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// class.php
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Pulkit Gupta
// Date:	   23rd Jan 2017
// Time:	   23:00 hrs
// Site:	   http://kkart.com/wordpress (KKART)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://kkart.com/tos
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Kkart Team

// Are we being accessed directly ?
if(!defined('KKART_VERSION')) {
	exit('Hacking Attempt !');

global $pagelayer;

// Price
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_price', array(
		'name' => __('Product Price'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'edit_props' => ['.kkart-regular-price' => '_regular_price', '.kkart-sale-price' => '_sale_price'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-price-holder">
			<del if="{{show_reg_price}}" class="kkart-price-amount">
				<span class="kkart-Price-currencySymbol">{{currency}}</span><bdi class="kkart-regular-price">{{regular_price}}</bdi>
			<span if="{{show_sale_price}}" class="kkart-price-amount kkart-sale-price-cnt">
				<span class="kkart-Price-currencySymbol">{{currency}}</span><bdi class="kkart-sale-price">{{sale_price}}</bdi>
			<span if="{{reg_var_price_min}}" class="kkart-Price-currencySymbol">{{reg_var_price_min}}</span>
			<span if="{{reg_var_price_max}}" class="kkart-Price-currencySymbol"> - {{reg_var_price_max}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'prices' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Price'),
				'default' => 'regular',
				'list' => [
					'regular' => __('Regular Price'),
					'sale' => __('Sale Price'),
			'rp_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'show' => ['prices' => 'regular'],
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-price-holder del' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'rp_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'show' => ['prices' => 'regular'],
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-price-holder del' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'sp_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'show' => ['prices' => 'sale'],
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-sale-price-cnt' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'sp_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'show' => ['prices' => 'sale'],
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-sale-price-cnt' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'p_position' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Flip regular price'),
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-price-holder' => 'kkart-price-flip'],
			'space' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Space'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-price-amount' => 'margin-right:{{val}}px;']

// Image gallery
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_img_gallery', array(
		'name' => __('Product gallery'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-image-gallery-holder kkart-gallery-position-{{gposition}}">
			<div class="kkart-primary-image-container kkart-primary-image-{{palign}}">{{primary_image}}
				<div if="{{slider_controls}}" class="primary-slider-controls">
					<button type="button" class="primary-image-prev"><i class="fas fa-chevron-left"></i></button>
					<button type="button" class="primary-image-next"><i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i></button>
			<div class="kkart-product-gallery-container kkart-product-gallery-container-{{gposition}}-{{galign}}">
				<ul class="kkart-product-gallery-ul">{{gallery_html}}</ul>
		'params' => array(
			'hide_gallery' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hide Gallery'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-container' => 'display: none']
			'size' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => 'Gallery Image Size',
				'default' => 'thumbnail',
				'list' => array(
					'full' => __('Full'),
					'large' => __('Large'),
					'medium' => __('Medium'),
					'thumbnail' => __('Thumbnail'),
					'custom' => __('Custom'),
			'gcustom_size' => array(
				'type' => 'dimension',
				'label' => 'Gallery Image Custom Size',
				'units' => ['px', 'em', '%'],
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-gallery-item img' => 'width: {{val[0]}}; height: {{val[1]}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'size' => 'custom'
			'galign' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => 'Gallery Image Alignment',
				'default' => 'left',
				'addAttr' => 'align="{{align}}"',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-container' => 'text-align: {{val}}', '{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-container .kkart-product-gallery-ul' => 'text-align: {{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Start'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('End'),
			'gposition' => array(
				'label' => 'Gallery Container Position',
				'type' => 'radio',
				'default' => 'bottom',
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'top' => __('Top'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
					'bottom' => __('Bottom')
			'gcolumns' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Gallery Image Count'),
				'default' => 5,
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-ul' => 'data-slides-count={{gcolumns}}'],
			'gholder_size' => array(
				'type' => 'dimension',
				'label' => 'Gallery Holder Size',
				'units' => ['px', 'em', '%'],
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-ul' => 'width: {{val[0]}}; height: {{val[1]}};'],
			'hover_slider' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hover Slider'),
				'default' => '',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gallery-ul' => 'data-slides-hover={{hover_slider}}'],
		'gimg_border_style' => array(
			'gimg_bor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'gimg_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-product-active' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => ''
			'gimg_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-active' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!gimg_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => ''
			'gimg_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-active' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => [
					'!gimg_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => ''
			'gimg_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-active' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!gimg_border_type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => '',
			'gimg_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-product-gimage:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'gimg_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color Hover'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gimage:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!gimg_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'gimg_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-product-gimage:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px;'
				'req' => [
					'!gimg_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'gimg_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-gimage:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!gimg_border_type_hover' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'gimg_bor_hover' => 'hover',
		'primary_image' => array(
			'palign' => array(
				'label' => 'Primary Image Alignment',
				'type' => 'radio',
				'default' => 'center',
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right')
			'pspace' => array(
				'label' => 'Margin',
				'type' => 'padding',
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-primary-image-container' => 'margin-top: {{val[0]}}px; margin-right: {{val[1]}}px; margin-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; margin-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'pzoom' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Zoom'),
				'default' => '',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-primary-image-container' => 'data-zoom={{pzoom}}'],
			'slider_controls' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Slider Controls'),
				'default' => '',
			'controls_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
					'{{element}} .pagelayer-btn-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => ''],
			'controls_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '']
			'controls_background' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'defaul' => 'none',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'background:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'controls_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'defaul' => '#000',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'control_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'control_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type' => '']
			'control_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type' => '']
			'control_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]' => 'border-top-left-radius: {{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius: {{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => ''],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type' => '']
			'controls_background_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Hover'),
				'defaul' => 'none',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'background:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'controls_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color Hover'),
				'defaul' => 'none',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'control_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Hover Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '' ]
			'control_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __(' Hover Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type_hover' => '']
			'control_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Hover Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type_hover' => '']
			'control_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Hover Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['.primary-slider-controls [class*="primary-image-"]:hover' => 'border-top-left-radius: {{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius: {{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['controls_hover' => 'hover'],
				'req' => ['!slider_controls' => '', '!control_border_type_hover' => '']
		'styles' => array(
			'primary_image' => __('Primary Image'),
			'gimg_border_style' => __('Gallery Image Border Style')

