Current Path : /usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin/ |
Current File : //usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin/ |
<?php /** * The ESI class. * * This is used to define all esi related functions. * * @since 1.1.3 * @package LiteSpeed * @subpackage LiteSpeed/src * @author LiteSpeed Technologies <info@litespeedtech.com> */ namespace LiteSpeed; defined('WPINC') || exit(); class ESI extends Root { const LOG_TAG = '⏺'; private static $has_esi = false; private static $_combine_ids = array(); private $esi_args = null; private $_esi_preserve_list = array(); private $_nonce_actions = array(-1 => ''); // val is cache control const QS_ACTION = 'lsesi'; const QS_PARAMS = 'esi'; const COMBO = '__combo'; // ESI include combine='main' handler const PARAM_ARGS = 'args'; const PARAM_ID = 'id'; const PARAM_INSTANCE = 'instance'; const PARAM_NAME = 'name'; const WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE = 'widget_esi_enable'; const WIDGET_O_TTL = 'widget_ttl'; /** * Confructor of ESI * * @since 1.2.0 * @since 4.0 Change to be after Vary init in hook 'after_setup_theme' */ public function init() { /** * Bypass ESI related funcs if disabled ESI to fix potential DIVI compatibility issue * @since */ if (Router::is_ajax() || !$this->cls('Router')->esi_enabled()) { return; } // Guest mode, don't need to use ESI if (defined('LITESPEED_GUEST') && LITESPEED_GUEST) { return; } if (defined('LITESPEED_ESI_OFF')) { return; } // Init ESI in `after_setup_theme` hook after detected if LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL is ON or not $this->_hooks(); /** * Overwrite wp_create_nonce func * @since 2.9.5 */ $this->_transform_nonce(); !defined('LITESPEED_ESI_INITED') && define('LITESPEED_ESI_INITED', true); } /** * Init ESI related hooks * * Load delayed by hook to give the ability to bypass by LITESPEED_DISABLE_ALL const * * @since * @since 4.0 Changed to private from public * @access private */ private function _hooks() { add_filter('template_include', array($this, 'esi_template'), 99999); add_action('load-widgets.php', __NAMESPACE__ . '\Purge::purge_widget'); add_action('wp_update_comment_count', __NAMESPACE__ . '\Purge::purge_comment_widget'); /** * Recover REQUEST_URI * @since 1.8.1 */ if (!empty($_GET[self::QS_ACTION])) { self::debug('ESI req'); $this->_register_esi_actions(); } /** * Shortcode ESI * * To use it, just change the origianl shortcode as below: * old: [someshortcode aa='bb'] * new: [esi someshortcode aa='bb' cache='private,no-vary' ttl='600'] * * 1. `cache` attribute is optional, default to 'public,no-vary'. * 2. `ttl` attribute is optional, default is your public TTL setting. * 3. `_ls_silence` attribute is optional, default is false. * * @since 2.8 * @since 2.8.1 Check is_admin for Elementor compatibility #726013 */ if (!is_admin()) { add_shortcode('esi', array($this, 'shortcode')); } } /** * Take over all nonce calls and transform to ESI * * @since 2.9.5 */ private function _transform_nonce() { if (is_admin()) { return; } // Load ESI nonces in conf $nonces = $this->conf(Base::O_ESI_NONCE); add_filter('litespeed_esi_nonces', array($this->cls('Data'), 'load_esi_nonces')); if ($nonces = apply_filters('litespeed_esi_nonces', $nonces)) { foreach ($nonces as $action) { $this->nonce_action($action); } } add_action('litespeed_nonce', array($this, 'nonce_action')); } /** * Register a new nonce action to convert it to ESI * * @since 2.9.5 */ public function nonce_action($action) { // Split the Cache Control $action = explode(' ', $action); $control = !empty($action[1]) ? $action[1] : ''; $action = $action[0]; // Wildcard supported $action = Utility::wildcard2regex($action); if (array_key_exists($action, $this->_nonce_actions)) { return; } $this->_nonce_actions[$action] = $control; Debug2::debug('[ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] ' . $action); } /** * Check if an action is registered to replace ESI * * @since 2.9.5 */ public function is_nonce_action($action) { // If GM not run yet, then ESI not init yet, then ESI nonce will not be allowed even nonce func replaced. if (!defined('LITESPEED_ESI_INITED')) { return null; } if (is_admin()) { return null; } if (defined('LITESPEED_ESI_OFF')) { return null; } foreach ($this->_nonce_actions as $k => $v) { if (strpos($k, '*') !