Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ExtUtils/CBuilder/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ExtUtils/CBuilder/Base.pm |
package ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base; use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use Cwd (); use Config; use Text::ParseWords; use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); our $VERSION = '0.280230'; # VERSION # More details about C/C++ compilers: # http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/documentation/product/compiler.jsp # http://gcc.gnu.org/ # http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/comphelp/v101v121/index.jsp # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/default.aspx my %cc2cxx = ( # first line order is important to support wrappers like in pkgsrc cc => [ 'c++', 'CC', 'aCC', 'cxx', ], # Sun Studio, HP ANSI C/C++ Compilers gcc => [ 'g++' ], # GNU Compiler Collection xlc => [ 'xlC' ], # IBM C/C++ Set, xlc without thread-safety xlc_r => [ 'xlC_r' ], # IBM C/C++ Set, xlc with thread-safety cl => [ 'cl' ], # Microsoft Visual Studio ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {@_}, $class; $self->{properties}{perl} = $class->find_perl_interpreter or warn "Warning: Can't locate your perl binary"; while (my ($k,$v) = each %Config) { $self->{config}{$k} = $v unless exists $self->{config}{$k}; } $self->{config}{cc} = $ENV{CC} if defined $ENV{CC}; $self->{config}{ccflags} = join(" ", $self->{config}{ccflags}, $ENV{CFLAGS}) if defined $ENV{CFLAGS}; $self->{config}{cxx} = $ENV{CXX} if defined $ENV{CXX}; $self->{config}{cxxflags} = $ENV{CXXFLAGS} if defined $ENV{CXXFLAGS}; $self->{config}{ld} = $ENV{LD} if defined $ENV{LD}; $self->{config}{ldflags} = join(" ", $self->{config}{ldflags}, $ENV{LDFLAGS}) if defined $ENV{LDFLAGS}; unless ( exists $self->{config}{cxx} ) { my ($ccbase, $ccpath, $ccsfx ) = fileparse($self->{config}{cc}, qr/\.[^.]*/); ## If the path is just "cc", fileparse returns $ccpath as "./" $ccpath = "" if $self->{config}{cc} =~ /^$ccbase$ccsfx$/; foreach my $cxx (@{$cc2cxx{$ccbase}}) { my $cxx1 = File::Spec->catfile( $ccpath, $cxx . $ccsfx); if( can_run( $cxx1 ) ) { $self->{config}{cxx} = $cxx1; last; } my $cxx2 = $cxx . $ccsfx; if( can_run( $cxx2 ) ) { $self->{config}{cxx} = $cxx2; last; } if( can_run( $cxx ) ) { $self->{config}{cxx} = $cxx; last; } } unless ( exists $self->{config}{cxx} ) { $self->{config}{cxx} = $self->{config}{cc}; my $cflags = $self->{config}{ccflags}; $self->{config}{cxxflags} = '-x c++'; $self->{config}{cxxflags} .= " $cflags" if defined $cflags; } } return $self; } sub find_perl_interpreter { my $perl; File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($perl = $^X) or -f ($perl = $Config::Config{perlpath}) or ($perl = $^X); # XXX how about using IPC::Cmd::can_run here? return $perl; } sub add_to_cleanup { my $self = shift; foreach (@_) { $self->{files_to_clean}{$_} = 1; } } sub cleanup { my $self = shift; foreach my $file (keys %{$self->{files_to_clean}}) { unlink $file; } } sub get_config { return %{ $_[0]->{config} }; } sub object_file { my ($self, $filename) = @_; # File name, minus the suffix (my $file_base = $filename) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; return "$file_base$self->{config}{obj_ext}"; } sub arg_include_dirs { my $self = shift; return map {"-I$_"} @_; } sub arg_nolink { '-c' } sub arg_object_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return ('-o', $file); } sub arg_share_object_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return ($self->split_like_shell($self->{config}{lddlflags}), '-o', $file); } sub arg_exec_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; return ('-o', $file); } sub arg_defines { my ($self, %args) = @_; return map "-D$_=$args{$_}", sort keys %args; } sub compile { my ($self, %args) = @_; die "Missing 'source' argument to compile()" unless defined $args{source}; my $cf = $self->{config}; # For convenience my $object_file = $args{object_file} ? $args{object_file} : $self->object_file($args{source}); my $include_dirs_ref = (exists($args{include_dirs}) && ref($args{include_dirs}) ne "ARRAY") ? [ $args{include_dirs} ] : $args{include_dirs}; my @include_dirs = $self->arg_include_dirs( @{ $include_dirs_ref || [] }, $self->perl_inc(), ); my @defines = $self->arg_defines( %{$args{defines} || {}} ); my @extra_compiler_flags = $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_compiler_flags}); my @cccdlflags = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{cccdlflags}); my @ccflags = $self->split_like_shell($args{'C++'} ? $cf->{cxxflags} : $cf->{ccflags}); my @optimize = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{optimize}); my @flags = ( @include_dirs, @defines, @cccdlflags, @extra_compiler_flags, $self->arg_nolink, @ccflags, @optimize, $self->arg_object_file($object_file), ); my @cc = $self->split_like_shell($args{'C++'} ? $cf->{cxx} : $cf->{cc}); $self->do_system(@cc, @flags, $args{source}) or die "error building $object_file from '$args{source}'"; return $object_file; } sub have_compiler { my ($self, $is_cplusplus) = @_; my $have_compiler_flag = $is_cplusplus ? "have_cxx" : "have_cc"; my $suffix = $is_cplusplus ? ".cc" : ".c"; return $self->{$have_compiler_flag} if defined $self->{$have_compiler_flag}; my $result; my $attempts = 3; # tmpdir has issues for some people so fall back to current dir # don't clobber existing files (rare, but possible) my ( $FH, $tmpfile ) = tempfile( "compilet-XXXXX", SUFFIX => $suffix ); binmode $FH; if ( $is_cplusplus ) { print $FH "class Bogus { public: int boot_compilet() { return 1; } };\n"; } else { print $FH "int boot_compilet() { return 1; }\n"; } close $FH; my ($obj_file, @lib_files); eval { local $^W = 0; local $self->{quiet} = 1; $obj_file = $self->compile('C++' => $is_cplusplus, source => $tmpfile); @lib_files = $self->link(objects => $obj_file, module_name => 'compilet'); }; $result = $@ ? 