
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/var/softaculous/fud/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/softaculous/fud/feed.php

* copyright            : (C) 2001-2021 Advanced Internet Designs Inc.
* email                : forum@prohost.org
* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

	if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {

	/* Before we go on, we need to do some very basic activation checks. */
	if (!($FUD_OPT_1 & 1)) {	// FORUM_ENABLED

	/* Control options. */
	$mode = (isset($_GET['mode']) && in_array($_GET['mode'], array('m', 't', 'u'))) ? $_GET['mode'] : 'm';
	$basic = isset($_GET['basic']);
	$format = 'rdf';	// Default syndication type.
	if (isset($_GET['format'])) {
		if (strtolower(substr($_GET['format'], 0, 4)) == 'atom') {
			$format = 'atom';
		} else if (strtolower(substr($_GET['format'], 0, 3)) == 'rss') {
			$format = 'rss';
	if (!isset($_GET['th'])) {
	   $_GET['l'] = 1;	// Unless thread is syndicated, we will always order entries from newest to oldest.

# define('fud_query_stats', 1);

class db { public static $db, $slave; }

if (empty(db::$db)) {

	// Use MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF so we can check error codes manually.
	$driver = new mysqli_driver();
	$driver->report_mode = MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF;

	if (substr($GLOBALS['DBHOST'], 0, 1) == ':') {	// Socket connection.
		$socket = substr($GLOBALS['DBHOST'], 1);
		$GLOBALS['DBHOST'] = 'localhost';
	} else {
		$socket = NULL;

	if ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] & 256 && $socket == NULL && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {	// Enable pconnect for PHP 5.3+.

	if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
		fud_sql_error_handler('Failed to establish database connection', 'MySQLi says: '. mysqli_connect_error(), mysqli_connect_errno(), '');

	/* Connect to slave, if specified. */
	if (!empty($GLOBALS['DBHOST_SLAVE_HOST']) && !$GLOBALS['is_post']) {
		if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
			fud_logerror('Unable to init SlaveDB, fallback to MasterDB: '. mysqli_connect_error(), 'sql_errors');
		} else {

	define('__dbtype__', 'mysql');

function db_close()

function db_version()
	if (!defined('__FUD_SQL_VERSION__')) {
		$ver = q_singleval('SELECT VERSION()');
		define('__FUD_SQL_VERSION__', $ver);
	return __FUD_SQL_VERSION__;

function db_lock($tables)
	if (!empty($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['db_locked'])) {
		fud_sql_error_handler('Recursive Lock', 'internal', 'internal', db_version());
	} else {
		q('LOCK TABLES '. $tables);
		$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['db_locked'] = 1;

function db_unlock()
	if (empty($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['db_locked'])) {
		fud_sql_error_handler('DB_UNLOCK: no previous lock established', 'internal', 'internal', db_version());

	if (--$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['db_locked'] < 0) {
		fud_sql_error_handler('DB_UNLOCK: unlock overcalled', 'internal', 'internal', db_version());

function db_locked()
	return isset($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['db_locked']);

function db_affected()
	return db::$db->affected_rows;

function uq($query)
	return q($query);

if (!defined('fud_query_stats')) {
	function q($query)
		// Assume master DB, route SELECT's to slave DB.
		// Force master if DB is locked (in transaction) or 'SELECT /* USE MASTER */'.
		$db = db::$db;
		if (!empty(db::$slave) && !db_locked() && !strncasecmp($query, 'SELECT', 6) && strncasecmp($query, 'SELECT /* USE MASTER */', 23)) {
			$db = db::$slave;

		$r = $db->query($query);
		if ($db->error) {
			fud_sql_error_handler($query, $db->error, $db->errno, db_version());
		return $r;
} else {
	function q($query)
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['query_count'])) {
			$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['query_count'] = 1;
		} else {
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['total_sql_time'])) {
			$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['total_sql_time'] = 0;

		// Assume master DB, route SELECT's to slave DB.
		// Force master if DB is locked (in transaction) or 'SELECT /* USE MASTER */'.
		$db = db::$db;
		if (!empty(db::$slave) && !db_locked() && !strncasecmp($query, 'SELECT', 6) && strncasecmp($query, 'SELECT /* USE MASTER */', 23)) {
			$db = db::$slave;

		$s = microtime(true);
		$result = $db->query($query);
		if ($db->error) {
			fud_sql_error_handler($query, $db->error, $db->errno, db_version());
		$e = microtime(true);

		$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['last_time'] = ($e - $s);
		$GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['total_sql_time'] += $GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['last_time'];

		echo '<hr><b>Query #'. $GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['query_count'] .'</b><small>';
		echo ': time taken:     <i>'. number_format($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['last_time'], 4) .'</i>';
		echo ', affected rows:  <i>'. db_affected() .'</i>';
		echo ', total sql time: <i>'.  number_format($GLOBALS['__DB_INC_INTERNALS__']['total_sql_time'], 4) .'</i>';
		echo '<pre>'. preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', htmlspecialchars($query)) .'</pre></small>';

		return $result; 

function db_rowobj($result)
	return $result->fetch_object();

function db_rowarr($result)
	return $result->fetch_row();

function q_singleval($query)
	$r = q($query);
	if (($result = $r->fetch_row()) !== false && isset($result)) {
		return isset($result) ? $result[0] : '';

function q_limit($query, $limit, $off=0)
	return $query .' LIMIT '. $limit .' OFFSET '. $off;

function q_concat($arg)
	// MySQL badly breaks the SQL standard by redefining || to mean OR. 
	$tmp = func_get_args();
	return 'CONCAT('. implode(',', $tmp) .')';

function q_rownum() {
	q('SET @seq=0');		// For simulating rownum.
	return '(@seq:=@seq+1)';

function q_bitand($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) {
	return $fieldLeft .' & '. $fieldRight;

function q_bitor($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) {
	return '('. $fieldLeft .' | '. $fieldRight .')';

function q_bitnot($bitField) {
	return '~'. $bitField;

function db_saq($q)
	$r = q($q);
	return $r->fetch_row() ;

function db_sab($q)
	$r = q($q);
	return $r->fetch_object();

function db_qid($q)
	return db::$db->insert_id;

function db_arr_assoc($q)
	$r = q($q);
	return $r->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

function db_fetch_array($r)
        return is_object($r) ? $r->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC) : null;

function db_li($q, &$ef, $li=0)
	$r = db::$db->query($q);
	if ($r) {
		return ($li ? db::$db->insert_id : $r);

	/* Duplicate key. */
	if (db::$db->errno == 1062) {
		$ef = ltrim(strrchr(db::$db->error, ' '));
		return null;
	} else {
		fud_sql_error_handler($q, db::$db->error, db::$db->errno, db_version());

function ins_m($tbl, $flds, $types, $vals)
	q('INSERT IGNORE INTO '. $tbl .' ('. $flds .') VALUES ('. implode('),(', $vals) .')');

function db_all($q)
	$f = array();
	$c = uq($q);
	while ($r = $c->fetch_row()) {
		$f[] = $r[0];
	return $f;

function _esc($s)
	return '\''. db::$db->real_escape_string($s ?? '') .'\'';
}function read_msg_body($off, $len, $id)
	if ($off == -1) {	// Fetch from DB and return.
		return q_singleval('SELECT data FROM fud30_msg_store WHERE id='. $id);

	if (!$len) {	// Empty message.

	// Open file if it's not already open.
	if (!isset($GLOBALS['__MSG_FP__'][$id])) {
		$GLOBALS['__MSG_FP__'][$id] = fopen($GLOBALS['MSG_STORE_DIR'] .'msg_'. $id, 'rb');

	// Read from file.
	fseek($GLOBALS['__MSG_FP__'][$id], $off);
	return fread($GLOBALS['__MSG_FP__'][$id], $len);
}$GLOBALS['__revfs'] = array('&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&amp;');
$GLOBALS['__revfd'] = array('"', '<', '>', '&');

function reverse_fmt($data)
	$s = $d = array();
	if (empty($data)) return '';

	foreach ($GLOBALS['__revfs'] as $k => $v) {
		if (strpos($data, $v) !== false) {
			$s[] = $v;
			$d[] = $GLOBALS['__revfd'][$k];

	return $s ? str_replace($s, $d, $data) : $data;

	if (!($FUD_OPT_2 & 16777216) || (!($FUD_OPT_2 & 67108864) && $mode == 'u')) {

	if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 16384) {
		ob_start('ob_gzhandler', (int)$PHP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL);

function sp($data)
	return '<![CDATA['. str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('&#91;', '&#93;'), $data) .']]>';

function email_format($data)
	return str_replace(array('.', '@'), array(' dot ', ' at '), $data);

function multi_id($data)
	$out = array();
	foreach (explode(',', (string)$data) as $v) {
		$out[] = (int) $v;
	return implode(',', $out);