== false) { if (preg_match('#' . $k . '#iU', $action)) { return $v; } } else { if ($k == $action) { return $v; } } } return null; } /** * Shortcode ESI * * @since 2.8 * @access public */ public function shortcode($atts) { if (empty($atts[0])) { Debug2::debug('[ESI] ===shortcode wrong format', $atts); return 'Wrong shortcode esi format'; } $cache = 'public,no-vary'; if (!empty($atts['cache'])) { $cache = $atts['cache']; unset($atts['cache']); } $silence = false; if (!empty($atts['_ls_silence'])) { $silence = true; } do_action('litespeed_esi_shortcode-' . $atts[0]); // Show ESI link return $this->sub_esi_block('esi', 'esi-shortcode', $atts, $cache, $silence); } /** * Check if the requested page has esi elements. If so, return esi on * header. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public * @return string Esi On header if request has esi, empty string otherwise. */ public static function has_esi() { return self::$has_esi; } /** * Sets that the requested page has esi elements. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public static function set_has_esi() { self::$has_esi = true; } /** * Register all of the hooks related to the esi logic of the plugin. * Specifically when the page IS an esi page. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private */ private function _register_esi_actions() { /** * This hook is in `init` * For any plugin need to check if page is ESI, use `LSCACHE_IS_ESI` check after `init` hook */ !defined('LSCACHE_IS_ESI') && define('LSCACHE_IS_ESI', $_GET[self::QS_ACTION]); // Reused this to ESI block ID !empty($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']) && defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('[ESI] ESI_REFERER: ' . $_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']); /** * Only when ESI's parent is not REST, replace REQUEST_URI to avoid breaking WP5 editor REST call * @since 2.9.3 */ if (!empty($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']) && !$this->cls('REST')->is_rest($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER'])) { self::debug('overwrite REQUEST_URI to ESI_REFERER [from] ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' [to] ' . $_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']); if (!empty($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr(get_option('permalink_structure'), -1) === '/' && strpos($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER'], '?') === false ? trailingslashit($_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']) : $_SERVER['ESI_REFERER']; } # Prevent from 301 redirecting if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) { $SCRIPT_URI = parse_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']); $SCRIPT_URI['path'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; Utility::compatibility(); $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'] = http_build_url($SCRIPT_URI); } } if (!empty($_SERVER['ESI_CONTENT_TYPE']) && strpos($_SERVER['ESI_CONTENT_TYPE'], 'application/json') === 0) { add_filter('litespeed_is_json', '__return_true'); } /** * Make REST call be able to parse ESI * NOTE: Not effective due to ESI req are all to `/` yet * @since 2.9.4 */ add_action('rest_api_init', array($this, 'load_esi_block'), 101); // Register ESI blocks add_action('litespeed_esi_load-widget', array($this, 'load_widget_block')); add_action('litespeed_esi_load-admin-bar', array($this, 'load_admin_bar_block')); add_action('litespeed_esi_load-comment-form', array($this, 'load_comment_form_block')); add_action('litespeed_esi_load-nonce', array($this, 'load_nonce_block')); add_action('litespeed_esi_load-esi', array($this, 'load_esi_shortcode')); add_action('litespeed_esi_load-' . self::COMBO, array($this, 'load_combo')); } /** * Hooked to the template_include action. * Selects the esi template file when the post type is a LiteSpeed ESI page. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public * @param string $template The template path filtered. * @return string The new template path. */ public function esi_template($template) { // Check if is an ESI request if (defined('LSCACHE_IS_ESI')) { self::debug('calling ESI template'); return LSCWP_DIR . 'tpl/esi.tpl.php'; } self::debug('calling default template'); $this->_register_not_esi_actions(); return $template; } /** * Register all of the hooks related to the esi logic of the plugin. * Specifically when the page is NOT an esi page. