Your IP :
* This is build file for elFinder 2.x
* Build tool: https://github.com/mde/jake
* JS compressor: https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/
* CSS optimizer: https://github.com/css/csso
// if Jake fails to detect need libraries try running before: export NODE_PATH=`npm root`
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
util = require('util'),
ugjs = require('uglify-js'),
csso = require('csso');
var dirmode = 0755,
src = __dirname,
version = null,
files = {
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.version.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'jquery.elfinder.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.mimetypes.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.options.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.options.netmount.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.history.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.command.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.resources.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'jquery.dialogelfinder.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'i18n', 'elfinder.en.js')
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'ui'), '\\.js$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'commands'), '\\.js$')),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.version.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'jquery.elfinder.js'),
//path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.mimetypes.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.options.js'),
//path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.options.netmount.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.history.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.command.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.resources.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'jquery.dialogelfinder.js'),
path.join(src, 'js', 'i18n', 'elfinder.en.js')
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'ui'), '(button|contextmenu|cwd|dialog|navbar|navdock|overlay|panel|path|searchbutton|sortbutton|stat|toast|toolbar|tree|uploadbutton|viewbutton|workzone)\\.js$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'commands'), '(colwidth|copy|cut|duplicate|getfile|help|open|mkdir|paste|restore|rm|search|sort|upload|view)\\.js$')),
'elfinder.full.css': grep(path.join(src, 'css'), '\\.css$', 'elfinder|theme'),
'images': grep(path.join(src, 'img'), '\\.png|\\.gif|\\.svg'),
'sounds': grep(path.join(src, 'sounds'), '\\.wav'),
'i18n': grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'i18n'), '\\.js', 'elfinder.en.js')
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'i18n', 'help'), '\\.js')),
path.join(src, 'php', 'autoload.php'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'connector.minimal.php-dist'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'connector.maximal.php-dist'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'mime.types'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'MySQLStorage.sql'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'elFinderPlugin.php'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'elFinderSession.php'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'elFinderSessionInterface.php'),
path.join(src, 'php', '.tmp', '.htaccess'),
path.join(src, 'php', 'editors', 'editor.php')
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php'), '\\.class\\.php$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php'), 'Netmount\\.php$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php', 'libs'), '\\.php$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php', 'resources'), '.+\..+$')),
path.join(src, 'js', 'proxy', 'elFinderSupportVer1.js'),
path.join(src, 'Changelog'),
path.join(src, 'LICENSE.md'),
path.join(src, 'README.md'),
path.join(src, 'composer.json'),
path.join(src, 'elfinder.html'),
path.join(src, 'elfinder.legacy.html'),
path.join(src, 'main.default.js')
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'extras'), '\\.js$'))
.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'worker'), '\\.js$')),
'misc-minimal' :
path.join(src, 'js', 'proxy', 'elFinderSupportVer1.js'),
path.join(src, 'Changelog'),
path.join(src, 'LICENSE.md'),