$enc_src = array('<br>', '&', "\r", '&nbsp;', '<', '>', chr(0));
$enc_dst = array('<br />', '&amp;', '&#13;', ' ', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&#0;');

function fud_xml_encode($str)
	return str_replace($GLOBALS['enc_src'], $GLOBALS['enc_dst'], $str);

function feed_cache_cleanup()
	$cache_files = glob($GLOBALS['FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH'].'feed_cache_*');
	if (is_array($cache_files)) {
		foreach ($cache_files as $v) {
			$filemtime = @filemtime($v);
			if ($filemtime && $filemtime + $GLOBALS['FEED_CACHE_AGE'] < __request_timestamp__) {

/** Change relative smiley URLs to full ones. */
function smiley_full(&$data)
	if (strpos($data, '<img src="images/smiley_icons/') !== false) {
		$data = str_replace('<img src="images/smiley_icons/', '<img src="'. $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] .'images/smiley_icons/', $data);

	/* supported modes of output
	 * m 		- messages
	 * t 		- threads
	 * u		- users

	if (@count($_GET) < 2) {
		$_GET['ds'] = __request_timestamp__ - 86400;
		$_GET['l'] = 1;
		$_GET['n'] = 10;

	define('__ROOT__', $WWW_ROOT .'index.php');

	$res = 0;
	$offset = isset($_GET['o']) ? (int)$_GET['o'] : 0;


		$key = $_GET; 
		if ($FEED_AUTH_ID) {
			$key['auth_id'] = $FEED_AUTH_ID;
		unset($key['S'], $key['rid'], $key['SQ']);	// Remove irrelavent components.
		$key = array_change_key_case($key, CASE_LOWER);	// Cleanup the key.
		$key = array_map('strtolower', $key);

		$file_name = $FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH .'feed_cache_'. md5(serialize($key));
		if (file_exists($file_name) && (($t = filemtime($file_name)) + $FEED_CACHE_AGE) > __request_timestamp__) {
			$mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $t) .' GMT';
			if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == $mod) {
				header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
				header('Status: 304 Not Modified');
			header('Content-Type: application/'.$format.'+xml');
			header('Last-Modified: '. $mod);

	if ($FEED_MAX_N_RESULTS < 1) {	// Handler for events when the value is not set.
	$limit  = (isset($_GET['n']) && $_GET['n'] <= $FEED_MAX_N_RESULTS) ? (int)$_GET['n'] : $FEED_MAX_N_RESULTS;

	$feed_data = $feed_header = $join = '';
	switch ($mode) {
		case 'm':
			$lmt = ' t.moved_to=0 AND m.apr=1';
			/* check for various supported limits
			 * cat		- category
			 * frm		- forum
			 * th		- thread
			 * id		- message id
			 * ds		- start date
			 * de		- date end
			 * o		- offset
			 * n		- number of rows to get
			 * l		- latest
			 * sf		- subcribed forums based on user id
			 * st		- subcribed topics based on user id
			 * basic	- output basic info parsable by all rdf parsers
			if (isset($_GET['sf'])) {
				$_GET['frm'] = db_all('SELECT forum_id FROM fud30_forum_notify WHERE user_id='. (int)$_GET['sf']);
			} else if (isset($_GET['st'])) {
				$_GET['th'] = db_all('SELECT thread_id FROM fud30_thread_notify WHERE user_id='. (int)$_GET['sf']);
			if (isset($_GET['cat'])) {
			 	$lmt .= ' AND f.cat_id IN('. multi_id($_GET['cat']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['frm'])) {
			 	$lmt .= ' AND t.forum_id IN('. multi_id($_GET['frm']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['th'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND m.thread_id IN('. multi_id($_GET['th']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
			 	$lmt .= ' AND m.id IN('. multi_id($_GET['id']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['ds'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND m.post_stamp >='. (int)$_GET['ds'];
			if (isset($_GET['de'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND m.post_stamp <='. (int)$_GET['de'];