0 : 1; foreach (grep defined, $tmpfile, $obj_file, @lib_files) { 1 while unlink; } return $self->{$have_compiler_flag} = $result; } sub have_cplusplus { push @_, 1; goto &have_compiler; } sub lib_file { my ($self, $dl_file, %args) = @_; $dl_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; $dl_file =~ tr/"//d; if (defined $args{module_name} and length $args{module_name}) { # Need to create with the same name as DynaLoader will load with. require DynaLoader; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { my $lib = DynaLoader::mod2fname([split /::/, $args{module_name}]); my ($dev, $lib_dir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($dl_file); $dl_file = File::Spec->catpath($dev, $lib_dir, $lib); } } $dl_file .= ".$self->{config}{dlext}"; return $dl_file; } sub exe_file { my ($self, $dl_file) = @_; $dl_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; $dl_file =~ tr/"//d; return "$dl_file$self->{config}{_exe}"; } sub need_prelink { 0 } sub extra_link_args_after_prelink { return } sub prelink { my ($self, %args) = @_; my ($dl_file_out, $mksymlists_args) = _prepare_mksymlists_args(\%args); require ExtUtils::Mksymlists; # dl. abbrev for dynamic library ExtUtils::Mksymlists::Mksymlists( %{ $mksymlists_args } ); # Mksymlists will create one of these files return grep -e, map "$dl_file_out.$_", qw(ext def opt); } sub _prepare_mksymlists_args { my $args = shift; ($args->{dl_file} = $args->{dl_name}) =~ s/.*::// unless $args->{dl_file}; my %mksymlists_args = ( DL_VARS => $args->{dl_vars} || [], DL_FUNCS => $args->{dl_funcs} || {}, FUNCLIST => $args->{dl_func_list} || [], IMPORTS => $args->{dl_imports} || {}, NAME => $args->{dl_name}, # Name of the Perl module DLBASE => $args->{dl_base}, # Basename of DLL file FILE => $args->{dl_file}, # Dir + Basename of symlist file VERSION => (defined $args->{dl_version} ? $args->{dl_version} : '0.0'), ); return ($args->{dl_file}, \%mksymlists_args); } sub link { my ($self, %args) = @_; return $self->_do_link('lib_file', lddl => 1, %args); } sub link_executable { my ($self, %args) = @_; return $self->_do_link('exe_file', lddl => 0, %args); } sub _do_link { my ($self, $type, %args) = @_; my $cf = $self->{config}; # For convenience my $objects = delete $args{objects}; $objects = [$objects] unless ref $objects; my $out = $args{$type} || $self->$type($objects->[0], %args); my @temp_files; @temp_files = $self->prelink(%args, dl_name => $args{module_name}) if $args{lddl} && $self->need_prelink; my @linker_flags = ( $self->split_like_shell($args{extra_linker_flags}), $self->extra_link_args_after_prelink( %args, dl_name => $args{module_name}, prelink_res => \@temp_files ) ); my @output = $args{lddl} ? $self->arg_share_object_file($out) : $self->arg_exec_file($out); my @shrp = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{shrpenv}); my @ld = $self->split_like_shell($cf->{ld}); $self->do_system(@shrp, @ld, @output, @$objects, @linker_flags) or die "error building $out from @$objects"; return wantarray ? ($out, @temp_files) : $out; } sub do_system { my ($self, @cmd) = @_; print "@cmd\n" if !$self->{quiet}; return !system(@cmd); } sub split_like_shell { my ($self, $string) = @_; return () unless defined($string); return @$string if UNIVERSAL::isa($string, 'ARRAY'); $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return () unless length($string); # Text::ParseWords replaces all 'escaped' characters with themselves, which completely # breaks paths under windows. As such, we forcibly replace backwards slashes with forward # slashes on windows. $string =~ s@\\@/@g if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; return Text::ParseWords::shellwords($string); } # if building perl, perl's main source directory sub perl_src { # N.B. makemaker actually searches regardless of PERL_CORE, but # only squawks at not finding it if PERL_CORE is set return unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; my $Updir = File::Spec->updir; my $dir = File::Spec->curdir; # Try up to 5 levels upwards for (0..10) { if ( -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"config_h.SH") && -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"perl.h") && -f File::Spec->catfile($dir,"lib","Exporter.pm") ) { return Cwd::realpath( $dir ); } $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, $Updir); } warn "PERL_CORE is set but I can't find your perl source!\n"; return ''; # return empty string if $ENV{PERL_CORE} but can't find dir ??? } # directory of perl's include files sub perl_inc { my $self = shift; $self->perl_src() || File::Spec->catdir($self->{config}{archlibexp},"CORE"); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; local($., $@, $!, $^E, $?); $self->cleanup(); } 1; # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: