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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*

# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Windows specific tests."""

import datetime
import errno
import glob
import os
import platform
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import warnings

import psutil
from psutil import WINDOWS
from psutil._compat import FileNotFoundError
from psutil._compat import super
from psutil._compat import which
from psutil.tests import APPVEYOR
from psutil.tests import GITHUB_ACTIONS
from psutil.tests import HAS_BATTERY
from psutil.tests import IS_64BIT
from psutil.tests import PY3
from psutil.tests import PYPY
from psutil.tests import TOLERANCE_DISK_USAGE
from psutil.tests import TOLERANCE_SYS_MEM
from psutil.tests import PsutilTestCase
from psutil.tests import mock
from psutil.tests import pytest
from psutil.tests import retry_on_failure
from psutil.tests import sh
from psutil.tests import spawn_testproc
from psutil.tests import terminate

if WINDOWS and not PYPY:
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        import win32api  # requires "pip install pywin32"
        import win32con
        import win32process
        import wmi  # requires "pip install wmi" / "make install-pydeps-test"

    from psutil._pswindows import convert_oserror

cext = psutil._psplatform.cext

@pytest.mark.skipif(not WINDOWS, reason="WINDOWS only")
@pytest.mark.skipif(PYPY, reason="pywin32 not available on PYPY")
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/1762#issuecomment-632892692
    GITHUB_ACTIONS and not PY3, reason="pywin32 broken on GITHUB + PY2"
class WindowsTestCase(PsutilTestCase):

def powershell(cmd):
    """Currently not used, but available just in case. Usage:

    >>> powershell(
        "Get-CIMInstance Win32_PageFileUsage | Select AllocatedBaseSize")
    if not which("powershell.exe"):
        raise pytest.skip("powershell.exe not available")
    cmdline = (
        'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive '
        + '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "%s"' % cmd
    return sh(cmdline)

def wmic(path, what, converter=int):
    """Currently not used, but available just in case. Usage:

    >>> wmic("Win32_OperatingSystem", "FreePhysicalMemory")
    out = sh("wmic path %s get %s" % (path, what)).strip()
    data = "".join(out.splitlines()[1:]).strip()  # get rid of the header
    if converter is not None:
        if "," in what:
            return tuple([converter(x) for x in data.split()])
            return converter(data)
        return data

# ===================================================================
# System APIs
# ===================================================================

class TestCpuAPIs(WindowsTestCase):
        'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' not in os.environ,
        reason="NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS env var is not available",
    def test_cpu_count_vs_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS(self):
        # Will likely fail on many-cores systems:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31209256
        num_cpus = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
        assert num_cpus == psutil.cpu_count()

    def test_cpu_count_vs_GetSystemInfo(self):
        # Will likely fail on many-cores systems:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31209256
        sys_value = win32api.GetSystemInfo()[5]
        psutil_value = psutil.cpu_count()
        assert sys_value == psutil_value

    def test_cpu_count_logical_vs_wmi(self):
        w = wmi.WMI()
        procs = sum(
            proc.NumberOfLogicalProcessors for proc in w.Win32_Processor()
        assert psutil.cpu_count() == procs

    def test_cpu_count_cores_vs_wmi(self):
        w = wmi.WMI()
        cores = sum(proc.NumberOfCores for proc in w.Win32_Processor())
        assert psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) == cores

    def test_cpu_count_vs_cpu_times(self):
        assert psutil.cpu_count() == len(psutil.cpu_times(percpu=True))

    def test_cpu_freq(self):
        w = wmi.WMI()
        proc = w.Win32_Processor()[0]
        assert proc.CurrentClockSpeed == psutil.cpu_freq().current
        assert proc.MaxClockSpeed == psutil.cpu_freq().max

class TestSystemAPIs(WindowsTestCase):
    def test_nic_names(self):
        out = sh('ipconfig /all')
        nics = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).keys()
        for nic in nics:
            if "pseudo-interface" in nic.replace(' ', '-').lower():
            if nic not in out:
                raise self.fail(
                    "%r nic wasn't found in 'ipconfig /all' output" % nic