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private */ private function _register_not_esi_actions() { do_action('litespeed_tpl_normal'); if (!Control::is_cacheable()) { return; } if (Router::is_ajax()) { return; } add_filter('widget_display_callback', array($this, 'sub_widget_block'), 0, 3); // Add admin_bar esi if (Router::is_logged_in()) { remove_action('wp_footer', 'wp_admin_bar_render', 1000); add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'sub_admin_bar_block'), 1000); } // Add comment forum esi for logged-in user or commenter if (!Router::is_ajax() && Vary::has_vary()) { add_filter('comment_form_defaults', array($this, 'register_comment_form_actions')); } } /** * Set an ESI to be combine='sub' * * @since 3.4.2 */ public static function combine($block_id) { if (!isset($_SERVER['X-LSCACHE']) || strpos($_SERVER['X-LSCACHE'], 'combine') === false) { return; } if (in_array($block_id, self::$_combine_ids)) { return; } self::$_combine_ids[] = $block_id; } /** * Load combined ESI * * @since 3.4.2 */ public function load_combo() { Control::set_nocache('ESI combine request'); if (empty($_POST['esi_include'])) { return; } self::set_has_esi(); Debug2::debug('[ESI] 🍔 Load combo', $_POST['esi_include']); $output = ''; foreach ($_POST['esi_include'] as $url) { $qs = parse_url(htmlspecialchars_decode($url), PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($qs, $qs); if (empty($qs[self::QS_ACTION])) { continue; } $esi_id = $qs[self::QS_ACTION]; $esi_param = !empty($qs[self::QS_PARAMS]) ? $this->_parse_esi_param($qs[self::QS_PARAMS]) : false; $inline_param = apply_filters('litespeed_esi_inline-' . $esi_id, array(), $esi_param); // Returned array need to be [ val, control, tag ] if ($inline_param) { $output .= self::_build_inline($url, $inline_param); } } echo $output; } /** * Build a whole inline segment * * @since 3.4.2 */ private static function _build_inline($url, $inline_param) { if (!$url || empty($inline_param['val']) || empty($inline_param['control']) || empty($inline_param['tag'])) { return ''; } $url = esc_attr($url); $control = esc_attr($inline_param['control']); $tag = esc_attr($inline_param['tag']); return "<esi:inline name='$url' cache-control='" . $control . "' cache-tag='" . $tag . "'>" . $inline_param['val'] . '</esi:inline>'; } /** * Build the esi url. This method will build the html comment wrapper as well as serialize and encode the parameter array. * * The block_id parameter should contain alphanumeric and '-_' only. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private * @param string $block_id The id to use to display the correct esi block. * @param string $wrapper The wrapper for the esi comments. * @param array $params The esi parameters. * @param string $control The cache control attribute if any. * @param bool $silence If generate wrapper comment or not * @param bool $preserved If this ESI block is used in any filter, need to temporarily convert it to a string to avoid the HTML tag being removed/filtered. * @param bool $svar If store the value in memory or not, in memory wil be faster * @param array $inline_val If show the current value for current request( this can avoid multiple esi requests in first time cache generating process ) */ public function sub_esi_block( $block_id, $wrapper, $params = array(), $control = 'private,no-vary', $silence = false, $preserved = false, $svar = false, $inline_param = array() ) { if (empty($block_id) || !is_array($params) || preg_match('/[^\w-]/', $block_id)) { return false; } if (defined('LITESPEED_ESI_OFF')) { Debug2::debug('[ESI] ESI OFF so force loading [block_id] ' . $block_id); do_action('litespeed_esi_load-' . $block_id, $params); return; } if ($silence) { // Don't add comment to esi block ( original for nonce used in tag property data-nonce='esi_block' ) $params['_ls_silence'] = true; } if ($this->cls('REST')->is_rest() || $this->cls('REST')->is_internal_rest()) { $params['is_json'] = 1; } $params = apply_filters('litespeed_esi_params', $params, $block_id); $control = apply_filters('litespeed_esi_control', $control, $block_id); if (!is_array($params) || !is_string($control)) { defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug("[ESI] 🛑 Sub hooks returned Params: \n" . var_export($params, true) . "\ncache control: \n" . var_export($control, true)); return false; } // Build params for URL $appended_params = array( self::QS_ACTION => $block_id, ); if (!empty($control)) { $appended_params['_control'] = $control; } if ($params) { $appended_params[self::QS_PARAMS] = base64_encode(json_encode($params)); Debug2::debug2('[ESI] param ', $params); } // Append hash $appended_params['_hash'] = $this->_gen_esi_md5($appended_params); /** * Escape potential chars * @since 2.9.4 */ $appended_params = array_map('urlencode', $appended_params); // Generate ESI URL $url = add_query_arg($appended_params, trailingslashit(wp_make_link_relative(home_url()))); $output = ''; if ($inline_param) { $output .