Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Locale/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Locale/Maketext.pm |
package Locale::Maketext; use strict; use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $MATCH_SUPERS $USING_LANGUAGE_TAGS $USE_LITERALS $MATCH_SUPERS_TIGHTLY); use Carp (); use I18N::LangTags (); use I18N::LangTags::Detect (); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { unless(defined &DEBUG) { *DEBUG = sub () {0} } } # define the constant 'DEBUG' at compile-time # turn on utf8 if we have it (this is what GutsLoader.pm used to do essentially ) # use if (exists $INC{'utf8.pm'} || eval 'use utf8'), 'utf8'; BEGIN { # if we have it || we can load it if ( exists $INC{'utf8.pm'} || eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'};require utf8; } ) { utf8->import(); DEBUG and warn " utf8 on for _compile()\n"; } else { DEBUG and warn " utf8 not available for _compile() ($INC{'utf8.pm'})\n$@\n"; } } $VERSION = '1.28'; @ISA = (); $MATCH_SUPERS = 1; $MATCH_SUPERS_TIGHTLY = 1; $USING_LANGUAGE_TAGS = 1; # Turning this off is somewhat of a security risk in that little or no # checking will be done on the legality of tokens passed to the # eval("use $module_name") in _try_use. If you turn this off, you have # to do your own taint checking. $USE_LITERALS = 1 unless defined $USE_LITERALS; # a hint for compiling bracket-notation things. my %isa_scan = (); ########################################################################### sub quant { my($handle, $num, @forms) = @_; return $num if @forms == 0; # what should this mean? return $forms[2] if @forms > 2 and $num == 0; # special zeroth case # Normal case: # Note that the formatting of $num is preserved. return( $handle->numf($num) . ' ' . $handle->numerate($num, @forms) ); # Most human languages put the number phrase before the qualified phrase. } sub numerate { # return this lexical item in a form appropriate to this number my($handle, $num, @forms) = @_; my $s = ($num == 1); return '' unless @forms; if(@forms == 1) { # only the headword form specified return $s ? $forms[0] : ($forms[0] . 's'); # very cheap hack. } else { # sing and plural were specified return $s ? $forms[0] : $forms[1]; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub numf { my($handle, $num) = @_[0,1]; if($num < 10_000_000_000 and $num > -10_000_000_000 and $num == int($num)) { $num += 0; # Just use normal integer stringification. # Specifically, don't let %G turn ten million into 1E+007 } else { $num = CORE::sprintf('%G', $num); # "CORE::" is there to avoid confusion with the above sub sprintf. } while( $num =~ s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/s ) {1} # right from perlfaq5 # The initial \d+ gobbles as many digits as it can, and then we # backtrack so it un-eats the rightmost three, and then we # insert the comma there. $num =~ tr<.,><,.> if ref($handle) and $handle->{'numf_comma'}; # This is just a lame hack instead of using Number::Format return $num; } sub sprintf { no integer; my($handle, $format, @params) = @_; return CORE::sprintf($format, @params); # "CORE::" is there to avoid confusion with myself! } #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=# use integer; # vroom vroom... applies to the whole rest of the module sub language_tag { my $it = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; return undef unless $it =~ m/([^':]+)(?:::)?$/s; $it = lc($1); $it =~ tr<_><->; return $it; } sub encoding { my $it = $_[0]; return( (ref($it) && $it->{'encoding'}) || 'iso-8859-1' # Latin-1 ); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub fallback_languages { return('i-default', 'en', 'en-US') } sub fallback_language_classes { return () } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub fail_with { # an actual attribute method! my($handle, @params) = @_; return unless ref($handle); $handle->{'fail'} = $params[0] if @params; return $handle->{'fail'}; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub blacklist { my ( $handle, @methods ) = @_; unless ( defined $handle->{'blacklist'} ) { no strict 'refs'; # Don't let people call methods they're not supposed to from maketext. # Explicitly exclude all methods in this package that start with an # underscore on principle. $handle->{'blacklist'} = { map { $_ => 1 } ( qw/ blacklist encoding fail_with failure_handler_auto fallback_language_classes fallback_languages get_handle init language_tag maketext new whitelist /, grep { /^_/ } keys %{ __PACKAGE__ . "::" } ), }; } if ( scalar @methods ) { $handle->{'blacklist'} = { %{ $handle->{'blacklist'} }, map { $_ => 1 } @methods }; } delete $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}; return; } sub whitelist { my ( $handle, @methods ) = @_; if ( scalar @methods ) { $handle->{'whitelist'} = {} unless defined $handle->{'whitelist'}; $handle->{'whitelist'} = { %{ $handle->{'whitelist'} }, map { $_ => 1 } @methods }; } delete $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}; return; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub failure_handler_auto { # Meant to be used like: # $handle->fail_with('failure_handler_auto') my $handle = shift; my $phrase = shift; $handle->{'failure_lex'} ||= {}; my $lex = $handle->{'failure_lex'}; my $value ||= ($lex->{$phrase} ||= $handle->_compile($phrase)); # Dumbly copied from sub maketext: return ${$value} if ref($value) eq 'SCALAR'; return $value if ref($value) ne 'CODE'; { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; eval { $value = &$value($handle, @_) }; } # If we make it here, there was an exception thrown in the # call to $value, and so scream: if($@) { # pretty up the error message $@ =~ s{\s+at\s+\(eval\s+\d+\)\s+line\s+(\d+)\.?\n?} {\n in bracket code [compiled line $1],}s; #$err =~ s/\n?$/\n/s; Carp::croak "Error in maketexting \"$phrase\":\n$@ as used"; # Rather unexpected, but suppose that the sub tried calling # a method that didn't exist. } else { return $value; } } #========================================================================== sub new { # Nothing fancy! my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; my $handle = bless {}, $class; $handle->blacklist; $handle->init; return $handle; } sub init { return } # no-op ########################################################################### sub maketext { # Remember, this can fail. Failure is controllable many ways. Carp::croak 'maketext requires at least one parameter' unless @_ > 1; my($handle, $phrase) = splice(@_,0,2); Carp::confess('No handle/phrase') unless (defined($handle) && defined($phrase)); # backup $@ in case it's still being used in the calling code. # If no failures, we'll re-set it back to what it was later. my $at = $@; # Copy @_ case one of its elements is $@. @_ = @_; # Look up the value: my $value; if (exists $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{$phrase}) { DEBUG and warn "* Using external lex cache version of \"$phrase\"\n"; $value = $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{$phrase}; } else { foreach my $h_r ( @{ $isa_scan{ref($handle) || $handle} || $handle->_lex_refs } ) { DEBUG and warn "* Looking up \"$phrase\" in $h_r\n"; if(exists $h_r->{$phrase}) { DEBUG and warn " Found \"$phrase\" in $h_r\n"; unless(ref($value = $h_r->{$phrase})) { # Nonref means it's not yet compiled. Compile and replace. if ($handle->{'use_external_lex_cache'}) { $value = $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{$phrase} = $handle->_compile($value); } else { $value = $h_r->{$phrase} = $handle->_compile($value); } } last; } # extending packages need to be able to localize _AUTO and if readonly can't "local $h_r->{'_AUTO'} = 1;" # but they can "local $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{'_AUTO'} = 1;" elsif($phrase !~ m/^_/s and ($handle->{'use_external_lex_cache'} ? ( exists $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{'_AUTO'} ? $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{'_AUTO'} : $h_r->{'_AUTO'} ) : $h_r->{'_AUTO'})) { # it's an auto lex, and this is an autoable key! DEBUG and warn " Automaking \"$phrase\" into $h_r\n"; if ($handle->{'use_external_lex_cache'}) { $value = $handle->{'_external_lex_cache'}{$phrase} = $handle->_compile($phrase); } else { $value = $h_r->{$phrase} = $handle->_compile($phrase); } last; } DEBUG>1 and print " Not found in $h_r, nor automakable\n"; # else keep looking } } unless(defined($value)) { DEBUG and warn "! Lookup of \"$phrase\" in/under ", ref($handle) || $handle, " fails.\n"; if(ref($handle) and $handle->{'fail'}) { DEBUG and warn "WARNING0: maketext fails looking for <$phrase>\n"; my $fail; if(ref($fail = $handle->{'fail'}) eq 'CODE') { # it's a sub reference $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. return &{$fail}($handle, $phrase, @_); # If it ever returns, it should return a good value. } else { # It's a method name $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. return $handle->$fail($phrase, @_); # If it ever returns, it should return a good value. } } else { # All we know how to do is this; Carp::croak("maketext doesn't know how to say:\n$phrase\nas needed"); } } if(ref($value) eq 'SCALAR'){ $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. return $$value ; } if(ref($value) ne 'CODE'){ $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. return $value ; } { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; eval { $value = &$value($handle, @_) }; } # If we make it here, there was an exception thrown in the # call to $value, and so scream: if ($@) { # pretty up the error message $@ =~ s{\s+at\s+\(eval\s+\d+\)\s+line\s+(\d+)\.?