Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/www/themes/default/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/www/themes/default/top_themes_theme.php |
<?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //=========================================================== // categories_theme.php //=========================================================== // SOFTACULOUS // Version : 1.1 // Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Started by: Alons // Date: 10th Jan 2009 // Time: 21:00 hrs // Site: http://www.softaculous.com/ (SOFTACULOUS) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Please Read the Terms of use at http://www.softaculous.com // ---------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================== // (c)Softaculous Inc. //=========================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!defined('SITEPAD') && !defined('SITEMUSH')){ die('Hacking Attempt'); } function top_themes_theme(){ global $theme, $globals, $user, $l, $langs, $skins, $error, $saved, $themes, $featured, $nupanel; if($globals['nupanel'] == 'directadmin'){ $fullurl = 'CMD_PLUGINS/sitepad'; $cat_image_path = 'images/themes/default/images/cats/'; }elseif($globals['nupanel'] == 'cpanel'){ $fullurl = '../../3rdparty/sitepad'; }elseif($globals['nupanel'] == 'plesk'){ $fullurl = '/modules/sitepad'; }else{ $fullurl = 'http://localhost/ampps'; } if($globals['nupanel'] == 'plesk'){ $width = '450px'; $s_width = '455px'; }else{ $width = 'auto'; $s_width = 'auto'; } $str = ' <style type="text/css"> #sitepad_div1{ font-size: 11px; padding: 0px; width:500px; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, "Trebuchet MS", "Times New Roman", Georgia, sans-serif, serif; } .smush_theme_header{ color: #777; font-size: 18px; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding:5px; } </style>'; if($globals['nupanel'] == 'directadmin'){ $str .= '<img src="'.$fullurl.'/'.$theme['images'].'da.gif" align="left"/><br /><br /><br /> <div style="margin-left:70px;margin-right:15px"><br /><br />'; } if($globals['nupanel'] == 'plesk'){ $str .= '<center><img src="'.$fullurl.'/'.$theme['images'].'plesk.gif" /></center>'; } $str .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15px" onmouseover="sitepad_mousemove(\'themes_div\', event);" onmouseout="sitepad_stop(\'themes_div\', event);" align="center"> <img src="'.$fullurl.'/'.$theme['images'].'move_left.png" alt="Left" border="0"/> </td> <td> <div style="overflow:hidden;display: block;width:'.$s_width.';" id="themes_div" onclick="sitepad_stop(this.id, event);"> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" id="themes_table" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr>'; $i = 0; if(!empty($featured)){ foreach($featured as $k => $v){ // Show only 9 themes if($i >= 9){ break; } // We have to make some changes as per the theme (i.e for x3 and paper_lantern) if(is_cp_theme('paper_lantern')){ $img_path = fastestmirror().'/files/themes/'.$k.'/'.$k.'_275.jpg'; $td_width = 295; $td_height = 315; }else{ $img_path = fastestmirror().'/files/themes/'.$k.'/'.$k.'_275.jpg'; $td_width = 295; $td_height = 315; } $str .= '<td width="'.$td_width.'" valign="middle" align="center" height="'.$td_height.'"><a href="'.$fullurl.'/'.$globals['ind'].(!empty($globals['sitepad_editor_new']) ? 'act=new_site&': '').'theme='.$k.'" style="text-decoration:none;" target="_blank"><div style="border:1px solid #ccc;box-shadow:0 1px 2px #777;width:98%;"><div class="smush_theme_header">'.$v['name'].'</div><img src="'.$img_path.'" /></div></a></td>'; $i++; } }else{ foreach($themes as $k => $v){ // Show only 9 themes if($i >= 9){ break; } // We have to make some changes as per the theme (i.e for x3 and paper_lantern) if(is_cp_theme('paper_lantern')){ $img_path = fastestmirror_img($k).'/'.$k.'_275.jpg'; $td_width = 295; $td_height = 315; }else{ $img_path = fastestmirror_img($k).'/'.$k.'_275.jpg'; $td_width = 295; $td_height = 315; } $str .= '<td width="'.$td_width.'" valign="middle" align="center" height="'.$td_height.'"><a href="'.$fullurl.'/'.$globals['ind'].(!empty($globals['sitepad_editor_new']) ? 'act=new_site&': '').'theme='.$k.'" style="text-decoration:none;" target="_blank"><div style="border:1px solid #ccc;box-shadow:0 1px 2px #777;width:98%;"><div class="smush_theme_header">'.