    def test_total_phymem(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_ComputerSystem()[0]
        assert int(w.TotalPhysicalMemory) == psutil.virtual_memory().total

    def test_free_phymem(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory()[0]
        assert (
            abs(int(w.AvailableBytes) - psutil.virtual_memory().free)
            < TOLERANCE_SYS_MEM

    def test_total_swapmem(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory()[0]
        assert (
            int(w.CommitLimit) - psutil.virtual_memory().total
            == psutil.swap_memory().total
        if psutil.swap_memory().total == 0:
            assert psutil.swap_memory().free == 0
            assert psutil.swap_memory().used == 0

    def test_percent_swapmem(self):
        if psutil.swap_memory().total > 0:
            w = wmi.WMI().Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_PagingFile(Name="_Total")[0]
            # calculate swap usage to percent
            percentSwap = int(w.PercentUsage) * 100 / int(w.PercentUsage_Base)
            # exact percent may change but should be reasonable
            # assert within +/- 5% and between 0 and 100%
            assert psutil.swap_memory().percent >= 0
            assert abs(psutil.swap_memory().percent - percentSwap) < 5
            assert psutil.swap_memory().percent <= 100

    # @pytest.mark.skipif(wmi is None, reason="wmi module is not installed")
    # def test__UPTIME(self):
    #     # _UPTIME constant is not public but it is used internally
    #     # as value to return for pid 0 creation time.
    #     # WMI behaves the same.
    #     w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
    #     p = psutil.Process(0)
    #     wmic_create = str(w.CreationDate.split('.')[0])
    #     psutil_create = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
    #                                   time.localtime(p.create_time()))

    # Note: this test is not very reliable
    @pytest.mark.skipif(APPVEYOR, reason="test not relieable on appveyor")
    def test_pids(self):
        # Note: this test might fail if the OS is starting/killing
        # other processes in the meantime
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process()
        wmi_pids = set([x.ProcessId for x in w])
        psutil_pids = set(psutil.pids())
        assert wmi_pids == psutil_pids

    def test_disks(self):
        ps_parts = psutil.disk_partitions(all=True)
        wmi_parts = wmi.WMI().Win32_LogicalDisk()
        for ps_part in ps_parts:
            for wmi_part in wmi_parts:
                if ps_part.device.replace('\\', '') == wmi_part.DeviceID:
                    if not ps_part.mountpoint:
                        # this is usually a CD-ROM with no disk inserted
                    if 'cdrom' in ps_part.opts:
                    if ps_part.mountpoint.startswith('A:'):
                        break  # floppy
                        usage = psutil.disk_usage(ps_part.mountpoint)
                    except FileNotFoundError:
                        # usually this is the floppy
                    assert usage.total == int(wmi_part.Size)
                    wmi_free = int(wmi_part.FreeSpace)
                    assert usage.free == wmi_free
                    # 10 MB tolerance
                    if abs(usage.free - wmi_free) > 10 * 1024 * 1024:
                        raise self.fail(
                            "psutil=%s, wmi=%s" % (usage.free, wmi_free)
                raise self.fail("can't find partition %s" % repr(ps_part))

    def test_disk_usage(self):
        for disk in psutil.disk_partitions():
            if 'cdrom' in disk.opts:
            sys_value = win32api.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(disk.mountpoint)
            psutil_value = psutil.disk_usage(disk.mountpoint)
            assert abs(sys_value[0] - psutil_value.free) < TOLERANCE_DISK_USAGE
            assert (
                abs(sys_value[1] - psutil_value.total) < TOLERANCE_DISK_USAGE
            assert psutil_value.used == psutil_value.total - psutil_value.free

    def test_disk_partitions(self):
        sys_value = [
            x + '\\'
            for x in win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split("\\\x00")
            if x and not x.startswith('A:')
        psutil_value = [
            for x in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True)
            if not x.mountpoint.startswith('A:')
        assert sys_value == psutil_value

    def test_net_if_stats(self):
        ps_names = set(cext.net_if_stats())
        wmi_adapters = wmi.WMI().Win32_NetworkAdapter()
        wmi_names = set()
        for wmi_adapter in wmi_adapters:
        assert ps_names & wmi_names, "no common entries in %s, %s" % (

