requires DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES
(7, 7, 'start_date', 'StartDate', '', 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, NOW());
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES
(7, 7, 'end_date', 'EndDate', '', 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, NOW());
//$_configuration['lp_item_prerequisite_dates'] = false;

// Configuration setting to make some extra field required in session creation form on main/session/session_add.php.
// $_configuration['session_creation_form_set_extra_fields_mandatory'] = ['fields' => ['client','region']];

// Ask REST webservices (v2.php) to return another identifier for fields related to user ID.
// This is useful if the external system doesn't really deal with user IDs as they are in Chamilo, as it helps
// the external system match the user data return with some external data that is know to Chamilo. For example, if
// you use an external authentication system, you can return the extra field used to match the user with the
// external authentication system rather than user.id.
// $_configuration['webservice_return_user_field'] = 'oauth2_id';

// Add support for careers hierarchy - refs BT#20711
// 1. This requires the following DB change:
// ALTER TABLE career add parent_id INT
// ALTER TABLE career add constraint career_career_id_fk foreign key (parent_id) references career (id);
// 2. Add an "@" before "var int" and "ORM\Column..." in the "Career::$parentId" property definition (in src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Career.php)
// 3. Uncomment $parentId var in src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Entity/Career.php
// $_configuration['career_hierarchy_enable'] = false;

// -------- Custom DB changes
// Set to true to hide settings completely in a sub-URL if the setting is disabled in the
// main URL (where the access_url_changeable field = 0)
// $_configuration['multiple_url_hide_disabled_settings'] = false;

// List of learner certificates - User extra fields to include at the exported CSV as columns
//$_configuration['certificate_export_report_user_extra_fields'] = ['extra_fields' => ['office_address', 'office_phone_extension']];

// Only courses with this option will be visible in catalogue
// Requires DB changes:
INSERT INTO extra_field (extra_field_type, field_type, variable, display_text, default_value, field_order, visible_to_self, visible_to_others, changeable, filter, created_at) VALUES
(2, 3, 'show_in_catalogue', 'Show in catalogue', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, NOW());
SET @ef_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO extra_field_options (field_id, option_value, display_text, priority, priority_message, option_order) VALUES
(@ef_id, '1', 'Yes', NULL, NULL, 1),
(@ef_id, '0', 'No', NULL, NULL, 2);
//$_configuration['show_courses_in_catalogue'] = false;

// Allows defining one or several categories of courses that will be visible in the course catalog
// $_configuration['courses_catalogue_show_only_category'] = ['Cat1','Cat2'];

//Hides the link to the course catalog in the menu when the catalog is public.
// $_configuration['catalog_hide_public_link'] = false;

// Display the Portal News link in the admin page to session admin users
//$_configuration['session_admin_access_system_announcement'] = false;

// File upload size limit in MB for teachers (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc).
//$_configuration['file_upload_size_limit_for_teacher'] = 0;

// Add user activation by confirmation email
// This option prevents the new user to login in the platform if your account is not confirmed via email
// You need add a new option called "confirmation" to the registration settings
//INSERT INTO settings_options (variable, value, display_text) VALUES ('allow_registration', 'confirmation', 'MailConfirmation');

// Enable use of a custom course logo in mail & PDF headers
// $_configuration['mail_header_from_custom_course_logo'] = false;

// Enable additional_webservices.php for *remote* PPT2PNG/Oogie service
//$_configuration['webservice_remote_ppt2png_enable'] = false;

// Add more speed options to reading comprehension question type (type id = 21) in words per minute
//$_configuration['exercise_question_reading_comprehension_extra_speeds'] = ['speeds' => [70, 110, 170]];

//hide copy icon in LP's authoring options
//$_configuration['lp_hide_copy_option'] = false;

// Password rotation
// Requires creating a "Date and time" extra user field with the system id "password_updated_at"
// Note: only a password change by the user itself will be taken into account.
// Admins editing someone else's password do not count as a password update that would avoid the rotation request.
// If this feature is enabled on an existing portal, the registration date of users will be taken as
// the latest password change date.
//$_configuration['security_password_rotate_days'] = 90;

// Prevent login/pass cache by browser
// If enabled, users' browsers will not be able to re-use previous
// login/passwords in the main login form. Browsers might choose not to
// support this feature.
//$_configuration['security_login_autocomplete_disable'] = false;

// Block session about page access for all users
// $_configuration['session_about_block_all_access'] = false;

// Block course about page access for all users
// $_configuration['course_about_block_all_access'] = false;

// Add the user first connexion column to the page main/admin/user_list.php
// $_configuration['admin_user_list_add_first_connexion_column'] = false;

// Set the following parameter to true to enable student to be assign as teacher of a course
//$_configuration['course_allow_student_role_to_be_teacher'] = false;

// Set the following parameter to true to activate the integration of the mathjax script in all HTML documents
//$_configuration['mathjax_enable_script_header_in_all_HTML_document'] = false;

// E-mail-specific logo
// Set to true to use web/css/[current-theme]/images/email-logo.png as an
// e-mail logo instead of the platform logo. Only works if setting
// 'use_course_logo_in_course_page' is not set or there is no logo for that
// course. Recommended e-mail logo width is 540px.
//$_configuration['email_logo'] = false;

// Define the maximum time in seconds to be registered if no action by user in the LP for more than the php session lifetime.
//$_configuration['time_to_be_registered_for_abusiveTime'] = 600;

// Define the default time in seconds to be registered if the user does logout from a course and there is no recent entry in track_e_course_access.
//$_configuration['tracking_default_course_extra_time_on_logout'] = 600;

// Set to true to hide lp creation icon on lp list if in a session
//$_configuration['session_hide_lp_creation'] = false;
// Set to true to hide lp copy icon on lp list if in a session
//$_configuration['session_hide_lp_copy'] = false;
// Set to true to hide document upload icon on document list if in a session
//$_configuration['session_hide_document_upload'] = false;

// Define a special path token for the Common Cartridge export content.
// Due to changes in naming by the responsible organization, the Chamilo default
// is '$1EdTech-CC-FILEBASE$' (the latest), but previous versions of the standard
// recommended '$IMS-CC-FILEBASE$', so you might want to use that for greater compatibility.
//$_configuration['commoncartridge_path_token'] = '$IMS-CC-FILEBASE$';

// Set the following parameter to true to enable a session lifetime controller that notifies users that their session is about to expire
//$_configuration['session_lifetime_controller'] = false;