Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/freemium.php |
<?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //=========================================================== // freemium.php //=========================================================== // PAGELAYER // Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Started by: Pulkit Gupta // Date: 23rd Jan 2017 // Time: 23:00 hrs // Site: http://pagelayer.com/wordpress (PAGELAYER) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Please Read the Terms of use at http://pagelayer.com/tos // ---------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================== // (c)Pagelayer Team //=========================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Are we being accessed directly ? if(!defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')) { exit('Hacking Attempt !'); } global $pagelayer; // Posts options style $pagelayer_posts_options = array( 'type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), 'default' => 'default', 'list' => array( 'default' => __pl('default'), ), ), 'infinite_types' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('infinite_scroll'), 'addClass' => ['pagelayer-infinite-posts','{{element}} .pagelayer-posts-container' => 'pagelayer-infinite-scroll-{{val}}'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('none'), 'button' => __pl('Button'), 'auto' => __pl('Auto'), ), 'req' => ['!enable_slider' => 'true'], ), 'alignment' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-arc-layout-{{val}}', 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'left' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right'), 'alt' => __pl('Alternative') ), ), 'columns' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('columns'), 'np' => 1, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-posts-container' => 'grid-template-columns: repeat({{val}},1fr);'], 'list' => array( '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', ), ), 'col_gap' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('col_gap'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-posts-container' => 'grid-column-gap: {{val}}px;'], ), 'row_gap' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('row_gap'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-posts-container' => 'grid-row-gap: {{val}}px;'], ), 'data_padding' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'default' => '5,5,5,5', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-content' => 'padding : {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), 'data_margin' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('margin'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'margin :{{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), 'bg_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], ), 'box_shadow' => array( 'type' => 'box_shadow', 'label' => __pl('box_shadow'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}} !important;'], ), 'post_bor_hover' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('state'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('normal'), 'hover' => __pl('hover'), ) ), 'post_border_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('border_type'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'border-style: {{val}};', ], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'solid' => __pl('solid'), 'double' => __pl('double'), 'dotted' => __pl('dotted'), 'dashed' => __pl('dashed'), 'groove' => __pl('groove'), ], 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => '' ), ), 'post_border_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('border_color_label'), 'default' => '#42414f', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'border-color: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( '!post_border_type' => '' ), 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => '' ), ), 'post_border_width' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_width'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'], 'req' => [ '!post_border_type' => '' ], 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => '' ), ), 'post_border_radius' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_radius'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], 'req' => array( '!post_border_type' => '', ), 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => '', ), ), 'post_border_type_hover' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('border_type'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}', ], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'solid' => __pl('solid'), 'double' => __pl('double'), 'dotted' => __pl('dotted'), 'dashed' => __pl('dashed'), 'groove' => __pl('groove'), ], 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => 'hover' ), ), 'post_border_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('border_color_hover_label'), 'default' => '#42414f', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( '!post_border_type_hover' => '' ), 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => 'hover' ), ), 'post_border_width_hover' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_width_hover'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px;' ], 'req' => [ '!post_border_type_hover' => '' ], 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => 'hover' ), ), 'post_border_radius_hover' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_radius_hover'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], 'req' => array( '!post_border_type_hover' => '', ), 'show' => array( 'post_bor_hover' => 'hover', ), ), 'anim_hover' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('Post Animation'), 'addClass' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-col' => 'pagelayer-animation-{{val}}'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'grow' => __pl('Grow'), 'shrink' => __pl('Shrink'), 'pulse' => __pl('Pulse'), 'pulse-grow' => __pl('Pulse Grow'), 'pulse-shrink' => __pl('Pulse Shrink'), 'push' => __pl('Push'), 'pop' => __pl('Pop'), 'buzz' => __pl('Buzz'), 'buzz-out' => __pl('Buzz Out'), 'float' => __pl('Float'), 'sink' => __pl('Sink'), 'bob' => __pl('Bob'), 'hang' => __pl('Hang'), 'bounce-in' => __pl('Bounce In'), 'bounce-out' => __pl('Bounce Out'), 'rotate' => __pl('Rotate'), 'grow-rotate' => __pl('Grow Rotate'), 'skew-forward' => __pl('Skew Forward'), 'skew-backward' => __pl('Skew Backward'), 'wobble-vertical' => __pl('Wobble Vertical'), 'wobble-horizontal' => __pl('Wobble Horizontal'), 'wobble-bottom-to-right' => __pl('Wobble Bottom To Right'), 'wobble-top-to-right' => __pl('Wobble Top To Right'), 'wobble-top' => __pl('Wobble Top'), 'wobble-bottom' => __pl('Wobble Bottom'), 'wobble-skew' => __pl('Wobble Skew'), ], ) ); // Posts thumb style $pagelayer_thumb_style = [ 'show_thumb' => array( 'label' => __pl('show_thumb'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'true', //'addAttr' => ['{{element}} a' => 'target="_blank"'], ), 'thumb_img_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('thumb_img_type'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'custom' => __pl('custom') ), 'req' => ['show_thumb' => 'true'], ), 'def_thumb_img' => array( 'type' => 'image', 'label' => __pl('image'), 'req' => [ 'show_thumb' => 'true', 'thumb_img_type' => 'custom', ] ), 'thumb_size' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), 'default' => 'medium_large', 'list' => pagelayer_image_sizes(), 'req' => ['show_thumb' => 'true'], ), 'ratio' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('ratio'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 0.1, 'max' => 2, 'default' => 0.7, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-thumb' => 'padding: calc(50% * {{val}}) 0;'], 'req' => ['show_thumb' => 'true'], ), ]; // Posts type style $pagelayer_title_style = [ 'show_title' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('show_title'), 'default' => 'true', ), 'title_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#0986c0', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-title' => 'color:{{val}};'], 'req' => ['show_title' => 'true'], ), 'title_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',18,,,,,,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-title' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], 'req' => ['show_title' => 'true'], ), 'title_spacing' => array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => __pl('top_bottom_spacing'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-title' => 'padding-top:{{val[0]}}px; padding-bottom:{{val[1]}}px;'], 'req' => ['show_title' => 'true'], ), ]; // Posts meta options $pagelayer_meta_style = [ 'meta' => array( 'type' => 'multiselect', 'label' => __pl('meta'), 'default' => 'author,date', 'list' => array( 'date' => __pl('date'), 