\n?} {\n in bracket code [compiled line $1],}s; #$err =~ s/\n?$/\n/s; Carp::croak "Error in maketexting \"$phrase\":\n$@ as used"; # Rather unexpected, but suppose that the sub tried calling # a method that didn't exist. } else { $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. return $value; } $@ = $at; # Put $@ back in case we altered it along the way. } ########################################################################### sub get_handle { # This is a constructor and, yes, it CAN FAIL. # Its class argument has to be the base class for the current # application's l10n files. my($base_class, @languages) = @_; $base_class = ref($base_class) || $base_class; # Complain if they use __PACKAGE__ as a project base class? if( @languages ) { DEBUG and warn 'Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; if($USING_LANGUAGE_TAGS) { # An explicit language-list was given! @languages = map {; $_, I18N::LangTags::alternate_language_tags($_) } # Catch alternation map I18N::LangTags::locale2language_tag($_), # If it's a lg tag, fine, pass thru (untainted) # If it's a locale ID, try converting to a lg tag (untainted), # otherwise nix it. @languages; DEBUG and warn 'Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } } else { @languages = $base_class->_ambient_langprefs; } @languages = $base_class->_langtag_munging(@languages); my %seen; foreach my $module_name ( map { $base_class . '::' . $_ } @languages ) { next unless length $module_name; # sanity next if $seen{$module_name}++ # Already been here, and it was no-go || !&_try_use($module_name); # Try to use() it, but can't it. return($module_name->new); # Make it! } return undef; # Fail! } ########################################################################### sub _langtag_munging { my($base_class, @languages) = @_; # We have all these DEBUG statements because otherwise it's hard as hell # to diagnose if/when something goes wrong. DEBUG and warn 'Lgs1: ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; if($USING_LANGUAGE_TAGS) { DEBUG and warn 'Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; @languages = $base_class->_add_supers( @languages ); push @languages, I18N::LangTags::panic_languages(@languages); DEBUG and warn "After adding panic languages:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; push @languages, $base_class->fallback_languages; # You are free to override fallback_languages to return empty-list! DEBUG and warn 'Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; @languages = # final bit of processing to turn them into classname things map { my $it = $_; # copy $it =~ tr<-A-Z><_a-z>; # lc, and turn - to _ $it =~ tr<_a-z0-9><>cd; # remove all but a-z0-9_ $it; } @languages ; DEBUG and warn "Nearing end of munging:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } else { DEBUG and warn "Bypassing language-tags.\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } DEBUG and warn "Before adding fallback classes:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; push @languages, $base_class->fallback_language_classes; # You are free to override that to return whatever. DEBUG and warn "Finally:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; return @languages; } ########################################################################### sub _ambient_langprefs { return I18N::LangTags::Detect::detect(); } ########################################################################### sub _add_supers { my($base_class, @languages) = @_; if (!$MATCH_SUPERS) { # Nothing DEBUG and warn "Bypassing any super-matching.\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } elsif( $MATCH_SUPERS_TIGHTLY ) { DEBUG and warn "Before adding new supers tightly:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; @languages = I18N::LangTags::implicate_supers( @languages ); DEBUG and warn "After adding new supers tightly:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } else { DEBUG and warn "Before adding supers to end:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; @languages = I18N::LangTags::implicate_supers_strictly( @languages ); DEBUG and warn "After adding supers to end:\n", ' Lgs@', __LINE__, ': ', map("<$_>", @languages), "\n"; } return @languages; } ########################################################################### # # This is where most people should stop reading. # ########################################################################### my %tried = (); # memoization of whether we've used this module, or found it unusable. sub _try_use { # Basically a wrapper around "require Modulename" # "Many men have tried..." "They tried and failed?" "They tried and died." return $tried{$_[0]} if exists $tried{$_[0]}; # memoization my $module = $_[0]; # ASSUME sane module name! { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; return($tried{$module} = 1) if %{$module . '::Lexicon'} or @{$module . '::ISA'}; # weird case: we never use'd it, but there it is! } DEBUG and warn " About to use $module ...