
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/languages/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/languages/admin-lt_LT.po

# Translation of Administration in Lithuanian
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Administration package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-08 20:07:24+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/1.0-alpha-1100\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Administration\n"

#: wp-admin/about.php:42 wp-admin/credits.php:23 wp-admin/freedoms.php:22
msgid "Thank you for updating! WordPress %s makes your site more connected and responsive."
msgstr "Ačiū, kad atsinaujinote! WordPress %s paverčia Jūsų tinklalapį labiau sujungtu ir  prisitaikančiu."

#. translators: 1: WP_Term class name, WP_Comment class name, WP_Network class
#. name
#: wp-admin/about.php:189
msgid "New %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s objects make interacting with terms, comments, and networks more predictable and intuitive in code."
msgstr "Nauji %1$s, %2$s ir %3$s objektai leidžia prognozuojamiau ir intuityviau sąveikauti kode su terminais, komentarais ir tinklais."

#: wp-admin/about.php:186
msgid "Term, comment, and network objects"
msgstr "Termino, komentaro ir tinklo objektai"

#. translators: WP_Comment_Query class name
#: wp-admin/about.php:182
msgid "Comment queries now have cache handling to improve performance. New arguments in %s make crafting robust comment queries simpler."
msgstr "Komentaro užklausos dabar turi podėlio valdymą veikimo pagerinimui. Nauji argumentai esantys %s padeda lengviau sukurti tvirtas komentaro užklausas."

#: wp-admin/about.php:179
msgid "Comment query improvements"
msgstr "Komentaro užklausos patobulinimai"

#: wp-admin/about.php:168
msgid "Term meta"
msgstr "Termino meta"

#. translators: 1: add_term_meta() docs link, 2: get_term_meta() docs link, 3:
#. update_term_meta() docs link
#: wp-admin/about.php:171
msgid "Terms now support metadata, just like posts. See %1$s, %2$s, and %3$s for more information."
msgstr "Terminai dabar palaiko metadata, taip kaip įrašai. Pasižiūrėkite %1$s, %2$s ir %3$s norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos."

#. translators: WordPress REST API plugin link
#: wp-admin/about.php:160
msgid "Infrastructure is the first part of a multi-stage rollout for the REST API. Inclusion of core endpoints is targeted for an upcoming release. To get a sneak peek of the core endpoints, and for more information on extending the REST API, check out the official %s plugin."
msgstr "Infrastruktūra yra pirmoji dalis iš kelių pakopų susidedančio REST API paleidimo. Core endpoints įtraukimas numatomas ateinančiame išleidime. Norėdami užmesti akį į core endpoints ir gauti daugiau informacijos apie REST API išplėtimą, patikrinkite oficialų %s įskiepį."

#: wp-admin/about.php:143
msgid "Infrastructure for the REST API has been integrated into core, marking a new era in developing with WordPress. The REST API serves to provide developers with a path forward for building and extending RESTful APIs on top of WordPress."
msgstr "REST API skirta infrastruktūra buvo integruota į branduolį, pažymint naujos eros pradžią programuojant su WordPress. REST API pagelbės programuotojams kurti ir plėsti RESTful APIs ant WordPress."

#: wp-admin/about.php:141
msgid "REST API infrastructure"
msgstr "REST API infrastruktūra"

#: wp-admin/about.php:130
msgid "In addition to post embeds, WordPress 4.4 also adds support for five new oEmbed providers: Cloudup, Reddit&nbsp;Comments, ReverbNation, Speaker&nbsp;Deck, and VideoPress."
msgstr "Kartu su įrašų įterpiniais, WordPress 4.4 taip pat prideda palaikymą penkiems naujiems oEmbed tiekėjams: Cloudup, Reddit&nbsp;Comments, ReverbNation, Speaker&nbsp;Deck, and VideoPress."

#: wp-admin/about.php:129
msgid "Even more embed providers"
msgstr "Dar daugiau įterpinių tiekėjų"

#: wp-admin/about.php:116
msgid "Now you can embed your posts on other sites, even other WordPress sites. Simply drop a post URL into the editor and see an instant embed preview, complete with the title, excerpt, and featured image if you&#8217;ve set one. We&#8217;ll even include your site icon and links for comments and sharing."
msgstr "Dabar Jūs galite įterpti savo įrašus į kitus tinklalapius, netgi į kitus WordPress tinklalapius. Tiesiog įkopijuokite įrašo URL į redaktorių ir iškart išvysite įterpinio peržiūrą, užbaikite įvesdami antraštę, ištrauką ir specialųjį paveiksliuką, jei tokį nustatėte. Mes netgi pridėsime jūsų tinklalapio ikoną ir nuorodą komentarams ir dalinimuisi. "

#: wp-admin/about.php:115
msgid "Embed your WordPress content"
msgstr "Įterpkite savo WordPress turinį"

#: wp-admin/about.php:102
msgid "WordPress now takes a smarter approach to displaying appropriate image sizes on any device, ensuring a perfect fit every time. You don&#8217;t need to do anything to your theme, it just works."
msgstr "WordPress dabar gudriau atvaizduoja atitinkamus paveiklėlių dydžius bet kuriame įrenginyje, užtikrindamas tobulą pritaikymą kiekvieną kartą.  Jums nieko nereikia daryti su savo tema, tai tiesiog veikia."

#: wp-admin/about.php:101
msgid "Responsive images"
msgstr "Prisitaikantys paveiksliukai"

#: wp-admin/about.php:79
msgid "Twenty Sixteen was built to look great on any device. A fluid grid design, flexible header, fun color schemes, and more, will make your content shine."
msgstr "Dvidešimt Šešiolika buvo sukurta, kad gerai atrodytų su bet kuriuo įrenginiu. Fluid grid dizainas, lanksti antraštė, smagios spalvų schemos ir daugiau pavers Jūsų turinį spindinčiu. "

#: wp-admin/about.php:78
msgid "Our newest default theme, Twenty Sixteen, is a modern take on a classic blog design."
msgstr "Mūsų naujausia numatytoji tema, Dvidešimt Šešiolika, yra modernus klasikinio tinklaraščio dizaino pateikimas."

#: wp-admin/about.php:71
msgid "Twenty Sixteen"
msgstr "Dvidešimt Šešiolika"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:439
msgid "Send User Notification"
msgstr "Siųsti pranešimą vartotojui"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:440
msgid "Send the new user an email about their account."
msgstr "Siųsti vartotojui žinutę el. paštu apie jų paskyrą."

#. translators: %s: menu name
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:806
msgctxt "menu location"
msgid "(Currently set to: %s)"
msgstr "(Dabar nustatyta: %s)"

#. translators: %s: WordPress version number
#: wp-admin/about.php:226
msgid "<strong>Version %s</strong> addressed one security issue."
msgstr "<strong>Versija %s</strong> ištaisė vieną saugumo spragą."

#. translators: %s: site link
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1006 wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:160
msgid "Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!"
msgstr "Sveiki atvykę į %s. Tai - jūsų pirmasis įrašas. Pataisykite arba ištrinkite ji, o tuomet pradėkite rašyti tinklaraštį!"

#. translators: %s: Gravatar URL
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:448
msgid "You can change your profile picture on <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar</a>."
msgstr "Profilio nuotrauką galite pasikeisti per <a href=\"%s\">Gravatar</a>."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:449
msgid "https://en.gravatar.com/"
msgstr "https://lt.gravatar.com/"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:442
msgid "Profile Picture"
msgstr "Profilio paveikslėlis"

#: wp-admin/about.php:217
msgid "Maintenance Releases"
msgstr "Pataisymų laidos"

#: wp-admin/about.php:220
msgid "Security Releases"
msgstr "Saugumo laidos"

#: wp-admin/about.php:223
msgid "Maintenance and Security Releases"
msgstr "Pataisymų ir saugumo laidos"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:190
msgid "Plain"
msgstr "paprastas"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:170
msgid "WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. Custom URL structures can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. A <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks\">number of tags are available</a>, and here are some examples to get you started."
msgstr "WordPress leidžia Jums kurti nestandartines nuorodų struktūras. Jos gali pagerinti nuorodų estetiką, naudojamumą ir suderinamumą. Kurdami savo struktūrą galite naudoti <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks\">daug skirtingų žymų</a>, o čia rasite kelis pavyzdžius kurie padės jums pradėti darbą."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:29
msgid "Permalinks can contain useful information, such as the post date, title, or other elements. You can choose from any of the suggested permalink formats, or you can craft your own if you select Custom Structure."
msgstr "Nuorodose galima pateikti naudingą informaciją, pavyzdžiui įrašo datą, pavadinimą ir kitus elementus. Galite rinktis iš siūlomų nuorodų formatų arba susikurti savo specifinį formatą."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:187
msgid "Image preview"
msgstr "Paveikslėlio peržiūra"

#. translators: %s: Codex URL
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:168
msgid "Need more help? <a href=\"%s\">We got it</a>."
msgstr "Reikia daugiau pagalbos? <a href=\"%s\">Prašom</a>."

#. translators: %s: localhost
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:208
msgid "You should be able to get this info from your web host, if %s doesn&#8217;t work."
msgstr "Jūsų talpinimo tiekėjas turėtų jums pateikti šią informaciją, jeigu %s neveikia."

#. translators: %s: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:342
msgid "Sorry, but I can&#8217;t write the %s file."
msgstr "Atsiprašome, nepavyksta įrašyti į %s failą."

#. translators: %s: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:346
msgid "You can create the %s manually and paste the following text into it."
msgstr "Galite sukurti %s failą rankiniu būdu ir jame įterpti žemiau esantį kodą."

#. translators: 1: wp-config-sample.php, 2: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:161
msgid "If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn&#8217;t work, don&#8217;t worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open %1$s in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as %2$s."
msgstr "Jei dėl kokių nors priežasčių automatinis failo sukūrimas neveikia, nesijaudinkite. Šis procesas tiesiog užpildo konfiguracijos failą informaciją apie jūsų duomenų bazę. Galite tiesiog atsidaryti %1$s failą teksto redaktoriumi, užpildyti reikiama informacija ir išsaugoti jį kaip %2$s."

#. translators: %s: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:155
msgid "We&#8217;re going to use this information to create a %s file."
msgstr "Mes naudosime šią informaciją, kad sukurtume %s failą."

#. translators: %s: wp-content/uploads
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:110
msgid "Default is %s"
msgstr "Numatytas katalogas yra %s"

#. translators: 1: localhost 2: localhost.localdomain
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:254
msgid "Because you are using %1$s, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-directories. Consider using %2$s if you wish to use sub-domains."
msgstr "Jūs naudojate %1$s, todėl tinklalapiai Jūsų WordPress tinkle turi naudoti sub-direktorijas. Pagalvokite apie %2$s naudojimą, jei norite naudoti sub-domenus."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:192
msgid "Please choose whether you would like sites in your WordPress network to use sub-domains or sub-directories."
msgstr "Prašome pasirinkti, ar norite savo WordPress tinklo tinklalapiams naudoti sub-domenus ar sub-direktorijas."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:193
msgid "You cannot change this later."
msgstr "Vėliau to pakeisti negalėsite."

#. translators: 1: mod_rewrite, 2: mod_rewrite documentation URL, 3: Google
#. search for mod_rewrite
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:181
msgid "If %1$s is disabled, ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the <a href=\"%2$s\">Apache documentation</a> or <a href=\"%3$s\">elsewhere</a> for help setting it up."
msgstr "Jei %1$s yra išjungtas, paprašykite serverio administratoriaus įjungti šį modulį, skaitykite <a href=\"%2$s\">Apache dokumentaciją</a> arba <a href=\"%3$s\">kitur</a> apie šiuos nustatymus."

#. translators: %s: mod_rewrite
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:165
msgid "Please make sure the Apache %s module is installed as it will be used at the end of this installation."
msgstr "Užtikrinkite, kad Apache %s modulis yra įdiegtas, nes jis bus reikalingas šio diegimo pabaigoje."

#. translators: %s: mod_rewrite
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:172
msgid "It looks like the Apache %s module is not installed."
msgstr "Atrodo, kad Apache %s modulis nėra įdeigtas."

#. translators: %s: style.css
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1657
msgid "The theme is missing the %s stylesheet."
msgstr "Išvaizdos temai trūksta %s stilių failo."

#. translators: %s: style.css
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1668
msgid "The %s stylesheet doesn&#8217;t contain a valid theme header."
msgstr "%s stilių faile nėra tinkamos išvaizdos temos antraštės."

#. translators: %s: index.php
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1678
msgid "The theme is missing the %s file."
msgstr "Išvaizdos temai trūksta %s failo."

#. translators: 1: .po 2: .mo
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2110
msgid "The language pack is missing either the %1$s or %2$s files."
msgstr "Kalbos pakete trūksta %1$s arba %2$s failų."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:154
msgid "If you have marked themes as favorites on WordPress.org, you can browse them here."
msgstr "Jeigu esatę pažymėję temas kaip mėgstamas WordPress.org, čia galite jas peržiūrėti."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:32
msgid "Allow automatic database repair"
msgstr "Leisti automatiškai taisyti duomenų bazę"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:68
msgid "Database repair results"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės taisymo rezultatai"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:142
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Mėgstamos"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:60
msgid "Check secret keys"
msgstr "Patikrinkite slaptuosius raktus"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:151
msgid "WordPress database repair"
msgstr "WordPress duomenų bazės taisymas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:144
msgid "Before getting started"
msgstr "Prieš pradedant"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:184
msgid "Setup your database connection"
msgstr "Nustatykite prisijungimą prie duomenų bazės"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:383
msgid "Successful database connection"
msgstr "Prisijungimas prie duomenų bazės sėkmingas"

#. translators: %s: walker class name
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:907
msgid "The Walker class named %s does not exist."
msgstr "Walker klasė pavadinimu %s neegzistuoja."

#. translators: %s: nav menu title
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:1054
msgid "%s has been updated."
msgstr "%s buvo atnaujintas,"

#. translators: 1: drop-in constant name, 2: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:533
msgid "Requires %1$s in %2$s file."
msgstr "Reikalauja %1$s faile %2$s."

#. translators: %s: file name
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1489
msgid "You are about to delete %s."
msgstr "Jūs rengiatės ištrinti %s."

#. translators: %s: date and time
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:195
msgid "Daylight saving time begins on: %s."
msgstr "Vasaros laikas prasideda: %s."

#. translators: %s: date and time
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:197
msgid "Standard time begins on: %s."
msgstr "Standartinis laikas prasideda: %s."

#. translators: %s: mu-plugins directory name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:452
msgid "Files in the %s directory are executed automatically."
msgstr "Failai %s direktorijoje vykdomi automatiškai."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:21 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:27 wp-admin/options.php:50
msgid "You are not allowed to manage these items."
msgstr "Neturite teisės tai tvarkyti."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:436
msgid "This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be able to restore any customizations."
msgstr "Šis veiksmas išvalys visus valdiklius iš neaktyvių valdiklių sąrašo. Nebegalėsite atgaminti jų nustatymų."

#: wp-admin/users.php:74
msgid "Users list navigation"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašo navigacija"

#: wp-admin/users.php:75
msgid "Users list"
msgstr "Vartotojų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/users.php:134
msgid "One of the selected users is not a member of this site."
msgstr "Vienas iš parinktų vartotojų nėra šio tinklalapio narys."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:426
msgid "Clear Inactive Widgets"
msgstr "Išvalyti neaktyvius valdiklius"

#: wp-admin/users.php:73
msgid "Filter users list"
msgstr "Filtruoti vartotojų sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:16 wp-admin/user-new.php:56
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to add users to this network."
msgstr "Neturite teisės pridėti vartotojus šiame tinkle."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:208
msgid "Filter media items list"
msgstr "Filtruoti media failų sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:210
msgid "Media items list"
msgstr "Medijos failų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:209
msgid "Media items list navigation"
msgstr "Medijos failų sąrašo navigacija"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:23 wp-admin/user-new.php:110
msgid "You are not allowed to create users."
msgstr "Neturite teisės kurti vartotojus."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:191
msgid "Themes list"
msgstr "Išvaizdos temų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:344
msgid "Install Parent Theme"
msgstr "Įdiegti pagrindinę išvaizdos temą"

#. translators: %s: file extension
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:226
msgid "%s files"
msgstr "%s failai"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:131
msgid "Filter themes list"
msgstr "Filtruoti išvaizdos temų sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:489
msgid "The selected plugin has been <strong>deleted</strong>."
msgstr "Pasirinktas įskiepis buvo <strong>ištrintas</strong>."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:506
msgid "All selected plugins are up to date."
msgstr "Visi pasirinkti įskiepiai yra naujausios versijos."

#. translators: %s: plugin file name
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:194
msgid "Editing %s (active)"
msgstr "Redaguojamas %s (aktyvus)"

#. translators: %s: plugin file name
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:197
msgid "Browsing %s (active)"
msgstr "Peržiūrimas %s (aktyvus)"

#. translators: %s: plugin file name
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:202
msgid "Editing %s (inactive)"
msgstr "Redaguojamas %s (neaktyvus)"

#. translators: %s: plugin file name
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:205
msgid "Browsing %s (inactive)"
msgstr "Peržiūrimas %s (neaktyvus)"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:92 wp-admin/plugins.php:430
msgid "Filter plugins list"
msgstr "Filtruotio įskiepių sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:93 wp-admin/plugins.php:431
msgid "Plugins list navigation"
msgstr "Įskiepių sąrašo navigacija"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:94 wp-admin/plugins.php:432
msgid "Plugins list"
msgstr "Įskiepių sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:263
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx\">Documentation on Nginx configuration</a>."
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx\">nginx nustatymų dokumentacija</a>."

#. translators: %s: local time
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:157
msgid "Local time is %s"
msgstr "Vietinis laikas yra %s"

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:65
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Pridėti naują"

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:65
msgid "Links list"
msgstr "Nuorodų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:206
msgid "Get Version %s"
msgstr "Gauti versiją %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1031
msgid "Toggle panel: %s"
msgstr "Perjungti skydelį: %s"

#. translators: 1: Site Wide Only: true, 2: Network: true
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:89
msgid "The %1$s plugin header is deprecated. Use %2$s instead."
msgstr "Įskiepio %1$s antraštė yra pasenusi. Naudokite %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:575
msgid "Once you complete these steps, your network is enabled and configured. You will have to log in again."
msgstr "Kai užbaigsite šiuos žingsnius, jūsų tinklas bus įjungtas ir sukonfiguruotas. Jums reikės prisijungti iš naujo."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1345
msgid "Edit permalink"
msgstr "Redaguoti nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1614
msgid "Saving revision&hellip;"
msgstr "Saugoma revizija&hellip;"

#. translators: 1: a filename like .htaccess. 2: a file path.
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:520 wp-admin/includes/network.php:560
msgid "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s, <strong>replacing</strong> other WordPress rules:"
msgstr "Pridėkite tai į savo %1$s failą %2$s direktorijoje, <strong>pakeisdami</strong> kitas WordPress taisykles:"

#. translators: 1: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:451
msgid "These unique authentication keys are also missing from your %s file."
msgstr "Šių unikalių autentikacijos raktų taip pat trūksta jūsų %s faile."

#. translators: 1: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:445
msgid "This unique authentication key is also missing from your %s file."
msgstr "Šio unikalaus autentikacijos rakto taip pat trūksta jūsų %s faile."

#. translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: location of wp-config file
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:406
msgid "Add the following to your %1$s file in %2$s <strong>above</strong> the line reading <code>/* That&#8217;s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */</code>:"
msgstr "Pridėkite tai į savo %1$s failą %2$s direktorijoje <strong>virš</strong> eilutės <code>/* That&#8217;s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */</code>:"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:456
msgid "To make your installation more secure, you should also add:"
msgstr "Norėdami įdiegimą padaryti labiau apsaugotą taip pat turėtumėte pridėti:"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:376
msgid "Complete the following steps to enable the features for creating a network of sites."
msgstr "Atlikite šiuos veiksmus, kad įjungtumėte funkcijas skirtas tinklo sukūrimui."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:364
msgid "Please complete the configuration steps. To create a new network, you will need to empty or remove the network database tables."
msgstr "Prašome pabaigti konfiguravimo žingsnius. Norėdami sukurti naują tinklą, turėsite išvalyti arba ištrinti tinklo duomenų bazės lenteles."

#. translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: .htaccess
#. translators: 1: wp-config.php 2: web.config
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:381 wp-admin/includes/network.php:388
msgid "<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files."
msgstr "<strong>Perspėjimas:</strong> Rekomenduojame sukurti atsargines %1$s ir %2$s failų kopijas."

#. translators: 1: wp-config.php
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:395
msgid "<strong>Caution:</strong> We recommend you back up your existing %s file."
msgstr "<strong>Perspėjias:</strong> Rekomenduojame sukurti atsarginę %s failo kopiją."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:375
msgid "Enabling the Network"
msgstr "Suaktyvinamas tinklas"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:294
msgid "Network Title"
msgstr "Tinklo pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:298
msgid "What would you like to call your network?"
msgstr "Kaip norėtumėte pavadinti savo tinklą?"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:303
msgid "Network Admin Email"
msgstr "Tinklo administratoriaus el.paštas"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:307
msgid "Your email address."
msgstr "Jūsų el. pašto adresas."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:363
msgid "An existing WordPress network was detected."
msgstr "Nustatytas jau esamas WordPress tinklas."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:276
msgid "Because your install is not new, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-domains."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapis nėra naujas, todėl WordPress tinklo tinklalapiai turi naudoti sub-domenus."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:358
msgid "The original configuration steps are shown here for reference."
msgstr "Originalūs konfigūravimo žingsniai rodomi čia kaip pavyzdys."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:267
msgid "Because your install is in a directory, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-directories."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapis yra kataloge, todėl WordPress tinklo tinklalapiai turi naudoti sub-katalogus."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:275
msgid "Sub-domain Install"
msgstr "Sub-domenų režimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:260 wp-admin/includes/network.php:270
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:277
msgid "The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links."
msgstr "Pagrindiniam tinklalapiui sub-direktorijoje reikės naudoti modifikuotą nuorodų struktūrą, kas gali sugadinti dabartines nuorodas."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:250 wp-admin/includes/network.php:265
msgid "Sub-directory Install"
msgstr "Sub-direktorijos"

#. translators: 1: site url 2: host name 3. www
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:227
msgid "We recommend you change your siteurl to %1$s before enabling the network feature. It will still be possible to visit your site using the %3$s prefix with an address like %2$s but any links will not have the %3$s prefix."
msgstr "Rekomenduojame pakeisti siteurl į %1$s prieš įjungiant tinklo funkciją. Vis dar galėsite pasiekti savo tinklalapį naudojant %3$s prefiksą su adresu ,tokiu kaip %2$s, bet visos nuorodos neturės %3$s prefikso."

#. translators: %s: host name
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:238 wp-admin/includes/network.php:287
msgid "The internet address of your network will be %s."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklo interneto adresas bus %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:246
msgid "Network Details"
msgstr "Tinklo detalės"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:224 wp-admin/includes/network.php:234
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:283
msgid "Server Address"
msgstr "Serverio adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:219 wp-admin/includes/network.php:526
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:566
msgid "Subdirectory networks may not be fully compatible with custom wp-content directories."
msgstr "Sub-direktorijų tinklai gali būti nepilnai suderinami su nestandartine wp-content direktorijos vieta."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:206
msgid "Sub-directories"
msgstr "Sub-direktorijos"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:194
msgid "You will need a wildcard DNS record if you are going to use the virtual host (sub-domain) functionality."
msgstr "Jums reikės „wildcard“ DNS įrašo, jei norite naudoti sub-domenų pasirinkimą."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:198
msgid "Sub-domains"
msgstr "Sub-domenai"

#. translators: 1: hostname
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:209
msgctxt "subdirectory examples"
msgid "like <code>%1$s/site1</code> and <code>%1$s/site2</code>"
msgstr "kaip <code>%1$s/site1</code> ir <code>%1$s/site2</code>"

#. translators: 1: hostname
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:201
msgctxt "subdomain examples"
msgid "like <code>site1.%1$s</code> and <code>site2.%1$s</code>"
msgstr "kaip <code>site1.%1$s</code> ir <code>site2.%1$s</code>"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:191
msgid "Addresses of Sites in your Network"
msgstr "Tinklalapių adresai jūsų tinkle"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:170 wp-admin/includes/network.php:219
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:260 wp-admin/includes/network.php:270
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Įspėjimas!"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:151
msgid "Fill in the information below and you&#8217;ll be on your way to creating a network of WordPress sites. We will create configuration files in the next step."
msgstr "Užpildykite informaciją žemiau ir galėsite kurti WordPress tinklalapių tinklą. Kitame žingsnyje mes sukursime konfigūracijos failus."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:147
msgctxt "Default network name"
msgid "%s Sites"
msgstr "%s tinklalapiai"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:140
msgid "ERROR: The network could not be created."
msgstr "KLAIDA: tinklas negali būti sukurtas."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:128
msgid "Return to Dashboard"
msgstr "Grįžti į skydelį"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:150
msgid "Welcome to the Network installation process!"
msgstr "Sveiki atvykę į tinklo diegimo procesą!"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:113 wp-admin/includes/network.php:363
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:526 wp-admin/includes/network.php:566
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Įspėjimas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:113
msgid "Please <a href=\"%s\">deactivate your plugins</a> before enabling the Network feature."
msgstr "Prieš įjungdami tinklą <a href=\"%s\">Išjunkite savo įskiepius</a>."

#. translators: %s: port number
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:125
msgid "You cannot use port numbers such as %s."
msgstr "Negalite naudoti tokių prievadų numerių kaip %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:105
msgid "The constant DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES cannot be defined when creating a network."
msgstr "Konstanta DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES negali būti apibrėžta kuriant tinklą."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:113
msgid "Once the network is created, you may reactivate your plugins."
msgstr "Kai tik tinklas bus sukurtas galėsite iš naujo aktyvuoti savo įskiepius."

#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:122
msgid "You cannot install a network of sites with your server address."
msgstr "Su savo serverio adresu negalite įdiegti tinklalapių tinklo."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1053
msgid "Site: %s"
msgstr "Tinklalapis: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1038
msgid "Select a user"
msgstr "Pasirinkti vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1066
msgid "User has no sites or content and will be deleted."
msgstr "Vartotojas neturi tinklalapių ar turinio ir bus ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1080
msgid "Once you hit &#8220;Confirm Deletion&#8221;, the user will be permanently removed."
msgstr "Kai tik paspausite &#8220;Patvirtinti ištrynimą&#8221;, vartotojas visam laikui bus ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1082
msgid "Once you hit &#8220;Confirm Deletion&#8221;, these users will be permanently removed."
msgstr "Kai tik paspausite &#8220;Patvirtinti ištrynimą&#8221;, šie vartotojai visam laikui bus ištrinti."

#. translators: user login
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1030
msgid "What should be done with content owned by %s?"
msgstr "Kas turėtų būti atlikta su turiniu priklausančiu %s?"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:854
msgid "Invalid image URL"
msgstr "Neteisingas paveikslėlio URL"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:24
msgid "Theme Header"
msgstr "Temos antraštė"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1013
msgid "Warning! User %s cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Įspėjimas! Vartotojas %s negali būti ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1017
msgid "Warning! User cannot be deleted. The user %s is a network administrator."
msgstr "Įspėjimas! Vartotojas negali būti ištrintas. Vartotojas %s yra tinklo administratorius."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:23
msgid "Theme Footer"
msgstr "Temos poraštė"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:996
msgid "You have chosen to delete the user from all networks and sites."
msgstr "Jūs pasirinkote ištrinti vartotoją iš visų tinklų ir tinklalapių."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:998
msgid "You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites."
msgstr "Jūs pasirinkote ištrinti šiuos vartotojus iš visų tinklų ir tinklalapių."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:703
msgid "Items list navigation"
msgstr "Sąrašo navigacija"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:613
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Žiūrėti"

#. translators: 1: comment author, 2: notification if the comment is pending
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:664
msgid "From %1$s %2$s"
msgstr "Nuo %1$s %2$s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:218
msgid "No role"
msgstr "Nėra rolės"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:546
msgctxt "no user roles"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nėra"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1179
msgid "Pagination"
msgstr "Puslapiavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:543
msgid "View all drafts"
msgstr "Žiūrėti visus juodraščius"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:921
msgid "Additional settings"
msgstr "Papildomi nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1119
msgid "%s column"
msgid_plural "%s columns"
msgstr[0] "%s stulpelis"
msgstr[1] "%s stulpeliai"
msgstr[2] "%s stulpelių"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1225
msgid "View Mode"
msgstr "Žiūrėjimo rėžimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:704
msgid "Items list"
msgstr "Punktų sąrašas"

#. translators: 1: Title of an update, 2: Error message
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:285
msgid "An error occurred while updating %1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "Įvyko klaida atnaujinant %1$s: %2$s"

#. translators: date and time format for recent posts on the dashboard, from a
#. different calendar year, see http:php.net/date
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:795
msgid "M jS Y"
msgstr "Y M jS"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1030
msgid "Boxes"
msgstr "Dėžutės"

#. translators: %s: hostname:port
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:152
msgid "Failed to initialize a SFTP subsystem session with the SSH2 Server %s"
msgstr "Nepavyko pradėti SFTP subsistemos sesijos su SSH2 serveriu %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1498
msgid "Saving&hellip;"
msgstr "Saugoma&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:702
msgid "Filter items list"
msgstr "Filtruoti sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:406
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Submitted On"
msgstr "Paskelbta"

#. translators: %s: spam comments count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:229
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Spam <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Šlamšto <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Šlamšto <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Šlamšto <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#. translators: %s: approved comments count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:222
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Approved <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Approved <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Patvirtintų <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Patvirtintų <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Patvirtintų <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/export.php:192 wp-admin/export.php:229 wp-admin/export.php:261
msgid "End date:"
msgstr "Pabaigos data:"

#. translators: %s: all comments count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:208
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#. translators: %s: the new user
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1344
msgid "User %s added"
msgstr "Pridėtas vartotojas %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:568
msgid "Network Active"
msgstr "Tinklas aktyvus"

#. translators: %s: pending comments count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:215
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Pending <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Laukia <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Laukia <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Laukia <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#. translators: %s: trashed comments count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:236
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Trash <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Šiukšlinėje <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Šiukšlinėje <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Šiukšlinėje <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:686
msgid "No pending comments"
msgstr "Nėra laukiančių komentarų"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:572
msgid "Network Only"
msgstr "Tik tinklas"

#. translators: %s: default category
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:349
msgid "Deleting a category does not delete the posts in that category. Instead, posts that were only assigned to the deleted category are set to the category %s."
msgstr "Ištrinant kategorija, jai priskirti įrašai nėra ištrinami. Jei įrašas buvo priskirtas tik ištrinamai kategorijai, jis automatiškai perkeliamas į kategoriją %s."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:198
msgid "You can view posts in a simple title list or with an excerpt using the Screen Options tab."
msgstr "Galite peržiūrėti įrašų antraščių sąrašą arba sąrašą su santraukomis, keisdami nustatymus „Ekrano nustatymuose“."

#: wp-admin/export.php:164
msgid "Content to export"
msgstr "Eksportuojamas turinys"

#. translators: %s: comment date
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:98
msgid "Submitted on: %s"
msgstr "Paskelbta: %s"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:31
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Permalink:"
msgstr "Nuoroda:"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:432
msgid "<strong>Publish</strong> &mdash; You can set the terms of publishing your post in the Publish box. For Status, Visibility, and Publish (immediately), click on the Edit link to reveal more options. Visibility includes options for password-protecting a post or making it stay at the top of your blog indefinitely (sticky). Publish (immediately) allows you to set a future or past date and time, so you can schedule a post to be published in the future or backdate a post. The Password protected option allows you to set an arbitrary password for each post. The Private option hides the post from everyone except editors and administrators."
msgstr "<strong>Skelbti</strong> &mdash; čia galite nustatyti įvairius savo įrašo skelbimo nustatymus. Statusą, matomumą ir datą galima redaguoti paspaudus „Taisyti“ nuorodą greta. Matomumo skiltyje galima nustatyti slaptažodžiu apsaugotus įrašus, ir priversti įrašą nuolat būtų sąrašo viršuje (sticky). Keičiant įrašo datą, galima suplanuoti įrašo paskelbimą ateityje, arba paskelbti jį atbuline data. Slaptažodžių apsaugoti įrašai reikalauja specialaus slaptažodžio, kad parodytų savo turinį. Privataus įrašo pasirinkimas leidžia paslėpti įrašą nuo visų, išskyrus redaktorius ir administratorius."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:160
msgid "Page scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Puslapis suplanuotas: %s"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:161
msgid "Page draft updated."
msgstr "Puslapio juodraštis atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:157
msgid "Page published."
msgstr "Puslapis paskelbtas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:159
msgid "Page submitted."
msgstr "Puslapis nusiųstas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:145
msgid "Post submitted."
msgstr "Įrašas nusiųstas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:146
msgid "Post scheduled for: %s."
msgstr "Įrašas suplanuotas: %s."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:147
msgid "Post draft updated."
msgstr "Įrašo juodraštis atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:143
msgid "Post published."
msgstr "Įrašas Paskelbtas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:127
msgid "View page"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti puslapį"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:115 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:121
msgid "Preview page"
msgstr "Peržiūros puslapis"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:172
msgid "Filter comments list"
msgstr "Filtruoti komentarų sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:173
msgid "Comments list navigation"
msgstr "Komentarų sąrašo navigacija"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:174
msgid "Comments list"
msgstr "Komentarų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:97 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:103
msgid "Preview post"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti įrašą"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:159
msgid "In the <strong>Submitted On</strong> column, the date and time the comment was left on your site appears. Clicking on the date/time link will take you to that comment on your live site."
msgstr "<strong>Paskelbta</strong> stulpelyje rodoma data ir laikas, kada komentaras buvo atsiųstas. Paspaudus ant jų, būsite nukreipti į komentarą Jūsų svetainėje."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:157
msgid "In the <strong>Comment</strong> column, hovering over any comment gives you options to approve, reply (and approve), quick edit, edit, spam mark, or trash that comment."
msgstr "<strong>Komentaro</strong> stulpelyje, užvedus pelę ant bet kurio komentaro, bus parodytas meniu, leidžiantis patvirtinti, atsakyti, redaguoti, pažymėti kaip šlamštą, arba ištrinti tą komentarą."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:859
msgid "The current theme does not support a flexible sized header image."
msgstr "Dabartinė išvaizdos tema nepalaiko lankstaus dydžio antraštės paveikslėlių."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:14
msgid "You are not allowed to edit comments."
msgstr "Neturite teisės redaguoti komentarų."

#. translators: 1: comments count 2: post title
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:121
msgid "Comments (%1$s) on &#8220;%2$s&#8221;"
msgstr "Komentarai (%1$s) apie „%2$s“"

#. translators: %s: comment link
#: wp-admin/comment.php:187
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:649
msgid "In reply to %s."
msgstr "Atsakymas į %s."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:124
msgid "Docs Committer"
msgstr "Dokumentacijos skelbėjas"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:693 wp-admin/custom-header.php:851
msgid "The current theme does not support uploading a custom header image."
msgstr "Dabartinė išvaizdos tema nepalaiko antraštės paveikslėlių įkėlimo."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:458
msgid "You&rsquo;re using the auto-generated password for your account. Would you like to change it?"
msgstr "Savo paskyrai Jūs naudojate automatiškai sugeneruotą slaptažodį. Ar norėtumėte jį pakeisti?"

#: wp-admin/users.php:361
msgid "You have specified this user for removal:"
msgstr "Jūs nurodėte, kad šis vartotojas turi būti pašalintas:"

#. translators: 1: User's display name.
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:552
msgid "Log %s out of all locations."
msgstr "Atjungia vartotoją %s visuose įrenginiuose."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:540
msgid "Did you lose your phone or leave your account logged in at a public computer? You can log out everywhere else, and stay logged in here."
msgstr "Pametėte telefoną, ar pamiršote atsijungti viešo naudojimo kompiuteryje? Dabar galite atsijungti visur, išskyrus čia."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:528 wp-admin/user-edit.php:538
msgid "Log Out Everywhere Else"
msgstr "Atsijungti visur"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:498 wp-admin/user-new.php:416
msgid "Cancel password change"
msgstr "Atšaukti slaptažodžio pakeitimą"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:526 wp-admin/user-edit.php:536
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:546
msgid "Sessions"
msgstr "Sesijos"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:483
msgid "Account Management"
msgstr "Paskyros valdymas"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:489
msgid "Generate Password"
msgstr "Generuoti slaptažodį"

#. translators: The non-breaking space prevents 1Password from thinking the
#. text "log in" should trigger a password save prompt.
#: wp-admin/install.php:153
msgid "You will need this password to log&nbsp;in. Please store it in a secure location."
msgstr "Šis slaptažodis bus reikalingas prisijungimui. Prašome jį išsaugoti saugioje vietoje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:673
msgid "No approved comments"
msgstr "Nėra patvirtintų komentarų"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:661
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:673
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:686
msgid "No comments"
msgstr "Komentarų: 0"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:655
msgid "%s approved comment"
msgid_plural "%s approved comments"
msgstr[0] "Patvirtintas komentaras: %s"
msgstr[1] "Patvirtinti komentarai: %s"
msgstr[2] "Patvirtintų komentarų: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:656
msgid "%s pending comment"
msgid_plural "%s pending comments"
msgstr[0] "Komentarai, laukiantys patvirtinimo: %s"
msgstr[1] "Komentarai, laukiantys patvirtinimo: %s"
msgstr[2] "Komentarai, laukiantys patvirtinimo: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:654
msgid "%s comment"
msgid_plural "%s comments"
msgstr[0] "Komentarų: %s"
msgstr[1] "Komentarų: %s"
msgstr[2] "Komentarų: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3198
msgid "Image could not be processed."
msgstr "Nepavyko apdoroti paveikslėlio."