    def test_boot_time(self):
        wmi_os = wmi.WMI().Win32_OperatingSystem()
        wmi_btime_str = wmi_os[0].LastBootUpTime.split('.')[0]
        wmi_btime_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            wmi_btime_str, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
        psutil_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())
        diff = abs((wmi_btime_dt - psutil_dt).total_seconds())
        assert diff <= 5

    def test_boot_time_fluctuation(self):
        # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1007
        with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=5):
            assert psutil.boot_time() == 5
        with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=4):
            assert psutil.boot_time() == 5
        with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=6):
            assert psutil.boot_time() == 5
        with mock.patch('psutil._pswindows.cext.boot_time', return_value=333):
            assert psutil.boot_time() == 333

# ===================================================================
# sensors_battery()
# ===================================================================

class TestSensorsBattery(WindowsTestCase):
    def test_has_battery(self):
        if win32api.GetPwrCapabilities()['SystemBatteriesPresent']:
            assert psutil.sensors_battery() is not None
            assert psutil.sensors_battery() is None

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_BATTERY, reason="no battery")
    def test_percent(self):
        w = wmi.WMI()
        battery_wmi = w.query('select * from Win32_Battery')[0]
        battery_psutil = psutil.sensors_battery()
        assert (
            abs(battery_psutil.percent - battery_wmi.EstimatedChargeRemaining)
            < 1

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_BATTERY, reason="no battery")
    def test_power_plugged(self):
        w = wmi.WMI()
        battery_wmi = w.query('select * from Win32_Battery')[0]
        battery_psutil = psutil.sensors_battery()
        # Status codes:
        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394074(v=vs.85).aspx
        assert battery_psutil.power_plugged == (battery_wmi.BatteryStatus == 2)

    def test_emulate_no_battery(self):
        with mock.patch(
            return_value=(0, 128, 0, 0),
        ) as m:
            assert psutil.sensors_battery() is None
            assert m.called

    def test_emulate_power_connected(self):
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery", return_value=(1, 0, 0, 0)
        ) as m:
            assert (
                == psutil.POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED
            assert m.called

    def test_emulate_power_charging(self):
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._pswindows.cext.sensors_battery", return_value=(0, 8, 0, 0)
        ) as m:
            assert (
                == psutil.POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED
            assert m.called

    def test_emulate_secs_left_unknown(self):
        with mock.patch(
            return_value=(0, 0, 0, -1),
        ) as m:
            assert (
                psutil.sensors_battery().secsleft == psutil.POWER_TIME_UNKNOWN
            assert m.called

# ===================================================================
# Process APIs
# ===================================================================

class TestProcess(WindowsTestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def test_issue_24(self):
        p = psutil.Process(0)
        with pytest.raises(psutil.AccessDenied):

    def test_special_pid(self):
        p = psutil.Process(4)
        assert p.name() == 'System'
        # use __str__ to access all common Process properties to check
        # that nothing strange happens
        assert p.create_time() >= 0.0
            rss, _vms = p.memory_info()[:2]
        except psutil.AccessDenied:
            # expected on Windows Vista and Windows 7
            if platform.uname()[1] not in ('vista', 'win-7', 'win7'):
            assert rss > 0

    def test_send_signal(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_num_handles_increment(self):
        p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        before = p.num_handles()
        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, os.getpid()
        after = p.num_handles()
        assert after == before + 1
        assert p.num_handles() == before

    def test_ctrl_signals(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.spawn_testproc().pid)
        with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess):
        with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess):

    def test_username(self):
        name = win32api.GetUserNameEx(win32con.NameSamCompatible)
        if name.endswith('$'):
            # When running as a service account (most likely to be
            # NetworkService), these user name calculations don't produce the
            # same result, causing the test to fail.
            raise pytest.skip('running as service account')
        assert psutil.Process().username() == name

    def test_cmdline(self):
        sys_value = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', win32api.GetCommandLine()).strip()
        psutil_value = ' '.join(psutil.Process().cmdline())
        if sys_value[0] == '"' != psutil_value[0]:
            # The PyWin32 command line may retain quotes around argv[0] if they
            # were used unnecessarily, while psutil will omit them. So remove
            # the first 2 quotes from sys_value if not in psutil_value.
            # A path to an executable will not contain quotes, so this is safe.
            sys_value = sys_value.replace('"', '', 2)
        assert sys_value == psutil_value

    # XXX - occasional failures

    # def test_cpu_times(self):
    #     handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
    #                                   win32con.FALSE, os.getpid())
    #     self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
    #     sys_value = win32process.GetProcessTimes(handle)
    #     psutil_value = psutil.Process().cpu_times()
    #     self.assertAlmostEqual(
    #         psutil_value.user, sys_value['UserTime'] / 10000000.0,
    #         delta=0.2)
    #     self.assertAlmostEqual(
    #         psutil_value.user, sys_value['KernelTime'] / 10000000.0,
    #         delta=0.2)

    def test_nice(self):
        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, os.getpid()
        self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
        sys_value = win32process.GetPriorityClass(handle)
        psutil_value = psutil.Process().nice()
        assert psutil_value == sys_value

    def test_memory_info(self):
        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, self.pid
        self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
        sys_value = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo(handle)
        psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
        assert sys_value['PeakWorkingSetSize'] == psutil_value.peak_wset
        assert sys_value['WorkingSetSize'] == psutil_value.wset
        assert (
            == psutil_value.peak_paged_pool
        assert sys_value['QuotaPagedPoolUsage'] == psutil_value.paged_pool
        assert (
            == psutil_value.peak_nonpaged_pool
        assert (
            sys_value['QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage'] == psutil_value.nonpaged_pool
        assert sys_value['PagefileUsage'] == psutil_value.pagefile
        assert sys_value['PeakPagefileUsage'] == psutil_value.peak_pagefile

        assert psutil_value.rss == psutil_value.wset
        assert psutil_value.vms == psutil_value.pagefile

    def test_wait(self):
        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, self.pid
        self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        psutil_value = p.wait()
        sys_value = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(handle)
        assert psutil_value == sys_value

    def test_cpu_affinity(self):
        def from_bitmask(x):
            return [i for i in range(64) if (1 << i) & x]

        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, self.pid
        self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
        sys_value = from_bitmask(
        psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_affinity()
        assert psutil_value == sys_value

    def test_io_counters(self):
        handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
            win32con.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, win32con.FALSE, os.getpid()
        self.addCleanup(win32api.CloseHandle, handle)
        sys_value = win32process.GetProcessIoCounters(handle)
        psutil_value = psutil.Process().io_counters()
        assert psutil_value.read_count == sys_value['ReadOperationCount']
        assert psutil_value.write_count == sys_value['WriteOperationCount']
        assert psutil_value.read_bytes == sys_value['ReadTransferCount']
        assert psutil_value.write_bytes == sys_value['WriteTransferCount']
        assert psutil_value.other_count == sys_value['OtherOperationCount']
        assert psutil_value.other_bytes == sys_value['OtherTransferCount']

    def test_num_handles(self):
        import ctypes
        import ctypes.wintypes

        handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(
            PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 0, self.pid
        self.addCleanup(ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle, handle)

        hndcnt = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
            handle, ctypes.byref(hndcnt)
        sys_value = hndcnt.value
        psutil_value = psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles()
        assert psutil_value == sys_value

    def test_error_partial_copy(self):
        # https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/875
        exc = WindowsError()
        exc.winerror = 299
        with mock.patch("psutil._psplatform.cext.proc_cwd", side_effect=exc):
            with mock.patch("time.sleep") as m:
                p = psutil.Process()
                with pytest.raises(psutil.AccessDenied):
        assert m.call_count >= 5

    def test_exe(self):
        # NtQuerySystemInformation succeeds if process is gone. Make sure
        # it raises NSP for a non existent pid.
        pid = psutil.pids()[-1] + 99999
        proc = psutil._psplatform.Process(pid)
        with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess):

class TestProcessWMI(WindowsTestCase):
    """Compare Process API results with WMI."""

