Current Path : /usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/ |
Current File : //usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_testutils.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Tests for testing utils (psutil.tests namespace).""" import collections import contextlib import errno import os import socket import stat import subprocess import textwrap import unittest import warnings import psutil import psutil.tests from psutil import FREEBSD from psutil import NETBSD from psutil import POSIX from psutil._common import open_binary from psutil._common import open_text from psutil._common import supports_ipv6 from psutil._compat import PY3 from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING from psutil.tests import COVERAGE from psutil.tests import HAS_NET_CONNECTIONS_UNIX from psutil.tests import HERE from psutil.tests import PYTHON_EXE from psutil.tests import PYTHON_EXE_ENV from psutil.tests import PsutilTestCase from psutil.tests import TestMemoryLeak from psutil.tests import bind_socket from psutil.tests import bind_unix_socket from psutil.tests import call_until from psutil.tests import chdir from psutil.tests import create_sockets from psutil.tests import fake_pytest from psutil.tests import filter_proc_net_connections from psutil.tests import get_free_port from psutil.tests import is_namedtuple from psutil.tests import mock from psutil.tests import process_namespace from psutil.tests import pytest from psutil.tests import reap_children from psutil.tests import retry from psutil.tests import retry_on_failure from psutil.tests import safe_mkdir from psutil.tests import safe_rmpath from psutil.tests import system_namespace from psutil.tests import tcp_socketpair from psutil.tests import terminate from psutil.tests import unix_socketpair from psutil.tests import wait_for_file from psutil.tests import wait_for_pid # =================================================================== # --- Unit tests for test utilities. # =================================================================== class TestRetryDecorator(PsutilTestCase): @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_retry_success(self, sleep): # Fail 3 times out of 5; make sure the decorated fun returns. @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None) def foo(): while queue: queue.pop() 1 / 0 # noqa return 1 queue = list(range(3)) assert foo() == 1 assert sleep.call_count == 3 @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_retry_failure(self, sleep): # Fail 6 times out of 5; th function is supposed to raise exc. @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None) def foo(): while queue: queue.pop() 1 / 0 # noqa return 1 queue = list(range(6)) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): foo() assert sleep.call_count == 5 @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_exception_arg(self, sleep): @retry(exception=ValueError, interval=1) def foo(): raise TypeError with pytest.raises(TypeError): foo() assert sleep.call_count == 0 @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_no_interval_arg(self, sleep): # if interval is not specified sleep is not supposed to be called @retry(retries=5, interval=None, logfun=None) def foo(): 1 / 0 # noqa with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): foo() assert sleep.call_count == 0 @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_retries_arg(self, sleep): @retry(retries=5, interval=1, logfun=None) def foo(): 1 / 0 # noqa with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): foo() assert sleep.call_count == 5 @mock.patch('time.sleep') def test_retries_and_timeout_args(self, sleep): with pytest.raises(ValueError): retry(retries=5, timeout=1) class TestSyncTestUtils(PsutilTestCase): def test_wait_for_pid(self): wait_for_pid(os.getpid()) nopid = max(psutil.pids()) + 99999 with mock.patch('psutil.tests.retry.__iter__', return_value=iter([0])): with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess): wait_for_pid(nopid) def test_wait_for_file(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() with open(testfn, 'w') as f: f.write('foo') wait_for_file(testfn) assert not os.path.exists(testfn) def test_wait_for_file_empty(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() with open(testfn, 'w'): pass wait_for_file(testfn, empty=True) assert not os.path.exists(testfn) def test_wait_for_file_no_file(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() with mock.patch('psutil.tests.retry.