Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/kkart-pro/includes/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/kkart-pro/includes/class-kkart-install.php |
<?php /** * Installation related functions and actions. * * @package Kkart\Classes * @version 3.0.0 */ use Automattic\Jetpack\Constants; use Automattic\Kkart\Internal\KKARTCom\ConnectionHelper as KKARTConnectionHelper; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * KKART_Install Class. */ class KKART_Install { /** * DB updates and callbacks that need to be run per version. * * @var array */ private static $db_updates = array( '2.0.0' => array( 'kkart_update_200_file_paths', 'kkart_update_200_permalinks', 'kkart_update_200_subcat_display', 'kkart_update_200_taxrates', 'kkart_update_200_line_items', 'kkart_update_200_images', 'kkart_update_200_db_version', ), '2.0.9' => array( 'kkart_update_209_brazillian_state', 'kkart_update_209_db_version', ), '2.1.0' => array( 'kkart_update_210_remove_pages', 'kkart_update_210_file_paths', 'kkart_update_210_db_version', ), '2.2.0' => array( 'kkart_update_220_shipping', 'kkart_update_220_order_status', 'kkart_update_220_variations', 'kkart_update_220_attributes', 'kkart_update_220_db_version', ), '2.3.0' => array( 'kkart_update_230_options', 'kkart_update_230_db_version', ), '2.4.0' => array( 'kkart_update_240_options', 'kkart_update_240_shipping_methods', 'kkart_update_240_api_keys', 'kkart_update_240_refunds', 'kkart_update_240_db_version', ), '2.4.1' => array( 'kkart_update_241_variations', 'kkart_update_241_db_version', ), '2.5.0' => array( 'kkart_update_250_currency', 'kkart_update_250_db_version', ), '2.6.0' => array( 'kkart_update_260_options', 'kkart_update_260_termmeta', 'kkart_update_260_zones', 'kkart_update_260_zone_methods', 'kkart_update_260_refunds', 'kkart_update_260_db_version', ), '3.0.0' => array( 'kkart_update_300_grouped_products', 'kkart_update_300_settings', 'kkart_update_300_product_visibility', 'kkart_update_300_db_version', ), '3.1.0' => array( 'kkart_update_310_downloadable_products', 'kkart_update_310_old_comments', 'kkart_update_310_db_version', ), '3.1.2' => array( 'kkart_update_312_shop_manager_capabilities', 'kkart_update_312_db_version', ), '3.2.0' => array( 'kkart_update_320_mexican_states', 'kkart_update_320_db_version', ), '3.3.0' => array( 'kkart_update_330_image_options', 'kkart_update_330_webhooks', 'kkart_update_330_product_stock_status', 'kkart_update_330_set_default_product_cat', 'kkart_update_330_clear_transients', 'kkart_update_330_set_paypal_sandbox_credentials', 'kkart_update_330_db_version', ), '3.4.0' => array( 'kkart_update_340_states', 'kkart_update_340_state', 'kkart_update_340_last_active', 'kkart_update_340_db_version', ), '3.4.3' => array( 'kkart_update_343_cleanup_foreign_keys', 'kkart_update_343_db_version', ), '3.4.4' => array( 'kkart_update_344_recreate_roles', 'kkart_update_344_db_version', ), '3.5.0' => array( 'kkart_update_350_reviews_comment_type', 'kkart_update_350_db_version', ), '3.5.2' => array( 'kkart_update_352_drop_download_log_fk', ), '3.5.4' => array( 'kkart_update_354_modify_shop_manager_caps', 'kkart_update_354_db_version', ), '3.6.0' => array( 'kkart_update_360_product_lookup_tables', 'kkart_update_360_term_meta', 'kkart_update_360_downloadable_product_permissions_index', 'kkart_update_360_db_version', ), '3.7.0' => array( 'kkart_update_370_tax_rate_classes', 'kkart_update_370_mro_std_currency', 'kkart_update_370_db_version', ), '3.9.0' => array( 'kkart_update_390_move_maxmind_database', 'kkart_update_390_change_geolocation_database_update_cron', 'kkart_update_390_db_version', ), '4.0.0' => array( 'kkart_update_product_lookup_tables', 'kkart_update_400_increase_size_of_column', 'kkart_update_400_reset_action_scheduler_migration_status', 'kkart_update_400_db_version', ), '4.4.0' => array( 'kkart_update_440_insert_attribute_terms_for_variable_products', 'kkart_update_440_db_version', ), '4.5.0' => array( 'kkart_update_450_sanitize_coupons_code', 'kkart_update_450_db_version', ), ); /** * Hook in tabs. */ public static function init() { add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'check_version' ), 5 ); add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'manual_database_update' ), 20 ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( __CLASS__, 'kkart_admin_db_update_notice' ) ); add_action( 'kkart_run_update_callback', array( __CLASS__, 'run_update_callback' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( __CLASS__, 'install_actions' ) ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . KKART_PLUGIN_BASENAME, array( __CLASS__, 'plugin_action_links' ) ); add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', array( __CLASS__, 'plugin_row_meta' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpmu_drop_tables', array( __CLASS__, 'wpmu_drop_tables' ) ); add_filter( 'cron_schedules', array( __CLASS__, 'cron_schedules' ) ); } /** * Check Kkart version and run the updater is required. * * This check is done on all requests and runs if the versions do not match. */ public static function check_version() { if ( ! Constants::is_defined( 'IFRAME_REQUEST' ) && version_compare( get_option( 'kkart_version' ), KKART()->version, '<' ) ) { self::install(); do_action( 'kkart_updated' ); } } /** * Performan manual database update when triggered by Kkart System Tools. * * @since 3.6.5 */ public static function manual_database_update() { $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); add_action( 'wp_' . $blog_id . '_kkart_updater_cron', array( __CLASS__, 'run_manual_database_update' ) ); } /** * Add KKART Admin based db update notice. * * @since 4.0.0 */ public static function kkart_admin_db_update_notice() { if ( KKART()->is_kkart_admin_active() && false !