= self::_build_inline($url, $inline_param); } $output .= "<esi:include src='$url'"; if (!empty($control)) { $control = esc_attr($control); $output .= " cache-control='$control'"; } if ($svar) { $output .= " as-var='1'"; } if (in_array($block_id, self::$_combine_ids)) { $output .= " combine='sub'"; } if ($block_id == self::COMBO && isset($_SERVER['X-LSCACHE']) && strpos($_SERVER['X-LSCACHE'], 'combine') !== false) { $output .= " combine='main'"; } $output .= ' />'; if (!$silence) { $output = "<!-- lscwp $wrapper -->$output<!-- lscwp $wrapper esi end -->"; } self::debug("💕 [BLock_ID] $block_id \t[wrapper] $wrapper \t\t[Control] $control"); self::debug2($output); self::set_has_esi(); // Convert to string to avoid html chars filter when using // Will reverse the buffer when output in self::finalize() if ($preserved) { $hash = md5($output); $this->_esi_preserve_list[$hash] = $output; self::debug("Preserved to $hash"); return $hash; } return $output; } /** * Generate ESI hash md5 * * @since 2.9.6 * @access private */ private function _gen_esi_md5($params) { $keys = array(self::QS_ACTION, '_control', self::QS_PARAMS); $str = ''; foreach ($keys as $v) { if (isset($params[$v]) && is_string($params[$v])) { $str .= $params[$v]; } } Debug2::debug2('[ESI] md5_string=' . $str); return md5($this->conf(Base::HASH) . $str); } /** * Parses the request parameters on an ESI request * * @since 1.1.3 * @access private */ private function _parse_esi_param($qs_params = false) { $req_params = false; if ($qs_params) { $req_params = $qs_params; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST[self::QS_PARAMS])) { $req_params = $_REQUEST[self::QS_PARAMS]; } if (!$req_params) { return false; } $unencrypted = base64_decode($req_params); if ($unencrypted === false) { return false; } Debug2::debug2('[ESI] parms', $unencrypted); // $unencoded = urldecode($unencrypted); no need to do this as $_GET is already parsed $params = json_decode($unencrypted, true); return $params; } /** * Select the correct esi output based on the parameters in an ESI request. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public function load_esi_block() { /** * Validate if is a legal ESI req * @since 2.9.6 */ if (empty($_GET['_hash']) || $this->_gen_esi_md5($_GET) != $_GET['_hash']) { Debug2::debug('[ESI] ❌ Failed to validate _hash'); return; } $params = $this->_parse_esi_param(); if (defined('LSCWP_LOG')) { $logInfo = '[ESI] ⭕ '; if (!empty($params[self::PARAM_NAME])) { $logInfo .= ' Name: ' . $params[self::PARAM_NAME] . ' ----- '; } $logInfo .= ' [ID] ' . LSCACHE_IS_ESI; Debug2::debug($logInfo); } if (!empty($params['_ls_silence'])) { !defined('LSCACHE_ESI_SILENCE') && define('LSCACHE_ESI_SILENCE', true); } /** * Buffer needs to be JSON format * @since 2.9.4 */ if (!empty($params['is_json'])) { add_filter('litespeed_is_json', '__return_true'); } Tag::add(rtrim(Tag::TYPE_ESI, '.')); Tag::add(Tag::TYPE_ESI . LSCACHE_IS_ESI); // Debug2::debug(var_export($params, true )); /** * Handle default cache control 'private,no-vary' for sub_esi_block() @ticket #923505 * * @since 2.2.3 */ if (!empty($_GET['_control'])) { $control = explode(',', $_GET['_control']); if (in_array('private', $control)) { Control::set_private(); } if (in_array('no-vary', $control)) { Control::set_no_vary(); } } do_action('litespeed_esi_load-' . LSCACHE_IS_ESI, $params); } // The *_sub_* functions are helpers for the sub_* functions. // The *_load_* functions are helpers for the load_* functions. /** * Loads the default options for default WordPress widgets. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public static function widget_default_options($options, $widget) { if (!is_array($options)) { return $options; } $widget_name = get_class($widget); switch ($widget_name) { case 'WP_Widget_Recent_Posts': case 'WP_Widget_Recent_Comments': $options[self::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE] = Base::VAL_OFF; $options[self::WIDGET_O_TTL] = 86400; break; default: break; } return $options; } /** * Hooked to the widget_display_callback filter. * If the admin configured the widget to display via esi, this function * will set up the esi request and cancel the widget display. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public * @param array $instance Parameter used to build the widget. * @param WP_Widget $widget The widget to build. * @param array $args Parameter used to build the widget. * @return mixed Return false if display through esi, instance otherwise. */ public function sub_widget_block($instance, $widget, $args) { // #210407 if (!is_array($instance)) { return $instance; } $name = get_class($widget); if (!isset($instance[Base::OPTION_NAME])) { return $instance; } $options = $instance[Base::OPTION_NAME]; if (!isset($options) || !$options[self::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE]) { defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('ESI 0 ' . $name . ': ' . (!isset($options) ? 'not set' : 'set off')); return $instance; } $esi_private = $options[self::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE] == Base::VAL_ON2 ? 'private,' : ''; $params = array( self::PARAM_NAME => $name, self::PARAM_ID => $widget->id, self::PARAM_INSTANCE => $instance, self::PARAM_ARGS => $args, ); echo $this->sub_esi_block('widget', 'widget ' . $name, $params, $esi_private . 'no-vary'); return false; } /** * Hooked to the wp_footer action. * Sets up the ESI request for the admin bar. * * @access public * @since 1.1.3 * @global type $wp_admin_bar */ public function sub_admin_bar_block() { global $wp_admin_bar; if (!is_admin_bar_showing() || !is_object($wp_admin_bar)) { return; } // To make each admin bar ESI request different for `Edit` button different link $params = array( 'ref' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ); echo $this->sub_esi_block('admin-bar', 'adminbar', $params); } /** * Parses the esi input parameters and generates the widget for esi display. * * @access public * @since 1.1.3 * @global $wp_widget_factory * @param array $params Input parameters needed to correctly display widget */ public function load_widget_block($params) { // global $wp_widget_factory; // $widget = $wp_widget_factory->widgets[ $params[ self::PARAM_NAME ] ]; $option = $params[self::PARAM_INSTANCE]; $option = $option[Base::OPTION_NAME]; // Since we only reach here via esi, safe to assume setting exists. $ttl = $option[self::WIDGET_O_TTL]; defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('ESI widget render: name ' . $params[self::PARAM_NAME] . ', id ' . $params[self::PARAM_ID] . ', ttl ' . $ttl); if ($ttl == 0) { Control::set_nocache('ESI Widget time to live set to 0'); } else { Control::set_custom_ttl($ttl); if ($option[self::WIDGET_O_ESIENABLE] == Base::VAL_ON2) { Control::set_private(); } Control::set_no_vary(); Tag::add(Tag::TYPE_WIDGET . $params[self::PARAM_ID]); } the_widget($params[self::PARAM_NAME], $params[self::PARAM_INSTANCE], $params[self::PARAM_ARGS]); } /** * Generates the admin bar for esi display. * * @access public * @since 1.1.3 */ public function load_admin_bar_block($params) { if (!empty($params['ref'])) { $ref_qs = parse_url($params['ref'], PHP_URL_QUERY); if (!empty($ref_qs)) { parse_str($ref_qs, $ref_qs_arr); if (!empty($ref_qs_arr)) { foreach ($ref_qs_arr as $k => $v) { $_GET[$k] = $v; } } } } wp_admin_bar_render(); if (!$this->conf(Base::O_ESI_CACHE_ADMBAR)) { Control::set_nocache('build-in set to not cacheable'); } else { Control::set_private(); Control::set_no_vary(); } defined('LSCWP_LOG') && Debug2::debug('ESI: adminbar ref: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } /** * Parses the esi input parameters and generates the comment form for esi display. * * @access public * @since 1.1.3 * @param array $params Input parameters needed to correctly display comment form */ public function load_comment_form_block($params) { comment_form($params[self::PARAM_ARGS], $params[self::PARAM_ID]); if (!