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:591
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Redaguoti %s"

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:579
msgid "Activate %s"
msgstr "Aktyvuoti %s"

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:562
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:583
msgid "Delete %s"
msgstr "Ištrinti %s"

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:576
msgid "Deactivate %s"
msgstr "Išjungti %s"

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:553
msgid "Network deactivate %s"
msgstr "Išjungti tinkle: %s"

#. translators: %s: plugin name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:558
msgid "Network Activate %s"
msgstr "Įjungti tinkle: %s"

#: wp-admin/install.php:171 wp-admin/user-edit.php:517
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:434
msgid "Confirm use of weak password"
msgstr "Patvirtinkite, kad sutinkate naudoti silpną slaptažodį"

#: wp-admin/install.php:167 wp-admin/user-edit.php:513
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:430
msgid "Confirm Password"
msgstr "Slaptažodis dar kartelį"

#. Translators: 1: wp-config.php; 2: Secret key service URL.
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:63
msgid "While you are editing your %1$s file, take a moment to make sure you have all 8 keys and that they are unique. You can generate these using the <a href=\"%2$s\">WordPress.org secret key service</a>."
msgstr "Redaguodami savo %1$s failą, patikrinkite, kad visi 8 raktai būtų unikalūs. Jūs galite juos sugeneruoti iš naujo, naudodami <a href=\"%2$s\">WordPress.org slaptųjų raktų paslaugą</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:617
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:524
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:1324
msgid "Show more details"
msgstr "Daugiau"

#: wp-admin/install.php:250
msgid "The constant DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES cannot be defined when installing WordPress."
msgstr "Instaliuojant WordPress nepavyko surasti konstantos DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES nustatymo."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:667
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:746
msgid "Live Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Peržiūra &#8220;%s&#8221;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:483
msgid "%s post by this author"
msgid_plural "%s posts by this author"
msgstr[0] "Šio autoriaus įrašai: %s"
msgstr[1] "Šio autoriaus įrašai: %s"
msgstr[2] "Šio autoriaus įrašai: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1501
msgid "More actions"
msgstr "Daugiau veiksmų"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:841
msgid "Last page"
msgstr "Paskutinis puslapis"

#. translators: 1: site name, 2: site tagline.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:314
msgid "%1$s &#8211; <em>%2$s</em>"
msgstr "%1$s &#8211; <em>%2$s</em>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:212
msgid "This category already exists."
msgstr "Tokia kategorija jau yra."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:798
msgid "First page"
msgstr "Pirmasis puslapis"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:84
msgid "Comment status"
msgstr "Komentaro statusas"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:104 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:217
msgid "Date and time"
msgstr "Data ir laikas"

#. translators: %s: post link
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:122
msgid "In response to: %s"
msgstr "Atsakymas į: %s"

#. translators: %s: comment link
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:137
msgid "In reply to: %s"
msgstr "Atsakymas į: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:607
msgid "Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you&#8217;ve linked to them. If you link other WordPress sites, they&#8217;ll be notified automatically using <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments\" target=\"_blank\">pingbacks</a>, no other action necessary."
msgstr "Atgalinės nuorodos yra būdas informuoti tinklaraščių sistemas, kad Jūs įdėjote nuorodą į vieną iš jose esančių puslapių. Jei Jūs įdėsite nuorodą į kitą WordPress tinklalapį, jis bus informuotas automatiškai, naudojant <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments\" target=\"_blank\">atgalines nuorodas</a>, Jums nieko papildomai daryti nereikia."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:77
msgid "Enter the address here if you <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory\">want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory.</a>"
msgstr "Įveskite adresą čia, jei norite kad <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory\">Jūsų tinklalapio pradinis puslapis skirtųsi nuo direktorijos, kurioje instaliuotas WordPress.</a>"

#: wp-admin/revision.php:119
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Revision_Management\" target=\"_blank\">Revisions Management</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Revision_Management\" target=\"_blank\">Versijų tvarkymas</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:420
msgid "You can also embed media from many popular websites including Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and others by pasting the media URL on its own line into the content of your post/page. Please refer to the Codex to <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds\">learn more about embeds</a>."
msgstr "Taip pat galima lengvai įkelti failus iš tokių populiarių tinklalapių kaip Twitter, YouTube, Flickr ir kitų. Tam tereikia į Jūsų įrašo ar puslapio turinį įdėti failo nuorodą, kuri būtų viena naujoje eilutėje. Norėdami sužinoti <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds\">daugiau apie įkeliamus failus</a>, skaitykite Dokumentaciją."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1435
msgid "https://codex.wordpress.org/First_Steps_With_WordPress"
msgstr "https://codex.wordpress.org/First_Steps_With_WordPress"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:436
msgid "<strong>Format</strong> &mdash; Post Formats designate how your theme will display a specific post. For example, you could have a <em>standard</em> blog post with a title and paragraphs, or a short <em>aside</em> that omits the title and contains a short text blurb. Please refer to the Codex for <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats#Supported_Formats\">descriptions of each post format</a>. Your theme could enable all or some of 10 possible formats."
msgstr "<strong>Formatas</strong> &mdash; įrašo formatai nulemia kaip Jūsų tema atvaizduos konkretų įrašą. Pavyzdžiui, galite paskelbti <em>standartinį</em> įrašą su pavadinimu ir teksto paragrafais, arba trumpą <em>užrašą</em>, kuris neturi pavadinimo, ir susideda tik iš nedidelio teksto kiekio. Daugiau <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats#Supported_Formats\">apie kiekvieną formatą</a> skaitykite Dokumentacijoje. Jūsų tema gali naudoti visus 10 formatų ar tik kelis iš jų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:239
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:33 wp-admin/update-core.php:345
msgid "https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes"
msgstr "https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:169
msgid "WordPress is not notifying any <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Update_Services\">Update Services</a> because of your site&#8217;s <a href=\"%s\">visibility settings</a>."
msgstr "WordPress nepraneša jokiems <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Update_Services\">Naujienų servisams</a> apie Jūsų naują turinį dėl Jūsų tinklalapio <a href=\"%s\">matomumo nustatymų</a>."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:276
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Tags_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Tags</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Tags_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Žymų dokumentacija</a>"

#. translators: Url to the codex documentation on contributing to WordPress
#. used on the credits page
#: wp-admin/credits.php:41
msgid "https://codex.wordpress.org/Contributing_to_WordPress"
msgstr "https://codex.wordpress.org/Contributing_to_WordPress"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:45
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Writing_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Writing Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Writing_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Rašymo nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:396
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Adding New Pages</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Naujų puslapių kūrimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:245
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Managing Pages</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Puslapių tvarkymo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:564
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Menus_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Menus</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Menus_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Meniu dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/import.php:28
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Import_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Import</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Import_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Importavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:100
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Background_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Custom Background</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Background_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Fono nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:143
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins_Editor_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Editing Plugins</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins_Editor_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Įskiepių redagavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:74
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Widgets_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Widgets</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Widgets_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Valdiklių dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/index.php:88
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Dashboard</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Skydelio dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:274
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Link_Categories_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Link Categories</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Link_Categories_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Nuorodų kategorijų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:224
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Managing Posts</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Įrašų tvarkymo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:272
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Categories_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Categories</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Categories_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Kategorijų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:87
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Installing Plugins</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Įskiepių instaliavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:201
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Adding New Users</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Naujų vartotojų kūrimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:38
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Reading_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Reading Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Reading_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Skaitymo nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:65
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Creating Links</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Nuorodų kūrimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:28
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Discussion_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Discussion Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Discussion_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Komentavimo nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:44
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Permalinks_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Permalinks Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Permalinks_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Nuorodų struktūros nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:54
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Your_Profile_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on User Profiles</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Your_Profile_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Vartotojų profilių dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:56
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Uploading Media Files</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Failų įkėlimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/users.php:67
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Managing Users</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Users_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Vartotojų valdymo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:51 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:165
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Screens#Comments\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Comments</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Screens#Comments\" target=\"_blank\">Komentarų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:381
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Writing and Editing Posts</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Posts_Add_New_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Įrašų rašymo ir redagavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:552
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_Updates_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Updating WordPress</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_Updates_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress atnaujinimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:34
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Media_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Media Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Media_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Failų nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:45
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_General_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on General Settings</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_General_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Pagrindinių nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/export.php:54
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Export</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Eksportavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:60
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Managing Links</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Links_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Nuorodų tvarkymo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:127
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Header_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Custom Header</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Header_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Antraštės nustatymų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:28
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Tools</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Įrankių dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:66 wp-admin/upload.php:203
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Library_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Media Library</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Library_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Failų saugyklos dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:397
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Screen#Editing_Individual_Pages\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Editing Pages</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages_Screen#Editing_Individual_Pages\" target=\"_blank\">Puslapių redagavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:413 wp-admin/media.php:83
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Add_New_Screen#Edit_Media\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Edit Media</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Media_Add_New_Screen#Edit_Media\" target=\"_blank\">Failų redagavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/users.php:68
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities\" target=\"_blank\">Descriptions of Roles and Capabilities</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities\" target=\"_blank\">Vartotojų rolių ir jų galimybių aprašymai</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:45
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Using Permalinks</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks\" target=\"_blank\">Nuorodų struktūrų naudojimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:167
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Keyboard_Shortcuts\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Keyboard Shortcuts</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Keyboard_Shortcuts\" target=\"_blank\">Sparčiosios klaviatūros komandos</a>"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:144
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Writing Plugins</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin\" target=\"_blank\">Įskiepių rašymo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:48
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_My_Sites_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on My Sites</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Dashboard_My_Sites_Screen\" target=\"_blank\">Tinklalapių tinklo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:249
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Keyboard_Shortcuts\" target=\"_blank\">More information</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Keyboard_Shortcuts\" target=\"_blank\">Daugiau informacijos</a>"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:166
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Comment_Spam\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Comment Spam</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Comment_Spam\" target=\"_blank\">Brukalų dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:281
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time\">Documentation on date and time formatting</a>."
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time\">Datos ir laiko formato dokumentacija</a>."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:77
msgid "You can update to <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> automatically or download the package and install it manually:"
msgstr "Galite atnaujinti versiją į <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %2$s</a> automatiškai arba atsisiųsti versijos failus ir įdiegti rankiniu būdu:"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:181
msgid "<strong>Important:</strong> before updating, please <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups\">back up your database and files</a>. For help with updates, visit the <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress\">Updating WordPress</a> Codex page."
msgstr "<strong>Svarbu:</strong> prieš atnaujindami, <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Backups\">pasidarykite duomenų bazės ir failų atsargines kopijas</a>. Jei reikia pagalbos, aplankykite <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress\">Wordpress atnaujinimo</a> kodekso puslapį."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:99
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes#Adding_New_Themes\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Adding New Themes</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes#Adding_New_Themes\" target=\"_blank\">Naujų temų diegimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:39
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Theme Development</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development\" target=\"_blank\">Temų kūrimo ir tobulinimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:40 wp-admin/themes.php:118
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Using Themes</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes\" target=\"_blank\">Temų naudojimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:41
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_Files\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Editing Files</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_Files\" target=\"_blank\">Failų redagavimo dokumentacija</a>"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:42
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Template Tags</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Template Tags</a>"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:425
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Plugin_Management\" target=\"_blank\">Documentation on Managing Plugins</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Plugin_Management\" target=\"_blank\">Įskiepių tvarkymo dokumentacija</a>"

#. translators: %s: the option/setting
#: wp-admin/options.php:201
msgid "The %s setting is unregistered. Unregistered settings are deprecated. See https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_API"
msgstr "Nustatymas %s yra neužregistruotas. Neužregistruoti nustatymai yra nebenaudojami. Plačiau https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_API"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:71 wp-admin/upgrade.php:81
msgid "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s."
msgstr "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:73 wp-admin/upgrade.php:83
msgid "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:75 wp-admin/upgrade.php:85
msgid "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "You cannot update because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."

#: wp-admin/install.php:231
msgid "You cannot install because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s."
msgstr "Negalite įdiegti, nes <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> sistemai reikalinga bent %2$s PHP ir bent %3$s MySQL versijos. Jūs naudojate %4$s PHP ir %5$s MySQL versijas."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:234
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>."
msgstr "Jau išleista <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> versija! <a href=\"%2$s\">Atnaujinkite savo sistemą</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:236
msgid "<a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> is available! Please notify the site administrator."
msgstr "Jau yra nauja <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> versija! Praneškite administratoriui."

#: wp-admin/install.php:233
msgid "You cannot install because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "Negalite įdiegti, nes <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> sistemos darbui reikia %2$s ar naujesnės PHP versijos. Jūsų naudojama versija yra %3$s."

#: wp-admin/install.php:235
msgid "You cannot install because <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "Negalite įdiegti, nes <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Version_%1$s\">WordPress %1$s</a> sistemos darbui reikia %2$s arba naujesnės MySQL versijos. Jūsų naudojama versija yra %3$s."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:79
msgid "The theme you are currently using isn&#8217;t widget-aware, meaning that it has no sidebars that you are able to change. For information on making your theme widget-aware, please <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Widgetizing_Themes\">follow these instructions</a>."
msgstr "Dabar jūsų naudojama tema neturi nė vienos valdiklių srities, kurią būtų galima redaguoti. Jei norite sužinoti, ką reikia padaryti, kad tema turėtų valdiklių sričių, <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Widgetizing_Themes\">skaitykite šias instrukcijas</a>."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:280 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:279
msgid "You need to make this file writable before you can save your changes. See <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">the Codex</a> for more information."
msgstr "Norėdami įrašyti pakeitimus, turite gauti rašymo į failą teises. Daugiau informacijos rasite <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">pagalbos</a> puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:163
msgid "When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services. For more about this, see <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Update_Services\">Update Services</a> on the Codex. Separate multiple service <abbr title=\"Universal Resource Locator\">URL</abbr>s with line breaks."
msgstr "Kai paskelbiate įrašą, WordPress automatiškai praneša šioms tarnyboms. Daugiau informacijos rasite <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Update_Services\">šiame puslapyje</a>. Kiekvienos tarnybos <abbr title=\"Universal Resource Locator\">URL</abbr> įveskite naujoje eilutėje."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:266
msgid "If your <code>.htaccess</code> file were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so these are the mod_rewrite rules you should have in your <code>.htaccess</code> file. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all."
msgstr "If your <code>.htaccess</code> file were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so these are the mod_rewrite rules you should have in your <code>.htaccess</code> file. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:254
msgid "If the root directory of your site were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so this is the url rewrite rule you should have in your <code>web.config</code> file. Create a new file, called <code>web.config</code> in the root directory of your site. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all. Then insert this code into the <code>web.config</code> file."
msgstr "If the root directory of your site were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so this is the url rewrite rule you should have in your <code>web.config</code> file. Create a new file, called <code>web.config</code> in the root directory of your site. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all. Then insert this code into the <code>web.config</code> file."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:247
msgid "If your <code>web.config</code> file were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so this is the url rewrite rule you should have in your <code>web.config</code> file. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all. Then insert this rule inside of the <code>/&lt;configuration&gt;/&lt;system.webServer&gt;/&lt;rewrite&gt;/&lt;rules&gt;</code> element in <code>web.config</code> file."
msgstr "If your <code>web.config</code> file were <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">writable</a>, we could do this automatically, but it isn&#8217;t so this is the url rewrite rule you should have in your <code>web.config</code> file. Click in the field and press <kbd>CTRL + a</kbd> to select all. Then insert this rule inside of the <code>/&lt;configuration&gt;/&lt;system.webServer&gt;/&lt;rewrite&gt;/&lt;rules&gt;</code> element in <code>web.config</code> file."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:649
msgid "https://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"
msgstr "https://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:633
msgid "Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Custom_Fields\" target=\"_blank\">use in your theme</a>."
msgstr "Vartotojo laukai gali būti panaudojami papildomiems metaduomenims į įrašus įdėti. Juos galite <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Custom_Fields\" target=\"_blank\">naudoti savo temoje</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:583
msgid "Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Excerpt\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more about manual excerpts.</a>"
msgstr "Ištraukos yra neprivalomas įrašo turinio apibendrinimas. Jas galite <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/the_excerpt\" target=\"_blank\">naudoti savo temoje</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/options.php:140
msgid "The <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Glossary#Character_set\">character encoding</a> of your site (UTF-8 is recommended)"
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapio <a href=\"https://codex.wordpress.org/Glossary#Character_set\">ženklų koduotė</a>(rekomenduojama UTF-8)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1506
msgid "Standard Editor"
msgstr "Standartinė rašyklė"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1188
msgid "example: www.wordpress.org"
msgstr "pavyzdys: www.wordpress.org"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:52 wp-admin/themes.php:141
msgid "Number of Themes found: %d"
msgstr "Rasta temų: %d"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:77
msgid "You can Search for themes by keyword, author, or tag, or can get more specific and search by criteria listed in the feature filter."
msgstr "Gali ieškoti temų pagal raktažodį, autorių ar žymą, arba ieškoti dar tiksliau pagal kriterijus, sudėtus žemiau esančiame savybių filtre."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:78
msgid "Alternately, you can browse the themes that are Featured, Popular, or Latest. When you find a theme you like, you can preview it or install it."
msgstr "Taip pat galite naršyti temose, kurios yra Siūlomos, Populiarios arba Naujausios. Kai pamatysite temą, kuri Jums patinka, galite ją peržiūrėti arba instaliuoti."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:78
msgid "The search for installed themes will search for terms in their name, description, author, or tag."
msgstr "Instaliuotų temų paieška veikia ieškant nurodytų žodžių temos pavadinime, aprašyme, autoriaus varde arba žymose."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:246
msgid "Custom date format:"
msgstr "Pasirinktas datos formatas:"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:245
msgid "enter a custom date format in the following field"
msgstr "įveskite norimą datos formatą toliau esančiame lauke"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:246 wp-admin/options-general.php:279
msgid "example:"
msgstr "pavyzdys:"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:278
msgid "enter a custom time format in the following field"
msgstr "įveskite norimą laiko formatą toliau esančiame lauke"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:279
msgid "Custom time format:"
msgstr "Pasirinktas laiko formatas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:803
msgid "Plugins updated successfully."
msgstr "Įskiepiai sėkmingai atnaujinti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:543
msgid "%s Active Installs"
msgstr "Aktyvių instaliacijų: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:557
msgid "Active Installs:"
msgstr "Aktyvių instaliacijų:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:539
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:559
msgctxt "Active plugin installs"
msgid "1+ Million"
msgstr "1+ milijonas"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:41
msgid "Press This is a little tool that lets you grab bits of the web and create new posts with ease."
msgstr "Press This yra smulkus įrankis kuris suteikia galimybę išsaugoti nedidelius gabalėlius turinio iš interneto ir naudojant juos lengvai kurti naujus įrašus."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:492
msgid "Detach"
msgstr "Atskirti"

#: wp-admin/menu-header.php:244
msgid "Main menu"
msgstr "Pagrindinis meniu"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1215
msgid "Enter the location on the server where the public and private keys are located. If a passphrase is needed, enter that in the password field above."
msgstr "Įveskite serverio, kuriame yra Jūsų privatūs ir viešieji raktai, duomenis. Jei reikalingas slaptažodis, įveskite ir jį."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:258
msgid "%d media attachment moved to the trash."
msgid_plural "%d media attachments moved to the trash."
msgstr[0] "Failų perkelta į šiukšlinę: %d"
msgstr[1] "Failų perkelta į šiukšlinę: %d"
msgstr[2] "Failų perkelta į šiukšlinę: %d"

#: wp-admin/users.php:420
msgid "%s user deleted."
msgid_plural "%s users deleted."
msgstr[0] "Ištrinta vartotojų: %s"
msgstr[1] "Ištrinta vartotojų: %s"
msgstr[2] "Ištrinta vartotojų: %s"

#: wp-admin/users.php:267
msgid "What should be done with content owned by these users?"
msgstr "Ką norite daryti su šių vartotojų sukurtu turiniu?"

#: wp-admin/users.php:242
msgid "You have specified these users for deletion:"
msgstr "Jūs nurodėte, kad norite ištrinti šiuos vartotojus:"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:269
msgid "%d media attachment restored from the trash."
msgid_plural "%d media attachments restored from the trash."
msgstr[0] "Atstatyta failų iš šiukšlinės: %d"
msgstr[1] "Atstatyta failų iš šiukšlinės: %d"
msgstr[2] "Atstatyta failų iš šiukšlinės: %d"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:248
msgid "%d media attachment permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%d media attachments permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "Ištrinta failų: %d"
msgstr[1] "Ištrinta failų: %d"
msgstr[2] "Ištrinta failų: %d"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:270
msgid "1 post not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgstr "1 įrašas neatnaujintas, kažkas dar jį redaguoja."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:314
msgid "These plugins may be active on other sites in the network."
msgstr "Šie įskiepiai gali būti aktyvūs kituose Jūsų tinklo tinklalapiuose."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:278
msgid "1 page not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgstr "1 puslapis neatnaujintas, kažkas dar jį redaguoja."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:316
msgid "You are about to remove the following plugins:"
msgstr "Jūs ruošiatės ištrinti šiuos įskiepius:"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:416
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:763
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:1349
msgid "%s item"
msgid_plural "%s items"
msgstr[0] "%s"
msgstr[1] "%s"
msgstr[2] "%s"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:312
msgid "Delete Plugins"
msgstr "Ištrinti įskiepius"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1348
msgid "Hide post options"
msgstr "Paslėpti įrašo nustatymus"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:136 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:30
msgid "In the editing area the Tab key enters a tab character. To move below this area by pressing Tab, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key. In some cases the Esc key will need to be pressed twice before the Tab key will allow you to continue."
msgstr "Paspaudus Tab klavišą redagavimo lauke, rodomas tab simbolis. Jei norite išeiti iš redagavimo lauko naudojant Tab, paspauskite Esc klavišą ir po to Tab. Kartais gali prireikti paspausti Esc du kartus, kad Tab paspaudimas suveiktų."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:345
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">View version %4$s details</a> or <a href=\"%5$s\" class=\"update-link\">update now</a>."
msgstr "Yra nauja %1$s versija. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">Peržiūrėti versijos %4$s  informaciją</a> arba <a href=\"%5$s\" class=\"update-link\">atnaujinti dabar</a>."

#. translators: Do not translate USERNAME, URL_DELETE, SITE_NAME: those are
#. placeholders.
#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:46
msgid ""
"Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n"
"You recently clicked the 'Delete Site' link on your site and filled in a\n"
"form on that page.\n"
"If you really want to delete your site, click the link below. You will not\n"
"be asked to confirm again so only click this link if you are absolutely certain:\n"
"If you delete your site, please consider opening a new site here\n"
"some time in the future! (But remember your current site and username\n"
"are gone forever.)\n"
"Thanks for using the site,\n"
msgstr ""
"Sveiki ###USERNAME###,\n"
"Jūs paspaudėte nuorodą \"Ištrinti tinklalapį\" bei užpildėte\n"
"tam skirtą formą.\n"
"Jei tikrai norite ištrinti savo tinklalapį, paspauskite nuorodą žemiau.\n"
"Daugiau to neklausime, todėl spauskite tik jei esate visiškai tikras:\n"
"Jei visgi ištrinsite savo tinklalapį, prisiminkite, kad bet kada galite sukurti naują!\n"
"(Tačiau Jūsų dabartinis vartotojo vardas ir slaptažodis\n"
" negalės būti vėl naudojami.)\n"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:540
msgid "To add a custom link, <strong>expand the Custom Links section, enter a URL and link text, and click Add to Menu</strong>"
msgstr "Norėdami pridėti savo nuorodą, <strong> išskleiskite skyrelį Interneto nuorodos, įveskite URL ir nuorodos tekstą, o tuomet paspauskite Pridėti į meniu</strong>"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:48
msgid "Drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmarks bar. Then, when you&#8217;re on a page you want to share, simply &#8220;press&#8221; it."
msgstr "Nutempkite bookmarklet'ą į savo žymų juostą. Tuomet, kai jau esate puslapyje, kuriuo norite pasidalinti, paprasčiausiai paspauskite bookmarklet'ą."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:60
msgid "If you can&#8217;t drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks, copy the following code and create a new bookmark. Paste the code into the new bookmark&#8217;s URL field."
msgstr "Jei nepavyksta pridėti bookmarklet'o į savo žymas, nukopijuokite kodą esantį žemiau ir sukurkite naują žymą. Įdėkite nukopijuotą kodą į naujai sukurtos žymos URL laukelį."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:67
msgid "Direct link (best for mobile)"
msgstr "Tiesioginė nuorodą (tinkamiausia telefonams)"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:54
msgid "Copy &#8220;Press This&#8221; bookmarklet code"
msgstr "Kopijuoti &#8220;Press This&#8221; bookmarklet kodą"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:71
msgid "Open Press This"
msgstr "Atidaryti Press This"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:68
msgid "Follow the link to open Press This. Then add it to your device&#8217;s bookmarks or home screen."
msgstr "Paspauskite nuorodą norėdami atidaryti Press This. Tuomet pridėkite jį į savo įrenginio žymas arba pradinį ekraną."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:240
msgid "Detached %d attachment."
msgid_plural "Detached %d attachments."
msgstr[0] "Atskirta failų: %d"
msgstr[1] "Atskirta failų: %d"
msgstr[2] "Atskirta failų: %d"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:42
msgid "You can log out of other devices, such as your phone or a public computer, by clicking the Log Out Everywhere Else button."
msgstr "Jūs galite atsijungti kituose įrenginiuose, pavyzdžiui savo telefone arba viešai naudojamame kompiuteryje, paspaudę mygtuką \"Atsijungti iš visų kitų sesijų\"."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:398
msgid "New translations are available."
msgstr "Yra vertimų atnaujinimų."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1697
msgid "Front Page"
msgstr "Pradinis puslapis"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:265
msgid "This theme has not been rated yet."
msgstr "Ši tema dar nebuvo įvertinta."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:47
msgid "Bookmarklet"
msgstr "Bookmarklet"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:46
msgid "Install Press This"
msgstr "Instaliuoti Press This"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:635
msgid "Edit selected menu"
msgstr "Redaguoti pasirinktą meniu"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1701
msgid "Posts Page"
msgstr "Įrašų puslapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1139
msgid "Number of items per page:"
msgstr "Kiekis viename puslapyje:"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2079
msgid "You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts."
msgstr "Šiuo metu Jūs redaguojate puslapį, kuris rodo naujausius įrašus."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:593 wp-admin/themes.php:410
msgid "Close details dialog"
msgstr "Uždaryti informacijos langą"

#. translators: date and time format for exact current time, mainly about
#. timezones, see http:php.net/date
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:21
msgctxt "timezone date format"
msgid "Y-m-d H:i:s"
msgstr "Y-m-d H:i:s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3456
msgid ""
"This debugging email is sent when you are using a development version of WordPress.\n"
"If you think these failures might be due to a bug in WordPress, could you report it?\n"
" * Open a thread in the support forums: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/alphabeta\n"
" * Or, if you're comfortable writing a bug report: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/\n"
"Thanks! -- The WordPress Team"
msgstr ""
"Šis el.laiškas yra išsiunčiamas, kai naudojate kuriamą WordPress versiją.\n"
"Jei randate klaidų WordPress sistemoje, labai prašome apie jas pranešti:\n"
" * Sukurti naują temą pagalbos forumuose: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/alphabeta\n"
" * Arba, jei esate susipažinęs su tokiu būdu, sukurti klaidos pranešimą čia: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/\n"
"Dėkojame! -- WordPress komanda"

#. translators: Do not translate USERNAME, ADMIN_URL, EMAIL, SITENAME, SITEURL:
#. those are placeholders.
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:276
msgid ""
"Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n"
"You recently requested to have the administration email address on\n"
"your site changed.\n"
"If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n"
"You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n"
"take this action.\n"
"This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Sveiki ###USERNAME###,\n"
"Jūs pageidavote pakeisti savo tinklalapio administratoriaus el.paštą\n"
"Jei tikrai to norite, paspauskite nuorodą žemiau ir galėsite jį pakeisti:\n"
"Galite ignoruoti šį laišką, jei persigalvojote ir nenorite keisti el.pašto.\n"
"Šis laiškas skirtas el.pašto ###EMAIL### savininkui.\n"

#. translators: Do not translate USERNAME, ADMIN_URL, EMAIL, SITENAME, SITEURL:
#. those are placeholders.
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:357
msgid ""
"Howdy ###USERNAME###,\n"
"You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed.\n"
"If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it:\n"
"You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to\n"
"take this action.\n"
"This email has been sent to ###EMAIL###\n"
"All at ###SITENAME###\n"
msgstr ""
"Sveiki ###USERNAME###,\n"
"Jūs pageidavote pakeisti savo paskyros el.paštą\n"
"Jei tikrai to norite, paspauskite nuorodą žemiau ir galėsite jį pakeisti:\n"
"Galite ignoruoti šį laišką, jei persigalvojote\n"
"ir nenorite keisti el.pašto.\n"
"Šis laiškas skirtas el.pašto ###EMAIL### savininkui.\n"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:497
msgid "Site Upload Space Quota"
msgstr "Vietos kvota šio tinklalapio failams"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3474
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:106
msgid "Missing post ID."
msgstr "Trūksta įrašo ID."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:500
msgid "Size in megabytes"
msgstr "Dydis megabaitais"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:230
msgid "This category cannot be added. Please change the name and try again."
msgstr "Ši kategorija negali būti pridėta. Prašome pakeisti pavadinimą ir pabandyti dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:237
msgid "Error while adding the category. Please try again later."
msgstr "Klaida pridedant kategoriją. Prašome pabandyti vėliau."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:880
msgid "Toggle add category"
msgstr "Įjungti kategorijų pridėjimo rodymą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:905
msgid "Search categories by name"
msgstr "Ieškoti kategorijų pagal pavadinimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1159
msgctxt "Used in Press This to indicate where the content comes from."
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Šaltinis:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:907
msgid "Search categories"
msgstr "Ieškoti kategorijų"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1346
msgid "Show post options"
msgstr "Rodyti įrašo nustatymus"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1259
msgid "Press This!"
msgstr "Press This!"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1355
msgid "Enter a URL to scan"
msgstr "Įveskite URL skanavimui"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1354
msgid "Scan site for content"
msgstr "Skanuoti tinklalapio turinį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1356
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Skanuoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1382
msgid "You should upgrade <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">your bookmarklet</a> to the latest version!"
msgstr "Turėtumėte atnaujinti <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">savo žymų įrankį</a> į naujausią versiją!"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1396
msgid "Suggested media"
msgstr "Siūlomi failai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1391
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1392
msgid "Post title"
msgstr "Įrašo pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1459
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1469
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1478
msgid "Back to post options"
msgstr "Atgal į įrašo nustatymus"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:208 wp-admin/includes/revision.php:250
msgctxt "revision date short format"
msgid "j M @ H:i"
msgstr "j M @ H:i"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3132
msgid "Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials."
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie failų sistemos. Prašome patvirtinti duomenis."

#. translators: Publish box date format, see http:php.net/date
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:133 wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:93
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:501
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:174 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:311
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:534 wp-admin/includes/revision.php:207
#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:249
msgid "M j, Y @ H:i"
msgstr "M j, Y @ H:i"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:333
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:353
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:285
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:931
msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s a"
msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s a"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:195
msgid "Submitted on"
msgstr "Parašyta"

#. translators: column name or table row header
#: wp-admin/comment.php:169
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:403
msgid "In Response To"
msgstr "Atsakymas į"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:369
msgid "You can enable distraction-free writing mode using the icon to the right. This feature is not available for old browsers or devices with small screens, and requires that the full-height editor be enabled in Screen Options."
msgstr "Dėmesio neblaškantis režimas įjungiamas naudojant piktogramą dešinėje. Ši funkcija neveiks senose naršyklių versijose bei įrenginiuose su mažais ekranais, taip pat jai reikalingas įjungtas pilno aukščio nustatymas Ekrano Nustatymuose."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:334
msgid "These suggestions are based on the plugins you and other users have installed."
msgstr "Šie pasiūlymai yra generuojami pagal Jūsų ir kitų vartotojų instaliuotus įskiepius."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:530
msgid "You are only logged in at this location."
msgstr "Jūs esate prisijungęs tik šiame kompiuteryje."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:548
msgid "Log Out Everywhere"
msgstr "Atsijungti visur"

#: wp-admin/about.php:77
msgid "Introducing Twenty Sixteen"
msgstr "Pristatome Dvidešimt Šešiolika"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:93
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Recommended"
msgstr "Rekomenduojama"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:372
msgid ""
"Your new WordPress site has been successfully set up at:\n"
"You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:\n"
"Username: %2$s\n"
"Password: %3$s\n"
"Log in here: %4$s\n"
"We hope you enjoy your new site. Thanks!\n"
"--The WordPress Team\n"
msgstr ""
"Sveiki, Jūsų naujasis WordPress tinklalapis sukurtas sėkmingai: \n"
"Jūs galite prisijungti prie administravimo skydelio su šiais duomenimis: \n"
"Vartotojo vardas: %2$s\n"
"Slaptažodis: %3$s\n"
"Prisijungti čia: %4$s\n"
"Tikimės, kad Jūsų naujasis tinklalapis Jums patiks. Ačiū! \n"
"-- WordPress komanda\n"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:33
msgid "You can set the language, and the translation files will be automatically downloaded and installed (available if your filesystem is writable)."
msgstr "Jūs galite nustatyti kalbą, ir vertimo failai bus automatiškai parsiųsti bei instaliuoti (tik jei Jūsų failų sistemos leidimai leidžia įrašymą)."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:582 wp-admin/widgets.php:360
msgid "Manage in Customizer"
msgstr "Tvarkyti vaizdžiąjame režime"

#: wp-admin/install.php:128
msgid "Usernames can have only alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, hyphens, periods, and the @ symbol."
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas gali būti sudarytas tik iš raidinių ir skaitinių ženklų, tarpų, apatinių brūkšnelių, trumpųjų brūkšnelių, taškų ir @ simbolio."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:223
msgid "Mystery Person"
msgstr "Paslaptingasis"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:172
msgid "You cannot delete a theme while it has an active child theme."
msgstr "Negalima ištrinti temos, kol yra aktyvuota jos dukterinė tema."

#: wp-admin/index.php:74
msgid "<strong>WordPress News</strong> &mdash; Latest news from the official WordPress project, the <a href=\"https://planet.wordpress.org/\">WordPress Planet</a>."
msgstr "<strong>WordPress naujienos</strong> &mdash; naujausios žinios iš oficialaus WordPress projekto <a href=\"https://planet.wordpress.org/\">WordPress Planet</a>."

#: wp-admin/index.php:72
msgid "<strong>WordPress News</strong> &mdash; Latest news from the official WordPress project, the <a href=\"https://planet.wordpress.org/\">WordPress Planet</a>, and popular and recent plugins."
msgstr "<strong>WordPress naujienos</strong> &mdash; naujausios žinios iš oficialiaus WordPress projekto <a href=\"https://planet.wordpress.org/\">WordPress Planet</a>, bei populiarūs ir naujausi įskiepiai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:923
msgid "Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality."
msgstr "Įjunkite pilno aukščio rašyklę ir dėmesio neblaškančio režimo funkciją."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1066
msgid "https://planet.wordpress.org/feed/"
msgstr "https://planet.wordpress.org/feed/"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:549
msgid "Untested with your version of WordPress"
msgstr "Neišbandyta su Jūsų WordPress versija"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1057
msgid "https://planet.wordpress.org/"
msgstr "https://planet.wordpress.org/"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2008
msgid "You don't have permission to attach files to this post."
msgstr "Jūs neturite reikiamų teisių, kad galėtumėte priskirti failus prie šio įrašo."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:368
msgid "You can insert media files by clicking the icons above the post editor and following the directions. You can align or edit images using the inline formatting toolbar available in Visual mode."
msgstr "Įvairius failus į rašyklę galite įterpti paspaudę piktogramas virš rašyklės ir sekdami duodamais nurodymais. Nuo šiol paveikslėlius galite sulygiuoti ar redaguoti su specialiais paveikslėlių formatavimo įrankiais, matomais raiškiojoje rašyklėje."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:138 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:479
msgctxt "term parent"
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Tėvinė"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:366
msgid "Visual mode gives you a WYSIWYG editor. Click the last icon in the row to get a second row of controls. "
msgstr "Raiškioji rašyklė yra įprastas WYSIWYG redaktorius. Paspauskite ant paskutiniojo mygtuko - tuomet atsidarys papildoma įrankių eilutė."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:367
msgid "The Text mode allows you to enter HTML along with your post text. Line breaks will be converted to paragraphs automatically."
msgstr "Tekstinė rašyklės skiltis leidžia į Jūsų įrašo tekstą įterpti HTML elementus. Naujos eilutės bus automatiškai pakeistos į paragrafus."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:190
msgid "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Backgrounds in the <a href=\"%1$s\">Customizer</a>."
msgstr "Nuo šiol Jūs galite tvarkyti ir peržiūrėti tinklalapio foną <a href=\"%1$s\">Vaizdžiąjame režime</a>."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:461
msgid "You can now manage and live-preview Custom Header in the <a href=\"%1$s\">Customizer</a>."
msgstr "Nuo šiol Jūs galite tvarkyti ir peržiūrėti tinklalapio antraštę <a href=\"%1$s\">Vaizdžiąjame režime</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3047
msgid "You are now logged out everywhere else."
msgstr "Jūs jau atjungtas iš visų kitų sesijų."

#. translators: 1: User's display name.
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3051
msgid "%s has been logged out."
msgstr "%s atsijungė."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:328
msgid "Filter by comment type"
msgstr "Filtruoti pagal komentaro tipą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:106
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:429
msgid "All categories"
msgstr "Visos kategorijos"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2946
msgid "This preview is unavailable in the editor."
msgstr "Ši peržiūra negalima redaktoriuje."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3039
msgid "Could not log out user sessions. Please try again."
msgstr "Nepavyko atjungti vartotojo sesijų. Pabandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:113
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:437
msgid "Filter by category"
msgstr "Filtruoti pagal kategoriją"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:365
msgid "<strong>Post editor</strong> &mdash; Enter the text for your post. There are two modes of editing: Visual and Text. Choose the mode by clicking on the appropriate tab."
msgstr "<strong>Įrašo rašyklė</strong> &mdash; čia turite įvesti savo įrašo tekstą. Tai galite padaryti dviem būdais: raiškiuoju ir tekstiniu. Pasirinkite Jums patogesnį būdą paspaudę ant atitinkamos skilties."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:94
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:128
msgctxt "link name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:135
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:193
msgctxt "users"
msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:109
msgctxt "plugins"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Naršyti"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:189
msgctxt "theme editor"
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktorius"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1046
msgctxt "Welcome panel"
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Sveiki atvykę"

#. translators: comment type radio button
#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:86
msgctxt "adjective"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Laukia patvirtinimo"

#. translators: %s is a placeholder that must come at the start of the URL.
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:225
msgid "If you like, you may enter custom structures for your category and tag <abbr title=\"Universal Resource Locator\">URL</abbr>s here. For example, using <code>topics</code> as your category base would make your category links like <code>%s/topics/uncategorized/</code>. If you leave these blank the defaults will be used."
msgstr "Jei norite, čia galite įvesti savo sugalvotas kategorijų ir žymų nuorodų (<abbr title=\"Universal Resource Locator\">URL</abbr>) struktūras. Pavyzdžiui, jei įvesite, kad Jūsų kategorijų bazinė nuoroda vadinsis <code>tema</code>, Jūsų kategorijų nurodos bus <code>%s/tema/temos-pavadinimas/</code>. Jei šių laukelių nepildysite, bus naudojami numatytieji nustatymai."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:117
msgid "Release Lead"
msgstr "Versijos vadovas"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:60
msgid "Use the arrow buttons at the top of the dialog, or the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard, to navigate between media items quickly."
msgstr "Naudokite rodyklių mygtukus puslapio viršuje, arba klaviatūros rodyklių klavišus - taip galėsite greitai pereiti nuo vieno failo iki kito."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:51 wp-admin/upload.php:186
msgid "You can view your media in a simple visual grid or a list with columns. Switch between these views using the icons to the left above the media."
msgstr "Jūs galite peržiūrėti savo failus išdėstytus tinkleliu arba sąraše su su keliais stulpeliais. Išdėstymą galite lengvai pakeisti paspaudus ant piktogramų viršutiniame kairiąjame kampe, virš visų failų."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:61
msgid "You can also delete individual items and access the extended edit screen from the details dialog."
msgstr "Jūs taip pat galite išrinti failus po vieną arba atidaryti išplėstojo redagavimo režimą (į jį patenkama iš failo infomacijos lango)"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:59
msgid "Clicking an item will display an Attachment Details dialog, which allows you to preview media and make quick edits. Any changes you make to the attachment details will be automatically saved."
msgstr "Paspaudus ant failo, atsidarys Failo informacijos langas, kuriame galėsite peržiūrėti kaip atrodys Jūsų failas ir atlikti kai kuriuos pakeitimus. Bet kokie pakeitimai, kuriuos atliksite failo informacijos lange, yra išsaugomi automatiškai."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:52
msgid "To delete media items, click the Bulk Select button at the top of the screen. Select any items you wish to delete, then click the Delete Selected button. Clicking the Cancel Selection button takes you back to viewing your media."
msgstr "Norėdami ištrinti failus, paspauskite mygtuką \"Masinis pasirinkimas\" puslapio viršuje. Tuomet pasirinkite failus, kuriuos norite ištrinti, ir paspauskite mygtuką \"Ištrinti pasirinktus\". Paspaudus mygtuką \"Atšaukti pasirinkimą\", būsite perkeltas atgal į failų peržiūros puslapį."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:50
msgid "All the files you&#8217;ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first."
msgstr "Visi failai, kuriuos įkeliate, yra rodomi Failų saugykloje, naujausi įkelti failai rodomi pirmiau."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:80
msgid "If you just want to get an idea of what&#8217;s available, you can browse Featured and Popular plugins by using the links in the upper left of the screen. These sections rotate regularly."
msgstr "Jei tik norite suprasti, kas rodoma šiame puslapyje, galite peržiūrėti Geriausius ir Populiariausius įskiepius, paspaudę atitinkamas nuorodas puslapio viršuje. Įskiepiai šiuose sąrašuose nuolat atnaujinami."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:48
msgid "Add Plugins"
msgstr "Pridėti įskiepius"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:335 wp-admin/options-general.php:339
msgid "The %s constant in your %s file is no longer needed."
msgstr "%s konstanta jūsų %s faile nebereikalinga."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:346 wp-admin/includes/network.php:163
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:335
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Pastaba:"

#: wp-admin/includes/translation-install.php:23
msgid "Invalid translation type."
msgstr "Netinkamas vertimo tipas."