'author' => __pl('author'), 'comments' => __pl('comments'), 'tags' => __pl('tags'), 'category' => __pl('category'), ), ), 'meta_sep' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('separator'), 'default' => ' | ', ), 'meta_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta *' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'meta_bg' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], ), 'meta_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => 'text-align:{{val}};'], 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), 'meta_spacing' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('spacing'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => 'padding-top:{{val[0]}}px; 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!important;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-sep' => 'font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important;' ], ), 'meta_tag_pos' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('position'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-post' => 'position: relative;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => 'position: {{val}};' ], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'relative' => __pl('relative'), 'absolute' => __pl('absolute') ), ), 'meta_width' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('width'), 'screen' => 1, 'units' => ['px','%','em'], 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => 'width:{{val}};'], 'min' => 0, 'max' => 1000, 'step' => 1, 'req' => ['!meta_tag_pos' => ''] ], 'meta_vposition' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('verticle_pos'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => '{{val}}:0;'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('default'), 'top' => __pl('top'), 'bottom' => __pl('bottom') ], 'req' => ['!meta_tag_pos' => ''] ], 'meta_vposition_offset' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('ver_offset'), 'screen' => 1, 'units' => ['px','%','em'], 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => '{{meta_vposition}}:{{val}};'], 'min' => -1000, 'max' => 1000, 'step' => 1, 'req' => [ '!meta_vposition' => '', '!meta_tag_pos' => '' ] ], 'meta_hposition' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('horizontal_pos'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => '{{val}}:0;'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('default'), 'left' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right') ], 'req' => ['!meta_tag_pos' => ''] ], 'meta_hposition_offset' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('hor_offset'), 'screen' => 1, 'units' => ['px','%','em'], 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-meta' => '{{meta_hposition}}:{{val}};'], 'min' => -1000, 'max' => 1000, 'step' => 1, 'req' => [ '!meta_hposition' => '', '!meta_tag_pos' => '' ] ] ]; // Posts content style $pagelayer_content_style = [ 'show_content' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('show_content'), 'default' => 'excerpt', 'list' => array( '' => __pl('none'), 'excerpt' => __pl('excerpt'), 'full' => __pl('full'), ), ), 'exc_length' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('exc_length'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 500, 'default' => 10, 'req' => ['show_content' => 'excerpt'] ), 'content_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#121212', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-content' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'content_padding' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-content .pagelayer-wposts-excerpt' => 'padding: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), 'content_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-excerpt' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'content_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'left', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wposts-content' => 'text-align:{{val}};'], 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), ]; //Post Infinite Style $pagelayer_infinite_style = array( 'infinite_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('Button Text'), 'default' => 'Load More', 'req' => ['infinite_types' => 'button'] ), 'infinite_final' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer_load_button' => 'data-text="{{infinite_final}}"'], 'label' => __pl('Post End Message'), 'default' => 'No More Post', ), 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font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;', ], ), 'load_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer_load_button' => 'text-align:{{val}}'], 'req' => ['infinite_types' => 'button', 'infinite_full_width' => ''] ), 'load_margin' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('margin'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer_load_button' => 'margin :{{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), 'load_btn_icon' => array( 'type' => 'icon', 'label' => __pl('service_box_font_icon_label'), ), 'load_btn_icon_position' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 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text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'] ), 'submenu_horizontal_padding' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('horizontal_padding'), 'default' => 10, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp-menu-container ul.sub-menu li a' => 'padding-left: {{val}}px;padding-right: {{val}}px;'], ], 'submenu_vertical_padding' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('vertical_padding'), 'default' => 10, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp-menu-container ul.sub-menu li a' => 'padding-top: {{val}}px;padding-bottom : {{val}}px;'], ], 'submenu_left_margin' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('left_margin'), 'default' => 10, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp-menu-container .sub-menu a' => 'margin-left: {{val}}px;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-wp-menu-container .sub-menu .sub-menu a' => 'margin-left: calc(2 * {{val}}px);'], ], 'submenu_index' => [ 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('z-index'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .menu-item .sub-menu, {{element}} .menu-item .pagelayer-mega-menu' => 'z-index:{{val}}'], ], ], 'menu_toggle' => [ 'menu_toggle_icon' => array( 'type' => 'icon', 'label' => __pl('icon'), 'default' => 'fas fa-bars', 'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i' => 'data-icon="{{menu_toggle_icon}}"'], 'desc' => __pl('menu_toggle_icon_desc') ), 'menu_toggle_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar' => 'text-align:{{val}}'], ), 'menu_toggle_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i' => 'color:{{val}}'], ), 'menu_toggle_bg_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '#0986c050', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i' => 'background-color:{{val}}'], ), 'menu_toggle_size' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('font_size'), 'default' => 30, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i' => 'font-size:{{val}}px'], ), 'menu_toggle_padding' => array( 'type' => 'dimension', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'screen' => 1, 'units' => ['px', 'em', '%'], 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i' => 'padding:{{val[0]}} {{val[1]}};'], ), ], 'dropdown_style' => [ 'slide_style' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('slide_style'), 'default' => 'pagelayer-wp_menu-right', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-wp_menu-down' => __pl('slide-down'), 'pagelayer-wp_menu-right' => __pl('slide-right'), 'pagelayer-wp_menu-left' => __pl('slide-left'), 'pagelayer-wp_menu-full' => __pl('full_screen') ), 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'] ), 'dropdown_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'np' => 1, 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'flex-start' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'flex-end' => __pl('right'), ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown .pagelayer-wp_menu-ul > li > a' => 'justify-content: {{val}};'], ), 'menu_width' => [ 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('width'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 30, 'min' => 1, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown' => 'width:{{val}}%;'], 'req' => [ '!drop_breakpoint' => 'none', '!slide_style' => ['pagelayer-wp_menu-full','pagelayer-wp_menu-down'] ] ], 'menu_down_width' => [ 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('width'), 'default' => 100, 'min' => 1, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown' => 'width:{{val}}%;'], 'req' => [ '!drop_breakpoint' => 'none', 'slide_style' => 'pagelayer-wp_menu-down' ] ], 'menu_items_width' => [ 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('menu_items_width'), 'default' => 100, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown 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__pl('color'), 'gradient' => __pl('gradient'), ), 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'] ), 'menu_items_bg' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown' => 'background-color:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'menu_bg' => 'color', '!drop_breakpoint' => 'none' ], ), 'menu_items_gradient' => array( 'type' => 'gradient', 'label' => '', 'default' => '150,#44d3f6,23,#72e584,45,#2ca4eb,100', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%);'], 'req' => [ 'menu_bg' => 'gradient', '!drop_breakpoint' => 'none' ], ), ], 'close_style' =>[ 'close_size' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('font_size'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 25, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'font-size:{{val}}px'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], ), 'close_padding' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'default' => 8, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'padding:{{val}}px'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], ), 'close_pos_x' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('horizontal_pos'), 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 0, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'left:{{val}}%;'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], ), 'close_pos_y' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('verticle_postion'), 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 0, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'top:{{val}}%;'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], ), 'close_state' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('state'), 'default' => '', 'list' => array( '' => __pl('normal'), 'hover' => __pl('hover'), ), ), 'close_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#ffffff68', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'color:{{val}}'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], 'show' => ['close_state' => ''] ), 'close_bg_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '#00000036', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => 'background-color:{{val}}'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], 'show' => ['close_state' => ''] ), 'close_hover_delay' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('delay'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 100, 'max' => 5000, 'default' => 600, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'], 'show' => ['close_state' => 'hover'] ), 'close_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], 'show' => ['close_state' => 'hover'] ), 'close_bg_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '#000000', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-wp_menu-close i:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'], 'req' => ['!drop_breakpoint' => 'none'], 'show' => ['close_state' => 'hover'] ), ], 'styles' => [ 'menu_style' => __pl('menu_style'), 'submenu_style' => __pl('submenu_style'), 'menu_toggle' => __pl('toggle_style'), 'dropdown_style' => __pl('dropdown_style'), 'close_style' => __pl('close_style'), ] ) ); // Menu items handler // Created this shortcode only use for menus property pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_nav_menu_item', array( 'name' => __pl('Menu Items'), 'group' => 'other', 'not_visible' => 1, 'hide_active' => 1, 'parent' => [PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_wp_menu'], 'icon' => 'far fa-minus-square', 'holder' => '.pagelayer-menu-item-holder', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'element', ], 'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-menu-item-holder"></div>', 'params' => array( 'title' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('title'), ), 'menu_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('menu_type'), 'desc' => __pl('menu_type_desc'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('flyout'), 'mega' => __pl('mega_menu'), 'column' => __pl('column_menu'), ), 'req' => ['menu_item_parent' => '0'] ), 'element' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('Inner Row'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_inner_row', 'count' => 1, 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('Inner Row'), ), 'text' => __pl('Add new row'), 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'mega'] ), 'columns' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('columns_count'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > .sub-menu' => 'columns: {{val}}'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7=> '7', 8 => '8', 9 => '9', 10 => '10' ), 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'column'] ), 'col_gap' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('col_gap'), 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > .sub-menu' => 'column-gap: {{val}}px;'], 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'column'] ), 'mega_width' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('mega_width'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('menu_container'), 'row_container' => __pl('row_container'), 'custom' => __pl('custom'), ), 'addAttr' => 'pagelayer-mega-width="{{mega_width}}"', 'req' => ['!menu_type' => ''] ), 'mega_custom_width' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('mega_custom_width'), 'default' => '800', 'addAttr' => 'pagelayer-mega-custom-width="{{mega_custom_width}}"', 'req' => ['mega_width' => 'custom', '!menu_type' => ''] ), 'menu_icon' => array( 'type' => 'icon', 'label' => __pl('icon'), ), ), 'menu_setting' => array( 'disable_link' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('disable_link'), ), 'hide_text' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('hide_text'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-nav-menu-title' => 'display:none'] ), 'icon_position' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('icon_position'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), ), 'highlight' => array( 'highlight_label' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('highlight_label'), ), 'highlight_bg' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-menu-highlight' => 'background:{{val}}'] ), 'highlight_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-menu-highlight' => 'color:{{val}}'] ), ), 'styles' => array( 'menu_setting' => __pl('menu_setting'), 'highlight' => __pl('highlight_label'), ), ) ); // Breadcrumb pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_breadcrumb', array( 'name' => __pl('breadcrumb'), 'group' => 'other', 'html' => '<span if="{{prefix}}" class="pagelayer-breadcrumb-prefix">{{prefix}}</span> <span class="pagelayer-breadcrumb-section">'. pagelayer_get_breadcrumb(). '</span>', //'html' => yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' ).pagelayer_get_breadcrumb(), 'params' => array( 'home' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('home_label'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Home', ), 'breadcrumb_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section a' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'breadcrumb_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('hovered_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section a:hover' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'cur_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('cur_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'alignment' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'css' =>'text-align:{{val}};', 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), ), 'prefix_style' => [ 'prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('breadcrumb_prefix'), ), 'search_prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('search_prefix'), ), '404_prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('404_prefix'), ), 'prefix_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-prefix' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'prefix_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-prefix' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), ], 'separator_style' => [ 'separator' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('separator_style'), 'default' => ' » ', ), 'separator_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '#333333', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-sep' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), ], 'styles' => [ 'prefix_style' => __pl('prefix_style'), 'separator_style' => __pl('separator_style'), ] ) ); // Contact Form pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_contact', array( 