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def test_name(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        assert p.name() == w.Caption

    # This fail on github because using virtualenv for test environment
        GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason="unreliable path on GITHUB_ACTIONS"
    def test_exe(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        # Note: wmi reports the exe as a lower case string.
        # Being Windows paths case-insensitive we ignore that.
        assert p.exe().lower() == w.ExecutablePath.lower()

    def test_cmdline(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        assert ' '.join(p.cmdline()) == w.CommandLine.replace('"', '')

    def test_username(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        domain, _, username = w.GetOwner()
        username = "%s\\%s" % (domain, username)
        assert p.username() == username

    def test_memory_rss(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        rss = p.memory_info().rss
        assert rss == int(w.WorkingSetSize)

    def test_memory_vms(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        vms = p.memory_info().vms
        # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394372(VS.85).aspx
        # ...claims that PageFileUsage is represented in Kilo
        # bytes but funnily enough on certain platforms bytes are
        # returned instead.
        wmi_usage = int(w.PageFileUsage)
        if vms not in (wmi_usage, wmi_usage * 1024):
            raise self.fail("wmi=%s, psutil=%s" % (wmi_usage, vms))

    def test_create_time(self):
        w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0]
        p = psutil.Process(self.pid)
        wmic_create = str(w.CreationDate.split('.')[0])
        psutil_create = time.strftime(
            "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(p.create_time())
        assert wmic_create == psutil_create

# ---

@pytest.mark.skipif(not WINDOWS, reason="WINDOWS only")
class TestDualProcessImplementation(PsutilTestCase):
    """Certain APIs on Windows have 2 internal implementations, one
    based on documented Windows APIs, another one based
    NtQuerySystemInformation() which gets called as fallback in
    case the first fails because of limited permission error.
    Here we test that the two methods return the exact same value,

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.pid = spawn_testproc().pid

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def test_memory_info(self):
        mem_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
        with mock.patch(
            side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg"),
        ) as fun:
            mem_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).memory_info()
            assert len(mem_1) == len(mem_2)
            for i in range(len(mem_1)):
                assert mem_1[i] >= 0
                assert mem_2[i] >= 0
                assert abs(mem_1[i] - mem_2[i]) < 512
            assert fun.called

    def test_create_time(self):
        ctime = psutil.Process(self.pid).create_time()
        with mock.patch(
            side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg"),
        ) as fun:
            assert psutil.Process(self.pid).create_time() == ctime
            assert fun.called

    def test_cpu_times(self):
        cpu_times_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_times()
        with mock.patch(
            side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg"),
        ) as fun:
            cpu_times_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).cpu_times()
            assert fun.called
            assert abs(cpu_times_1.user - cpu_times_2.user) < 0.01
            assert abs(cpu_times_1.system - cpu_times_2.system) < 0.01

    def test_io_counters(self):
        io_counters_1 = psutil.Process(self.pid).io_counters()
        with mock.patch(
            side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg"),
        ) as fun:
            io_counters_2 = psutil.Process(self.pid).io_counters()
            for i in range(len(io_counters_1)):
                assert abs(io_counters_1[i] - io_counters_2[i]) < 5
            assert fun.called

    def test_num_handles(self):
        num_handles = psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles()
        with mock.patch(
            side_effect=OSError(errno.EPERM, "msg"),
        ) as fun:
            assert psutil.Process(self.pid).num_handles() == num_handles
            assert fun.called

    def test_cmdline(self):
        for pid in psutil.pids():
                a = cext.proc_cmdline(pid, use_peb=True)
                b = cext.proc_cmdline(pid, use_peb=False)
            except OSError as err:
                err = convert_oserror(err)
                if not isinstance(
                    err, (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess)
                assert a == b

@pytest.mark.skipif(not WINDOWS, reason="WINDOWS only")
class RemoteProcessTestCase(PsutilTestCase):
    """Certain functions require calling ReadProcessMemory.
    This trivially works when called on the current process.
    Check that this works on other processes, especially when they
    have a different bitness.