// Add to cart
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_add_to_cart', array(
		'name' => __('Add To Cart'),
		'icon' => 'fas fa-cart-arrow-down',
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-add-to-cart-holder">
		'params' => array(
			'cart_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Cart Text'),
				'default' => __('Add To Cart'),
			'cart_icon' => array(
				'type' => 'icon',
				'label' => __('Icon'),
				'default' => '',
			'cart_icon_position' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'default' => 'kkart-cart-btn-icon-left',
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => '{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'kkart-cart-btn-icon-left' => __('Left'),
					'kkart-cart-btn-icon-right' => __('Right')
			'cart_icon_spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Icon Spacing'),
				'min' => 1,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 5,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-icon' => 'padding: 0 {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!cart_icon' => 'none'
		'cart_quantity' => array(
			'show_quantity' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Quantity'),
				'default' => 'true'
			'quantity_layout' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Quantity Layout'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder, {{element}} .kkart-product-quantity-holder' => 'display: {{val}};'],
				'default' => 'inline-block',
				'list' => array(
					'block' => __('Block'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline')
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'quantity_box_width' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Quantity Box Width'),
				'min' => 10,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'width: {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'quantity_box_height' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Quantity Box Height'),
				'min' => 15,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'height: {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'input_background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Background Color'),
				'default' => '#fff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'input_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Text Color'),
				'default' => '#000',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'input_button_style' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Input Button Style'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => '-moz-appearance:auto'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'button_width' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Width'),
				'step' => '1',
				'default' => '25',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'width:{{val}}px'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'button_height' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Height'),
				'step' => '1',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'height:{{val}}px'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'button_background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Background Color'),
				'default' => '#fff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus,{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'button_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Text Color'),
				'default' => '#000',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus,{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
				'show' => ['!show_quantity' => ''],
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-plus' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'quantity_style' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Separate Box'),
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'kkart-quantity-style-{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'rounded' => __('Rounded'),
					'' => __('Boxed')
			'quantity_border_color' =>array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#efefef',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'quantity_border_size' =>array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Size'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'quantity_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px; {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'show_seperator' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Seperator'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right: 1px solid #efefef;', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .plus' => 'border-left: 1px solid #efefef;'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'seperator_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Seperator Border Color'),
				'default' => '#efefef',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right-color: {{val}};', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'border-left-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => '','!show_seperator' => ''],
			'seperator_border_size' =>array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Seperator Border Size'),
				'min' => 1,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right-width: {{val}}px;', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'border-left-width: {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => '','!show_seperator' => ''],
			'spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Spacing'),
				'min' => '2',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'margin-left:{{val}}px; margin-right:{{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'input_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Input Border Type'),
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-style:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'input_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Border Color'),
				'default' => '#fff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'input_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Input Border Width'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-top-width:{{val[0]}}px; border-left-width:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width:{{val[2]}}px; border-right-width:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'input_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Input Border Radius'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-top-left-radius:{{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius:{{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'button_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Button Border Type'),
				'default' => 'solid',
				'list' => [
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-style:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Border Color'),
				'default' => '#000',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Border Width'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'default' => '2,2,2,2',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-top-width:{{val[0]}}px; border-left-width:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width:{{val[2]}}px; border-right-width:{{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Border Radius'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'default' => '25,25,25,25',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-top-left-radius:{{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius:{{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
		'cart_btn_style' => array(
			'btn_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-text' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
					'{{element}} .pagelayer-btn-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'cart_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Button Type'),
				'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-default',
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => '{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'pagelayer-btn-default' => __('Default'),
					'pagelayer-btn-primary' => __('Primary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-secondary' => __('Secondary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-success' => __('Success'),
					'pagelayer-btn-info' => __('Information'),
					'pagelayer-btn-warning' => __('Warning'),
					'pagelayer-btn-danger' => __('Danger'),
					'pagelayer-btn-dark' => __('Dark'),
					'pagelayer-btn-light' => __('Light'),
					'pagelayer-btn-link' => __('Link'),
					'pagelayer-btn-custom' => __('Custom')
			'cart_size' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Button Size'),
				'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-small',
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => '{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'pagelayer-btn-mini' => __('Mini'),
					'pagelayer-btn-small' => __('Small'),
					'pagelayer-btn-large' => __('Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-extra-large' => __('Extra Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-double-large' => __('Double Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-custom' => __('Custom'),
			'btn_custom_size' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Custom Size'),
				'min' => 1,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 5,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'padding: calc({{val}}px / 2) {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'cart_size' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
			'btn_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
				'req' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
			'btn_bg_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'default' => '#818a91',
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'req' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => ''
			'btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Color'),
				'default' => '#ffffff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => ''
			'btn_hover_delay' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Hover Delay'),
				'desc' => __('Time to delay the hover in ms'),
				'min' => 0,
				'step' => 100,
				'max' => 5000,
				'default' => 400,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'],
				'show' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
					'btn_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_bg_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Hover Color'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'req' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => 'hover',
			'btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Hover Color'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'cart_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_shadow' => array(
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Shadow'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}} !important;'],
			'btn_shadow_hover' => array( // This is actually box shadow hover
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Box Shadow Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}} !important;'],
		'cart_border_style' => [
			'btn_bor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => [
					'!btn_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => '',
			'btn_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color Hover'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px;'
				'req' => [
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-btn-holder:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover',
		'styles' => array(
			'cart_quantity' => __('Cart Quantity'),
			'cart_btn_style' => __('Cart Button Style'),
			'cart_border_style' => __('Cart Border Style'),

// Cart items holder
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_items', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Items'),
		'icon' => 'fas fa-cart-plus',
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_items',
		'has_group' => [
			'section' => 'params', 
			'prop' => 'elements',
		'holder' => '.kkart-cart-items-holder',
		'html' => '<form class="kkart-cart-form-holder" method="post">
			<div class="kkart-cart-items-holder"></div>
		'params' => array(
			'elements' => array(
				'type' => 'group',
				'label' => __('Inner Row'),
				'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_inner_row', // a.k.a the item being multiplied by the count
				'count' => 1,
				'item_label' => array(
					'default' => __('Inner Row'),
				'item_atts' => [], // orderwise array of attrbutes to be set as per the count given 
				'inner_content' => [ // This is the content within each item which is going to the created i.e. within each SC. This only use for inner rows
					['pl_col' => [
							'inner_content' => [
								['pl_kkart_archive_thumb' => []]
					['pl_col' => [
						'inner_content' => [
								['pl_kkart_title' => ['atts' => ['typo' => ',20,,700,,,Solid,,,,']]],
								['pl_kkart_cart_price' => ['atts' => ['price_type' => 'product_sub_total']]],
								['pl_kkart_cart_variable' => []],
								['pl_kkart_cart_item_quantity' => []],
								['pl_kkart_cart_update' => ['atts' => ['ele_custom_pos' => 'true', 'ele_width' => 'initial']]],
								['pl_kkart_cart_item_remove' => ['atts' => ['ele_custom_pos' => 'true', 'ele_width' => 'initial']]],
				'hide' => 1,

// Cart item counter
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_variable', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Variable Meta'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_variable',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-cart-variables-holder">{{variable_meta}}</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-variables-holder' => 'color: {{val}};'],

// Cart item counter
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_item_quantity', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Item Quantity'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'icon' => 'fas fa-luggage-cart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_item_quantity',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-cart-item-quantity-holder">
		'params' => array(
			'quantity_box_width' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Quantity Box Width'),
				'min' => 10,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'width: {{val}}px;'],
			'quantity_box_height' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Quantity Box Height'),
				'min' => 15,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'height: {{val}}px;'],
			'input_background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
			'input_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Text Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'input_button_style' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Input Button Style'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity input[type="number"]' => '-moz-appearance:auto'], // Not working
			'button_width' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Width'),
				'default' => '25',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'width:{{val}}px'],
			'button_background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus,{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
			'button_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-plus' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-plus' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'quantity_style' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Separate Box'),
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'kkart-quantity-style-{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'rounded' => __('Rounded'),
					'' => __('Boxed')
			'quantity_border_color' =>array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#efefef',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'quantity_border_size' =>array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Size'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'quantity_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px; {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'show_seperator' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Seperator'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right: 1px solid #efefef;', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .plus' => 'border-left: 1px solid #efefef;'],
				'show' => ['quantity_style' => ''],
			'seperator_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Seperator Border Color'),
				'default' => '#efefef',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right-color: {{val}};', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'border-left-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => '','!show_seperator' => ''],
			'seperator_border_size' =>array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Seperator Border Size'),
				'min' => 1,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-minus' => 'border-right-width: {{val}}px;', '{{element}} .kkart-product-quantity .kkart-plus' => 'border-left-width: {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => '','!show_seperator' => ''],
			'spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Spacing'),
				'min' => '2',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'margin-left:{{val}}px; margin-right:{{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'input_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Input Border Type'),
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-style:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'input_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Input Border Color'),
				'default' => '#fff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'input_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Input Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-top-width:{{val[0]}}px; border-left-width:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width:{{val[2]}}px; border-right-width:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'input_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Input Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded input[type="number"]' => 'border-top-left-radius:{{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius:{{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded', '!input_border_type' => ''],
			'button_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => 'button_border_type',
				'default' => 'solid',
				'list' => [
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-style:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Border Color'),
				'default' => '#000',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-color:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Border Width'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'default' => '2,2,2,2',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-top-width:{{val[0]}}px; border-left-width:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width:{{val[2]}}px; border-right-width:{{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],
			'button_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Border Radius'),
				'screen' => '1',
				'default' => '25,25,25,25',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-style-rounded .kkart-plus' => 'border-top-left-radius:{{val[0]}}px; border-top-right-radius:{{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-right-radius:{{val[2]}}px; border-bottom-left-radius:{{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['quantity_style' => 'rounded'],