\n"; local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; local $@; local @INC = @INC; pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.'; eval "require $module"; # used to be "use $module", but no point in that. if($@) { DEBUG and warn "Error using $module \: $@\n"; return $tried{$module} = 0; } else { DEBUG and warn " OK, $module is used\n"; return $tried{$module} = 1; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _lex_refs { # report the lexicon references for this handle's class # returns an arrayREF! no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'once'; my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; DEBUG and warn "Lex refs lookup on $class\n"; return $isa_scan{$class} if exists $isa_scan{$class}; # memoization! my @lex_refs; my $seen_r = ref($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}; if( defined( *{$class . '::Lexicon'}{'HASH'} )) { push @lex_refs, *{$class . '::Lexicon'}{'HASH'}; DEBUG and warn '%' . $class . '::Lexicon contains ', scalar(keys %{$class . '::Lexicon'}), " entries\n"; } # Implements depth(height?)-first recursive searching of superclasses. # In hindsight, I suppose I could have just used Class::ISA! foreach my $superclass (@{$class . '::ISA'}) { DEBUG and warn " Super-class search into $superclass\n"; next if $seen_r->{$superclass}++; push @lex_refs, @{&_lex_refs($superclass, $seen_r)}; # call myself } $isa_scan{$class} = \@lex_refs; # save for next time return \@lex_refs; } sub clear_isa_scan { %isa_scan = (); return; } # end on a note of simplicity! #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _compile { # This big scary routine compiles an entry. # It returns either a coderef if there's brackety bits in this, or # otherwise a ref to a scalar. my $string_to_compile = $_[1]; # There are taint issues using regex on @_ - perlbug 60378,27344 # The while() regex is more expensive than this check on strings that don't need a compile. # this op causes a ~2% speed hit for strings that need compile and a 250% speed improvement # on strings that don't need compiling. return \"$string_to_compile" if($string_to_compile !~ m/[\[~\]]/ms); # return a string ref if chars [~] are not in the string my $handle = $_[0]; my(@code); my(@c) = (''); # "chunks" -- scratch. my $call_count = 0; my $big_pile = ''; { my $in_group = 0; # start out outside a group my($m, @params); # scratch while($string_to_compile =~ # Iterate over chunks. m/( [^\~\[\]]+ # non-~[] stuff (Capture everything else here) | ~. # ~[, ~], ~~, ~other | \[ # [ presumably opening a group | \] # ] presumably closing a group | ~ # terminal ~ ? | $ )/xgs ) { DEBUG>2 and warn qq{ "$1"\n}; if($1 eq '[' or $1 eq '') { # "[" or end # Whether this is "[" or end, force processing of any # preceding literal. if($in_group) { if($1 eq '') { $handle->_die_pointing($string_to_compile, 'Unterminated bracket group'); } else { $handle->_die_pointing($string_to_compile, 'You can\'t nest bracket groups'); } } else { if ($1 eq '') { DEBUG>2 and warn " [end-string]\n"; } else { $in_group = 1; } die "How come \@c is empty?? in <$string_to_compile>" unless @c; # sanity if(length $c[-1]) { # Now actually processing the preceding literal $big_pile .= $c[-1]; if($USE_LITERALS and ( (ord('A') == 65) ? $c[-1] !~ m/[^\x20-\x7E]/s # ASCII very safe chars : $c[-1] !~ m/[^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~\x07]/s # EBCDIC very safe chars )) { # normal case -- all very safe chars $c[-1] =~ s/'/\\'/g; push @code, q{ '} . $c[-1] . "',\n"; $c[-1] = ''; # reuse this slot } else { $c[-1] =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; push @code, ' $c[' . $#c . "],\n"; push @c, ''; # new chunk } } # else just ignore the empty string. } } elsif($1 eq ']') { # "]" # close group -- go back in-band if($in_group) { $in_group = 0; DEBUG>2 and warn " --Closing group [$c[-1]]\n"; # And now process the group... if(!length($c[-1]) or $c[-1] =~ m/^\s+$/s) { DEBUG>2 and warn " -- (Ignoring)\n"; $c[-1] = ''; # reset out chink next; } #$c[-1] =~ s/^\s+//s; #$c[-1] =~ s/\s+$//s; ($m,@params) = split(/,/, $c[-1], -1); # was /\s*,\s*/ # A bit of a hack -- we've turned "~,"'s into DELs, so turn # 'em into real commas here. if (ord('A') == 65) { # ASCII, etc foreach($m, @params) { tr/\x7F/,/ } } else { # EBCDIC (1047, 0037, POSIX-BC) # Thanks to Peter Prymmer for the EBCDIC handling foreach($m, @params) { tr/\x07/,/ } } # Special-case handling of some method names: if($m eq '_*' or $m =~ m/^_(-?