Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/shortcode_functions.php |
<?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //=========================================================== // class.php //=========================================================== // PAGELAYER // Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Started by: Pulkit Gupta // Date: 23rd Jan 2017 // Time: 23:00 hrs // Site: http://pagelayer.com/wordpress (PAGELAYER) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Please Read the Terms of use at http://pagelayer.com/tos // ---------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================== // (c)Pagelayer Team //=========================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Are we being accessed directly ? if(!defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')) { exit('Hacking Attempt !'); } // Is there a block ? function pagelayer_render_blocks($pre_render, $parsed_block){ global $pagelayer; if(empty($parsed_block)){ return $pre_render; } $block_name = $parsed_block['blockName']; $tag = ''; $content = $parsed_block['innerHTML']; $inner_blocks = array( 'blocks' => $parsed_block['innerBlocks'], 'content' => $parsed_block['innerContent'] ); $atts = $parsed_block['attrs']; $atts['is_not_sc'] = 1; if ( is_string( $block_name ) && 0 === strpos( $block_name, 'pagelayer/' ) ) { $tag = substr( $block_name, 10 ); } $allowed_tags = ['pl_inner_row', 'pl_inner_col']; if( (empty($tag) || !array_key_exists($tag, $pagelayer->shortcodes) ) && ! in_array( $tag, $allowed_tags) ){ return $pre_render; } return pagelayer_render_shortcode($atts, $content, $tag, $inner_blocks); } // Is there a tag ? function pagelayer_render_shortcode($atts, $content = '', $tag = '', $inner_blocks = array()){ global $pagelayer; $is_block = 0; $el = []; // Is block ? if(!empty($atts['is_not_sc'])){ $is_block = 1; unset($atts['is_not_sc']); } $_tag = $class = $tag; $final_tag = $tag; // Check if the tag is inner row and col then change it to row and col tag if($tag == 'pl_inner_row'){ $tag = 'pl_row'; }elseif($tag == 'pl_inner_col'){ $tag = 'pl_col'; $final_tag = $tag; } // Clear the pagelayer tags if(substr($tag, 0, 3) == 'pl_'){ $_tag = str_replace('pl_', '', $final_tag); $class = 'pagelayer-'.$_tag; } if(empty($atts)){ $atts = array(); }else{ $atts = (array) $atts; } // If global - > Get the post and replace $atts if(!empty($atts['global_id'])){ if(!empty($pagelayer->global_widgets[$atts['global_id']])){ $content = $pagelayer->global_widgets[$atts['global_id']]['$']; return pagelayer_change_id($content); } if(!empty($pagelayer->global_sections[$atts['global_id']])){ $content = $pagelayer->global_sections[$atts['global_id']]['$']; return pagelayer_change_id($content); } // Set the global id as attr $el['attr'][] = 'pagelayer-global-id="'.$atts['global_id'].'"'; } // Is there any function ? $func = @$pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['func']; // If not, we will search for a default func if prefix of tag is pl_ if(empty($func) && substr($tag, 0, 3) == 'pl_'){ $func = 'pagelayer_sc_'.substr($tag, 3); } // UnescapeHTML for the attributes, Fix for old shortcode method if(empty($is_block)){ $atts = array_map('pagelayer_unescapeHTML', $atts); } // Create the element array. NOTE : This is similar to the JS el and is temporary $el['atts'] = $atts; $el['oAtts'] = $atts; $el['id'] = !empty($atts['pagelayer-id']) ? $atts['pagelayer-id'] : pagelayer_create_id(); $el['tmp'] = []; $el['tag'] = $final_tag; $el['content'] = $content; $el['inner_blocks'] = $inner_blocks; $el['selector'] = '[pagelayer-id="'.$el['id'].'"]'; $el['cssSel'] = '.p-'.$el['id']; $el['wrap'] = '[pagelayer-wrap-id="'.$el['id'].'"]'; // Remove pagelayer-id from attr if( !empty($atts['pagelayer-id']) ){ unset($el['atts']['pagelayer-id']); unset($el['oAtts']['pagelayer-id']); } $innerHTML = @$pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['innerHTML']; if(!empty($innerHTML) && !empty($content)){ $el['oAtts'][$innerHTML] = $content; $el['atts'][$innerHTML] = $content; } // The default class $el['classes'][] = 'p-'.$el['id']; $el['classes'][] = $class; // Register hook to filter $el $el = apply_filters('pagelayer_do_shortcode_el', $el); //pagelayer_print($el); // Lets create the CSS, Classes, Attr. Also clean the dependent atts foreach($pagelayer->tabs as $tab){ if(empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag][$tab])){ continue; } foreach($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag][$tab] as $section => $Lsection){ $props = empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag][$section]) ? @$pagelayer->styles[$section] : @$pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag][$section]; //echo $tab.' - '.$section.' - <br>'; if(empty($props)){ continue; } foreach($props as $prop => $param){ //echo $tab.' - '.$section.' - '.$prop.'<br>'; // Handle the edit fields if(!empty($param['edit'])){ $el['edit'][$prop] = $param['edit']; } // No value set if(empty($el['atts'][$prop]) && empty($el['atts'][$prop.'_tablet']) && empty($el['atts'][$prop.'_mobile'])){ continue; } // Clean the not required atts if(!empty($param['req'])){ $set = true; foreach($param['req'] as $rk => $reqval){ $except = $rk[0] == '!' ? true : false; $rk = $except ? substr($rk, 1) : $rk; $val = @$el['atts'][$rk]; //echo $prop.' - '.$rk.' : '.$reqval.' == '.$val.'<br>'; // The value should not be there if($except){ if(!is_array($reqval) && $reqval == $val){ $set = false; break; } // Its an array and a value is found, then dont show if(is_array($reqval) && in_array($val, $reqval)){ $set = false; break; } // The value must be equal }else{ if(!is_array($reqval) && $reqval != $val){ $set = false; break; } // Its an array and no value is found, then dont show if(is_array($reqval) && !in_array($val, $reqval)){ $set = false; break; } } } // Unset as we dont need if(empty($set)){ unset($el['atts'][$prop]); unset($el['atts'][$prop.'