#: wp-admin/install.php:289
msgid "Welcome to the famous five-minute WordPress installation process! Just fill in the information below and you&#8217;ll be on your way to using the most extendable and powerful personal publishing platform in the world."
msgstr "Pradėsime įžymiąją WordPress penkių minučių instaliaciją! Jums reikia tik užpildyti žemiau pateiktus laukelius ir netrukus galėsite pradėti naudotis galingiausia ir labiausiai išplėtota turinio valdymo sistema pasaulyje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:551
msgid "<strong>Incompatible</strong> with your version of WordPress"
msgstr "<strong>Nesuderinamas</strong> su Jūsų naudojama WordPress versija"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:553
msgid "<strong>Compatible</strong> with your version of WordPress"
msgstr "<strong>Suderinamas</strong> su Jūsų naudojama WordPress versija"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:586
msgid "%d star"
msgid_plural "%d stars"
msgstr[0] "%d žvaigždutė"
msgstr[1] "%d žvaigždutės"
msgstr[2] "%d žvaigždučių"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:462
msgid "Select bulk action"
msgstr "Pasirinkti masinį veiksmą"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:85
msgid "The grid view for the Media Library requires JavaScript. <a href=\"upload.php?mode=list\">Switch to the list view</a>."
msgstr "Tinklelio išdėstymui Failų saugykloje reikalingas Java Script. <a href=\"upload.php?mode=list\">Naudoti sąrašo išdėstymą</a>."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:194
msgid "This site is set up to install updates of future beta versions automatically."
msgstr "Ateityje beta versijų atnaujinimai tinklalapyje bus instaliuojami automatiškai."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:327 wp-admin/user-new.php:457
msgid "Add the user without sending an email that requires their confirmation."
msgstr "Pridėti vartotoją nesiunčiant jam el.laiško su prašymu patvirtinti jo naująją paskyrą."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:194

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:235
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Already Installed"
msgstr "Jau įdiegta"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:244
msgctxt "Button label for a theme"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Kita"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:243
msgctxt "Button label for a theme"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Ankstesnė"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:726
msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minutė"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:723
msgid "Day"
msgstr "Diena"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:725
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Valanda"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:713
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Mėnuo"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:586
msgid "Click to see reviews that provided a rating of %d star"
msgid_plural "Click to see reviews that provided a rating of %d stars"
msgstr[0] "Paspauskite ir pamatysite atsiliepimus, iš kurių sudarytas %d žvaigždutės reitingas."
msgstr[1] "Paspauskite ir pamatysite atsiliepimus, iš kurių sudarytas %d žvaigždučių reitingas."
msgstr[2] "Paspauskite ir pamatysite atsiliepimus, iš kurių sudarytas %d žvaigždučių reitingas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:402
msgctxt "Plugin installer group title"
msgid "Social"
msgstr "Socialinis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:401
msgctxt "Plugin installer group title"
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Kokybė"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2916
msgid "%s failed to embed."
msgstr "Nepavyko įterpti: %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:465
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Įvertinimai"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:596
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "Kūrėjai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3308
msgid "The WordPress team is willing to help you. Forward this email to %s and the team will work with you to make sure your site is working."
msgstr "WordPress komanda pasiruošusi Jums padėti. Persiųskite šį el.laišką į %s ir jie padės Jums užtikrinti, kad Jūsų tinklalapis veiktų tinkamai."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:569
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:616
msgid "Donate to this plugin &#187;"
msgstr "Paaukoti šiam įskiepiui &#187;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:96
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Beta Testing"
msgstr "Beta testavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:67
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr "Neseniai atnaujintos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:479
msgid "More Details"
msgstr "Plačiau"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:185
msgctxt "Number/count of items"
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Skaičius"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:741
msgid "View details"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti detales"

#. translators: 1: Plugin name and version
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:464
msgid "Update %s now"
msgstr "Atnaujinti %s dabar"

#. translators: 1: Plugin name and version.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:457
msgid "Install %s now"
msgstr "Įdiegti %s dabar"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:403
msgctxt "Plugin installer group title"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Įrankiai"

#: wp-admin/customize.php:140
msgid "The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can also navigate to different pages on your site to preview them."
msgstr "Vaizdusis režimas - tai galimybė peržiūrėti pakeitimus prieš juos išsaugant. Esant vaizdžiąjame režime, galima naršyti po savo tinklalapį, taip peržiūrint, kaip atrodys norimi pakeitimai skirtinguose puslapiuose."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3321
msgid "If you reach out to us, we'll also ensure you'll never have this problem again."
msgstr "Jei susisieksite su mumis, mes padėsime užtikrinti, kad ši problema daugiau Jums netrukdytų."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:185
msgid "Filtering by:"
msgstr "Filtruojama pagal:"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:53 wp-admin/theme-install.php:195
#: wp-admin/themes.php:142 wp-admin/themes.php:290
msgid "No themes found. Try a different search."
msgstr "Temų nerasta. Bandykite kitą paieškos frazę."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2783
msgid "Displayed on attachment pages."
msgstr "Rodoma failų puslapiuose."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:126
msgid "You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image."
msgstr "Jūs galite redaguoti paveikslėlį, tačiau išlaikyti jo miniatiūrą originalią. Pavyzdžiui, jei norėtumėte turėti kvadratinę miniatiūrą, kuri rodytų tik dalį paveikslėlio."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:96
msgid "Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media settings."
msgstr "Kai jau pasirinksite norimą zoną, galite tikslinti jos dydį, įvesdami išmatavimus pikseliais. Minimalus pasirinktos zonos dydis yra miniatiūros dydis, kuris nurodytas Jūsų Failų nustatymuose."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:93
msgid "The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9, etc."
msgstr "Kraštinių santykis yra ryšys tarp pločio ir aukščio. Jūs galite išsaugoti kraštinių santykį, jei keisdami pasirinktos zonos dydį, laikysite nuspaudę Shift klavišą. Taip pat galite naudoti specialius laukelius ir įvesti juose norimą kraštinių santykį, pvz.: 1:1 (kvadratas), 4:3, 16:9 ir t.t."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:370
msgid "Keyboard users: When you&#8217;re working in the visual editor, you can use <kbd>Alt + F10</kbd> to access the toolbar."
msgstr "Klaviatūros naudotojams: kai dirbate raiškiojoje rašyklėje, galite naudoti <kbd>Alt + F10</kbd> norėdami iškviesti įrankių juostą."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:155
msgid "A red bar on the left means the comment is waiting for you to moderate it."
msgstr "Raudonas brūkšnelis kairėje reiškia, kad komantaras laukia peržiūros."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:90
msgid "To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection."
msgstr "Norėdami apkirpti paveikslėlį, spustelėkite ant jo ir nustatykite apkerpamą zoną."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:51
msgid "You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled down, not up."
msgstr "Jūs galite proporcingai sumažinti originalų įkeltą paveikslėlį. Geriausiai pavyks, jei sumažinimas bus atliktas prieš apkirpimą, apvertimą ar pasukimą. Taip pat paveikslėliai gali būti tik sumažinami, ne padidinami."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:123
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Naršyti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:330
msgid "All comment types"
msgstr "Visi komentarų tipai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:64
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:139
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Siūlomos"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:140
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Popular"
msgstr "Populiarios"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:66
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:141
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Naujausios"

#: wp-admin/users.php:265
msgid "What should be done with content owned by this user?"
msgstr "Ką norėtumėte daryti su turiniu, sukurtu šio vartotojo?"

#: wp-admin/users.php:52
msgid "Remove allows you to remove a user from your site. It does not delete their content. You can also remove multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions."
msgstr "Ši funkcija pašalina vartotoją iš Jūsų tinklalapio. Tačiau jo sukurtas turinys išlieka. Taip pat galite pašalinti iš karto kelis vartotojus, naudojant Masinius veiksmus."

#: wp-admin/users.php:54
msgid "Delete brings you to the Delete Users screen for confirmation, where you can permanently remove a user from your site and delete their content. You can also delete multiple users at once by using Bulk Actions."
msgstr "Ši funkcija parodo Jums Vartototų ištrynimo langą, kur patvirtinus tokį norą, Jūs galite visam laikui ištrinti vartotoją iš savo tinklalapio bei kartu ištrinti ir jo sukurtą turinį. Taip pat galite pašalinti iš karto kelis vartotojus, naudojant Masinius veiksmus."

#: wp-admin/revision.php:78
msgid "&larr; Return to editor"
msgstr "&larr; Grįžti į įrašo redaktorių"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1055 wp-admin/users.php:271
msgid "Delete all content."
msgstr "Ištrinti visą turinį."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1057 wp-admin/users.php:273
msgid "Attribute all content to:"
msgstr "Priskirti visą turinį šiam vartotojui:"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:225
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Details &amp; Preview"
msgstr "Detalės ir Peržiūra"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:48
msgid "Search themes..."
msgstr "Ieškoti temų..."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:47
msgid "Search Themes"
msgstr "Ieškoti temų"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:23
msgid "Add Themes"
msgstr "Pridėti temas"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:141
msgid "https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting"

#: wp-admin/index.php:67
msgid "<strong>At A Glance</strong> &mdash; Displays a summary of the content on your site and identifies which theme and version of WordPress you are using."
msgstr "<strong>Trumpai</strong> &mdash; parodo Jūsų turinio santrauką, bei kokią temą ir WordPress versiją naudojate."

#: wp-admin/index.php:57
msgid "<strong>Box Controls</strong> &mdash; Click the title bar of the box to expand or collapse it. Some boxes added by plugins may have configurable content, and will show a &#8220;Configure&#8221; link in the title bar if you hover over it."
msgstr "<strong>Skilčių valdymas</strong> &mdash; paspauskite ant bet kurios skilties pavadinimo, ir ji išsiskleis arba susiskleis. Kai kurios skiltys, kurias prideda įskiepiai, gali turėti nustatymais valdomą turinį, tuomet užėjus ant jų pavadinimo su pele, šalia atsiras nuoroda \"Konfigūruoti\"."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:74
msgid "You are not allowed to add this item."
msgstr "Neturite teisės tai pridėti."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:207
msgid "Browse revisions"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti versijas"

#. translators: URL to the Make WordPress 'Get Involved' landing page used on
#. the credits page
#: wp-admin/credits.php:99
msgid "https://make.wordpress.org/"
msgstr "https://make.wordpress.org/"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:101
msgid "Edit status"
msgstr "Redaguoti statusą"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:147
msgid "Edit visibility"
msgstr "Redaguoti matomumą"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:52 wp-admin/custom-background.php:101
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:128 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:168
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:382 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:398
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:414 wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:66
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:278 wp-admin/edit.php:225 wp-admin/edit.php:246
#: wp-admin/export.php:55 wp-admin/import.php:29 wp-admin/index.php:89
#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:61 wp-admin/media-new.php:57 wp-admin/media.php:84
#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:49 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:565
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:29 wp-admin/options-general.php:46
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:35 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:46
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:39 wp-admin/options-writing.php:46
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:145 wp-admin/plugin-install.php:88
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:426 wp-admin/revision.php:120
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:43 wp-admin/theme-install.php:100
#: wp-admin/themes.php:119 wp-admin/tools.php:29 wp-admin/update-core.php:553
#: wp-admin/upload.php:67 wp-admin/upload.php:204 wp-admin/user-edit.php:55
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:202 wp-admin/users.php:69 wp-admin/widgets.php:75
msgid "<a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/\" target=\"_blank\">Support Forums</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/\" target=\"_blank\">Pagalbos forumai (anglų kalba)</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1428
msgid "Manage menus"
msgstr "Tvarkyti meniu"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1426
msgid "Manage widgets"
msgstr "Tvarkyti valdiklius"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:102 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:215
msgid "Edit date and time"
msgstr "Redaguoti datą ir laiką"

#: wp-admin/admin-footer.php:29
msgid "Thank you for creating with <a href=\"%s\">WordPress</a>."
msgstr "Ačiū, kad kuriate su <a href=\"%s\">WordPress</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1759
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipas"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:140
msgid "Search installed themes..."
msgstr "Ieškoti tarp įdiegtų temų..."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:541
msgid "<strong>Translations</strong> &mdash; The files translating WordPress into your language are updated for you whenever any other updates occur. But if these files are out of date, you can <strong>click the &#8220;Update Translations&#8221;</strong> button."
msgstr "<strong>Vertimai</strong> &mdash; failai, kuriuose yra WordPress vertimas į Jūsų pasirinktą kalbą, atnaujinami kai tik atsiranda naujos jų versijos. Tačiau jei šie failai Jūsų tinklalapyje seni, Jūs galite <strong>paspausti &#8220;Atnaujinti vertimus&#8221;</strong> mygtuką."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:537
msgid "In most cases, WordPress will automatically apply maintenance and security updates in the background for you."
msgstr "Daugeliu atvejų, WordPress Jums net nepajaučiant automatiškai instaliuos palaikymo ir saugumo atnaujinimus."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:537
msgid "<strong>WordPress</strong> &mdash; Updating your WordPress installation is a simple one-click procedure: just <strong>click on the &#8220;Update Now&#8221; button</strong> when you are notified that a new version is available."
msgstr "<strong>WordPress</strong> &mdash; WordPress atnaujinimas yra paprasta vienu mygtuko paspaudimu atliekama procedūra: tiesiog <strong>paspauskite ant &#8220;Atnaujinti dabar&#8221; mygtuko</strong>, kai tik pamatysite, kad yra išleista nauja versija. "

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:529
msgid "If an update is available, you&#8127;ll see a notification appear in the Toolbar and navigation menu."
msgstr "Jei galimas atnaujinimas, įrankių juostoje ir meniu matysite pranešimą apie tai."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:538
msgid "<strong>Themes and Plugins</strong> &mdash; To update individual themes or plugins from this screen, use the checkboxes to make your selection, then <strong>click on the appropriate &#8220;Update&#8221; button</strong>. To update all of your themes or plugins at once, you can check the box at the top of the section to select all before clicking the update button."
msgstr "<strong>Temos ir įskiepiai</strong> &mdash; norėdami atnaujinti konkrečią temą arba įskiepį šiame puslapyje, pažymėkite juos varnelėmis, o tuomet <strong>paspauskite ant atitinkamo &#8220;Atnaujinti&#8221; mygtuko</strong>. Norėdami atnaujinti visas temas ir įskiepius iš karto, prieš spaudžiant šį mygtuką, pažymėkite varnelę pačiame sąrašo viršuje - tuomet bus pasirinktos visos temos ir įskiepiai."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:528
msgid "On this screen, you can update to the latest version of WordPress, as well as update your themes, plugins, and translations from the WordPress.org repositories."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite atnaujinti savo WordPress į naujausią versiją, taip pat atnaujinti temas ir įskiepius iš WordPress.org katalogo."

#: wp-admin/about.php:40
msgid "Welcome to WordPress&nbsp;%s"
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad naudojate WordPress&nbsp;%s"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:92
msgid "If you would like to see more themes to choose from, click on the &#8220;Add New&#8221; button and you will be able to browse or search for additional themes from the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org Theme Directory</a>. Themes in the WordPress.org Theme Directory are designed and developed by third parties, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses. Oh, and they&#8217;re free!"
msgstr "Jei norite rinktis iš daugiau temų, paspauskite ant &#8220;Pridėti naują&#8221; mygtuko ir galėsite naršyti ar naudotis paieška tarp daugybės temų iš <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org temų katalogo</a>. Temos šiame kataloge yra sukurtos ir plėtojamos trečiųjų šalių, tačiau jas naudoti leidžia WordPress autorinės teisės. Taip pat, jos visos yra nemokamos!"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:217
msgid "Responsive Layout"
msgstr "Prisitaikantis išdėstymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:216
msgid "Fluid Layout"
msgstr "Lankstus išdėstymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:215
msgid "Fixed Layout"
msgstr "Fiksuotas išdėstymas"

#. translators: Number of comments in moderation
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:371
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1072 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:263
msgctxt "comments"
msgid "%s in moderation"
msgid_plural "%s in moderation"
msgstr[0] "Reikia moderuoti %s komentarą"
msgstr[1] "Reikia moderuoti %s komentarus"
msgstr[2] "Reikia moderuoti %s komentarų"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:243
msgid "%s Page"
msgid_plural "%s Pages"
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis"
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai"
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių"

#. translators: date and time format for recent posts on the dashboard, see
#. http:php.net/date
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:798
msgid "M jS"
msgstr "M jS"

#. translators: 1: number of megabytes, 2: percentage
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1245
msgid "%1$s MB (%2$s%%) Space Used"
msgstr "Išnaudota %1$s MB (%2$s%%) vietos"

#. translators: 1: relative date, 2: time, 3: post edit link or permalink, 4:
#. post title
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:805
msgid "<span>%1$s, %2$s</span> <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>"
msgstr "<span>%1$s, %2$s</span> <a href=\"%3$s\">%4$s</a>"

#. translators: number of megabytes
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1233
msgid "%s MB Space Allowed"
msgstr "Leidžiama %s MB vietos"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:241
msgid "%s Post"
msgid_plural "%s Posts"
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas"
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai"
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:33
msgid "When this setting is in effect, a reminder is shown in the At a Glance box of the Dashboard that says, &#8220;Search Engines Discouraged,&#8221; to remind you that your site is not being crawled."
msgstr "Kai šis nustatymas įjungtas, Skydelio skiltyje \"Trumpai\" bus rodomas priminimas \"Paieškos sistemos prašomos neindeksuoti\" - taip primenant Jums, kad paieškos sistemoms yra rodomas Jūsų pageidavimas neindeksuoti šio tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:39
msgid "At a Glance"
msgstr "Trumpai"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:227
msgid "Accessibility Ready"
msgstr "Paruoštos maksimaliam prieinamumui"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:613 wp-admin/themes.php:437
msgid "This is a child theme of %s."
msgstr "Tai temos „%s“ potemė."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:107
msgid "When previewing on smaller monitors, you can use the collapse icon at the bottom of the left-hand pane. This will hide the pane, giving you more room to preview your site in the new theme. To bring the pane back, click on the collapse icon again."
msgstr "Kai peržiūrinėjate mažame monitoriuje, Jūs galite naudoti suskleidimo funkciją - jos piktograma yra kairiojo skydelio apačioje. Ją paspaudus, ši sritis pasislėps, ir Jūs galėsite atidžiau apžiūrėti savo tinklalapį su nauja tema. Norėdami vėl išskleisti minėtą sritį, paspauskite ant tos pačios piktogramos."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:106
msgid "The theme being previewed is fully interactive &mdash; navigate to different pages to see how the theme handles posts, archives, and other page templates. The settings may differ depending on what theme features the theme being previewed supports. To accept the new settings and activate the theme all in one step, click the Save &amp; Activate button above the menu."
msgstr "Peržiūrima tema yra visiškai dinamiška &mdash; Jūs galite naršyti po skirtingus tinklalapio puslapius ir apžiūrėti, kaip ši tema vaizduoja įrašus, archyvus bei kitų puslapių šablonus. Galimi nustatymai yra skirtingi pagal tai, ką peržiūrima tema palaiko vaizdžiąjame režime. Norėdami išsaugoti naujus nustatymus ir aktyvuoti konkrečią temą vienu paspaudimus, tiesiog spustelėkite ant mygtuko \"Išsaugoti ir aktyvuoti\"."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:105
msgid "Tap or hover on any theme then click the Live Preview button to see a live preview of that theme and change theme options in a separate, full-screen view. You can also find a Live Preview button at the bottom of the theme details screen. Any installed theme can be previewed and customized in this way."
msgstr "Paspauskite arba užeikite su pele ant bet kurios temos ir paspauskite mygtuką \"Reali peržiūra\" - tuomet pamatysite tos temos vaizdą savo tinklalapyje ir galėsite keisti jos nustatymus atskirame, pilno dydžio ekrane. Mygtuką \"Reali peržiūra\" taip pat galite rasti temos infomacinio ekrano apačioje. Bet kuri instaliuota tema gali būti peržiūrima ir keičiama tokiu būdu."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:77
msgid "The current theme is displayed highlighted as the first theme."
msgstr "Aktyvi tema rodoma pati pirma ir yra paryškinta."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:76
msgid "Click Customize for the current theme or Live Preview for any other theme to see a live preview"
msgstr "Paspauskite ant \"Keisti\" aktyviai temai arba \"Reali peržiūra\" kitoms temoms - tuomet pamatysite jas vaizdžiąjame režime, t.y. taip, kaip jos atrodo Jūsų tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:75
msgid "Click on the theme to see the theme name, version, author, description, tags, and the Delete link"
msgstr "Paspauskite ant temos ir pamatysite jos pavadinimą, versiją, autorių, aprašymą, žymas bei ištrynimo nuorodą."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:74
msgid "Hover or tap to see Activate and Live Preview buttons"
msgstr "Užeikite ant konkrečios temos su pele, ir pamatysite mygtukus Aktyvuoti bei Reali peržiūra"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:72
msgid "This screen is used for managing your installed themes. Aside from the default theme(s) included with your WordPress installation, themes are designed and developed by third parties."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite instaliuoti ir tvarkyti jau instaliuotas temas. Šalie numatytųjų temų, kurios būna pridėtos į standartinę WordPress instaliaciją, Jūs galite naudoti ir kitas temas, sukurtas ir palaikomas trečiųjų šalių."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:390
msgid "To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a widget and delete its settings, drag it back."
msgstr "Norėdami aktyvuoti valdiklį, tiesiog nutempkite jį į norimą sritį ir paspauskite ant jo. Norėdami išjungti valdiklį ir ištrinti jo nustatymus, nutempkite jį atgal."

#. translators: 1: The rating, 2: The number of ratings
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2051
msgid "%1$s rating based on %2$s rating"
msgid_plural "%1$s rating based on %2$s ratings"
msgstr[0] "%1$s reitingas, pagal %2$s įvertinimą"
msgstr[1] "%1$s reitingas, pagal %2$s įvertinimus"
msgstr[2] "%1$s reitingas, pagal %2$s įvertinimų"

#. translators: 1: The rating
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:2055
msgid "%s rating"
msgstr "%s reitingas"

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:42
msgid "This screen shows an individual user all of their sites in this network, and also allows that user to set a primary site. They can use the links under each site to visit either the frontend or the dashboard for that site."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje vartotojui rodomi visi jo tinklalapiai šiame tinkle, taip pat leidžiama nustatyti pirminį tinklalapį. Prie kiekvieno tinklalapio yra nuorodos - į to tinklalapio skydelį ir į jį patį."

#. translators: 1: Error code, 2: Error message.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3498
msgid "Rollback Error: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgstr "Atkūrimo klaida: [%1$s] %2$s"

#. translators: 1: Error code, 2: Error message.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3501
msgid "Error: [%1$s] %2$s"
msgstr "Klaida: [%1$s] %2$s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3440
msgid "The following translations failed to update:"
msgstr "Šie vertimai nebuvo atnaujinti:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3426
msgid "The following themes were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Šios temos sėkmingai atnaujintos:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3427
msgid "The following translations were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Šie vertimai sėkmingai atnaujinti:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3438
msgid "The following plugins failed to update:"
msgstr "Šie įskiepiai nebuvo atnaujinti:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3439
msgid "The following themes failed to update:"
msgstr "Šios temos nebuvo atnaujintos:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3425
msgid "The following plugins were successfully updated:"
msgstr "Šie įskiepiai sėkmingai atnaujinti:"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:134
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete this theme?\n"
"Click 'Cancel' to go back, 'OK' to confirm the delete."
msgstr ""
"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šią temą?\n"
"Spauskite 'Atšaukti' grįžti atgal, 'OK' patvirtinti ištrynimą."

#: wp-admin/post.php:72
msgid "Unable to submit this form, please refresh and try again."
msgstr "Šios formos pateikti nepavyko, prašome perkrauti ir pabandyti dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:592 wp-admin/themes.php:409
msgid "Show next theme"
msgstr "Rodyti sekančią temą"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:504
msgid "Add Widget"
msgstr "Pridėti valdiklį"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:591 wp-admin/themes.php:408
msgid "Show previous theme"
msgstr "Rodyti ankstesnę temą"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:281 wp-admin/themes.php:400 wp-admin/themes.php:430
msgid "Update Available"
msgstr "Galimas atnaujinimas"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:157
msgctxt "Add new theme"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Pridėti naują"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:46 wp-admin/themes.php:138
msgid "Add New Theme"
msgstr "Pridėti naują temą"

#: wp-admin/index.php:70
msgid "<strong>Quick Draft</strong> &mdash; Allows you to create a new post and save it as a draft. Also displays links to the 5 most recent draft posts you've started."
msgstr "<strong>Greitas juodraštis</strong> &mdash; šioje vietoje galite greitai užsirašyti mintis, kilusias naujam įrašui, ir išsaugoti jas kaip juodraštį. Čia taip pat rodomos nuorodos į 5 naujausius juodraščius."

#: wp-admin/index.php:68
msgid "<strong>Activity</strong> &mdash; Shows the upcoming scheduled posts, recently published posts, and the most recent comments on your posts and allows you to moderate them."
msgstr "<strong>Aktyvumas</strong> &mdash; čia rodomi suplanuoti įrašai, neseniai paskelbti įrašai bei naujausi komentarai su nuorodomis į jų moderavimą."

#: wp-admin/index.php:55
msgid "<strong>Screen Options</strong> &mdash; Use the Screen Options tab to choose which Dashboard boxes to show."
msgstr "<strong>Ekrano nustatymai</strong> &mdash; šiame skirtuke galite pasirinkti, kurios Skydelio skydelio sekcijos bus rodomos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3471
msgid "[%s] Background updates have finished"
msgstr "[%s] Automatiniai atnaujinimai baigti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3469
msgid "[%s] There were failures during background updates"
msgstr "[%s] Atliekant automatinius atnaujinimus, įvyko klaidų"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:713
msgid "Publishing Soon"
msgstr "Tuoj bus paskelbta"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1239 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1252
msgid "Manage Uploads"
msgstr "Tvarkyti įkeltus failus"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:490
msgid "What&#8217;s on your mind?"
msgstr "Ką norite užsirašyti?"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1193
msgid "Popular Plugin"
msgstr "Populiarus įskiepis"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:729
msgid "No activity yet!"
msgstr "Kol kas nebuvo atlikta jokių veiksmų"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:46
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Aktyvumas"

#. translators: 1: version number, 2: theme name
#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:258
msgid "WordPress %1$s running %2$s theme."
msgstr "WordPress versija: %1$s, naudojama tema: %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:543
msgctxt "drafts"
msgid "View all"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti visus"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3412
msgid "FAILED: WordPress failed to update to %s"
msgstr "NEPAVYKO: WordPress nepavyko atnaujinti į versiją %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3432
msgid "SUCCESS: %s"
msgstr "PAVYKO: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3446
msgid "FAILED: %s"
msgstr "NEPAVYKO: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:56
msgid "WordPress News"
msgstr "WordPress naujienos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3410
msgid "SUCCESS: WordPress was successfully updated to %s"
msgstr "PAVYKO: WordPress sėkmingai atnaujinta į versiją %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:792
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "Rytoj"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:720
msgid "Recently Published"
msgstr "Neseniai paskelbti"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:790
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Šiandien"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:51
msgid "Quick Draft"
msgstr "Greitas juodraštis"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:51 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:545
msgid "Drafts"
msgstr "Juodraščiai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3404
msgid "WordPress site: %s"
msgstr "WordPress tinklalapis: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3294
msgid "Your site at %1$s experienced a critical failure while trying to update WordPress to version %2$s."
msgstr "Tinklalapis %1$s patyrė kritinę klaidą bandant atnaujinti WordPress į versiją %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:143
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2266
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:849 wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:924
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:947
msgid "The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions."
msgstr "Atnaujinimo instaliuoti neįmanoma, nes nepavyksta nukopijuoti kai kurių failų. Dažniausiai taip yra dėl netinkamų failų leidimų serveryje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3270
msgid "WordPress %s is also now available."
msgstr "Jau galite atnaujinti į WordPress %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3334
msgid "Your site was running version %s."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapis naudojo %s versiją."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:389
msgid "Your translations are all up to date."
msgstr "Jūsų vertimai yra naujausios versijos."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:60
msgid "If you need to re-install version %s, you can do so here or download the package and re-install manually:"
msgstr "Jei norite perinstaliuoti versiją %s, galite tai padaryti čia, arba atsisiųsti instaliacinį paketą ir perinstaliuoti rankiniu būdu:"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1577
msgid "If you take over, %s will be blocked from continuing to edit."
msgstr "Jei perimsite įrašo redagavimą, %s negalės jo toliau redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3296
msgid "Your site at %1$s experienced a critical failure while trying to update to the latest version of WordPress, %2$s."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapyje %1$s įvyko kritinė klaida bandant atnaujinti į WordPress versiją %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3279
msgid "Please update your site at %1$s to WordPress %2$s."
msgstr "Prašome atnaujinti tinklalapį %1$s į WordPress %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3266
msgid "For more on version %s, see the About WordPress screen:"
msgstr "Norėdami daugiau sužinoti apie %s versiją, peržiūrėkite sekciją \"Apie WordPress\":"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3259
msgid "Howdy! Your site at %1$s has been updated automatically to WordPress %2$s."
msgstr "Sveiki! Jūsų tinklalapis %1$s buvo automatiškai atnaujintas į WordPress %2$s."

#. translators: 1: Site name.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3244
msgid "[%1$s] URGENT: Your site may be down due to a failed update"
msgstr "[%1$s] SVARBU: Jūsų tinklalapis gali būti nepasiekiamas dėl nepavykusio atnaujinimo"

#. translators: 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3239
msgid "[%1$s] WordPress %2$s is available. Please update!"
msgstr "[%1$s] Jau išleista WordPress %2$s versija. Prašome atnaujinti!"

#. translators: 1: Site name, 2: WordPress version number.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3233
msgid "[%1$s] Your site has updated to WordPress %2$s"
msgstr "[%1$s] Jūsų tinklalapio versija buvo atnaujinta į WordPress %2$s"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:176
msgid "Future security updates will be applied automatically."
msgstr "Ateityje saugumo atnaujinimai bus įdiegti automatiškai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3336
msgid "Your hosting company, support forum volunteers, or a friendly developer may be able to use this information to help you:"
msgstr "Ši informacija gali būti naudinga Jums norintiems padėti prieglobos paslaugų (hostingo) tiekėjui, pagalbos forumo savanoriams ar draugiškam programuotojui."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3335
msgid "We have some data that describes the error your site encountered."
msgstr "Mes surinkome duomenis apie klaidą, kuri yra Jūsų tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3326
msgid "You also have some plugins or themes with updates available. Update them now:"
msgstr "Kai kuriuos Jūsų naudojamus įskiepius ar temas taip pat galima atnaujinti. Atnaujinkite dabar:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3317 wp-admin/update-core.php:529
msgid "Keeping your site updated is important for security. It also makes the internet a safer place for you and your readers."
msgstr "Nuolat atnaujinti tinklalapį būtina dėl saugumo. Taip prisidedate prie saugesnio interneto sau ir savo lankytojams."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3311
msgid "If you experience any issues or need support, the volunteers in the WordPress.org support forums may be able to help."
msgstr "Jei kažkas neveikia arba reikia pagalbos, Jums gali padėti savanoriai WordPress.org forume."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3298
msgid "This means your site may be offline or broken. Don't panic; this can be fixed."
msgstr "Tai reiškia, kad Jūsų tinklalapis yra nepasiekiamas arba neveikia. Nesijaudinkite - tai sutvarkoma."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3300
msgid "Please check out your site now. It's possible that everything is working. If it says you need to update, you should do so:"
msgstr "Prašome patikrinkite savo tinklalapį. Gali būti, kad jis jau veikia. Jei pamatysite pranešimą, kad turite inicijuoti atnaujinimą, taip ir padarykite:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3271
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3288
msgid "Updating is easy and only takes a few moments:"
msgstr "Atnaujinti WordPress yra lengva ir trunka tik kelias akimirkas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3286
msgid "We tried but were unable to update your site automatically."
msgstr "Deja, bandymas atnaujinti Jūsų tinklalapį automatiškai nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3262
msgid "No further action is needed on your part."
msgstr "Daugiau Jums nieko nereikia daryti."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:388 wp-admin/update-core.php:396
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Vertimai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2915
msgid "Translations for %s"
msgstr "Vertimai %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3349
msgid "Error code: %s"
msgstr "Klaidos kodas: %s"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:179
msgid "ERROR: %s"
msgstr "KLAIDA: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1575
msgid "This content is currently locked."
msgstr "Šis turinys šiuo metu užrakintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:808
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2916
msgid "Updating translations for %1$s (%2$s)&#8230;"
msgstr "Atnaujinami vertimai %1$s (%2$s)&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:790
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:400 wp-admin/update-core.php:693
msgid "Update Translations"
msgstr "Atnaujinti vertimus"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:3330
msgid "The WordPress Team"
msgstr "WordPress komanda"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1916
msgid "Some of your translations need updating. Sit tight for a few more seconds while we update them as well."
msgstr "Kai kurie Jūsų vertimai turi atnaujinimus. Luktelėkite kelias sekundes kol ir juos atnaujinsime."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1917
msgid "The translation is up to date."
msgstr "Vertimas yra naujausios versijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1919
msgid "Downloading translation from <span class=\"code\">%s</span>&#8230;"
msgstr "Siunčiamas vertimas iš <span class=\"code\">%s</span>&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1922
msgid "Translation updated successfully."
msgstr "Vertimai atnaujinti sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1921
msgid "Translation update failed."
msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti vertimų."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:980
msgid "There is not enough free disk space to complete the update."
msgstr "Diske nėra pakankamai vietos sėkmingai atlikti atnaujinimą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2911
msgid "Updating plugin: %s"
msgstr "Atnaujinamas įskiepis: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2905
msgid "Updating theme: %s"
msgstr "Atnaujinama tema: %s"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:33
msgid "Upgrading to a newer version of the same theme will override changes made here. To avoid this, consider creating a <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">child theme</a> instead."
msgstr "Atnaujinant temą į jos naujesnę versiją, visi pokyčiai, atlikti čia, bus perrašyti ir išnyks. Norint to išvengti, turėtumėte sukurti ir redaguoti <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dukterinę temą</a>."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:49
msgid "The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions in pixels to use when adding an image to the Media Library."
msgstr "Žemiau nurodyti dydžiai yra maksimalūs paveikslėlio, keliamo į Failų saugyklą, išmatavimai pikseliais."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:354
msgid "Create a brand new user and add them to this site."
msgstr "Sukurti naują vartotoją ir pridėti jį į šią svetainę"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:144
msgid "Comment must be manually approved"
msgstr "Komentarai turi būti patvirtinti rankiniu būdu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:511
msgid "Your theme does not natively support menus, but you can use them in sidebars by adding a &#8220;Custom Menu&#8221; widget on the <a href=\"%s\">Widgets</a> screen."
msgstr "Jūsų naudojama tema nepalaiko meniu, tačiau Jūs galite rodyti sukurtus meniu šoninėje tinklalapio srityje, pridėję į juos \"Meniu\" valdiklį (tai padaryti galite <a href=\"%s\">Valdiklių</a> skiltyje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:538
msgid "<strong>Clicking the arrow to the right of any menu item</strong> in the editor will reveal a standard group of settings. Additional settings such as link target, CSS classes, link relationships, and link descriptions can be enabled and disabled via the Screen Options tab."
msgstr "<strong>Paspaudus rodyklę esančią šalia kiekvieno meniu punkto pavadinimo</strong> atsidarys standartiniai nustatymai meniu punktui. Papildomi nustatymai meniu punktams, tokie kaip nuorodos atidarymo vieta, CSS klasė, nuorodų ryšiai bei aprašymai, yra įjungiami ir išjungiami Ekrano nustatymų skiltyje puslapio viršuje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:515
msgid "Menus can be displayed in locations defined by your theme, even used in sidebars by adding a &#8220;Custom Menu&#8221; widget on the <a href=\"%1$s\">Widgets</a> screen. If your theme does not support the custom menus feature (the default themes, %2$s and %3$s, do), you can learn about adding this support by following the Documentation link to the side."
msgstr "Meniu gali būti rodomi vietose, numatytose Jūsų naudojamoje temoje, taip pat meniu galite rodyti šoninėje srityje, ten įkėlę valdiklį \"Meniu\" (tai atliekama <a href=\"%1$s\">Valdiklių tvarkymo puslapyje</a>). Jei Jūsų tema nepalaiko meniu kūrimo (numatytosios temos, %2$s ir %3$s, tikrai palaiko), perskaityti kaip tai pakeisti galite specialiame Dokumentacijos puslapyje - nuoroda šone."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:524
msgid "The checksum of the file (%1$s) does not match the expected checksum value (%2$s)."
msgstr "Failo kontrolinė suma (%1$s) neatitinka tikėtinos vertės (%2$s)."

#. translators: 1: folder to locate, 2: folder to start searching from
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php:256
msgid "Looking for %1$s in %2$s"
msgstr "Ieškoma: %1$s (%2$s)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2176
msgid "Attempting to roll back to previous version."
msgstr "Bandoma grąžinti ankstesnę versiją."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2177
msgid "Due to an error during updating, WordPress has rolled back to your previous version."
msgstr "Atnaujinant įvyko klaida, todėl WordPress buvo atstatytas į pas jus buvusią versiją."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:877
msgid "Preparing to install the latest version&#8230;"
msgstr "Ruošiamasi naujausios versijos diegimui&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/install.php:332
msgid "You must provide an email address."
msgstr "Privalote įvesti el.paštą."

#: wp-admin/install.php:328
msgid "Your passwords do not match. Please try again."
msgstr "Slaptažodžiai nesutampa. Pabandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/install.php:324
msgid "The username you provided has invalid characters."
msgstr "Įvestas vartotojo vardas turi neleistinų simbolių."

#: wp-admin/install.php:336
msgid "Sorry, that isn&#8217;t a valid email address. Email addresses look like <code>username@example.com</code>."
msgstr "Deja, tai neatrodo kaip teisingas el.pašto adresas. Jie paprastai atrodo kaip <code>vardas@pavyzdys.com</code>."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:937
msgid "Copying the required files&#8230;"
msgstr "Kopijuojami būtini failai&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2898
msgid "Updating to WordPress %s"
msgstr "Atnaujinama į WordPress %s"

#: wp-admin/install.php:321
msgid "Please provide a valid username."
msgstr "Įveskite teisingą vartotojo vardą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2899
msgid "WordPress %s"
msgstr "WordPress %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1200
msgid "This password will not be stored on the server."
msgstr "Šis slaptažodis nebus saugomas serveryje."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:271
msgid "%s post not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgid_plural "%s posts not updated, somebody is editing them."
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas neatnaujintas, kažkas kitas jį redaguoja."
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai neatnaujinti, kažkas kitas juos redaguoja."
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų neatnaujinta, kažkas kitas juos redaguoja."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:279
msgid "%s page not updated, somebody is editing it."
msgid_plural "%s pages not updated, somebody is editing them."
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis neatnaujintas, kažkas jį redaguoja."
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai neatnaujinti, kažkas juos redaguoja."
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių neatnaujinti, kažkas juos redaguoja."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:272
msgid "%s post permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s posts permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas negrįžtamai ištrintas."
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai negrįžtamai ištrinti."
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų negrįžtamai ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:280
msgid "%s page permanently deleted."
msgid_plural "%s pages permanently deleted."
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis negrįžtamai ištrintas."
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai negrįžtamai ištrinti."
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių negrįžtamai ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:277
msgid "%s page updated."
msgid_plural "%s pages updated."
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis atnaujintas."
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai atnaujinti."
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių atnaujinti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:281
msgid "%s page moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis perkeltas į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai perkelti į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių perkelti į šiukšlinę."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:282
msgid "%s page restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s pages restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s puslapis atstatytas iš šiukšlinės."
msgstr[1] "%s puslapiai atstatyti iš šiukšlinės."
msgstr[2] "%s puslapių atstatyti iš šiukšlinės."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:274
msgid "%s post restored from the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts restored from the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas atstatytas iš šiukšlinės."
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai atstatyti iš šiukšlinės."
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų atstatyti iš šiukšlinės."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:273
msgid "%s post moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s posts moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas perkeltas į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai perkelti į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų perkelti į šiukšlinę."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:37
msgid "Tag not added."
msgstr "Žyma nepridėta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:36
msgid "Tag updated."
msgstr "Žyma atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:38
msgid "Tag not updated."
msgstr "Žyma neatnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:28
msgid "Category not updated."
msgstr "Kategorija neatnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:24
msgid "Category added."
msgstr "Kategorija pridėta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:29
msgid "Categories deleted."
msgstr "Kategorijos ištrintos."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:27
msgid "Category not added."
msgstr "Kategorija nepridėta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:39
msgid "Tags deleted."
msgstr "Žymos ištrintos."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:34
msgid "Tag added."
msgstr "Žyma pridėta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:35
msgid "Tag deleted."
msgstr "Žyma ištrinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:25
msgid "Category deleted."
msgstr "Kategorija ištrinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:26
msgid "Category updated."
msgstr "Kategorija atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/revision.php:109
msgid "Compare two different revisions by <strong>selecting the &#8220;Compare any two revisions&#8221; box</strong> to the side."
msgstr "Palyginkite dvi skirtingas versijas <strong>pažymėję pasirinkimą &#8220;Palyginti bet kurias dvi versijas&#8221;</strong> šone."

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:343
msgid "Compare any two revisions"
msgstr "Palyginti dvi versijas"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:381
msgid "Restore This Autosave"
msgstr "Atstatyti į šį auto-išsaugojimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:363
msgid "Current Revision by %s"
msgstr "Esama versija (autorius %s)"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:360
msgid "Autosave by %s"
msgstr "Auto-išsaugojimas (autorius %s)"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:199
msgid "Your site is configured to keep only the last %s revisions."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapio nustatymuose nurodyta saugoti %s paskiausias versijas."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:207
msgctxt "revisions"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Naršyti"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:201 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:204
msgid "Revisions: %s"
msgstr "Versijos: %s"

#. translators: 1: audio track title, 2: album title
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:307
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s."
msgstr "Audio įrašas \"%1$s\" iš albumo %2$s."

#. translators: 1: audio track title, 2: artist name
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:310
msgid "\"%1$s\" by %2$s."
msgstr "Audio įrašas \"%1$s\", sukūrė %2$s."

#. translators: 1: audio track title, 2: album title, 3: artist name
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:304
msgid "\"%1$s\" from %2$s by %3$s."
msgstr "Audio įrašas: \"%1$s\",  albumas: %2$s, kūrėjas: %3$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:312
msgid "\"%s\"."
msgstr "\"%s\"."

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:366
msgid "Revision by %s"
msgstr "Versija (autorius %s)"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:489
msgid "We&#8217;re backing up this post in your browser, just in case."
msgstr "Mes nuolat išsaugome šį įrašą Jūsų naršyklėję, dėl viso pikto."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:488
msgid "<strong>Connection lost.</strong> Saving has been disabled until you&#8217;re reconnected."
msgstr "<strong>Neįmanoma prisijungti prie interneto.</strong> Išsaugojimas neįmanomas, kol vėl neprisijungsite."

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:395
msgid "Sorry, something went wrong. The requested comparison could not be loaded."
msgstr "Atleiskite, įvyko klaida. Palyginimo nepavyko užkrauti."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:324
msgctxt "Background Attachment"
msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Fono failas"

#: wp-admin/install.php:158 wp-admin/user-new.php:424
msgid "Repeat Password"
msgstr "Pakartokite slaptažodį"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:506
msgid "Repeat New Password"
msgstr "Pakartokite naują slaptažodį"

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:886
msgid "Add menu items from the column on the left."
msgstr "Pridėkite meniu punktus iš stulpelio kairėje."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:213
msgid "Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via <a href=\"%2$s\">this page</a>."
msgstr "Įskiepiai skirti pakeisti ir išplėsti standartines WordPress funkcijas. Jūs galite automatiškai instaliuoti įskiepius iš <a href=\"%1$s\">WordPress Įskiepių Katalogo</a> arba įkelti įskiepį .zip formatu <a href=\"%2$s\">šiame puslapyje</a>."

#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://wordpress.org/plugins/hello-dolly/"
msgstr "http://wordpress.org/plugins/hello-dolly/"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:139
msgid "The package contains no files."
msgstr "Pakete nėra failų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1282
msgid "The theme contains no files."
msgstr "Temoje nėra failų."

#: wp-admin/revision.php:108
msgid "To navigate between revisions, <strong>drag the slider handle left or right</strong> or <strong>use the Previous or Next buttons</strong>."
msgstr "Norėdami pamatyti visas versijas, <strong>traukite slankikį į kairę ar dešinę</strong>, arba <strong>naudokite mygtukus Ankstesnė ir Naujesnė</strong>."

#: wp-admin/customize.php:88
msgid "Loading&hellip;"
msgstr "Kraunama&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/post.php:249
msgid "This item has already been deleted."
msgstr "Šis įrašas jau ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/post.php:231
msgid "The item you are trying to restore from the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr "Įrašas, kurį norite atkurti iš šiukšlinės, jau neegzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/post.php:208
msgid "The item you are trying to move to the Trash no longer exists."
msgstr "Įrašas, kurį norite perkelti į šiukšlinę, jau neegzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:759
msgid "Drag each item into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options."
msgstr "Nutempkite ir padėkite kiekvieną elementą ten, kur norite. Paspauskite ant rodyklės dešinėje, kad pamatytumėte papildomus nustatymus konkrečiam elementui."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:528
msgid "If you haven&#8217;t yet created any menus, <strong>click the &#8217;create a new menu&#8217; link</strong> to get started"
msgstr "Jei dar nesukūrėte nei vieno meniu, paspauskite ant <strong>&#8217;sukurti naują meniu&#8217; nuorodos</strong> ir pradėkite"

#: wp-admin/revision.php:110
msgid "To restore a revision, <strong>click Restore This Revision</strong>."
msgstr "Norėdami atstatyti konkrečią versiją, <strong>paspauskite \"Atstatyti šią versiją\"</strong>."