\d+)$/s) { # Treat [_1,...] as [,_1,...], etc. unshift @params, $m; $m = ''; } elsif($m eq '*') { $m = 'quant'; # "*" for "times": "4 cars" is 4 times "cars" } elsif($m eq '#') { $m = 'numf'; # "#" for "number": [#,_1] for "the number _1" } # Most common case: a simple, legal-looking method name if($m eq '') { # 0-length method name means to just interpolate: push @code, ' ('; } elsif($m =~ /^\w+$/s && !$handle->{'blacklist'}{$m} && ( !defined $handle->{'whitelist'} || $handle->{'whitelist'}{$m} ) # exclude anything fancy and restrict to the whitelist/blacklist. ) { push @code, ' $_[0]->' . $m . '('; } else { # TODO: implement something? or just too icky to consider? $handle->_die_pointing( $string_to_compile, "Can't use \"$m\" as a method name in bracket group", 2 + length($c[-1]) ); } pop @c; # we don't need that chunk anymore ++$call_count; foreach my $p (@params) { if($p eq '_*') { # Meaning: all parameters except $_[0] $code[-1] .= ' @_[1 .. $#_], '; # and yes, that does the right thing for all @_ < 3 } elsif($p =~ m/^_(-?\d+)$/s) { # _3 meaning $_[3] $code[-1] .= '$_[' . (0 + $1) . '], '; } elsif($USE_LITERALS and ( (ord('A') == 65) ? $p !~ m/[^\x20-\x7E]/s # ASCII very safe chars : $p !~ m/[^ !"\#\$%&'()*+,\-.\/0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~\x07]/s # EBCDIC very safe chars )) { # Normal case: a literal containing only safe characters $p =~ s/'/\\'/g; $code[-1] .= q{'} . $p . q{', }; } else { # Stow it on the chunk-stack, and just refer to that. push @c, $p; push @code, ' $c[' . $#c . '], '; } } $code[-1] .= "),\n"; push @c, ''; } else { $handle->_die_pointing($string_to_compile, q{Unbalanced ']'}); } } elsif(substr($1,0,1) ne '~') { # it's stuff not containing "~" or "[" or "]" # i.e., a literal blob my $text = $1; $text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $c[-1] .= $text; } elsif($1 eq '~~') { # "~~" $c[-1] .= '~'; } elsif($1 eq '~[') { # "~[" $c[-1] .= '['; } elsif($1 eq '~]') { # "~]" $c[-1] .= ']'; } elsif($1 eq '~,') { # "~," if($in_group) { # This is a hack, based on the assumption that no-one will actually # want a DEL inside a bracket group. Let's hope that's it's true. if (ord('A') == 65) { # ASCII etc $c[-1] .= "\x7F"; } else { # EBCDIC (cp 1047, 0037, POSIX-BC) $c[-1] .= "\x07"; } } else { $c[-1] .= '~,'; } } elsif($1 eq '~') { # possible only at string-end, it seems. $c[-1] .= '~'; } else { # It's a "~X" where X is not a special character. # Consider it a literal ~ and X. my $text = $1; $text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $c[-1] .= $text; } } } if($call_count) { undef $big_pile; # Well, nevermind that. } else { # It's all literals! Ahwell, that can happen. # So don't bother with the eval. Return a SCALAR reference. return \$big_pile; } die q{Last chunk isn't null??} if @c and length $c[-1]; # sanity DEBUG and warn scalar(@c), " chunks under closure\n"; if(@code == 0) { # not possible? DEBUG and warn "Empty code\n"; return \''; } elsif(@code > 1) { # most cases, presumably! unshift @code, "join '',\n"; } unshift @code, "use strict; sub {\n"; push @code, "}\n"; DEBUG and warn @code; my $sub = eval(join '', @code); die "$@ while evalling" . join('', @code) if $@; # Should be impossible. return $sub; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _die_pointing { # This is used by _compile to throw a fatal error my $target = shift; $target = ref($target) || $target; # class name # ...leaving $_[0] the error-causing text, and $_[1] the error message my $i = index($_[0], "\n"); my $pointy; my $pos = pos($_[0]) - (defined($_[2]) ? $_[2] : 0) - 1; if($pos < 1) { $pointy = "^=== near there\n"; } else { # we need to space over my $first_tab = index($_[0], "\t"); if($pos > 2 and ( -1 == $first_tab or $first_tab > pos($_[0]))) { # No tabs, or the first tab is harmlessly after where we will point to, # AND we're far enough from the margin that we can draw a proper arrow. $pointy = ('=' x $pos) . "^ near there\n"; } else { # tabs screw everything up! $pointy = substr($_[0],0,$pos); $pointy =~ tr/\t //cd; # make everything into whitespace, but preserving tabs $pointy .= "^=== near there\n"; } } my $errmsg = "$_[1], in\:\n$_[0]"; if($i == -1) { # No newline. $errmsg .= "\n" . $pointy; } elsif($i == (length($_[0]) - 1) ) { # Already has a newline at end. $errmsg .= $pointy; } else { # don't bother with the pointy bit, I guess. } Carp::croak( "$errmsg via $target, as used" ); } 1;