== get_option( 'kkart_admin_install_timestamp' ) ) { new KKART_Notes_Run_Db_Update(); } } /** * Run manual database update. */ public static function run_manual_database_update() { self::update(); } /** * Run an update callback when triggered by ActionScheduler. * * @since 3.6.0 * @param string $callback Callback name. */ public static function run_update_callback( $callback ) { include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/kkart-update-functions.php'; if ( is_callable( $callback ) ) { self::run_update_callback_start( $callback ); $result = (bool) call_user_func( $callback ); self::run_update_callback_end( $callback, $result ); } } /** * Triggered when a callback will run. * * @since 3.6.0 * @param string $callback Callback name. */ protected static function run_update_callback_start( $callback ) { kkart_maybe_define_constant( 'KKART_UPDATING', true ); } /** * Triggered when a callback has ran. * * @since 3.6.0 * @param string $callback Callback name. * @param bool $result Return value from callback. Non-false need to run again. */ protected static function run_update_callback_end( $callback, $result ) { if ( $result ) { KKART()->queue()->add( 'kkart_run_update_callback', array( 'update_callback' => $callback, ), 'kkart-db-updates' ); } } /** * Install actions when a update button is clicked within the admin area. * * This function is hooked into admin_init to affect admin only. */ public static function install_actions() { if ( ! empty( $_GET['do_update_kkart'] ) ) { // WPCS: input var ok. check_admin_referer( 'kkart_db_update', 'kkart_db_update_nonce' ); self::update(); KKART_Admin_Notices::add_notice( 'update', true ); } } /** * Install KKART. */ public static function install() { if ( ! is_blog_installed() ) { return; } // Check if we are not already running this routine. if ( 'yes' === get_transient( 'kkart_installing' ) ) { return; } // If we made it till here nothing is running yet, lets set the transient now. set_transient( 'kkart_installing', 'yes', MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 10 ); kkart_maybe_define_constant( 'KKART_INSTALLING', true ); KKART()->wpdb_table_fix(); self::remove_admin_notices(); self::create_tables(); self::verify_base_tables(); self::create_options(); self::create_roles(); self::setup_environment(); self::create_terms(); self::create_cron_jobs(); self::create_files(); self::maybe_create_pages(); self::maybe_set_activation_transients(); self::update_kkart_version(); self::maybe_update_db_version(); delete_transient( 'kkart_installing' ); do_action( 'kkart_flush_rewrite_rules' ); do_action( 'kkart_installed' ); } /** * Check if all the base tables are present. * * @param bool $modify_notice Whether to modify notice based on if all tables are present. * @param bool $execute Whether to execute get_schema queries as well. * * @return array List of querues. */ public static function verify_base_tables( $modify_notice = true, $execute = false ) { require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/upgrade.php'; if ( $execute ) { self::create_tables(); } $queries = dbDelta( self::get_schema(), false ); $missing_tables = array(); foreach ( $queries as $table_name => $result ) { if ( "Created table $table_name" === $result ) { $missing_tables[] = $table_name; } } if ( 0 < count( $missing_tables ) ) { if ( $modify_notice ) { KKART_Admin_Notices::add_notice( 'base_tables_missing' ); } update_option( 'kkart_schema_missing_tables', $missing_tables ); } else { if ( $modify_notice ) { KKART_Admin_Notices::remove_notice( 'base_tables_missing' ); } update_option( 'kkart_schema_version', KKART()->db_version ); delete_option( 'kkart_schema_missing_tables' ); } return $missing_tables; } /** * Reset any notices added to admin. * * @since 3.2.0 */ private static function remove_admin_notices() { include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin/class-kkart-admin-notices.php'; KKART_Admin_Notices::remove_all_notices(); } /** * Setup KKART environment - post types, taxonomies, endpoints. * * @since 3.2.0 */ private static function setup_environment() { KKART_Post_types::register_post_types(); KKART_Post_types::register_taxonomies(); KKART()->query->init_query_vars(); KKART()->query->add_endpoints(); KKART_API::add_endpoint(); KKART_Auth::add_endpoint(); } /** * Is this a brand new KKART install? * * A brand new install has no version yet. Also treat empty installs as 'new'. * * @since 3.2.0 * @return boolean */ public static function is_new_install() { $product_count = array_sum( (array) wp_count_posts( 'product' ) ); return is_null( get_option( 'kkart_version', null ) ) || ( 0 === $product_count && -1 === kkart_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ); } /** * Is a DB update needed? * * @since 3.2.0 * @return boolean */ public static function needs_db_update() { $current_db_version = get_option( 'kkart_db_version', null ); $updates = self::get_db_update_callbacks(); $update_versions = array_keys( $updates ); usort( $update_versions, 'version_compare' ); return ! is_null( $current_db_version ) && version_compare( $current_db_version, end( $update_versions ), '<' ); } /** * See if we need to set redirect transients for activation or not. * * @since 4.6.0 */ private static function maybe_set_activation_transients() { if ( self::is_new_install() ) { set_transient( '_kkart_activation_redirect', 1, 30 ); } } /** * See if we need to show or run database updates during install. * * @since 3.2.0 */ private static function maybe_update_db_version() { if ( self::needs_db_update() ) { if ( apply_filters( 'kkart_enable_auto_update_db', false ) ) { self::update(); } else { KKART_Admin_Notices::add_notice( 'update', true ); } } else { self::update_db_version(); } } /** * Update KKART version to current. */ private static function update_kkart_version() { update_option( 'kkart_version', KKART()->version ); } /** * Get list of DB update callbacks. * * @since 3.0.0 * @return array */ public static function get_db_update_callbacks() { return self::$db_updates; } /** * Push all needed DB updates to the queue for processing. */ private static function update() { $current_db_version = get_option( 'kkart_db_version' ); $loop = 0; foreach ( self::get_db_update_callbacks() as $version => $update_callbacks ) { if ( version_compare( $current_db_version, $version, '<' ) ) { foreach ( $update_callbacks as $update_callback ) { KKART()->queue()->schedule_single( time() + $loop, 'kkart_run_update_callback', array( 'update_callback' => $update_callback, ), 'kkart-db-updates' ); $loop++; } } } } /** * Update DB version to current. * * @param string|null $version New Kkart DB version or null. */ public static function update_db_version( $version = null ) { update_option( 'kkart_db_version', is_null( $version ) ? KKART()->version : $version ); } /** * Add more cron schedules. * * @param array $schedules List of WP scheduled cron jobs. * * @return array */ public static function cron_schedules( $schedules ) { $schedules['monthly'] = array( 'interval' => 2635200, 'display' => __( 'Monthly', 'kkart' ), ); $schedules['fifteendays'] = array( 'interval' => 1296000, 'display' => __( 'Every 15 Days', 'kkart' ), ); return $schedules; } /** * Create cron jobs (clear them first). */ private static function create_cron_jobs() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_scheduled_sales' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_cancel_unpaid_orders' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_cleanup_sessions' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_cleanup_personal_data' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_cleanup_logs' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_geoip_updater' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'kkart_tracker_send_event' ); $ve = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) > 0 ? '-' : '+'; wp_schedule_event( strtotime( '00:00 tomorrow ' . $ve . absint( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) ) . ' HOURS' ), 'daily', 'kkart_scheduled_sales' ); $held_duration = get_option( 'kkart_hold_stock_minutes', '60' ); if ( '' !