path.join(src, 'README.md'),
path.join(src, 'composer.json'),
path.join(src, 'elfinder-minimal.html'),
path.join(src, 'main-minimal.default.js')
// editors files
var editors = [];
try {
editors = fs.readdirSync(path.join(src, 'php', 'editors')).map(function(n) {
return fs.statSync(path.join(src, 'php', 'editors', n)).isFile()? null : n;
} catch (err) { }
if (editors.length) {
for (var i in editors) {
if (editors[i] !== null) {
files.php = files.php.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php', 'editors', editors[i]), '.+'));
// plugins files
var plugins = [];
try {
plugins = fs.readdirSync(path.join(src, 'php', 'plugins')).map(function(n) {
return fs.statSync(path.join(src, 'php', 'plugins', n)).isFile()? null : n;
} catch (err) { }
if (plugins.length) {
for (var i in plugins) {
if (plugins[i] !== null) {
files.php = files.php.concat(grep(path.join(src, 'php', 'plugins', plugins[i]), '.+'));
// custom functions
function grep(prefix, mask, exculde) {
var m = new RegExp(mask);
var e = new RegExp(exculde);
var o = [];
var input = [];
try {
input = fs.readdirSync(prefix);
} catch (err) { }
for (i in input) {
if ((typeof exculde !== 'undefined') && (input[i].match(e))) {
//console.log('skip ' + input[i]);
if (input[i].match(m)) {
o.push(path.join(prefix, input[i]));
return o.sort();
function copyFile(from, to, overwrite) {
if (!overwrite && fs.existsSync(to)) {
return false;
console.log('\t' + from);
var srcs = fs.createReadStream(from);
var dsts = fs.createWriteStream(to);
return srcs.pipe(dsts);
function getVersion() {
var ver = fs.readFileSync(path.join(src, 'js', 'elFinder.version.js')).toString();
ver = ver.match(/elFinder.prototype.version = '(.+)';/);
return ver[1];
function buildComment() {
var d = new Date();
var buildDate = d.getFullYear() + '-' +
(d.getMonth() >= 9 ? '' : '0') + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +
(d.getDate() >= 10 ? '' : '0') + d.getDate();
var comment =
'/*!\n' +
' * elFinder - file manager for web\n' +
' * Version ' + getVersion() + ' (' + buildDate + ')\n' +
' * http://elfinder.org\n' +
' * \n' +
' * Copyright 2009-' + d.getFullYear() + ', Studio 42\n' +
' * Licensed under a 3-clauses BSD license\n' +
' */\n';
return comment;
// tasks
task('default', function(){
"This is elFinder build script, run `jake --tasks` for more info, for a default build run:\n" +
" jake -C ./build elfinder"
desc('pre build task');
task('prebuild', function(){
console.log('build dir: ' + path.resolve());
console.log('src dir: ' + src);
var dir = ['css', 'js', 'img', 'sounds',
path.join('js', 'i18n'), path.join('js', 'i18n', 'help'), path.join('js', 'extras'), path.join('js', 'worker'), path.join('js', 'proxy'), path.join('js', 'worker'),
path.join('php', '.tmp'), path.join('php', 'libs'), path.join('php', 'resources'),
'files', path.join('files', '.trash')],
if (editors.length) {
dir.push(path.join('php', 'editors'));
for (i in editors) {
(editors[i] !== null) && dir.push(path.join('php', 'editors', editors[i]));
if (plugins.length) {
dir.push(path.join('php', 'plugins'));
for (i in plugins) {
(plugins[i] !== null) && dir.push(path.join('php', 'plugins', plugins[i]));
for (var d in dir) {
var bd = dir[d];
if (!fs.existsSync(bd)) {
console.log('mkdir ' + bd);
fs.mkdirSync(bd, dirmode);
desc('build elFinder');
task({'elfinder': ['clean', 'prebuild', 'css/elfinder.min.css', 'js/elfinder.min.js', 'misc', 'js/extras', 'js/worker']}, function(){
console.log('elFinder build done');
desc('minimal build elFinder');
task({'elfinder-minimal': ['clean', 'prebuild', 'css/elfinder.min.css', 'js/elfinder-minimal.min.js', 'misc-minimal']}, function(){
console.log('elFinder build done');
// CSS
desc('concat elfinder.full.css');
file({'css/elfinder.full.css': files['elfinder.full.css']}, function(){
console.log('concat ' + this.name);
var data = '';
for (var f in this.prereqs) {
file = this.prereqs[f];
console.log('\t' + file);
data += '\n/* File: ' + file.replace(src, '') + ' */\n';
data += fs.readFileSync(file);
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, buildComment() + data);
desc('optimize elfinder.min.css');
file({'css/elfinder.min.css': ['css/elfinder.full.css']}, function () {
console.log('optimize elfinder.min.css');
var cssOptimized = csso.minify(fs.readFileSync('css/elfinder.full.css').toString());