			/* This is an optimization so that the forum does not need to
			 * go through the entire message db to fetch latest messages.
			 * So, instead we set an arbitrary search limit of 14 days.
			if (isset($_GET['l']) && $lmt == ' t.moved_to=0 AND m.apr=1') {
				$lmt .= ' AND t.last_post_date >='. (__request_timestamp__ - 86400 * 14);

			if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 33554432) {	// FEED_AUTH
				if ($FEED_AUTH_ID) {
					$join = '	INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' ';
					$lmt .= ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR '. q_bitand('COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt)', 2) .' > 0)';
				} else {
					$join = ' INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=0 AND g1.resource_id=f.id ';
					$lmt .= ' AND '. q_bitand('g1.group_cache_opt', 2) .' > 0';

			$c = q(q_limit('SELECT
					p.name AS poll_name, p.total_votes,
					m2.subject AS th_subject,
					m3.subject AS reply_subject,
					f.name AS frm_name,
					c.name AS cat_name
					fud30_msg m
					INNER JOIN fud30_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					INNER JOIN fud30_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
					INNER JOIN fud30_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
					INNER JOIN fud30_msg m2 ON t.root_msg_id=m2.id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_msg m3 ON m3.id=m.reply_to
					LEFT JOIN fud30_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_poll p ON m.poll_id=p.id
					'. $join .'
					'. $lmt  .' ORDER BY m.post_stamp '. (isset($_GET['l']) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'),
				$limit, $offset));
			while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
				if (!$res) {
					header('Content-Type: application/'.$format.'+xml');
					$res = 1;

				$body = read_msg_body($r->foff, $r->length, $r->file_id);

				if ($format == 'rdf') {
					$feed_header .= '<rdf:li rdf:resource="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;goto='.$r->id.'&amp;th='.$r->thread_id.'#msg_'.$r->id.'" />';

					$rdf_message_attachments = '';
					if ($r->attach_cnt && $r->attach_cache) {
						if (($al = unserialize($r->attach_cache))) {
							foreach ($al as $a) {
								$rdf_message_attachments .= '<rdf:li>
	<content:item rdf:about="attachments">

					$rdf_message_polls = '';	
					if ($r->poll_name) {
						if ($r->poll_cache) {
							if (($pc = unserialize($r->poll_cache))) {
								foreach ($pc as $o) {
									$rdf_message_polls .= '<rdf:li>
	<content:item rdf:about="poll_opt">
					$feed_data .= ($basic ? '
<item rdf:about="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;goto='.$r->id.'&amp;th='.$r->thread_id.'#msg_'.$r->id.'">
	<dc:date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</dc:date>
' : '
	<date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</date>
	<body>'.str_replace("\n", "", sp($body)).'</body>
	'.($rdf_message_attachments ? '
	' : '' ) .'
	'.($rdf_message_polls ? '
	' : '' ) .'
' ) ;
				if ($format == 'rss' ) $feed_data .= '<item>
	<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</pubDate>
				if ($format == 'atom') $feed_data .= '<entry>
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;goto='.$r->id.'&amp;th='.$r->thread_id.'#msg_'.$r->id.'" />
	<published>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</published>
	'.($r->update_stamp ? '<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->update_stamp).'-00:00</updated>' : '' ) .'
	<content type="html">'.sp($body).'</content>
			if ($res) {
				if ($format == 'rdf')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'.($basic ? '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:admin="http://webns.net/mvcb/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' : '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' ) .'
<channel rdf:about="[[softurl]]/index.php">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RDF feed</title>
'.($basic && $feed_header ? '
' : '' ) .'
				if ($format == 'rss')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RSS2 feed</title>
	<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</pubDate>
	<generator>FUDforum '.$FORUM_VERSION.'</generator>
				if ($format == 'atom') echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - ATOM feed</title>
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.php" />
	<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</updated>
	<generator uri="http://fudforum.org/" version="'.$FORUM_VERSION.'">FUDforum</generator>

		case 't':
			/* check for various supported limits
			 * cat		- category
			 * frm		- forum
			 * id		- topic id
			 * ds		- start date
			 * de		- date end
			 * o		- offset
			 * n		- number of rows to get
			 * l		- latest
			$lmt = ' t.moved_to=0 AND m.apr=1';
			if (isset($_GET['cat'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND f.cat_id IN('. multi_id($_GET['cat']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['frm'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND t.forum_id IN('. multi_id($_GET['frm']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
			 	$lmt .= ' AND t.id IN ('. multi_id($_GET['id']) .')';
			if (isset($_GET['ds'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND t.last_post_date >='. (int)$_GET['ds'];
			if (isset($_GET['de'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND t.last_post_date <='. (int)$_GET['de'];