'name' => __pl('contact_form'), 'group' => 'other', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'holder' => '.pagelayer-contact-holder', 'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-contact-form-div pagelayer-contact-form-holder"> <div class="pagelayer-message-box pagelayer-message-top"></div> <div if={{note}} class="pagelayer-contact-form-note">{{note}}</div> <form class="pagelayer-contact-form" id="{{form}}" name="{{name}}" onsubmit="return pagelayer_contact_submit(this, event)" method="POST"> <div class="pagelayer-contact-holder"> </div> <input type="hidden" name="cfa-pagelayer-id"/> <input if="{{con_post_id}}" type="hidden" name="cfa-post-id" value="{{con_post_id}}"/> <input if="{{contact_custom_templ}}" type="hidden" name="cfa-custom-template" value="{{contact_custom_templ}}"/> <input if="{{redirect_url}}" type="hidden" name="cfa-redirect" value="{{{redirect_url}}}"/> <div class="g-recaptcha pagelayer-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{grecaptcha}}" if="{{captcha}}"></div> <div class="pagelayer-contact-submit-holder"> <button if="{{submit}}" type="submit" form="{{form}}" class="pagelayer-contact-submit-btn pagelayer-btn-holder pagelayer-ele-link {{type}} {{size}} {{icon_position}}"> <i class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin" style="display:none;margin-right:5px;"></i> <i if="{{icon}}" class="{{icon}} pagelayer-btn-icon pagelayer-cf-icon-left"></i> <span if="{{submit}}" class="pagelayer-btn-text">{{submit}}</span> <i if="{{icon}}" class="{{icon}} pagelayer-btn-icon pagelayer-cf-icon-right"></i> </button> </div> </form> <div class="pagelayer-message-box pagelayer-message-bottom"></div> </div>', 'params' => array( 'elements' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('Label'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_contact_item', 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('Label'), 'param' => 'label_name' ), 'count' => 1, 'text' => strtr(__pl('add_new_item'), array('%name%' => __pl('field_name'))), ), 'redirect_show' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('redirect_url'), ), 'redirect_url' => array( 'type' => 'link', 'label' => __pl('redirect_urllabel'), 'desc' => __pl('redirect_urldesc'), 'req' => array( 'redirect_show' => 'true' ) ), 'captcha' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('use_recaptcha'), 'default' => '', 'desc' => __pl('use_recaptcha_desc'), ), 'form' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('form_id'), 'desc' => __pl('form_id_desc'), 'default' => 'contact-form', 'np' => 1 ), 'name' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('form_name'), 'default' => 'Contact Form', 'desc' => __pl('form_name_desc'), 'np' => 1 ), 'form_position' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'default', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-contact-form' => 'text-align: {{val}}'], ), 'note' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('note'), 'edit' => '.pagelayer-contact-form-note', ), 'note_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('note_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-contact-form-note' => 'color:{{val}}'], ), ), 'label_style' =>[ 'form_label_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('label_color'), 'default' => '', 'show' => ['field_state' => ''], 'css' => ['{{element}} label' => 'color: {{val}}'], ), 'label_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} label' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; 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font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), ], 'input_style' => [ 'input_state' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('state'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'normal', 'list' => array( 'normal' => __pl('normal'), 'hover' => __pl('hover'), ), ), 'form_input_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} textarea, {{element}} input, {{element}} select, {{element}} date' => 'color: {{val}}' ], 'req' => array( 'input_state' => 'normal' ), ), 'form_input_bg' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} textarea, {{element}} input, {{element}} select, {{element}} date' => 'background-color: {{val}}', ], 'req' => array( 'input_state' => 'normal', ), ), 'input_hover_delay' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('input_hover_delay_label'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 100, 'max' => 5000, 'css' => ['{{element}} textarea:hover, {{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} date:hover' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'], 'show' => array( 'input_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'form_input_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} textarea:hover, {{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} date:hover' => 'color: {{val}}' ], 'req' => array( 'input_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'form_input_bg_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} textarea:hover, {{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} date:hover' => 'background-color: {{val}}' ], 'req' => array( 'input_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'input_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} select, {{element}} input,{{element}} textarea' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; 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transition: all {{val}}ms;'], 'show' => array( 'field_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'field_border_type_hover' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('border_type'), 'css' => ['{{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} textarea:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'solid' => __pl('solid'), 'double' => __pl('double'), 'dotted' => __pl('dotted'), 'dashed' => __pl('dashed'), 'groove' => __pl('groove'), ], 'show' => array( 'field_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'field_border_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('service_box_icon_border_color_label'), 'css' => ['{{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} textarea:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'], 'default' => '#0986c0', 'req' => array( '!field_border_type_hover' => '' ), 'show' => array( 'field_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'field_border_width_hover' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_width'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} input:hover, {{element}} select:hover, {{element}} textarea:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; 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font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'front_content' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => __pl('content'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Flipbox content comes here such as It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.', ), 'front_content_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front .pagelayer-flipbox-content p' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'front_content_typography' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('text_style'), 'default' => ',16,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front .pagelayer-flipbox-content p' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'front_shadow' => array( 'type' => 'box_shadow', 'label' => __pl('shadow'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}};'], ), 'front_background_type' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('background_type'), 'default' => '', 'list' => array( 'color' => __pl('color'), 'gradient' => __pl('gradient'), 'image' => __pl('image'), ), ), 'front_background_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'color', ), ), 'front_background_gradient' => array( 'type' => 'gradient', 'label' => __pl('background_gradient'), 'default' => '150,#f12711,40,#f5af19,60,#f5af19,100', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%) !important;'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'gradient', ), ), 'front_background_image' => array( 'type' => 'image', 'label' => __pl('image'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => PAGELAYER_URL.'