Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/lsws/admin/html/classes/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/lsws/admin/html/classes/ConfigFile.php |
<?php class ConfigFile { private $pageDef; private $tblDef; //TAG=0, VALUE=1, ELEMENTS=2 public function __construct() {} //type = ('serv','vh','admin','tp','ha') public function load(&$confData, &$err) { if ($confData->_type == 'ha' && !is_file($confData->_path) && !$this->init_haconfig($confData->_path)) { // if not exist, write an empty file return false; } $xmltree = new XmlTreeBuilder(); $rootNode = &$xmltree->ParseFile($confData->_path, $err); if ( $rootNode != null ) { $this->pageDef = DPageDef::GetInstance(); $this->tblDef = DTblDef::GetInstance(); $this->load_data($rootNode, $confData); switch( $confData->_type ) { case 'serv': $this->fill_serv($confData); break; case 'admin': $this->fill_listener($confData); break; case 'vh': case 'tp': $this->fill_vh($confData); break; case 'ha': break; } return true; } error_log($err); $confData->_data = array(); return false; } function init_haconfig($confpath) { $fd = fopen($confpath, 'w'); if ( !$fd ) { error_log("failed to open in write mode for $confpath"); return false; } $text = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n" . '<haConfig></haConfig>' . "\n"; if(fwrite($fd, $text) === false) { error_log("failed to write temp config for $confpath"); return false; } fclose($fd); return true; } public function save(&$confData) { $fd = fopen($confData->_path . ".new", 'w'); if ( !$fd ) { error_log("failed to open in write mode for " . $confData->_path . ".new"); return false; } if ( !isset($this->pageDef)) { $this->pageDef = DPageDef::GetInstance(); $this->tblDef = DTblDef::GetInstance(); } $data = &$this->convert_data($confData); $level = 0; $result = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n"; $this->writeStruct( $result, $level, $data); if(fwrite($fd, $result) === false) { error_log("failed to write temp config for " . $confData->_path . ".new"); return false; } fclose($fd); @unlink($confData->_path . ".bak"); if(!rename($confData->_path, $confData->_path . ".bak")) { error_log("failed to rename " . $confData->_path . " to " . $confData->_path . ".bak"); return false; } if(!rename($confData->_path . ".new", $confData->_path)) { error_log("failed to rename " . $confData->_path . ".new to " . $confData->_path); return false; } return true; } private function &convert_data($confData) { $type = $confData->_type; $from = $confData->_data; $to0 = array(); if ( $type == 'serv' ) { $t = CLIENT::UTYPE; if ( $t == 'LSWS' ) $to = &$to0['httpServerConfig']; else $to = &$to0['loadBalancerConfig']; } elseif ( $type == 'vh' ) { $to = &$to0['virtualHostConfig']; } elseif ( $type == 'tp' ) { $to = &$to0['virtualHostTemplate']; } elseif ( $type == 'admin' ) { $to = &$to0['adminConfig']; } elseif ( $type == 'ha' ) { $to = &$to0['haConfig']; } $pages = $this->pageDef->GetFileDef($type); $num = count($pages); for ( $c = 0 ; $c < $num ; ++$c ) { $page = $pages[$c]; if ( $page->GetLayerId() == null ){ $this->convertStruct( $from, $to, $page->GetTids() ); } else { $from1 = &DUtil::locateData( $from, $page->GetDataLoc() ); if ( empty($from1) ) { continue; } $to1 = &DUtil::locateData( $to, $page->GetLayerId() ); if ( $page->GetHolderIndex() == null ) { $this->convertStruct( $from1, $to1, $page->GetTids() ); } else { $keys = array_keys($from1); foreach( $keys as $key ) { $to2 = array(); $this->convertStruct( $from1[$key], $to2, $page->GetTids() ); $to1[] = $to2; } } } } return $to0; } private function load_data(&$rootNode, &$confData) { $holder = &$confData->_data; $el = &$rootNode[2]; $pages = $this->pageDef->GetFileDef($confData->_type); $num = count($pages); for ( $c = 0 ; $c < $num ; ++$c ) { $page = &$pages[$c]; if ( $page->GetLayerId() == null ) $this->extractSection( $el, $holder, $page->GetTids() ); else { $isRepeated = ($page->GetHolderIndex() != null); $els = &$this->locateXmlElement( $el, $page->GetLayerId(), $isRepeated ); if ( count($els) == 0 ) continue; $holder1 = &DUtil::locateData( $holder, $page->GetDataLoc() ); if ( !