$this->conf(Base::O_ESI_CACHE_COMMFORM)) { Control::set_nocache('build-in set to not cacheable'); } else { // by default comment form is public if (Vary::has_vary()) { Control::set_private(); Control::set_no_vary(); } } } /** * Generate nonce for certain action * * @access public * @since 2.6 */ public function load_nonce_block($params) { $action = $params['action']; Debug2::debug('[ESI] load_nonce_block [action] ' . $action); // set nonce TTL to half day Control::set_custom_ttl(43200); if (Router::is_logged_in()) { Control::set_private(); } if (function_exists('wp_create_nonce_litespeed_esi')) { echo wp_create_nonce_litespeed_esi($action); } else { echo wp_create_nonce($action); } } /** * Show original shortcode * * @access public * @since 2.8 */ public function load_esi_shortcode($params) { if (isset($params['ttl'])) { if (!$params['ttl']) { Control::set_nocache('ESI shortcode att ttl=0'); } else { Control::set_custom_ttl($params['ttl']); } unset($params['ttl']); } // Replace to original shortcode $shortcode = $params[0]; $atts_ori = array(); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if ($k === 0) { continue; } $atts_ori[] = is_string($k) ? "$k='" . addslashes($v) . "'" : $v; } Tag::add(Tag::TYPE_ESI . "esi.$shortcode"); // Output original shortcode final content echo do_shortcode("[$shortcode " . implode(' ', $atts_ori) . ' ]'); } /** * Hooked to the comment_form_defaults filter. * Stores the default comment form settings. * If sub_comment_form_block is triggered, the output buffer is cleared and an esi block is added. The remaining comment form is also buffered and cleared. * Else there is no need to make the comment form ESI. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public function register_comment_form_actions($defaults) { $this->esi_args = $defaults; echo GUI::clean_wrapper_begin(); add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', array($this, 'sub_comment_form_btn'), 1000, 2); // To save the params passed in add_action('comment_form', array($this, 'sub_comment_form_block'), 1000); return $defaults; } /** * Store the args passed in comment_form for the ESI comment param usage in `$this->sub_comment_form_block()` * * @since 3.4 * @access public */ public function sub_comment_form_btn($unused, $args) { if (empty($args) || empty($this->esi_args)) { Debug2::debug('comment form args empty?'); return $unused; } $esi_args = array(); // compare current args with default ones foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if (!isset($this->esi_args[$k])) { $esi_args[$k] = $v; } elseif (is_array($v)) { $diff = array_diff_assoc($v, $this->esi_args[$k]); if (!empty($diff)) { $esi_args[$k] = $diff; } } elseif ($v !== $this->esi_args[$k]) { $esi_args[$k] = $v; } } $this->esi_args = $esi_args; return $unused; } /** * Hooked to the comment_form_submit_button filter. * * This method will compare the used comment form args against the default args. The difference will be passed to the esi request. * * @access public * @since 1.1.3 */ public function sub_comment_form_block($post_id) { echo GUI::clean_wrapper_end(); $params = array( self::PARAM_ID => $post_id, self::PARAM_ARGS => $this->esi_args, ); echo $this->sub_esi_block('comment-form', 'comment form', $params); echo GUI::clean_wrapper_begin(); add_action('comment_form_after', array($this, 'comment_form_sub_clean')); } /** * Hooked to the comment_form_after action. * Cleans up the remaining comment form output. * * @since 1.1.3 * @access public */ public function comment_form_sub_clean() { echo GUI::clean_wrapper_end(); } /** * Replace preseved blocks * * @since 2.6 * @access public */ public function finalize($buffer) { // Prepend combo esi block if (self::$_combine_ids) { Debug2::debug('[ESI] 🍔 Enabled combo'); $esi_block = $this->sub_esi_block(self::COMBO, '__COMBINE_MAIN__', array(), 'no-cache', true); $buffer = $esi_block . $buffer; } // Bypass if no preserved list to be replaced if (!$this->_esi_preserve_list) { return $buffer; } $keys = array_keys($this->_esi_preserve_list); Debug2::debug('[ESI] replacing preserved blocks', $keys); $buffer = str_replace($keys, $this->_esi_preserve_list, $buffer); return $buffer; } /** * Check if the content contains preserved list or not * * @since 3.3 */ public function contain_preserve_esi($content) { $hit_list = array(); foreach ($this->_esi_preserve_list as $k => $v) { if (strpos($content, '"' . $k . '"') !== false) { $hit_list[] = '"' . $k . '"'; } if (strpos($content, "'" . $k . "'") !== false) { $hit_list[] = "'" . $k . "'"; } } return $hit_list; } }