#: wp-admin/revision.php:107
msgid "From this screen you can review, compare, and restore revisions:"
msgstr "Čia Jūs galite peržiūrėti, palyginti ir atstatyti turinio versijas:"

#: wp-admin/revision.php:106
msgid "Revisions are saved copies of your post or page, which are periodically created as you update your content. The red text on the left shows the content that was removed. The green text on the right shows the content that was added."
msgstr "Versijos yra išsaugotos Jūsų įrašo arba puslapio kopijos, jos automatiškai kuriamos kas nustatytą laiko tarpą, kol Jūs redaguojate turinį. Raudonas tekstas kairėje rodo pašalintą turinį. Žalias tekstas dešinėje rodo naujai pridėtą turinį."

#: wp-admin/revision.php:105
msgid "This screen is used for managing your content revisions."
msgstr "Ši skiltis naudojama turinio versijoms tvarkyti."

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:354
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Į:"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:352
msgctxt "Followed by post revision info"
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Iš:"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:325
msgctxt "Button label for a previous revision"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Ankstesnis"

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:329
msgctxt "Button label for a next revision"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Kita"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:553
msgid "To add a new menu instead of assigning an existing one, <strong>click the &#8217;Use new menu&#8217; link</strong>. Your new menu will be automatically assigned to that theme location"
msgstr "Norėdami pridėti naują meniu, vietoj esamo priskyrimo, <strong>paspauskite nuorodą \"Naudoti naują meniu\"</strong>. Naujai sukurtas meniu bus iš karto priskirtas pasirinktai vietai temoje"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:552
msgid "To edit a menu currently assigned to a theme location, <strong>click the adjacent &#8217;Edit&#8217; link</strong>"
msgstr "Norėdami redaguoti meniu, kuris jau priskirtas konkrečiai vietai temoje, <strong>paspauskite šalia esančią nuorodą \"Redaguoti\"</strong>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:551
msgid "To assign menus to one or more theme locations, <strong>select a menu from each location&#8217;s drop down.</strong> When you&#8217;re finished, <strong>click Save Changes</strong>"
msgstr "Norėdami priskirti meniu į vieną ar kelias vietas temoje, <strong>pasirinkite meniu iš kiekvienos vietos išskleidžiamojo sąrašo</strong>. Kai baigsite, <strong> paspauskite \"Saugoti pakeitimus\"</strong>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:550
msgid "This screen is used for globally assigning menus to locations defined by your theme."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje galite priskirti konkrečius meniu į jiems numatytas vietas Jūsų temoje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:541
msgid "To reorganize menu items, <strong>drag and drop items with your mouse or use your keyboard</strong>. Drag or move a menu item a little to the right to make it a submenu"
msgstr "Norėdami perdėlioti meniu punktus, <strong>tiesiog vilkite su pele arba naudokite klaviatūrą</strong>. Norėdami sukurti sub-meniu punktą, patraukite jau pridėtą meniu punktą šiek tiek į dešinę."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:539
msgid "Add one or several items at once by <strong>selecting the checkbox next to each item and clicking Add to Menu</strong>"
msgstr "Pridėkite vieną ar kelis punktus iš karto <strong>pažymėję varnelę šalia kiekvieno ir paspaudę \"Pridėti į meniu</strong>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:537
msgid "Each custom menu may contain a mix of links to pages, categories, custom URLs or other content types. Menu links are added by selecting items from the expanding boxes in the left-hand column below."
msgstr "Kiekvienas sukurtas meniu gali būti sudarytas iš skirtingų punktų: puslapių, kategorijų, tiesioginių URL ar kitokio tipo turinio. Punktai į meniu pridedami pasirenkant norimus elementus iš išsiskleidžiančių skilčių stulpelyje kairėje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:529
msgid "You can assign theme locations to individual menus by <strong>selecting the desired settings</strong> at the bottom of the menu editor. To assign menus to all theme locations at once, <strong>visit the Manage Locations tab</strong> at the top of the screen."
msgstr "Jūs galite priskirti konkrečius meniu į skirtingas vietas savo temoje, <strong>pasirinkę atitinkamus nustatymus</strong> meniu redagavimo puslapio apačioje. Norėdami priskirti meniu į visas įmanomas vietas temoje iš karto, <strong>atidarykite skiltį \"Nustatyti meniu vietas\"</strong> šio ekrano viršuje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:542
msgid "Delete a menu item by <strong>expanding it and clicking the Remove link</strong>"
msgstr "Ištrinkite meniu punktą <strong>jį išskleidę ir paspaudę nuorodą \"Pašalinti\"</strong>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:527
msgid "To edit an existing menu, <strong>choose a menu from the drop down and click Select</strong>"
msgstr "Norėdami redaguoti egzistuojantį meniu, <strong>pasirinkite jį laukelyje ir spauskite \"Rinktis\"</strong>"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:526
msgid "The menu management box at the top of the screen is used to control which menu is opened in the editor below."
msgstr "Ekrano viršuje esantis menu pasirinkimo laukas naudojamas nustatyti, kuris meniu bus keičiamas žemiau esančiame redagavimo lauke."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:518
msgid "Add, organize, and modify individual menu items"
msgstr "Pridėti, perkelti ir pakeisti konkrečius meniu punktus"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:517
msgid "Create, edit, and delete menus"
msgstr "Sukurti, redaguoti arba ištrinti meniu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:516 wp-admin/themes.php:73
msgid "From this screen you can:"
msgstr "Čia Jūs galite:"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:514
msgid "This screen is used for managing your custom navigation menus."
msgstr "Ši skiltis naudojama Jūsų sukurtų meniu tvarkymui."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1615
msgid "Your latest changes were saved as a revision."
msgstr "Jūsų paskiausi pakeitimai buvo išsaugoti kaip turinio versija."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:388
msgid "Menu locations updated."
msgstr "Meniu lokacija atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:623
msgid "Select a Menu"
msgstr "Pasirinkite meniu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:635
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redaguoti"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:641
msgctxt "menu"
msgid "Use new menu"
msgstr "Naudoti naują meniu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:613
msgid "Theme Location"
msgstr "Meniu vieta temoje"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:614
msgid "Assigned Menu"
msgstr "Priskirtas meniu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:590
msgid "Manage Locations"
msgstr "Nustatyti meniu vietas"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:588
msgid "Edit Menus"
msgstr "Redaguoti meniu"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:546
msgid "Editing Menus"
msgstr "Meniu redagavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2904
msgid "Audio Codec:"
msgstr "Audio kodekas:"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:533
msgid "Menu Management"
msgstr "Meniu valdymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:342
msgid "Genre: %s."
msgstr "Žanras: %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2903
msgid "Audio Format:"
msgstr "Audio formatas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:338
msgid "Track %1$s."
msgstr "Audio įrašas: %1$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:336
msgid "Track %1$s of %2$s."
msgstr "Audio įrašas: %1$s (viso yra %2$s audio įrašų)."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:331
msgid "Released: %d."
msgstr "Išleidimo data: %d."

#. translators: 1: audio album title, 2: artist name
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:319
msgid "%1$s by %2$s."
msgstr "Albumas: %1$s, autorius: %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:383
msgid "Restore This Revision"
msgstr "Atstatyti šią versiją"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:612
msgid "Denied: %s"
msgstr "Draudžiama: %s"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:604
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "Galimybės"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:758
msgid "Menu Structure"
msgstr "Meniu struktūra"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:202
msgid "Down one"
msgstr "Vienu žemyn"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:201
msgid "Up one"
msgstr "Vienu aukštyn"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:200
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Perkelti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:205
msgid "To the top"
msgstr "Į viršų"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:778
msgid "Menu Settings"
msgstr "Meniu nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1994
msgid "The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below."
msgstr "Šio įrašo atsarginė kopija Jūsų naršyklėje skiriasi nuo versijos, kurią matote žemiau."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1998
msgid "Post restored successfully."
msgstr "Įrašas atkurtas sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1995
msgid "Restore the backup."
msgstr "Atstatyti iš atsarginės kopijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1999
msgid "Undo."
msgstr "Atšaukti"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1240
msgid "Draft created on %1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "Juodraštis sukurtas %1$s, %2$s"

#: wp-admin/post.php:218
msgid "You cannot move this item to the Trash. %s is currently editing."
msgstr "Jūs negalite perkelti į Šiukšlinę. %s šiuo metu redaguoja."

#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:776
msgid "%s has taken over and is currently editing."
msgstr "%s perėmė redagavimą ir šiuo metu atlieka pakeitimus."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1600
msgid "Take over"
msgstr "Perimti"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:666
msgid "Edit your menu below, or <a href=\"%s\">create a new menu</a>."
msgstr "Redaguokite meniu matomą žemiau, arba <a href=\"%s\">sukurkite naują meniu</a>."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:671
msgid "Select a menu to edit:"
msgstr "Pasirinkite meniu, kurį norite redaguoti:"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:712
msgid "or <a href=\"%s\">create a new menu</a>."
msgstr "arba <a href=\"%s\">sukurkite naują meniu</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:755
msgid "Thank you for Updating! Please visit the <a href=\"%s\">Upgrade Network</a> page to update all your sites."
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad atnaujinote! Prašome aplankyti <a href=\"%s\">Tinklo atnaujinimo</a> puslapį ir atnaujinti visus savo tinklalapius."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:384
msgid "All right, sparky! You&#8217;ve made it through this part of the installation. WordPress can now communicate with your database. If you are ready, time now to&hellip;"
msgstr "Puiku! Šis instaliavimo etapas baigtas. WordPress jau sujungtas su duomenų baze. Jei esate pasiruošęs, dabar laikas&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:798
msgid "Theme locations"
msgstr "Lokacijos temoje"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:791
msgid "Auto add pages"
msgstr "Automatiškai pridėti į meniu puslapius"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:114
msgid "sub item"
msgstr "papunktis"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:772
msgid "Give your menu a name above, then click Create Menu."
msgstr "Viršuje įrašykite savo meniu pavadinimą, o tuomet paspauskite \"Sukurti meniu\""

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:748
msgid "Menu 1"
msgstr "Meniu 1"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:759
msgid "Edit your default menu by adding or removing items. Drag each item into the order you prefer. Click Create Menu to save your changes."
msgstr "Redaguokite numatytajį meniu - pridėkite ar išimkite punktus. Nutempkite norimą punktą ir išdėliokite juos norima tvarka. Paspauskite \"Sukurti meniu\" ir Jūsų pakeitimai bus išsaugoti."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:275
msgid "Selected menus have been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Pažymėti meniu buvo sėkmingai ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:29
msgid "For PHP files, you can use the Documentation dropdown to select from functions recognized in that file. Look Up takes you to a web page with reference material about that particular function."
msgstr "Kai redaguojate PHP failą, galite naudotis Dokumentacijos pasirenkamuoju sąrašu, kuriame bus sudėtos visos funkcijos, surastos tame faile. Paieškos funkcija atidarys informaciją apie konkrečią pasirinktą funkciją."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:135
msgid "The Documentation menu below the editor lists the PHP functions recognized in the plugin file. Clicking Look Up takes you to a web page about that particular function."
msgstr "Dokumentacijos meniu, esančiame žemiau redaktoriaus zonos, surašytos visos PHP funkcijos, kurios surastos šiame įskiepio faile. Paspaudus ant \"Ieškoti\", bus atidaryta informacija apie konkrečią funkciją."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:263 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:266
msgid "Look Up"
msgstr "Ieškoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:899
#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:742
msgid "%s is currently editing"
msgstr "%s šiuo metu redaguoja"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:419
msgid "You can upload and insert media (images, audio, documents, etc.) by clicking the Add Media button. You can select from the images and files already uploaded to the Media Library, or upload new media to add to your page or post. To create an image gallery, select the images to add and click the &#8220;Create a new gallery&#8221; button."
msgstr "Paspaudę mygtuką \"Įkelti failus\" galite įdėti įvairaus tipo failus (paveikslėlius, audio, dokumentus ir pan.). Pridedant galite išsirinkti iš seniau į Failų saugyklą įkeltų failų, arba įkelti naują failą. Norėdami sukurti galeriją, pasirinkite paveikslėlius, kurie joje turėtų būti ir paspauskite mygtuką \"Sukurti naują galeriją\"."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:165
msgid "Image rotation is not supported by your web host."
msgstr "Paveikslėlių apvertimo nepalaiko Jūsų tinklalapio prieglaudos (hostingo) tiekėjas."

#: wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php:312
msgid "If you are looking to use the link manager, please install the <a href=\"%s\">Link Manager</a> plugin."
msgstr "Jei norite naudotis nuorodų valdymo įrankiu, prašome instaliuoti įskiepį <a href=\"%s\">Nuorodų valdymas</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1423
msgid "Manage <a href=\"%1$s\">widgets</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">menus</a>"
msgstr "Tvarkyti <a href=\"%1$s\">valdiklius</a> arba <a href=\"%2$s\">meniu</a>"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:69
msgid "When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your widgets and their settings will have been saved."
msgstr "Kai keičiate temas, turite atsiminti, kad jų šoninių/valdiklių sričių išdėstymas bei kiekis gali skirtis, dėl to kartais dėl šių konfliktų temos pakeitimas vyksta ne itin sklandžiai. Jei Jūs pakeitėte temą, ir nematote kai kurių savo valdiklių, paeikite žemyn šiame ekrane, kol pamatysite Neaktyvių valdiklių skiltį - būtent ten bus išsaugoti visi Jūsų valdikliai bei jų nustatymai."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:430
msgid "Several boxes on this screen contain settings for how your content will be published, including:"
msgstr "Kai kuriose šio puslapio skiltyse yra nustatymai, kuriais kontroliuojama, kaip Jūsų turinys bus skelbiamas:"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:356
msgid "The title field and the big Post Editing Area are fixed in place, but you can reposition all the other boxes using drag and drop. You can also minimize or expand them by clicking the title bar of each box. Use the Screen Options tab to unhide more boxes (Excerpt, Send Trackbacks, Custom Fields, Discussion, Slug, Author) or to choose a 1- or 2-column layout for this screen."
msgstr "Pavadinimo įvedimo laukas ir įrašo redagavimo vieta yra fiksuoti savo vietose, tačiau visus kitus elementus puslapyje galite sudėlioti kaip Jums patogiau - tiesiog vilkdami pele. Taip pat šiuos elementus galite suskleisti ar vėl išskleisti, paspaudę ant jų pavadinimų. Norėdami matyti daugiau galimų elementų (pvz. Ištrauka, Siųsti atgalines nuorodas, Vartotojo laukai, Diskusija, Slug, Autorius) arba pasirinkti rodymą 1 ar 2 stulpeliais, žiūrėkite skiltį \"Ekrano nustatymai\"."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:93
msgid "To use a background image, simply upload it or choose an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the &#8220;Choose Image&#8221; button. You can display a single instance of your image, or tile it to fill the screen. You can have your background fixed in place, so your site content moves on top of it, or you can have it scroll with your site."
msgstr "Norėdami naudoti fono paveikslėlį, paprasčiausiai jį įkelkite arba pasirinkite iš seniau įkeltų į Failų Saugyklą - tai daroma paspaudus mygtuką \"Pasirinkti paveikslėlį\". Paveikslėlį galima rodyti vieną kartą, arba sudėlioti jį daug kartų, kad būtų užpildytas visas ekranas. Taip pat Jūsų fonas gali būti fiksuotas, kai tinklalapyje slenkate žemyn bei aukštym, arba judėti kartu su turiniu."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:448
msgid "Publish Settings"
msgstr "Paskelbimo nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:424
msgid "Inserting Media"
msgstr "Įterpti failą"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:122
msgid "Don&#8217;t forget to click &#8220;Save Changes&#8221; when you&#8217;re done!"
msgstr "Nepamirškite paspausti &#8220;Išsaugoti pakeitimus&#8221; kai baigsite!"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:256
msgid "<strong>Parent</strong> &mdash; Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have child categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional. To create a subcategory, just choose another category from the Parent dropdown."
msgstr "<strong>Tėvinė kategorija</strong> &mdash; kategorijos, skirtingai nei žymos, gali turėti hierarchiją. Pavyzdžiui, kategorija Džiazas gali turėti sub-kategorijas Bebopas ir Bigbendas. Tačiau tai nėra privaloma. Norėdami sukurti sub-kategoriją, tiesiog pasirinkite kažkurią kategoriją kaip jos tėvinę išskleidžiamame pasirinkimų sąraše."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2629
msgid "You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"%2$s\">browser uploader</a> instead."
msgstr "Jūs naudojate multi-failų įkėlimo įrankį. Nesklandumai? Pabandykite naudoti <a href=\"%1$s\" target=\"%2$s\">įkėlimą per naršyklę</a>."

#: wp-admin/async-upload.php:63
msgctxt "media item"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redaguoti"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:658
msgctxt "color"
msgid "Default: %s"
msgstr "Numatytoji: %s"

#. translators: column name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:308
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Uploaded to"
msgstr "Įkelta į"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:374 wp-admin/custom-header.php:812
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2028
msgid "The uploaded file is not a valid image. Please try again."
msgstr "Įkeltas failas nėra tinkamas paveikslėlis. Bandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:558
msgid "Choose a Custom Header"
msgstr "Pasirinkti tinkintą antraštę"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:280
msgid "Choose a Background Image"
msgstr "Pasirinkite fono paveiksliuką"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:121
msgid "In the Header Text section of this page, you can choose whether to display this text or hide it. You can also choose a color for the text by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. &#8220;#ff0000&#8221; for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker."
msgstr "Šio puslapio skiltyje Antraštės tekstas galite pasirinkti ar šį tekstą rodyti, ar slėpti. Taip pat galite pasirinkti teksto spalvą naudodami mygtuką \"Pasirinkti spalvą\" ir tuomet įvedę tinkamą HTML hex vertę, pvz.: &#8220;#ff0000&#8221; raudonai spalvai; arba tiesiog pasirinkę norimą spalvą su specialiu įrankiu."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:94
msgid "You can also choose a background color by clicking the Select Color button and either typing in a legitimate HTML hex value, e.g. &#8220;#ff0000&#8221; for red, or by choosing a color using the color picker."
msgstr "Fono spalvą taip pat galite pasirinkti paspaudę ant mygtuko \"Pasirinkti spalvą\" ir tuomet įvedę tinkamą HTML hex vertę, pvz.: &#8220;#ff0000&#8221; raudonai spalvai, arba tiesiog pasirinkę norimą spalvą su specialiu įrankiu."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:32
msgid "You can choose whether or not your site will be crawled by robots, ping services, and spiders. If you want those services to ignore your site, click the checkbox next to &#8220;Discourage search engines from indexing this site&#8221; and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen. Note that your privacy is not complete; your site is still visible on the web."
msgstr "Jūs galite pasirinkti, ar norėtumėte, kad Jūsų tinklalapyje lankytųsi robotai, atgalinių nuorodų servisai ir interneto vorai. Jei norite, kad šie servisai ignoruotų Jūsų tinklalapį, pažymėkite varnelę šalia \"Paieškos sistemos prašomos neindeksuoti\" ir paspauskite mygtuką \"Išsaugoti pakeitimus\" puslapio apačioje. Tačiau turėkite omenyje, kad Jūsų privatumas nėra pilnas, tinklalapis vistiek išliks prieinamas ir randamas internete."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1435
msgid "Learn more about getting started"
msgstr "Sužinokite daugiau apie tai, kaip pradėti"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1418
msgid "More Actions"
msgstr "Daugiau veiksmų"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1433
msgid "Turn comments on or off"
msgstr "Įjungti arba išjungti komentarus"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2815
msgid "File URL:"
msgstr "Failo URL:"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:158
msgid "In the <strong>In Response To</strong> column, there are three elements. The text is the name of the post that inspired the comment, and links to the post editor for that entry. The View Post link leads to that post on your live site. The small bubble with the number in it shows the number of approved comments that post has received. If there are pending comments, a red notification circle with the number of pending comments is displayed. Clicking the notification circle will filter the comments screen to show only pending comments on that post."
msgstr "Stulpelyje <strong>Atsakymas į</strong> matomi trys elementai. Tekstas - tai įrašo, kuriame yra konkretus komentaras, pavadinimas, o nuoroda ant jo veda į to įrašo redagavimą. Nuoroda \"Peržiūrėti įrašą\" veda į įrašo puslapį tinklalapyje. Mažas apskritimas su numeriuku viduje rodo, kiek patvirtintų komentarų turi šis įrašas. Jei apskritimas pilkas, visi to įrašo komentarai jau moderuoti. Jei mėlynas, šiam įrašui yra neperžiūrėtų komentarų. Paspaudus ant apskritimo, būsite perkeltas į tik šio įrašo komentarų sąrašą."

#: wp-admin/users.php:373
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>The current user will not be removed.</strong>"
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Esamas vartotojas nebus pašalintas.</strong>"

#: wp-admin/users.php:251
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>The current user will not be deleted.</strong>"
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Esamas vartotojas nebus ištrintas.</strong>"

#: wp-admin/users.php:375
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>You don't have permission to remove this user.</strong>"
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s <strong>Jūs neturite teisės ištrinti šio vartotojo.</strong>"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:460
msgid "Used: %1$s%% of %2$s"
msgstr "Išnaudota: %1$s%% iš %2$s"

#: wp-admin/users.php:253 wp-admin/users.php:377
msgid "ID #%1$s: %2$s"
msgstr "ID #%1$s: %2$s"

#: wp-admin/users.php:235
msgid "Please select an option."
msgstr "Prašome pasirinkti."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:344
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: The email address is already used."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: Šis el.paštas jau naudojamas."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:362
msgid "Use WP_Image_Editor::rotate"
msgstr "Naudokite WP_Image_Editor::rotate"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:385
msgid "Use WP_Image_Editor::flip"
msgstr "Naudokite WP_Image_Editor::flip"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:231 wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:296
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:438
msgid "$image needs to be an WP_Image_Editor object"
msgstr "$image turi būti WP_Image_Editor klasės objektas"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:82
msgid "If you want to install a plugin that you&#8217;ve downloaded elsewhere, click the Upload link in the upper left. You will be prompted to upload the .zip package, and once uploaded, you can activate the new plugin."
msgstr "Jei norite įdiegi įskiepį kurį parsisiuntėte iš kitur, paspauskite ant nurodos \"Įkelti\" ekrano kairiąjame viršutiniame kampe. Jūs turėsite nurodyti .zip paketą, ir kai jis bus įkeltas, galėsite aktyvuoti įkeltą įskiepį."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:81
msgid "You can also browse a user&#8217;s favorite plugins, by using the Favorites link in the upper left of the screen and entering their WordPress.org username."
msgstr "Jūs taip pat galite naršyti po savo mėgstamiausius įskiepius - tam naudojama nuoroda Mėgstamiausi, kurią rasite ekrano viršuje. Jums reikės įvesti savo WordPress.org vartotoją vardą, kad galėtume parodyti įskiepius, kuriuos ten esate pažymėjęs kaip mėgstamiausius."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:79
msgid "If you know what you&#8217;re looking for, Search is your best bet. The Search screen has options to search the WordPress.org Plugin Directory for a particular Term, Author, or Tag. You can also search the directory by selecting popular tags. Tags in larger type mean more plugins have been labeled with that tag."
msgstr "Jei tiksliai žinote, ko ieškote, naudokitės Paieškos funkcija. Paieškos ekrane galėsite ieškoti WordPress.org įskiepių kataloge pagal konkretų raktažodį, autorių ar žymą. Taip pat galite ieškoti pasirinkdami iš populiariausių žymų. Kuo didesniu šriftu rodoma žyma, tuo daugiau yra įskiepių, ja pažymėtų."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:25
msgid "You can also control the display of your content in RSS feeds, including the maximum numbers of posts to display and whether to show full text or a summary."
msgstr "Jūs taip pat galite kontroliuoti savo turinio pateikimą RSS srautuose, įskaitant iš maksimalų rodomų įrašų kiekį bei ar turėtų būti rodomas pilnas tekstas ar tik santrauka."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1806 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1811
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1835 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1840
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1198 wp-admin/includes/template.php:1203
msgid "The \"%s\" options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr "Nustatymų grupė \"%s\" buvo pašalinta. Prašome naudoti kitą nustatymų grupę."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1254
msgid "The privacy options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr "Privatumo nustatymų grupė buvo pašalinta. Prašome naudoti kitą nustatymų grupę."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:320
msgid "Search Engines Discouraged"
msgstr "Paieškos sistemos prašomos neindeksuoti"

#: wp-admin/install.php:199 wp-admin/options-reading.php:138
msgid "It is up to search engines to honor this request."
msgstr "Paieškos sistemos pačios sprendžia, ar paisyti šio prašymo."

#: wp-admin/install.php:191 wp-admin/install.php:198
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:117 wp-admin/options-reading.php:137
msgid "Discourage search engines from indexing this site"
msgstr "Nurodyti paieškos sistemoms, kad nepageidaujate, jog šis tinklalapis būtų indeksuojamas"

#: wp-admin/install.php:189 wp-admin/options-reading.php:115
msgid "Allow search engines to index this site"
msgstr "Leisti paieškos sistemoms indeksuoti šį tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1219 wp-admin/update-core.php:478
msgid "Welcome to WordPress %1$s. You will be redirected to the About WordPress screen. If not, click <a href=\"%2$s\">here</a>."
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad atnaujinote į WordPress %1$s. Netrukus būsite perkelti į \"Apie WordPress\" skilį. Jei kartais taip neatsitiktų, paspauskite <a href=\"%2$s\">čia</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:311 wp-admin/theme-install.php:159
msgid "Get Favorites"
msgstr "Pamatyti mėgstamiausius"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:305
msgid "If you have marked plugins as favorites on WordPress.org, you can browse them here."
msgstr "Jei esate pasižymėję įskiepius kaip mėgstamiausius WordPress.org kataloge, čia galite juos peržiūrėti."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1404 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1407
msgid "Edit your front page"
msgstr "Redaguoti pradinį puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:312
msgid "Uploaded on: <b>%1$s</b>"
msgstr "Įkelta į: <b>%1$s</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1414
msgid "View your site"
msgstr "Žiūrėkite savo tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1411
msgid "Write your first blog post"
msgstr "Parašykite savo pirmąjį tinklaraščio įrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1405 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1408
msgid "Add additional pages"
msgstr "Pridėti papildomų puslapių"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1397
msgid "or, <a href=\"%s\">change your theme completely</a>"
msgstr "arba, <a href=\"%s\">visiškai pakeiskite savo temą</a>"

#: wp-admin/install.php:182 wp-admin/install.php:185
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:31 wp-admin/options-reading.php:111
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:112
msgid "Search Engine Visibility"
msgstr "Matomumas paieškos sistemoms"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1409
msgid "Add a blog post"
msgstr "Pridėti tinklaraščio įrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1392
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr "Pradžia"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:309 wp-admin/theme-install.php:157
msgid "Your WordPress.org username:"
msgstr "Jūsų WordPress.org vartotojo vardas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1388
msgid "We&#8217;ve assembled some links to get you started:"
msgstr "Štai kelios nurodos, kurios gali Jums padėti:"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1387
msgid "Welcome to WordPress!"
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad naudojate WordPress!"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:353
msgid "After you&#8217;ve done that, click &#8220;Run the install.&#8221;"
msgstr "Kai tai padarysite, paspauskite mygtuką \"Instaliuoti\""

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:186
msgid "Below you should enter your database connection details. If you&#8217;re not sure about these, contact your host."
msgstr "Laukeliuose žemiau Jūs turite įvesti duomenų bazės duomenis. Jei jų nežinote, ar nesate tiktas, reiktų susisiekti su savo tinklalapio prieglobos (hostingo) tiekėju."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:165
msgid "Settings saved and theme activated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit site</a>"
msgstr "Nustatymai išsaugoti ir tema aktyvuota. <a href=\"%s\">Aplankykite tinklalapį</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1412
msgid "Add an About page"
msgstr "Pridėti Apie puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1401
msgid "Next Steps"
msgstr "Kiti žingsniai"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:405
msgid "This screen allows you to edit four fields for metadata in a file within the media library."
msgstr "Šiame lange Jūs galite redaguoti keturis failo, esančio Failų saugykloje, meta-informacijos laukus."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:238
msgid "This <a href=\"%1$s\">child theme</a> requires its parent theme, %2$s."
msgstr "Šiai <a href=\"%1$s\">potemei</a> būtina jos tėvinė tema, %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:94
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Mėgstamiausi"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:237
msgid "Flexible Header"
msgstr "Universali antraštė"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:89
msgid "To install the theme so you can preview it with your site&#8217;s content and customize its theme options, click the \"Install\" button at the top of the left-hand pane. The theme files will be downloaded to your website automatically. When this is complete, the theme is now available for activation, which you can do by clicking the \"Activate\" link, or by navigating to your Manage Themes screen and clicking the \"Live Preview\" link under any installed theme&#8217;s thumbnail image."
msgstr "Norėdami instaliuoti temą ir peržiūrėti kaip Jūsų tinklalapis atrodytų ją įjungus, pirmiausia turite paspausti mygtuką \"Instaliuoti\" kairiojoje viršutinėje skiltyje. Temos failai bus parsiųsti į Jūsų serverį automatiškai. Kai baigsime siųsti, tema bus paruošta aktyvavimui - tai galėsite padaryti paspaudę nuorodą \"Aktyvuoti\" arba nuėję į puslapį \"Tvarkyti temas\" ir paspaudę \"Reali peržiūra\" ant bet kurios instaliuotos temos pavyzdinio paveikslėlio."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2684
msgid "Sorry, you have used all of your storage quota of %s MB."
msgstr "Atsiprašome, Jūs jau išnaudojote visą Jums skirtą saugomų duomenų kiekio kvotą (%s MB)."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:794
msgid "Contextual Help Tab"
msgstr "Pagalbos skiltis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:978
msgid "Screen Options Tab"
msgstr "Ekrano nustatymų skiltis"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:196
msgid ""
"Hi, this is a comment.\n"
"To delete a comment, just log in and view the post&#039;s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them."
msgstr ""
"Sveiki, tai testinis komentaras.\n"
"Norėdami ištrinti komentarą, prisijunkite ir peržiūrėkite įrašų komentarus. Ten pat galėsite ir juos redaguoti arba ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:214
msgid ""
"This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:\n"
"<blockquote>Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like pi&#241;a coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)</blockquote>\n"
"...or something like this:\n"
"<blockquote>The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.</blockquote>\n"
"As a new WordPress user, you should go to <a href=\"%s\">your dashboard</a> to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!"
msgstr ""
"Tai testinis puslapis. Puslapis skiriasi nuo įrašo, nes jis visuomet liks toje pačioje vietoje Jūsų tinklalapyje, bei daugumoje temų bus rodomas kaip meniu punktas. Dažniausiai tinklalapiai pradedami kurti nuo puslapio \"Apie\", kuriame tinklalapis pristatomas jo lankytojams. Pavyzdžiui, tokiame puslapyje gali būti parašyta:\n"
"<blockquote>Sveiki! Dienomis aš dirbu dviračių kurjeriu, vakarais bandau siekti aktoriaus karjeros, o čia yra mano tinklaraštis. Aš gyvenu Vilniuje, turiu puikų šunį vardu Rudis, ir labai mėgstu vaisių kokteilius (bei būti užkluptas lietaus).</blockquote>\n"
"...arba šis puslapis gali būti ir rimtesnis:\n"
"<blockquote>UAB \"Įrankių Fabrikas\" buvo įkurta dar 1971-aisiais, ir nuo pat tada iki šiol nepavargdami gamina kokybiškus įrankius. Įmonė įsikūrusi Kaune, joje dirba daugiau nei 2000 specialistų. UAB \"Įrankių Fabrikas\" aktyviai dalyvauja bendruomenės veikloje ir nuolat prisideda prie miestiečių gyvenimo gerinimo.</blockquote>\n"
"Kadangi šis tinklalapis yra ką tik sukurtas, mes rekomenduojame pirmiausia apsilankyti savo <a href=\"%s\">administravimo skydelyje</a>, ištrinti šį testinį puslapį ir sukurti naujus su savo norimu turiniu. Sėkmės!"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:432
msgid "Sorry, you have used your space allocation. Please delete some files to upload more files."
msgstr "Deja, jūs išnaudojote visą skirtą vietą. Ištrinkite keletą failų norėdami įkelti daugiau failų."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:80
msgid "Search by tag"
msgstr "Ieškoti pagal žymą"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:77
msgid "Search by author"
msgstr "Ieškoti pagal autorių"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:74
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:85
msgid "Search by keyword"
msgstr "Ieškoti pagal raktažodį"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:65
msgid "Type of search"
msgstr "Paieškos tipas"

#: wp-admin/includes/widgets.php:225
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pridėti"

#: wp-admin/includes/widgets.php:224
msgctxt "widget"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redaguoti"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:521
msgid "You can select an image to be shown at the top of your site by uploading from your computer or choosing from your media library. After selecting an image you will be able to crop it."
msgstr "Jūs galite nustatyti, kad konkretus paveikslėlis būtų rodomas Jūsų tinklalapio viršutinėje dalyje - tereikia jį įkelti iš kompiuterio arba pasirinkti iš Failų saugyklos. Kai pasirinkite konkretų paveikslėlį, galėsite jį apkarpyti."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:233
msgid "You can delete Link Categories in the Bulk Action pull-down, but that action does not delete the links within the category. Instead, it moves them to the default Link Category."
msgstr "Jūs galite masiškai ištrinti nuorodų kategorijas naudodami Masinių veiksmų išskleidžiamajį sąrašą, tačiau tokiu būdu ištrinsite tik pačias kategorijas, o ne nuorodas jose. Jose buvusios nuorodos perkeliamos į numatytają Nuorodų kategoriją."

#: wp-admin/menu-header.php:245
msgid "Skip to main content"
msgstr "Iš karto rodyti turinį"

#: wp-admin/admin-header.php:225
msgid "Main content"
msgstr "Pagrindinis turinys"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:361
msgid "Tags can be selectively converted to categories using the <a href=\"%s\">tag to category converter</a>."
msgstr "Žymos gali būti pasirinktinai konvertuojamos į kategorijas, naudojant <a href=\"%s\">Žymų/Kategorijų konverterį</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:172
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:351
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:256
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:206
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:681
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:801
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:338
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:430
msgid "Select %s"
msgstr "Pasirinkti %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:628
msgid "Select comment"
msgstr "Pasirinkti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:386
msgid "Creating a Page is very similar to creating a Post, and the screens can be customized in the same way using drag and drop, the Screen Options tab, and expanding/collapsing boxes as you choose. This screen also has the distraction-free writing space, available in both the Visual and Text modes via the Fullscreen buttons. The Page editor mostly works the same as the Post editor, but there are some Page-specific features in the Page Attributes box."
msgstr "Puslapio kūrimas labai panašus į įrašo kūrimą, elementų išdėstymas gali būti lygiai taip pačiai keičiamas tiesiog perkeliant pele, naudojant Ekrano nustatymų skiltį bei išskleidžiant/suskleidžiant konkrečius elementus - viskas pagal Jūsų norus. Čia taip pat galima įjungti dėmesio neblaškantį režimą, kuris galimas tiek raiškiojoje, tiek tekstinėje rašyklėje. Puslapio rašyklė vėlgi veikia taip pačiai kaip ir įrašo rašyklė, tačiau egzistuoja specialios funkcijos puslapiui, kurios matomos Puslapio savybių skiltyje:"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:110
msgid "You can set a custom image header for your site. Simply upload the image and crop it, and the new header will go live immediately. Alternatively, you can use an image that has already been uploaded to your Media Library by clicking the &#8220;Choose Image&#8221; button."
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapis gali turėti antraštę su Jums patinkančiu paveikslėliu. Paprasčiausiai įkelkite paveikslėlį, apkirpkite jį ir Jūsų nauja antraštė jau paruošta. Vietoje to taip pat galite naudoti paveikslėlį kuris jau seniau yra įkeltas į Jūsų Failų saugyklą - tuomet reikia paspausti ant mygtuko \"Pasirinkti paveikslėlį\"."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:792
msgid "Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is"
msgstr "Neapkarpyti paveikslėlio, paskelbti tokį, koks yra"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:278 wp-admin/custom-header.php:555
msgid "Or choose an image from your media library:"
msgstr "Arba pasirinkti paveikslėlį iš failų saugyklos:"

#: wp-admin/customize.php:153
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:341
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:275
msgid "Collapse"
msgstr "Suskleisti"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:113
msgid "If you don&#8217;t want a header image to be displayed on your site at all, click the &#8220;Remove Header Image&#8221; button at the bottom of the Header Image section of this page. If you want to re-enable the header image later, you just have to select one of the other image options and click &#8220;Save Changes&#8221;."
msgstr "Jei nenorite jokio antraštės paveikslėlio, paspauskite mygtuką \"Pašalinti antraštės paveikslėlį\" pačioje šio puslapio apačioje. Jei norėsite vėliau visgi jį įjungti, tereikės pasirinkti paveikslėlį ir paspausti ant \"Išsaugoti pokyčius\"."

#: wp-admin/media.php:62
msgid "You attempted to edit an item that isn&#8217;t an attachment. Please go back and try again."
msgstr "Jūs norėjote redaguoti elementą, kuris nėra failas. Prašome eiti atgal ir pabandyti dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:282
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:405
msgid "This theme is already installed and is up to date"
msgstr "Ši tema jau instaliuota ir yra naujausios versijos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:470
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Jau instaliuotas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:282
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:405
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:246
msgctxt "theme"
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Įdiegta"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:88
msgid "Once you have generated a list of themes, you can preview and install any of them. Click on the thumbnail of the theme you&#8217;re interested in previewing. It will open up in a full-screen Preview page to give you a better idea of how that theme will look."
msgstr "Kai išsirinksite pageidaujamų temų sąrašą, galite peržiūrėti ir instaliuoti bet kurią iš jų. Paspauskite ant sudominusios temos miniatiūros - tuomet bus atidarytas pilno dydžio peržiūros langas, kad pamatytumėte iš arčiau, kaip tema atrodo."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:111
msgid "Previewing and Customizing"
msgstr "Peržiūra ir redagavimas"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:93
msgid "Previewing and Installing"
msgstr "Peržiūra ir instaliavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2642
msgid "You are using the browser&#8217;s built-in file uploader. The WordPress uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. <a href=\"#\">Switch to the multi-file uploader</a>."
msgstr "Jūs naudojate naršyklės įkėlimo įrankį. WordPress įkėlimo įrankis leidžia vienu metu įkelti kelis failus, juos tiesiog atvelkant pele. <a href=\"#\">Įjungti multi-failų įkėlimo įrankį</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:290
msgid "Preview %s"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti %s"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:23
msgid "The Categories and Tags Converter link on this screen will take you to the Import screen, where that Converter is one of the plugins you can install. Once that plugin is installed, the Activate Plugin &amp; Run Importer link will take you to a screen where you can choose to convert tags into categories or vice versa."
msgstr "Kategorijų/Žymų konverterio nuoroda Jus nukels į Importo puslapį, kuriame šis konverteris įdėtas kaip vienas iš įskiepių, kurį galite instaliuoti. Kai šis įskiepis instaliuotas, paspauskite nuorodą \"Aktyvuoti įskiepį ir paleisti importavimo įrankį\" - bus atidarytas langas, kuriame galėsite pasirinkti konvertuoti žymas į kategorijas arba atvirkščiai."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:22
msgid "Categories have hierarchy, meaning that you can nest sub-categories. Tags do not have hierarchy and cannot be nested. Sometimes people start out using one on their posts, then later realize that the other would work better for their content."
msgstr "Kategorijos yra hierarchiškos, tai reiškia, kad jos gali turėti sub-kategorijas. Žymos nėra hierarchiškos ir negali turėti lygių. Kartais įrašuose pradedama naudoti kategorijos, o po to suvokiama, kad žymos būtų tiksliau (arba atvirkščiai)."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:112
msgid "If your theme has more than one default header image, or you have uploaded more than one custom header image, you have the option of having WordPress display a randomly different image on each page of your site. Click the &#8220;Random&#8221; radio button next to the Uploaded Images or Default Images section to enable this feature."
msgstr "Jei Jūsų tema turi daugiau nei vieną numatytąją antraštę, arba Jūs įkėlėte daugiau nei vieną antraštės paveikslėlį, galite pasirinkti nustatymą, kai WordPress atsitiktinai parinks vieną iš tų paveikslėlių kiekvieną kartą užėjus į bet kurį Jūsų tinklalapio puslapį. Pažymėkite pasirinkimą \"Atsitiktinis\" šalia Įkelti paveikslėliai arba Numatytieji paveikslėliai, ir ši funkcija bus įjungta."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:120
msgid "For most themes, the header text is your Site Title and Tagline, as defined in the <a href=\"%1$s\">General Settings</a> section."
msgstr "Daugumoje temų, antraštėje rodomas tinklalapio pavadinimas ir apibūdinimas - tokie, kokius įrašėte <a href=\"%1$s\">Pagrindinių nustatymų</a> puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:111
msgid "Some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you&#8217;d like and click the &#8220;Save Changes&#8221; button."
msgstr "Kai kuriose temose jau buna iš karto įkelti keli numatytieji antraštės paveikslėliai. Jei matote kelis paveikslėlius pasirinkimui, pasirinkite tą, kuris Jums patinka ir paspauskite ant mygtuko \"Išsaugoti pakeitimus\"."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:103
msgid "You can choose from the theme&#8217;s default header images, or use one of your own. You can also customize how your Site Title and Tagline are displayed."
msgstr "Galite pasirinkti iš numatytųjų savo temos antraštės paveikslėlių arba naudoti savo. Taip pat galite pakeisti kaip rodomas Jūsų tinklalapio pavadinimas ir apibūdinimas."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:102
msgid "This screen is used to customize the header section of your theme."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje galite keisti savo tinklalapio temos antraštės vaizdą."