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, cssOptimized.css || cssOptimized);
// JS
desc('concat elfinder.full.js');
file({'js/elfinder.full.js': files['elfinder.full.js']}, function(){
console.log('concat elfinder.full.js');
var strict = new RegExp('"use strict"\;?\n?');
var elf = files['elfinder.full.js'];
var data = '';
for (var f in elf) {
file = elf[f];
console.log('\t' + file);
data += '\n\n/*\n * File: ' + file.replace(src, '') + '\n */\n\n';
data += fs.readFileSync(file);
data = data.replace(strict, '');
data = "(function(root, factory) {\n" +
" if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n" +
" // AMD\n" +
" define(['jquery','jquery-ui'], factory);\n" +
" } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n" +
" // CommonJS\n" +
" var $, ui;\n" +
" try {\n" +
" $ = require('jquery');\n" +
" ui = require('jquery-ui');\n" +
" } catch (e) {}\n" +
" module.exports = factory($, ui);\n" +
" } else {\n" +
" // Browser globals (Note: root is window)\n" +
" factory(root.jQuery, root.jQuery.ui, true);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}(this, function($, _ui, toGlobal) {\n" +
"toGlobal = toGlobal || false;\n" + data + '\nreturn elFinder;\n}));'; // add UMD closure
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, buildComment() + data);
desc('concat elfinder-minimal.full.js');
file({'js/elfinder-minimal.full.js': files['elfinder-minimal.full.js']}, function(){
console.log('concat elfinder-minimal.full.js');
var strict = new RegExp('"use strict"\;?\n?');
var elf = files['elfinder-minimal.full.js'];
var data = '';
for (var f in elf) {
file = elf[f];
console.log('\t' + file);
data += '\n\n/*\n * File: ' + file.replace(src, '') + '\n */\n\n';
data += fs.readFileSync(file);
data = data.replace(strict, '');
data = "(function(root, factory) {\n" +
" if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n" +
" // AMD\n" +
" define(['jquery','jquery-ui'], factory);\n" +
" } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n" +
" // CommonJS\n" +
" var $, ui;\n" +
" try {\n" +
" $ = require('jquery');\n" +
" ui = require('jquery-ui');\n" +
" } catch (e) {}\n" +
" module.exports = factory($, ui);\n" +
" } else {\n" +
" // Browser globals (Note: root is window)\n" +
" factory(root.jQuery, root.jQuery.ui, true);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}(this, function($, _ui, toGlobal) {\n" +
"toGlobal = toGlobal || false;\n" + data + '\nreturn elFinder;\n}));'; // add UMD closure
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, buildComment() + data);
desc('uglify elfinder.min.js');
file({'js/elfinder.min.js': ['js/elfinder.full.js']}, function () {
console.log('uglify elfinder.min.js');
var result;
if (typeof ugjs.minify == 'undefined') {
var ugp = ugjs.parser;
var ugu = ugjs.uglify;
var ast = ugp.parse(fs.readFileSync('js/elfinder.full.js').toString()); // parse code and get the initial AST
ast = ugu.ast_mangle(ast); // get a new AST with mangled names
ast = ugu.ast_squeeze(ast); // get an AST with compression optimizations
result = ugu.split_lines(ugu.gen_code(ast), 1024 * 8); // insert new line every 8 kb
} else {
result = ugjs.minify('js/elfinder.full.js').code;
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, buildComment() + result);
desc('uglify elfinder-minimal.min.js');
file({'js/elfinder-minimal.min.js': ['js/elfinder-minimal.full.js']}, function () {
console.log('uglify elfinder-minimal.min.js');
var result;
if (typeof ugjs.minify == 'undefined') {
var ugp = ugjs.parser;
var ugu = ugjs.uglify;
var ast = ugp.parse(fs.readFileSync('js/elfinder-minimal.full.js').toString()); // parse code and get the initial AST
ast = ugu.ast_mangle(ast); // get a new AST with mangled names
ast = ugu.ast_squeeze(ast); // get an AST with compression optimizations
result = ugu.split_lines(ugu.gen_code(ast), 1024 * 8); // insert new line every 8 kb
} else {
result = ugjs.minify('js/elfinder-minimal.full.js').code;
fs.writeFileSync(this.name, buildComment() + result);
// IMG + SOUNDS + I18N + PHP
desc('copy misc files');
task('misc', function(){
console.log('copy misc files');
var cf = files['images']
.concat(path.join(src, 'css', 'theme.css'))
.concat(path.join(src, 'files', '.gitignore'))
.concat(path.join(src, 'files', '.trash', '.gitignore'));