__iter__', return_value=iter([0])): with pytest.raises(IOError): wait_for_file(testfn) def test_wait_for_file_no_delete(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() with open(testfn, 'w') as f: f.write('foo') wait_for_file(testfn, delete=False) assert os.path.exists(testfn) def test_call_until(self): call_until(lambda: 1) # TODO: test for timeout class TestFSTestUtils(PsutilTestCase): def test_open_text(self): with open_text(__file__) as f: assert f.mode == 'r' def test_open_binary(self): with open_binary(__file__) as f: assert f.mode == 'rb' def test_safe_mkdir(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() safe_mkdir(testfn) assert os.path.isdir(testfn) safe_mkdir(testfn) assert os.path.isdir(testfn) def test_safe_rmpath(self): # test file is removed testfn = self.get_testfn() open(testfn, 'w').close() safe_rmpath(testfn) assert not os.path.exists(testfn) # test no exception if path does not exist safe_rmpath(testfn) # test dir is removed os.mkdir(testfn) safe_rmpath(testfn) assert not os.path.exists(testfn) # test other exceptions are raised with mock.patch( 'psutil.tests.os.stat', side_effect=OSError(errno.EINVAL, "") ) as m: with pytest.raises(OSError): safe_rmpath(testfn) assert m.called def test_chdir(self): testfn = self.get_testfn() base = os.getcwd() os.mkdir(testfn) with chdir(testfn): assert os.getcwd() == os.path.join(base, testfn) assert os.getcwd() == base class TestProcessUtils(PsutilTestCase): def test_reap_children(self): subp = self.spawn_testproc() p = psutil.Process(subp.pid) assert p.is_running() reap_children() assert not p.is_running() assert not psutil.tests._pids_started assert not psutil.tests._subprocesses_started def test_spawn_children_pair(self): child, grandchild = self.spawn_children_pair() assert child.pid != grandchild.pid assert child.is_running() assert grandchild.is_running() children = psutil.Process().children() assert children == [child] children = psutil.Process().children(recursive=True) assert len(children) == 2 assert child in children assert grandchild in children assert child.ppid() == os.getpid() assert grandchild.ppid() == child.pid terminate(child) assert not child.is_running() assert grandchild.is_running() terminate(grandchild) assert not grandchild.is_running() @pytest.mark.skipif(not POSIX, reason="POSIX only") def test_spawn_zombie(self): _parent, zombie = self.spawn_zombie() assert zombie.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE def test_terminate(self): # by subprocess.Popen p = self.spawn_testproc() terminate(p) self.assertPidGone(p.pid) terminate(p) # by psutil.Process p = psutil.Process(self.spawn_testproc().pid) terminate(p) self.assertPidGone(p.pid) terminate(p) # by psutil.Popen cmd = [ PYTHON_EXE, "-c", "import time; [time.sleep(0.1) for x in range(100)];", ] p = psutil.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=PYTHON_EXE_ENV, ) terminate(p) self.assertPidGone(p.pid) terminate(p) # by PID pid = self.spawn_testproc().pid terminate(pid) self.assertPidGone(p.pid) terminate(pid) # zombie if POSIX: parent, zombie = self.spawn_zombie() terminate(parent) terminate(zombie) self.assertPidGone(parent.pid) self.assertPidGone(zombie.pid) class TestNetUtils(PsutilTestCase): def bind_socket(self): port = get_free_port() with contextlib.closing(bind_socket(addr=('', port))) as s: assert s.getsockname()[1] == port @pytest.mark.skipif(not POSIX, reason="POSIX only") def test_bind_unix_socket(self): name = self.get_testfn() sock = bind_unix_socket(name) with contextlib.closing(sock): assert sock.family == socket.AF_UNIX assert sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM assert sock.getsockname() == name assert os.path.exists(name) assert stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(name).st_mode) # UDP name = self.get_testfn() sock = bind_unix_socket(name, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) with contextlib.closing(sock): assert sock.type == socket.SOCK_DGRAM def tcp_tcp_socketpair(self): addr = ("", get_free_port()) server, client = tcp_socketpair(socket.AF_INET, addr=addr) with contextlib.closing(server): with contextlib.closing(client): # Ensure they are connected and the positions are # correct. assert server.getsockname() == addr assert client.getpeername() == addr assert client.getsockname() != addr @pytest.mark.skipif(not POSIX, reason="POSIX only") @pytest.mark.skipif( NETBSD or FREEBSD, reason="/var/run/log UNIX socket opened by default" ) def test_unix_socketpair(self): p = psutil.Process() num_fds = p.num_fds() assert ( filter_proc_net_connections(p.net_connections(kind='unix')) == [] ) name = self.get_testfn() server, client = unix_socketpair(name) try: assert os.path.exists(name) assert stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(name).st_mode) assert p.num_fds() - num_fds == 2 assert ( len( filter_proc_net_connections(p.net_connections(kind='unix')) ) == 2 ) assert server.getsockname() == name assert client.getpeername() == name finally: client.close() server.close() def test_create_sockets(self): with create_sockets() as socks: fams = collections.defaultdict(int) types = collections.defaultdict(int) for s in socks: fams[s.family] += 1 # work around http://bugs.python.org/issue30204 types[s.