_tablet']); unset($el['atts'][$prop.'_mobile']); unset($el['tmp'][$prop]); unset($el['tmp'][$prop.'_tablet']); unset($el['tmp'][$prop.'_mobile']); } } // We could have unset the value above, so we need to check again if the value is there if(empty($el['atts'][$prop]) && empty($el['atts'][$prop.'_tablet']) && empty($el['atts'][$prop.'_mobile'])){ continue; } // Load any attachment values - This should go on top in the newer version @TODO if(in_array($param['type'], ['image', 'video', 'audio', 'media'])){ $attachment = ($param['type'] == 'image') ? pagelayer_image(@$el['atts'][$prop]) : pagelayer_attachment(@$el['atts'][$prop]); if(!empty($attachment)){ foreach($attachment as $k => $v){ $el['tmp'][$prop.'-'.$k] = $v; } } } // Load any attachment values - This should go on top in the newer version @TODO if($param['type'] == 'multi_image'){ $img_ids = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts'][$prop]); $img_urls = []; // Make the image URL foreach($img_ids as $k => $v){ $image = pagelayer_image($v); $img_urls['i'.$v] = @$image['url']; } $el['tmp'][$prop.'-urls'] = json_encode($img_urls); } // Backward compatibility of row if($el['tag'] == 'pl_row' && $prop == 'content_pos' && !empty($el['atts'][$prop])){ if($el['atts'][$prop] == 'baseline'){ $el['atts'][$prop] = $el['oAtts'][$prop] = 'flex-start'; }else if($el['atts'][$prop] == 'end'){ $el['atts'][$prop] = $el['oAtts'][$prop] = 'flex-end'; } } // Backward compatibility of Icons if($param['type'] == 'icon' && !empty($el['atts'][$prop]) && !preg_match('/\s/', $el['atts'][$prop])){ $el['atts'][$prop] = $el['oAtts'][$prop] = 'fa fa-'.$el['atts'][$prop]; } // Backward compatibility of Box Shadow if($param['type'] == 'box_shadow' && !empty($el['atts'][$prop])){ $shadow_atts = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts'][$prop]); if(count($shadow_atts) == 4){ $shadow_atts[] = '0'; $shadow_atts[] = ''; $el['atts'][$prop] = $el['oAtts'][$prop] = $shadow_atts; } } // Backward compatibility of units. And also for the default set value if it is numeric if(!empty($param['units']) && isset($el['atts'][$prop]) && is_numeric($el['atts'][$prop])){ $el['atts'][$prop] = $el['oAtts'][$prop] = $el['atts'][$prop].$param['units'][0]; } // Load permalink values if($param['type'] == 'link'){ $link = $el['atts'][$prop]; if( is_array($el['atts'][$prop]) ){ // Link is required for check IF and IF-EXT in html if(!isset($el['atts'][$prop]['link']) || strlen(trim($el['atts'][$prop]['link'])) < 1){ $link = ''; unset($el['atts'][$prop]); continue; } $link = $el['atts'][$prop]['link']; if(!empty($el['atts'][$prop]['target'])){ $el['attr'][][$param['selector']] = 'target="_blank"'; } if(!empty($el['atts'][$prop]['rel'])){ $el['attr'][][$param['selector']] = 'rel="nofollow"'; } if(!empty($el['atts'][$prop]['attrs'])){ $atts_ar = pagelayer_string_to_attributes($el['atts'][$prop]['attrs']); if(!empty($atts_ar)){ foreach($atts_ar as $att => $value){ $el['attr'][][$param['selector']] = $att.'="'.$value.'"'; } } } } $el['tmp'][$prop] = pagelayer_permalink($link); } // Handle the AddClasses if(!empty($param['addClass']) && !empty($el['atts'][$prop])){ // Convert to an array if(!is_array($param['addClass'])){ $param['addClass'] = array($param['addClass']); } // Loop through foreach($param['addClass'] as $k => $v){ $k = str_replace('{{element}}', '', $k); $el['classes'][] = [trim($k) => str_replace('{{val}}', $el['atts'][$prop], $v)]; } } // Handle the AddAttributes if(!empty($param['addAttr']) && !empty($el['atts'][$prop])){ // Convert to an array if(!is_array($param['addAttr'])){ $param['addAttr'] = array($param['addAttr']); } // Loop through foreach($param['addAttr'] as $k => $v){ $k = str_replace('{{element}}', '', $k); $el['attr'][] = [trim($k) => $v]; } } $modes = [ 'desktop' => '', 'tablet' => '_tablet', 'mobile' => '_mobile' ]; $global_typo = ($param['type'] == 'typography') ? pagelayer_is_global_typo(@$el['atts'][$prop]) : ''; // Handle the CSS if(!empty($param['css'])){ //echo $prop.'<br>'; // Convert to an array if(!is_array($param['css'])){ $param['css'] = array($param['css']); } // Loop the modes and check for values foreach($modes as $mk => $mv){ $M_prop = $prop.$mv; $prop_val = isset($el['atts'][$M_prop]) ? $el['atts'][$M_prop] : ''; // If is global font if( $param['type'] == 'typography' && (!empty($prop_val) || !empty($global_typo)) ){ $prop_val = pagelayer_parse_typo($prop_val, $global_typo, $mk); } // Any value ? if(empty($prop_val)){ continue; } // Global color handler if($param['type'] == 'color'){ $prop_val = pagelayer_parse_color($prop_val); } // If there is global gradient color if($param['type'] == 'gradient'){ $prop_val = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $prop_val); foreach($prop_val as $grad_key => $grad_val){ if($grad_val[0] != '$'){ continue; } $prop_val[$grad_key] = pagelayer_parse_color($grad_val); } } // Loop through foreach($param['css'] as $k => $v){ // Make the selector $selector = (!is_numeric($k) ? $k : $el['cssSel']); $selector = pagelayer_parse_el_vars($selector, $el); if($mk == 'tablet'){ $selector = '|pl_tablet|'.$selector; } if($mk == 'mobile'){ $selector = '|pl_mobile|'.$selector; } // Make the CSS if(!empty($selector)){ $el['css'][$selector][] = rtrim( trim( pagelayer_css_render($v, $prop_val, @$param['sep']) ), ';' ); }else{ $el['css'][][] = pagelayer_parse_el_vars($el['atts'][$M_prop],$el); } } } } $font_cache = ''; // Loop the modes and check for values foreach($modes as $mk => $mv){ $M_prop = $prop.$mv; if($param['type'] == 'typography' && !empty($el['atts'][$M_prop])){ $prop_val = pagelayer_parse_typo($el['atts'][$M_prop], $global_typo, $mk); $val = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $prop_val); //For backward comaptibility if($mk == 'desktop'){ $font_cache = $val[0]; } $val[0] = empty($val[0]) ? $font_cache : $val[0]; if(!empty($val[0])){ pagelayer_load_font_family($val[0], @$val[3], @$val[2]); //pagelayer_print($pagelayer->runtime_fonts); } } if($prop == 'font_family' && !empty($el['atts'][$M_prop])){ $val = $el['atts'][$M_prop]; if(!empty($val)){ pagelayer_load_font_family($val, @$el['atts']['font_weight'.