== $held_duration ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( absint( $held_duration ) * 60 ), 'kkart_cancel_unpaid_orders' ); } // Delay the first run of `kkart_cleanup_personal_data` by 10 seconds // so it doesn't occur in the same request. Kkart Admin also schedules // a daily cron that gets lost due to a race condition. KKART_Privacy's background // processing instance updates the cron schedule from within a cron job. wp_schedule_event( time() + 10, 'daily', 'kkart_cleanup_personal_data' ); wp_schedule_event( time() + ( 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ), 'daily', 'kkart_cleanup_logs' ); wp_schedule_event( time() + ( 6 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ), 'twicedaily', 'kkart_cleanup_sessions' ); wp_schedule_event( time() + MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'fifteendays', 'kkart_geoip_updater' ); wp_schedule_event( time() + 10, apply_filters( 'kkart_tracker_event_recurrence', 'daily' ), 'kkart_tracker_send_event' ); } /** * Create pages on installation. */ public static function maybe_create_pages() { if ( empty( get_option( 'kkart_db_version' ) ) ) { self::create_pages(); } } /** * Create pages that the plugin relies on, storing page IDs in variables. */ public static function create_pages() { include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin/kkart-admin-functions.php'; $pages = apply_filters( 'kkart_create_pages', array( 'shop' => array( 'name' => _x( 'shop', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'Shop', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '', ), 'cart' => array( 'name' => _x( 'cart', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'Cart', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '<!-- wp:shortcode -->[' . apply_filters( 'kkart_cart_shortcode_tag', 'kkart_cart' ) . ']<!-- /wp:shortcode -->', ), 'checkout' => array( 'name' => _x( 'checkout', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'Checkout', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '<!-- wp:shortcode -->[' . apply_filters( 'kkart_checkout_shortcode_tag', 'kkart_checkout' ) . ']<!-- /wp:shortcode -->', ), 'order_pay' => array( 'name' => _x( 'order-pay', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'Order Pay', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '', 'parent' => 'checkout', ), 'order_received' => array( 'name' => _x( 'order-received', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'Order Received', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '', 'parent' => 'checkout', ), 'myaccount' => array( 'name' => _x( 'my-account', 'Page slug', 'kkart' ), 'title' => _x( 'My account', 'Page title', 'kkart' ), 'content' => '<!-- wp:shortcode -->[' . apply_filters( 'kkart_my_account_shortcode_tag', 'kkart_my_account' ) . ']<!-- /wp:shortcode -->', ), ) ); foreach ( $pages as $key => $page ) { kkart_create_page( esc_sql( $page['name'] ), 'kkart_' . $key . '_page_id', $page['title'], $page['content'], ! empty( $page['parent'] ) ? kkart_get_page_id( $page['parent'] ) : '' ); } if( class_exists('KKART_Admin_Import_Template') ){ $fields = json_decode(KKART_Admin_Import_Template::get_conf(), true); $content = KKART_Admin_Import_Template::get_content(); kkart_import_pages_default_content($fields, $content); } } /** * Default options. * * Sets up the default options used on the settings page. */ private static function create_options() { // Include settings so that we can run through defaults. include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin/class-kkart-admin-settings.php'; $settings = KKART_Admin_Settings::get_settings_pages(); foreach ( $settings as $section ) { if ( ! method_exists( $section, 'get_settings' ) ) { continue; } $subsections = array_unique( array_merge( array( '' ), array_keys( $section->get_sections() ) ) ); foreach ( $subsections as $subsection ) { foreach ( $section->get_settings( $subsection ) as $value ) { if ( isset( $value['default'] ) && isset( $value['id'] ) ) { $autoload = isset( $value['autoload'] ) ? (bool) $value['autoload'] : true; add_option( $value['id'], $value['default'], '', ( $autoload ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ); } } } } // Define other defaults if not in setting screens. add_option( 'kkart_single_image_width', '600', '', 'yes' ); add_option( 'kkart_thumbnail_image_width', '300', '', 'yes' ); add_option( 'kkart_checkout_highlight_required_fields', 'yes', '', 'yes' ); add_option( 'kkart_demo_store', 'no', '', 'no' ); // Define initial tax classes. KKART_Tax::create_tax_class( __( 'Reduced rate', 'kkart' ) ); KKART_Tax::create_tax_class( __( 'Zero rate', 'kkart' ) ); // Set Default payment method // Load gateways. $payment_gateways = KKART()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways(); // Get posted gateway. $gateway_id = 'cod'; foreach( $payment_gateways as $gateway ){ if(! in_array( $gateway_id, array( $gateway->id, sanitize_title( get_class( $gateway ) ) ), true )){ continue; } $enabled = $gateway->get_option( 'enabled', 'no' ); if(! kkart_string_to_bool( $enabled ) && ! $gateway->needs_setup()){ $gateway->update_option( 'enabled', 'yes' ); } } } /** * Add the default terms for KKART taxonomies - product types and order statuses. Modify this at your own risk. */ public static function create_terms() { $taxonomies = array( 'product_type' => array( 'simple', 'grouped', 'variable', 'external', ), 'product_visibility' => array( 'exclude-from-search', 'exclude-from-catalog', 'featured', 'outofstock', 'rated-1', 'rated-2', 'rated-3', 'rated-4', 'rated-5', ), ); foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $terms ) { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if ( ! get_term_by( 'name', $term, $taxonomy ) ) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy ); } } } $kkart_default_category = (int) get_option( 'default_product_cat', 0 ); if ( ! $kkart_default_category || ! term_exists( $kkart_default_category, 'product_cat' ) ) { $default_product_cat_id = 0; $default_product_cat_slug = sanitize_title( _x( 'Uncategorized', 'Default category slug', 'kkart' ) ); $default_product_cat = get_term_by( 'slug', $default_product_cat_slug, 'product_cat' ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. if ( $default_product_cat ) { $default_product_cat_id = absint( $default_product_cat->term_taxonomy_id ); } else { $result = wp_insert_term( _x( 'Uncategorized', 'Default category slug', 'kkart' ), 'product_cat', array( 'slug' => $default_product_cat_slug ) ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) && ! empty( $result['term_taxonomy_id'] ) ) { $default_product_cat_id = absint( $result['term_taxonomy_id'] ); } } if ( $default_product_cat_id ) { update_option( 'default_product_cat', $default_product_cat_id ); } } } /** * Set up the database tables which the plugin needs to function. * WARNING: If you are modifying this method, make sure that its safe to call regardless of the state of database. * * This is called from `install` method and is executed in-sync when KKART is installed or updated. This can also be called optionally from `verify_base_tables`. * * TODO: Add all crucial tables that we have created from workers in the past. * * Tables: * kkart_attribute_taxonomies - Table for storing attribute taxonomies - these are user defined * kkart_downloadable_product_permissions - Table for storing user and guest download permissions. * KEY(order_id, product_id, download_id) used for organizing downloads on the My Account page * kkart_order_items - Order line items are stored in a table to make them easily queryable for reports * kkart_order_itemmeta - Order line item meta is stored in a table for storing extra data. * kkart_tax_rates - Tax Rates are stored inside 2 tables making tax queries simple and efficient. * kkart_tax_rate_locations - Each rate can be applied to more than one postcode/city hence the second table. */ private static function create_tables() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->hide_errors(); require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/upgrade.php'; /** * Before updating with DBDELTA, remove any primary keys which could be * modified due to schema updates. */ if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions';" ) ) { if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions` LIKE 'permission_id';" ) ) { $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD `permission_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT;" ); } } /** * Change wp_kkart_sessions schema to use a bigint auto increment field instead of char(32) field as * the primary key as it is not a good practice to use a char(32) field as the primary key of a table and as * there were reports of issues with this table (see https://github.com/kkart/kkart/issues/20912). * * This query needs to run before dbDelta() as this WP function is not able to handle primary key changes * (see https://github.com/kkart/kkart/issues/21534 and https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/40357). */ if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_sessions'" ) ) { if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW KEYS FROM {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_sessions WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' AND Column_name = 'session_id'" ) ) { $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_sessions` DROP PRIMARY KEY, DROP KEY `session_id`, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`session_id`), ADD UNIQUE KEY(`session_key`)" ); } } dbDelta( self::get_schema() ); $index_exists = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW INDEX FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE column_name = 'comment_type' and key_name = 'woo_idx_comment_type'" ); if ( is_null( $index_exists ) ) { // Add an index to the field comment_type to improve the response time of the query // used by KKART_Comments::wp_count_comments() to get the number of comments by type. $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->comments} ADD INDEX woo_idx_comment_type (comment_type)" ); } // Get tables data types and check it matches before adding constraint. $download_log_columns = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log WHERE Field = 'permission_id'", ARRAY_A ); $download_log_column_type = ''; if ( isset( $download_log_columns[0]['Type'] ) ) { $download_log_column_type = $download_log_columns[0]['Type']; } $download_permissions_columns = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions WHERE Field = 'permission_id'", ARRAY_A ); $download_permissions_column_type = ''; if ( isset( $download_permissions_columns[0]['Type'] ) ) { $download_permissions_column_type = $download_permissions_columns[0]['Type']; } // Add constraint to download logs if the columns matches. if ( ! empty( $download_permissions_column_type ) && ! empty( $download_log_column_type ) && $download_permissions_column_type === $download_log_column_type ) { $fk_result = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log" ); if ( false === strpos( $fk_result->{'Create Table'}, "fk_{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log_permission_id" ) ) { $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log_permission_id` FOREIGN KEY (`permission_id`) REFERENCES `{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions` (`permission_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;" ); } } // Clear table caches. delete_transient( 'kkart_attribute_taxonomies' ); } /** * Get Table schema. * * See https://github.com/kkart/kkart/wiki/Database-Description/ * * A note on indexes; Indexes have a maximum size of 767 bytes. Historically, we haven't need to be concerned about that. * As of WordPress 4.2, however, we moved to utf8mb4, which uses 4 bytes per character. This means that an index which * used to have room for floor(767/3) = 255 characters, now only has room for floor(767/4) = 191 characters. * * Changing indexes may cause duplicate index notices in logs due to https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/34870 but dropping * indexes first causes too much load on some servers/larger DB. * * When adding or removing a table, make sure to update the list of tables in KKART_Install::get_tables(). * * @return string */ private static function get_schema() { global $wpdb; $collate = ''; if ( $wpdb->has_cap( 'collation' ) ) { $collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); } /* * Indexes have a maximum size of 767 bytes. Historically, we haven't need to be concerned about that. * As of WP 4.2, however, they moved to utf8mb4, which uses 4 bytes per character. This means that an index which * used to have room for floor(767/3) = 255 characters, now only has room for floor(767/4) = 191 characters. */ $max_index_length = 191; $tables = " CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_sessions ( session_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, session_key