Your IP :
// class.php
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Pulkit Gupta
// Date: 23rd Jan 2017
// Time: 23:00 hrs
// Site: http://pagelayer.com/wordpress (PAGELAYER)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://pagelayer.com/tos
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Pagelayer Team
// Are we being accessed directly ?
if(!defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')) {
exit('Hacking Attempt !');
// PageLayer Class
class PageLayer{
// All Settings
var $settings = array();
// Cache
var $cache = array();
// Common Styles Params
var $styles = array();
// All Shortcodes
var $shortcodes = array();
// All Shortcodes Groups
var $groups = array();
// Builder definition
var $builder = array();
// The Lang Strings
var $l = array();
// Runtime fonts
var $runtime_fonts = array();
var $fonts_sent = array();
var $system_fonts = array();
var $typo_props = array();
// Array of all the template paths
var $all_template_paths = array();
// Tabs visible in the left panel
var $tabs = ['settings', 'options'];
// Tabs visible in the left panel
var $screens = ['desktop' => '', 'tablet' => 'tablet', 'mobile' => 'mobile'];
// Icons set
var $icons = ['font-awesome5'];
// For exporting templates
var $media_to_export = array();
// For global widget
var $global_widgets = array();
// For global section
var $global_sections = array();
// For saved sections
var $saved_sections = array();
// For saved default params
var $default_params = array();
// Youtube API
var $append_yt_api = false;
var $css = array();
var $css_settings = array();
// Customizer options
var $customizer_mods = array();
var $customizer_params = array();
var $data_attr = array();
var $sc_audio_enqueued = 0;
var $support = 'http://pagelayer.deskuss.com';
// Global colors and typographies
var $global_colors = array();
var $global_fonts = array();
function __construct() {
// Load the langs
$this->l = @file_get_contents(PAGELAYER_DIR.'/languages/en.json');
$this->l = @json_decode($this->l, true);
// Add after plugins_loaded
add_action('plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'load_extra_languages' ], 11);
// Array of font options
$this->css_settings = ['body' => ['name' => 'Body', 'key' => 'pagelayer_body_typography'],
'header' => ['name' => 'Site Header', 'sel' => '> header'],
'main' => ['name' => 'Site Main', 'sel' => '.site-main'],
'footer' => ['name' => 'Site Footer', 'sel' => '> footer'],
'entry-header' => ['name' => 'Content Header', 'sel' => '.entry-header'],
'entry-content' => ['name' => 'Content', 'sel' => '.entry-content'],
'entry-footer' => ['name' => 'Content Footer', 'sel' => '.entry-footer'],
'p' => ['name' => 'Paragraph'],
'aside' => ['name' => 'Sidebar'],
'a' => ['name' => 'Link'],
'a-hover' => ['name' => 'Link Hover', 'sel' => 'a:hover'],
'h1' => ['name' => 'H1', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h1_typography'],
'h2' => ['name' => 'H2', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h2_typography'],
'h3' => ['name' => 'H3', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h3_typography'],
'h4' => ['name' => 'H4', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h4_typography'],
'h5' => ['name' => 'H5', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h5_typography'],
'h6' => ['name' => 'H6', 'key' => 'pagelayer_h6_typography'],
'b' => ['name' => 'Bold', 'sel' => 'strong, body.pagelayer-body b'],
'i' => ['name' => 'Italics', 'sel' => 'em, body.pagelayer-body i:not(.fa, .fas, .far, .fab)'],
$this->system_fonts = ['Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Courier', 'Georgia', 'Helvetica', 'impact', 'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana'];
$this->customizer_mods = get_option('pagelayer_customizer_mods', []);
$this->support = (defined('SITEPAD') ? 'http://sitepad.deskuss.com' : $this->support);
$this->typo_props = ['font-family', 'font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-variant', 'text-decoration-line', 'text-decoration-style', 'line-height', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing', 'word-spacing'];
function default_font_styles( $args = array()){
$default_font_styles = [
'font-family' => 'Open Sans',
'font-size' => '',
'font-style' => '',
'font-variant' => '',
'font-weight' => '',
'letter-spacing' => '',
'line-height' => '',
'text-decoration-line' => '',
'text-decoration-style' => '',
'text-transform' => '',
'word-spacing' => ''
return array_merge($default_font_styles, $args);
function load_extra_languages(){
$this->l['email_desc'] = 'To change the email, visit your '.BRAND_SM.' Dashboard -> Settings -> Editor Settings';
$this->l['CMA_desc'] = 'To change text, visit your '.BRAND_SM.' Dashboard -> Settings -> Editor Settings';