$mv], @$el['atts']['font_style'.$mv]); } } } } } } //@pagelayer_print($el['css']); // Is there a function of the tag ? if(function_exists($func)){ call_user_func_array($func, array(&$el)); } // Create the default atts and tmp atts if(pagelayer_is_live()){ pagelayer_create_sc($el, $is_block); } $div = '<div pagelayer-id="'.$el['id'].'"> <style pagelayer-style-id="'.$el['id'].'"></style>'; $is_group = !empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['has_group']) ? true : false; // If there is an HTML AND you are not a GROUP, then make use of it, or append the real content if(!empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['html'])){ // Create the HTML object $node = pagelayerQuery::parseStr($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['html']); // Remove the if-ext foreach($node('[if-ext]') as $v){ $reqvar = pagelayer_var($v->attr('if-ext')); $v->removeAttr('if-ext'); // Is the element there ? if(empty($el['atts'][$reqvar])){ $ext_html = $v->html(); if(strlen($ext_html) > 0){ $v->after($ext_html); } $v->remove(); } } // Remove the if foreach($node('[if]') as $v){ $reqvar = pagelayer_var($v->attr('if')); $v->removeAttr('if'); // Is the element there ? if(empty($el['atts'][$reqvar])){ $v->remove(); } } //die($node->html()); // Do we have a holder ? Mainly for groups if(!empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['holder'])){ $node->query($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['holder'])->html('{{pagelayer_do_shortcode}}'); $do_shortcode = 1; } $html = pagelayer_parse_vars($node->html(), $el); // Append to the DIV $div .= $html; // Is it a widget ? }elseif(!empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['widget'])){ $class = $pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['widget']; $instance = []; // Is there any existing data ? if(!empty($el['atts']['widget_data'])){ $json = trim($el['atts']['widget_data']); $json = json_decode($json, true); //pagelayer_print($json);die(); if(!empty($json)){ $instance = $json; } } ob_start(); the_widget($class, $instance, array('widget_id'=>'arbitrary-instance-'.$el['id'], 'before_widget' => '', 'after_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '', 'after_title' => '' )); $div .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }else{ $div .= '{{pagelayer_do_shortcode}}'; $do_shortcode = 1; } // End the tag $div .= '</div>'; // Add classes and attributes if(!empty($el['classes']) || !empty($el['attr']) || !empty($el['atts']['ele_attributes'])){ // Create the HTML object $node = pagelayerQuery::parseStr($div); // Add the editable values if(!empty($el['edit']) && pagelayer_is_live()){ foreach($el['edit'] as $k => $v){ $node->query($v)->attr('pagelayer-editable', $k); } } // Add the post data editable if(pagelayer_is_live() && !empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['edit_props']) && is_array($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['edit_props'])){ $edit_props = $pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['edit_props']; foreach($edit_props as $k => $v){ $node->query($k)->attr('pagelayer-props-editable', $v); } } // Add the classes if(!empty($el['classes'])){ //pagelayer_print($el['classes']); foreach($el['classes'] as $k => $v){ if(!is_array($v)){ $v = [$v]; } foreach($v as $kk => $vv){ //echo $kk.' - '.$vv."\n"; if(is_numeric($kk)){ $node->query($el['selector'])->addClass($vv); }else{ $node->query($kk)->addClass($vv); } } } //echo $node->html(); //die(); } // Add the attributes if(!empty($el['attr'])){ //pagelayer_print($el['attr']); foreach($el['attr'] as $k => $v){ if(!is_array($v)){ $v = [$v]; } foreach($v as $kk => $vv){ $att = explode('=', $vv, 2); $att[1] = pagelayer_parse_vars($att[1], $el); $att[1] = trim($att[1], '"'); if(is_numeric($kk)){ $node->query($el['selector'])->attr($att[0], $att[1]); }else{ $node->query($kk)->attr($att[0], $att[1]); } } } } // Adding Custom Attributes if(!empty($el['atts']['ele_attributes'])){ $val = pagelayer_string_to_attributes($el['atts']['ele_attributes']); if(!empty($val)){ foreach($val as $att => $value ){ $node->query($el['selector'])->attr($att, $value); } } } // Get font family form inline style foreach($node->query('[style]') as $snode){ $ss = $snode->attr('style'); if(strpos($ss, 'font-family') === false){ continue; } $ss = explode(';', html_entity_decode($snode->attr('style'))); foreach($ss as $sss){ if(strpos($sss, 'font-family') === false){ continue; } $ff = explode(':', $sss); $val = trim( trim($ff[1]), '"' ); $fw = array('100', '100i', '200', '200i', '300', '300i', '400', '400i', '500', '500i', '600', '600i', '700', '700i', '800', '800i', '900', '900i'); foreach($fw as $ww){ $pagelayer->runtime_fonts[$val][$ww] = $ww; } } } $div = $node->html(); //die($div); } // Add the CSS if any or remove it $style = ''; if(!empty($el['css'])){ $screen_style = array('tablet' => '', 'mobile' => ''); $style = '<style pagelayer-style-id="'.$el['id'].'">'; foreach($el['css'] as $ck => $cv){ preg_match('/\|pl_(mobile|tablet)\|/is', $ck, $screen_matches); $ck = str_replace(['|pl_mobile|', '|pl_tablet|'], '', $ck); $media = @$screen_matches[1]; $merge_css = implode(';', $cv); $combine_css = (!is_numeric($ck) ? $ck.'{'.$merge_css.'}' : $merge_css ).PHP_EOL; // Mobile or tablet ? if(!empty($media)){ $screen_style[$media] .= $combine_css; continue; } $style .= $combine_css; } if(!empty($screen_style['tablet'])){ $style .= '@media (max-width: '.$pagelayer->settings['tablet_breakpoint'].'px) and (min-width: '.($pagelayer->settings['mobile_breakpoint'] + 1).'px){'.$screen_style['tablet'].'}'.PHP_EOL; } if(!empty($screen_style['mobile'])){ $style .= '@media (max-width: '.