Current Path : /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/sshpk/lib/formats/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/sshpk/lib/formats/ssh-private.js |
// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. module.exports = { read: read, readSSHPrivate: readSSHPrivate, write: write }; var assert = require('assert-plus'); var asn1 = require('asn1'); var Buffer = require('safer-buffer').Buffer; var algs = require('../algs'); var utils = require('../utils'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var Key = require('../key'); var PrivateKey = require('../private-key'); var pem = require('./pem'); var rfc4253 = require('./rfc4253'); var SSHBuffer = require('../ssh-buffer'); var errors = require('../errors'); var bcrypt; function read(buf, options) { return (pem.read(buf, options)); } var MAGIC = 'openssh-key-v1'; function readSSHPrivate(type, buf, options) { buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: buf}); var magic = buf.readCString(); assert.strictEqual(magic, MAGIC, 'bad magic string'); var cipher = buf.readString(); var kdf = buf.readString(); var kdfOpts = buf.readBuffer(); var nkeys = buf.readInt(); if (nkeys !== 1) { throw (new Error('OpenSSH-format key file contains ' + 'multiple keys: this is unsupported.')); } var pubKey = buf.readBuffer(); if (type === 'public') { assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'excess bytes left after key'); return (rfc4253.read(pubKey)); } var privKeyBlob = buf.readBuffer(); assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'excess bytes left after key'); var kdfOptsBuf = new SSHBuffer({ buffer: kdfOpts }); switch (kdf) { case 'none': if (cipher !== 'none') { throw (new Error('OpenSSH-format key uses KDF "none" ' + 'but specifies a cipher other than "none"')); } break; case 'bcrypt': var salt = kdfOptsBuf.readBuffer(); var rounds = kdfOptsBuf.readInt(); var cinf = utils.opensshCipherInfo(cipher); if (bcrypt === undefined) { bcrypt = require('bcrypt-pbkdf'); } if (typeof (options.passphrase) === 'string') { options.passphrase = Buffer.from(options.passphrase, 'utf-8'); } if (!Buffer.isBuffer(options.passphrase)) { throw (new errors.KeyEncryptedError( options.filename, 'OpenSSH')); } var pass = new Uint8Array(options.passphrase); var salti = new Uint8Array(salt); /* Use the pbkdf to derive both the key and the IV. */ var out = new Uint8Array(cinf.keySize + cinf.blockSize); var res = bcrypt.pbkdf(pass, pass.length, salti, salti.length, out, out.length, rounds); if (res !== 0) { throw (new Error('bcrypt_pbkdf function returned ' + 'failure, parameters invalid')); } out = Buffer.from(out); var ckey = out.slice(0, cinf.keySize); var iv = out.slice(cinf.keySize, cinf.keySize + cinf.blockSize); var cipherStream = crypto.createDecipheriv(cinf.opensslName, ckey, iv); cipherStream.setAutoPadding(false); var chunk, chunks = []; cipherStream.once('error', function (e) { if (e.toString().indexOf('bad decrypt') !== -1) { throw (new Error('Incorrect passphrase ' + 'supplied, could not decrypt key')); } throw (e); }); cipherStream.write(privKeyBlob); cipherStream.end(); while ((chunk = cipherStream.read()) !== null) chunks.push(chunk); privKeyBlob = Buffer.concat(chunks); break; default: throw (new Error( 'OpenSSH-format key uses unknown KDF "' + kdf + '"')); } buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: privKeyBlob}); var checkInt1 = buf.readInt(); var checkInt2 = buf.readInt(); if (checkInt1 !== checkInt2) { throw (new Error('Incorrect passphrase supplied, could not ' + 'decrypt key')); } var ret = {}; var key = rfc4253.readInternal(ret, 'private', buf.remainder()); buf.skip(ret.consumed); var comment = buf.readString(); key.comment = comment; return (key); } function write(key, options) { var pubKey; if (PrivateKey.isPrivateKey(key)) pubKey = key.toPublic(); else pubKey = key; var cipher = 'none'; var kdf = 'none'; var kdfopts = Buffer.alloc(0); var cinf = { blockSize: 8 }; var passphrase; if (options !== undefined) { passphrase = options.passphrase; if (typeof (passphrase) === 'string') passphrase = Buffer.from(passphrase, 'utf-8'); if (passphrase !== undefined) { assert.buffer(passphrase, 'options.passphrase'); assert.optionalString(options.cipher, 'options.cipher'); cipher = options.cipher; if (cipher === undefined) cipher = 'aes128-ctr'; cinf = utils.opensshCipherInfo(cipher); kdf = 'bcrypt'; } } var privBuf; if (PrivateKey.isPrivateKey(key)) { privBuf = new SSHBuffer({}); var checkInt = crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); privBuf.writeInt(checkInt); privBuf.writeInt(checkInt); privBuf.write(key.toBuffer('rfc4253')); privBuf.writeString(key.comment || ''); var n = 1; while (privBuf._offset % cinf.blockSize !== 0) privBuf.writeChar(n++); privBuf = privBuf.toBuffer(); } switch (kdf) { case 'none': break; case 'bcrypt': var salt = crypto.randomBytes(16); var rounds = 16; var kdfssh = new SSHBuffer({}); kdfssh.writeBuffer(salt); kdfssh.writeInt(rounds); kdfopts = kdfssh.toBuffer(); if (bcrypt === undefined) { bcrypt = require('bcrypt-pbkdf'); } var pass = new Uint8Array(passphrase); var salti = new Uint8Array(salt); /* Use the pbkdf to derive both the key and the IV. */ var out = new Uint8Array(cinf.keySize + cinf.blockSize); var res = bcrypt.pbkdf(pass, pass.length, salti, salti.length, out, out.length, rounds); if (res !== 0) { throw (new Error('bcrypt_pbkdf function returned ' + 'failure, parameters invalid')); } out = Buffer.from(out); var ckey = out.slice(0, cinf.keySize); var iv = out.slice(cinf.keySize, cinf.keySize + cinf.blockSize); var cipherStream = crypto.createCipheriv(cinf.opensslName, ckey, iv); cipherStream.setAutoPadding(false); var chunk, chunks = []; cipherStream.once('error', function (e) { throw (e); }); cipherStream.write(privBuf); cipherStream.end(); while ((chunk = cipherStream.read()) !== null) chunks.push(chunk); privBuf = Buffer.concat(chunks); break; default: throw (new Error('Unsupported kdf ' + kdf)); } var buf = new SSHBuffer({}); buf.writeCString(MAGIC); buf.writeString(cipher); /* cipher */ buf.writeString(kdf); /* kdf */ buf.writeBuffer(kdfopts); /* kdfoptions */ buf.writeInt(1); /* nkeys */ buf.writeBuffer(pubKey.toBuffer('rfc4253')); if (privBuf) buf.writeBuffer(privBuf); buf = buf.toBuffer(); var header; if (PrivateKey.isPrivateKey(key)) header = 'OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'; else header = 'OPENSSH PUBLIC KEY'; var tmp = buf.toString('base64'); var len = tmp.length + (tmp.length / 70) + 18 + 16 + header.length*2 + 10; buf = Buffer.alloc(len); var o = 0; o += buf.write('-----BEGIN ' + header + '-----\n', o); for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ) { var limit = i + 70; if (limit > tmp.length) limit = tmp.length; o += buf.write(tmp.slice(i, limit), o); buf[o++] = 10; i = limit; } o += buf.write('-----END ' + header + '-----\n', o); return (buf.slice(0, o)); }