			/* This is an optimization so that the forum does not need to
			 * go through the entire message db to fetch latest messages.
			 * So, instead we set an arbitrary search limit if 14 days.
			if (isset($_GET['l']) && $lmt == ' t.moved_to=0 AND m.apr=1') {
				$lmt .= ' AND t.last_post_date >='. (__request_timestamp__ - 86400 * 14);

			if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 33554432) {	// FEED_AUTH
				if ($FEED_AUTH_ID) {
					$join = '	INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' ';
					$lmt .= ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR '. q_bitand('COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt)', 2) .' > 0)';
				} else {
					$join = ' INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=0 AND g1.resource_id=f.id ';
					$lmt .= ' AND '. q_bitand('g1.group_cache_opt', 2) .' > 0';
			$c = q(q_limit('SELECT
					f.name AS frm_name,
					c.name AS cat_name,
					m.subject, m.post_stamp, m.poster_id, m.foff, m.length, m.file_id,
					m2.subject AS lp_subject,
					fud30_thread t
					INNER JOIN fud30_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
					INNER JOIN fud30_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
					INNER JOIN fud30_msg m ON t.root_msg_id=m.id
					INNER JOIN fud30_msg m2 ON t.last_post_id=m2.id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
					'. $join .'
					'. $lmt . (isset($_GET['l']) ? ' ORDER BY m.post_stamp DESC' : ''),
				$limit, $offset));

			$data = '';
			while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
				if (!$res) {
					header('Content-Type: application/'.$format.'+xml');
					$res = 1;
				if ($r->root_msg_id == $r->last_post_id) {
					$r->last_post_id = $r->lp_subject = $r->last_post_date = '';

				$body = read_msg_body($r->foff, $r->length, $r->file_id);

				if ($format == 'rdf') {
					$feed_header .= '<rdf:li rdf:resource="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;th='.$r->id.'" />';
					$feed_data .= ($basic ? '
<item rdf:about="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;th='.$r->id.'">
	<dc:date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</dc:date>
' : '
	<topic_creation_date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</topic_creation_date>
	'.($r->last_post_id ? '<last_post_id>'.$r->last_post_id.'</last_post_id>' : '' ) .'
	'.($r->lp_subject ? '<last_post_subj>'.sp($r->lp_subject).'</last_post_subj>' : '' ) .'
	'.($r->last_post_date ? '<last_post_date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->last_post_date).'-00:00</last_post_date>' : '' ) .'
	<body>'.str_replace("\n", "", sp($body)).'</body>
' ) ;
				if ($format == 'rss' ) $feed_data .= '<item>
	<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</pubDate>
				if ($format == 'atom') $feed_data .= '<entry>
	'.($r->tdescr ? '<subtitle>'.sp($r->tdescr).'</subtitle>' : '' ) .'
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=rview&amp;th='.$r->id.'" />
	<published>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->post_stamp).'-00:00</published>
	'.($r->last_post_date ? '<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->last_post_date).'-00:00</updated>' : '' ) .'
	<content type="html">'.sp($body).'</content>
			if ($res) {
				if ($format == 'rdf')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'.($basic ? '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:admin="http://webns.net/mvcb/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' : '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' ) .'
<channel rdf:about="[[softurl]]/index.php">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RDF feed</title>
'.($basic && $feed_header ? '
' : '' ) .'
				if ($format == 'rss')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RSS2 feed</title>
	<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</pubDate>
	<generator>FUDforum '.$FORUM_VERSION.'</generator>
				if ($format == 'atom') echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - ATOM feed</title>
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.php" />
	<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</updated>
	<generator uri="http://fudforum.org/" version="'.$FORUM_VERSION.'">FUDforum</generator>

