Current Path : /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-audit-report/reporters/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-audit-report/reporters/detail.js |
'use strict' const summary = require('./install.js').summary const Table = require('cli-table3') const Utils = require('../lib/utils') const report = function (data, options) { const defaults = { severityThreshold: 'info' } const blankChars = { 'top': ' ', 'top-mid': ' ', 'top-left': ' ', 'top-right': ' ', 'bottom': ' ', 'bottom-mid': ' ', 'bottom-left': ' ', 'bottom-right': ' ', 'left': ' ', 'left-mid': ' ', 'mid': ' ', 'mid-mid': ' ', 'right': ' ', 'right-mid': ' ', 'middle': ' ' } const config = Object.assign({}, defaults, options) let output = '' let exit = 0 const log = function (value) { output = output + value + '\n' } const footer = function (data) { const total = Utils.totalVulnCount(data.metadata.vulnerabilities) if (total > 0) { exit = 1 } log(`${summary(data, config)} in ${data.metadata.totalDependencies} scanned package${data.metadata.totalDependencies === 1 ? '' : 's'}`) if (total) { const counts = data.actions.reduce((acc, {action, isMajor, resolves}) => { if (action === 'update' || (action === 'install' && !isMajor)) { resolves.forEach(({id, path}) => acc.advisories.add(`${id}::${path}`)) } if (isMajor) { resolves.forEach(({id, path}) => acc.major.add(`${id}::${path}`)) } if (action === 'review') { resolves.forEach(({id, path}) => acc.review.add(`${id}::${path}`)) } return acc }, {advisories: new Set(), major: new Set(), review: new Set()}) if (counts.advisories.size) { log(` run \`npm audit fix\` to fix ${counts.advisories.size} of them.`) } if (counts.major.size) { const maj = counts.major.size log(` ${maj} vulnerabilit${maj === 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} require${maj === 1 ? 's' : ''} semver-major dependency updates.`) } if (counts.review.size) { const rev = counts.review.size log(` ${rev} vulnerabilit${rev === 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} require${rev === 1 ? 's' : ''} manual review. See the full report for details.`) } } } const reportTitle = function () { const tableOptions = { colWidths: [78] } tableOptions.chars = blankChars const table = new Table(tableOptions) table.push([{ content: '=== npm audit security report ===', vAlign: 'center', hAlign: 'center' }]) log(table.toString()) } const actions = function (data, config) { reportTitle() if (Object.keys(data.advisories).length !== 0) { // vulns found display a report. let reviewFlag = false data.actions.forEach((action) => { if (action.action === 'update' || action.action === 'install') { const recommendation = getRecommendation(action, config) const label = action.resolves.length === 1 ? 'vulnerability' : 'vulnerabilities' log(`# Run ${Utils.color(' ' + recommendation.cmd + ' ', 'inverse', config.withColor)} to resolve ${action.resolves.length} ${label}`) if (recommendation.isBreaking) { log(`SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change`) } action.resolves.forEach((resolution) => { const advisory = data.advisories[resolution.id] const tableOptions = { colWidths: [15, 62], wordWrap: true } if (!config.withUnicode) { tableOptions.chars = blankChars } const table = new Table(tableOptions) table.push( {[Utils.severityLabel(advisory.severity, config.withColor, true)]: Utils.color(advisory.title, 'bold', config.withColor)}, {'Package': advisory.module_name}, {'Dependency of': `${resolution.path.split('>')[0]} ${resolution.dev ? '[dev]' : ''}`}, {'Path': `${resolution.path.split('>').join(Utils.color(' > ', 'grey', config.withColor))}`}, {'More info': advisory.url || `https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/${advisory.id}`} ) log(table.toString() + '\n\n') }) } if (action.action === 'review') { if (!reviewFlag) { const tableOptions = { colWidths: [78] } if (!config.withUnicode) { tableOptions.chars = blankChars } const table = new Table(tableOptions) table.push([{ content: 'Manual Review\nSome vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve\n\nVisit https://go.npm.me/audit-guide for additional guidance', vAlign: 'center', hAlign: 'center' }]) log(table.toString()) } reviewFlag = true action.resolves.forEach((resolution) => { const advisory = data.advisories[resolution.id] const tableOptions = { colWidths: [15, 62], wordWrap: true } if (!config.withUnicode) { tableOptions.chars = blankChars } const table = new Table(tableOptions) const patchedIn = advisory.patched_versions.replace(' ', '') === '<0.0.0' ? 'No patch available' : advisory.patched_versions table.push( {[Utils.severityLabel(advisory.severity, config.withColor, true)]: Utils.color(advisory.title, 'bold', config.withColor)}, {'Package': advisory.module_name}, {'Patched in': patchedIn}, {'Dependency of': `${resolution.path.split('>')[0]} ${resolution.dev ? '[dev]' : ''}`}, {'Path': `${resolution.path.split('>').join(Utils.color(' > ', 'grey', config.withColor))}`}, {'More info': advisory.url || `https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/${advisory.id}`} ) log(table.toString()) }) } }) } } actions(data, config) footer(data) return { report: output.trim(), exitCode: exit } } const getRecommendation = function (action, config) { if (action.action === 'install') { const isDev = action.resolves[0].dev return { cmd: `npm install ${isDev ? '--save-dev ' : ''}${action.module}@${action.target}`, isBreaking: action.isMajor } } else { return { cmd: `npm update ${action.module} --depth ${action.depth}`, isBreaking: false } } } module.exports = report