char(32) NOT NULL, session_value longtext NOT NULL, session_expiry BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (session_id), UNIQUE KEY session_key (session_key) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_api_keys ( key_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, description varchar(200) NULL, permissions varchar(10) NOT NULL, consumer_key char(64) NOT NULL, consumer_secret char(43) NOT NULL, nonces longtext NULL, truncated_key char(7) NOT NULL, last_access datetime NULL default null, PRIMARY KEY (key_id), KEY consumer_key (consumer_key), KEY consumer_secret (consumer_secret) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_attribute_taxonomies ( attribute_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, attribute_name varchar(200) NOT NULL, attribute_label varchar(200) NULL, attribute_type varchar(20) NOT NULL, attribute_orderby varchar(20) NOT NULL, attribute_public int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (attribute_id), KEY attribute_name (attribute_name(20)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions ( permission_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, download_id varchar(36) NOT NULL, product_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, order_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, order_key varchar(200) NOT NULL, user_email varchar(200) NOT NULL, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, downloads_remaining varchar(9) NULL, access_granted datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', access_expires datetime NULL default null, download_count BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (permission_id), KEY download_order_key_product (product_id,order_id,order_key(16),download_id), KEY download_order_product (download_id,order_id,product_id), KEY order_id (order_id), KEY user_order_remaining_expires (user_id,order_id,downloads_remaining,access_expires) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_order_items ( order_item_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, order_item_name TEXT NOT NULL, order_item_type varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', order_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_item_id), KEY order_id (order_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_order_itemmeta ( meta_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, order_item_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, meta_key varchar(255) default NULL, meta_value longtext NULL, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY order_item_id (order_item_id), KEY meta_key (meta_key(32)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rates ( tax_rate_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, tax_rate_country varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tax_rate_state varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tax_rate varchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tax_rate_name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', tax_rate_priority BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tax_rate_compound int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tax_rate_shipping int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, tax_rate_order BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tax_rate_class varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (tax_rate_id), KEY tax_rate_country (tax_rate_country), KEY tax_rate_state (tax_rate_state(2)), KEY tax_rate_class (tax_rate_class(10)), KEY tax_rate_priority (tax_rate_priority) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rate_locations ( location_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, location_code varchar(200) NOT NULL, tax_rate_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, location_type varchar(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (location_id), KEY tax_rate_id (tax_rate_id), KEY location_type_code (location_type(10),location_code(20)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zones ( zone_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, zone_name varchar(200) NOT NULL, zone_order BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (zone_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zone_locations ( location_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, zone_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, location_code varchar(200) NOT NULL, location_type varchar(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (location_id), KEY location_id (location_id), KEY location_type_code (location_type(10),location_code(20)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zone_methods ( zone_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, instance_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, method_id varchar(200) NOT NULL, method_order BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, is_enabled tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (instance_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_payment_tokens ( token_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, gateway_id varchar(200) NOT NULL, token text NOT NULL, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', type varchar(200) NOT NULL, is_default tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (token_id), KEY user_id (user_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_payment_tokenmeta ( meta_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, payment_token_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, meta_key varchar(255) NULL, meta_value longtext NULL, PRIMARY KEY (meta_id), KEY payment_token_id (payment_token_id), KEY meta_key (meta_key(32)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_log ( log_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timestamp datetime NOT NULL, level smallint(4) NOT NULL, source varchar(200) NOT NULL, message longtext NOT NULL, context longtext NULL, PRIMARY KEY (log_id), KEY level (level) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_webhooks ( webhook_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, status varchar(200) NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, delivery_url text NOT NULL, secret text NOT NULL, topic varchar(200) NOT NULL, date_created datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', date_created_gmt datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', date_modified datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', date_modified_gmt datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', api_version smallint(4) NOT NULL, failure_count smallint(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', pending_delivery tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (webhook_id), KEY user_id (user_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log ( download_log_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timestamp datetime NOT NULL, permission_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, user_ip_address VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (download_log_id), KEY permission_id (permission_id), KEY timestamp (timestamp) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_product_meta_lookup ( `product_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `sku` varchar(100) NULL default '', `virtual` tinyint(1) NULL default 0, `downloadable` tinyint(1) NULL default 0, `min_price` decimal(19,4) NULL default NULL, `max_price` decimal(19,4) NULL default NULL, `onsale` tinyint(1) NULL default 0, `stock_quantity` double NULL default NULL, `stock_status` varchar(100) NULL default 'instock', `rating_count` bigint(20) NULL default 0, `average_rating` decimal(3,2) NULL default 0.00, `total_sales` bigint(20) NULL default 0, `tax_status` varchar(100) NULL default 'taxable', `tax_class` varchar(100) NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`), KEY `virtual` (`virtual`), KEY `downloadable` (`downloadable`), KEY `stock_status` (`stock_status`), KEY `stock_quantity` (`stock_quantity`), KEY `onsale` (`onsale`), KEY min_max_price (`min_price`, `max_price`) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rate_classes ( tax_rate_class_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', slug varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (tax_rate_class_id), UNIQUE KEY slug (slug($max_index_length)) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}kkart_reserved_stock ( `order_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `product_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `stock_quantity` double NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `expires` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`, `product_id`) ) $collate; "; return $tables; } /** * Return a list of Kkart tables. Used to make sure all KKART tables are dropped when uninstalling the plugin * in a single site or multi site environment. * * @return array KKART tables. */ public static function get_tables() { global $wpdb; $tables = array( "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_download_log", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_product_meta_lookup", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rate_classes", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_webhooks", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_api_keys", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_attribute_taxonomies", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_downloadable_product_permissions", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_log", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_order_itemmeta", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_order_items", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_payment_tokenmeta", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_payment_tokens", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_sessions", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zone_locations", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zone_methods", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_shipping_zones", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rate_locations", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_tax_rates", "{$wpdb->prefix}kkart_reserved_stock", ); /** * Filter the list of known Kkart tables. * * If Kkart plugins need to add new tables, they can inject them here. * * @param array $tables An array of Kkart-specific database table names. */ $tables = apply_filters( 'kkart_install_get_tables', $tables ); return $tables; } /** * Drop Kkart tables. * * @return void */ public static function drop_tables() { global $wpdb; $tables = self::get_tables(); foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table}" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared } } /** * Uninstall tables when MU blog is deleted. * * @param array $tables List of tables that will be deleted by WP. * * @return string[] */ public static function wpmu_drop_tables( $tables ) { return array_merge( $tables, self::get_tables() ); } /** * Create roles and capabilities. */ public static function create_roles() { global $wp_roles; if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Roles' ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $wp_roles ) ) { $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } // Dummy gettext calls to get strings in the catalog. /* translators: user role */ _x( 'Customer', 'User role', 'kkart' ); /* translators: user role */ _x( 'Shop manager', 'User role', 'kkart' ); // Customer role. add_role( 'customer', 'Customer', array( 'read' => true, ) ); // Shop manager role. add_role( 'shop_manager', 'Shop manager', array( 'level_9' => true, 'level_8' => true, 'level_7' => true, 'level_6' => true, 'level_5' => true, 'level_4' => true, 'level_3' => true, 'level_2' => true, 'level_1' => true, 'level_0' => true, 'read' => true, 'read_private_pages' => true, 'read_private_posts' => true, 'edit_posts' => true, 'edit_pages' => true, 'edit_published_posts' => true, 'edit_published_pages' => true, 'edit_private_pages' => true, 'edit_private_posts' => true, 'edit_others_posts' => true, 'edit_others_pages' => true, 'publish_posts' => true, 'publish_pages' => true, 'delete_posts' => true, 'delete_pages' => true, 'delete_private_pages' => true, 'delete_private_posts' => true, 'delete_published_pages' => true, 'delete_published_posts' => true, 'delete_others_posts' => true, 'delete_others_pages' => true, 'manage_categories' => true, 'manage_links' => true, 'moderate_comments' => true, 'upload_files' => true, 'export' => true, 'import' => true, 'list_users' => true, 'edit_theme_options' => true, ) ); $capabilities = self::get_core_capabilities(); foreach ( $capabilities as $cap_group ) { foreach ( $cap_group as $cap ) { $wp_roles->add_cap( 'shop_manager', $cap ); $wp_roles->add_cap( 'administrator', $cap ); } } } /** * Get capabilities for Kkart - these are assigned to admin/shop manager during installation or reset. * * @return array */ public static function get_core_capabilities() { $capabilities = array(); $capabilities['core'] = array( 'manage_kkart', 'view_kkart_reports', ); $capability_types = array( 'product', 'shop_order', 'shop_coupon' ); foreach ( $capability_types as $capability_type ) { $capabilities[ $capability_type ] = array( // Post