$pagelayer->settings['mobile_breakpoint'].'px){'.$screen_style['mobile'].'}'.PHP_EOL; } $style .= '</style>'; $style = pagelayer_parse_vars($style, $el); if(!empty($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['overide_css_selector'])){ $overide_css_selector = pagelayer_parse_el_vars($pagelayer->shortcodes[$tag]['overide_css_selector'], $el); $style = str_replace($el['cssSel'], $overide_css_selector, $style); $style = str_replace($el['wrap'], $overide_css_selector, $style); } $style = pagelayer_unescapeHTML($style); } $div = str_replace('<style pagelayer-style-id="'.$el['id'].'"></style>', $style, $div); // Is there an inner content which requires a SHORTCODE ? if(!empty($do_shortcode)){ $inner_content = pagelayer_render_inner_content($el); $div = str_replace('{{pagelayer_do_shortcode}}', $inner_content, $div); } // Sanitize the content $div = apply_filters( 'pagelayer_sanitize_do_shortcode', $div ); return $div; } // Render inner content function pagelayer_render_inner_content(&$el){ $inner_content = ''; // Is block code? if( !empty($el['inner_blocks']) ){ $index = 0; foreach ( $el['inner_blocks']['content'] as $chunk ) { if ( is_string( $chunk ) ) { // If any string in Column the conver this is text widget in pagelayer live if(!empty(trim($chunk)) && pagelayer_is_live() && $el['tag'] == 'pl_col'){ $parsed_block['blockName'] = 'pagelayer/pl_text'; $parsed_block['innerHTML'] = $chunk; $parsed_block['attrs'] = []; $inner_content .= render_block($parsed_block); continue; } $inner_content .= $chunk; continue; } $inner_block = $el['inner_blocks']['blocks'][ $index ]; $inner_content .= render_block($inner_block); ++$index; } }else{ $inner_content .= do_shortcode($el['content']); } return $inner_content; } // Change pagelayer id in html function pagelayer_change_id($content){ global $pagelayer; preg_match_all('/pagelayer-id="(.*?)"/', $content, $matches); $matches = array_unique($matches[1]); foreach($matches as $val){ $id = pagelayer_create_id(); $content = str_replace($val, $id, $content); } return $content; } // Creates the shortcode and returns a base64 encoded files function pagelayer_create_sc(&$el, $is_block = 0){ global $pagelayer; $a = $tmp = array(); $pagelayer->data_attr[$el['id']] = ['attr' => $el['oAtts'], 'tmp' => $el['tmp']]; /*if(!empty($el['oAtts'])){ foreach($el['oAtts'] as $k => $v){ $v = str_replace('&', '&', $v); if($is_block){ $v = pagelayer_escapeHTML($v); } $el['attr'][] = 'pagelayer-a-'.$k.'="'.$v.'"'; } } // Tmp atts if(!empty($el['tmp'])){ foreach($el['tmp'] as $k => $v){ $v = str_replace('&', '&', $v); if($is_block){ $v = pagelayer_escapeHTML($v); } $el['attr'][] = 'pagelayer-tmp-'.$k.'="'.$v.'"'; } }*/ // Add the tag $el['attr'][] = 'pagelayer-tag="'.$el['tag'].'"'; // Make it a PageLayer element for editing $el['classes'][] = 'pagelayer-ele'; } // Converts {{val}} to val function pagelayer_var($var){ return substr($var, 2, -2); } // Is the given global color function pagelayer_is_global_typo($value){ global $pagelayer; $typo_key = ''; // Backward compatibility if(is_string($value) && $value[0] == '$'){ $typo_key = substr($value, 1); } if(is_array($value) && isset($value['global-font'])){ $typo_key = $value['global-font']; } // If global color not exist if(!empty($typo_key)){ $typo_key = isset($pagelayer->global_fonts[$typo_key]) ? $typo_key : 'primary'; } return $typo_key; } // Parse typography and handle Backward compatibility function pagelayer_parse_typo($value, $desk_global = '', $mk = 'desktop'){ global $pagelayer; $value = empty($value)? [] : $value; // Backward compatibility for comma seperated val if(!is_array($value) && $value[0] != '$'){ return $value; } $val = ['','','','','','','','','','','']; $global_typo = pagelayer_is_global_typo($value); $_desk_global = false; if( empty($global_typo) ){ $global_typo = $desk_global; $_desk_global = true; } // Apply global typo foreach($pagelayer->typo_props as $typo => $typo_key){ // Backspace compatibility for normal array and if is set global in '$' format like $primary if(is_array($value) && !empty($value[$typo])){ $val[$typo] = $value[$typo]; } if(!empty($value[$typo_key])){ $val[$typo] = $value[$typo_key]; } if(!empty($val[$typo]) || empty($global_typo)){ continue; } $global_val = $pagelayer->global_fonts[$global_typo]['value']; if( empty($global_val[$typo_key]) || (is_array($global_val[$typo_key]) && empty($global_val[$typo_key][$mk])) || (!is_array($global_val[$typo_key]) && !empty($_desk_global) && $mk != 'desktop') ){ continue; } $val[$typo] = 'var(--pagelayer-font-'.$global_typo.'-'.$typo_key.')'; } return $val; } // Parse color for global color function pagelayer_parse_color($value, $var = true){ global $pagelayer; // Global color handler if($value[0] != '$' ){ return $value; } $gkey = substr($value, 1); $gkey = isset($pagelayer->global_colors[$gkey]) ? $gkey : 'primary'; if(empty($var)){ return @$pagelayer->global_colors[$gkey]['value']; } return 'var(--pagelayer-color-'.$gkey.')'; } // Replace the variables function pagelayer_parse_el_vars($str, &$el){ global $pagelayer, $post; // if is 404 then @$post->ID if(!empty( $pagelayer->rendering_template_id ) && @$post->ID != $pagelayer->rendering_template_id){ $is_editable = false; }else{ $is_editable = true; } $str = str_replace('{{element}}', $el['cssSel'], $str); $is_live = pagelayer_is_live(); if(!empty($is_live) && $is_editable){ $str = str_replace('{{wrap}}', $el['wrap'], $str); }else{ $str = str_replace('{{wrap}}', $el['cssSel'], $str); } $str = str_replace('{{ele_id}}', $el['id'], $str); return $str; } // Parse the variables function pagelayer_parse_vars($str, &$el){ //pagelayer_print($el); if(!empty($el['tmp']) && is_array($el['tmp'])){ foreach($el['tmp'] as $k => $v){ $str = str_replace('{{{'.$k.'}}}', pagelayer_maybe_implode($el['tmp'][$k]), $str); } } if(is_array($el['atts'])){ foreach($el['atts'] as $k => $v){ $str = str_replace('{{'.$k.'