/images/default-image.png', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-image:url("{{{front_background_image-url}}}") !important;'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_background_attachment' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('background_attachment'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'scroll' => __pl('scroll'), 'fixed' => __pl('fixed') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-attachment: {{val}}'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_background_posx' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_posx'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'left' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-position-x: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_background_posy' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_posy'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'top' => __pl('top'), 'bottom' => __pl('bottom') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-position-y: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_background_repeat' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('repeat'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-repeat: {{val}};'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'repeat' => __pl('repeat'), 'no-repeat' => __pl('no-repeat'), 'repeat-x' => __pl('repeat-x'), 'repeat-y' => __pl('repeat-y'), ), 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_background_size' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_size'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front' => 'background-size: {{val}};'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'cover' => __pl('cover'), 'contain' => __pl('contain') ), 'req' => array( 'front_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'front_section_padding' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'screen' => 1, 'default' => '100,100,100,100', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-front .pagelayer-flipbox-box-overlay' => 'padding: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), ), 'back_section' => array( 'back_section' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('back_side'), ), 'back-text-align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-box-overlay' => 'text-align:{{val}} !important;'], ), 'back_heading' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('title'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Flipbox Back Heading', ), 'back_heading_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#000000', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-content h2' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'back_heading_typography' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => 'Poppins,40,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-content h2' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'back_content' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => __pl('content'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Flipbox content comes here such as It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.', ), 'back_content_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'default' => '#3c3f40', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-content p' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'back_content_typography' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('text_style'), 'default' => ',16,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-content p' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'back_shadow' => array( 'type' => 'box_shadow', 'label' => __pl('shadow'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}};'], ), 'display_button' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('button'), ), 'back_button_url' => array( 'type' => 'link', 'label' => __pl('btn_url_label'), 'selector' => '.pagelayer-service-btn', 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('button_text_label'), 'default' => 'Click Here!', 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_typography' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',20,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), 'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-default', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-btn-default' => __pl('btn_type_default'), 'pagelayer-btn-primary' => __pl('btn_type_primary'), 'pagelayer-btn-secondary' => __pl('btn_type_secondary'), 'pagelayer-btn-success' => __pl('btn_type_success'), 'pagelayer-btn-info' => __pl('btn_type_info'), 'pagelayer-btn-warning' => __pl('btn_type_warning'), 'pagelayer-btn-danger' => __pl('btn_type_danger'), 'pagelayer-btn-dark' => __pl('btn_type_dark'), 'pagelayer-btn-light' => __pl('btn_type_light'), 'pagelayer-btn-link' => __pl('btn_type_link'), 'pagelayer-btn-custom' => __pl('btn_type_custom') ), 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_size' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('button_size'), 'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-mini', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-btn-mini' => __pl('mini'), 'pagelayer-btn-small' => __pl('small'), 'pagelayer-btn-large' => __pl('large'), 'pagelayer-btn-extra-large' => __pl('extra_large'), 'pagelayer-btn-double-large' => __pl('double_large'), 'pagelayer-btn-custom' => __pl('custom') ), 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_custom_size' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('btn_custom_size'), 'min' => 1, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 5, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-service-btn' => 'padding: calc({{val}}px / 2) {{val}}px;'], 'req' => array( 'back_button_size' => 'pagelayer-btn-custom', ), ), 'back_btn_spacing' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('spacing'), 'min' => 0, 'max' => 200, 'default' => 10, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn' => 'margin-top: {{val}}px;'], 'req' => array( '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_btn_state' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('button_state'), 'default' => 'normal', 'list' => array( 'normal' => __pl('normal'), 'hover' => __pl('hover'), ), 'req' => array( 'back_button_type' => 'pagelayer-btn-custom', '!display_button' => '', ), ), 'back_button_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('button_color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn' => 'color:{{val}};'], 'show' => array( 'back_btn_state' => 'normal', ), ), 'back_button_bg_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('button_bg_color'), 'default' => '#0986c0', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], 'show' => array( 'back_btn_state' => 'normal', ), ), 'back_btn_hover_delay' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('btn_hover_delay'), 'min' => 0, 'step' => 100, 'max' => 5000, 'default' => 400, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms; transition: all {{val}}ms;'], 'show' => array( 'back_btn_state' => 'hover', ), ), 'back_button_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('button_color'), 'default' => '', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn:hover' => 'color:{{val}} !important;'], 'show' => array( 'back_btn_state' => 'hover', ), ), 'back_button_bg_color_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('button_bg_color'), 'default' => '', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-service-btn:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}} !important;'], 'show' => array( 'back_btn_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'back_background_type' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('background_type'), 'default' => '', 'list' => array( 'color' => __pl('color'), 'gradient' => __pl('gradient'), 'image' => __pl('image'), ), ), 'back_background_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'color', ), ), 'back_background_gradient' => array( 'type' => 'gradient', 'label' => __pl('background_gradient'), 'default' => '150,#1488CC,40,#2B32B2,60,#2B32B2,100', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%) !important;'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'gradient', ), ), 'back_background_image' => array( 'type' => 'image', 'label' => __pl('image'), 'default' => PAGELAYER_URL.'