// Cart item Remove
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_item_remove', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Item Remove'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'icon' => 'far fa-trash-alt',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_item_remove',
		'html' => '<a href="#" data-cart-key="{{cart_item_key}}"class="kkart-item-remove-link">
			<i if="{{icon}}" class="{{icon}} pagelayer-btn-icon" ></i>
			<span if="{{text}}" class="pagelayer-btn-icon">{{text}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'icon' => array(
				'type' => 'icon',
				'label' => __('Icon'),
				'default' => 'fas fa-trash-alt',
			'text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Text'),
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-item-remove-link' => 'color:{{val}}' ],
			'padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-btn-icon' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-item-remove-link' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'
			'spacing_between' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Spacing Between'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-btn-icon' => 'padding-right:{{val}}px' ],

// Cart item update
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_update', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Update Button'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_item_update',
		'html' => '<button if={{not_sold_individually}} type="submit" name="update_cart" class="kkart-items-update" value="Cart Update" aria-disabled="true" data-cart-key="{{cart_item_key}}">
			<i if="{{icon}}" class="{{icon}} pagelayer-btn-icon"></i>
			<span if="{{text}}" class="pagelayer-btn-icon">{{text}}</span>
		<input type="hidden" id="kkart-cart-nonce" name="kkart-cart-nonce" value="{{kkart_cart_nonce}}">',
		'params' => array(
			'icon' => array(
				'type' => 'icon',
				'label' => __('Icon'),
			'text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Text'),
				'default' => __('Update Cart'),
			'bg_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-items-update' => 'background-color:{{val}}' ],
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-items-update' => 'color:{{val}}' ],
			'padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-items-update' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-items-update' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'
			'spacing_between' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Spacing Between'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-btn-icon' => 'padding-right:{{val}}px' ],

// Cart item count
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_item_count', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Item Count'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		//'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-cart-item-count">
			<span if="{{before}}">{{before}}</span>{{item_count}}<span if="{{after}}">{{after}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'before' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Before'),
			'after' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('After'),
			'title_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'), 
					'hover' => __('Hover'), 
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'default' => '#0986c0',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count, {{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count *' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => '']
			'typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => '']
			'color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'default' => '#0986c0',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count:hover, {{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count:hover *' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => 'hover']
			'typo_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count:hover' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => 'hover']
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'list' => [
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-item-count' => 'text-align: {{val}}'],

// Cart item totals
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_price', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Prices'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_price',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-price-block">
			<div if="{{title}}">{{title}}</div>
			<div class="kkart-cart-item-price-holder">
				<span class="kkart-cart-item-price" data-pricetype={{price_type}}>{{item_price}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'title_hide' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hide title'),
			'title' => array(
				'label' => __('Price'),
				'type' => 'text',
				'default' => __('Price'),
				'req' => ['title_hide' =>  '']
			'price_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Price Type'),
				'default' => 'price',
				'list' => [
					'price' => __('Price'),
					'sub_total' => __('Sub Total'),
					'grand_total' => __('Grand Total '),
					'all_items_total' => __('All Items Total'),
					'discount' => __('Discount'),
					'delivery_charges' => __('Delivery Charges'),
					'product_sub_total' => __('Product Sub Total'),
					'tax' => __('Tax'),

pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_variation', array(
		'name' => __('Variation'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_product_variation',
		'not_visible' => 1,
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-variable-product">{{product_variation_html}}</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'selection_type' =>array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Selection Type'),
				'default' => 'dropdown',
				'list' => array(
					'dropdown' => __('Dropdown'),
					'checkbox' => __('Checkbox')
			'checkbox_options' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Checkbox Style'),
				'default' => 'text',
				'list' => array(
					'text' => __('Text'),
					'image' => __('Image')
				'req' => [ 'selection_type' => 'checkbox' ]

pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_price_holder', array(
		'name' => __('Cart Price Holder'),
		'group' => 'kkart_cart',
		'icon' => 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_cart_prices',
		'has_group' => [
			'section' => 'params', 
			'prop' => 'elements'
		'holder' => '.kkart_cart_price_holder',
		'html' => '<div if={{show_coupon}} class="coupon_holder">'. kkart_checkout_coupon_form(array(), false).'</div>
		<div class="kkart_cart_price_holder"></div>
		<a if={{checkout_proceed_link}} href={{checkout_proceed_link}} class="kkart-cart-checkout-button">Checkout</button>',
		'params' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hide Coupon'),
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Coupon after pricing'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart_cart_price_holder' => 'order:-1'],
				'show' => ['!hide_coupon' => 'true']
			'elements'=> array(
				'type' => 'group',
				'label' => __('Prices'),
				'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_cart_price',
				'count' => 6,
				'item_label' => array(
					'default' => __('Price'),
					'param' => 'title'
				'item_atts' => array(
					['title' => 'Sub Total', 'price_type' => 'sub_total'],
					['title' => 'Items Total', 'price_type' => 'all_items_total'],
					['title' => 'Delivery Charges', 'price_type' => 'delivery_charges'],
					['title' => 'Discount', 'price_type' => 'discount'],
					['title' => 'Tax', 'price_type' => 'tax'],
					['title' => 'Grand Total', 'price_type' => 'grand_total'],
				'hide' => 1
		'checkout_button' => array(
			'hide_checkout' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hide Checkout Button'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'display:none']
			'checkout_btn_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Button Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'checkout_btn_bg'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['checkout_btn_colors' => '']
			'checkout_btn_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['checkout_btn_colors' => '']
			'checkout_btn_hover_bg'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['checkout_btn_colors' => 'hover']
			'checkout_btn_hover_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['checkout_btn_colors' => 'hover']
			'checkout_btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'checkout_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!checkout_btn_border_type' => '']
			'checkout_btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!checkout_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['checkout_border_colors' => '']
			'checkout_btn_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!checkout_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['checkout_border_colors' => 'hover']
			'checkout_btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!checkout_btn_border_type' => '']
			'checkout_btn_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'checkout_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'checkout_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
			'checkout_btn_width' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'default' => 100,
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} a.kkart-cart-checkout-button' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'styles' => array(
			'checkout_button' => __('Checkout Button')

// Buy now Button
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_buy_now', array(
		'name' => __('Buy Now'),
		'icon' => 'fa fa-shopping-basket',
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_buy_now',
		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div if="{{buy_now_show}}" class="kkart-buy-now-holder">
			<a href="{{buy_now_url}}" class="kkart-buy-now">
				<span if="{{buy_now_text}}">{{buy_now_text}}</span>
				<i if="{{buy_now_icon}}" class="kkart-buy-now-icon {{buy_now_icon}}"></i>
		'params' => array(
			'buy_now_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Text'),
				'default' => 'Buy Now',
			'full_width' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Stretch'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} a' => 'width: 100%; text-align: center;']
			'btn_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'default' => 'left',
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => 'text-align: {{val}}',
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right')
				'req' => array(
					'full_width' => ''
		'btn_style' => [
			'type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Button Type'),
				'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-default',
				'list' => array(
					'pagelayer-btn-default' => __('Default'),
					'pagelayer-btn-primary' => __('Primary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-secondary' => __('Secondary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-success' => __('Success'),
					'pagelayer-btn-info' => __('Information'),
					'pagelayer-btn-warning' => __('Warning'),
					'pagelayer-btn-danger' => __('Danger'),
					'pagelayer-btn-dark' => __('Dark'),
					'pagelayer-btn-light' => __('Light'),
					'pagelayer-btn-link' => __('Link'),
					'' => __('Custom')
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => '{{val}}'],
			'size' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Size'),
				'default' => '',
				'list' => array(
					'pagelayer-btn-mini' => __('Mini'),
					'pagelayer-btn-small' => __('Small'),
					'pagelayer-btn-large' => __('Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-extra-large' => __('Extra Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-double-large' => __('Double Large'),
					'' => __('Custom'),
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => '{{val}}'],
			'btn_custom_size' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Custom Size'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 10,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'padding: calc({{val}}px / 2) {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['size' => ''],
			'btn_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
				'req' => ['type' => ''],
			'btn_bg_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'default' => '#818a91',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'background-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['type' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_hover' => ''],
			'btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Color'),
				'default' => '#ffffff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['type' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_hover' => ''],
			'btn_hover_delay' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Hover Delay'),
				'desc' => __('Time to delay the hover in ms'),
				'min' => 0,
				'step' => 100,
				'max' => 5000,
				'default' => 400,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'],
				'show' => ['type' => '', 'btn_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_bg_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Hover Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover, {{element}} .pagelayer-btn-anim-slide:after' => 'background-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['type' => ''],
				'show' =>['btn_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Hover Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['type' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_shadow' => [
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Shadow'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}} !important;'],
			'btn_shadow_hover' => [ // This is actually box shadow hover
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Box Shadow Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}} !important;'],
		'border_style' => [
			'btn_bor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'border-style: {{val}};'],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => ''],
			'btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => ''],
			'btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => [
					'!btn_border_type' => ''
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => ''],
			'btn_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => ''],
			'btn_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color Hover'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px;'
				'req' => ['!btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'],
			'btn_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'],
		'icon_style' => [
			'buy_now_icon' => array(
				'type' => 'icon',
				'label' => __('Icon'),
			'icon_position' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'list' => array(
					'kkart-buy-now-icon-left' => __('Left'),
					'' => __('Right')
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now' => '{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!buy_now_icon' => 'none'],
			'icon_spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Icon Spacing'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 5,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-buy-now-icon' => 'padding: 0 {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!buy_now_icon' => 'none'],
		'styles' => array(
			'btn_style' => __('Button Styles'),
			'border_style' => __('Border Style'),
			'icon_style' => __('Icon Style')