}}', pagelayer_maybe_implode($el['atts'][$k]), $str); } } return $str; } // Make the rule function pagelayer_css_render($rule, $val, $sep = ','){ // Seperator $sep = empty($sep) ? ',' : $sep; if(is_array($val)){ $val = implode($sep, $val); } // Replace the val $rule = pagelayer_css_val_replace('{{val}}', pagelayer_hex8_to_rgba($val), $rule); // If there is an array if(preg_match('/\{val\[\d/is', $rule)){ $val = explode($sep, $val); foreach($val as $k => $v){ $rule = pagelayer_css_val_replace('{{val['.$k.']}}', pagelayer_hex8_to_rgba($v), $rule); } } return $rule; } // Make the rule function pagelayer_css_val_replace($val, $v, $rule){ // If value has css var then we remove units if(strripos($v, 'var(') !== false){ $pattern = '/'.preg_quote($val, '/').'?[^\s|;]+/is'; $rule = preg_replace($pattern, $v, $rule); return $rule; } $rule = str_replace($val, $v, $rule); return $rule; } // Post Property Handler function pagelayer_sc_post_props(&$el){ global $post; if(empty($post)){ return; } $el['oAtts']['post_title'] = $post->post_title; $el['oAtts']['post_name'] = $post->post_name; $el['oAtts']['post_excerpt'] = $post->post_excerpt; $el['oAtts']['post_status'] = (empty($post->post_password)) ? $post->post_status : 'pass_protected'; $el['oAtts']['post_password'] = $post->post_password; $el['oAtts']['featured_image'] = get_post_thumbnail_id($post); $el['oAtts']['comment_status'] = ($post->comment_status == 'open') ? 'true' : ''; $el['oAtts']['ping_status'] = ($post->ping_status == 'open') ? 'true' : ''; $el['oAtts']['post_date'] = $post->post_date; $el['oAtts']['post_sticky'] = is_sticky($post->ID) ? 'true' : ''; $el['oAtts']['post_parent'] = $post->post_parent; $el['oAtts']['menu_order'] = $post->menu_order; $el['oAtts']['post_author'] = $post->post_author; $el['oAtts']['post_category'] = ''; $el['oAtts']['post_tags'] = ''; $tag_name = pagelayer_post_type_tag($post->post_type); if(!empty($tag_name)){ $postTags = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, $tag_name ); $el['oAtts']['post_tags'] = array_column((array)$postTags, 'name'); } $cat_name = pagelayer_post_type_category($post->post_type); if(!empty($cat_name)){ $category = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $cat_name ); $el['oAtts']['post_category'] = array_column((array)$category, 'term_id'); } // Load featured image details if(!empty($el['oAtts']['featured_image'])){ $attachment = pagelayer_image($el['oAtts']['featured_image']); if(!empty($attachment)){ foreach($attachment as $k => $v){ $el['tmp']['featured_image-'.$k] = $v; } } } } // ROW Handler function pagelayer_sc_row(&$el){ pagelayer_bg_video($el); if(!empty($el['atts']['row_shape_type_top'])){ $path_top = PAGELAYER_DIR.'/images/shapes/'.$el['atts']['row_shape_type_top'].'-top.svg'; $el['atts']['svg_top'] = file_get_contents($path_top); } if(!empty($el['atts']['row_shape_type_bottom'])){ $path_bottom = PAGELAYER_DIR.'/images/shapes/'.$el['atts']['row_shape_type_bottom'].'-bottom.svg'; $el['atts']['svg_bottom'] = file_get_contents($path_bottom); } // Row background slider if(!empty($el['atts']['bg_slider'])){ $ids = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts']['bg_slider']); $urls = []; $el['atts']['slider'] = ''; // Make the image URL foreach($ids as $k => $v){ $image = pagelayer_image($v); $urls['i'.$v] = @$image['url']; $el['atts']['slider'] .= '<div class="pagelayer-bgimg-slide" style="background-image:url(\''.$image['url'].'\')"></div>'; } if(!empty($urls)){ $el['tmp']['bg_slider-urls'] = json_encode($urls); } } // Row background parallax image. if(!empty($el['atts']['parallax_img'])){ $img_size = @$el['tmp']['parallax_img-'.$el['atts']['parallax_id_size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['parallax_img_src'] = empty($img_size) ? @$el['tmp']['parallax_img-url'] : $img_size; } } // Column Handler function pagelayer_sc_col(&$el){ // Add the default col class $el['classes'][] = 'pagelayer-col'; //return do_shortcode($el['content']); pagelayer_bg_video($el); // Column background slider if(!empty($el['atts']['bg_slider'])){ $ids = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts']['bg_slider']); $urls = []; $el['atts']['slider'] = ''; // Make the image URL foreach($ids as $k => $v){ $image = pagelayer_image($v); $urls['i'.$v] = @$image['url']; $el['atts']['slider'] .= '<div class="pagelayer-bgimg-slide" style="background-image:url(\''.$image['url'].'\')"></div>'; } if(!empty($urls)){ $el['tmp']['bg_slider-urls'] = json_encode($urls); } } // Col background parallax image. if(!empty($el['atts']['parallax_img'])){ $img_size = @$el['tmp']['parallax_img-'.$el['atts']['parallax_id_size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['parallax_img_src'] = empty($img_size) ? @$el['tmp']['parallax_img-url'] : $img_size; } } // Just for BG handling function pagelayer_bg_video(&$el){ if(empty($el['tmp']['bg_video_src-url'])){ return false; } // Get the video URL for the iframe $iframe_atts = pagelayer_video_url($el['tmp']['bg_video_src-url'], true); $source = esc_url( $el['tmp']['bg_video_src-url'] ); $source = str_replace('&', '&', $source); $url = parse_url($source); $iframe_atts['src'] .= substr_count($iframe_atts['src'], '?') > 0 ? '' : '?'; if(!empty($el['atts']['mute'])){ $iframe_atts['src'] .= "&mute=1"; $el['atts']['mute'] = " muted "; }else{ $iframe_atts['src'] .= "&mute=0"; $el['atts']['mute'] = ""; } if(empty($el['atts']['stop_loop'])){ $iframe_atts['src'] .= "&loop=1"; $el['atts']['stop_loop'] = " loop "; }else{ $iframe_atts['src'] .= "&loop=0"; $el['atts']['stop_loop'] = ""; } if (!empty($source)) { if ($iframe_atts['type'] == 'youtube') { $settings = ' data-loop="'.( !empty($el['atts']['stop_loop']) ? 1 : 0 ).'" data-mute="'.( !empty($el['atts']['mute']) ? 1 : 0 ).'" data-videoid = "'.( $iframe_atts['id'] ).'"'; $el['atts']['vid_src'] = '<div class = "pagelayer-youtube-video" '. $settings .'></div>'; } else if ($iframe_atts['type'] == 'vimeo') { $el['atts']['vid_src'] = '<iframe src="'.