		case 'u':
			/* check for various supported limits
			 * pc	-	order by post count
			 * rd	-	order by registration date
			 * cl	-	show only currently online users
			 * l	-	limit to 'l' rows
			 * o	- 	offset
			 * n	-	max rows to fetch
			$lmt .= ' u.id>1 ';
			if (isset($_GET['pc'])) {
				$order_by = 'u.posted_msg_count';
			} else if (isset($_GET['rd'])) {
				$order_by = 'u.join_date';
			} else {
				$order_by = 'u.alias';
			if (isset($_GET['cl'])) {
				$lmt .= ' AND u.last_visit>='. (__request_timestamp__ - $LOGEDIN_TIMEOUT * 60);
			if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 33554432) {	// FEED_AUTH
				if ($FEED_AUTH_ID) {
					$join = '	INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
							LEFT JOIN fud30_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id='. $FEED_AUTH_ID .' ';
					$perms = ', (CASE WHEN (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR '. q_bitand('COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt)', 2) .' > 0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS can_show_msg';
				} else {
					$join = ' INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=0 AND g1.resource_id=f.id ';
					$perms = ', '. q_bitand('g1.group_cache_opt', 2) .' > 0 AS can_show_msg';
			} else {
				$perms = ', 1 AS can_show_msg';
			$c = q(q_limit('SELECT
						u.id, u.alias, u.join_date, u.posted_msg_count, u.avatar_loc, u.users_opt,
						u.home_page, u.birthday, u.last_visit, u.icq, u.facebook, u.yahoo, u.jabber, u.google, u.skype, u.twitter,
						u.name, u.email,
						m.id AS msg_id, m.subject, m.thread_id,
						f.name AS frm_name,
						c.name AS cat_name
						'. $perms .'

					FROM fud30_users u
					LEFT JOIN fud30_msg m ON m.id=u.u_last_post_id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_forum f ON f.id=t.forum_id
					LEFT JOIN fud30_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
					'. $join .'
						'. $lmt .' ORDER BY '. $order_by .' DESC',
					$limit, $offset));
			while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
				if (!$res) {
					header('Content-Type: application/'.$format.'+xml');
					$res = 1;

				if ($r->birthday) {
					$y = substr($r->birthday, 4);
					$m = substr($r->birthday, 0, 2);
					$d = substr($r->birthday, 2, 2);
					$r->birthday = gmdate('r', gmmktime(1, 1, 1, $m, $d, $y));
				} else {
					$r->birthday = '';
				$r->last_visit = ($r->last_visit && $r->last_visit > 631155661) ? $r->last_visit : '';
				$r->join_date = ($r->join_date && $r->join_date > 631155661) ? $r->join_date : '';

				if ($r->users_opt >= 16777216) {
					$r->avatar_loc = '';

				if ($format == 'rdf' ) $feed_data .= '<item>
	'.($r->last_visit ? '<last_visit>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->last_visit).'</last_visit>' : '' ) .'
	'.($r->join_date ? '<reg_date>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->join_date).'</reg_date>' : '' ) .'
'.($r->subject && $r->can_show_msg ? '
' : '' ) .'
				if ($format == 'rss' ) $feed_data .= '<item>
	'.($r->last_visit ? '<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->last_visit).'</pubDate>' : '' ) .'
				if ($format == 'atom') $feed_data .= '<entry>
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.phpindex.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id='.$r->id.'" />
		'.($r->homepage ? '<uri>'.sp(htmlspecialchars($r->homepage)).'</uri>' : '' ) .'
	'.($r->last_visit ? '<published>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->last_visit).'</published>' : '' ) .'
	'.($r->join_date ? '<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $r->join_date).'</updated>' : '' ) .'
			if ($res) {
				if ($format == 'rdf')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
'.($basic ? '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:admin="http://webns.net/mvcb/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' : '
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
' ) .'
<channel rdf:about="[[softurl]]/index.php">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RDF feed</title>
'.($basic && $feed_header ? '
' : '' ) .'
				if ($format == 'rss')  echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - RSS2 feed</title>
	<pubDate>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</pubDate>
	<generator>FUDforum '.$FORUM_VERSION.'</generator>
				if ($format == 'atom') echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
	<title>'.$FORUM_TITLE.' - ATOM feed</title>
	<link href="[[softurl]]/index.php" />
	<updated>'.gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', __request_timestamp__).'-00:00</updated>
	<generator uri="http://fudforum.org/" version="'.$FORUM_VERSION.'">FUDforum</generator>
	} // switch ($mode)

	if ($res) {
		if ($FEED_CACHE_AGE) {
			echo ($out = ob_get_clean());
			$fp = fopen($file_name, 'w');
			fwrite($fp, $out);
	} else {
		exit('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<message>No matching data found.</message>