for (i in cf)
var dst = cf[i].replace(src, '').substr(1);
copyFile(cf[i], dst);
// elfinder.html
// var hs = path.join(src, 'build', 'elfinder.html');
// var hd = path.join('elfinder.html');
// copyFile(hs, hd);
// connector
//var cs = path.join(src, 'php', 'connector.minimal.php-dist');
//var cd = path.join('php', 'connector.php-dist');
//copyFile(cs, cd);
// IMG + SOUNDS + I18N + PHP
desc('copy misc files');
task('misc-minimal', function(){
console.log('copy misc files');
var cf = files['images']
.concat(path.join(src, 'css', 'theme.css'))
.concat(path.join(src, 'files', '.gitignore'))
.concat(path.join(src, 'files', '.trash', '.gitignore'));
for (i in cf)
var dst = cf[i].replace(src, '').substr(1);
copyFile(cf[i], dst);
desc('uglify js/extras');
task('js/extras', function(){
var files = grep(path.join(src, 'js', 'extras'), '\\.js$');
var base, name, result;
for (var i in files) {
name = files[i].replace(/^.+\/([^\/]+)$/, '$1');
if (! name.match(/\.min\./)) {
base = name.replace(/\.js$/, '');
name = 'js/extras/' + name;
console.log('uglify ' + name);
if (typeof ugjs.minify == 'undefined') {
var ugp = ugjs.parser;
var ugu = ugjs.uglify;
var ast = ugp.parse(fs.readFileSync(files[i]).toString()); // parse code and get the initial AST
ast = ugu.ast_mangle(ast); // get a new AST with mangled names
ast = ugu.ast_squeeze(ast); // get an AST with compression optimizations
result = ugu.split_lines(ugu.gen_code(ast), 1024 * 8); // insert new line every 8 kb
} else {
result = ugjs.minify(files[i]).code;
fs.writeFileSync('js/extras/' + base + '.min.js', result);
// other
desc('clean build dir');
task('clean', function(){
console.log('cleaning the floor');
uf = [path.join('js', 'elfinder.full.js'), path.join('js', 'elfinder.min.js'),
path.join('css', 'elfinder.full.css'), path.join('css', 'elfinder.min.css')];
// clean images, sounds, js/i18n and php only if we are not in src
if (src != path.resolve()) {
uf = uf
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep('files').map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep('js').map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep(path.join('js', 'i18n')).map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep('php').map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep(path.join('php', 'editors')).map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
uf = [].concat.apply(uf, grep(path.join('php', 'plugins')).map(function(d) { return grep(d); }));
for (var f in uf) {
var file = uf[f];
if (fs.existsSync(file) && fs.statSync(file).isFile()) {
console.log('\tunlink ' + file);
// if (path.join(src, 'build') != path.resolve()) {
// fs.unlinkSync('elfinder.html');
// }
if (src != path.resolve()) {
var ud = [
'css', 'img', 'sounds', path.join('files', '.trash'), 'files',
path.join('js', 'proxy'), path.join('js', 'i18n', 'help'), path.join('js', 'i18n'), path.join('js', 'extras'), path.join('js', 'worker'), 'js',
path.join('php', '.tmp'), path.join('php', 'libs'), path.join('php', 'resources')]
.concat(grep(path.join('php', 'editors')))
.concat(grep(path.join('php', 'plugins')))
.concat([path.join('php', 'editors'), path.join('php', 'plugins'), 'php']);
for (var d in ud) {
var dir = ud[d];
if (fs.existsSync(dir) && fs.statSync(dir).isDirectory()) {
console.log('\trmdir ' + dir);
desc('get current build version from git');
task('version', function(){
version = getVersion();
console.log('Version: ' + version);
}, {async: true});
desc('create package task');
task('prepack', function(){
new jake.PackageTask('elfinder', version, function(){
var fls = (files['php'].concat(files['images']).concat(files['sounds']).concat(files['i18n']).concat(files['misc'])).map(function(i){
return i.substr(src.length + 1);
fls.push(path.join('css', 'elfinder.min.css'));
fls.push(path.join('css', 'theme.css'));
fls.push(path.join('js', 'elfinder.min.js'));
console.log('Including next files into release:');
this.packageFiles.items = fls;
this.needTarGz = true;
this.needZip = true;
desc('pack release');
task({'release': ['version']}, function(){
var prePack = jake.Task['prepack'];
prePack.addListener('complete', function() {
var pack = jake.Task['package'];
pack.addListener('complete', function() {
console.log('Created package for elFinder ' + version);
}, {async: true});