$iframe_atts['src'].'&background=1&autoplay=1&byline=0&title=0" allowfullscreen="1" webkitallowfullscreen="1" mozallowfullscreen="1" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; }else{ $el['atts']['vid_src'] = '<video autoplay playsinline '.$el['atts']['mute'].$el['atts']['stop_loop'].'>'. '<source src="'.$iframe_atts['src'].'" type="video/mp4">'. '</video>'; } } } // Heading Handler function pagelayer_sc_heading(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array('rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-link-sel')); } // Heading Handler function pagelayer_sc_icon(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array('rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link')); } // Heading Handler function pagelayer_sc_badge(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'badge_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'badge_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link' )); } // Heading Handler function pagelayer_sc_btn(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array('selector' => '.pagelayer-btn-holder')); } // Image Handler function pagelayer_sc_social(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'social_url', 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link' )); if(empty($el['atts']['icon'])) return; $icon = explode(' fa-', $el['atts']['icon']); $el['classes'][] = ['.pagelayer-icon-holder' => 'pagelayer-'.$icon[1]]; } // Image Handler function pagelayer_sc_image(&$el){ // Decide the image URL $el['atts']['func_id'] = @$el['tmp']['id-'.$el['atts']['id-size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['func_id'] = empty($el['atts']['func_id']) ? @$el['tmp']['id-url'] : $el['atts']['func_id']; $el['atts']['pagelayer-srcset'] = $el['atts']['func_id'].', '.$el['atts']['func_id'].' 1x, '; $image_atts = array( 'name' => 'id', 'size' => 'id-size' ); pagelayer_get_img_srcset($el, $image_atts); // What is the link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ // Custom url if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'custom_url'){ // Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link')); $el['atts']['func_link'] = @$el['tmp']['link']; } // Link to the media file itself if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'media_file'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_id']; } // Lightbox if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'lightbox'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_id']; } } //pagelayer_print($el); } // Image Slider Handler function pagelayer_sc_image_slider(&$el){ // Backward compatibility for new link props if( !empty($el['atts']['link_type']) && $el['atts']['link_type'] == 'custom_url' ){ pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-link-sel')); } if(empty($el['atts']['ids'])){ $el['atts']['ids'] = ''; } $ids = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts']['ids']); $urls = []; $all_urls = []; $final_urls = []; $ul = []; $size = $el['atts']['size']; // Make the image URL foreach($ids as $k => $v){ $image = pagelayer_image($v); $final_urls[$v] = empty($image[$size.'-url']) ? @$image['url'] : $image[$size.'-url']; $urls['i'.$v] = @$image['url']; foreach($image as $kk => $vv){ $si = strstr($kk, '-url', true); if(!empty($si)){ $all_urls['i'.$v][$si] = $vv; } } $li = '<li class="pagelayer-slider-item">'; // Any Link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ $link = ($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'media_file' ? (!empty($image['url']) ? $image['url'] : $final_urls[$v]) : @$el['tmp']['link']); $li .= '<a href="'.$link.'" class="pagelayer-link-sel">'; } // The Image $li .= '<img class="pagelayer-img" src="'.$final_urls[$v].'" title="'.$image['title'].'" alt="'.$image['alt'].'">'; if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ $li .= '</a>'; } $li .= '</li>'; $ul[] = $li; } //pagelayer_print($urls); //pagelayer_print($final_urls); //pagelayer_print($all_urls); // Make the TMP vars if(!empty($urls)){ $el['tmp']['ids-urls'] = json_encode($urls); $el['tmp']['ids-all-urls'] = json_encode($all_urls); $el['atts']['ul'] = implode('', $ul); // Which arrows to show if(in_array(@$el['atts']['controls'], ['arrows', 'none'])){ $el['attr'][] = ['.pagelayer-image-slider-ul' => 'data-pager="false"']; } if(in_array(@$el['atts']['controls'], ['pager', 'none'])){ $el['attr'][] = ['.pagelayer-image-slider-ul' => 'data-controls="false"']; } } }; //Grid Gallery Handler function pagelayer_sc_grid_gallery(&$el){ if(empty($el['atts']['ids'])){ $el['atts']['ids'] = ''; } $ids = pagelayer_maybe_explode(',', $el['atts']['ids']); $urls = []; $all_urls = []; $final_urls = []; $ul = []; $pagin = '<li class="pagelayer-grid-page-item active">1</li>'; $size = $el['atts']['size']; $i = 0; $j = 1; $img_Page = $el['atts']['images_no']; $gallery_rand = 'gallery-id-'.floor((rand() * 100) + 1); $ul[] = '<ul class="pagelayer-grid-gallery-ul">'; // Make the image URL foreach($ids as $k => $v){ $image = pagelayer_image($v); $final_urls[$v] = empty($image[$size.'-url']) ? @$image['url'] : $image[$size.'-url']; $urls['i'.$v] = @$image['url']; $links['i'.$v] = @$image['link']; $titles['i'.$v] = @$image['title']; $captions['i'.$v] = @$image['caption']; foreach($image as $kk => $vv){ $si = strstr($kk, '-url', true); if(!empty($si)){ $all_urls['i'.$v][$si] = $vv; } } if($img_Page != 0 && ($i % $img_Page) == 0 && $i != 0 ){ $ul[] = '</ul><ul class="pagelayer-grid-gallery-ul">'; $j++; $pagin .= '<li class="pagelayer-grid-page-item">'.$j.'</li>'; } $li = '<li class="pagelayer-gallery-item" >'; if(empty($el['atts']['link_to'])){ $li .= '<div>'; } // Any Link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_to']) && $el['atts']['link_to'] == 'media_file'){ $link = ($el['atts']['link_to'] == 'media_file' ? $final_urls[$v] : @$el['atts']['link']); $li .= '<a href="'.