// Cart Proceed Button
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_checkout_proceed_btn', array(
		'name' => __('Checkout Proceed Button'),
		'group' => 'kkart cart',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-checkout-proceed-holder">
			<a href="{{checkout_proceed_link}}" class="kkart-checkout-proceed">
				<span if="{{checkout_proceed_text}}">{{checkout_proceed_text}}</span>
				<i if="{{checkout_proceed_icon}}" class="kkart-checkout-proceed-icon {{checkout_proceed_icon}}"></i>
		'params' => array(
			'checkout_proceed_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Text'),
				'default' => 'Proceed To Checkout',
			'full_width' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Stretch'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} a' => 'width: 100%; text-align: center;']
			'btn_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
					'{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'default' => 'left',
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => 'text-align: {{val}}',
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right')
				'req' => array(
					'full_width' => ''
		'btn_style' => [
			'type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Button Type'),
				'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-default',
				'list' => array(
					'pagelayer-btn-default' => __('Default'),
					'pagelayer-btn-primary' => __('Primary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-secondary' => __('Secondary'),
					'pagelayer-btn-success' => __('Success'),
					'pagelayer-btn-info' => __('Information'),
					'pagelayer-btn-warning' => __('Warning'),
					'pagelayer-btn-danger' => __('Danger'),
					'pagelayer-btn-dark' => __('Dark'),
					'pagelayer-btn-light' => __('Light'),
					'pagelayer-btn-link' => __('Link'),
					'' => __('Custom')
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => '{{val}}'],
			'size' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Size'),
				'default' => 'pagelayer-btn-large',
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					'pagelayer-btn-mini' => __('Mini'),
					'pagelayer-btn-small' => __('Small'),
					'pagelayer-btn-large' => __('Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-extra-large' => __('Extra Large'),
					'pagelayer-btn-double-large' => __('Double Large'),
					'' => __('Custom'),
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => '{{val}}'],
			'btn_custom_size' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Custom Size'),
				'min' => 1,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 5,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'padding: calc({{val}}px / 2) {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'size' => '',
			'btn_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
				'req' => array(
					'type' => '',
			'btn_bg_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'default' => '#818a91',
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'req' => array(
					'type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => ''
			'btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Color'),
				'default' => '#ffffff',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => ''
			'btn_hover_delay' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Hover Delay'),
				'desc' => __('Time to delay the hover in ms'),
				'min' => 0,
				'step' => 100,
				'max' => 5000,
				'default' => 400,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'],
				'show' => array(
					'type' => '',
					'btn_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_bg_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Hover Color'),
				'default' => '',
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover, {{element}} .pagelayer-btn-anim-slide:after' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'req' => array(
					'type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => 'hover',
			'btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Hover Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_shadow' => [
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Shadow'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[4]}}px {{val[3]}} {{val[5]}} !important;'],
			'btn_shadow_hover' => [ // This is actually box shadow hover
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Box Shadow Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'box-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}} !important;'],
		'border_style' => [
			'btn_bor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
				'default' => '',
				//'no_val' => 1,// Dont set any value to element
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'border-style: {{val}};'],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => [
					'!btn_border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
			'btn_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => '',
			'btn_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color Hover'),
				'default' => '#42414f',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px;'
				'req' => [
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius Hover'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!btn_border_type_hover' => '',
				'show' => array(
					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover',
		'icon_style' => [
			'checkout_proceed_icon' => array(
				'type' => 'icon',
				'label' => __('Icon'),
				'default' => '',
			'icon_position' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'default' => '',
				'list' => array(
					'kkart-checkout-icon-left' => __('Left'),
					'' => __('Right')
				'addClass' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed' => '{{val}}'],
				'req' => array(
					'!checkout_proceed_icon' => 'none'
			'icon_spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Icon Spacing'),
				'min' => 1,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'default' => 5,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-proceed-icon' => 'padding: 0 {{val}}px;'],
				'req' => array(
					'!checkout_proceed_icon' => 'none'
		'styles' => array(
			'btn_style' => __('Button Styles'),
			'border_style' => __('Border Style'),
			'icon_style' => __('Icon Style')