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_TYPE)] += 1 assert fams[socket.AF_INET] >= 2 if supports_ipv6(): assert fams[socket.AF_INET6] >= 2 if POSIX and HAS_NET_CONNECTIONS_UNIX: assert fams[socket.AF_UNIX] >= 2 assert types[socket.SOCK_STREAM] >= 2 assert types[socket.SOCK_DGRAM] >= 2 @pytest.mark.xdist_group(name="serial") class TestMemLeakClass(TestMemoryLeak): @retry_on_failure() def test_times(self): def fun(): cnt['cnt'] += 1 cnt = {'cnt': 0} self.execute(fun, times=10, warmup_times=15) assert cnt['cnt'] == 26 def test_param_err(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.execute(lambda: 0, times=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.execute(lambda: 0, times=-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.execute(lambda: 0, warmup_times=-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.execute(lambda: 0, tolerance=-1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.execute(lambda: 0, retries=-1) @retry_on_failure() @pytest.mark.skipif(CI_TESTING, reason="skipped on CI") @pytest.mark.skipif(COVERAGE, reason="skipped during test coverage") def test_leak_mem(self): ls = [] def fun(ls=ls): ls.append("x" * 248 * 1024) try: # will consume around 60M in total with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="extra-mem"): self.execute(fun, times=100) finally: del ls def test_unclosed_files(self): def fun(): f = open(__file__) self.addCleanup(f.close) box.append(f) box = [] kind = "fd" if POSIX else "handle" with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="unclosed " + kind): self.execute(fun) def test_tolerance(self): def fun(): ls.append("x" * 24 * 1024) ls = [] times = 100 self.execute( fun, times=times, warmup_times=0, tolerance=200 * 1024 * 1024 ) assert len(ls) == times + 1 def test_execute_w_exc(self): def fun_1(): 1 / 0 # noqa self.execute_w_exc(ZeroDivisionError, fun_1) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): self.execute_w_exc(OSError, fun_1) def fun_2(): pass with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.execute_w_exc(ZeroDivisionError, fun_2) class TestFakePytest(PsutilTestCase): def run_test_class(self, klass): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(klass) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() result = runner.run(suite) return result def test_raises(self): with fake_pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError) as cm: 1 / 0 # noqa assert isinstance(cm.value, ZeroDivisionError) with fake_pytest.raises(ValueError, match="foo") as cm: raise ValueError("foo") try: with fake_pytest.raises(ValueError, match="foo") as cm: raise ValueError("bar") except AssertionError as err: assert str(err) == '"foo" does not match "bar"' else: raise self.fail("exception not raised") def test_mark(self): @fake_pytest.mark.xdist_group(name="serial") def foo(): return 1 assert foo() == 1 @fake_pytest.mark.xdist_group(name="serial") class Foo: def bar(self): return 1 assert Foo().bar() == 1 def test_skipif(self): class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): @fake_pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="reason") def foo(self): assert 1 == 1 # noqa result = self.run_test_class(TestCase("foo")) assert result.wasSuccessful() assert len(result.skipped) == 1 assert result.skipped[0][1] == "reason" class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): @fake_pytest.mark.skipif(False, reason="reason") def foo(self): assert 1 == 1 # noqa result = self.run_test_class(TestCase("foo")) assert result.wasSuccessful() assert len(result.skipped) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(not PY3, reason="not PY3") def test_skip(self): class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def foo(self): fake_pytest.skip("reason") assert 1 == 0 # noqa result = self.run_test_class(TestCase("foo")) assert result.wasSuccessful() assert len(result.skipped) == 1 assert result.skipped[0][1] == "reason" def test_main(self): tmpdir = self.get_testfn(dir=HERE) os.mkdir(tmpdir) with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "__init__.py"), "w"): pass with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_file.py"), "w") as f: f.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ import unittest class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_passed(self): pass """).lstrip()) with mock.patch.object(psutil.tests, "HERE", tmpdir): with self.assertWarnsRegex( UserWarning, "Fake pytest module was used" ): suite = fake_pytest.main() assert suite.countTestCases() == 1 def test_warns(self): # success with fake_pytest.warns(UserWarning): warnings.warn("foo", UserWarning, stacklevel=1) # failure try: with fake_pytest.warns(UserWarning): warnings.warn("foo", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) except AssertionError: pass else: raise self.fail("exception not raised") # match success with fake_pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="foo"): warnings.warn("foo", UserWarning, stacklevel=1) # match failure try: with fake_pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="foo"): warnings.warn("bar", UserWarning, stacklevel=1) except AssertionError: pass else: raise self.fail("exception not raised") class TestTestingUtils(PsutilTestCase): def test_process_namespace(self): p = psutil.Process() ns = process_namespace(p) ns.test() fun = [x for x in ns.iter(ns.getters) if x[1] == 'ppid'][0][0] assert fun() == p.ppid() def test_system_namespace(self): ns = system_namespace() fun = [x for x in ns.iter(ns.getters) if x[1] == 'net_if_addrs'][0][0] assert fun() == psutil.net_if_addrs() class TestOtherUtils(PsutilTestCase): def test_is_namedtuple(self): assert is_namedtuple(collections.namedtuple('foo', 'a b c')(1, 2, 3)) assert not is_namedtuple(tuple())