$link.'" class="pagelayer-ele-link">'; } // Any Link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_to']) && $el['atts']['link_to'] == 'attachment' ){ $link = $image['link']; $li .= '<a href="'.$link.'" class="pagelayer-ele-link">'; } if(!empty($el['atts']['link_to']) && $el['atts']['link_to'] == 'lightbox'){ $li .= '<a href="'.$image['url'].'" data-lightbox-gallery="'.$gallery_rand.'" alt="'.$image['alt'].'" class="pagelayer-ele-link" pagelayer-grid-gallery-type="'.$el['atts']['link_to'].'">'; } // The Image $li .= '<img class="pagelayer-img" src="'.$final_urls[$v].'" title="'.$image['title'].'" alt="'.$image['alt'].'">'; if(!empty($el['atts']['caption'])){ $li .= '<span class="pagelayer-grid-gallery-caption">'.$image['caption'].'</span>'; } if(!empty($el['atts']['link_to'])){ $li .= '</a>'; } if(empty($el['atts']['link_to'])){ $li .= '</div>'; } $li .= '</li>'; $ul[] = $li; $i++; } $ul[] = '</ul>'; $pagiComplete[] = '<div class="pagelayer-grid-gallery-pagination"><ul class="pagelayer-grid-page-ul">'.'<li class="pagelayer-grid-page-item">«</li>'.$pagin.'<li class="pagelayer-grid-page-item">»</li>'.'</ul></div>'; //pagelayer_print($urls); //pagelayer_print($final_urls); //pagelayer_print($all_urls); // Make the TMP vars if(!empty($urls)){ $el['tmp']['ids-urls'] = json_encode($urls); $el['tmp']['ids-all-urls'] = json_encode($all_urls); $el['tmp']['ids-all-links'] = json_encode($links); $el['tmp']['ids-all-titles'] = json_encode($titles); $el['tmp']['ids-all-captions'] = json_encode($captions); $el['atts']['ul'] = implode('', $ul); $el['atts']['pagin'] = ($j>1) ? implode('', $pagiComplete) : ''; $el['tmp']['gallery-random-id'] = $gallery_rand; } } // Testimonial Handler function pagelayer_sc_testimonial(&$el){ if(empty($el['atts']['avatar']) || !empty($el['tmp']['avatar-no-image-set'])){ $el['atts']['avatar'] = ''; } $custom_size = empty($el['atts']['custom_size']) ? '' : @$el['tmp']['avatar-'.$el['atts']['custom_size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['func_image'] = empty($custom_size) ? @$el['tmp']['avatar-url'] : $custom_size; } // Video Handler function pagelayer_sc_video(&$el){ $el['atts']['custom_size'] = empty($el['atts']['custom_size']) ? '' : $el['atts']['custom_size']; $el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-url'] = empty($el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-url']) ? '' : $el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-url']; $el['atts']['video_overlay_image'] = empty($el['atts']['video_overlay_image']) ? '' : $el['atts']['video_overlay_image']; $el['atts']['video_overlay_image-url'] = empty($el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-'.$el['atts']['custom_size'].'-url']) ? $el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-url'] : $el['tmp']['video_overlay_image-'.$el['atts']['custom_size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['video_overlay_image-url'] = empty($el['atts']['video_overlay_image-url']) ? $el['atts']['video_overlay_image'] : $el['atts']['video_overlay_image-url']; // Get the video URL for the iframe $vid_atts = pagelayer_video_url($el['tmp']['src-url'], true); $vid_atts['src'] .= substr_count($vid_atts['src'], '?') > 0 ? '' : '?'; $vid_atts['src'] .= !empty($el['atts']['autoplay']) ? '&autoplay=1' : '&autoplay=0' ; $mute = !empty($el['atts']['mute']) ? 1 : 0; $vid_atts['src'] .='&'.($vid_atts['type'] == 'vimeo' ? 'muted' : 'mute').'='.$mute; $vid_atts['src'] .= !empty($el['atts']['loop']) == 'true' ? '&loop=1' : '&loop=0' ; $el['atts']['vid_src'] = $vid_atts['src'].($vid_atts['type'] == 'youtube' ? '&playlist='.$vid_atts['id'] : ''); $el['tmp']['ele_id'] = $el['id']; } // Shortcodes Handler function pagelayer_sc_shortcodes(&$el){ $is_live = pagelayer_is_live(); if(empty($is_live)){ $el['tmp']['shortcode'] = pagelayer_the_content($el['atts']['data']); } } // Missing Handler function pagelayer_sc_missing(&$el){ if(pagelayer_is_live()){ $el['tmp']['missing_msg'] = __('The pagelayer doesn’t support this content. You can leave this block intact or remove it completely.'); } } // Shortcodes Handler function pagelayer_sc_wp_widgets(&$el){ global $wp_registered_sidebars; $data = ''; foreach($wp_registered_sidebars as $v){ if($el['atts']['sidebar'] == $v['id']){ ob_start(); dynamic_sidebar($v['id']); $data = ob_get_clean(); } } $el['tmp']['data'] = $data; } // Service Handler function pagelayer_sc_service(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'box_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'box_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-box-link' )); //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'heading_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'heading_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-service-heading-link' )); //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'service_button_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'service_button_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-service-btn' )); if(!empty($el['atts']['service_image'])){ // Decide the image URL $el['atts']['func_image'] = @$el['tmp']['service_image-'.$el['atts']['service_image_size'].'-url']; $el['atts']['func_image'] = empty($el['atts']['func_image']) ? @$el['tmp']['service_image-url'] : $el['atts']['func_image']; $el['atts']['pagelayer-srcset'] = $el['atts']['func_image'].', '.$el['atts']['func_image'].' 