type. "edit_{$capability_type}", "read_{$capability_type}", "delete_{$capability_type}", "edit_{$capability_type}s", "edit_others_{$capability_type}s", "publish_{$capability_type}s", "read_private_{$capability_type}s", "delete_{$capability_type}s", "delete_private_{$capability_type}s", "delete_published_{$capability_type}s", "delete_others_{$capability_type}s", "edit_private_{$capability_type}s", "edit_published_{$capability_type}s", // Terms. "manage_{$capability_type}_terms", "edit_{$capability_type}_terms", "delete_{$capability_type}_terms", "assign_{$capability_type}_terms", ); } return $capabilities; } /** * Remove Kkart roles. */ public static function remove_roles() { global $wp_roles; if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Roles' ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $wp_roles ) ) { $wp_roles = new WP_Roles(); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } $capabilities = self::get_core_capabilities(); foreach ( $capabilities as $cap_group ) { foreach ( $cap_group as $cap ) { $wp_roles->remove_cap( 'shop_manager', $cap ); $wp_roles->remove_cap( 'administrator', $cap ); } } remove_role( 'customer' ); remove_role( 'shop_manager' ); } /** * Create files/directories. */ private static function create_files() { // Bypass if filesystem is read-only and/or non-standard upload system is used. if ( apply_filters( 'kkart_install_skip_create_files', false ) ) { return; } // Install files and folders for uploading files and prevent hotlinking. $upload_dir = wp_get_upload_dir(); $download_method = get_option( 'kkart_file_download_method', 'force' ); $files = array( array( 'base' => $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/kkart_uploads', 'file' => 'index.html', 'content' => '', ), array( 'base' => KKART_LOG_DIR, 'file' => '.htaccess', 'content' => 'deny from all', ), array( 'base' => KKART_LOG_DIR, 'file' => 'index.html', 'content' => '', ), array( 'base' => $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/kkart_uploads', 'file' => '.htaccess', 'content' => 'redirect' === $download_method ? 'Options -Indexes' : 'deny from all', ), ); foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( wp_mkdir_p( $file['base'] ) && ! file_exists( trailingslashit( $file['base'] ) . $file['file'] ) ) { $file_handle = @fopen( trailingslashit( $file['base'] ) . $file['file'], 'wb' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged, WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fopen if ( $file_handle ) { fwrite( $file_handle, $file['content'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fwrite fclose( $file_handle ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_fclose } } } // Create attachment for placeholders. self::create_placeholder_image(); } /** * Create a placeholder image in the media library. * * @since 3.5.0 */ private static function create_placeholder_image() { $placeholder_image = get_option( 'kkart_placeholder_image', 0 ); // Validate current setting if set. If set, return. if ( ! empty( $placeholder_image ) ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $placeholder_image ) ) { return; } elseif ( $placeholder_image && wp_attachment_is_image( $placeholder_image ) ) { return; } } $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $source = KKART()->plugin_path() . '/assets/images/placeholder-attachment.png'; $filename = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/kkart-placeholder.png'; if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) { copy( $source, $filename ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine. } if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) { update_option( 'kkart_placeholder_image', 0 ); return; } $filetype = wp_check_filetype( basename( $filename ), null ); $attachment = array( 'guid' => $upload_dir['url'] . '/' . basename( $filename ), 'post_mime_type' => $filetype['type'], 'post_title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', basename( $filename ) ), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', ); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $filename ); update_option( 'kkart_placeholder_image', $attach_id ); // Make sure that this file is included, as wp_generate_attachment_metadata() depends on it. require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/image.php'; // Generate the metadata for the attachment, and update the database record. $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filename ); wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data ); } /** * Show action links on the plugin screen. * * @param mixed $links Plugin Action links. * * @return array */ public static function plugin_action_links( $links ) { $action_links = array( 'settings' => '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=kkart-settings' ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'View Kkart settings', 'kkart' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Settings', 'kkart' ) . '</a>', ); return array_merge( $action_links, $links ); } /** * Show row meta on the plugin screen. * * @param mixed $links Plugin Row Meta. * @param mixed $file Plugin Base file. * * @return array */ public static function plugin_row_meta( $links, $file ) { if ( KKART_PLUGIN_BASENAME !== $file ) { return $links; } $row_meta = array( 'docs' => '<a href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'kkart_docs_url', 'https://docs.kkart.com/documentation/plugins/kkart/' ) ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'View Kkart documentation', 'kkart' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Docs', 'kkart' ) . '</a>', 'apidocs' => '<a href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'kkart_apidocs_url', 'https://docs.kkart.com/kkart-apidocs/' ) ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'View Kkart API docs', 'kkart' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'API docs', 'kkart' ) . '</a>', 'support' => '<a href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'kkart_community_support_url', 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/kkart/' ) ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'Visit community forums', 'kkart' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Community support', 'kkart' ) . '</a>', ); if ( KKARTConnectionHelper::is_connected() ) { $row_meta['premium_support'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'kkart_support_url', 'https://kkart.com/my-account/tickets/' ) ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'Visit premium customer support', 'kkart' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Premium support', 'kkart' ) . '</a>'; } return array_merge( $links, $row_meta ); } /** * Get slug from path and associate it with the