$isRepeated ) { $this->extractSection( $els[0], $holder1, $page->GetTids() ); } else { $innercount = count($els); for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $innercount ; ++$j ) { $holder2 = array(); $this->extractSection( $els[$j], $holder2, $page->GetTids() ); if ($holder2[$page->GetHolderIndex()] != null) $holder1[$holder2[$page->GetHolderIndex()]->GetVal()] = $holder2; else { error_log("empty page index " . $page->GetHolderIndex() . print_r($page, true)); error_log("holder2 is " . print_r($holder2, true)); die(); } } } } } } private function fill_serv(&$confData) { $holder = &$confData->_data; $runningAs = 'user('. $holder['general']['user']->GetVal() . ') : group(' . $holder['general']['group']->GetVal() .')' ; $holder['general']['runningAs'] = new CVal($runningAs); $proc = 1; if (CLIENT::UTYPE == 'LSWS') { $proc = substr($_SERVER['LSWS_CHILDREN'], 0, 1); if ($proc == '9') { if (isset($holder['general']['workerProcesses'])) { $proc = 0; // bypass } else { $proc = substr($_SERVER['LSWS_CHILDREN'], 2); } } } elseif (CLIENT::UTYPE == 'LSLB') { $proc = substr($_SERVER['LSLB_CHILDREN'], 0, 1); if ($proc == '9') { if (isset($holder['general']['workerProcesses'])) { $proc = 0; // bypass } else { // 9:n $proc = substr($_SERVER['LSLB_CHILDREN'], 2); } } } if ($proc > 0) { $holder['general']['workerProcesses'] = new CVal($proc); } $this->fill_listener($confData); } private function fill_listener(&$confData) { $listeners = &$confData->_data['listeners']; if ( empty($listeners)) return; $lnames = array_keys($listeners); foreach ( $lnames as $ln ) { $l = &$listeners[$ln]; if (isset($l['address'])) { $addr = $l['address']->GetVal(); $pos = strrpos($addr,':'); if ( $pos ) { $ip = substr($addr, 0, $pos); if ( $ip == '*' ) $ip = 'ANY'; $l['ip'] = new CVal($ip); $l['port'] = new CVal(substr($addr, $pos+1)); } } } } private function fill_vh(&$confData) { $ctxs = &$confData->_data['context']; if ( empty($ctxs) ) return; $keys = array_keys($ctxs); $i = 1; foreach ( $keys as $k ) { $ctxs[$k]['order'] = new CVal($i); ++$i; } } private function extractSection( &$el, &$holder, $tids) { foreach( $tids as $tid ) { $tbl = $this->tblDef->GetTblDef($tid); $holderIndex = $tbl->_holderIndex; $isRepeated = ($holderIndex != null); $els = &$this->locateXmlElement($el, $tbl->_layerId, $isRepeated); if ( count($els) == 0 ) continue; $holder_cur = &DUtil::locateData( $holder, $tbl->_dataLoc ); $tags = $tbl->GetTags(); foreach ($els as $e) { if ( $isRepeated ) { $loader_root = array(); $loader_cur = &DUtil::locateData( $loader_root, $tbl->_dataLoc ); $this->extractElement('' , $tags, $e, $loader_cur); if ( $tbl->_subTbls != null ) { $this->extractSubTbl($e, $loader_root, $tbl); } if ( $tbl->_linkedTbls != null && isset($tbl->_linkedTbls['file']) ) { $this->extractSection($e, $loader_cur, $tbl->_linkedTbls['file']); } if ($loader_cur[$holderIndex] != null) { $holder_cur[ $loader_cur[$holderIndex]->GetVal() ] = $loader_cur; } } else { $this->extractElement('' , $tags, $e, $holder_cur); if ( $tbl->_subTbls != null ) { $this->extractSubTbl($e, $holder_cur, $tbl) ; } } } } } private function extractSubTbl($el, &$holder, $tbl) { $holder1 = &DUtil::locateData( $holder, $tbl->_dataLoc ); $tid = DUtil::getSubTid($tbl->_subTbls, $holder1); if ( $tid == null ) return; if ( is_array($tid) ) { $tids = $tid; $holder2 = array() ; $this->extractSection($el, $holder2, $tids) ; foreach ( $holder2 as $key => $val ) { $holder1[$key] = $val ; } } else { $tids = array( $tid ) ; $holder2 = array() ; $this->extractSection($el, $holder2, $tids) ; $holder3 = &DUtil::locateData($holder2, $tbl->_dataLoc) ; $keys = array_keys($holder3) ; foreach ( $holder3[$keys[0]] as $key => $val ) { $holder1[$key] = $val ; } } } private function &locateXmlElement(&$el, $layerId, $isRepeated) { $els = array(); if ( $layerId == null ) { $els[] = &$el; } else { $layerIds = explode(':', $layerId); $depth = count($layerIds); $el1 = &$el; for ( $layer = 0 ; $layer < $depth ; ++$layer ) { $innercount = count($el1); $tag = $layerIds[$layer]; $found = false; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $innercount ; ++$i ) { if ( $el1[$i][0] == $tag ) { $found = true; if ( ($layer+1) == $depth ) { $els[] = &$el1[$i][2]; if ( !