    def find_other_interpreter():
        # find a python interpreter that is of the opposite bitness from us
        code = "import sys; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.maxsize > 2**32))"

        # XXX: a different and probably more stable approach might be to access
        # the registry but accessing 64 bit paths from a 32 bit process
        for filename in glob.glob(r"C:\Python*\python.exe"):
            proc = subprocess.Popen(
                args=[filename, "-c", code],
            output, _ = proc.communicate()
            if output == str(not IS_64BIT):
                return filename

    test_args = ["-c", "import sys; sys.stdin.read()"]

    def setUp(self):

        other_python = self.find_other_interpreter()
        if other_python is None:
            raise pytest.skip(
                "could not find interpreter with opposite bitness"
        if IS_64BIT:
            self.python64 = sys.executable
            self.python32 = other_python
            self.python64 = other_python
            self.python32 = sys.executable

        env = os.environ.copy()
        env["THINK_OF_A_NUMBER"] = str(os.getpid())
        self.proc32 = self.spawn_testproc(
            [self.python32] + self.test_args, env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE
        self.proc64 = self.spawn_testproc(
            [self.python64] + self.test_args, env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_cmdline_32(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
        assert len(p.cmdline()) == 3
        assert p.cmdline()[1:] == self.test_args

    def test_cmdline_64(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
        assert len(p.cmdline()) == 3
        assert p.cmdline()[1:] == self.test_args

    def test_cwd_32(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
        assert p.cwd() == os.getcwd()

    def test_cwd_64(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
        assert p.cwd() == os.getcwd()

    def test_environ_32(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc32.pid)
        e = p.environ()
        assert "THINK_OF_A_NUMBER" in e
        assert e["THINK_OF_A_NUMBER"] == str(os.getpid())

    def test_environ_64(self):
        p = psutil.Process(self.proc64.pid)
        except psutil.AccessDenied:

# ===================================================================
# Windows services
# ===================================================================

@pytest.mark.skipif(not WINDOWS, reason="WINDOWS only")
class TestServices(PsutilTestCase):
    def test_win_service_iter(self):
        valid_statuses = set([
        valid_start_types = set(["automatic", "manual", "disabled"])
        valid_statuses = set([
        for serv in psutil.win_service_iter():
            data = serv.as_dict()
            assert isinstance(data['name'], str)
            assert data['name'].strip()
            assert isinstance(data['display_name'], str)
            assert isinstance(data['username'], str)
            assert data['status'] in valid_statuses
            if data['pid'] is not None:
            assert isinstance(data['binpath'], str)
            assert isinstance(data['username'], str)
            assert isinstance(data['start_type'], str)
            assert data['start_type'] in valid_start_types
            assert data['status'] in valid_statuses
            assert isinstance(data['description'], str)
            pid = serv.pid()
            if pid is not None:
                p = psutil.Process(pid)
                assert p.is_running()
            # win_service_get
            s = psutil.win_service_get(serv.name())
            # test __eq__
            assert serv == s

    def test_win_service_get(self):
        ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = psutil._psplatform.cext.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED

        name = next(psutil.win_service_iter()).name()
        with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess) as cm:
            psutil.win_service_get(name + '???')
        assert cm.value.name == name + '???'

        # test NoSuchProcess
        service = psutil.win_service_get(name)
        if PY3:
            args = (0, "msg", 0, ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
            args = (ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "msg")
        exc = WindowsError(*args)
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_status", side_effect=exc
            with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess):
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_config", side_effect=exc
            with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess):

        # test AccessDenied
        if PY3:
            args = (0, "msg", 0, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
            args = (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "msg")
        exc = WindowsError(*args)
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_status", side_effect=exc
            with pytest.raises(psutil.AccessDenied):
        with mock.patch(
            "psutil._psplatform.cext.winservice_query_config", side_effect=exc
            with pytest.raises(psutil.AccessDenied):

        # test __str__ and __repr__
        assert service.name() in str(service)
        assert service.display_name() in str(service)
        assert service.name() in repr(service)
        assert service.display_name() in repr(service)