// Checkout form holder
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_checkout_form', array(
		'name' => __('Checkout form Holder'),
		'group' => 'kkart Checkout',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_checkout_form',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-checkout-holder">
		<div class="kkart-checkout-container"></div>',
		'params' => array(
			'tab_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Tab Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'active' => __('Active'),
			'active_tab_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'default' => '#000000',
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-checkout-active-tab .kkart-checkout-tab-header' => 'background-color:{{val}}!important'],
				'show' => ['tab_colors' => 'active']
			'active_tab_text' =>array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'default' => '#FFFFFF',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-active-tab .kkart-checkout-tab-header' => 'color:{{val}}!important'],
				'show' => ['tab_colors' => 'active']
			'inactive_tab' =>array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'default' => '#cccccc',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-tab-header' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['tab_colors' => '']
			'inactive_tab_text' =>array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'default' => '#000000',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-tab-header' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['tab_colors' => '']
			'tab_spacing' =>array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Spacing'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-checkout-holder > div:not(:last-child)' => 'margin-bottom:{{val}}px'],
				'show' => ['tab_colors' => '']
		'proceed_button'=> array(
			'proceed_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Button Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'proceed_button_bg_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout-tabs-proceed' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['proceed_colors' => '']
			'proceed_button_text_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout-tabs-proceed' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['proceed_colors' => '']
			'proceed_button_hover_bg'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout-tabs-proceed:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['proceed_colors' => 'hover']
			'proceed_button_hover_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout-tabs-proceed:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['proceed_colors' => 'hover']
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				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
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				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'proceed_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
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			'proceed_button_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout-tabs-proceed' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!proceed_button_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['proceed_border_colors' => '']
			'proceed_button_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'padding',
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			'proceed_button_button_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
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		'edit_button'=> array(
			'edit_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Edit Button Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'edit_button_bg_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout_edit_button' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['edit_colors' => '']
			'edit_button_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout_edit_button' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['edit_colors' => '']
			'edit_button_hover_bg'=> array(
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout_edit_button:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['edit_colors' => 'hover']
			'edit_button_hover_color'=> array(
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'type' => 'color',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout_edit_button:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['edit_colors' => 'hover']
			'edit_button_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .checkout_edit_button' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'edit_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
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			'edit_button_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
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				'show' => ['edit_border_colors' => '']
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				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
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				'show' => ['edit_border_colors' => 'hover']
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'req' => ['!edit_button_border_type' => '']
			'edit_button_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .checkout_edit_button' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
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				'type' => 'padding',
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		'billing_here_button' => array(
			'billing_here_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Billing Here Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'billing_here' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Billing Here Button'),
				'default' => 'Use This',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-addresses-holder' => 'data-here-text="{{billing_here}}"'],
				'req' => ['form_type' => '']
			'here_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_here_colors'=> '']
			'btn_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_here_colors' => '']
			'btn_hover_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-here:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_here_colors'=> 'hover']
			'billing_hover_text_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-here:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_here_colors'=> 'hover']
			'billing_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'billing_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!billing_border_type' => ''],
			'billing_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!billing_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_border_colors' => '']
			'billing_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!billing_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_border_colors' => 'hover']
			'billing_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!billing_border_type' => '']
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				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
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			'here_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
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				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-here' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'billing_edit_button' => array(
			'billing_edit' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Billing Edit'),
				'default' => 'Edit',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-addresses-holder' => 'data-edit-text="{{billing_edit}}"'],
			'billing_edit_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Billing Edit Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'edit_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_edit_colors' => '']
			'edit_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_edit_colors' => '']
			'edit_btn_hover_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_edit_colors' => 'hover']
			'edit_btn_hover_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_edit_colors' => 'hover']
			'edit_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'edit_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!edit_border_type' => '']
			'edit_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!edit_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['edit_border_colors' => '']
			'edit_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!edit_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['edit_border_colors' => 'hover']
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!edit_border_type' => ''],
			'edit_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
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				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'edit_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
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				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'edit_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
			'edit_btn_width' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-edit' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'delete_button' => array(
			'billing_delete_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Billing Delete Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'billing_delete' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Billing Delete'),
				'default' => 'Delete',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-addresses-holder' => 'data-delete-text="{{billing_delete}}"'],
			'del_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_delete_colors' => '']
			'del_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_delete_colors' => '']
			'del_btn_hover_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_delete_colors' => 'hover']
			'del_btn_hover_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_delete_colors' => 'hover']
			'del_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'del_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!del_border_type' => '']
			'del_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!del_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['del_border_colors' => '']
			'del_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!del_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['del_border_colors' => 'hover']
			'del_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!del_border_type' => '']
			'del_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'del_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'del_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
			'del_btn_width' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-billing-delete' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'add_address' => array(
			'add_addre_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Add Address Text'),
				'default' => '+ Add New Address',
			'add_addre_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-address-form-headding' => 'color:{{val}}' ]
			'add_font_weight' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Font Weight'),
				'default' => 'normal',
				'list' => array(
					'normal' => __('Normal'),
					'bold' => __('Bold'),
					'bolder' => __('Bolder'),
					'lighter' => __('Lighter')
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-address-form-headding' => 'font-weight:{{val}}' ]
		'form_save_button' => array(
			'billing_save_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Billing Save Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'save_addre_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Save Address Text'),
				'default' => 'Save',
			'save_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_save_colors' => '']
			'save_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_save_colors' => '']
			'save_btn_hover_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_save_colors' => 'hover']
			'save_btn_hover_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_save_colors' => 'hover']
			'save_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'billing_save_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!save_border_type' => '']
			'billing_savebt_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!save_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_save_border_colors' => '']
			'billing_savebt_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!save_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_save_border_colors' => 'hover']
			'billing_savebt_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!save_border_type' => '']
			'save_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'save_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'save_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
			'save_btn_width' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-save-address-form' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'form_cancel_button' => array(
			'billing_cancel_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Billing Cancel Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
			'cancel_addre_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Cancel Address Text'),
				'default' => 'Cancel',
			'cancel_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_colors' => '']
			'cancel_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_colors' => '']
			'cancel_btn_hover_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_colors' => 'hover']
			'cancel_button_hover_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_colors' => 'hover']
			'cancel_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'billing_cancel_border_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Border Colors'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal Color'),
					'hover' => __('Hover Color'),
				'req' => ['!cancel_border_type' => '']
			'billing_cancelbt_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!cancel_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_border_colors' => '']
			'billing_cancelbt_border_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Hover'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!cancel_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['billing_cancel_border_colors' => 'hover']
			'billing_cancelbt_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!cancel_border_type' => '']
			'billing_cancelbt_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
			'cancel_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'cancel_btn_display' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => '',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'display:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Full'),
					'inline-block' => __('Inline'),
			'cancel_btn_width' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Width'),
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-cancel-address-form' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
		'address_block' => array(
			'address_block_colors' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Address Block Color'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'active' => __('Active')
			'address_block_color' =>array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-address-details' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => [ 'address_block_colors' => '']
			'address_block_bgcolor' =>array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-address-details' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => [ 'address_block_colors' => '']
			'active_block_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-active-address-details' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => [ 'address_block_colors' => 'active']
			'active_block_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-active-address-details' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => [ 'address_block_colors' => 'active']
		'styles' => array(
			'proceed_button' => __('Proceed Button'),
			'edit_button' => __('Edit Button'),
			'billing_here_button' => __('Billing Here Button'),
			'billing_edit_button' => __('Billing Edit Button'),
			'delete_button' => __('Billing Delete Button'),
			'add_address' => __('Add Address Text'),
			'form_save_button' => __('Save Button'),
			'form_cancel_button' => __('Cancel Button'),
			'address_block' => __('Address Block')

// Order information
		'name' => __('Order Info'),
		'group' => 'kkart received',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_order_info',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-order-info-holder">
			<div if="{{show_failed}}" class="kkart-order-failed-holder">{{failed_text}}</div>
			<div if="{{show_info}}" class="kkart-order-info-holder">{{info_text}}</div>
			<div if="{{show_not_found}}" class="kkart-order-not-found-holder">{{order_not_found_txt}}</div>
		'params' => array(
			'editor_view' => array(
				'type' => 'select', 
				'label' => __('Order views on editor'), 
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Order info'),
					'failed' => __('Order failed'),
					'not_found' => __('Order not Found'),
			'info_text' => array(
				'type' => 'textarea', 
				'label' => __('Order Success Text'), 
				'default' => '<p><strong>Thank you. Your order has been received.</strong></p>
				<p>Order number : <strong>$order_number</strong></p>
				<p>Date : <strong>$order_date</strong></p>
				<p>Email : <strong>$billing_email</strong></p>
				<p>Total : <strong>$order_total</strong></p>
				<p if="$payment_method">Payment method : <strong>$payment_method</strong></p>', 
				'desc' => 'You can use the varibles - $order_number, $order_date, $billing_email, $order_total, $payment_method. and also you can use [if] attribute like(if="$payment_method") to skip empty variable holders',
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio', 
				'label' => __('alignment'), 
				'default' => 'left', 
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder' => 'text-align:{{val}}']
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder *' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
		'order_failed' => array(
			'failed_text' => array(
				'type' => 'textarea', 
				'label' => __('Order Failed Text'), 
				'default' => '<p>Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction. Please attempt your purchase again.</p>', 
			'failed_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder .kkart-order-failed-holder *' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'failed_typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder .kkart-order-failed-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'failed_btns' => array(
				'type' => 'radio', 
				'label' => __('buttons'), 
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'failed_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('bgcolor'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => '']
			'failed_btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_bgcolor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('bgcolor'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_typo_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!failed_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['failed_btns' => 'hover']
			'failed_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
			'failed_btn_space' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Spacing'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-failed-holder .button:first-child' => 'margin-right:{{val}}px'],
		'order_not_found' => array(
			'order_not_found_txt' => array(
				'type' => 'textarea', 
				'label' => __('Order Not Found'), 
				'default' => 'Unfortunately your order is not found. Please attempt your purchase again.', 
			'not_found_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder .kkart-order-not-found-holder *' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'not_found_typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-info-holder .kkart-order-not-found-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
		'styles' => array(
			'order_failed' => __('Order failed'),
			'order_not_found' => __('Order not found'),

// Order Details
		'name' => __('Order Details'),
		'group' => 'kkart received',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_order_details',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-order-details-holder">
			<div if="show_downloads" class="kkart-order-download-details">
				<div class="kkart-download-title">{{download_title}}</div>
			<div class="kkart-order-details">
				<div class="kkart-order-details-title">{{order_title}}</div>
		'params' => array(
			'order_title' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Order Title'),
				'default' => '<h2>Order details</h2>',
			'order_title_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('Order color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-details-title' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'order_title_typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Order typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-details-title' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
			'download_title' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Download Title'),
				'default' => '<h2>Downloads</h2>',
			'download_title_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('Download color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-details-title' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'download_title_typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Download typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-details-title' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',