/images/default-image.png', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-image:url("{{{back_background_image-url}}}") !important;'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_background_attachment' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('background_attachment'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'scroll' => __pl('scroll'), 'fixed' => __pl('fixed') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-attachment: {{val}}'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_background_posx' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_posx'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'left' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-position-x: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_background_posy' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_posy'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'top' => __pl('top'), 'bottom' => __pl('bottom') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-position-y: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_background_repeat' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_repeat'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-repeat: {{val}};'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'repeat' => __pl('repeat'), 'no-repeat' => __pl('no-repeat'), 'repeat-x' => __pl('repeat-x'), 'repeat-y' => __pl('repeat-y'), ), 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_background_size' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('ele_bg_size'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back' => 'background-size: {{val}};'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 'cover' => __pl('cover'), 'contain' => __pl('contain') ), 'req' => array( 'back_background_type' => 'image', ), ), 'back_section_padding' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'default' => '100,100,100,100', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-flipbox-back .pagelayer-flipbox-box-overlay' => 'padding: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), ), 'styles' => [ 'front_section' => __pl('front_section'), 'back_section' => __pl('back_section'), ] ) ); // Countdown Timer pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_countdown', array( 'name' => __pl('countdown_timer'), 'group' => 'other', 'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-countdown-container" pagelayer-expiry-date={{date}} pagelayer-time-type={{time_zone}}> <div class="pagelayer-countdown-expired"> <p if={{expired_text}}>{{expired_text}}</p> </div> <div class="pagelayer-countdown-counter"> <div if={{days}} class="pagelayer-countdown-days pagelayer-countdown-item pagelayer-countdown-{{display}}"> <div class="pagelayer-days-count pagelayer-countdown-count"></div> <div if={{show_label}} class="pagelayer-countdown-name"> <span if={{days_label_text}}>{{days_label_text}}</span> </div> </div> <div if={{hours}} class="pagelayer-countdown-hours pagelayer-countdown-item pagelayer-countdown-{{display}}"> <div class="pagelayer-hours-count pagelayer-countdown-count"></div> <div if={{show_label}} class="pagelayer-countdown-name"> <span if={{hours_label_text}}>{{hours_label_text}}</span> </div> </div> <div if={{minutes}} class="pagelayer-countdown-minutes pagelayer-countdown-item pagelayer-countdown-{{display}}"> <div class="pagelayer-minutes-count pagelayer-countdown-count"></div> <div if={{show_label}} class="pagelayer-countdown-name"> <span if={{minutes_label_text}} >{{minutes_label_text}}</span> </div> </div> <div if={{seconds}} class="pagelayer-countdown-seconds pagelayer-countdown-item pagelayer-countdown-{{display}}"> <div class="pagelayer-seconds-count pagelayer-countdown-count"></div> <div if={{show_label}} class="pagelayer-countdown-name"> <span if={{seconds_label_text}} >{{seconds_label_text}}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>', 'params' => array( 'date' => array( 'type' => 'datetime', 'displayMode' => 'datetime', // date | datetime (default) 'returnMode' => 'YYYY-MM-DD H:m:s', // mysql format uses here (default: Y-m-d H:i:s ) 'label' => __pl('date_picker_label'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '', ), 'time_zone' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('time_zone'), 'default' => 'server', 'list' => array( 'server' => __pl('server_time'), 'local' => __pl('user_local') ), ), 'number_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-count' => 'color:{{val}}'], ), 'number_style' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',50,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-count' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'number_spacing' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('spacing'), 'units' => ['px', 'em', '%'], 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-count' => 'margin-top: {{val[0]}}; margin-right: {{val[1]}}; margin-bottom: {{val[2]}}; margin-left: {{val[3]}};'], ), 'days' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('days'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'true', ), 'hours' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('hours'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'true', ), 'minutes' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('minutes'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'true', ), 'seconds' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('seconds'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'true', ), ), 'expired_text' =>[ 'display_expired_text' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('expired_text'), ), 'expired_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('text'), 'default' => 'Countdown Timer Expired', ), 'expired_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'default' => '#000000', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-expired p' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'expired_background_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-expired' => 'background-color:{{val}};'], ), 'expired_style' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('expired_style'), 'default' => ',50,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-expired p' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'expired_padding' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'units' => ['px', '%'], 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-expired' => 'padding: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}};'], ), 'expired_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-expired' => 'text-align:{{val}};'], ), ], 'text_style' =>[ 'show_label' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('show_title'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'true', ), 'custom_label_text' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('custom_label_text'), 'show' => array( 'show_label' => 'true', ), ), 'days_label_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('days'), 'default' => __pl('days'), 'show' => array( '!custom_label_text' => '', '!days' => '', ), ), 'hours_label_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('hours'), 'default' => __pl('hours'), 'show' => array( '!custom_label_text' => '', '!hours' => '', ), ), 'minutes_label_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('minutes'), 'default' => __pl('minutes'), 'show' => array( '!custom_label_text' => '', '!minutes' => '', ), ), 'seconds_label_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('seconds'), 'default' => __pl('seconds'), 'show' => array( '!custom_label_text' => '', '!seconds' => '', ), ), 'font_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('text_color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-name span' => 'color:{{val}}'], 'show' => array( 'show_label' => 'true', ), ), 'cd_text_style' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',18,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-name' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; 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padding-right: {{val[1]}}; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}; padding-left: {{val[3]}}'], ), 'blocks_space' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('block_space'), 'units' => ['px', 'em'], 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item' => 'margin-top: {{val[0]}}; margin-right: {{val[1]}}; margin-bottom: {{val[2]}}; margin-left: {{val[3]}}'], ), 'cd_border_state' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl(''), 'default' => '', 'list' => array( '' => __pl('normal'), 'hover' => __pl('hover'), ), ), 'cd_border_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('border_type'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item' => 'border-style: {{val}}'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'solid' => __pl('solid'), 'double' => __pl('double'), 'dotted' => __pl('dotted'), 'dashed' => __pl('dashed'), 'groove' => __pl('groove'), ], 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => '' ), ), 'cd_border_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('border_color'), 'default' => '#0986c0', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item' => 'border-color: {{val}};'], 'req' => array( '!cd_border_type' => '' ), 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => '' ), ), 'cd_border_width' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_width'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; 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border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'], 'req' => [ '!cd_border_type_hover' => '' ], 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'cd_border_radius_hover' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_radius'), 'units' => ['px', '%'], 