1x, '; $image_atts = array( 'name' => 'service_image', 'size' => 'service_image_size' ); pagelayer_get_img_srcset($el, $image_atts); } } // Icon box Handler function pagelayer_sc_iconbox(&$el){ //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'box_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'box_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-box-link' )); //Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'link' => 'heading_url', 'rel' => '', 'target' => 'heading_target', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-service-heading-link', )); } function pagelayer_sc_google_maps(&$el){ $el['atts']['show_v2'] = true; if(empty($el['atts']['api_version'])){ $el['atts']['src_code'] = ''; return; } $el['atts']['show_v2'] = false; $api_key = @$el['atts']['api_key']; if( empty($api_key) && !empty(get_option('pagelayer-gmaps-api-key')) ){ $api_key = get_option('pagelayer-gmaps-api-key'); } if($el['atts']['map_modes'] == 'view'){ $el['atts']['center'] = empty($el['atts']['center']) ? '-33.8569,151.2152' : $el['atts']['center']; } $src_code = (empty($el['atts']['center']) ? '' : '¢er='.$el['atts']['center']).($el['atts']['map_modes'] == 'streetview' ? '' : '&maptype='.$el['atts']['map_type'].'&zoom='.$el['atts']['zoom']); switch($el['atts']['map_modes']){ case 'place': $src_code .= '&q='.(empty($el['atts']['address']) ? 'New York, New York, USA' : urlencode($el['atts']['address']) ); break; case 'directions': $src_code .= '&origin='.(empty($el['atts']['direction_origin']) ? 'Oslow Norway' : urlencode($el['atts']['direction_origin']) ); $src_code .= '&destination='.(empty($el['atts']['direction_destination']) ? 'Telemark Norway' : urlencode($el['atts']['direction_destination']) ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['direction_waypoints']) ? '' : '&waypoints='.join('|', explode(' ', trim($el['atts']['direction_waypoints']))) ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['direction_modes']) ? '' : '&mode='.$el['atts']['direction_modes'] ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['direction_avoid']) ? '' : '&avoid='.join('|', explode(',', $el['atts']['direction_avoid'])) ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['direction_units']) ? '' : '&units='.$el['atts']['direction_units'] ); break; case 'streetview': $src_code .= '&pano='.(empty($el['atts']['streetview_pano']) ? 'eTnPNGoy4bxR9LpjjfFuOw' : $el['atts']['streetview_pano'] ); $src_code .= '&location='.(empty($el['atts']['streetview_location']) ? '46.414382,10.013988' : $el['atts']['streetview_location'] ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['streetview_heading']) ? '' : '&heading='.$el['atts']['streetview_heading'] ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['streetview_pitch']) ? '' : '&pitch='.$el['atts']['streetview_pitch'] ); $src_code .= (empty($el['atts']['streetview_fov']) ? '' : '&fov='.$el['atts']['streetview_fov'] ); break; case 'search': $src_code .= '&q='.(empty($el['atts']['search_term']) ? 'Record stores in Seattle' : urlencode($el['atts']['search_term']) ); break; } $src_iframe = 'https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/'.$el['atts']['map_modes'].'?key='.$api_key.$src_code; $el['atts']['src_code'] = '<iframe width="600" height="450" style="border:0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen src="'.$src_iframe.'"></iframe>'; } /*pagelayer_print($atts); pagelayer_print($content); die();*/ ///////////////////////////////////// // Miscellaneous Shortcode Functions ///////////////////////////////////// // The font family list function pagelayer_font_family(){ return array( 'arial' => 'Arial', 'terminal' => 'Terminal' ); } // Supported Icons function pagelayer_icon_class_list(){ return array(); } // Function to convert string into set of attributes and their corresponding values. function pagelayer_string_to_attributes($val){ $final_att = []; $semi_arr = explode(';', $val); foreach($semi_arr as $att){ $attrs = preg_split("/=/", trim($att), 2); if(empty($attrs[0]) || !preg_match("/^[a-z_]+[\w:.-]*$/i", $attrs[0]) ){ continue; } if(!isset( $attrs[1])){ $final_att[$attrs[0]] = ''; continue; } $final_att[$attrs[0]] = $attrs[1]; } return $final_att; } // Retina image setting attribute. function pagelayer_get_img_srcset(&$el, $image_atts){ // Check if retina images is set if(isset($el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-url']) && strpos($el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-url'],'default-image') == false){ $retina_image = @$el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-'.$el['atts'][$image_atts['size']].'-url']; $retina_image = empty($retina_image) ? @$el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-url'] : $retina_image; $el['atts']['pagelayer-srcset'] .= $retina_image.' 2x, '; } // Check if retina mobile images is set if(isset($el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-mobile-url']) && strpos($el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-mobile-url'],'default-image') == false){ $retina_image_mobile = @$el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-mobile-'.$el['atts'][$image_atts['size']].'-url']; $retina_image_mobile = empty($retina_image_mobile) ? @$el['tmp'][$image_atts['name'].'-retina-mobile-url'] : $retina_image_mobile; $el['atts']['pagelayer-srcset'] .= $retina_image_mobile.' 3x'; } } // Backward compatibility of target and rel attrs for link function pagelayer_add_link_backward(&$el, $atts = array()){ global $pagelayer; $defaults = array( 'link' => 'link', 'target' => 'target', 'rel' => 'rel', 'selector' => 0, ); $_atts = wp_parse_args( $atts, $defaults ); if(empty($el['atts'][$_atts['link']])){ return; } $link = array(); if(!empty($_atts['target']) && !empty($el['atts'][$_atts['target']]) ){ $link['target'] = true; unset($el['oAtts'][$_atts['target']]); } if(!empty($_atts['rel']) && !empty($el['atts'][$_atts['rel']]) ){ $link['attrs'] = 'rel='.$el['atts'][$_atts['rel']]; unset($el['oAtts'][$_atts['rel']]); } if(empty($link)){ return; } // Set Attributes for backward compatibility if(!empty($link['target'])){ $el['attr'][][$_atts['selector']] = 'target="_blank"'; } // Set Attributes for backward compatibility if(!empty($link['attrs']) ){ $el['attr'][][$_atts['selector']] = $link['attrs']; } if(!is_array($el['atts'][$_atts['link']])){ $link['link'] = @$el['atts'][$_atts['link']]; } $el['oAtts'][$_atts['link']] = $link; $el['atts'][$_atts['link']] = $link; }