Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/lsws/add-ons/cpanel/lsws_whm_plugin/res/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/lsws/add-ons/cpanel/lsws_whm_plugin/res/lswsAdminBin |
#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl package Lsws::lswsAdminBin; use utf8; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Touch; use Archive::Extract; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use IPC::Run; use JSON; #Note: not using "use IPC::Run qw(run);" to avoid conflict with # "__PACKAGE__->run()" line. #Make this module inherit from this "groundwork" admin module. #This eliminates a large swath of the boilerplate code that admin #modules used to require! use parent 'Cpanel::AdminBin::Script::Call'; #Run the module as a script if (and only if) it is called that way. #This "modulino" approach helps to facilitate testing and code #reusability; for example, you could put some of this class's methods #into a base class, then have 2 or more admin modules inherit #from that base class. __PACKAGE__->run() if !caller; #This special function is a "whitelist" of actions that #a caller may call. Anything not listed here cannot be called. # #By convention, these functions are named #in ALLCAPS_SNAKE_CASE. sub _actions { return qw( EXEC_ISSUE_CMD RETRIEVE_LSCWP_TRANSLATION REMOVE_LSCWP_TRANSLATION_ZIP REMOVE_NEW_LSCWP_FLAG_FILE GET_DOMAIN_SSL_DATA GENERATE_EC_CERT REMOVE_EC_CERT GET_UPDATED_EC_LIST ); } sub EXEC_ISSUE_CMD { my ($self, $username, $cmd) = @_; my @suCmd = _getSuCmdArr($username); my @fullCmd = (); push @fullCmd, @suCmd; push @fullCmd, $cmd; my $output = ''; IPC::Run::run \@fullCmd, \undef, \$output; # Looking for UserCommand custom exit/return value here my $retVar = $? >> 8; chomp($output); return ( retVar => $retVar, output => $output ); } sub RETRIEVE_LSCWP_TRANSLATION { my ($self, $locale, $pluginVer) = @_; # Strip invalid chars from input $locale =~ s/[^A-Za-z_]//g; $pluginVer =~ s/[^0-9.]//g; my $translationDir = '/usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin/' . $pluginVer . '/translations'; my $zipFile = $locale . '.zip'; my $localZipFile = $translationDir . '/' . $zipFile; if ( ! -d $translationDir ) { make_path($translationDir, { chmod => 0755 }); } touch($translationDir . '/' . '.ls_translation_check_' . $locale); # downloads.wordpress.org looks to always return a '200 OK' status, # even when serving a 404 page. As such invalid downloads can only be # checked through user failure to unzip through WP func unzip_file() # as we do not assume that root has the ability to unzip. my $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/translation/plugin/litespeed-cache/' . $pluginVer . '/' . $locale . '.zip'; my @wget_command = ( "wget", "-q", "--tries=1", "--no-check-certificate", $url, "-P", $translationDir ); system(@wget_command); if ( $? == -1 || $? & 127 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { return 0; } # WordPress user can unzip for us if this call fails. my $m = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $localZipFile ); $m->extract( to => $translationDir ); return 1; } sub REMOVE_LSCWP_TRANSLATION_ZIP { my ($self, $locale, $pluginVer) = @_; # Strip invalid chars from input $locale =~ s/[^A-Za-z_]//g; $pluginVer =~ s/[^0-9.]//g; my $dlDir = '/usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin'; my $zipFile = abs_path($dlDir . '/' . $pluginVer . '/translations/' . $locale . '.zip'); if ( substr($zipFile, 0, length $dlDir) eq $dlDir ) { unlink $zipFile; } } sub REMOVE_NEW_LSCWP_FLAG_FILE { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $flagFile = $path . '/.lscm_new_lscwp'; if ( -f $flagFile ) { unlink $flagFile or return 0; } return 1; } sub _getPluginGeneratedEcCertData { my ($combinedEcCertFile) = @_; my $retCert = ''; my $retKey = ''; if ( -f $combinedEcCertFile ) { if ( open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $combinedEcCertFile) ) { my $fileContent = do {local $/; <$fh> }; close($fh); my ($key) = $fileContent =~ /(-+BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-+[\s\S]*-+END EC PRIVATE KEY-+)/; my ($cert) = $fileContent =~ /(-+BEGIN CERTIFICATE-+[\s\S]*?-+END CERTIFICATE-+)/; if ( $key ne "" && $cert ne "" ) { $retKey = $key; $retCert = $cert; } } } return ( retCert => $retCert, retKey => $retKey ); } sub GET_DOMAIN_SSL_DATA { my ($self, $username, $domain, $allowEcCertGen) = @_; my $sslVhostDir = '/var/cpanel/ssl/apache_tls'; my $combinedEcCertFile = $sslVhostDir . '/' . $domain . '/combined.ecc'; my %res = _getPluginGeneratedEcCertData($combinedEcCertFile); my $cert = $res{'retCert'}; my $key = $res{'retKey'}; if ( $cert ne "" && $key ne "" ) { return ( retVar => 0, retCert => $cert, retKey => $key ); } my @fullCmd = ( '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/whmapi1', 'fetch_vhost_ssl_components', '--output=json' ); my $output = ''; IPC::Run::run \@fullCmd, \undef, \$output; my $retVar = $? >> 8; my $dataRef = decode_json($output); my %data = %$dataRef; if ( $data{'data'} && $data{'data'}{'components'} ) { my $componentsDataRef = $data{'data'}{'components'}; my @componentsData = @$componentsDataRef; while ( my ($componentKey, $componentRef) = each @componentsData ) { my %component = %$componentRef; if ( $component{'servername'} && $component{'servername'} eq "$domain" && $component{'key'} && $component{'certificate'} ) { $key = $component{'key'}; $cert = $component{'certificate'}; return ( retVar => $retVar, retCert => $cert, retKey => $key ); } } } if ( $allowEcCertGen && -f $sslVhostDir . '/' . $domain && ! -f $sslVhostDir . '/.pending_delete/' . $domain && ! -f $combinedEcCertFile ) { GENERATE_EC_CERT($self, $username, $domain); %res = _getPluginGeneratedEcCertData($combinedEcCertFile); $cert = $res{'retCert'}; $key = $res{'retKey'}; if ( $cert ne "" && $key ne "" ) { return ( retVar => 0, retCert => $cert, retKey => $key ); } } return ( retVar => 1, retCert => '', retKey => '' ); } sub GENERATE_EC_CERT { my ($self, $username, $domain) = @_; my @cmd = ( "/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/ls_web_cache_manager/scripts/cert_action_entry", "geneccert", "-user", $username, "-domain", $domain ); my $output = ''; IPC::Run::run \@cmd, \undef, \$output; # Looking for UserCommand custom exit/return value here my $retVar = $? >> 8; chomp($output); my $infoRef = _getServerNameSslAndEcCertInfo($domain); my %info = %$infoRef; return ( retVar => $retVar, output => $output, sslVh => $info{'sslVh'}, ecCert => $info{'ecCert'}, ecCertFingerprint => $info{'ecCertFingerprint'} ); } sub REMOVE_EC_CERT { my ($self, $username, $domain) = @_; my $retVar; my $output = ''; if ( ! -f "/var/cpanel/userdata/${username}/${domain}" ) { $retVar = 100; } elsif ( ! -f "/var/cpanel/ssl/apache_tls/${domain}/combined.ecc" ) { $retVar = 101; } else { my @cmd = ( "/bin/rm", "-f", "/var/cpanel/ssl/apache_tls/${domain}/combined.ecc", ); IPC::Run::run \@cmd, \undef, \$output; # Looking for UserCommand custom exit/return value here $retVar = $? >> 8; chomp($output); } my $infoRef = _getServerNameSslAndEcCertInfo($domain); my %info = %$infoRef; return ( retVar => $retVar, output => $output, sslVh => $info{'sslVh'}, ecCert => $info{'ecCert'}, ecCertFingerprint => $info{'ecCertFingerprint'} ); } sub GET_UPDATED_EC_LIST { my ($self, $user) = @_; my $output = `grep -hro --exclude="cache" --exclude="main" --exclude="*.cache" \\ "documentroot.*\\|servername.*" "/var/cpanel/userdata/${user}"`; my @lines = split("\n", $output); my $docroot = ''; my $serverName = ''; my %serverNames; foreach my $i (@lines) { if ( $docroot eq '' ) { if ( substr($i, 0, 13) eq 'documentroot:' ) { $docroot = substr($i, 13); $docroot =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } } elsif ( substr( $i, 0, 11) eq 'servername:' ) { $serverName = substr($i, 11); $serverName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; if ( -d $docroot ) { $serverNames{$serverName} = { 'docroot' => $docroot }; } # looking for next docroot $docroot = ''; } else { # bad entry ignore $docroot = ''; } } foreach my $serverName (keys %serverNames) { my $infoRef = _getServerNameSslAndEcCertInfo($serverName); my %info = %$infoRef; $serverNames{$serverName}{'sslVh'} = $info{'sslVh'}; $serverNames{$serverName}{'ecCert'} = $info{'ecCert'}; $serverNames{$serverName}{'ecCertFingerprint'} = $info{'ecCertFingerprint'}; } return \%serverNames; } sub _getDomainOwner { my ($domain) = @_; my @fullCmd = ( '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/whmapi1', 'getdomainowner', "domain=${domain}", '--output=json' ); my $output = ''; IPC::Run::run \@fullCmd, \undef, \$output; my $retVar = $? >> 8; my $dataRef = decode_json($output); my %data = %$dataRef; return $data{'data'}{'user'}; } sub _getSuCmdArr { my ($username) = @_; my @suCmd = ( "su", $username, "-s", "/bin/bash", "-c" ); return @suCmd; } sub _getServerNameSslAndEcCertInfo { my ($serverName) = @_; my %info; $info{'sslVh'} = 0; $info{'ecCert'} = 0; $info{'ecCertFingerprint'} = ''; my $sslVhostsDir = "/var/cpanel/ssl/apache_tls"; my $domainSslVhostDir = "${sslVhostsDir}/${serverName}"; if ( -d $domainSslVhostDir && ! -f "${sslVhostsDir}/.pending_delete/${serverName}" ) { $info{'sslVh'} = 1; my $combinedEcCertFile = "${domainSslVhostDir}/combined.ecc"; if ( -f $combinedEcCertFile ) { $info{'ecCert'} = 1; my %res = _getPluginGeneratedEcCertData($combinedEcCertFile); $info{'ecCertFingerprint'} = $res{'retCert'}; } } return \%info; } 1;