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<div class="title">
npm command-line interface
<section id="content">
<header class="title">
<h1 id="removal">removal</h1>
<span class="description">Cleaning the Slate</span>
<section id="table_of_contents">
<h2 id="table-of-contents">Table of contents</h2>
<div id="_table_of_contents"><ul><li><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li><li><a href="#more-severe-uninstalling">More Severe Uninstalling</a></li><li><a href="#see-also">See also</a></li></ul></div>
<div id="_content"><h3 id="synopsis">Synopsis</h3>
<p>So sad to see you go.</p>
<pre lang="bash"><code>sudo npm uninstall npm -g
<p>Or, if that fails, get the npm source code, and do:</p>
<pre lang="bash"><code>sudo make uninstall
<h3 id="more-severe-uninstalling">More Severe Uninstalling</h3>
<p>Usually, the above instructions are sufficient. That will remove
npm, but leave behind anything you’ve installed.</p>
<p>If that doesn’t work, or if you require more drastic measures,
continue reading.</p>
<p>Note that this is only necessary for globally-installed packages. Local
installs are completely contained within a project’s <code>node_modules</code>
folder. Delete that folder, and everything is gone less a package’s
install script is particularly ill-behaved).</p>
<p>This assumes that you installed node and npm in the default place. If
you configured node with a different <code>--prefix</code>, or installed npm with a
different prefix setting, then adjust the paths accordingly, replacing
<code>/usr/local</code> with your install prefix.</p>
<p>To remove everything npm-related manually:</p>
<pre lang="bash"><code>rm -rf /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm,_modules},bin,share/man}/npm*
<p>If you installed things <em>with</em> npm, then your best bet is to uninstall
them with npm first, and then install them again once you have a
proper install. This can help find any symlinks that are lying
<pre lang="bash"><code>ls -laF /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm},bin,share/man} | grep npm
<p>Prior to version 0.3, npm used shim files for executables and node
modules. To track those down, you can do the following:</p>
<pre lang="bash"><code>find /usr/local/{lib/node,bin} -exec grep -l npm \{\} \; ;
<p>(This is also in the README file.)</p>
<h3 id="see-also">See also</h3>
<li><a href="../commands/npm-uninstall.html">npm uninstall</a></li>
<li><a href="../commands/npm-prune.html">npm prune</a></li>
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<a href="https://github.com/npm/cli/edit/v6/docs/content/using-npm/removal.md">
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