path. * * @param array $plugins Associative array of plugin files to paths. * @param string $key Plugin relative path. Example: kkart/kkart.php. */ private static function associate_plugin_file( $plugins, $key ) { $path = explode( '/', $key ); $filename = end( $path ); $plugins[ $filename ] = $key; return $plugins; } /** * Install a plugin from .org in the background via a cron job (used by * installer - opt in). * * @param string $plugin_to_install_id Plugin ID. * @param array $plugin_to_install Plugin information. * * @throws Exception If unable to proceed with plugin installation. * @since 2.6.0 */ public static function background_installer( $plugin_to_install_id, $plugin_to_install ) { // Explicitly clear the event. $args = func_get_args(); if ( ! empty( $plugin_to_install['repo-slug'] ) ) { require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/file.php'; require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/plugin-install.php'; require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/plugin.php'; WP_Filesystem(); $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); $upgrader = new WP_Upgrader( $skin ); $installed_plugins = array_reduce( array_keys( get_plugins() ), array( __CLASS__, 'associate_plugin_file' ) ); if ( empty( $installed_plugins ) ) { $installed_plugins = array(); } $plugin_slug = $plugin_to_install['repo-slug']; $plugin_file = isset( $plugin_to_install['file'] ) ? $plugin_to_install['file'] : $plugin_slug . '.php'; $installed = false; $activate = false; // See if the plugin is installed already. if ( isset( $installed_plugins[ $plugin_file ] ) ) { $installed = true; $activate = ! is_plugin_active( $installed_plugins[ $plugin_file ] ); } // Install this thing! if ( ! $installed ) { // Suppress feedback. ob_start(); try { $plugin_information = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', array( 'slug' => $plugin_slug, 'fields' => array( 'short_description' => false, 'sections' => false, 'requires' => false, 'rating' => false, 'ratings' => false, 'downloaded' => false, 'last_updated' => false, 'added' => false, 'tags' => false, 'homepage' => false, 'donate_link' => false, 'author_profile' => false, 'author' => false, ), ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $plugin_information ) ) { throw new Exception( $plugin_information->get_error_message() ); } $package = $plugin_information->download_link; $download = $upgrader->download_package( $package ); if ( is_wp_error( $download ) ) { throw new Exception( $download->get_error_message() ); } $working_dir = $upgrader->unpack_package( $download, true ); if ( is_wp_error( $working_dir ) ) { throw new Exception( $working_dir->get_error_message() ); } $result = $upgrader->install_package( array( 'source' => $working_dir, 'destination' => KKART_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => false, 'abort_if_destination_exists' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'install', ), ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } $activate = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { KKART_Admin_Notices::add_custom_notice( $plugin_to_install_id . '_install_error', sprintf( // translators: 1: plugin name, 2: error message, 3: URL to install plugin manually. __( '%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). <a href="%3$s">Please install it manually by clicking here.</a>', 'kkart' ), $plugin_to_install['name'], $e->getMessage(), esc_url( admin_url( 'index.php?kkart-install-plugin-redirect=' . $plugin_slug ) ) ) ); } // Discard feedback. ob_end_clean(); } wp_clean_plugins_cache(); // Activate this thing. if ( $activate ) { try { add_action( 'add_option_mailchimp_kkart_plugin_do_activation_redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'remove_mailchimps_redirect' ), 10, 2 ); $result = activate_plugin( $installed ? $installed_plugins[ $plugin_file ] : $plugin_slug . '/' . $plugin_file ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { KKART_Admin_Notices::add_custom_notice( $plugin_to_install_id . '_install_error', sprintf( // translators: 1: plugin name, 2: URL to WP plugin page. __( '%1$s was installed but could not be activated. <a href="%2$s">Please activate it manually by clicking here.</a>', 'kkart' ), $plugin_to_install['name'], admin_url( 'plugins.php' ) ) ); } } } } /** * Removes redirect added during MailChimp plugin's activation. * * @param string $option Option name. * @param string $value Option value. */ public static function remove_mailchimps_redirect( $option, $value ) { // Remove this action to prevent infinite looping. remove_action( 'add_option_mailchimp_kkart_plugin_do_activation_redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'remove_mailchimps_redirect' ) ); // Update redirect back to false. update_option( 'mailchimp_kkart_plugin_do_activation_redirect', false ); } /** * Install a theme from .org in the background via a cron job (used by installer - opt in). * * @param string $theme_slug Theme slug. * * @throws Exception If unable to proceed with theme installation. * @since 3.1.0 */ public static function theme_background_installer( $theme_slug ) { // Explicitly clear the event. $args = func_get_args(); if ( ! empty( $theme_slug ) ) { // Suppress feedback. ob_start(); try { $theme = wp_get_theme( $theme_slug ); if ( ! $theme->exists() ) { require_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/file.php'; include_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; include_once KKART_ADMIN_DIR . 'includes/theme.php'; WP_Filesystem(); $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); $upgrader = new Theme_Upgrader( $skin ); $api = themes_api( 'theme_information', array( 'slug' => $theme_slug, 'fields' => array( 'sections' => false ), ) ); $result = $upgrader->install( $api->download_link ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( is_wp_error( $skin->result ) ) { throw new Exception( $skin->result->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( is_null( $result ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials.' ); } } switch_theme( $theme_slug ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { KKART_Admin_Notices::add_custom_notice( $theme_slug . '_install_error', sprintf( // translators: 1: theme slug, 2: error message, 3: URL to install theme manually. __( '%1$s could not be installed (%2$s). <a href="%3$s">Please install it manually by clicking here.</a>', 'kkart' ), $theme_slug, $e->getMessage(), esc_url( admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-theme&theme=' . $theme_slug . '&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce( 'install-theme_' . $theme_slug ) ) ) ) ); } // Discard feedback. ob_end_clean(); } } } KKART_Install::init();