#: wp-admin/install.php:244 wp-admin/install.php:250
msgid "Configuration Error"
msgstr "Klaida konfigūracijoje"

#: wp-admin/install.php:244
msgid "Your <code>wp-config.php</code> file has an empty database table prefix, which is not supported."
msgstr "Jūsų <code>wp-config.php</code> faile nenurodytas joks duomenų bazės lentelių priešdėlis."

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:51
msgid "Revert to the <strong>Browser Uploader</strong> by clicking the link below the drag and drop box."
msgstr "Norėdami toliau naudoti <strong>įkėlimą per naršyklę</strong>, paspauskite ant nuorodos, esančios žemiau failo įkėlimo srities."

#: wp-admin/users.php:418
msgid "User deleted."
msgstr "Vartotojas ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/users.php:426
msgid "New user created. <a href=\"%s\">Edit user</a>"
msgstr "Sukurtas naujas vartotojas. <a href=\"%s\">Redaguoti</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2175 wp-admin/includes/file.php:642
#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:748
msgid "Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space."
msgstr "Nepavyko nukopijuoti failų. Gali būti, kad trūksta vietos diske."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:102
msgid "Find a theme based on specific features."
msgstr "Ieškote temų pagal specifines savybes,"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:60
msgid "Search for themes by keyword."
msgstr "Ieškoti temų pagal raktažodžius."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:172
msgid "In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your Web Host. If you don&#8217;t have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you&#8217;re all ready&hellip;"
msgstr "Dažniausiai, šią informaciją suteikia tinklalapio prieglaudos (hostingo) tiekėjas. Jei nežinote šių duomenų, kreipkitės į jį prieš tęsdami. O jei esate pasiruošę&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:192
msgid "This theme is broken."
msgstr "Ši tema neveikia."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:559
msgid "Set as header"
msgstr "Nustatyti kaip antraštę"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:281
msgid "Set as background"
msgstr "Nustatyti kaip foną"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:742
msgid "Customize &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Keisti &#8220;%s&#8221;"

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:113
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a nickname."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: Prašome įvesti vartotojo vardą."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:228
msgid "Blavatar"
msgstr "Blavataras"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:627
msgid "Word count: %s"
msgstr "Žodžių kiekis: %s"

#: wp-admin/export.php:173 wp-admin/export.php:180 wp-admin/export.php:202
#: wp-admin/export.php:217 wp-admin/export.php:239
msgid "All"
msgstr "Visi"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:446
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:533
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:938
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:550 wp-admin/includes/revision.php:209
#: wp-admin/includes/revision.php:251
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "prieš %s"

#: wp-admin/link.php:104
msgid "Edit Link"
msgstr "Redaguoti nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:204
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "Violetinė"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:203
msgid "Pink"
msgstr "Rožinė"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:202
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Oranžinė"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:198
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Mėlyna"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:201
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Žalia"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:1069
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:556 wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:746
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:249 wp-admin/update-core.php:321
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:353 wp-admin/update-core.php:372
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Pasirinkti viską"

#: wp-admin/export.php:251 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2223
#: wp-admin/menu.php:49 wp-admin/menu.php:250
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Failai"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1216 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2593
msgid "Enter a link URL or click above for presets."
msgstr "Įveskite nurodos URL arba pasirinkite vieną iš galimų nustatymų."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1213
msgid "Link URL"
msgstr "Nuorodos URL"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:59
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Sumažinti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:218
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2225 wp-admin/users.php:60
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Veiksmai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:301
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:575
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:144
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:653
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:397
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1180
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Atstatyti"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:29 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:968
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Nuoroda"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:553
msgid "Enter title here"
msgstr "Įveskite pavadinimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:200
msgid "Gray"
msgstr "Pilka"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:197
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Juoda"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:335
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Įskiepis"

#: wp-admin/about.php:33
msgid "About"
msgstr "Apie"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:206
msgid "Silver"
msgstr "Sidabrinė"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:209
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Geltona"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:208
msgid "White"
msgstr "Balta"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:205
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Raudona"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:898
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:947
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:445 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:951
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pridėti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:420
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:235
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:545
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Versija:"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:265 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:271
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:585
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:602
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "Redaguoti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:199
msgid "Brown"
msgstr "Ruda"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:267
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:67
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Raktažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1294
msgid "<strong>The parent theme could not be found.</strong> You will need to install the parent theme, <strong>%s</strong>, before you can use this child theme."
msgstr "<strong>Tėvinė tema nerasta.</strong> Jei norite naudoti šią potemę, turite įdiegti tėvinę temą <strong>%s</strong>."

#. translators: 1: theme name, 2: version
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1293
msgid "Successfully installed the parent theme, <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>."
msgstr "Sėkmingai įdiegta tėvinė tema <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>."

#. translators: 1: theme name, 2: version
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1291
msgid "The parent theme, <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>, is currently installed."
msgstr "Tėvinė tema <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong> yra šiuo metu įdiegta."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1287
msgid "This theme requires a parent theme. Checking if it is installed&#8230;"
msgstr "Šiai temai būtina tėvinė tema. Tikrinama, ar ji įdiegta&#8230;"

#. translators: 1: theme name, 2: version
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1289
msgid "Preparing to install <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>&#8230;"
msgstr "Ruošiamasi instaliuoti <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:118 wp-admin/custom-header.php:623
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:628
msgid "Header Text"
msgstr "Antraštės tekstas"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:631
msgid "Show header text with your image."
msgstr "Rodyti antraštės tekstą su jūsų paveikslėliu."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:176 wp-admin/includes/update.php:446
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">View version %4$s details</a> or <a href=\"%5$s\">update now</a>."
msgstr "Yra nauja %1$s versija. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">Peržiūrėkite versijos %4$s informaciją</a> arba <a href=\"%5$s\">atnaujinkite iš karto</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:168
msgid "By %s."
msgstr "Sukūrė: %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:687
msgid "Add comment"
msgstr "Rašyti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:427
msgid "Add Comment"
msgstr "Pridėti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:397
msgid "Add new Comment"
msgstr "Pridėti naują komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:472
msgid "Broken Theme:"
msgstr "Neveikianti tema:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:297
msgid "Broken <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Broken <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Neveikianti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Neveikiančios <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Neveikiančios <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:211
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Šviesių spalvų"

#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid "This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from <cite>Hello, Dolly</cite> in the upper right of your admin screen on every page."
msgstr "Tai ne paprastas įskiepis - kartu jis yra visos kartos vilties ir ryžto simbolis, sudėtas į du žodžius, kurie geriausiai žinomi kaip Louis Armstrong daina <cite>Hello, Dolly</cite>. Kai šis įskiepis aktyvuotas, Jūsų administravimo aplinkoje, kiekvieno puslapio viršutiniame dešiniąjame kampe bus rodoma atsitiktinė eilutė iš šios dainos."

#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Hello Dolly"
msgstr "\"Hello Dolly\""

#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://ma.tt/"
msgstr "http://ma.tt/"

#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid "Matt Mullenweg"
msgstr "Matt Mullenweg"

#: wp-admin/index.php:76
msgid "<strong>Welcome</strong> &mdash; Shows links for some of the most common tasks when setting up a new site."
msgstr "<strong>Sveiki</strong> &mdash; čia pateikiamos nurodos, kurios Jums padės atlikti dažniausiai pasitaikiančias užduotis, kuriant naują tinklalapį."

#. translators: 1: user_login, 2: user_email
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:292
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:173 wp-admin/includes/update.php:444
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">View version %4$s details</a>. <em>Automatic update is unavailable for this theme.</em>"
msgstr "Yra nauja %1$s versija. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">Peržiūrėkite versijos %4$s informaciją</a>. <em>Automatiniai atnaujinimai šiai temai neįmanomi.</em>"

#. translators: default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid
#. offset (-12 to 14) 	   or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See
#. http:us3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php 	   for all timezone strings
#. supported by PHP.
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:390
msgctxt "default GMT offset or timezone string"
msgid "0"
msgstr "-2"

#. translators: default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:405
msgctxt "start of week"
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#. translators: 1: month number (01, 02, etc.), 2: month abbreviation
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:719
msgid "%1$s-%2$s"
msgstr "%1$s-%2$s"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:527
msgid "Images should be at least <strong>%1$d pixels</strong> wide."
msgstr "Paveikslėliai turėtų būti bent <strong>%1$d pikselių</strong> pločio."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:530
msgid "Images should be at least <strong>%1$d pixels</strong> tall."
msgstr "Paveikslėliai turėtų būti bent <strong>%1$d pikselių</strong> aukščio."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:534
msgid "Suggested width is <strong>%1$d pixels</strong>."
msgstr "Rekomenduojamas plotis yra <strong>%1$d pikselių</strong>."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:536
msgid "Suggested height is <strong>%1$d pixels</strong>."
msgstr "Rekomenduojamas aukštis yra <strong>%1$d pikselių</strong>."

#: wp-admin/install.php:110 wp-admin/install.php:288
msgctxt "Howdy"
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Sveiki"

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:78
msgid "Thank you. Please check your email for a link to confirm your action. Your site will not be deleted until this link is clicked."
msgstr "Dėkojame. Prašome pasitikrinti savo el.paštą ir paspausti nuorodą laiške gautame iš mūsų. Jūsų tinklalapis nebus ištrintas, kol nepaspausite tos nuorodos."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:82
msgid "If you do not want to use your %s site any more, you can delete it using the form below. When you click <strong>Delete My Site Permanently</strong> you will be sent an email with a link in it. Click on this link to delete your site."
msgstr "Jei tinklalapis %s Jums jau nebereikalingas, galite jį ištrinti užpildydami žemiau esančią formą. Kai paspausite <strong>Ištrinti tinklalapį</strong>, Jums bus išsiųstas el. laiškas su nuoroda. Paspauskite tą nuorodą, ir tinklalapis bus ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:21
msgid "Thank you for using %s, your site has been deleted. Happy trails to you until we meet again."
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad naudojotės %s, Jūsų tinklalapis yra ištrintas. Sėkmės ir iki kito susitikimo."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:23
msgid "I'm sorry, the link you clicked is stale. Please select another option."
msgstr "Atsiprašome, nuoroda kurią paspaudėte yra pasenusi. Prašome pasirinkti kitą."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:16
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to delete this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite pakankamai teisių ištrinti šį tinklalapį."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:88
msgid "I'm sure I want to permanently disable my site, and I am aware I can never get it back or use %s again."
msgstr "Aš tikrai noriu negrįžtamai išjungti savo tinklalapį ir man yra žinoma, kad niekada negalėsiu jo atgauti ar vėl naudoti %s."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:89
msgid "Delete My Site Permanently"
msgstr "Ištrinti mano tinklalapį negrįžtamai"

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:83
msgid "Remember, once deleted your site cannot be restored."
msgstr "Primename, ištrynus tinklalapį, jo atstatyti bus neįmanoma."

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:75
msgid "Delete My Site"
msgstr "Ištrinti mano tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:655 wp-admin/includes/ms.php:657
msgid "You attempted to access the \"%1$s\" dashboard, but you do not currently have privileges on this site. If you believe you should be able to access the \"%1$s\" dashboard, please contact your network administrator."
msgstr "Jūs bandėte patekti į \"%1$s\" skydelį, tačiau tam Jūs neturite reikiamų leidimų. Jei visgi manote, kad turėtumėte turėti priėjimą prie \"%1$s\" skydelio, susisiekite su tinklo administratoriumi."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:658
msgid "If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one of your own sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way."
msgstr "Jei atsidūrėte čia atsitiktinai arba norėjote aplankyti vieną iš savo tinklalapių, štai keletas nurodų, kurios padės rasti tai, ko ieškote."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:291
msgid "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Disabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Išjungtas <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Išjungta <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:500
msgid "MB (Leave blank for network default)"
msgstr "MB (Palikite tuščią norėdami nustatyti tinklo numatytą)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:409
msgid "Open this theme in the Theme Editor"
msgstr "Atidaryti šią temą temų redaktoriuje"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:666
msgid "Visit Dashboard"
msgstr "Į skydelį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:231
msgid "You do not appear to have any themes available at this time."
msgstr "Jūsų tema neturi jokių nustatymų."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms-deprecated.php:33
msgid "Sorry, you must delete files before you can upload any more."
msgstr "Atsiprašome, prieš įkeliant daugiau failų, turite ištrinti seniau įkeltus."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:330
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:405
msgid "Network Disable"
msgstr "Išjungti tinkle"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:409
msgid "Your email address has not been updated yet. Please check your inbox at %s for a confirmation email."
msgstr "Jūsų el.paštas dar nepakeistas. Prašome pasitikrinti savo el.paštą (%s), Jums išsiųstas patvirtinimo laiškas."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:317
msgid "[%s] New Admin Email Address"
msgstr "[%s] Naujas administratoriaus el.paštas"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:36
msgid "This file is too big. Files must be less than %1$s KB in size."
msgstr "Šis failas per didelis. Failai turi neviršyti %1$s KB."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:32
msgid "Not enough space to upload. %1$s KB needed."
msgstr "Įkėlimui neužtenka vietos. Reikia %1$s KB."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:40
msgid "You have used your space quota. Please delete files before uploading."
msgstr "Jūs išnaudojote jums skirtą vietos kvotą. Ištrinkite failus prieš įkeliant."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:109
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Not Spam"
msgstr "Ne brukalas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:229
msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "Temų nerasta."

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:396
msgid "[%s] New Email Address"
msgstr "[%s] Naujas el. pašto adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:108
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Mark as Spam"
msgstr "Pažymėti kaip brukalą"

#. translators: Megabytes
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:457
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:330
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:405
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Išjungti"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:722
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglų"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:708
msgid "American English"
msgstr "Amerikos anglų kalba"

#. translators: My sites label
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:805
msgid "Primary Site"
msgstr "Pagrindinis tinklalapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:498
msgid "Visit Theme Site"
msgstr "Aplankyti temos kūrėjo tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:712
msgid "British English"
msgstr "Britų anglų kalba"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:137
msgid "Super Admin <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Super Admins <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Super administratorius <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Super administratoriai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Super administratoriai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:498
msgid "Visit theme homepage"
msgstr "Aplankyti temos kūrėjo tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:405
msgid "Disable this theme"
msgstr "Išjungti šią temą"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:660
msgid "Your Sites"
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapiai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:288
msgid "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Enabled <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Įgalinta <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Įgalinta <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Įgalinta <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:402
msgid "Enable this theme"
msgstr "Įgalinti šią temą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:242
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:413
msgid "Delete this theme"
msgstr "Ištrinti šią temą"

#. translators: Gigabytes
#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:453
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:667
msgid "View Site"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:43
msgid "Up until WordPress version 3.0, what is now called a Multisite Network had to be installed separately as WordPress MU (multi-user)."
msgstr "Iki WordPress 3.0 versijos, tai, ką dabar vadiname Multitinklalapių tinklu, turėjo būti atskirai instaliuojamas kaip įskiepis WordPress MU."

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:31
msgid "The primary site you chose does not exist."
msgstr "Tinklalapis, kurį norite nustatyti kaip pagrindinį, neegzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:72
msgid "You must be a member of at least one site to use this page."
msgstr "Jūs turite būti bent vieno tinklalapio narys, kad galėtumėte naudotis šiuo puslapiu."

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:103
msgid "Global Settings"
msgstr "Bendrieji nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:98
msgid "WordPress &rsaquo; Setup Configuration File"
msgstr "WordPress &rsaquo; Paruošti konfigūracijos failą"

#. translators: %s: install.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:55
msgid "The file 'wp-config.php' already exists. If you need to reset any of the configuration items in this file, please delete it first. You may try <a href='%s'>installing now</a>."
msgstr "'wp-config.php' failas jau egzistuoja. Jei norite pakeisti nustatymus šiame faile, prašome pirmiau jį ištrint. Jei ne, tiesiog <a href='%s'>instaliuokite</a>."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:354 wp-admin/setup-config.php:386
msgid "Run the install"
msgstr "Instaliuoti"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:214
msgid "If you want to run multiple WordPress installations in a single database, change this."
msgstr "Pakeiskite numatytajį priešdėlį, jei norite vienoje duomenų bazėje saugoti daugiau nei vieno WordPress tinklalapio duomenis."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:212
msgid "Table Prefix"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės lentelių priešdėlis"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:191
msgid "The name of the database you want to run WP in."
msgstr "Tai pavadinimas tos duomenų bazės, kurioje norite saugote šio tinklalapio duomenis."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:200
msgctxt "example password"
msgid "password"
msgstr "slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:201
msgid "&hellip;and your MySQL password."
msgstr "&hellip;ir Jūsų MySQL slaptažodis."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:204
msgid "Database Host"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės serveris (host)"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:151
msgid "Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės lentelių priešdėlis (pakeiskite numatytajį priešdėlį jei norite vienoje duomenų bazėje saugoti daugiau nei vieno WordPress tinklalapio duomenis)"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:189
msgid "Database Name"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:145
msgid "Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started, we need some information on the database. You will need to know the following items before proceeding."
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad naudojate WordPress. Prieš pradedant kurti tinklalapį, reikalinga informacija apie duomenų bazę. Jums reikės žinoti žemiau pateiktus duomenis."

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:150
msgid "Database host"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės serveris (host)"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:174
msgid "Let&#8217;s go!"
msgstr "Važiuojam!"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:195
msgctxt "example username"
msgid "username"
msgstr "vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:148
msgid "Database username"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:149
msgid "Database password"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:147
msgid "Database name"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:196
msgid "Your MySQL username"
msgstr "Jūsų MySQL vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:49
msgid "Sorry, I need a wp-config-sample.php file to work from. Please re-upload this file to your WordPress installation."
msgstr "Deja, WordPress būtinas pavyzdinis wp-config-sample.php failas, kad iš jo galėtų sukurti tikrajį. Prašome iš naujo įkelti šį failą iš savo WordPress instaliacinio paketo."

#. translators: %s: install.php
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:64
msgid "The file 'wp-config.php' already exists one level above your WordPress installation. If you need to reset any of the configuration items in this file, please delete it first. You may try <a href='%s'>installing now</a>."
msgstr "Failas \"wp-config.php\" jau egzistuoja direktorijoje, esančioje vienu lygiu aukščiau tos, kurioje instaliuotas WordPress. Jei norite pakeisiti informaciją šiame faile, prašome pirmiau jį ištrinti. Tuomet galite vėl bandyti <a href='%s'>instaliuoti</a>."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:34
msgid "To allow use of this page to automatically repair database problems, please add the following line to your <code>wp-config.php</code> file. Once this line is added to your config, reload this page."
msgstr "Automatiniam duomenų bazės problemų sprendimui reikia, kad sekanti eilutė būtų pridėta į Jūsų <code>wp-config.php</code> failą. Kai tai padarysite, perkraukite šį puslapį."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:187
msgid "No comments awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Patikrinimo laukiančių komentarų nėra."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:463
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Ekrano nuotraukos"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:461
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Instaliavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:460
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Aprašymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:466
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Kitos pastabos"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:464
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "Versijų pakeitimų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:462
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "DUK"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:142
msgid "You should update your web.config now."
msgstr "Turėtumėte atnaujinti savo web.config dabar"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:567
msgid "Plugin Homepage &#187;"
msgstr "Įskiepio kūrėjo tinklalapis &#187;"

#: wp-admin/export.php:48
msgid "You can export a file of your site&#8217;s content in order to import it into another installation or platform. The export file will be an XML file format called WXR. Posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags can be included. You can choose for the WXR file to include only certain posts or pages by setting the dropdown filters to limit the export by category, author, date range by month, or publishing status."
msgstr "Jūs galite eksportuoti visą savo tinklalapio turinį, o vėliau jį importuoti į kitą WordPress tinklalapį ar net kitą turinio valdymo sistemą. Eksporto failas bus XML formatas WXR. Į eksportą gali būti įtraukti įrašai, puslapiai, komentarai, vartotojo laukai, kategorijos ir žymos. Generuodami WXR failą, galėsite pasirinkti, kad į jį būtų įtraukti tik konkretūs įrašai ar puslapiai - tereikės išskleidžiamajame sąraše pasirinkti norimą kategoriją, autorių, laikotarpį mėnesiais arba statusą."

#. translators: 1: table name, 2: error message,
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:111
msgid "Failed to repair the %1$s table. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Nepavyko pataisyti %1$s lentelės. Klaida: %2$s"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:172
msgid "New users will receive an email letting them know they&#8217;ve been added as a user for your site. This email will also contain their password. Check the box if you don&#8217;t want the user to receive a welcome email."
msgstr "Nauji vartotojai gaus el.laišką, kuriame bus informuojama, kad jie buvo pridėti kaip šio tinklalapio vartotojai. Tame el.laiške bus nurodytas ir jų prisijungimo slaptažodis. Pažymėkite varnele šioje vietoje, jei nenorėtumėte, kad šis vartotojas gautų tokį laišką."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:459
msgid "The plugin generated %d characters of <strong>unexpected output</strong> during activation. If you notice &#8220;headers already sent&#8221; messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin."
msgstr "Aktyvuojant įskiepis sugeneravo <strong>netikėtą rezultatą</strong> (viso ženklų: %d). Jei matote įspėjimą &#8220;headers already sent&#8221;, turite bėdų su RSS srautais ar patiriate kitokių problemų, pabandykite išjungti ar pašalinti šį įskiepį. "

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:166
msgid "Updating this theme will lose any customizations you have made. 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to update."
msgstr "Atnaujinant šią temą bus prarasti visi jūsų atlikti tinkinimai. Spauskite 'Atsisakyti', jei norite sustabdyti veiksmą, arba 'Gerai', jei norite atnaujinti."

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:30
msgid "Post via email settings allow you to send your WordPress install an email with the content of your post. You must set up a secret email account with POP3 access to use this, and any mail received at this address will be posted, so it&#8217;s a good idea to keep this address very secret."
msgstr "Įrašų skelbimo el.paštu nustatymai suteikia galimybę išsiųsti el.laišką savo WordPress instaliacijai, su norimu naujo įrašo turiniu. Norėdami naudotis šia funkcija, Jūsų turėtumėte susikurti slaptą el.pašto paskyrą su POP3 prieiga. Tuomet bet koks laiškas, išsiųstas į šį el.paštą adresą, bus paskelbtas kaip naujas įrašas - būtent todėl šis el.pašto adresas turėtų būti itin slaptas ir žinomas tik Jums."

#: wp-admin/users.php:42
msgid "You can filter the list of users by User Role using the text links in the upper left to show All, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. The default view is to show all users. Unused User Roles are not listed."
msgstr "Jūs galite filtruoti vartotojų sąrašą pagal jų rolę - matyti visus, administratorius, redaktorius, autorius,  kūrėjus ir skaitytojus. Numatytasis vaizdas yra visų vartotojų rodymas. Nenaudojamos rolės nėra rodomos filtravimo pasirinkime."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:56
msgid "You are using a development version of WordPress. You can update to the latest nightly build automatically or download the nightly build and install it manually:"
msgstr "Jūs naudojate nestabilią WordPress versiją. Galite atsinaujinti į naujausią jos versiją automatiškai arba parsisiųsti naujausią nestabilią versiją ir instaliuoti ją rankomis:"

#: wp-admin/import.php:23
msgid "In previous versions of WordPress, all importers were built-in. They have been turned into plugins since most people only use them once or infrequently."
msgstr "Ankstesnėse WordPress versijose, visi importeriai buvo integruoti. Vėliau jie buvo paversti į savarankiškus įskiepius, kadangi dauguma vartototojų naudoja juos tik vieną kartą arba retai."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:199
msgid "There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to return to the Image Editor."
msgstr "Yra neišsaugotų pakeitimų, kurie bus prarasti jei išeisite. Paspauskite \"Taip\" norėdami išeiti, arba \"Cancel\" jei norite sugrįžti į paveikslėlių redaktorių."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:292
msgid "Enter the email address of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite."
msgstr "Įveskite šiame tinkle egzistuojančio vartotojo el.pašto adresą, jei norite pakviesti jį į šį tinklalapį. Tam vartotojui bus išsiųstas pakvietimo laiškas, kuriame bus prašoma patvirtinti, kad jis nori priimti pakvietimą."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:296
msgid "Enter the email address or username of an existing user on this network to invite them to this site. That person will be sent an email asking them to confirm the invite."
msgstr "Įveskite šiame tinkle egzistuojančio vartotojo el.pašto adresą arba vartotojo vardą, jei norite pakviesti jį į šį tinklalapį. Tam vartotojui bus išsiųstas pakvietimo laiškas, kuriame bus prašoma patvirtinti, kad jis nori priimti pakvietimą."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:147
msgid "Repairs complete. Please remove the following line from wp-config.php to prevent this page from being used by unauthorized users."
msgstr "Tvarkymai baigti. Prašome pašalinti žemiau nurodytą eilutę iš savo wp-config.php failo, kad į šį puslapį negalėtų pateikti vartotojai, kuriems jis neskirtas."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:267
msgid "<strong>Warning:</strong> Making changes to active plugins is not recommended. If your changes cause a fatal error, the plugin will be automatically deactivated."
msgstr "<strong>Įspėjimas:</strong> nerekomenduojama redaguoti aktyvuotų įskiepių. Jei Jūsų pakeitimai sukels kritinę klaidą tinklalapyje, įskiepis bus automatiškai išjungtas."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:174
msgid "An avatar is an image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on avatar enabled sites. Here you can enable the display of avatars for people who comment on your site."
msgstr "Avataras yra paveikslėlis, kuris atsiranda šalia lankytojo vardo tinklalapyje, kai jis paskelbia komentarą (tik tinklalapiuose, kuriuose ši funkcija įjungta). Čia galite įjungti komentarų autorių avatarų rodymą savo tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:159
msgid "WordPress can also attempt to optimize the database. This improves performance in some situations. Repairing and optimizing the database can take a long time and the database will be locked while optimizing."
msgstr "WordPress taip pat gali pabandyti optimizuoti duomenų bazę. Tvarkinga duomenų bazė kai kuriose situacijoje pagerina tinklalapio veikimą. Kartais duomenų bazės optimizavimas ir problemų joje šalinimas gali užtrukti, be to, tuo metu duomenų bazė bus užrakinta bet kokiems kitiems pakeitimams."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:156
msgid "WordPress can automatically look for some common database problems and repair them. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient."
msgstr "WordPress gali automatiškai surasti kai kurias dažnai pasitaikančias duomenų bazės problemas ir jas pašalinti. Šis procesas gali užtrukti, prašome kantriai palaukti."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:202
msgid "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below. <a href=\"%s\">View the autosave</a>"
msgstr "Šis įrašas turi naujesnę automatiškai išsaugotą versiją nei esanti rašyklėje žemiau. <a href=\"%s\">Peržiūrėti auto-versiją</a>"

#. translators: 1: table name, 2: error message,
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:101
msgid "The %1$s table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: %2$s. WordPress will attempt to repair this table&hellip;"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės lentelėje \"%1$s\" yra klaidų. Klaidos pranešimas: %2$s. WordPress pabandys sutvarkyti šią lentelę&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:753 wp-admin/custom-header.php:889
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:1202
msgid "Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again."
msgstr "Paveikslėlio nepavyko užkrauti. Prašome eiti atgal ir pabandyti dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:162
msgid "The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme."
msgstr "Aktyvuota tema neveikia. Įjungiama numatytoji tema."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:114
msgid "Contributing Developers"
msgstr "Prisidėję programuotojai"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:257
msgid "Show Toolbar when viewing site"
msgstr "Rodyti įrankių juostą, kai peržiūrimas tinklalapis"

#. translators: %s: Codex URL
#: wp-admin/about.php:55 wp-admin/about.php:59 wp-admin/about.php:243
msgid "For more information, see <a href=\"%s\">the release notes</a>."
msgstr "Norėdami sužinoti daugiau, peržiūrėkite <a href=\"%s\">versijos informaciją</a>."

#. translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: plural number of bugs. Singular
#. security issue.
#: wp-admin/about.php:235
msgid "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed a security issue and fixed %2$s bug."
msgid_plural "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed a security issue and fixed %2$s bugs."
msgstr[0] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> ištaisyta saugumo problema ir pašalinta %2$s klaida."
msgstr[1] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> ištaisyta saugumo problema ir pašalintos %2$s klaidos."
msgstr[2] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> ištaisyta saugumo problema ir pašalinta %2$s klaidų."

#. translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: plural number of bugs.
#: wp-admin/about.php:231
msgid "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed %2$s bug."
msgid_plural "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed %2$s bugs."
msgstr[0] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sutvarkyta %2$s klaida."
msgstr[1] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sutvarkytos %2$s klaidos."
msgstr[2] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sutvarkyta %2$s klaidų."

#. translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: plural number of bugs. More
#. than one security issue.
#: wp-admin/about.php:53 wp-admin/about.php:57 wp-admin/about.php:239
msgid "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed some security issues and fixed %2$s bug."
msgid_plural "<strong>Version %1$s</strong> addressed some security issues and fixed %2$s bugs."
msgstr[0] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sustiprintas saugumas ir sutvarkyta %2$s klaida."
msgstr[1] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sustiprintas saugumas ir sutvarkytos %2$s klaidos."
msgstr[2] "<strong>Versijoje %1$s</strong> sustiprintas saugumas ir sutvarkyta %2$s klaidų."

#: wp-admin/index.php:32
msgid "Welcome to your WordPress Dashboard! This is the screen you will see when you log in to your site, and gives you access to all the site management features of WordPress. You can get help for any screen by clicking the Help tab in the upper corner."
msgstr "Sveiki atvykę į savo WordPress tinklalapio skydelį! Šį puslapį matysite visuomet, kai prisijungsite prie savo tinklalapio - iš čia pasieksite visas WordPress tinklalapio valdymo funkcijas. Kiekvieno puslapio viršuje matysite Pagalbos skyrelį - jį paspaudę, pamatysite pagalbinius tekstus konkrečiam puslapiui."

#: wp-admin/about.php:216
msgid "Maintenance Release"
msgstr "Palaikymo versija"

#: wp-admin/about.php:219
msgid "Security Release"
msgstr "Saugumo versija"

#: wp-admin/about.php:46 wp-admin/credits.php:28 wp-admin/freedoms.php:27
msgid "What&#8217;s New"
msgstr "Kas naujo"

#: wp-admin/about.php:52 wp-admin/about.php:222
msgid "Maintenance and Security Release"
msgid_plural "Maintenance and Security Releases"
msgstr[0] "Palaikymo ir saugumo versija"
msgstr[1] "Palaikymo ir saugumo versija"
msgstr[2] "Palaikymo ir saugumo versija"

#. translators: %s: WordPress version number
#: wp-admin/about.php:228
msgid "<strong>Version %s</strong> addressed some security issues."
msgstr "<strong>Versijoje %s</strong> ištaisytos kai kurios saugumo problemos."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:22
msgid "This screen allows you to choose your permalink structure. You can choose from common settings or create custom URL structures."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje Jūs galite pasirinkti savo nuorodų struktūrą. Galite pasirinkti iš siūlomų nustatymų arba sukurti savo URL struktūrą."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1220 wp-admin/update-core.php:479
msgid "Welcome to WordPress %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Learn more</a>."
msgstr "Dėkojame kad atnaujinote į WordPress %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Sužinokite daugiau apie šią versiją</a>."

#: wp-admin/about.php:201
msgid "Return to Updates"
msgstr "Grįžti į galimus atnaujinimus"

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:47
msgid "You can upload media files here without creating a post first. This allows you to upload files to use with posts and pages later and/or to get a web link for a particular file that you can share. There are three options for uploading files:"
msgstr "Čia Jūs galite pirmiau įkelti norimus failus, prieš kuriant įrašą. Tuomet vėliau, rašydami įrašus bei kurdami puslapius, galėsite naudoti čia įkeltus failus. Įkelti failus galite trim būdais:"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:413
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Trikčių šalinimas"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:264
msgid "Adding Categories"
msgstr "Pridedamos kategorijos"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:264
msgid "Adding Tags"
msgstr "Pridedamos žymos"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:218
msgid "You can also edit or move multiple posts to the trash at once. Select the posts you want to act on using the checkboxes, then select the action you want to take from the Bulk Actions menu and click Apply."
msgstr "Taip pat galima kelis įrašus redaguoti arba perkelti į šiukšlinę vienu metu. Pasirinkite įrašus kuriuos Jūs norite keisti žymėdami varneles šalia jų, tuomet pasirinkite norimą veiksmą iš Masinių veiksmų meniu ir paspauskite \"Taikyti\"."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:219
msgid "When using Bulk Edit, you can change the metadata (categories, author, etc.) for all selected posts at once. To remove a post from the grouping, just click the x next to its name in the Bulk Edit area that appears."
msgstr "Naudojant Masinį redagavimą, galite pakeisti visų pasirinktų įrašų meta-informaciją (kategorijas, autorių, ir pan,) iš karto. Norėdami pašalinti įrašą iš pasirinktųjų, tiesiog paspauskite kryželį ties jo pavadinimu Masinio Redagavimo lauke."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:73
msgid "Plugins hook into WordPress to extend its functionality with custom features. Plugins are developed independently from the core WordPress application by thousands of developers all over the world. All plugins in the official <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org Plugin Directory</a> are compatible with the license WordPress uses. You can find new plugins to install by searching or browsing the Directory right here in your own Plugins section."
msgstr "Įskiepiai išplečia WordPress funkcijas. Tūkstančiai programuotojų visame pasaulyje kuria įskiepius, nepriklausomai nuo pagrindinio WordPress kodo. Visi įskiepiai, kurie yra oficialiame <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org įskiepių kataloge</a> naudojami su tokiomis pačiomis autorių teisėmis, kaip ir pats WordPress. Naujų įskiepių savo tinklalapiui galite rasti naudodamiesi paieška arba naršydami po katalogą čia pat savo tinklalapio Įskiepių puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:194
msgid "You can customize the display of this screen&#8217;s contents in a number of ways:"
msgstr "Galite keisti šio puslapio vaizdą keliais būdais:"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:188
msgid "This screen provides access to all of your posts. You can customize the display of this screen to suit your workflow."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje matysite visus savo įrašus. Puslapio išdėstymą ir rodomus elementus galite nusistatyti taip, kaip Jums patogiausia."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:193
msgid "Authors can publish and manage their own posts, and are able to upload files."
msgstr "Autoriai gali skelbti ir keisti savo įrašus, taip pat jie gali įkelti failus."

#: wp-admin/import.php:123
msgid "If the importer you need is not listed, <a href=\"%s\">search the plugin directory</a> to see if an importer is available."
msgstr "Jei Jums reikiamas importeris čia nenurodytas, <a href=\"%s\">ieškokite įskiepių kataloge</a>."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:191
msgid "Subscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot create regular site content."
msgstr "Skaitytojai gali skaityti komentarus, komentuoti, gauti naujienlaiškius ir t.t. tačiau jie negali kurti jokio pastovaus turinio Jūsų tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:168
msgid "To add a new user to your site, fill in the form on this screen and click the Add New User button at the bottom."
msgstr "Norėdami pridėti naują vartotoją savo tinklalapyje, užpildykite laukelius šiame ekrane ir paspauskite mygtuką \"Pridėti naują vartotoją\" ekrano apačioje."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:189
msgid "Here is a basic overview of the different user roles and the permissions associated with each one:"
msgstr "Štai trumpa skirtingų vartotojų rolių ir kiekvienos jų leidimų apžvalga:"

#: wp-admin/users.php:38
msgid "Screen Display"
msgstr "Rodoma kaip"

#: wp-admin/export.php:159
msgid "Once you&#8217;ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function in another WordPress installation to import the content from this site."
msgstr "Kai išsaugosite parsisiųstą failą, pasinaudoję Importo funkciją kitame WordPress tinklalapyje galėsite ten importuoti turinį iš šio tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:178
msgid "Remember to click the Add New User button at the bottom of this screen when you are finished."
msgstr "Nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko \"Pridėti naują vartotojo\" ekrano apačioje, kai suvesite visus duomenis apie naują vartotoją."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:104
msgid "If you want to convert your categories to tags (or vice versa), use the <a href=\"%s\">Categories and Tags Converter</a> available from the Import screen."
msgstr "Jei norite paversti savo kategorijas į žymas (arba atvirkščiai), naudokite <a href=\"%s\">Kategorijų/Žymų konverterį</a>, kurį rasite skyrelyje \"Importas\"."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:174
msgid "You must assign a password to the new user, which they can change after logging in. The username, however, cannot be changed."
msgstr "Jūs privalote naujam vartotojui paskirti slaptažodį, kurį jis pasikeis, kai pirmą kartą prisijungs. Tačiau vartotojo vardas negalės būti pakeistas."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:192
msgid "Screen Content"
msgstr "Ekrano turinys"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:153
msgid "Moderating Comments"
msgstr "Tvarkomi komentarai"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:196
msgid "Attaching Files"
msgstr "Prisegami failai"

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:77
msgid "Adding Plugins"
msgstr "Pridedami įskiepiai"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:97
msgid "Adding Themes"
msgstr "Pridedamos temos"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:546
msgid "How to Update"
msgstr "Kaip atlikti atnaujinimą"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:188
msgid "User Roles"
msgstr "Vartotojų rolės"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:204 wp-admin/upload.php:190
msgid "Available Actions"
msgstr "Galimi veiksmai"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:37
msgid "Custom Structures"
msgstr "Pasirinktinės struktūros"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:21
msgid "Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and blog posts, as well as your category and tag archives. A permalink is the web address used to link to your content. The URL to each post should be permanent, and never change &#8212; hence the name permalink."
msgstr "Nuorodos yra pastovūs URL vedantys į Jūsų puslapius ir įrašus, taip pat į kategorijų ir žymų archyvus. Nuoroda yra internetinis adresas, vedantis į konkretų turinį. Kiekvieno įrašo URL turi būti pastovus ir nekeičiamas."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:187
msgid "Common Settings"
msgstr "Bendri nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:21
msgid "You can submit content in several different ways; this screen holds the settings for all of them. The top section controls the editor within the dashboard, while the rest control external publishing methods. For more information on any of these methods, use the documentation links."
msgstr "Skelbti turinį savo tinklalapyje Jūs galite keliais skirtingais būdais; šiame puslapyje yra visų šių būdų nustatymai. Viršutinėje skiltyje matote skydelio rašyklės nustatymus, o žemiau esantys nustatymai skirti išoriniams turinio skelbimo metodams. Daugiau informacijos apie šiuos metodus rasite dokumentacijoje."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:21
msgid "Uploading Files allows you to choose the folder and path for storing your uploaded files."
msgstr "Čia galite pasirinkti direktoriją ir adresą, kur bus laikomi Jūsų įkelti failai."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:90
msgid "Installing themes on Multisite can only be done from the Network Admin section."
msgstr "Multitinklalapyje temos gali būti instaliuojamos tik iš Tinklo administravimo skilties."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:30
msgid "If you want site visitors to be able to register themselves, as opposed to by the site administrator, check the membership box. A default user role can be set for all new users, whether self-registered or registered by the site admin."
msgstr "Jei norite, kad Jūsų tinklalapio lankytojai galėtų patys užsiregistruoti, o ne būtų registruojami administratoriaus, pažymėkite narystės nustatymą. Visiems naujiems vartotojams gali būti priskiriama numatyta rolė, nesvarbu ar jie registravosi patys, ar juos užregistravo administratorius."

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:29
msgid "Post Via Email"
msgstr "Skelbti įrašus el. paštu"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:39
msgid "If desired, WordPress will automatically alert various services of your new posts."
msgstr "Jei pageidaujate, WordPress automatiškai praneš įvairiems servisams apie jūsų naujus įrašus."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:22
msgid "This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they won&#8217;t all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each discussion setting does."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje rasite daugybę nustatymų, kuriais valdomas komentarų bei atgalinių nuorodų į Jūsų įrašus/puslapius rodymas. Iš tikrųjų, tų nustatymų čia tiek daug, kad visa informacija apie juos čia net netilpo. Norėdami sužinoti, ką tiksliai kiekvienas komentarų nustatymas reiškia, pasinaudokite nuorodomis į dokumentaciją."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:40
msgid "You can change your password, turn on keyboard shortcuts, change the color scheme of your WordPress administration screens, and turn off the WYSIWYG (Visual) editor, among other things. You can hide the Toolbar (formerly called the Admin Bar) from the front end of your site, however it cannot be disabled on the admin screens."
msgstr "Be viso kito, būtent čia Jūs galite pakeisti savo slaptažodį, įjungti klaviatūros šaukinius, pakeisti savo WordPress administravimo skydelio spalvų schemą, išjungti WYSIWYG (raiškiąją) rašyklę. Taip pat galite paslėpti Įrankių juostą tinklalapyje (tačiau ji vistiek bus rodoma administravimo dalyje)."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:98
msgid "This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar."
msgstr "Ši šoninė sritis nenaudojama ir nerodoma niekur Jūsų tinklalapyje. Pašalinkite iš jos visus valdiklius, ir ji nebus rodoma visiškai."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:95
msgid "Inactive Sidebar (not used)"
msgstr "Neaktyvi šoninė srities (nenaudojama)"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:228
msgid "You can create groups of links by using Link Categories. Link Category names must be unique and Link Categories are separate from the categories you use for posts."
msgstr "Jūs galite sukurti nuorodų grupes, naudojant Nuorodų kategorijas. Nuorodų kategorijų pavadinimai turi būti unikalūs, o šios kategorijos yra visiškai nesusijusios su įrašų kategorijomis."