$isRepeated ) break; } else { $el1 = &$el1[$i][2]; break; } } } if (!$found) break; } } return $els; } private function extractElement($prefix, $tags, $el, &$data) { $ids = array_keys($tags); foreach ($el as $e) { $name = $e[0]; if ( in_array($name, $ids) ) { if ( is_array($tags[$name]) ) { $prefix1 = $prefix . $name . ':'; $this->extractElement( $prefix1, $tags[$name], $e[2], $data ); } else { $index = $prefix . $name; if ( $tags[$name] == 2 ) $data[$index][] = new CVal($e[1]); else $data[$index] = new CVal($e[1]); } } } } private function writeStruct(&$result, &$level, &$data) { $keys = array_keys($data); foreach ($keys as $key) { $data1 = &$data[$key]; if (is_array($data1)) { if (isset($data1[0])) { //numeric $c = count($data1); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; ++$i) { if (is_array($data1[$i])) { $result .= $this->xmlTagS($level, $key); $this->writeStruct($result, $level, $data1[$i]); $result .= $this->xmlTagE($level, $key); } else $result .= $this->xmlTag($level, $key, $data1[$i]); } } else { $result .= $this->xmlTagS($level, $key); $this->writeStruct($result, $level, $data1); $result .= $this->xmlTagE($level, $key); } } else { if (isset($data1)) $result .= $this->xmlTag($level, $key, $data1); } } } private function convertStruct( &$from, &$to, $tids ) { foreach( $tids as $tid ) { $tbl = $this->tblDef->GetTblDef($tid); $fholder = &DUtil::locateData($from, $tbl->_dataLoc); if ( !isset($fholder) ) continue; $holder = &DUtil::locateData($to, $tbl->_layerId); if ( $tbl->_holderIndex != null ) { $fkeys = array_keys( $fholder ); foreach ( $fkeys as $fkey ) { $data = array(); $from1 = &$fholder[$fkey]; $this->convertOneLevel($from1, $data, $tbl->_dattrs); if ( $tbl->_subTbls != null ) { $this->convertSubTbl($from1, $data, $tbl); } if ( $tbl->_linkedTbls != null && isset($tbl->_linkedTbls['file']) ) { $this->convertStruct($from1, $data, $tbl->_linkedTbls['file']); } $holder[] = $data; } } else { $this->convertOneLevel($fholder, $holder, $tbl->_dattrs); if ( $tbl->_subTbls != null ) { $this->convertSubTbl($fholder, $holder, $tbl) ; } } } } private function convertSubTbl($from, &$to, $tbl) { $tid1 = DUtil::getSubTid($tbl->_subTbls, $from); if ( $tid1 == null ) return; if ( is_array($tid1) ) { $this->convertStruct( $from, $to, $tid1 ); } else { $tbl1 = $this->tblDef->getTblDef($tid1) ; $this->convertOneLevel($from, $to, $tbl1->_dattrs) ; } } private function convertOneLevel($from, &$to, $attrs) { foreach ( $attrs as $attr ) { if ( $attr->_type != 'action' && $attr->_FDE[0] == 'Y' ) { $this->convertCopy($from, $to, $attr); } } } private function convertCopy( $from, &$to, $attr ) { $attr_key = $attr->_key; if ( !isset($from[$attr_key]) && $attr->_allowNull ) { return; } $prepared = null; if (isset($from[$attr_key]) && is_array($from[$attr_key]) ) { foreach ( $from[$attr_key] as $i ) { $prepared[] = $i->GetVal(); } } elseif (isset($from[$attr_key]) && $from[$attr_key]->HasVal()) { $prepared = $from[$attr_key]->GetVal(); } if ( strpos($attr_key, ':') === false ) { $to[$attr_key] = $prepared; } else { $to1 = &DUtil::locateData($to, $attr_key); $to1 = $prepared; } } private function xmlTag($level, $tag, $value) { $val = htmlspecialchars($value); if (substr($val, 0, 1) == "\n") { // textarea1, start and end with \n return str_repeat(' ', $level) . "<$tag>$val" . str_repeat(' ', $level) ."</$tag>\n"; } elseif (strpos($val, "\n") !== false) { // old textarea, add \n at begin and end return str_repeat(' ', $level) . "<$tag>\n$val\n" . str_repeat(' ', $level) ."</$tag>\n"; } return str_repeat(' ', $level) . "<$tag>$val</$tag>\n"; } private function xmlTagS(&$level, $tag) { return str_repeat(' ', $level++) . "<$tag>\n"; } private function xmlTagE(&$level, $tag) { return str_repeat(' ', --$level) . "</$tag>\n"; } }