// Order Address
		'name' => __('Order Address'),
		'group' => 'kkart received',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_order_address',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-order-address-holder">
			<div class="kkart-billing-details">
				<div class="kkart-billing-title">{{billing_title}}</div>
			<div if="{{show_shipping}}" class="kkart-shipping-details">
				<div class="kkart-shipping-title">{{shipping_title}}</div>
		'params' => array(
			'billing_title' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Billing Title'),
				'default' => '<h2>Billing Address</h2>',
			'shipping_title' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Shipping Title'),
				'default' => '<h2>Shipping Address</h2>',

// Order pay
		'name' => __('Order Pay'),
		'group' => 'kkart Checkout',
		'icon' => 'fas fa-money-bill-alt',
		'func' => 'kkart_sc_order_pay',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-order-pay-holder">
			<div if="{{show_login}}" class="kkart-order-pay-login">{{order_pay_login}}</div>
			<div if="{{show_pay_form}}" class="kkart-order-pay-form">{{order_pay_form}}</div>
			<div if="{{show_details}}" class="kkart-order-pay-details">{{order_pay_details}}</div>
		'params' => array(
			'pay_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-order-pay-holder *' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'pay_typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-order-pay-holder' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
		'button_style' => array(
			'pay_btns' => array(
				'type' => 'radio', 
				'label' => __('buttons'), 
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'pay_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_bgcolor' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('bgcolor'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} #place_order' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} #place_order' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => '']
			'pay_btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('color'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_bgcolor_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color', 
				'label' => __('bgcolor'), 
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'background-color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_typo_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;',
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_border_type_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [ '{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}};' ],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_border_width_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Radius'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order:hover' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px {{val[2]}}px {{val[3]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!pay_btn_border_type_hover' => ''],
				'show' => ['pay_btns' => 'hover']
			'pay_btn_padding' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Button Padding'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} #place_order' => 'padding-top: {{val[0]}}px; padding-right: {{val[1]}}px; padding-bottom: {{val[2]}}px; padding-left: {{val[3]}}px'],
		'styles' => array(
			'button_style' => __('Button Style'),

// Widget copied from pagelayer

// Product Rating
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_rating', array(
		'name' => __('Product Rating'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-product-rating">
				<div if="{{show_rating}}" class="pagelayer-stars-container" title="{{product_rating}}/5" pagelayer-stars-value="{{product_rating}}" pagelayer-stars-count="5"></div>
				<div if="{{show_review_count}}" class="kkart-review-link">
					<span if="{{show_review_brackets}}">(</span>
					<span if="{{product_review_count}}" class="count">{{product_review_count}}</span>
					<span if="{{count_text}}" class="kkart-count-text"> {{count_text}}</span>
					<span if="{{show_review_brackets}}">)</span>
		'params' => array(
			'show_rating' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Rating'),
				'default' => 'true',
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-rating' => 'width:100%;text-align: {{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
			'star_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Star Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-stars-icon:before' => 'color: {{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_rating' => ''],
			'star_emp_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Empty Star Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-stars-container' => 'color: {{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_rating' => ''],
			'star_size' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Star Size'),
				'units' => [ 'px', 'em' ],
				'step' => 0.1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-stars-container' => 'font-size:{{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_rating' => ''],
			'space_between_stars' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Space Between Stars'),
				'units' => [ 'px', 'em' ],
				'step' => 0.1,
				'css' => ['{{element}}  .pagelayer-stars-icon' => 'letter-spacing: {{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_rating' => ''],
		'review_count_style' => array(
			'show_review_count' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Review Count'),
				'default' => 'true',
			'count_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Count Text'),
				'np' => 1,
				'default' => 'customer review',
				'edit' => '.kkart-count-text',
				'req' => ['!show_review_count' => ''],
			'review_link_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Link Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-review-link' => 'color: {{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_review_count' => ''],
			'typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-review-link' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
				'req' => ['!show_review_count' => ''],
			'show_review_brackets' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Review Brackets'),
				'default' => 'true',
			'space_between' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Space Between'),
				'units' => [ 'px', 'em' ],
				'step' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}}  .kkart-review-link' => 'margin-left
				: {{val}}'],
				'req' => ['!show_review_count' => ''],
		'styles' =>[
			'review_count_style' => __('Review Count Style'),

// Product Meta
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_meta', array(
		'name' => __('Product meta'),
		'icon' => 'fa fa-info',
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'edit_props' => ['.sku_value' => '_sku'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-product-meta kkart-meta-{{display}}"> 
				<span class="sku_wrapper" if="{{sku_value}}"><span class="sku_label" if="{{sku_label}}">{{sku_label}}: </span><span class="sku_value">{{sku_value}}</span></span>
				<span class="posted_in" if="{{category_value}}">{{category_label}}{{category_value}}</span>
				<span class="tagged_as" if="{{tag_value}}">{{tag_label}}{{tag_value}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'sku_label' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('SKU label'),
				'default' => 'SKU',
				'edit' => '.sku_label',
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-meta' => 'text-align: {{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
			'display' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Display'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-meta > span' => 'display: {{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'inline-block' => __('Inline Block'),
					'block' => __('Block'),
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				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Space Between'),
				'step' => 0.1,
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					'{{element}} .kkart-product-meta:not(.kkart-meta-block) > span:not(:first-child)' => 'margin-left: {{val}}px',
					'{{element}} .kkart-product-meta.kkart-meta-block > span:not(:last-child)' => 'margin-bottom: {{val}}px',
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				'type' => 'color',
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// Product short description
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// Products style
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// Products heading style
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// Products box style
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		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_typo' => array(
		'type' => 'typography',
		'label' => __('Typography'),
		'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_border_radius' => array(
		'type' => 'padding',
		'label' => __('Border Radius'),
		'units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
		'screen' => 1,
		'css' => ['{{element}} .ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'border-radius: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}}; -webkit-border-radius:  {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}};-moz-border-radius: {{val[0]}} {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}} {{val[3]}};',
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_width' => array(
		'type' => 'slider',
		'label' => __('Width'),
		'units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
		'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'min-width: {{val}};'],
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_height' => array(
		'type' => 'slider',
		'label' => __('Height'),
		'units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
		'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'min-height: {{val}}; line-height: {{val}};'],
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_distance' => array(
		'type' => 'slider',
		'label' => __('Distance'),
		'units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
		'max' => 20,
		'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'margin: {{val}};'],
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],
	'flash_position' => array(
		'type' => 'radio',
		'label' => __('Position'),
		'list' => array(
			'left' => __('Left'),
			'right' => __('Right'),
		'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product span.onsale' => 'left:auto; right:auto; {{val}} : 0;'],
		'req' => [ 'sale_flash' => 'true'],

// TODO: create this form scretch
// Product related
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_related', array(
		'name' => __('Related Upsell Products'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'not_visible' => 1,
		'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-product-related-container">
		'params' => array(
			'select_product' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Product Type'),
				'default' => 'related',
				'list' => array(
					'related' => __('Related'),
					'upsell' => __('Upsell'),
			'posts_per_page' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Products Per Page'),
				'default' => 4,
				'max' => 20,
				'req' => ['select_product' => 'related'],
			'columns' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Columns'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => 4,
				'min' => 1,
				'max' => 12,
			'order_by' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Order By'),
				'default' => 'date',
				'list' => array(
					'date' => __('Date'),
					'title' => __('Title'),
					'price' => __('Price'),
					'popularity' => __('Popularity'),
					'rating' => __('Rating'),
					'rand' => __('Random'),
					'menu_order' => __('Menu Order'),
			'order' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Order'),
				'default' => 'asc',
				'list' => array(
					'asc' => __('ASC'),
					'desc' => __('DESC'),
		'products_style' => $products_style,
		'heading_style' => $products_heading,
		'box_style' => $products_box,
		'sale_flash_style' => $products_sale_flash,
		'styles' =>[
			'products_style' => __('Products Style'),
			'heading_style' => __('Heading Styles'),
			'box_style' => __('Box Style'),
			'sale_flash_style' => __('Flash Sale Style'),

// kkart breadcrumb
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_breadcrumb', array(
		'name' => __('Kkart Breadcrumb'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-woo-breadcrumb-container">'. kkart_sc_breadcrumb() .'</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-breadcrumb' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'link_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Link Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-breadcrumb > a' => 'color:{{val}}'],
			'typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-breadcrumb' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-breadcrumb' => 'text-align:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),

// Product pages
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_pages', array(
		'name' => __('kkart pages'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-product-pages-container">{{page_content}}</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'pages' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Pages'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-breadcrumb' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'list' => array(
					'' => __( 'Select' ),
					'kkart_cart' => __('Cart Page'),
					//'product_page' => __('Single Product Page'),
					'kkart_checkout' => __('Checkout Page'),
					'kkart_order_tracking' => __('Order Tracking Form'),
					'kkart_my_account' => __('My Account'),

// TODO: create this form scretch
// Product pages
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_categories', array(
		'name' => __('Product Categories'),
		'group' => 'kkart',
		'html' => '<div class="pagelayer-product-categories-container">{{product_categories}}</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'columns' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Columns'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => 4,
				'max' => 12,
			'number' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Limit'),
				'default' => 4,
			'source' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Source'),
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Show All'),
					'by_id' => __('Manual Selection'),
					'by_parent' => __('By Parent'),
					'current_subcategories' => __('Current Sub-Categories'),
			'by_id' => array(
				'type' => 'multiselect',
				'label' => __('Categories'),
				'list' => kkart_get_product_cat(),
				'req' => ['source' => 'by_id'],
			'parent' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Parent'),
				'list' => [ '0' => __('Only Top Level') ] + kkart_get_product_cat(),
				'req' => ['source' => 'by_parent'],
			'hide_empty' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Hide Empty'),
			'orderby' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Order By'),
				'default' => 'name',
				'list' => array(
					'name' => __('Name'),
					'slug' => __('Slug'),
					'description' => __('Description'),
					'count' => __('Count'),
			'order' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Order'),
				'default' => 'desc',
				'list' => array(
					'asc' => __('ASC'),
					'desc' => __('DESC'),
		'products_style' => array(
			'column_gap' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Column Gap'),
				'units' => ['px', '%'],
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => 20,
				'step' => 0.2,
				'max' => 100,
				'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product' => 'margin-right: {{val}}'],
			'row_gap' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Row Gap'),
				'units' => ['px', '%'],
				'screen' => 1,
				'default' => 20,
				'step' => 0.2,
				'max' => 100,
				'css' => ['{{element}} ul.products li.product' => 'margin-bottom: {{val}}'],
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
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				'type' => 'heading',
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				'type' => 'select',
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				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'img_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} a > img' => 'border-color: {{val}}'],
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				'type' => 'padding',
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					'!img_border_type' => ''
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'slider',
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				'css' => ['{{element}} a > img' => 'margin-bottom: {{val}}'],
			'title_lable' => array(
				'type' => 'heading',
				'label' => __('Title'),
			'title_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
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			'title_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
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					'{{element}} .kkart-loop-category__title' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'
			'title_spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Spacing'),
				'units' => [ 'px', '%' ],
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-loop-category__title' => 'margin-bottom: {{val}}' 
			'count_lable' => array(
				'type' => 'heading',
				'label' => __('Count'),
			'count_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-loop-category__title .count' => 'color: {{val}}'],
			'count_typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-loop-category__title .count' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'
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			'products_style' => __('Products Style'),

// Archives Product
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_archives', array(
		'name' => __('Product Archives'),
		'group' => 'kkart archive',
		'has_group' => [
			'section' => 'params', 
			'prop' => 'elements',
			'loop' => 1,
		'holder' => '.kkart-porduct-archives',
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-porduct-archives"></div>',
		'params' => array(
			'elements' => array(
				'type' => 'group',
				'label' => __('Items'),
				'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_archive_item',
				'count' => 1,
				'item_label' => array(
					'default' => __('Items'),
				'hide' => 1,
			'cols' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Cols'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Default'),
					'1' => '1',
					'2' => '2',
					'3' => '3',
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					'5' => '5',
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					'7' => '7',
					'8' => '8',
					'9' => '9',
					'10' => '10',
					'11' => '11',
					'12' => '12',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-porduct-archives' => 'grid-template-columns: repeat({{val}}, 1fr);'],
			'allow_order' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Allow Order'),
				'default' => 'true',
			'show_result' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Result Counter'),
				'default' => 'true',
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				'type' => 'textarea',
				'label' => __('Not Found Message'),
				'default' => __('Products not found.'),
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					'double' => __('Double'),
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			'pagination_style' => __('Pagination Style'),
			'pagination_link_style' => __('Pagination Link Style')

// Archive Products items
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_archive_item', array(
		'name' => __('Product Archive Item'),
		'group' => 'kkart archive',
		'has_group' => [
			'section' => 'params', 
			'prop' => 'elements',
		'not_visible' => 1,
		'widget_group' => 1,
		'holder' => '.kkart-product-archives-item',
		'html' => '<a href="{{product_link}}" class="kkart-archive-item-link">
			<div class="kkart-product-archives-item"></div>
		'params' => array(
			'elements' => array(
				'type' => 'group',
				'label' => __('Inner Row'),
				'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_inner_row',
				'count' => 1,
				'item_label' => array(
					'default' => __('Inner Row'),
				'inner_content' => [
					['pl_col' => [
						'inner_content' => [
							['pl_kkart_sale' => []],
							['pl_kkart_archive_thumb' => []],
							['pl_kkart_title' => []],
							['pl_kkart_price' => []],
							['pl_kkart_product_rating' => []],
							['pl_kkart_archive_crt_btn' => ['atts' => ['ele_margin' => '5px,5px,0,0', 'ele_custom_pos' => 'true','ele_width' => 'initial']]],
							['pl_kkart_buy_now' => ['atts' => ['ele_margin' => '5px,5px,0,0', 'ele_custom_pos' => 'true', 'ele_width' => 'initial']]]
				'hide' => 1,

// Archive Products thumbnail
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_archive_thumb', array(
		'name' => __('Product Archive Thumbnail'),
		'icon' => 'fas fa-archive',
		'group' => 'kkart archive',
		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-product-thumbnail">{{product_thumb}}</div>',
		'params' => array(
			'gallery' => array(
				'label' => __('Gallery'),
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .kkart-thumbnail-gallery' => 'data-slides-items="1"'],
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				'list' => $pagelayer->anim_out_options,
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					'' => __('Arrows and Pager'),
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					'pager' => __('Pager'),
					'none' => __('None'),
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				'type' => 'slider',
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				'default' => 800,
				'min' => 200,
				'max' => 10000,
				'step' => 100,
				'req' => ['!gallery' => ''],
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				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Loop'),
				'desc' => __('Loop images in slider'),
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				'req' => ['!gallery' => ''],
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				'type' => 'checkbox',
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				'desc' => __('The slider height should change on the fly according to the current slide'),
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				'req' => ['!gallery' => ''],
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				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Auto Start'),
				'desc' => __('Check to auto start slider'),
				'default' => 'true',
				'addAttr' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-owl-holder' => 'data-slides-autoplay="{{auto}}"'],
				'req' => ['!gallery' => ''],
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				'type' => 'checkbox',
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				'desc' => __('If enabled, the slider will pause when you hover over the slider'),
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				'min' => 0,
				'screen' => 1,
				'units' => ['px', 'em'],
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				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Image Width'),
				'min' => 0,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-thumbnail .kkart-thumb-img' => 'width:{{val}}%'],
			'img_heihgt' => array(
				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Image Height'),
				'min' => 0,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-thumbnail .kkart-thumb-img' => 'height:{{val}}%'],
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				'type' => 'radio',
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				'screen' => 1,
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					'flex-start' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'flex-end' => __('Right'),
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					'flex-start' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'flex-end' => __('Right'),
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			'arrow_styles' => __('Arrow Styles'),
			'pager_styles' => __('Pager Styles'),