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:50
msgid "Clicking <strong>Select Files</strong> opens a navigation window showing you files in your operating system. Selecting <strong>Open</strong> after clicking on the file you want activates a progress bar on the uploader screen."
msgstr "Paspaudus ant <strong>Pasirinkite failus</strong> atidaromas naujas langas, per kurį galėsite pasirinkti failus iš savo kompiuterio. Tai padarę, paspauskite ant <strong>Open/Atidaryti</strong>, ir matysite, kad pasirinkti failai yra įkeliami, rodant progresą specialioje juostelėje."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:230
msgid "You can assign keywords to your posts using <strong>tags</strong>. Unlike categories, tags have no hierarchy, meaning there&#8217;s no relationship from one tag to another."
msgstr "Įrašams galite priskirti raktažodžius - tam naudojamos <strong>žymos</strong>. Skirtingai nei kategorijos, žymos neturi hierarchijos, o tai reiškia, kad jos niekaip viena su kita nesusijusios."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:58
msgid "Removing and Reusing"
msgstr "Pašalinimas ir pakartotinis naudojimas"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:66
msgid "Missing Widgets"
msgstr "Trūkstami valdikliai"

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:49
msgid "<strong>Drag and drop</strong> your files into the area below. Multiple files are allowed."
msgstr "<strong>Nutempkite</strong> savo failus į apatinę zoną. Galima tempti kelis failus. "

#: wp-admin/upload.php:192
msgid "Hovering over a row reveals action links: Edit, Delete Permanently, and View. Clicking Edit or on the media file&#8217;s name displays a simple screen to edit that individual file&#8217;s metadata. Clicking Delete Permanently will delete the file from the media library (as well as from any posts to which it is currently attached). View will take you to the display page for that file."
msgstr "Užėjus su pele ant konkretaus failo eilutės, bus parodyti galimi veiksmai: Redaguoti, Ištrinti negrįžtamai bei Peržiūrėti. Paspaudus ant Redaguoti arba failo pavadinimo, bus atidarytas paprastas langas, kuriame galėsite pakeisti konkretaus failo meta informaciją. Paspaudus ant Ištrinti negrįžtamai failas bus ištrintas iš Failų saugyklos (taip pat jo neliks visuose įrašuose, su kuriais jis buvo susietas). Peržiūrėti atidarys failo puslapį Jūsų tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:240
msgid "You can also perform the same types of actions, including narrowing the list by using the filters, acting on a page using the action links that appear when you hover over a row, or using the Bulk Actions menu to edit the metadata for multiple pages at once."
msgstr "Čia taip pat galite atlikti tokius pačius veiksmus, įskaitant sąrašo filtravimą, veiksmų nurodų, kurios atsiranda užėjus pele, naudojimą ar Masinius veiksmus, kurias redaguosite kelių puslapių meta-informaciją iš karto."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:149
msgid "You can manage comments made on your site similar to the way you manage posts and other content. This screen is customizable in the same ways as other management screens, and you can act on comments using the on-hover action links or the Bulk Actions."
msgstr "Tinklalapio lankytojų paskelbtus komentarus galite tvarkyti panašiai, kaip įrašus ar bet kokį kitą turinį. Šis puslapis turi keičiamą išdėstymą, lygiai kaip ir kiti administravimo puslapiai, o visi veiksmai, kuriuos galite atlikti su komentarais, yra matomi Masinių veiksmų išskleidžiamąjame sąraše arba užėjus pele ant konkretaus komentaro."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:198
msgid "If a media file has not been attached to any post, you will see that in the Attached To column, and can click on Attach File to launch a small popup that will allow you to search for a post and attach the file."
msgstr "Jei failas nepriskirtas jokiam įrašui, tai matysite stulpelyje \"Priskirta prie\" bei galėsite paspausti ant nuorodos \"Priskirti failą\" - tuomet atsiras nedidelis atskiras langas kuriame galėsite surasti reikiamą įrašą ir jam priskirti failą."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:160
msgid "Many people take advantage of keyboard shortcuts to moderate their comments more quickly. Use the link to the side to learn more."
msgstr "Nemaža dalis vartotojų pasinaudoja galimybe greičiau redaguoti komentarus naudojant klaviatūros šaukinius. Paspauskite nuorodą šone norėdami sužinoti daugiau."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:239
msgid "Managing pages is very similar to managing posts, and the screens can be customized in the same way."
msgstr "Puslapių valdymas labai panašus į įrašų, o redagavimo ekranas gali būti keičiamas lygiai taip pačiai."

#: wp-admin/index.php:46
msgid "Links in the Toolbar at the top of the screen connect your dashboard and the front end of your site, and provide access to your profile and helpful WordPress information."
msgstr "Ekrano viršuje esančios Įrankių juostos nurodos sujungia Jūsų tinklalapio administravimo ir rodomają sąsajas, bei suteikia galimybę greitai pasiekti savo profilį ir pagalbinę WordPress informaciją."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:156
msgid "In the <strong>Author</strong> column, in addition to the author&#8217;s name, email address, and blog URL, the commenter&#8217;s IP address is shown. Clicking on this link will show you all the comments made from this IP address."
msgstr "Stulpelyje <strong>Autorius</strong> šalia jo vardo, el.pašto bei URL, rodomas ir komentuotojo IP adresas. Paspaudus ant jo, bus parodyti visi komentarai, parašyti iš šio IP adreso."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:385 wp-admin/edit.php:233
msgid "Pages are similar to posts in that they have a title, body text, and associated metadata, but they are different in that they are not part of the chronological blog stream, kind of like permanent posts. Pages are not categorized or tagged, but can have a hierarchy. You can nest pages under other pages by making one the &#8220;Parent&#8221; of the other, creating a group of pages."
msgstr "Puslapiai yra panašūs į įrašus. Jie turi pavadinimą, tekstą, susijusius metaduomenis, bet jie nėra skirstomi pagal chronologiją, jiems nepriskiriamos kategorijos ar žymos. Užtat puslapiai gali turėti hierarchiją. Galite sukurti vieną tėvinį puslapį ir jam priskirti kitus antrinius puslapius."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:184
msgid "All the files you&#8217;ve uploaded are listed in the Media Library, with the most recent uploads listed first. You can use the Screen Options tab to customize the display of this screen."
msgstr "Visi failai, kuriuos įkėlėte į Failų Saugyklą, rodomi nuo naujausio. Šio ekrano vaizdą galite keisti naudodami skiltį \"Ekrano nustatymai\"."

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:53
msgid "Deleting Links"
msgstr "Ištrinamos nuorodos"

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:48
msgid "Links may be separated into Link Categories; these are different than the categories used on your posts."
msgstr "Nuorodos gali būti išskirtos į Nuorodų kategorijas - tai yra kitos kategorijos, nei naudojate savo įrašuose."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:211
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Learn more about WordPress %s</a>."
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Sužinokite daugiau apie WordPress %s</a>."

#: wp-admin/users.php:43
msgid "You can view all posts made by a user by clicking on the number under the Posts column."
msgstr "Pamatyti visus konkretaus vartotojo įrašus galite spustelėję ant numeriuko stulpelyje Įrašai."

#: wp-admin/users.php:49
msgid "Edit takes you to the editable profile screen for that user. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the username."
msgstr "Nuoroda \"Redaguoti\" perkels Jus į vartotojo profilio redagavimo puslapį. Į tą patį puslapį pateksite ir paspaudę ant vartotojo vardo."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:208
msgid "<strong>Edit</strong> takes you to the editing screen for that post. You can also reach that screen by clicking on the post title."
msgstr "Nuoroda <strong>Redaguoti</strong> perkels Jus į įrašo redagavimo puslapį. Į tą patį puslapį pateksite ir paspaudę ant įrašo pavadinimo."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:209
msgid "<strong>Quick Edit</strong> provides inline access to the metadata of your post, allowing you to update post details without leaving this screen."
msgstr "<strong>Greitasis redagavimas</strong> suteikia galimybę greitai pakeisti pagrindinę įrašo meta-informaciją, neišeinant iš šio puslapio."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:210
msgid "<strong>Trash</strong> removes your post from this list and places it in the trash, from which you can permanently delete it."
msgstr "<strong>Perkelti į šiukšlinę</strong> - pašalina įrašą iš šio sąrašo ir perkelia jį į šiukšlinę, iš kur vėliau galite jį ištrinti galutinai. "

#: wp-admin/users.php:47
msgid "Hovering over a row in the users list will display action links that allow you to manage users. You can perform the following actions:"
msgstr "Užėjus su pele ant konkrečios eilutės vartotojų sąraše, pamatysite nuorodas, kurių pagalba galėsite valdyti vartotojų informaciją. Galėsite atlikti tokius veiksmus:"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:211
msgid "<strong>Preview</strong> will show you what your draft post will look like if you publish it. View will take you to your live site to view the post. Which link is available depends on your post&#8217;s status."
msgstr "<strong>Peržiūra</strong> parodys, kaip šis juodraštis atrodytų jei jį paskelbtumėte. will show you what your draft post will look like if you publish it. Nuoroda \"Peržiūrėti\" atidarys šį įrašą Jūsų tinklalapyje. Kuri iš šių nurodų bus matoma, priklauso nuo įrašo statuso."

#: wp-admin/users.php:41
msgid "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many users to list per screen using the Screen Options tab."
msgstr "Naudodami Ekrano nustatymų skiltį, galite slėpti/rodyti stulpelius pagal savo poreikius bei nuspręsti, po kiek vartotojų rodyti viename puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:237
msgid "Managing Pages"
msgstr "Puslapių valdymas"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:171
msgid "Because this is a multisite installation, you may add accounts that already exist on the Network by specifying a username or email, and defining a role. For more options, such as specifying a password, you have to be a Network Administrator and use the hover link under an existing user&#8217;s name to Edit the user profile under Network Admin > All Users."
msgstr "Kadangi tai multitinklalapio instaliacija, Jūs galite pridėti paskyras kurios jau egzistuoja tinkle, nurodydami vartotojo vardą arba el.paštą arba pasirinkę rolę. Norėdami matyti daugiau nustatymų, kaip pavyzdžiui slaptažodžių pakeitimą, Jūs turite būti Tinklo administratorius, tuomet puslapyje Tinklo Administravimas > Visi vartotojai, užėję pele virš vartotojo vardo, matysite nuorodą Redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1977
msgid "Likely direct inclusion of wp-admin/includes/template.php in order to use add_meta_box(). This is very wrong. Hook the add_meta_box() call into the add_meta_boxes action instead."
msgstr "Failas wp-admin/includes/template.php tikriausiai iškviečiamas tiesiogiai, norint naudoti use add_meta_box(). Tai yra klaida. Vietoje to reikėtų įjungti add_meta_box() į veiksmą add_meta_boxes."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:21 wp-admin/freedoms.php:20
msgid "Welcome to WordPress %s"
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad naudojate WordPress %s"

#: wp-admin/about.php:201
msgid "Return to Dashboard &rarr; Updates"
msgstr "Grįžti į Skydelis &rarr; Atnaujinimai"

#: wp-admin/about.php:204
msgid "Go to Dashboard &rarr; Home"
msgstr "Eiti į Skydelis &rarr; Pradinis"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:46
msgid "WordPress is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals."
msgstr "WordPress kuria pasaulinė atsidavusių profesionalų komanda."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:111
msgid "Core Developers"
msgstr "Pagrindiniai programuotojai"

#: wp-admin/about.php:137
msgid "Under the Hood"
msgstr "Daugiau informacijos"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1393 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1395
msgid "Customize Your Site"
msgstr "Keisti savo tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:175
msgid "Profile updated."
msgstr "Vartotojo profilis atnaujintas."

#. translators: 1: Site name, 2: site URL, 3: role, 4: activation URL
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:91
msgid ""
"You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n"
"%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n"
"Please click the following link to confirm the invite:\n"
msgstr ""
"Jūs esate pakviestas prisijungti prie tinklalapio '%1$s' \n"
"(nuoroda %2$s) kaip  %3$s.\n"
"Paspauskite ant šios nuorodos jei norite priimti pakvietimą:\n"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:119
msgid "Core Developer"
msgstr "Pagrindinis programuotojas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1113
msgid "No valid plugins were found."
msgstr "Nerasta veikiančių įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:817
msgid "The plugin contains no files."
msgstr "Įskiepis neturi failų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:142
msgid "The package could not be installed."
msgstr "Paketo instaliuoti nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1067
msgid "Attachment Post URL"
msgstr "Įrašo, kuriam priskirta, URL"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:63
msgctxt "admin menu"
msgid "All Links"
msgstr "Visos nuorodos"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1905
msgid "Drop files here"
msgstr "Nutempkite failus čia"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:240
msgid "%s plugin"
msgstr "%s įskiepis"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:240
msgid "%s plugins"
msgstr "%s įskiepiai"

#. translators: 1: table name, 2: error message,
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:133
msgid "Failed to optimize the %1$s table. Error: %2$s"
msgstr "Nepavyko optimizuoti lentelės %1$s. Klaida: %2$s"

#. translators: %s: table name
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:130
msgid "Successfully optimized the %s table."
msgstr "Sėkmingai optimizuota lentelė: %s"

#. translators: %s: table name
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:98
msgid "The %s table is okay."
msgstr "Lentelė %s yra tvarkinga."

#. translators: %s: table name
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:108
msgid "Successfully repaired the %s table."
msgstr "Sėkmingai sutvarkyta lentelė: %s."

#. translators: %s: table name
#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:123
msgid "The %s table is already optimized."
msgstr "%s lentelė jau optimizuota."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:306
msgid "View version %1$s details."
msgstr "Peržiūrėti versijos %1$s informaciją"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:196
msgid "Install the Tumblr importer to import posts &amp; media from Tumblr using their API."
msgstr "Instaliuokite Tumblr Importerį ir importuokite įrašus bei failus iš Tumblr per jo API."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:195
msgid "Tumblr"
msgstr "Tumblr"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1293
msgid "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">Update %2$s</a> or learn how to <a href=\"%3$s\" class=\"browse-happy-link\">browse happy</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%1$s\" class=\"update-browser-link\">Atanujinkite %2$s</a> arba sužinokite daugiau apie <a href=\"%3$s\" class=\"browse-happy-link\">modernias naršykles</a>"

#. translators: %1$s is link start tag, %2$s is link end tag, %3$d is width,
#. %4$d is height
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2672
msgid "Scale images to match the large size selected in %1$simage options%2$s (%3$d &times; %4$d)."
msgstr "%1$sPaveikslėlio nustatymuose%2$s galite sumažinti paveikslėlius iki numatytojo didžiausio dydžio   (%3$d &times; %4$d)."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2059
msgid "Insert media from another website"
msgstr "Įkelti failą esantį kitame tinklalapyje"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2543
msgid "Audio, Video, or Other File"
msgstr "Audio, Video, ar kitoks failas"

#: wp-admin/options.php:159
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: options page not found."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: nustatymų puslapis neegzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1115
msgid "<strong>ERROR:</strong> There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA:</strong> Įvyko klaida jungiantis prie serverio. Patikrinkite, ar nustatymai teisingi."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:991
msgid "ERROR: you are replying to a comment on a draft post."
msgstr "KLAIDA: jūs atsakinėjate į komentarą juodraštiniame įraše."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1015
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1104
msgid "ERROR: please type a comment."
msgstr "KLAIDA: įrašykite savo komentarą."

#: wp-admin/index.php:54
msgid "You can use the following controls to arrange your Dashboard screen to suit your workflow. This is true on most other administration screens as well."
msgstr "Norėdami susidėlioti Skydelio vaidą kaip Jums patogiau, galite naudoti čia matomus įrankius. Tokius pačius įrankius rasite daugumoje administravimo sąsajos puslapių."

#: wp-admin/index.php:45
msgid "The left-hand navigation menu provides links to all of the WordPress administration screens, with submenu items displayed on hover. You can minimize this menu to a narrow icon strip by clicking on the Collapse Menu arrow at the bottom."
msgstr "Kairėje esančiame meniu sudėtos nuorodos į visus WordPress administravimo aplinkos puslapius. Sub-punktai parodomi užėjus su pele ant konkretaus punkto. Šis meniu gali būti suskleistas iki siauros juostelės paspaudus ant \"Suskleisti meniu\" rodyklės pačioje jo apačioje."

#: wp-admin/index.php:50
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "Navigacija"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:43 wp-admin/custom-background.php:90
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:100 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:147
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:403 wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:56
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:239 wp-admin/edit.php:186 wp-admin/edit.php:231
#: wp-admin/export.php:47 wp-admin/import.php:21
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:779 wp-admin/index.php:39
#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:45 wp-admin/media-new.php:45 wp-admin/media.php:73
#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:40 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:522
#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:557 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:21
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:39 wp-admin/options-media.php:28
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:20 wp-admin/options-reading.php:22
#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:20 wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:131
#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:71 wp-admin/plugins.php:400
#: wp-admin/revision.php:114 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:25
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:83 wp-admin/themes.php:82
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:533 wp-admin/upload.php:48 wp-admin/upload.php:182
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:48 wp-admin/user-new.php:182 wp-admin/users.php:31
#: wp-admin/widgets.php:51
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Apžvalga"

#: wp-admin/index.php:56
msgid "<strong>Drag and Drop</strong> &mdash; To rearrange the boxes, drag and drop by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the box."
msgstr "<strong>Perkėlimas pele</strong> &mdash; norėdami perdėlioti skiltis, paspauskite ant jų pavadinimų pele ir tempkite iki norimos vietos, o tuomet atleiskite pelės klavišą. Tempiant atsiras pilku punktyru apibrėžta zona - tai vieta, į kurią galite padėti tempiamą skilį."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:149 wp-admin/plugins.php:308 wp-admin/plugins.php:314
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:272
msgid "Caution:"
msgstr "Dėmesio:"

#. translators: 1: plugin name, 2: plugin author
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:328
msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> by <em>%2$s</em>"
msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> (Sukūrė: <em>%2$s</em>)"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:357
msgid "Click to view entire list of files which will be deleted"
msgstr "Paspauskite, kad pamatytumėte visus failus, kurie bus ištrinti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:294
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:381
msgid "Update Available <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Update Available <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Galimi atnaujinimai: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Galimi atnaujinimai: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Galimi atnaujinimai: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#. translators: %s: search keywords
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:197 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:311
#: wp-admin/edit.php:307 wp-admin/link-manager.php:78 wp-admin/plugins.php:515
#: wp-admin/upload.php:224 wp-admin/users.php:481
msgid "Search results for &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Paieškos rezultatai pagal &#8220;%s&#8221;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:500
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:411
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:576
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Išjungti"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:12 wp-admin/options-general.php:16
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:13 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:13
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:13 wp-admin/options-writing.php:13
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to manage options for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite pakankamai teisių valdyti šio tinklalapio nustatymų."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:290 wp-admin/user-new.php:345
msgid "Add Existing User"
msgstr "Pridėti esamą vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:62 wp-admin/users.php:113
msgid "You can&#8217;t give users that role."
msgstr "Jūs negalite duoti vartotojams tos rolės."

#: wp-admin/menu.php:41
msgid "Updates %s"
msgstr "Atnaujinimai %s"

#: wp-admin/users.php:434
msgid "Changed roles."
msgstr "Pakeistos rolės."

#: wp-admin/about.php:43 wp-admin/credits.php:25 wp-admin/freedoms.php:24
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3080
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3122
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:493
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:726
#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:186 wp-admin/includes/update.php:210
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr "Versija %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:318
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:297 wp-admin/user-new.php:318
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:444
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rolė"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:206
msgctxt "plugin editor"
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktorius"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:406 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:408
#: wp-admin/users.php:488
msgid "Search Users"
msgstr "Ieškoti vartotojų"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:263
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Atributai"

#: wp-admin/users.php:301 wp-admin/users.php:309 wp-admin/users.php:336
#: wp-admin/users.php:344
msgid "You can&#8217;t remove users."
msgstr "Jūs negalite pašalinti vartotojų."

#: wp-admin/menu.php:199
msgid "Plugins %s"
msgstr "Įskiepiai %s"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:201
msgid "Installed Plugins"
msgstr "Įdiegti įskiepiai"

#: wp-admin/includes/ms.php:1085 wp-admin/users.php:287
msgid "Confirm Deletion"
msgstr "Patvirtinti ištrynimą"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:50 wp-admin/custom-background.php:99
#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:126 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:164
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:380 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:395
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:412 wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:64
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:269 wp-admin/edit.php:223 wp-admin/edit.php:244
#: wp-admin/export.php:53 wp-admin/import.php:27 wp-admin/index.php:87
#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:59 wp-admin/media-new.php:55 wp-admin/media.php:82
#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:47 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:563
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:27 wp-admin/options-general.php:44
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:33 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:43
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:37 wp-admin/options-writing.php:44
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:142 wp-admin/plugin-install.php:86
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:424 wp-admin/revision.php:118
#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:38 wp-admin/theme-install.php:98
#: wp-admin/themes.php:117 wp-admin/tools.php:27 wp-admin/update-core.php:551
#: wp-admin/upload.php:65 wp-admin/upload.php:202 wp-admin/user-edit.php:53
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:200 wp-admin/users.php:66 wp-admin/widgets.php:73
msgid "For more information:"
msgstr "Platesnei informacijai:"

#: wp-admin/users.php:445
msgid "User removed from this site."
msgstr "Vartotojas ištrintas iš šio tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/menu.php:241 wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:30
msgid "Delete Site"
msgstr "Ištrinti tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:240
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:317
msgid "Super Admin"
msgstr "Super Admin"

#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:55 wp-admin/options-head.php:15
#: wp-admin/options.php:232
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Nustatymai išsaugoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:409
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1193 wp-admin/includes/network.php:312
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:230 wp-admin/theme-install.php:248
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Įdiegti"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:248
msgid "User added."
msgstr "Vartotojas pridėtas."

#: wp-admin/menu.php:230 wp-admin/menu.php:232 wp-admin/user-new.php:161
#: wp-admin/user-new.php:352 wp-admin/user-new.php:467
msgid "Add New User"
msgstr "Pridėti naują vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:220 wp-admin/menu.php:222 wp-admin/user-edit.php:194
#: wp-admin/users.php:475
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Pridėti naują"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:84
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:329
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:184
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:516
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:335
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:413
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:107
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:440
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:417
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:562
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:583
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:154
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:436
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:197
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:244
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:410
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1486 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:888
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:560 wp-admin/includes/widgets.php:253
#: wp-admin/themes.php:329 wp-admin/themes.php:459 wp-admin/widgets.php:318
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ištrinti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:644
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:663
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:346
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1196
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:438
msgid "View"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:218
msgid "All Users"
msgstr "Visi vartotojai"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:360
msgid "Customizing This Display"
msgstr "Vaizdo keitimas"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:374
msgid "Title and Post Editor"
msgstr "Pavadinimo ir įrašo redaktorius"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:390
msgid "About Pages"
msgstr "Apie puslapius"

#: wp-admin/install.php:192 wp-admin/options-reading.php:118
msgid "Note: Neither of these options blocks access to your site &mdash; it is up to search engines to honor your request."
msgstr "Pastaba: nė vienas iš šių nustatymų neblokuoja paieškos sistemoms prieigos prie Jūsų tinklalapio; jos pačios sprendžia, ar paisyti Jūsų prašymo."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:183 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:203
msgctxt "sample permalink base"
msgid "archives"
msgstr "archyvai"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:195 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:199
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:207
msgctxt "sample permalink structure"
msgid "sample-post"
msgstr "testinis-irasas"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:206
msgid "Post name"
msgstr "Įrašo pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/import.php:103
msgid "This importer is not installed. Please install importers from <a href=\"%s\">the main site</a>."
msgstr "Importeris neinstaliuotas. Prašome instaliuoti imporetrį iš <a href=\"%s\">pagrindinio tinklalapio</a>."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:81 wp-admin/options-general.php:100
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "El. pašto adresas"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:313
msgid "Site Language"
msgstr "Tinklalapio kalba"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:47
msgid "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article"
msgstr "Pabandyti pranešti tinklalapiams apie nuorodą į juos"

#. translators: 1: Site name, 2: site URL, 3: role
#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:509
msgid ""
"You've been invited to join '%1$s' at\n"
"%2$s with the role of %3$s.\n"
"If you do not want to join this site please ignore\n"
"this email. This invitation will expire in a few days.\n"
"Please click the following link to activate your user account:\n"
msgstr ""
"Jūs esate pakviestas prisijungti prie tinklalapio '%1$s' \n"
"(nuoroda %2$s) kaip  %3$s.\n"
"Jei nenorite prisijungti, ignoruokite šį laišką. \n"
"Pakvietimas baigs galioti už kelių dienų.\n"
"Paspauskite ant šios nuorodos jei norite aktyvuoti paskyrą minėtame tinklalapyje:\n"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:239
msgid "Full Width Template"
msgstr "Pilno pločio šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:844
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:387 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:241
msgid "Post Formats"
msgstr "Įrašo formatai"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:236
msgid "Featured Images"
msgstr "Specialieji paveikslėliai"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:235
msgid "Featured Image Header"
msgstr "Antraštė su specialiuoju paveikslėliu"

#. translators: %s: browser name and link
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1274
msgid "It looks like you're using an old version of %s. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser."
msgstr "Atrodo, kad Jūs naudojate seną %s versiją. Norėdami naudoti WordPress pilnavertiškai, atnaujinkite savo naršyklę."

#. translators: %s: browser name and link
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1269
msgid "It looks like you're using an insecure version of %s. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For the best WordPress experience, please update your browser."
msgstr "Panašu, jog naudojate nesaugią %s versiją. Naudojant pasenusią naršyklės versiją, Jūsų kompiuteris tampa labiau pažeidžiamas. Jei norite pilnavertiškai naudoti WordPress, prašome atnaujinti savo naršyklę."

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:925
msgid "There are some invalid menu items. Please check or delete them."
msgstr "Meniu yra neteisingų punktų. Pakeiskite arba ištrinkite juos."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:109 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:466
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:177
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:564
msgctxt "term name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:487 wp-admin/includes/template.php:502
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:627
msgctxt "meta name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:307
msgctxt "theme name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:128
msgid "Icon Design"
msgstr "Ikonų dizainas"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:76
msgid "You can find additional themes for your site by using the Theme Browser/Installer on this screen, which will display themes from the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org Theme Directory</a>. These themes are designed and developed by third parties, are available free of charge, and are compatible with the license WordPress uses."
msgstr "Daugiau temų savo tinklalapiui galite rasti per Temų paiešką/Instaliavimą, matomą šiame ekrane - čia rodomos temos iš <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress.org temų katalogo</a>. Šias temas sukūrė ir plėtoja tretieji asmenys, jos yra nemokamos bei tinkamos naudoti pagal WordPress naudojamą licenciją."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:61
msgid "Re-install Now"
msgstr "Iš naujo įdiegti dabar"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:277
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."
msgstr "Įkelimas failas viršija php.ini faile nustatytą upload_max_filesize parametrą."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:278
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form."
msgstr "Įkelto failo dydis viršija HTML formoje nurodytą MAX_FILE_SIZE direktyvą."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:127
msgid "External Libraries"
msgstr "Išorinės bibliotekos"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:121
msgid "Guest Committer"
msgstr "Kviestinis WordPress kodo programuotojas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:120
msgid "Core Committer"
msgstr "WordPress kodo programuotojas"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:243
msgid "Network Setup"
msgstr "Tinklo diegimas"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:237
msgid "Available Tools"
msgstr "Prieinami įrankiai"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:118
msgid "User Experience Lead"
msgstr "UX vadovas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:52
msgctxt "Translate this to be the equivalent of English Translators in your language for the credits page Translators section"
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Lietuvių kalbos vertėjai"

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:48
msgid "Every plugin and theme in WordPress.org&#8217;s directory is 100%% GPL or a similarly free and compatible license, so you can feel safe finding <a href=\"%1$s\">plugins</a> and <a href=\"%2$s\">themes</a> there. If you get a plugin or theme from another source, make sure to <a href=\"%3$s\">ask them if it&#8217;s GPL</a> first. If they don&#8217;t respect the WordPress license, we don&#8217;t recommend them."
msgstr "Kiekvienas įskiepis are tema, esantis WordPress.org kataloge yra 100%% GPL ar panašios nemokamos licencijos, taigi galite jaustis visiškai saugiai ieškodamas <a href=\"%1$s\">įskiepių</a> ar <a href=\"%2$s\">temų</a> šiame kataloge. Jei naudosite įskiepį ar temą iš kito šaltinio, prašome pirmiausia įsitikinti, <a href=\"%3$s\">kad tai GPL</a>. Jei autoriai negerbia WordPress licencijos, mes nerekomenduojame jų naudotis."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:41
msgid "WordPress grows when people like you tell their friends about it, and the thousands of businesses and services that are built on and around WordPress share that fact with their users. We&#8217;re flattered every time someone spreads the good word, just make sure to <a href=\"%s\">check out our trademark guidelines</a> first."
msgstr "WordPress vystosi, kai žmonės papasakoja apie jį savo draugams, o daugybė verslo atstovų ir paslaugų tiekėjų, kurie jį naudoja, dalinasi informaciją apie tai su savo vartotojais. Mes džiaugiamės kiekvienu geru žodžiu, tik prašome visuomet pirmiausiai įsitinkint, kad nepažeidžiate <a href=\"%s\">mūsų prekės ženklo nuosavybės teisių</a>."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:32
msgid "WordPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of mostly volunteer developers from around the world. WordPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its <a href=\"%s\">license</a>, the GPL."
msgstr "WordPress yra nemokama atviro kodo programinė įranga, kuriama pasaulinės savanorių programuotojų bendruomenės . WordPress suteikia nuostabias, pasaulines redagavimo teises, nes naudoja GPL <a href=\"%s\">licenciją</a>."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:122
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Kūrėjas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:38
msgid "WordPress is created by a <a href=\"%1$s\">worldwide team</a> of passionate individuals. <a href=\"%2$s\">Get involved in WordPress</a>."
msgstr "WordPress kuria <a href=\"%1$s\">pasaulinė atsidavusių profesionalų komanda</a>. <a href=\"%2$s\">Prisidėkite prie WordPress kūrimo</a>."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:126
msgid "Internationalization"
msgstr "Internacionalizavimas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:113
msgid "Core Contributors to WordPress %s"
msgstr "Prisidėję prie WordPress %s kodo kūrimo"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:110
msgid "Extended Core Team"
msgstr "Išplėstinė komanda"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:97
msgid "Want to see your name in lights on this page? <a href=\"%s\">Get involved in WordPress</a>."
msgstr "Norite pamatyti savo vardą šiame puslapyje? <a href=\"%s\">Prisidėkite prie WordPress kūrimo</a>."

#: wp-admin/credits.php:112
msgid "Recent Rockstars"
msgstr "Ypatingai prisidėję"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:115
msgid "Cofounder, Project Lead"
msgstr "Įkūrėjas, projekto vadovas"

#: wp-admin/about.php:47 wp-admin/credits.php:13 wp-admin/credits.php:29
#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:28
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Padėka"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:116
msgid "Lead Developer"
msgstr "Pagrindinis programuotojas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:109
msgid "Project Leaders"
msgstr "Projekto lyderiai"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:386
msgctxt "removing-widget"
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Išjungti"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:123
msgid "Designer"
msgstr "Dizaineris"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:86
msgid "All Comments"
msgstr "Visi komentarai"

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:50
msgid "Don&#8217;t you wish all software came with these freedoms? So do we! For more information, check out the <a href=\"http://www.fsf.org/\">Free Software Foundation</a>."
msgstr "Ar norėtumėte, kad bet kuri programinė įranga suteiktų tokias laisves? Mes taip pat! Daugiau informacijos apie tai rasite <a href=\"http://www.fsf.org/\">Free Software Foundation</a> tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:38
msgid "You have the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes."
msgstr "Jūs galite platinti savo pakeistą kodo versiją. Tokiu atveju visa WordPress bendruomenė galės pasinaudoti Jūsų idėjomis."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:37
msgid "You have the freedom to redistribute copies of the original program so you can help your neighbor."
msgstr "Jūs galite platinti originalų kodą, kad padėtumėte kitiems."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:36
msgid "You have access to the source code, the freedom to study how the program works, and the freedom to change it to make it do what you wish."
msgstr "Jūs turite prieigą prie programinio kodo, Jūs galite nagrinėti, kaip jis veikia bei keisti jį taip, kaip Jums patinka."

#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:35
msgid "You have the freedom to run the program, for any purpose."
msgstr "Jūs galite naudoti WordPress bet kokiam tikslui."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:32
msgid "You are using an insecure browser!"
msgstr "Naudojate nesaugią naršyklę!"

#: wp-admin/about.php:48 wp-admin/credits.php:30 wp-admin/freedoms.php:12
#: wp-admin/freedoms.php:29
msgid "Freedoms"
msgstr "Laisvės"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:34
msgid "Your browser is out of date!"
msgstr "Jūsų naršyklė yra pasenusi!"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:590
msgid "You can use one of these cool headers or show a random one on each page."
msgstr "Jūs galite naudoti vieną iš šių puikių antraščių arba kiekviename atsitiktinai puslapyje rodyti vis kitą."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:588
msgid "If you don&lsquo;t want to upload your own image, you can use one of these cool headers, or show a random one."
msgstr "Jei jūs nenorite įkelti savo paveikslėlio, galite  pasirinkti vieną iš šių šaunių antraščių arba rodyti atsitiktinę."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:576
msgid "You can choose one of your previously uploaded headers, or show a random one."
msgstr "Jūs galite pasirinkti vieną iš anksčiau įkeltų antraščių arba rodyti atsitiktinę."

#: wp-admin/menu-header.php:238
msgid "Collapse menu"
msgstr "Suskleisti meniu"

#. translators: %s: wp-content directory name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:457
msgid "Drop-ins are advanced plugins in the %s directory that replace WordPress functionality when present."
msgstr "Įkėlos yra išskirtiniai įskiepiai esantys %s kataloge, kuriuos aktyvavus, jie pakeičia kai kurias WordPress funkcijas."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:276
msgid "<strong>Random:</strong> Show a different image on each page."
msgstr "<strong>Atsitiktinis:</strong> Rodyti skirtingą paveikslėlį kiekviename puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:574
msgid "Uploaded Images"
msgstr "Įkelti paveikslėliai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1113 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:214
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:275 wp-admin/index.php:61
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Išdėstymas"

#: wp-admin/users.php:240
msgid "You have specified this user for deletion:"
msgstr "Jūs nurodėte ištrinti šiuos vartotojus:"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:180
msgid "&larr; Back to Users"
msgstr "&larr; Atgal į vartotojų sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:824
msgctxt "paging"
msgid "%1$s of %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s iš %2$s"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:71
msgid "%s Page Template"
msgstr "%s puslapio šablonas"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:457
msgid "You cannot delete a plugin while it is active on the main site."
msgstr "Jūs negalite ištrinti įskiepio, kol jis yra įjungtas pagrindiniame tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:308
msgid "This plugin may be active on other sites in the network."
msgstr "Šie įskiepiai gali būti įjungti kituose tinklo tinklalapiuose."

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:83
msgid "Default Post Format"
msgstr "Numatytasis įrašų formatas"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:196 wp-admin/users.php:477
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Add Existing"
msgstr "Pridėti esamą vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:23 wp-admin/update-core.php:602
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:626 wp-admin/update-core.php:654
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:684
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to update this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite pakankamai teisių, kad galėtumėte atnaujinti šį tinklalapį."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:255
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Add New User"
msgstr "Pridėti naują vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:257
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Add Existing User"
msgstr "Pridėti esamą vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:138 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:34
msgid "Any edits to files from this screen will be reflected on all sites in the network."
msgstr "Čia esančių failų redagavimas turės įtakos visiems tinkle esantiems tinklalapiuose."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:137
msgid "If you want to make changes but don&#8217;t want them to be overwritten when the plugin is updated, you may be ready to think about writing your own plugin. For information on how to edit plugins, write your own from scratch, or just better understand their anatomy, check out the links below."
msgstr "Jei norite daryti įskiepio pakeitimus, bet nenorite prarasti jų po įskiepio atnaujinimo, pamąstykite apie savo įskiepio sukūrimą. Daugiau informacijos rasite žemiau pateikiamose nuorodose."

#: wp-admin/index.php:65
msgid "The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:"
msgstr "Skydelyje rodomi moduliai:"

#: wp-admin/users.php:32
msgid "This screen lists all the existing users for your site. Each user has one of five defined roles as set by the site admin: Site Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. Users with roles other than Administrator will see fewer options in the dashboard navigation when they are logged in, based on their role."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje rodomi visi su jūsų tinklalapiu susiję vartotojai. Kiekvienas vartotojas turi savo rolę: Administratorius (turi visas administravimo galimybes). Redaktorius (gali skelbti ir redaguoti savo ir kitų įrašus ir puslapius). Autorius (gali skelbti ir redaguoti tik savo įrašus). Pagalbininkas (gali rašyti ir redaguoti savo įrašus, bet negali savarankiškai jų paskelbti). Skaitytojas (gali tik redaguoti savo profilio informaciją). Priklausomai nuo rolės, skirsis ir vartotojui matomų nuostatų kiekis."

#: wp-admin/tools.php:17
msgid "Press This is a bookmarklet that makes it easy to blog about something you come across on the web. You can use it to just grab a link, or to post an excerpt. Press This will even allow you to choose from images included on the page and use them in your post. Just drag the Press This link on this screen to your bookmarks bar in your browser, and you&#8217;ll be on your way to easier content creation. Clicking on it while on another website opens a popup window with all these options."
msgstr "„Press This“ yra naršyklės adresyno programėlė, kuri palengvina įrašų kūrimą, internete radus ką nors įdomaus. Su ja galite išsisaugoti interneto nuorodą ar paskelbti straipsnio ištrauką. „Press This“ netgi leis jums savo tinklalapio įraše panaudoti puslapyje rastus paveikslėlius. Tiesiog nutempkite „Press This“ į savo naršyklės adresyno juostą. Atidarykite bet kokį puslapį, paspauskite ant išsaugotos adresyno programėlės ir pamatysite, kaip ji veikia."

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:233
msgid "Sample Page"
msgstr "Puslapio pavyzdys"

#. translators: Default page slug
#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:235
msgid "sample-page"
msgstr "puslapio-pavyzdys"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:229
msgid "Retro (Generated)"
msgstr "Retro (Generuojamas)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:96
msgid "You only have one theme enabled for this site right now. Visit the Network Admin to <a href=\"%1$s\">enable</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">install</a> more themes."
msgstr "Yra tik viena šiam tinklalapiui įjungta tema. Aplankykite tinklo administravimo puslapį ir <a href=\"%1$s\">įgalinkite</a> arba <a href=\"%2$s\">įdiekite</a> daugiau temų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:100
msgid "You only have one theme enabled for this site right now. Visit the Network Admin to <a href=\"%1$s\">enable</a> more themes."
msgstr "Yra tik viena šiam tinklalapiui galima tema. Užeikite į tinklo administratoriaus nuostatas ir <a href=\"%1$s\">įgalinkite</a> daugiau temų."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:322
msgid "Super admin privileges cannot be removed because this user has the network admin email."
msgstr "Super admin privileges cannot be removed because this user has the network admin email."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:107
msgid "You only have one theme installed right now. Live a little! You can choose from over 1,000 free themes in the WordPress.org Theme Directory at any time: just click on the <a href=\"%s\">Install Themes</a> tab above."
msgstr "Jūs esate įdiegę tik vieną temą. Primename, kad  WordPress.org temų kataloge yra daugiau nei 1000 nemokamų temų. Tiesiog paspauskite viršuje esančią kortelę <em>„<a href=\"%s\">Įdiegti temą</a>“</em> ir išsirinkite sau patinkančią."

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:154
msgid "One or more database tables are unavailable. To allow WordPress to attempt to repair these tables, press the &#8220;Repair Database&#8221; button. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient."
msgstr "One or more database tables are unavailable. To allow WordPress to attempt to repair these tables, press the &#8220;Repair Database&#8221; button. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:19
msgid "Visual Editor RTL Stylesheet"
msgstr "Raiškiosios rašyklės stilius (RTL stylesheet)"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:273
msgid "This is a file in your current parent theme."
msgstr "Tai dabartinėje tėvinėje temoje esantis failas."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:212
msgid "This child theme inherits templates from a parent theme, %s."
msgstr "Potemė paveldi tėvinės temos šabloną, %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:328
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:402
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:672
msgid "Network Enable"
msgstr "Įjungti tinkle"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:109
msgid "Update Complete"
msgstr "Atnaujinimas baigtas"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:96
msgid "Database Update Required"
msgstr "Reikalingas duomenų bazės atnaujinimas"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:64
msgid "WordPress &rsaquo; Update"
msgstr "WordPress &rsaquo; Atnaujinimas"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:75
msgid "No Update Required"
msgstr "Atnaujinimas nereikalingas"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:98
msgid "The database update process may take a little while, so please be patient."
msgstr "Atnaujinimas gali užtrukti. Būkite kantrūs."

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:99
msgid "Update WordPress Database"
msgstr "Atnaujinti WordPress duomenų bazę"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:97
msgid "WordPress has been updated! Before we send you on your way, we have to update your database to the newest version."
msgstr "WordPress sistema atnaujinta! Liko tik atnaujinti duomenų bazės versiją."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:111
msgid "You are about to install WordPress %s <strong>in English (US).</strong> There is a chance this update will break your translation. You may prefer to wait for the localized version to be released."
msgstr "Jūs norite įdiegti WordPress %s (anglų kalbos versiją). Šis atnaujinimas gali iš dalies sugadinti jūsų sistemos sulietuvinimą (jei dar neturite naujausios jo versijos)."

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:110
msgid "Your WordPress database has been successfully updated!"
msgstr "Jūsų WordPress duomenų bazė atnaujinta sėkmingai!"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3114
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3143
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:801
msgid "Plugin update failed."
msgstr "Įskiepio atnaujinimas nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:210 wp-admin/update.php:54
msgid "Update Plugin"
msgstr "Atnaujinti įskiepį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:713 wp-admin/update.php:179
msgid "Update Theme"
msgstr "Atnaujinti temą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1267
msgid "Theme update failed."
msgstr "Temos atnaujinimas nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:802
msgid "Plugin updated successfully."
msgstr "Įskiepis atnaujintas sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1268
msgid "Theme updated successfully."
msgstr "Tema atnaujinta sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:343
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">View version %4$s details</a>. <em>Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.</em>"
msgstr "Yra nauja %1$s versija. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">Peržiūrėkite %4$s versijos informaciją</a>. <em>Negalima šio įskiepio atnaujinti automatiškai</em>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:796
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1262
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1918
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2171
msgid "Update package not available."
msgstr "Atnaujinimo paketas yra nepasiekiamas."