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}}; -webkit-border-radius: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}};-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}};'], 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => 'hover' ), ), 'cd_shadow' => array( 'type' => 'box_shadow', 'label' => __pl('shadow'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}};'], 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => '', ), ), 'cd_shadow_hover' => array( 'type' => 'box_shadow', 'label' => __pl('shadow'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-countdown-item:hover' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}};'], 'show' => array( 'cd_border_state' => 'hover' ), ), ], 'styles' => [ 'text_style' => __pl('title_style'), 'expired_text' => __pl('expired_text'), 'block_styles' => __pl('block_styles'), ], ) ); // Button Group pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_btn_grp', array( 'name' => __pl('btn_grp'), 'group' => 'button', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'params' => array( 'elements' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('buttons'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_btn', 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('button'), 'param' => 'text' ), 'count' => 2, 'text' => strtr(__pl('add_new_item'), array('%name%' => __pl('button_name'))), ), 'align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => [ '{{element}}' => 'text-align: {{val}}', '{{element}} .pagelayer-btn' => 'text-align: {{val}}' ], 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right') ) ), 'group_layout' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('layout'), 'default' => 'horizontal', 'css' => ['{{element}} > div' => 'display: inline-block;'], 'list' => array( 'horizontal' => __pl('horizontal'), '' => __pl('vertical') ) ), 'hindent' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('space_between'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '5', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-btn' => 'padding-left: {{val}}px; padding-right: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 50, 'default' => 3, 'screen' => 1, 'req' => ['group_layout' => 'horizontal'] ), 'vindent' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('space_between'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '5', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-btn' => 'padding-top: {{val}}px; padding-bottom: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 50, 'default' => 3, 'screen' => 1, 'req' => ['group_layout' => ''] ) ) ) ); // Testimonial Slider pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_testimonial_slider', array( 'name' => __pl('testimonial_slider'), 'group' => 'other', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'icon' => 'pli pli-commenting-o', 'prevent_inside' => ['pl_slides'], 'child_selector' => '>.pagelayer-owl-stage-outer>.pagelayer-owl-stage>.pagelayer-owl-item', // Make it very specifc 'holder' => '.pagelayer-testimonials-holder', 'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-testimonials-holder pagelayer-owl-holder pagelayer-owl-carousel pagelayer-owl-theme"></div>', 'params' => array( 'elements' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('testimonial'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_testimonial', 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('testimonial'), 'param' => 'cite' ), 'count' => 3, 'text' => strtr(__pl('add_new_item'), array('%name%' => __pl('testimonial'))) ), ), 'slider_options' => $pagelayer->slider_options, 'arrow_styles' => $pagelayer->slider_arrow_styles, 'pager_styles' => $pagelayer->slider_pager_styles, 'styles' => [ 'slider_options' => __pl('slider_options'), 'arrow_styles' => __pl('arrow_styles'), 'pager_styles' => __pl('pager_styles'), ] )); // Pricing Table pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_pricing', array( 'name' => __pl('pricing_table'), 'group' => 'other', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'feature_style', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'holder' => '.pagelayer-pricing-ul', 'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-pricing-details"> <div if="{{ribbon_text}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-ribbon-container"> <div class="pagelayer-pricing-ribbon"> {{ribbon_text}} </div> </div> <h3 if="{{plan_title}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-type">{{plan_title}}</h3> <h4 if="{{plan_sub_title}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-sub-title">{{plan_sub_title}}</h4> </div> <div class="pagelayer-pricing-rate-section"> <h4 if="{{original_price}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-price pagelayer-pricing-original"> <span class="pagelayer-pricing-rate"> <span if="{{currency}}">{{currency}}</span><span class="pagelayer-pricing-orig-amt">{{original_price}}</span> </span> </h4> <h2 class="pagelayer-pricing-price"> <span if="{{currency}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-currency pagelayer-pricing-currency-{{currency_position}}">{{currency}}</span><span if="{{price}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-rate pagelayer-pricing-amt">{{price}}</span> </h2> <p if="{{period}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-duration">{{period}}</p> </div> <div class="pagelayer-pricing-features"> <ul class="pagelayer-pricing-ul"></ul> <a if="{{price_button}}" href="{{{button_url}}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-btn {{button_type}} pagelayer-ele-link pagelayer-button {{button_size}}">{{button_text}}</a> <p if="{{additional_info}}" class="pagelayer-pricing-additional">{{additional_info}}</p> </div>', 'params' => array( 'plan_title' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('plan_type'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Standard', 'edit' => '.pagelayer-pricing-type', ), 'title_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-type' => 'color:{{val}};'], ), 'title_size' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => 'Poppins,20,,500,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-type' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'content_align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => 'text-align: {{val}};', 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), '' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ) ), ), //styles 'header_style' => [ 'header_background_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'default' => '#d55400', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-details' => 'background-color:{{val}} !important;'], ), 'header_padding' => array( 'label' => __pl('padding'), 'type' => 'padding', 'screen' => 1, 'default' => '10,10,10,10', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-details' => 'padding: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'], ), 'header_border_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('border_type'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-details' =>'border-style: {{val}};'], 'list' => [ '' => __pl('none'), 'solid' => __pl('solid'), 'double' => __pl('double'), 'dotted' => __pl('dotted'), 'dashed' => __pl('dashed'), 'groove' => __pl('groove'), ], ), 'header_border_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('border_color'), 'default' => '#e5e5e8', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-details' => 'border-color: {{val}};'], 'req' => ['!header_border_type' => ''] ), 'header_border_width' => array( 'type' => 'padding', 'label' => __pl('border_width'), 'default' => '0,0,0,0', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-pricing-details' =>'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; 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// Social Share Group pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share_grp', array( 'name' => __pl('social_share'), 'group' => 'button', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'params' => array( 'elements' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('social_share_grp'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share', 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('share_item'), 'param' => 'icon' ), 'count' => 3, 'text' => strtr(__pl('add_new_item'), array('%name%' => __pl('share_name'))), ), ), 'layout_style' => [ 'type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), //'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share-content:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'], 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-share-type-{{val}}', 'default' => 'icon-label', 'list' => [ 'icon' => __pl('icon'), 'icon-label' => __pl('icon-label'), 'label' => __pl('label'), ], ), 'count' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('count_in_line'), 