$v['name'].'</div><img src="'.$img_path.'" /></div></a></td>'; $i++; } } $str .= '</tr></table></div></td> <td width="15px" onmouseover="sitepad_mousemove(\'themes_div\', event);" onmouseout="sitepad_stop(\'themes_div\', event);" align="center"> <img src="'.$fullurl.'/'.$theme['images'].'move_right.png" alt="Right" border="0"/> </td> </tr></table>'; // If its Dirctadmin than Closing the DIV if($globals['nupanel'] == 'directadmin'){ $str .= '</div>'; } echo 'var sitepadOffsets = function(e){ e = e || window.event; var //cache document variables _d = document, _dBody = _d.body, _dDocEl = _d.documentElement, _o = null, //calculate scroll values _scroll_left = _dDocEl.scrollLeft ? _dDocEl.scrollLeft : 0 + _dBody.scrollLeft ? _dBody.scrollLeft : 0, _scroll_top = _dDocEl.scrollTop ? _dDocEl.scrollTop : 0 + _dBody.scrollTop ? _dBody.scrollTop : 0, window_pos = { _x: (e.pageX || e.clientX) + _scroll_left, _y: (e.pageY || e.clientY) + _scroll_top }, viewport_pos = { _x: (e.pageX || e.clientX), _y: (e.pageY || e.clientY) }, _console = function(o, type) { o = (typeof o === "object") ? o : _d.getElementById(o); o.innerHTML = type + " = [ " + " X: " + ((type === "viewport") ? viewport_pos._x : window_pos._x) + " Y: " + ((type === "viewport") ? viewport_pos._y : window_pos._y) + " ] Foo: " + Math.random() }; return { ViewPortX: viewport_pos._x, ViewPortY: viewport_pos._y, WindowX: window_pos._x, WindowY: window_pos._y, ViewPort: [viewport_pos._x, viewport_pos._y], Window: [window_pos._x, window_pos._y], ToString: _console }; }; //Finds the position of the element function sitepad_findelpos(ele){ var curleft = 0; var curtop = 0; if(ele.offsetParent){ while(1){ curleft += ele.offsetLeft; curtop += ele.offsetTop; if(!ele.offsetParent){ break; } ele = ele.offsetParent; } }else if(ele.x){ curleft += ele.x; curtop += ele.y; } return [curleft,curtop]; }; function sitepad_mousemove(id, e){ if(typeof sitem[id+"left"] == "undefined"){ sitem[id+"right"] = ""; sitem[id+"left"] = ""; sitem[id+"entered"] = false; } if(sitem[id+"entered"] == true){ return false; } sitem[id+"entered"] = true; var ele = document.getElementById(id); var mouse = sitepadOffsets(e); mouse[0] = mouse.ViewPortX; sitem[id+"elpos"] = sitepad_findelpos(ele); sitem[id+"menuwidth"] = ele.offsetWidth; sitem[id+"leftbound"] =((sitem[id+"menuwidth"]-20)/2) + sitem[id+"elpos"][0]; sitem[id+"rightbound"] =((sitem[id+"menuwidth"]+20)/2) + sitem[id+"elpos"][0]; //alert(sitem[id+"leftbound"]+" "+sitem[id+"rightbound"]+" "+mouse[0]); //document.getElementById("aaa").innerHTML = mouse[0]+"<br />"+document.getElementById("aaa").innerHTML; if (mouse[0]>sitem[id+"rightbound"]){ sitepad_Left(id); }else if (mouse[0]<sitem[id+"leftbound"]){ sitepad_Right(id); }else{ sitepad_stop(id, e); } } var sitem = new Object(); function sitepad_Left(id){ clearTimeout(sitem[id+"right"]); document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft += 1; sitem[id+"right"] = setTimeout("sitepad_Left(\'"+id+"\')",5); }; function sitepad_Right(id){ clearTimeout(sitem[id+"left"]); document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft -= 1;//alert(document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft);return; sitem[id+"left"] = setTimeout("sitepad_Right(\'"+id+"\')",5); }; function sitepad_stop(id, e){ clearTimeout(sitem[id+"right"]); clearTimeout(sitem[id+"left"]); sitem[id+"entered"] = false; };'; echo 'var sitepad_html = \''.str_replace(array('\'', " ", "\r"), array('\\\'', '\'+"\n"+\'', '\'+"\n"+\''),$str).'\'; '; if($globals['nupanel'] == 'directadmin'){ echo 'document.getElementById("sitepad_div1").innerHTML = sitepad_html;'; }elseif($globals['nupanel'] == 'plesk'){ echo 'document.getElementById("secondary").innerHTML = "<div class=\'applications-dashboard-box\'>" + sitepad_html+ "</div>"+document.getElementById("secondary").innerHTML;'; }else{ echo 'function show_top_themes(){'; if(!empty($globals['show_top_themes'])){ echo 'document.getElementById("sitepad_div-body").innerHTML = sitepad_html;'; } echo '}; window.addEventListener("load", function() { //Top Themes were loaded before the div sitepad_div-body creation setTimeout(show_top_themes, 1000); }, false); '; } } ?>