#: wp-admin/export.php:177 wp-admin/export.php:214
msgid "Authors:"
msgstr "Autoriai:"

#: wp-admin/export.php:166
msgid "All content"
msgstr "Visas turinys"

#: wp-admin/export.php:161
msgid "Choose what to export"
msgstr "Pasirinkite, ką eksportuoti"

#: wp-admin/export.php:186 wp-admin/export.php:223 wp-admin/export.php:255
msgid "Date range:"
msgstr "Laikotarpis:"

#: wp-admin/export.php:167
msgid "This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus and custom posts."
msgstr "Tai apima visus jūsų įrašus, puslapius, komentarus, vartotojo laukus, vartotojo meniu, žymas, kategorijas ir pan."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:285
msgctxt "themes"
msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Visos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Visos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Visos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:334
msgid "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons."
msgstr "Šis failo tipas yra negalimas dėl saugumo sumetimų."

#: wp-admin/admin-header.php:44
msgid "%1$s &#8212; WordPress"
msgstr "%1$s &#8212; WordPress"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:406 wp-admin/media.php:76
msgid "For images only, you can click on Edit Image under the thumbnail to expand out an inline image editor with icons for cropping, rotating, or flipping the image as well as for undoing and redoing. The boxes on the right give you more options for scaling the image, for cropping it, and for cropping the thumbnail in a different way than you crop the original image. You can click on Help in those boxes to get more information."
msgstr "Tik paveikslėliams. Galite paspausti mygtuką „Redaguoti paveikslėlį“, bus atvertas langas, kuriame turėsite galimybę apkarpyti, pasukti ir apversti paveikslėlį. Dešinėje esantys laukeliai suteikia tam papildomų galimybių (pvz., miniatiūrai taikyti kitokias nuostatas nei originaliam paveikslėliui). Daugiau informacijos gausite laukelyje paspaudę „Pagalba“."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:407 wp-admin/media.php:77
msgid "Note that you crop the image by clicking on it (the Crop icon is already selected) and dragging the cropping frame to select the desired part. Then click Save to retain the cropping."
msgstr "Jei norite apkarpyti paveikslėlį, su pele apibrėžkite norimą jo sritį ir paspauskite virš jo esančią piktogramą „Apkarpyti“. Vėliau paspauskite mygtuką „Išsaugoti“."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:408 wp-admin/media.php:78
msgid "Remember to click Update Media to save metadata entered or changed."
msgstr "Atlikę pakeitimus, nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Atnaujinti“."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:54
msgid "The Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. Once you drag a widget into a sidebar, it will open to allow you to configure its settings. When you are happy with the widget settings, click the Save button and the widget will go live on your site. If you click Delete, it will remove the widget."
msgstr "Sekcijoje „Galimi valdikliai“ pateikiami visi valdikliai, kuriuos šiuo metu galite naudoti. Kai nutempsite kurį nors valdiklį į valdiklių sritį, galėsite konfigūruoti jo nuostatas. Baigę konfigūravimą, nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Išsaugoti“. Jei norite panaikinti valdiklį iš valdiklių srities, pasirinkite funkciją „Trinti“."

#: wp-admin/media.php:75
msgid "This screen allows you to edit five fields for metadata in a file within the media library."
msgstr "Čia galite redaguoti penkias failo, esančio Failų saugykloje, metaduomenų eilutes."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:297
msgid "Email or Username"
msgstr "El. paštas arba vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/admin-header.php:46
msgid "%1$s &lsaquo; %2$s &#8212; WordPress"
msgstr "%1$s &lsaquo; %2$s &#8212; WordPress"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:139
msgid "Search Installed Themes"
msgstr "Ieškoti tarp įdiegtų temų"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:345
msgid "<strong>Please Note:</strong> Any customizations you have made to theme files will be lost. Please consider using <a href=\"%s\">child themes</a> for modifications."
msgstr "<strong>Dėmesio:</strong> Visi jūsų atlikti temų pakeitimai bus prarasti. Jei norite išsaugoti pakeitimus, rekomenduojame naudoti <a href=\"%s\">dukterines temas</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:366
msgctxt "posts"
msgid "Sticky <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Sticky <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Prilipdyti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Prilipdyti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Prilipdyti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:578
msgid "Check Again"
msgstr "Tikrinti dar kartą"

#. translators: %1 date, %2 time.
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:577
msgid "Last checked on %1$s at %2$s."
msgstr "Paskutinį kartą tikrinta %1$s %2$s"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:571
msgid "Please select one or more plugins to update."
msgstr "Pasirinkite vieną ar kelis įskiepius, kuriuos norite atnaujinti."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:569
msgid "Please select one or more themes to update."
msgstr "Pasirinkite vieną ar kelias temas, kurias norite atnaujinti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:283
msgid "The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient."
msgstr "Pradedamas atnaujinimo procesas. Būkite kantrūs, nes jis gali užtrukti."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:165
msgid "Apply Filters"
msgstr "Filtruoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:229
msgid "BuddyPress"
msgstr "BuddyPress"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:234
msgid "Editor Style"
msgstr "Rašyklės stilius"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:242
msgid "RTL Language Support"
msgstr "RTL palaikymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:246
msgid "Translation Ready"
msgstr "Pritaikyta vertimams"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:238
msgid "Front Page Posting"
msgstr "Įrašų rašymas tinklalapyje"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:64
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this comment."
msgstr "Jums neleidžiama redaguoti šio komentaro."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1170
msgid "To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server."
msgstr "Norint įvykdyti šį veiksmą, WordPress turi prisijungti prie jūsų serverio."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:815
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:818
msgid "Current Page"
msgstr "Dabartinis puslapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:160
msgid "No themes match your request."
msgstr "Nėra jūsų užklausą atitinkančių temų."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:373
msgid "%s user"
msgid_plural "%s users"
msgstr[0] "%s vartotoją"
msgstr[1] "%s vartotojus"
msgstr[2] "%s vartotojų"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:368
msgid "Create a New User"
msgstr "Kurti naują vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:376
msgid "You have %1$s and %2$s."
msgstr "Turite %1$s ir %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:374
msgid "%s site"
msgid_plural "%s sites"
msgstr[0] "%s tinklalapį"
msgstr[1] "%s tinklalapius"
msgstr[2] "%s tinklalapių"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:414 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:416
msgid "Search Sites"
msgstr "Ieškoti tinklalapių"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1033
msgid "http://wordpress.org/news/feed/"
msgstr "http://wordpress.org/news/feed/"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1024
msgid "https://wordpress.org/news/"
msgstr "http://wordpress.org/news/"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:68
msgid "(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)"
msgstr "(Registracija išjungta. Komentuoti gali tik šio tinklalapio nariai.)"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:175
msgid "New users will receive an email letting them know they&#8217;ve been added as a user for your site. By default, this email will also contain their password. Uncheck the box if you don&#8217;t want the password to be included in the welcome email."
msgstr "Nauji vartotojai el. paštu gaus pranešimą, kad buvo pridėti prie naujo tinklalapio. Pagal nutylėjimą kartu su laišku bus nusiųstas ir slaptažodis. Jei norite to išvengti, atitinkamame žymimajame laukelyje pašalinkite pažymėjimą."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:170 wp-admin/includes/update.php:341
#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:442
msgid "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">View version %4$s details</a>."
msgstr "Yra nauja %1$s versija. <a href=\"%2$s\" class=\"thickbox\" title=\"%3$s\">Peržiūrėkite %4$s versijos informaciją</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:922
msgid "Click Save Menu to make pending menu items public."
msgstr "Baigę vykdyti pakeitimus, nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Išsaugoti meniu“."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1227
msgid "Storage Space"
msgstr "Disko vieta"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:366
msgid "Create a New Site"
msgstr "Kurti naują tinklalapį"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:524
msgid "Images of exactly <strong>%1$d &times; %2$d pixels</strong> will be used as-is."
msgstr "<strong>%1$d &times; %2$d px</strong> paveikslėliai bus naudojami tokie, kokie yra."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:789
msgid "Crop and Publish"
msgstr "Apkarpyti ir pradėti naudoti"

#. translators: 1: Plugin Browser/Installer URL, 2: WordPress Plugin Directory
#. URL 3: local plugin directory
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:405
msgid "You can find additional plugins for your site by using the <a href=\"%1$s\">Plugin Browser/Installer</a> functionality or by browsing the <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> directly and installing new plugins manually. To manually install a plugin you generally just need to upload the plugin file into your %3$s directory. Once a plugin has been installed, you can activate it here."
msgstr "Pasinaudodami <a href=\"%1$s\">įskiepių paieškos įrankiu</a> arba naršydami <a href=\"%2$s\" target=\"_blank\">WordPress įskiepių kataloge</a> galite savo tinklalapiui surasti daugiau įskiepių. Jei pasirinksite antrąjį variantą, reiks įskiepius įdiegti rankiniu būdu. Bet tai labai paprasta: jums tereikia įkelti išarchyvuotą įskiepį į jūsų serverio %3$s katalogą. Kai tik jį įkelsite, galėsite įjungti."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:60
msgid "XFN stands for <a href=\"http://gmpg.org/xfn/\" target=\"_blank\">XHTML Friends Network</a>, which is optional. WordPress allows the generation of XFN attributes to show how you are related to the authors/owners of the site to which you are linking."
msgstr "XFN reiškia „<a href=\"http://gmpg.org/xfn/\" target=\"_blank\">XHTML draugų tinklas</a>“, tai neprivaloma nuostata. WordPress leidžia pažymėti, kokie jūsų tarpusavio ryšiai su šių tinklalapių ar kitų tinklalapių autoriais."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1179
msgid "FTP Username"
msgstr "FTP vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1180
msgid "FTP Password"
msgstr "FTP slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1176
msgid "FTP/SSH Password"
msgstr "FTP/SSH slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1175
msgid "FTP/SSH Username"
msgstr "FTP/SSH vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:68
msgid "Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area."
msgstr "Jeigu į kurią nors valdiklių sritį nepatalpinsite nei vieno valdiklio, gali būti rodomi numatytieji temos valdikliai. Norėdami turėti tuščią valdiklių sritį, įkelkite į ją tuščią tekstinį valdiklį."

#: wp-admin/themes.php:299
msgid "The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template."
msgstr "Šios temos įdiegtos nepilnai. Jos privalo turėti šablono (template) ir stiliaus (stylesheet) failus."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:31
msgid "When you assign multiple categories or tags to a post, only one can show up in the permalink: the lowest numbered category. This applies if your custom structure includes <code>%category%</code> or <code>%tag%</code>."
msgstr "Įrašo nuorodoje gali būti rodoma tik viena kategorija ar žyma. Jeigu pasirinkote nuorodų struktūrą su <code>%category%</code> arba <code>%tag%</code>, į nuorodą bus įkelta tik viena (su mažiausia numeracija)."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:38
msgid "The Optional fields let you customize the &#8220;category&#8221; and &#8220;tag&#8221; base names that will appear in archive URLs. For example, the page listing all posts in the &#8220;Uncategorized&#8221; category could be <code>/topics/uncategorized</code> instead of <code>/category/uncategorized</code>."
msgstr "Papildomi nustatymai leidžia pasirinkti žymų ir kategorijų archyvų nuorodų struktūrą. Pavyzdžiui, vietoje<code>/category/gyvenimas</code> gali būti rodoma <code>/kategorija/gyvenimas</code>."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:24
msgid "You can choose what&#8217;s displayed on the front page of your site. It can be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static page. To set a static home page, you first need to create two <a href=\"%s\">Pages</a>. One will become the front page, and the other will be where your posts are displayed."
msgstr "Galite pasirinkti, ką rodyti pagrindiniame tinklalapio puslapyje. Tai gali būti jūsų naujausi įrašai (pagal nutylėjimą) arba statinis puslapis. Jei norite statinio pradžios puslapio, pirma sukurkite du <a href=\"%s\">puslapius</a>. Vienas taps pradžios puslapiu, o kitame bus rodomi jūsų įrašai."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:30
msgid "If you pick an option other than Plain, your general URL path with structure tags (terms surrounded by <code>%</code>) will also appear in the custom structure field and your path can be further modified there."
msgstr "Jei pasirinksite bet kurią struktūrą išskyrus „Paprastą“, jos šablonas su struktūros žymomis (terminai, pažymėti <code>%</code> simboliais iš abiejų pusių) bus rodoma ties laukeliu „Pasirinktinė“. Taigi vėliau galėsite ją redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/users.php:33
msgid "To add a new user for your site, click the Add New button at the top of the screen or Add New in the Users menu section."
msgstr "Jei norite savo tinklalapiui priskirti daugiau vartotojų, paspauskite mygtuką „Pridėti naują“."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:60
msgid "If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme with fewer or different widget areas."
msgstr "Jei norite panaikinti valdiklį iš tinklalapio valdiklių srities, bet išsaugoti nuostatas vėlesniam naudojimui, nutempkite į sekciją „Neaktyvūs valdikliai“. Galėsite bet kada jį susigrąžinti. Tokia galimybė dažnai praverčia keičiant naudojamą temą."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:26
msgid "Most themes display the site title at the top of every page, in the title bar of the browser, and as the identifying name for syndicated feeds. The tagline is also displayed by many themes."
msgstr "Beveik visos temos parodo tinklaraščio pavadinimą kiekviename puslapyje, naršyklės pavadinimo juostoje ir RSS srautuose. Dauguma temų parodo ir tinklaraščio šūkį."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:18
msgid "You can set maximum sizes for images inserted into your written content; you can also insert an image as Full Size."
msgstr "Galite nustatyti maksimalius į įrašus įterpiamų paveikslėlių dydžius. Taip pat galite įkelti ir viso dydžio paveikslėlius."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:463
msgid "<strong>Order</strong> &mdash; Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number (1 for first, etc.) in this field."
msgstr "<strong>Išdėstymo tvarka</strong> &mdash; puslapiai paprastai išdėstomi pagal abėcėlę, bet galite patys nustatyti išdėstymą priskirdami puslapiams skaičius (pradedant vienetu)."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1184
msgid "If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host."
msgstr "Jei neatsimenate savo duomenų, kreipkitės į talpinimo paslaugų teikėją."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1178
msgid "Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed."
msgstr "Įveskite savo FTP duomenis, jei norite tęsti."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1174
msgid "Please enter your FTP or SSH credentials to proceed."
msgstr "Įveskite FTP arba SSH duomenis, jei norite tęsti."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:79
msgid "You can Upload a theme manually if you have already downloaded its ZIP archive onto your computer (make sure it is from a trusted and original source). You can also do it the old-fashioned way and copy a downloaded theme&#8217;s folder via FTP into your <code>/wp-content/themes</code> directory."
msgstr "Jei atsisiuntėte temą iš kur nors kitur, galite įdiegti ją įkeldami ZIP archyvą. Tik būkite tikri, jog temą atsisiuntėte iš patikimo šaltinio! Žinoma, galite temą įdiegti ir senuoju būdu, įkeldami jos failus per FTP į <code>/wp-content/themes</code> katalogą."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:39
msgid "Your profile contains information about you (your &#8220;account&#8221;) as well as some personal options related to using WordPress."
msgstr "Jūsų profilyje talpinama informacija apie jus (jūsų vartotojo paskyrą), taip pat keletas su jumis susijusių WordPress nuostatų."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:452
msgid "<strong>Send Trackbacks</strong> &mdash; Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you&#8217;ve linked to them. Enter the URL(s) you want to send trackbacks. If you link to other WordPress sites they&#8217;ll be notified automatically using pingbacks, and this field is unnecessary."
msgstr "<strong>Siųsti citatas</strong> &mdash; citatos yra vienas iš būdų parodyti kitiems tinklalapiams, kad savo įrašuose dedate nuorodas į juos. Įveskite URL nuorodą(as), kur norite nusiųsti citatą(as). Jei dedate nuorodas į kitus WordPress tinklalapius, jiems bus automatiškai nusiųstas atgalinis pranešimas, taigi šio laukelio naudoti nereikia."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:195
msgid "Administrators have access to all the administration features."
msgstr "Administratorius turi visas administravimo galimybes."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:192
msgid "Contributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or upload media files."
msgstr "Pagalbininkas gali rašyti ir redaguoti savo įrašus, bet negali savarankiškai jų paskelbti. Taip pat jis negali įkelti failų."

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:55
msgid "If you delete a link, it will be removed permanently, as Links do not have a Trash function yet."
msgstr "Trinant nuorodą, ji pašalinama negrįžtamai. Nuorodos kol kas nėra perkeliamos į šiukšlinę."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:133
msgid "You can use the editor to make changes to any of your plugins&#8217; individual PHP files. Be aware that if you make changes, plugins updates will overwrite your customizations."
msgstr "Jei norite modifikuoti įskiepio failus, galite pasinaudoti šiuo redagavimo įrankiu. Atminkite, kad visos modifikacijos pradings, jei atnaujinsite įskiepio versiją."

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:47
msgid "You can add links here to be displayed on your site, usually using <a href=\"%s\">Widgets</a>. By default, links to several sites in the WordPress community are included as examples."
msgstr "Čia galite susikurti įvairių nuorodų sąrašą, kurį vėliau galėsite rodyti viename iš savo tinklalapio <a href=\"%s\">valdiklių</a>. Kelios WordPress bendruomenės nuorodos yra įtrauktos pagal nutylėjimą."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:95
msgid "Don&#8217;t forget to click on the Save Changes button when you are finished."
msgstr "Kai baigsite, nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Išsaugoti pakeitimus“."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:379
msgid "You can also create posts with the <a href=\"%s\">Press This bookmarklet</a>."
msgstr "Primename, kad galite kurti įrašus su naršyklės adresyno programėle <a href=\"%s\">„Press This“</a>."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:92
msgid "You can customize the look of your site without touching any of your theme&#8217;s code by using a custom background. Your background can be an image or a color."
msgstr "Galite pakeisti tinklalapio išvaizdą neredaguodami naudojamos temos kodo. Tam yra skirtas pasirinktinis fonas (paveikslėlis arba spalva)."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:253
msgid "<strong>Slug</strong> &mdash; The &#8220;slug&#8221; is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens."
msgstr "<strong>Nuoroda (Slug)</strong> &mdash; tai interneto adresui pritaikyta pavadinimo versija. Ją paprastai sudaro tik mažosios raidės, skaičiai ir brūkšneliai."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:194
msgid "Editors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people&#8217;s posts, etc."
msgstr "Redaktorius gali skelbti ir redaguoti savo ir kitų įrašus, puslapius ir pan."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:44
msgid "Remember to click the Update Profile button when you are finished."
msgstr "Kai baigsite, nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Atnaujinti profilį“."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:43
msgid "Required fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so."
msgstr "Būtini laukeliai pažymėti. Taip pat rekomenduojama užpildyti ir visus kitus laukelius. Profilio informacija bus rodoma tik tuo atveju, jei taip nustatyta naudojamoje temoje."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:41
msgid "Your username cannot be changed, but you can use other fields to enter your real name or a nickname, and change which name to display on your posts."
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas negali būti keičiamas, bet jūs galite įvesti savo tikrąjį vardą arba slapyvardį ir pasirinkti, kokiu vardu jus pristatyti tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:46
msgid "You can also moderate the comment from this screen using the Status box, where you can also change the timestamp of the comment."
msgstr "Taip pat čia galite moderuoti komentarus ir pakeisti jų laiko žymas, panaudodami valdiklį „Būsena“."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:45
msgid "You can edit the information left in a comment if needed. This is often useful when you notice that a commenter has made a typographical error."
msgstr "Čia galite redaguoti komentaro informaciją ir turinį. Tai ypač naudinga, kai pastebite, jog komentaro autorius padarė teksto rinkimo klaidą."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:748
msgid "Enter menu name here"
msgstr "Čia įveskite meniu pavadinimą"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:34
msgid "UTC means Coordinated Universal Time."
msgstr "UTC reiškia „Suderintasis pasaulinis laikas (Coordinated Universal Time)“"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:23 wp-admin/options-general.php:35
#: wp-admin/options-media.php:24 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:23
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:32 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:39
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:26 wp-admin/options-writing.php:22
msgid "You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect."
msgstr "Baigę tvarkyti nuostatas, nepamirškite paspausti puslapio apačioje esančio mygtuko „Išsaugoti pakeitimus“."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:23
msgid "This screen contains the settings that affect the display of your content."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje pateikiami nustatymai, kurios lemia, kaip jūsų kurtas turinys bus pateikiamas skaitytojams."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:29
msgid "The WordPress URL and the Site URL can be the same (example.com) or different; for example, having the WordPress core files (example.com/wordpress) in a subdirectory instead of the root directory."
msgstr "WordPress URL ir tinklalapio URL gali būti vienodi (example.com) arba gali skirtis; pavyzdžiui, galima laikyti WordPress failus pakatalogyje (example.com/wordpress), o ne šakniniame kataloge."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:25
msgid "The fields on this screen determine some of the basics of your site setup."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje pateikiamos pagrindinės jūsų tinklalapio nuostatos."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:59
msgid "The boxes for link name, web address, and description have fixed positions, while the others may be repositioned using drag and drop. You can also hide boxes you don&#8217;t use in the Screen Options tab, or minimize boxes by clicking on the title bar of the box."
msgstr "Nuorodos pavadinimo, interneto adreso ir aprašymo laukeliai turi fiksuotas pozicijas. Tuo tarpu visų kitų laukelių pozicijas galite keisti tempdami su pele. Nereikalingus laukelius galite paslėpti pasirinkę skiltį „Ekrano nuostatymai“ arba sumažinti paspaudę ant jų pavadinimo."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:185
msgid "An updated version of WordPress is available."
msgstr "Yra nauja WordPress versija."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:163
msgid "You have the latest version of WordPress."
msgstr "Jūs turite naujausią WordPress versiją."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:337
msgid "Your themes are all up to date."
msgstr "Jūsų visos temos yra naujausių versijų."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:229
msgid "Your plugins are all up to date."
msgstr "Visi jūsų įskiepiai yra naujausių versijų."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:208
msgid "While your site is being updated, it will be in maintenance mode. As soon as your updates are complete, your site will return to normal."
msgstr "Atnaujinimo metu bus įjungta techninės priežiūros būsena. Kai tik jis bus baigtas, jūsų tinklalapis vėl bus pasiekiamas skaitytojams."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:159 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:145
msgid "Function Name&hellip;"
msgstr "Funkcijos pavadinimas&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:568
msgid "Activate Plugin &amp; Run Importer"
msgstr "Aktyvuoti įskiepį ir paleisti importavimo įrankį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:578
msgid "Return to Importers"
msgstr "Grįžti prie importavimo įrankių"

#: wp-admin/import.php:93
msgid "Activate importer"
msgstr "Aktyvuoti importavimo įrankį"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:58
msgid "You can add or edit links on this screen by entering information in each of the boxes. Only the link&#8217;s web address and name (the text you want to display on your site as the link) are required fields."
msgstr "Galite pridėti naują arba redaguoti esamą nuorodą įvesdami informaciją į pateikiamus laukelius. Privaloma užpildyti nuorodos pavadinimo ir interneto adreso laukelius."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:356
msgid "Categories can be selectively converted to tags using the <a href=\"%s\">category to tag converter</a>."
msgstr "Kategorijos pasirinktinai gali būti konvertuojamos į žymas, naudojant <a href=\"%s\">tam skirtą įrankį</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-checklist.php:98
msgctxt "nav menu front page title"
msgid "Home: %s"
msgstr "Pradžia: %s"

#: wp-admin/import.php:57 wp-admin/includes/network.php:105
#: wp-admin/includes/network.php:122 wp-admin/users.php:235
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "KLAIDA:"

#: wp-admin/import.php:57
msgid "The <strong>%s</strong> importer is invalid or is not installed."
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> importavimo įrankis neįdiegtas arba įdiegtas su klaidomis."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:838
msgid "Need help? Use the Help tab in the upper right of your screen."
msgstr "Reikia pagalbos? Pasinaudokite viršuje esančia kortele „Pagalba“."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:263 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:467
msgid "Page Attributes"
msgstr "Puslapio savybės"

#: wp-admin/export.php:49
msgid "Once generated, your WXR file can be imported by another WordPress site or by another blogging platform able to access this format."
msgstr "Kai tik WXR bus sukurta, ją iš karto galėsite importuoti į kitą WordPress ar panašią šį formatą palaikančią sistemą."

#: wp-admin/import.php:22
msgid "This screen lists links to plugins to import data from blogging/content management platforms. Choose the platform you want to import from, and click Install Now when you are prompted in the popup window. If your platform is not listed, click the link to search the plugin directory for other importer plugins to see if there is one for your platform."
msgstr "Čia pateikiami įskiepiai, skirti importuoti turinį iš kitų tinklaraščių ar panašių platformų. Pasirinkite platformą, iš kurios norite importuoti, ir atsidariusiame lange paspauskite „Įdiegti“. Jei žemiau pateiktame sąraše nėra jūsų naudotos platformos, pabandykite rasti tinkamą įskiepį žemiau esančioje nuorodoje į įskiepių katalogą."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:134
msgid "Choose a plugin to edit from the menu in the upper right and click the Select button. Click once on any file name to load it in the editor, and make your changes. Don&#8217;t forget to save your changes (Update File) when you&#8217;re finished."
msgstr "Žemiau pasirinkite norimą redaguoti įskiepį ir paspauskite mygtuką „Pasirinkti“. Vėliau pasirinkite, kurį įskiepio failą norite redaguoti. Baigę redagavimą nepamirškite paspausti mygtuko „Atnaujinti failą“."

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:49
msgid "You can customize the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab and/or the dropdown filters above the links table."
msgstr "Galite keisti šio puslapio vaizdą pasirinkdami skiltį „Ekrano nustatymai“ ir/arba panaudodami filtravimo funkciją."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:415
msgid "Most of the time, plugins play nicely with the core of WordPress and with other plugins. Sometimes, though, a plugin&#8217;s code will get in the way of another plugin, causing compatibility issues. If your site starts doing strange things, this may be the problem. Try deactivating all your plugins and re-activating them in various combinations until you isolate which one(s) caused the issue."
msgstr "Jei susidursite su kokiomis nors suderinamumo problemomis, pabandykite išjungti visus įskiepius. Gali būti, kad kai kurie iš jų nedera tarpusavyje. Jei tai išspręs problemą, bandykite įjungti įskiepius po vieną ir nustatyti nesuderinamumo šaltinį."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:31
msgid "After typing in your edits, click Update File."
msgstr "Atlikę pakeitimus, nepamirškite paspausti „Atnaujinti failą“."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:61
msgid "Widgets may be used multiple times. You can give each widget a title, to display on your site, but it&#8217;s not required."
msgstr "Tokie patys valdikliai gali būti naudojami daugiau nei vienoje vietoje. Be to, kiekvienam valdikliui galite priskirti pavadinimą, bet tai nėra būtina."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:27
msgid "You can use the Theme Editor to edit the individual CSS and PHP files which make up your theme."
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje galite redaguoti įdiegtų temų CSS ir PHP failus."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:62
msgid "Enabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop."
msgstr "Atsidarę skiltį „Ekrano nustatymai“, galėsite įjungti galimybę pridėti ir konfigūruoti valdiklius netempiant jų su pele."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:32
msgid "<strong>Advice:</strong> think very carefully about your site crashing if you are live-editing the theme currently in use."
msgstr "<strong>Patarimas:</strong> nepamirškite, jog aktyvios temos redagavimas gali sutrikdyti Jūsų tinklalapio veikimą."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:53
msgid "Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any widgetized area provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). To populate your sidebars/widget areas with individual widgets, drag and drop the title bars into the desired area. By default, only the first widget area is expanded. To populate additional widget areas, click on their title bars to expand them."
msgstr "Valdikliai yra turinio sekcijos, kurios gali būti rodomos bet kurioje tinklalapio vietoje priklausomai nuo naudojamos temos. Tokia sritis vadinama valdiklių sritimi (arba šonine juosta, jei ji patalpinta kairėje arba dešinėje temos pusėje). Jei norite, kad kuris nors iš galimų valdiklių būtų rodomas valdiklių srityje, nutempkite jį į dešinėje pusėje esančią pasirinktą sritį."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:28
msgid "Begin by choosing a theme to edit from the dropdown menu and clicking Select. A list then appears of the theme's template files. Clicking once on any file name causes the file to appear in the large Editor box."
msgstr "Pirmiausiai pasirinkite išvaizdos temą, kurią norite redaguoti, ir paspauskite mygtuką „Pasirinkti“. Išvysite įvairius temos failus, spragtelėkite pele ant kurio nors iš jų ir redaguokite."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:777
msgid "(no parent)"
msgstr "(be tėvinio)"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:461
msgid "<strong>Parent</strong> &mdash; You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. For example, you could have an &#8220;About&#8221; page that has &#8220;Life Story&#8221; and &#8220;My Dog&#8221; pages under it. There are no limits to how many levels you can nest pages."
msgstr "<strong>Tėvinis puslapis</strong> &mdash; galite skirstyti puslapius pagal hierarchiją. Pavyzdžiui, jūs galite sukurti puslapį „Apie“ ir jam priskirti puslapius „Gyvenimo istorija“ ir „Mano šuo“. Šiems puslapiams taip pat galite priskirti kitus."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:462
msgid "<strong>Template</strong> &mdash; Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you&#8217;ll see them in this dropdown menu."
msgstr "<strong>Šablonas</strong> &mdash; kai kurios temos turi daugiau nei vieną šabloną su tam tikromis savybėmis. Tokiu atveju galite pasirinkti, kokį išvaizdos šabloną norite naudoti puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:290
msgid "All updates have been completed."
msgstr "Visi atnaujinimai baigti."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:235
msgid "What&#8217;s the difference between categories and tags? Normally, tags are ad-hoc keywords that identify important information in your post (names, subjects, etc) that may or may not recur in other posts, while categories are pre-determined sections. If you think of your site like a book, the categories are like the Table of Contents and the tags are like the terms in the index."
msgstr "Kuo skiriasi žymos ir kategorijos? Žymos išskiria svarbiausią įrašo informaciją (vardai, miestai, tam tikri subjektai ir pan.), kurios dažniausiai nėra kituose jūsų įrašuose. Tuo tarpu kategorija yra bendresnė sąvoka. Ji apjungia panašios tematikos įrašus į grupes."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:245
msgid "When adding a new category on this screen, you&#8217;ll fill in the following fields:"
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje kurdami naują kategoriją, užpildysite šiuos laukelius:"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:247
msgid "When adding a new tag on this screen, you&#8217;ll fill in the following fields:"
msgstr "Šiame puslapyje kurdami naują žymą, užpildysite šiuos laukelius:"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:226
msgid "You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related posts. The default category is &#8220;Uncategorized&#8221; until you change it in your <a href=\"%s\">writing settings</a>."
msgstr "Naudodami kategorijas, galite suskirstyti panašius įrašus į tam tikras grupes. Numatytoji kategorija yra pavadinta „Be kategorijos“. Ją galite pakeisti <a href=\"%s\">rašymo nuostatose</a>."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:260
msgid "You can change the display of this screen using the Screen Options tab to set how many items are displayed per screen and to display/hide columns in the table."
msgstr "Skiltyje „Ekrano nustatymai“ galėsite pasirinkti, kiek elementų rodyti ekrane ir kuriuos lentelės duomenis rodyti/slėpti."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:258
msgid "<strong>Description</strong> &mdash; The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may display it."
msgstr "<strong>Aprašymas</strong> &mdash; paprastai aprašymas niekur neskelbiamas, bet kai kurios temos gali jį parodyti."

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:250
msgid "<strong>Name</strong> &mdash; The name is how it appears on your site."
msgstr "<strong>Pavadinimas</strong> &mdash; tinklalapyje rodomas elemento pavadinimas."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:185
msgid "You can narrow the list by file type/status using the text link filters at the top of the screen. You also can refine the list by date using the dropdown menu above the media table."
msgstr "Galite filtruoti failų sąrašą paspaudę ant virš failų esančių failų tipų (Paveikslėliai, Nepriskirti failai ir pan.). Taip pat galite filtruoti failus pagal jų įkėlimo datą."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:767
msgid "Crop Header Image"
msgstr "Apkarpyti antraštės paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:585
msgid "Default Images"
msgstr "Numatytieji paveikslėliai"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:817
msgid "Image Upload Error"
msgstr "Įkeliant paveikslėlį, įvyko klaida"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:603
msgid "Remove Header Image"
msgstr "Panaikinti antraštės paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:611
msgid "Reset Image"
msgstr "Atstatyti paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:614
msgid "Restore Original Header Image"
msgstr "Sugrąžinti numatytąjį antraštės paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:637
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Teksto spalva"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:602
msgid "This will remove the header image. You will not be able to restore any customizations."
msgstr "Šis veiksmas panaikins antraštės paveikslėlį. Jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti jam padarytų pakeitimų"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:613
msgid "This will restore the original header image. You will not be able to restore any customizations."
msgstr "Šis veiksmas sugrąžins numatytąjį antraštės paveikslėlį. Jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti jam padarytų pakeitimų."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:771
msgid "You need JavaScript to choose a part of the image."
msgstr "Jums reikia veikiančio JavaScript, jei norite pasirinkti dalį paveikslėlio."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1184
msgid "Delete this item permanently"
msgstr "Negrįžtamai ištrinti šį elementą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1174
msgid "Edit this item"
msgstr "Redaguoti šį elementą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:589
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1175
msgid "Edit this item inline"
msgstr "Redaguoti šį elementą neatidarant naujo puslapio"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1182
msgid "Move this item to the Trash"
msgstr "Perkelti šį elementą į šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1180
msgid "Restore this item from the Trash"
msgstr "Grąžinti šį elementą iš šiukšlinės"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:648
msgid "Allow comments."
msgstr "Leisti komentuoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:172
msgid "Install the LiveJournal importer to import posts from LiveJournal using their API."
msgstr "Įdiegti Livejournal importavimo įrankį ir importuoti įrašus."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:452
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:504
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:834
msgid "Return to WordPress Updates page"
msgstr "Grįžti prie WordPress atnaujinimų"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:453
msgid "<strong>Discussion</strong> &mdash; You can turn comments and pings on or off, and if there are comments on the post, you can see them here and moderate them."
msgstr "<strong>Komentarai</strong> &mdash; galite įjungti/išjungti galimybę komentuoti įrašą ir siųsti atgalinius pranešimus. Jei įrašas jau turi komentarų, galite juos moderuoti."

#. translators: %s: Featured Image
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:441
msgid "<strong>%s</strong> &mdash; This allows you to associate an image with your post without inserting it. This is usually useful only if your theme makes use of the image as a post thumbnail on the home page, a custom header, etc."
msgstr "<strong>%s</strong> &mdash; leidžia jums susieti įrašą su paveikslėliu, jo neįterpiant. Bet tik kelios WordPress temos panaudoja šį paveikslėlį (pvz., kaip įrašo piktogramą pradžios puslapyje, kaip individualizuotą antraštės paveikslėlį ir pan.)."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:364
msgid "<strong>Title</strong> &mdash; Enter a title for your post. After you enter a title, you&#8217;ll see the permalink below, which you can edit."
msgstr "<strong>Pavadinimas</strong> &mdash; Įveskite įrašo pavadinimą. Kai tai padarysite, išvysite įrašo pastoviąją nuorodą, kurią galėsite redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:206
msgid "Hovering over a row in the posts list will display action links that allow you to manage your post. You can perform the following actions:"
msgstr "Užvedę pelės žymeklį ant įrašo, išvysite galimus veiksmus:"

#: wp-admin/users.php:39
msgid "You can customize the display of this screen in a number of ways:"
msgstr "Galite pakeisti šio puslapio išvaizdą keliais būdais:"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:197
msgid "You can filter the list of posts by post status using the text links in the upper left to show All, Published, Draft, or Trashed posts. The default view is to show all posts."
msgstr "Galite filtruoti įrašus pagal jų statusą: Visi, Paskelbti, Juodraščiai, Šiukšlinėje. Pagal nutylėjimą rodomi visi įrašai."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:199
msgid "You can refine the list to show only posts in a specific category or from a specific month by using the dropdown menus above the posts list. Click the Filter button after making your selection. You also can refine the list by clicking on the post author, category or tag in the posts list."
msgstr "Išskleidžiamuosiuose langeliuose galite filtruoti įrašus pagal kategoriją arba paskelbimo datą. Įrašų lentelėje taip pat galite atlikti filtravimą pagal įrašo autorių, kategoriją ar žymą."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:196
msgid "You can hide/display columns based on your needs and decide how many posts to list per screen using the Screen Options tab."
msgstr "Skiltyje „Ekrano nustatymai“ pagal poreikius galite pasirinkti, kuriuos lentelės elementus rodyti/slėpti, taip pat, kiek įrašų rodyti viename puslapyje."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:537
msgid "Search Installed Plugins"
msgstr "Ieškoti tarp įdiegtų įskiepių"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:19
msgid "Your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets."
msgstr "Jūsų tema nepalaiko navigacijos meniu ar valdiklių."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:165 wp-admin/tools.php:21
#: wp-admin/tools.php:103
msgid "Categories and Tags Converter"
msgstr "Kategorijų ir žymų konvertavimo įrankis"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:166
msgid "Install the category/tag converter to convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively."
msgstr "Įdiegti kategorijų/žymų konvertavimo įrankį ir pasirinktinai konvertuoti turimas kategorijas į žymas arba atvirkščiai."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:391
msgid "There is a pending change of your email to %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Cancel</a>"
msgstr "Užfiksuotas dar nepatvirtintas prašymas pakeisti el. pašto adresą į %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Atšaukti</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:382
msgid "Most Recent"
msgstr "Naujausi"

#: wp-admin/export.php:187 wp-admin/export.php:224 wp-admin/export.php:256
msgid "Start date:"
msgstr "Pradžios data:"

#: wp-admin/import.php:100
msgid "Install importer"
msgstr "Įdiegti importavimo įrankį"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:190
msgid "Install the RSS importer to import posts from an RSS feed."
msgstr "Įdiegti RSS importavimo įrankį ir importuoti įrašus iš RSS srauto."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:202
msgid "Install the WordPress importer to import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file."
msgstr "Įdiegti WordPress importavimo įrankį ir importuoti įrašus, puslapius, komentarus, vartotojo laukus, kategorijas ir žymas iš eksportuoto WordPress failo."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:184
msgid "Install the blogroll importer to import links in OPML format."
msgstr "Įdiegti nuorodų importavimo įrankį ir importuoti nuorodas iš OPML formato failo."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:178
msgid "Install the Movable Type importer to import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog."
msgstr "Įdiegti „Movable Type“ importavimo įrankį ir importuoti įrašus ir komentarus iš „Movable Type“ ar „Typepad“ tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:160
msgid "Install the Blogger importer to import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog."
msgstr "Įdiegti Blogger importavimo įrankį ir importuoti įrašus, komentarus ir vartotojus iš Blogger tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:222
msgctxt "Theme stylesheets in theme editor"
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Stiliai"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:269
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Žyma"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:69
msgctxt "Theme Installer"
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Žyma"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:185
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Mark as Spam"
msgstr "Pažymėti kaip brukalą"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2216
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Išvalyti"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:115
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:298
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Mark as Spam"
msgstr "Pažymėti kaip šlamštą"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:245
msgid "Remove Background Image"
msgstr "Panaikinti fono paveikslėlį"

#. translators: %s: post title
#. translators: %s: link to post
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:127 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:184
msgid "Comments on &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "„%s“ komentarai"

#. translators: %s: add new taxonomy label
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:516
msgid "+ %s"
msgstr "+ %s"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:312 wp-admin/update-core.php:363
msgid "You have version %1$s installed. Update to %2$s."
msgstr "Esate įdiegę %1$s versiją. Atnaujinkite iki %2$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:328
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php:402
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Įgalinti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:42
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:512
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Spam"
msgstr "Brukalas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:186
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:510
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Not Spam"
msgstr "Ne brukalas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:213
msgctxt "site"
msgid "Registered"
msgstr "Registruota"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:506
msgctxt "verb; site"
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Archyvuoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:166
msgctxt "user"
msgid "Registered"
msgstr "Registruotas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:303
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:571
msgctxt "comment"
msgid "Not Spam"
msgstr "Ne šlamštas"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:260
msgid "This will restore the original background image. You will not be able to restore any customizations."
msgstr "Bus atstatytas originalus fono paveikslėlis. Jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti pakeitimų."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1042
msgid "WordPress Blog"
msgstr "WordPress tinklalapis"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:42
msgid "Use Press This to clip text, images and videos from any web page. Then edit and add more straight from Press This before you save or publish it in a post on your site."
msgstr "Naudokite „Press This“, jei norite greitai pasižymėti tekstą, paveikslėlius ar video iš kokio nors interneto puslapio. Vėliau galėsite viską pataisyti, papildyti ir išsaugoti arba paskelbti savo tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:309 wp-admin/user-edit.php:311
msgid "&mdash; No role for this site &mdash;"
msgstr "&mdash; Jokios rolės šiame tinklalapyje &mdash;"

#: wp-admin/users.php:358
msgid "Remove Users from Site"
msgstr "Pašalinti vartotojus iš tinklalapio narių sąrašo"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:418
msgid "Custom site deleted message."
msgstr "Custom site deleted message."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:419
msgid "Custom site inactive message."
msgstr "Custom site inactive message."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:420
msgid "Custom site suspended message."
msgstr "Custom site suspended message."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:174
msgid "No sites found."
msgstr "Tinklalapių nerasta."

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:388
msgid "New WordPress Site"
msgstr "Naujas WordPress tinklalapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:717
msgid "You are not allowed to create pages on this site."
msgstr "Šiame tinklalapyje neturite teisės kurti puslapių."