'default' => '', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} > div' => 'width: calc(100% / {{val}});'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('auto'), '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', ), 'req' => array( '!type' => 'icon' ) ), 'bg_shape' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('icon_background_shape'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'pagelayer-social-shape-square', //'css' => ['{{element}} i' => 'height:1em; width:1em; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50% , -50%);', //'{{element}} .pagelayer-icon-holder' => 'position: relative; min-height: 1em; min-width: 1em;'], 'addClass' => '{{val}}', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-social-bg-none' => __pl('icon_shape_none'), 'pagelayer-social-shape-circle' => __pl('icon_shape_circle'), 'pagelayer-social-shape-square' => __pl('icon_shape_square'), 'pagelayer-social-shape-rounded' => __pl('icon_shape_rounded'), 'pagelayer-social-shape-boxed' => __pl('icon_shape_boxed'), 'pagelayer-social-outline-border' => __pl('icon_shape_outline') ), ), /* 'bg_size' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('social_grp_size_label'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-icon-holder' => 'height: calc(1em + {{val}}px); width: calc(1em + {{val}}px);'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 10, 'req' => array( '!bg_shape' => '' ) ), */ 'align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('obj_align_label'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'center', 'css' => 'text-align: {{val}};', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right') ) ), /* 'group_layout' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('layout'), 'css' => ['{{element}} > div' => 'display: inline-block;'], 'default' => 'horizontal', 'list' => array( '' => __pl('vertical'), 'horizontal' => __pl('horizontal') ) ), */ 'vspace' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('space_between_col'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share' => 'padding-top: {{val}}px; padding-bottom: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 2, 'screen' => 1, /* 'req' => array( 'group_layout' => 'horizontal' ) */ ), 'hspace' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('space_between_row'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share' => 'padding-left: {{val}}px; padding-right: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 2, 'screen' => 1, /* 'req' => array( 'group_layout' => '' ) */ ), 'height' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('height'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share-content' => 'min-height: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, 'default' => 35, 'screen' => 1, ), /* 'width' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('width'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share-content' => 'min-width: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 0, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 100, ), */ ], 'icon_style' => [ 'icon_size' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('social_grp_size_label'), 'css' => ['{{element}} i' => 'font-size: {{val}}px;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-icon-holder' => 'font-size: {{val}}px;'], 'min' => 1, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 500, 'default' => 25, 'screen' => 1, ), 'icon_space' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('space_around'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-icon-holder' => 'padding-left: calc(0.5em + {{val}}px); 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// Social Share Button pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share', array( 'name' => __pl('icon'), 'group' => 'button', 'not_visible' => 1, 'parent' => [PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share_grp'], 'html' => ' <a class="pagelayer-ele-link" title="{{icon}}" href="{{social_url}}"> <div class="pagelayer-share-content"> <div class="pagelayer-icon-holder pagelayer-share-buttons"> <i class="pagelayer-social-fa {{icon}}"></i> </div> <div class="pagelayer-icon-name"> <span class="pagelayer-icon-name-span">{{icon_label}}</span> </div> </div> </a>', 'params' => array( 'icon' => array( 'type' => 'icon', 'label' => __pl('list_icon_label'), 'default' => 'fab fa-facebook-square', 'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-share-content' => 'data-icon="{{icon}}"'], 'list' => ['facebook', 'facebook-f', 'facebook-square', 'facebook-messenger', 'twitter', 'twitter-square', 'google-plus', 'google-plus-square', 'google-plus-g', 'instagram', 'linkedin', 'linkedin-in', 'pinterest', 'pinterest-p', 'pinterest-square', 'reddit-alien', 'reddit-square', 'reddit', 'skype', 'stumbleupon', 'stumbleupon-circle', 'telegram', 'telegram-plane', 'tumblr', 'tumblr-square', 'vk', 'weibo', 'whatsapp', 'whatsapp-square', 'wordpress', 'wordpress-simple', 'xing', 'xing-square', 'delicious', 'dribbble', 'dribbble-square', 'snapchat-ghost','get-pocket', 'envelope', 'envelope-open', 'envelope-o'], ), 'custom_profile' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('custom_profile'), 'req' => ['icon' => ['fab fa-instagram', 'fab fa-dribbble', 'fab fa-dribbble-square']] ), 'text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('custom_label_text'), 'edit' => '.pagelayer-icon-name-span', 'np' => 1, ), 'target' => array( 'label' => __pl('open_link_in_new_window'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'addAttr' => ['{{element}} a' => 'target="_blank"'], 'np' => 1, ), ) ) ); // Animated heading pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_anim_heading', array( 'name' => __pl('animated_heading'), 'group' => 'text', 'innerHTML' => 'text', 'html' => '<a if-ext="{{link}}" href="{{link}}"> <div class="pagelayer-aheading-holder {{rotate_req}} {{animations}}"> <div if="{{text}}" class="pagelayer-animated-heading pagelayer-animated-title">{{text}}</div> {{rotate_html}} <div if="{{after_text}}" class="pagelayer-animated-heading">{{after_text}}</div> <div class="pagelayer-blobs_1"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_2"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_3"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_4"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_5"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_6"></div><div class="pagelayer-blobs_7"></div> </div> </a>', 'params' => array( 'type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), 'default' => 'effects', 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-heading-{{val}}', 'list' => array( 'effects' => __pl('effects'), 'rotating' => __pl('rotating'), ), ), 'effects' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('effects'), 'default' => 'blobs', 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-hEffect-{{val}}', 'list' => array( 'none' => __pl('none'), 'blobs' => __pl('blobs'), 'stroke' => __pl('stroke'), 'shadow' => __pl('shadow'), ), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'animations' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('effects'), 'default' => 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate1', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate1' => __pl('rotate-1'), 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate2' => __pl('rotate-2'), 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate3' => __pl('rotate-3'), 'pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar' => __pl('loading-bar'), 'pagelayer-aheading-slide' => __pl('slide'), 'pagelayer-aheading-clip' => __pl('clip'), 'pagelayer-aheading-zoom' => __pl('zoom'), 'pagelayer-aheading-scale' => __pl('scale'), 'pagelayer-aheading-push' => __pl('push'), ), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'hide_clip' => array( 'label' => __pl('clip_hide'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'display:none'], 'req' => [ 'animations' => 'pagelayer-aheading-clip' ] ), 'align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => 'text-align: {{val}};', 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ) ), ), 'title_style' => [ 'text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('title'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => __pl('animated_heading'), 'edit' => '.pagelayer-animated-title', 'e' => [ 'v', 'f', 'r'] ), 'rotate_text' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => __pl('rotate_text'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => __pl('rotate_default'), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'after_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('after_text'), 'np' => 1, 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',40,,700,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; 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