// Archive Products add to cart button
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_archive_crt_btn', array(
		'name' => __('Archive Add To Cart'),
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		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-crt-btn-holder">
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					'btn_hover' => ''
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					'btn_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
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					'btn_hover' => 'hover',
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					'btn_type' => ['pagelayer-btn-custom'],
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				'type' => 'box_shadow',
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				'type' => 'checkbox',
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				'label' => __('Show quantity holder for editor'),
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					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
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					'{{element}} .kkart-archive-crt-btn' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
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					'' => __('None'),
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					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
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					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
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				'label' => __('Border Color'),
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					'btn_bor_hover' => ''
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					'btn_bor_hover' => '',
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					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
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					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
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					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
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					'!btn_border_type_hover' => ''
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					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_width_hover' => array(
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					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'btn_border_radius_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
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					'btn_bor_hover' => 'hover',
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			'view_btn_hover' => array(
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				'list' => array(
					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'view_btn_bg_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
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				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-view-btn' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_hover' => ''
			'view_btn_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Button Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-view-btn' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_hover' => ''
			'view_btn_hover_delay' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Button Hover Delay'),
				'desc' => __('Time to delay the hover in ms'),
				'min' => 0,
				'step' => 100,
				'max' => 5000,
				'default' => 400,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-view-btn' => '-webkit-transition: all {{val}}ms !important; transition: all {{val}}ms !important;'],
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_hover' => 'hover'
			'view_bg_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Hover Color'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-view-btn:hover' => 'background-color: {{val}};',
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_hover' => 'hover',
			'view_btn_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Hover Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-view-btn:hover' => 'color: {{val}};'],
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_hover' => 'hover'
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			'view_btn_shadow_hover' => array( // This is actually box shadow hover
				'type' => 'box_shadow',
				'label' => __('Box Shadow Hover'),
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				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('State'),
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					'' => __('Normal'),
					'hover' => __('Hover'),
			'view_btn_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-view-btn' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
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					'view_btn_bor_hover' => ''
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					'view_btn_bor_hover' => '',
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				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-view-btn:hover' => 'border-style: {{val}}'
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					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
				'show' => array(
					'view_btn_bor_hover' => 'hover'
			'view_border_color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
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					'!view_border_type_hover' => ''
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				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-holder' => 'border-style: {{val}};'],
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'quantityh_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-holder' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'slider',
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				'type'=> 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Space Between'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-close' => 'margin-left:{{val}}px;'],
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			'quantity_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Text Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-input' => 'color:{{val}}']
			'quantity_background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity' => 'background-color:{{val}}']
			'quantity_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
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				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'quantity_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
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				'req' => ['!quantity_border_type' => ''],
			'quantity_border_width' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
				'label' => __('Border Width'),
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity' => 'border-top-width: {{val[0]}}px; border-right-width: {{val[1]}}px; border-bottom-width: {{val[2]}}px; border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px', '{{element}} .kkart-quantity-input' => 'border-left-width: {{val[3]}}px; border-right-width:{{val[1]}}px;'],
				'req' => ['!quantity_border_type' => ''],
			'quantity_border_radius' => array(
				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'spinner',
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				'min' => 1,
				'step' => 1,
				'max' => 100,
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-minus, {{element}} .kkart-plus, {{element}} .kkart-quantity-input' => 'padding: calc({{val}}px / 2) {{val}}px !important;'],
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				'type' => 'color',
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				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-quantity-close' => 'background-color:{{val}}']
			'quantityc_border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Border Type'),
				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-quantity-close' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'quantityc_border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
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			'quantityc_border_width' => array(
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'type' => 'spinner',
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			'btn_border_style' => __('Button Border Style'),
			'quantity_holder_style' => __('Quantity Holder Style'),
			'quantity-style' => __('Quantity Style'),
			'quantity-close-style' => __('Quantity Close Style'),
			'view_cart_btn_style' => __('View Cart Button'),
			'view_cart_border_style' => __('View Cart Border'),

// Archive Products add to cart button
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_sale', array(
		'name' => __('Sale Flash'),
		'group' => 'kkart archive',
		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
		'html' => '<div class="kkart-sale-flash kkart-onsale {{sale_type}} kkart-sale-position-{{sale_position}}" if="{{is_on_sale}}">
			<span class="kkart-sale-discount" if="{{show_discount}}">{{sale_discount}}</span>&nbsp;
			<span class="kkart-sale-text" if="{{sale_text}}">{{sale_text}}</span>
		'params' => array(
			'show_discount' => array(
				'type' => 'checkbox',
				'label' => __('Show Discount'),
				'default' => 'true',
			'sale_text' => array(
				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Text'),
				'default' => __('Off'),
				'edit' => '.kkart-sale-text'
			'sale_text_position' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
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					'kkart-sale-text-left' => __('Left'),
					'' => __('Right')
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				'css' => '{{val}}',
				'show' => ['!show_discount' => ''],
			'typography' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
			'background_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Background Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'background-color:{{val}};'],
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Text Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'color:{{val}};'],
		'sale_style' => array(
			'sale_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
				'label' => __('Badge Type'),
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					'kkart-onsale-circle' => __('Circle'),
					'kkart-onsale-ribbon' => __('Ribbon'),
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				'type' => 'slider',
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				'max' => 1200,
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				'type' => 'slider',
				'label' => __('Height'),
				'max' => 1200,
				'units' => ['px', 'em', '%'],
				'screen' => 1,
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'height: {{val}};'],
			'spacing' => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Spacing'),
				'default' => '2',
				'min' => '0',
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			'sale_position' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Position'),
				'default' => 'right',
				'list' => array(
					'left' => __('Left'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
			'rotate'  => array(
				'type' => 'spinner',
				'label' => __('Rotate'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale-ribbon' => 'transform:rotate({{val}}deg);'],
				'req' => array(
					'!sale_type' => ['kkart-onsale-circle'],
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			'border_type' => array(
				'type' => 'select',
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				'css' => [
					'{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'border-style: {{val}};',
				'list' => [
					'' => __('None'),
					'solid' => __('Solid'),
					'double' => __('Double'),
					'dotted' => __('Dotted'),
					'dashed' => __('Dashed'),
					'groove' => __('Groove'),
			'border_color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Border Color'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-onsale' => 'border-color: {{val}};'],
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					'!border_type' => ''
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				'type' => 'padding',
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					'!border_type' => ''
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				'type' => 'padding',
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				'req' => array(
					'!border_type' => ''
				'show' => array(
					'!sale_type' => 'kkart-onsale-circle',
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			'sale_style' => __('Sale Style'),
			'border_style' => __('Border Style'),

// Product Title
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_title', array(
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		'use_inside' => ['pl_kkart_archive_item'],
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				<span class="kkart-title" >{{product_title}}</span>
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				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('Before'),
				'np' => 1,
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				'type' => 'text',
				'label' => __('After'),
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					'' => __('Normal'), 
					'hover' => __('Hover'), 
			'color' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'default' => '#0986c0',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-title, {{element}} .kkart-product-title *' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => '']
			'typo' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
				'default' => ',25,,700,,,solid,,,,',
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				'show' => ['title_colors' => '']
			'color_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'color',
				'label' => __('Color'),
				'default' => '#0986c0',
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-title:hover, {{element}} .kkart-product-title:hover *' => 'color:{{val}}'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => 'hover']
			'typo_hover' => array(
				'type' => 'typography',
				'label' => __('Typography'),
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				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-title:hover' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'],
				'show' => ['title_colors' => 'hover']
			'align' => array(
				'type' => 'radio',
				'label' => __('Alignment'),
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					'left' => __('Left'),
					'center' => __('Center'),
					'right' => __('Right'),
				'css' => ['{{element}} .kkart-product-title' => 'text-align: {{val}}'],

// TODO: create this
// Products
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_products', array(
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					'date' => __('Date'),
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					'price' => __('Price'),
					'popularity' => __('Popularity'),
					'rating' => __('Rating'),
					'rand' => __('Rand'),
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// TODO: create this
// Product Archives description
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_product_archives_desc', array(
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// TODO: create this
// Product Additional Information
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_addi_info', array(
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// TODO: create this
// Product Additional Information
pagelayer_add_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_kkart_data_tabs', array(
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// kkart Menu cart
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					'fa fa-shopping-cart' => __('Cart'),
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//KKART My Account
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