Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/kkart-pro/templates/myaccount/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/kkart-pro/templates/myaccount/dashboard.php |
<?php /** * My Account Dashboard * * Shows the first intro screen on the account dashboard. * * This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/kkart/myaccount/dashboard.php. * * HOWEVER, on occasion Kkart will need to update template files and you * (the theme developer) will need to copy the new files to your theme to * maintain compatibility. We try to do this as little as possible, but it does * happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will be bumped and * the readme will list any important changes. * * @see https://docs.kkart.com/document/template-structure/ * @package Kkart\Templates * @version 4.4.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } $allowed_html = array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), ), ); ?> <p> <?php printf( /* translators: 1: user display name 2: logout url */ wp_kses( __( 'Hello %1$s (not %1$s? <a href="%2$s">Log out</a>)', 'kkart' ), $allowed_html ), '<strong>' . esc_html( $current_user->display_name ) . '</strong>', esc_url( kkart_logout_url() ) ); ?> </p> <p> <?php /* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Address URL 3: Account URL. */ $dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">billing address</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'kkart' ); if ( kkart_shipping_enabled() ) { /* translators: 1: Orders URL 2: Addresses URL 3: Account URL. */ $dashboard_desc = __( 'From your account dashboard you can view your <a href="%1$s">recent orders</a>, manage your <a href="%2$s">shipping and billing addresses</a>, and <a href="%3$s">edit your password and account details</a>.', 'kkart' ); } printf( wp_kses( $dashboard_desc, $allowed_html ), esc_url( kkart_get_endpoint_url( 'orders' ) ), esc_url( kkart_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-address' ) ), esc_url( kkart_get_endpoint_url( 'edit-account' ) ) ); ?> </p> <?php /** * My Account dashboard. * * @since 2.6.0 */ do_action( 'kkart_account_dashboard' ); /** * Deprecated kkart_before_my_account action. * * @deprecated 2.6.0 */ do_action( 'kkart_before_my_account' ); /** * Deprecated kkart_after_my_account action. * * @deprecated 2.6.0 */ do_action( 'kkart_after_my_account' ); /* Omit closing PHP tag at the end of PHP files to avoid "headers already sent" issues. */