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:399
msgid "My Site"
msgstr "Mano tinklalapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:719
msgid "You are not allowed to create posts or drafts on this site."
msgstr "Šiame tinklalapyje neturite teisės kurti įrašų ar juodraščių."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:3084 wp-admin/update.php:24
#: wp-admin/update.php:50 wp-admin/update.php:71
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to update plugins for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės atnaujinti šio tinklalapio įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/update.php:172 wp-admin/update.php:193
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to update themes for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės atnaujinti šio tinklalapio temų."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:33 wp-admin/plugins.php:72 wp-admin/plugins.php:150
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to activate plugins for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės šiame tinklalapyje įjungti įskiepius."

#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:18 wp-admin/update.php:96
#: wp-admin/update.php:144
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to install plugins on this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės šiame tinklalapyje diegti įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:171 wp-admin/plugins.php:196
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to deactivate plugins for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės šiame tinklalapyje išjungti įskiepius."

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:16 wp-admin/update.php:219
#: wp-admin/update.php:249
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to install themes on this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės įdiegti temų šiame tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php:32 wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php:315
#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:12 wp-admin/link-manager.php:71
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to edit the links for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti šio tinklalapio nuorodų."

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:18
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to edit templates for this site."
msgstr "Neturite teisės redaguoti šio tinklalapio šablonų."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:231
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to delete plugins for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės šiame tinklalapyje trinti įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/link-add.php:13
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to add links to this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės pridėti naujų nuorodų į šį tinklalapį."

#: wp-admin/import.php:59
msgid "If you have posts or comments in another system, WordPress can import those into this site. To get started, choose a system to import from below:"
msgstr "WordPress gali importuoti įrašus ir komentarus iš kitų jūsų tinklalapių. Žemiau pasirinkite seniau naudotą sistemą:"

#: wp-admin/import.php:15
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to import content in this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės importuoti turinį į šį tinklalapį."

#: wp-admin/export.php:13
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to export the content of this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės eksportuoti šio tinklalapio turinio."

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:330 wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:604
msgid "No items."
msgstr "Elementų nėra."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:18
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to edit plugins for this site."
msgstr "Neturite teisės redaguoti šio tinklalapio įskiepių."

#. translators: %s: host name
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1082
msgid "The installer attempted to contact a random hostname (%s) on your domain."
msgstr "The installer attempted to contact a random hostname (%s) on your domain."

#. translators: %s: asterisk symbol (*)
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1093
msgid "To use a subdomain configuration, you must have a wildcard entry in your DNS. This usually means adding a %s hostname record pointing at your web server in your DNS configuration tool."
msgstr "Jei norite naudoti subdomenų konfiguraciją, jums reikia įjungti „wildcard DNS“ režimą. Paprastai tam reikia pridėti %s įrašą rodantį į Jūsų serverį Jūsų domeno DNS valdymo įrankyje."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:239
msgid "The menu item has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu elementas ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:231
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:145
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:247
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Bandykite iš naujo"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1276
msgid "Please provide a custom field name."
msgstr "Nurodykite vartotojo lauko pavadinimą."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:290
msgid "Display Options"
msgstr "Rodymo nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:241 wp-admin/custom-header.php:600
msgid "Remove Image"
msgstr "Panaikinti paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/users.php:385
msgid "Confirm Removal"
msgstr "Patvirtinti pašalinimą"

#: wp-admin/users.php:449
msgid "Other users have been removed."
msgstr "Kiti vartotojai buvo pašalinti."

#: wp-admin/users.php:387
msgid "There are no valid users selected for removal."
msgstr "Nepasirinktas nei vienas vartotojas, kurį būtų galima pašalinti."

#: wp-admin/users.php:148 wp-admin/users.php:197
msgid "User deletion is not allowed from this screen."
msgstr "Iš šio puslapio vartotojų ištrinti negalima."

#: wp-admin/users.php:174
msgid "You can&#8217;t delete that user."
msgstr "Jūs negalite ištrinti šio vartotojo."

#: wp-admin/users.php:448
msgid "You can't remove the current user."
msgstr "Jūs negalite pašalinti dabartinio vartotojo."

#: wp-admin/users.php:363
msgid "You have specified these users for removal:"
msgstr "Jūs norite pašalinti šiuos vartotojus:"

#. translators: 1: Title of an update
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:289
msgid "%1$s updated successfully."
msgstr "%1$s atnaujinta sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:289
msgid "Hide Details"
msgstr "Slėpti detales"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:289
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Rodyti detales"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:80
msgid "Your chosen password."
msgstr "Jūsų pasirinktas slaptažodis."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:460
msgid "Yes, take me to my profile page"
msgstr "Taip, atidarykite mano profilio puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:461
msgid "No thanks, do not remind me again"
msgstr "Dėkoju, daugiau prašau man to nepriminti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:144 wp-admin/edit.php:147 wp-admin/post.php:260
#: wp-admin/post.php:263 wp-admin/upload.php:158
msgid "Error in deleting."
msgstr "Trinant įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:143
msgid "You are not allowed to move this item out of the Trash."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės sugrąžinti šį įrašą iš šiukšlinės."

#. translators: %s: number of comments moved to the Trash
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:249
msgid "%s comment moved to the Trash."
msgid_plural "%s comments moved to the Trash."
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras perkeltas į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai perkelti į šiukšlinę."
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų perkelta į šiukšlinę."

#. translators: %s: number of comments restored from the Trash
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:254
msgid "%s comment restored from the Trash"
msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the Trash"
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras grąžintas iš šiukšlinės"
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai grąžinti iš šiukšlinės"
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų grąžinta iš šiukšlinės"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:114 wp-admin/post.php:222 wp-admin/upload.php:134
msgid "Error in moving to Trash."
msgstr "Perkeliant į šiukšlinę, įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:128 wp-admin/post.php:240 wp-admin/upload.php:146
msgid "Error in restoring from Trash."
msgstr "Grąžinant iš šiukšlinės, įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:106 wp-admin/post.php:214 wp-admin/upload.php:131
msgid "You are not allowed to move this item to the Trash."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės perkelti šį elementą į šiukšlinę."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:125 wp-admin/post.php:237
msgid "You are not allowed to restore this item from the Trash."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės grąžinti šį elementą iš šiukšlinės."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:344
msgid "The following themes have new versions available. Check the ones you want to update and then click &#8220;Update Themes&#8221;."
msgstr "Yra naujesnės pateiktų temų versijos. Pasirinkite tas, kurias norite atnaujinti, ir spauskite „Atnaujinti temas“."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:237
msgid "That user is already a member of this site."
msgstr "Šis vartotojas jau yra šio tinklalapio narys."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:231
msgid "Invitation email sent to user. A confirmation link must be clicked for them to be added to your site."
msgstr "Pakvietimo laiškas nusiųstas vartotojui. Kai tik jis paspaus ant patvirtinimo nuorodos, bus pridėtas prie jūsų tinklalapio."

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:234
msgid "User has been added to your site."
msgstr "Į jūsų tinklalapį pridėtas narys."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:241
msgid "The following plugins have new versions available. Check the ones you want to update and then click &#8220;Update Plugins&#8221;."
msgstr "Yra naujesnės pateiktų įskiepių versijos. Pasirinkite tuos, kuriuos norite atnaujinti, ir spauskite „Atnaujinti įskiepius“."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:246
msgid "This will remove the background image. You will not be able to restore any customizations."
msgstr "Bus panaikintas fono paveikslėlis. Jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti pakeitimų."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:14
msgid "You did not select an item for editing."
msgstr "Nepasirinkite elemento, kurį norite redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:113
msgid "Only the current theme is available to you. Contact the %s administrator for information about accessing additional themes."
msgstr "Šiuo metu galite naudoti tik dabartinę temą. Susisiekite su %s administratoriumi, jis informuos apie galimybę naudoti kitokias temas."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:27
msgid "Author Template"
msgstr "Autoriaus šablonas (template)"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:28
msgid "Tag Template"
msgstr "Žymų šablonas (template)"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:18
msgid "Visual Editor Stylesheet"
msgstr "Raiškiosios rašyklės stilius (stylesheet)"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:158
msgid "Page saved."
msgstr "Puslapis išsaugotas."

#. translators: 1: Plugin name and version.
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:479
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:739
msgid "More information about %s"
msgstr "Daugiau informacijos apie %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:470
msgid "This plugin is already installed and is up to date"
msgstr "Naujausios versijos įskiepis jau įdiegtas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:464
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:50
msgid "Update Now"
msgstr "Atnaujinti"

#: wp-admin/install.php:151 wp-admin/user-edit.php:170
msgid "Important:"
msgstr "Svarbu:"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:320
msgid "Grant this user super admin privileges for the Network."
msgstr "Suteikti vartotojui tinklo administratoriaus (super admin) teises."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:170
msgid "This user has super admin privileges."
msgstr "Šis vartotojas turi tinklo administratoriaus (super admin) teises."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:278
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:401
msgid "Update to version %s"
msgstr "Atnaujinti į %s versiją"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:100
msgid "items"
msgstr "įrašų"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:293
msgid "Usernames cannot be changed."
msgstr "Vartotojo vardo keisti negalima."

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:258
msgid "The menu has been successfully deleted."
msgstr "Vartotojo meniu ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:308
msgid "Your site is asking search engines not to index its content"
msgstr "Jūsų tinklalapis nurodo paieškos sistemoms jo neindeksuoti"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:13
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to manage plugins for this site."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės tvarkyti šio tinklalapio įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1249
msgid "The miscellaneous options group has been removed. Use another settings group."
msgstr "Kitų nuostatų grupė buvo panaikinta. Naudokite kitas nuostatų grupes."

#: wp-admin/install.php:182 wp-admin/install.php:185
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:31 wp-admin/options-reading.php:111
#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:112
msgid "Site Visibility"
msgstr "Tinklalapio pasiekiamumas"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:66
msgid "In a few words, explain what this site is about."
msgstr "Keliais žodžiais pristatykite, apie ką bus jūsų tinklalapis."

#: wp-admin/options.php:163
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to modify unregistered settings for this site."
msgstr "You do not have sufficient permissions to modify unregistered settings for this site."

#. translators: 1: new admin email, 2: Cancel link URL
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:109
msgid "There is a pending change of the admin email to %1$s. <a href=\"%2$s\">Cancel</a>"
msgstr "Į el. pašto dėžutę %1$s yra išsiųsta el. pašto adreso pakeitimo nuoroda. <a href=\"%2$s\">Atšaukti</a>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:180
msgid "CSS Classes (optional)"
msgstr "CSS klasės (nebūtina)"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:751 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:828
msgid "Save Menu"
msgstr "Išsaugoti meniu"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:477
msgid "Updating Theme %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)"
msgstr "Atnaujinama tema %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)"

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:906
msgid "The network already exists."
msgstr "Tinklas jau egzistuoja."

#. translators: %s: error message
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1087
msgid "This resulted in an error message: %s"
msgstr "This resulted in an error message: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1097
msgid "You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message."
msgstr "You can still use your site but any subdomain you create may not be accessible. If you know your DNS is correct, ignore this message."

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:900
msgid "You must provide a domain name."
msgstr "You must provide a domain name."

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:902
msgid "You must provide a name for your network of sites."
msgstr "Privalote nurodyti tinklo pavadinimą."

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:909
msgid "You must provide a valid email address."
msgstr "Privalote nurodyti tinkamą el. pašto adresą."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:457
msgid "Notice:"
msgstr "Pastaba:"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:578
msgid "Get Shortlink"
msgstr "Trumpoji nuoroda"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:425
msgid "Updating Plugin %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)"
msgstr "Atnaujinamas įskiepis %1$s (%2$d/%3$d)"

#. translators: 1: Title of an update
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:287
msgid "The update of %1$s failed."
msgstr "Bandymas atnaujinti „%1$s“ nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:95
msgid "The password you chose during the install."
msgstr "Diegimo metu pasirinktas slaptažodis."

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:83
msgid "User already exists. Password inherited."
msgstr "Vartotojas jau egzistuoja. Slaptažodis išlaikomas."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:131 wp-admin/update-core.php:244
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:325 wp-admin/update-core.php:642
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:646
msgid "Update Plugins"
msgstr "Atnaujinti įskiepius"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:437
msgid "Update WordPress"
msgstr "Atnaujinti WordPress"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2946
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1216 wp-admin/update-core.php:477
msgid "WordPress updated successfully"
msgstr "WordPress atnaujintas sėkmingai"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:525 wp-admin/update-core.php:564
msgid "WordPress Updates"
msgstr "WordPress atnaujinimai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:144
#: wp-admin/includes/class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php:146
msgid "Edit Menu Item"
msgstr "Redaguoti meniu elementą"

#: wp-admin/nav-menus.php:335 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:345
msgid "Please enter a valid menu name."
msgstr "Įveskite tinkamą meniu pavadinimą."

#. translators: 1: plugin name, 2: plugin author
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:324
msgid "<strong>%1$s</strong> by <em>%2$s</em> (will also <strong>delete its data</strong>)"
msgstr "<strong>%1$s</strong> &copy <em>%2$s</em> (taip pat <strong>ištrins savo duomenis</strong>)"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:335
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete these files and data?"
msgstr "Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos failus ir duomenis?"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:306
msgid "Delete Plugin"
msgstr "Ištrinti įskiepį"

#: wp-admin/about.php:204
msgid "Go to Dashboard"
msgstr "Eiti į valdymo skydelį"

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:276
msgid "Menu Item"
msgstr "Meniu elementas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:375
msgid "Must-Use <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Must-Use <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Tinklo įskiepiai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Tinklo įskiepiai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Tinklo įskiepiai <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:206
msgid "This timezone does not observe daylight saving time."
msgstr "Šioje laiko zonoje negalioja vasaros-žiemos laikas."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:171
msgid "This timezone is currently in daylight saving time."
msgstr "Šiuo metu galioja vasaros laikas."

#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:387 wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:661
msgid "View All"
msgstr "Visi (-os)"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:348
msgid "Yes, delete these files and data"
msgstr "Taip, noriu ištrinti šiuos failus ir duomenis"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:310
msgid "You are about to remove the following plugin:"
msgstr "Jūs norite ištrinti šį įskiepį:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:378
msgid "Drop-ins <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Drop-ins <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Įkėlos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Įkėlos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Įkėlos: <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:531
msgid "Inactive:"
msgstr "Neįjungti:"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:102
msgid "This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. <strong>The new address will not become active until confirmed.</strong>"
msgstr "Šis adresas naudojamas administravimo reikmėms. Jei pakeisite el. pašto adresą, mes jums nusiųsime laišką, kad patvirtintumėte šį savo pasirinkimą. <strong>Naujas el. pašto adresas nebus aktyvuotas, kol jo nepatvirtinsite.</strong>"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:408
msgid "Advanced caching plugin."
msgstr "Advanced caching plugin."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:409
msgid "Custom database class."
msgstr "Custom database class."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:410
msgid "Custom database error message."
msgstr "Custom database error message."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:411
msgid "Custom install script."
msgstr "Custom install script."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:412
msgid "Custom maintenance message."
msgstr "Pasirinktinis pranešimas apie techninę priežiūrą."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:309
msgid "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial."
msgstr "Failas yra tuščias. Įkelkite ką nors labiau substancialaus."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:286
msgid "Install %s"
msgstr "Įdiegti %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:417
msgid "Executed before Multisite is loaded."
msgstr "Vykdoma prieš užkraunant multitinklalapį."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:413
msgid "External object cache."
msgstr "Išorinio objekto podėlis."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:138
msgid "This comment is currently marked as spam."
msgstr "Šis komentaras pažymėtas kaip šlamštas."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:265
msgid "This comment is already approved."
msgstr "Šis komentaras jau patvirtintas."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:80
msgid "Moderate Comment"
msgstr "Moderuoti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:314
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Pasikartojimas"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:268
msgid "This comment is already in the Trash."
msgstr "Šis komentaras jau šiukšlinėje."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:271
msgid "This comment is already marked as spam."
msgstr "Šis komentaras jau pažymėtas kaip šlamštas."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:135
msgid "This comment is currently approved."
msgstr "Šis komentaras patvirtintas."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:141
msgid "This comment is currently in the Trash."
msgstr "Šis komentaras yra šiukšlinėje."

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:268
msgid "View Trash"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:146 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:149
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:154 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:158
msgid "Permalink structure updated."
msgstr "Nuorodų struktūra atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:194
msgid "Day and name"
msgstr "Diena ir pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:198
msgid "Month and name"
msgstr "Mėnuo ir pavadinimas"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:202
msgid "Numeric"
msgstr "Skaitinė"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:15
msgid "Reading Settings"
msgstr "Skaitymo nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:83
msgid "Front page: %s"
msgstr "Pagrindinis puslapis: %s"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:84
msgid "Posts page: %s"
msgstr "Įrašų puslapis: %s"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:95
msgid "posts"
msgstr "įrašų"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:105
msgid "Full text"
msgstr "Visą tekstą"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:106
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Santrauką"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:15
msgid "Writing Settings"
msgstr "Rašymo nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:71
msgid "Default Post Category"
msgstr "Numatytoji įrašų kategorija"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:97
msgid "Default Link Category"
msgstr "Numatytoji nuorodų kategorija"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:121
msgid "Mail Server"
msgstr "Pašto serveris"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:123
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Prievadas"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:128
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "Prisijungimo vardas"

#: wp-admin/credits.php:125
msgid "XML-RPC"
msgstr "XML-RPC"

#: wp-admin/options.php:246
msgid "All Settings"
msgstr "Visos nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:20
msgid "Edit Plugins"
msgstr "Redaguoti įskiepius"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:234
msgid "Plugin Files"
msgstr "Įskiepių failai"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:263 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:264
msgid "Documentation:"
msgstr "Dokumentacija:"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:275 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:277
msgid "Update File"
msgstr "Atnaujinti failą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:92
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Popular"
msgstr "Populiariausi"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:337
msgid "Are you sure you wish to delete these files?"
msgstr "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos failus?"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:498
msgid "Plugin <strong>activated</strong>."
msgstr "Įskiepis <strong>įjungtas</strong>."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:500
msgid "Selected plugins <strong>activated</strong>."
msgstr "Pasirinkti įskiepiai <strong>įjungti</strong>."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:502
msgid "Plugin <strong>deactivated</strong>."
msgstr "Įskiepis <strong>išjungtas</strong>."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:504
msgid "Selected plugins <strong>deactivated</strong>."
msgstr "Pasirinkti įskiepiai <strong>išjungti</strong>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:449
msgid "Clear List"
msgstr "Išvalyti sąrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:366
msgid "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Įjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Įjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Įjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:369
msgid "Recently Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Recently Active <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Neseniai išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Neseniai išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Neseniai išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:372
msgid "Inactive <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Inactive <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Išjungti <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/async-upload.php:55 wp-admin/post.php:110 wp-admin/post.php:211
#: wp-admin/post.php:234 wp-admin/post.php:252
msgid "Unknown post type."
msgstr "Nežinomas įrašo tipas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:109
msgid "View post"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti įrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:617 wp-admin/themes.php:441
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Žymos:"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:210
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Šablonai"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:57
msgid "Download nightly build"
msgstr "Atsisiųsti naktinę versiją"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:124 wp-admin/update-core.php:136
msgid "Show hidden updates"
msgstr "Rodyti paslėptus atnaujinimus"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:285 wp-admin/update-core.php:295
msgid "Compatibility with WordPress %1$s: Unknown"
msgstr "Suderinamumas su WordPress %1$s: Nežinomas"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:348 wp-admin/update-core.php:376
#: wp-admin/update-core.php:670 wp-admin/update-core.php:675
msgid "Update Themes"
msgstr "Atnaujinti temas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2944 wp-admin/update-core.php:472
msgid "Installation Failed"
msgstr "Diegimas nepavyko"

#: wp-admin/update.php:128
msgid "Installing Plugin: %s"
msgstr "Diegiamas įskiepis: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:101
#: wp-admin/plugin-install.php:112 wp-admin/update.php:151
msgid "Upload Plugin"
msgstr "Įkelti įskiepį"

#: wp-admin/update.php:156
msgid "Installing Plugin from uploaded file: %s"
msgstr "Diegiamas įskiepis iš įkelto failo: %s"

#: wp-admin/update.php:236
msgid "Installing Theme: %s"
msgstr "Diegiama tema: %s"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:28
msgid "Edit User"
msgstr "Redaguoti vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:328 wp-admin/user-new.php:386
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Vardas"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:333 wp-admin/user-new.php:390
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Pavardė"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:338
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Slapyvardis"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:379
msgid "Contact Info"
msgstr "Kontaktinė informacija"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:431
msgid "About the user"
msgstr "Apie vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:486
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Naujas slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:625
msgid "Update User"
msgstr "Atnaujinti vartotoją"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:98
msgid "[%s] Joining confirmation"
msgstr "[%s] Prisijungimo patvirtinimas"

#. translators: User role name with count
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:206
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:220
msgid "%1$s <span class=\"count\">(%2$s)</span>"
msgstr "%1$s <span class=\"count\">(%2$s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:270
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Keisti"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:269
msgid "Widget %s"
msgstr "Valdiklis %s"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:320
msgid "Save Widget"
msgstr "Išsaugoti valdiklį"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:207
msgid "Tan"
msgstr "Gelsvai ruda"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:210
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Tamsi"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:226 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:276
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Galimybės"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:240
msgid "Microformats"
msgstr "Mikroformatai"

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1090
msgid "Upgrading database&#8230;"
msgstr "Atnaujinama duomenų bazė&#8230;"

#. translators: Default category slug
#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:133
msgctxt "Default category slug"
msgid "Uncategorized"
msgstr "Be kategorijos"

#: wp-admin/install.php:345
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Pavyko!"

#. translators: add new links
#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:73 wp-admin/link-manager.php:76
#: wp-admin/menu.php:65
msgctxt "link"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Pridėti naują"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:204
msgid "Visit %s"
msgstr "Aplankyti %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:75
msgid "No links found."
msgstr "Nuorodų nerasta."

#: wp-admin/link.php:109
msgid "Link not found."
msgstr "Nuoroda nerasta."

#: wp-admin/menu.php:75
msgid "Comments %s"
msgstr "Komentarai %s"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:156
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Išvaizda"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:214 wp-admin/user/menu.php:14 wp-admin/user-edit.php:28
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profilis"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:225 wp-admin/menu.php:228
msgid "Your Profile"
msgstr "Jūsų profilis"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:236 wp-admin/tools.php:12
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Įrankiai"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:251
msgid "Permalinks"
msgstr "Nuorodų struktūra"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:106
msgid "last"
msgstr "paskutinis"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:108
msgid "first"
msgstr "pirmas"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:120
msgid "newer"
msgstr "naujesni"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:161 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:162
msgid "Comment Blacklist"
msgstr "Juodasis komentarų sąrašas"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:193 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:194
msgid "Maximum Rating"
msgstr "Maksimalus vertinimas"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:224
msgid "Blank"
msgstr "Tuščias"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:141
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr "Laiko juosta"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:67 wp-admin/options-media.php:77
msgid "Max Width"
msgstr "Maksimalus plotis"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:69 wp-admin/options-media.php:79
msgid "Max Height"
msgstr "Maksimalus aukštis"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:75 wp-admin/options-media.php:76
msgid "Large size"
msgstr "Didelis"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:296 wp-admin/widgets.php:282
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozicija"

#: wp-admin/export.php:172
msgid "Categories:"
msgstr "Kategorijos:"

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:85
msgid "%s link deleted."
msgid_plural "%s links deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s nuoroda ištrinta."
msgstr[1] "%s nuorodos ištrintos."
msgstr[2] "%s nuorodų ištrinta."

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:115
msgid "%s queries"
msgstr "užklausų: %s"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:117
msgid "%s seconds"
msgstr "sekundžių: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:74
msgid "<strong><em>Note that password</em></strong> carefully! It is a <em>random</em> password that was generated just for you."
msgstr "<strong><em>Įsiminkite slaptažodį</em></strong>! Tai <em>atsitiktinis</em> slaptažodis, sugeneruotas būtent jums."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:130
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords may not contain the character \"\\\"."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: Slaptažodyje negali būti simbolio \"\\\"."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:154
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter an email address."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: Įveskite el. pašto adresą."

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:134
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the same password in both password fields."
msgstr "<strong>KLAIDA</strong>: Įveskite tokį pat slaptažodį abiejuose laukeliuose."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:87
msgid "<strong>Warning:</strong> these pages should not be the same!"
msgstr "<strong>DĖMESIO:</strong> šie puslapiai negali būti tokie pat!"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:79
msgid "A <a href=\"%s\">static page</a> (select below)"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Statinį puslapį</a> (jį pasirinkite žemiau)"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:136
msgid "A comment is held for moderation"
msgstr "Kai komentaras sulaikomas, jį reikia patvirtinti"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:431
msgid "About Yourself"
msgstr "Apie save"

#: wp-admin/link-add.php:15
msgid "Add New Link"
msgstr "Pridėti naują nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:601
msgid "Additional Capabilities"
msgstr "Papildomos galimybės"

#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:657 wp-admin/user-edit.php:228
msgid "Admin Color Scheme"
msgstr "Administravimo aplinka"

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:495
msgid "Always use https when visiting the admin"
msgstr "Kai einate į administravimo sąsają, visada naudokite https"

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:501
msgid "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - <a href=\"%s\">please attempt the update again now</a>."
msgstr "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - <a href=\"%s\">please attempt the update again now</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:503
msgid "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site administrator."
msgstr "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete! Please notify the site administrator."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:89
msgid "Anyone can register"
msgstr "Visi gali registruotis"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:132
msgid "Anyone posts a comment"
msgstr "Kai kas nors parašo komentarą"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:74
msgid "Automatically close comments on articles older than %s days"
msgstr "Automatiškai išjungti komentavimo galimybę įrašams, senesniems nei %s d."

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:386
msgid "Available Widgets"
msgstr "Galimi valdikliai"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:184 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:185
msgid "Avatar Display"
msgstr "Rodymas"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:172
msgid "Avatars"
msgstr "Pseudoportretai"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:140 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:141
msgid "Before a comment appears"
msgstr "Komentarų paskelbimas viešai"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:435
msgid "Biographical Info"
msgstr "Biografinė informacija"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:110
msgid "Break comments into pages with %1$s top level comments per page and the %2$s page displayed by default"
msgstr "Skirstyti komentarus į puslapius. Rodyti po %1$s puslapyje. Pagal nutylėjimą rodomas %2$s puslapis."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:105
msgid "Bring back this update"
msgstr "Sugrąžinti šį atnaujinimą"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:298
msgid "Broken Themes"
msgstr "Sugadintos temos"

#. translators: prefix for category permalinks
#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:229
msgid "Category base"
msgstr "Kategorijų priešdėlis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:264
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:266
msgid "Change role to&hellip;"
msgstr "Pakeisti rolę į&hellip;"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:162
msgid "Choose a city in the same timezone as you."
msgstr "<!-- -->"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:150 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:151
msgid "Comment Moderation"
msgstr "Komentarų sulaikymas"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:63
msgid "Comment author must fill out name and email"
msgstr "Komentarų autoriai privalo įrašyti vardą ir el. pašto adresą"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:146
msgid "Comment author must have a previously approved comment"
msgstr "Komentaro autorius privalo turėti nors vieną anksčiau patvirtintą komentarą"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:122
msgid "Comments should be displayed with the %s comments at the top of each page"
msgstr "Puslapio viršuje rodomi %s komentarai"

#: wp-admin/revision.php:77
msgid "Compare Revisions of &#8220;%1$s&#8221;"
msgstr "Palyginti &#8222;%1$s&#8220; versijas"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:283 wp-admin/update-core.php:293
msgid "Compatibility with WordPress %1$s: %2$d%% (%3$d \"works\" votes out of %4$d total)"
msgstr "Suderinamumas su WordPress %1$s: %2$d%% (%3$d teigiami balsai iš %4$d)"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:280 wp-admin/update-core.php:290
msgid "Compatibility with WordPress %1$s: 100%% (according to its author)"
msgstr "Suderinamumas su WordPress %1$s: 100%% (anot autoriaus)"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:118
msgid "Configuring this is optional. By default, it should be blank."
msgstr "<br/>Pagal nutylėjimą čia turėtų būti tuščia, bet rekomenduojame susikonfigūruoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:71
msgid "Could not fully remove the theme %s."
msgstr "Nepavyko pilnai pašalinti temos „%s“."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:60
msgid "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)"
msgstr "Apkarpyti miniatiūrą pagal nurodytus matmenis (paprastai miniatiūros būna proporcingos)"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:606 wp-admin/themes.php:423
msgid "Current Theme"
msgstr "Aktyvi tema"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:231
msgid "Custom Colors"
msgstr "Pasirinktinės spalvos"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:245 wp-admin/options-general.php:278
msgid "Custom:"
msgstr "Pasirinktinis:"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:216 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:217
msgid "Default Avatar"
msgstr "Numatytasis pseudoportretas"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:138
msgid "Default Mail Category"
msgstr "Numatytoji pašto kategorija"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:43 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:44
msgid "Default article settings"
msgstr "Pagrindinės nuostatos"

#. translators: Default post slug
#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:182
msgctxt "Default post slug"
msgid "hello-world"
msgstr "pirmasis-tinklarascio-irasas"

#: wp-admin/users.php:232
msgid "Delete Users"
msgstr "Trinti vartotojus"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:316
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:227
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Informacija"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:343
msgid "Display name publicly as"
msgstr "Viešai rodyti, kaip"

#: wp-admin/install.php:179
msgid "Double-check your email address before continuing."
msgstr "Prieš tęsdami dar kartą patikrinkite el. pašto adresą."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:81
msgid "Download %s"
msgstr "Atsisiųsti %s"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:115
msgid "Drag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings."
msgstr "Jei norite panaikinti valdiklį iš valdiklių srities, bet neištrinti jo nuostatų, atitempkite čia."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:128 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:129
msgid "Email me whenever"
msgstr "Pranešti man el. paštu"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:20
msgid "Edit Themes"
msgstr "Temų redagavimo įrankis"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:92
msgid "Embeds"
msgstr "Video filmukai ir kitas Embed kodu paremtas turinys"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:249
msgid "Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation."
msgstr "Įjungti sparčiąsias klaviatūros komandas komentarams moderuoti."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:97
msgid "Enable threaded (nested) comments %s levels deep"
msgstr "Įjungti komentarų gijas (galimybę atsakyti į komentarus). Ne daugiau kaip iki %s lygio."

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:53
msgid "Encoding for pages and feeds"
msgstr "Koduotė:"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:341
msgid "Error in displaying the widget settings form."
msgstr "Bandant parodyti valdiklio nuostatas, įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:277
msgid "Error saving media attachment."
msgstr "Išsaugant media failą, įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:861 wp-admin/includes/post.php:1772
#: wp-admin/widgets.php:340
msgid "Error while saving."
msgstr "Išsaugant įvyko klaida."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:101 wp-admin/theme-install.php:145
msgid "Feature Filter"
msgstr "Savybių filtras"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:170 wp-admin/theme-editor.php:156
msgid "File edited successfully."
msgstr "Failo redagavimas pavyko."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:125
msgid "Files of this type are not editable."
msgstr "Šio tipo failai yra neredaguojami."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:133
msgid "Find Themes"
msgstr "Ieškoti temų"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:103 wp-admin/options-reading.php:104
msgid "For each article in a feed, show"
msgstr "RSS sraute prie įrašų rodyti:"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:61 wp-admin/options-writing.php:62
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formatavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:221
msgid "Four Columns"
msgstr "Keturios skiltys"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:116
msgid "Full URL path to files"
msgstr "Pilnas URL adresas iki failų"

#. translators: Content suitability rating: http:bit.ly/89QxZA
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:199
msgid "G &#8212; Suitable for all audiences"
msgstr "G &#8212; Tinkami visiems"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:18
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Pagrindinės nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:225
msgid "Gravatar Logo"
msgstr "<a href=\"http://en.gravatar.com/\">Gravatar</a> logotipas"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:125
msgid "Hide hidden updates"
msgstr "Paslėpti paslėptus atnaujinimus"

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:103
msgid "Hide this update"
msgstr "Paslėpti šį atnaujinimą"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:152
msgid "Hold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)"
msgstr "Sulaikyti komentarą bei paskelbti viešai tik jums patvirtinus, jei jame yra %s ar daugiau nuorodų.<br/>(Paprastai šlamšto komentaruose būna daug nuorodų)"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:250
msgid "Holiday"
msgstr "Šventinė"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:226
msgid "Identicon (Generated)"
msgstr "Identicon"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:143
msgid "If you have a theme in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here."
msgstr "Čia galite įdiegti į .zip archyvą patalpintą temą."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:252
msgid "If you temporarily make your <code>web.config</code> file writable for us to generate rewrite rules automatically, do not forget to revert the permissions after rule has been saved."
msgstr "If you temporarily make your <code>web.config</code> file writable for us to generate rewrite rules automatically, do not forget to revert the permissions after rule has been saved."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:259
msgid "If you temporarily make your site&#8217;s root directory writable for us to generate the <code>web.config</code> file automatically, do not forget to revert the permissions after the file has been created."
msgstr "If you temporarily make your site&#8217;s root directory writable for us to generate the <code>web.config</code> file automatically, do not forget to revert the permissions after the file has been created."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:48
msgid "Image sizes"
msgstr "Paveikslėlių dydžiai"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:112
msgid "Inactive Widgets"
msgstr "Neaktyvūs valdikliai"

#: wp-admin/install.php:291
msgid "Information needed"
msgstr "Reikalinga informacija"

#: wp-admin/install.php:205
msgid "Install WordPress"
msgstr "Įdiegti WordPress"

#: wp-admin/update.php:264
msgid "Installing Theme from uploaded file: %s"
msgstr "Diegiama tema iš įkelto archyvo: %s"

#: wp-admin/install.php:239
msgid "Insufficient Requirements"
msgstr "Insufficient Requirements"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:228
msgid "Invitation email sent to new user. A confirmation link must be clicked before their account is created."
msgstr "Pakvietimo laiškas išsiųstas naujam vartotojui. Kai bus paspausta ant laiške esančios patvirtinimo nuorodos, paskyra bus sukurta."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:254
msgid "Latest"
msgstr "Latest"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:222
msgid "Left Sidebar"
msgstr "Valdiklių sritis kairėje"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:15
msgid "Media Settings"
msgstr "Failų nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:256 wp-admin/upload.php:278
msgid "Media attachment moved to the trash."
msgstr "%d failas perkeltas į šiukšlinę."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:246 wp-admin/upload.php:276
msgid "Media attachment permanently deleted."
msgstr "%d failas ištrintas negrįžtamai."

#: wp-admin/upload.php:267 wp-admin/upload.php:279
msgid "Media attachment restored from the trash."
msgstr "%d failas sugrąžintas iš šiukšlinės."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:163 wp-admin/media.php:95
#: wp-admin/upload.php:230 wp-admin/upload.php:275
msgid "Media attachment updated."
msgstr "Failo informacija atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:65 wp-admin/options-media.php:66
msgid "Medium size"
msgstr "Vidutinis"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:86 wp-admin/options-general.php:87
msgid "Membership"
msgstr "Registracija"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:228
msgid "MonsterID (Generated)"
msgstr "MonsterID"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:194
msgid "Mr WordPress"
msgstr "Pagalbininkas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:408
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:558
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:573
msgid "Network Activate"
msgstr "Įjungti tinklo mastu"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:411
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:553
msgid "Network Deactivate"
msgstr "Išjungti tinklo mastu"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:93
msgid "New User Default Role"
msgstr "Numatytoji rolė naujiems vartotojams"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:167
msgid "New theme activated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit site</a>"
msgstr "Nauja tema aktyvuota. <a href=\"%s\">Aplankyti puslapį</a>"

#: wp-admin/users.php:430
msgid "New user created."
msgstr "Naujas vartotojas sukurtas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:320
msgid "No plugins found."
msgstr "Įskiepių nerasta"

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:118
msgid "No such file exists! Double check the name and try again."
msgstr "Toks failas neegzistuoja! Dar kartą patikrinkite pavadinimą ir bandykite iš naujo."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:354
msgid "No, return me to the plugin list"
msgstr "Ne, grąžinkite mane prie įskiepių sąrašo"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:218
msgid "One Column"
msgstr "Viena skiltis"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:252
msgid "Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci."
msgstr "Toks failas neegzistuoja! Dar kartą patikrinkite pavadinimą ir bandykite iš naujo."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:222
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "Papildomos nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:126
msgid "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders"
msgstr "Skirstyti įkeliamus failus į aplankus pagal metus ir mėnesius"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:61 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:62
msgid "Other comment settings"
msgstr "Kitos nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/users.php:438
msgid "Other user roles have been changed."
msgstr "Kitos vartotojų rolės buvo pakeistos."

#: wp-admin/users.php:442
msgid "Other users have been deleted."
msgstr "Kiti vartotojai buvo ištrinti."

#. translators: Content suitability rating: http:bit.ly/89QxZA
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:201
msgid "PG &#8212; Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above"
msgstr "PG &#8212; Gali būti įžeidžiantys, paprastai skirti 13-os metų ir vyresniems"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:15 wp-admin/options-permalink.php:28
msgid "Permalink Settings"
msgstr "Nuorodų struktūros nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:217
msgid "Personal Options"
msgstr "Asmeninės nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:251
msgid "Photoblogging"
msgstr "Fotografams"

#: wp-admin/install.php:292
msgid "Please provide the following information. Don&#8217;t worry, you can always change these settings later."
msgstr "Prieš pradedant, reikia pateikti šiek tiek informacijos. Bet kada vėliau galėsite ją pakeisti."

#: wp-admin/update.php:80
msgid "Plugin Reactivation"
msgstr "Įskiepis vėl įjungiamas"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:461
msgid "Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a <strong>fatal error</strong>."
msgstr "Įskiepis negali būti įjungtas, nes sukelia <strong>kritinę klaidą</strong>."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:483
msgid "Plugin could not be deleted due to an error: %s"
msgstr "Įskiepis negali būti ištrintas dėl šios klaidos: %s"

#: wp-admin/update.php:85
msgid "Plugin failed to reactivate due to a fatal error."
msgstr "Dėl įvykusios klaidos įskiepio įjungti nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/update.php:82
msgid "Plugin reactivated successfully."
msgstr "Įskiepis įjungtas"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:402
msgid "Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here."
msgstr "Įskiepiai suteikia WordPress sistemai papildomų funkcijų. Čia jūs galite įjungti ir išjungti įskiepius."

#. translators: Content suitability rating: http:bit.ly/89QxZA
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:203
msgid "R &#8212; Intended for adult audiences above 17"
msgstr "R &#8212; Skirti suaugusiems nuo 17 metų"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:248
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Skaitymas"

#: wp-admin/upload.php:235
msgid "Reattached %d attachment."
msgid_plural "Reattached %d attachments."
msgstr[0] "%d failas priskirtas iš naujo"
msgstr[1] "%d failai priskirti iš naujo"
msgstr[2] "%d failų priskirta iš naujo"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:158
msgid "Repair Database"
msgstr "Repair Database"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:160
msgid "Repair and Optimize Database"
msgstr "Repair and Optimize Database"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:223
msgid "Right Sidebar"
msgstr "Valdiklių sritis dešinėje"

#: wp-admin/link-manager.php:93
msgid "Search Links"
msgstr "Ieškoti nuorodų"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:252
msgid "Seasonal"
msgstr "Sezoninė"

#: wp-admin/widgets.php:280
msgid "Select both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in that sidebar."
msgstr "Valdikliui parinkite valdiklių sritį ir poziciją joje."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:212
msgid "Select plugin to edit:"
msgstr "Pasirinkite įskiepį, kurį norite redaguoti:"

#: wp-admin/theme-editor.php:173
msgid "Select theme to edit:"
msgstr "Pasirinkite temą, kurią norite redaguoti:"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:437
msgid "Share a little biographical information to fill out your profile. This may be shown publicly."
msgstr "Trumpai apibūdinkite savo biografiją. Ji gali būti rodoma viešai."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:188
msgid "Show Avatars"
msgstr "Rodyti pseudoportretus"

#: wp-admin/user-new.php:326 wp-admin/user-new.php:456
msgid "Skip Confirmation Email"
msgstr "Pridėti be patvirtinimo"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:141
msgid "Some database problems could not be repaired. Please copy-and-paste the following list of errors to the <a href=\"%s\">WordPress support forums</a> to get additional assistance."
msgstr "Some database problems could not be repaired. Please copy-and-paste the following list of errors to the <a href=\"%s\">WordPress support forums</a> to get additional assistance."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:243
msgid "Sticky Post"
msgstr "Prilipdomi įrašai"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:106
msgid "Store uploads in this folder"
msgstr "Laikyti įkeltus failus šiame aplanke"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:249 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:277
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Ypatybė"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:99
msgid "Syndication feeds show the most recent"
msgstr "RSS sraute rodoma:"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:233
msgid "Tag base"
msgstr "Žymų priešdėlis"

#: wp-admin/users.php:437
msgid "The current user&#8217;s role must have user editing capabilities."
msgstr "Dabartinio vartotojo rolė privalo turėti vartotojų redagavimo galimybę."

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:491
msgid "The selected plugins have been <strong>deleted</strong>."
msgstr "Pasirinkti įskiepiai buvo <strong>ištrinti</strong>."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:874
msgid "The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "Atnaujinimas negali būti įdiegtas, nes WordPress %1$s sistemos darbui reikia %2$s ar naujesnės MySQL versijos. Jūs naudojate MySQL %3$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:870
msgid "The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s."
msgstr "Atnaujinimas negali būti įdiegtas, nes WordPress %1$s sistemos darbui reikia %2$s ar naujesnės PHP ir %3$s ar naujesnės MySQL. Jūs naudojate %4$s PHP ir %5$s MySQL versijas."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:872
msgid "The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s."
msgstr "Atnaujinimas negali būti įdiegtas, nes WordPress %1$s sistemos darbui reikia %2$s ar naujesnės PHP versijos. Jūs naudojate PHP %3$s."

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:832
msgid "The update could not be unpacked"
msgstr "The update could not be unpacked"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:204
msgid "Theme Install"
msgstr "Temos diegimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:244
msgid "Theme Options"
msgstr "Temos nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:170
msgid "Theme deleted."
msgstr "Tema ištrinta."

#: wp-admin/users.php:289
msgid "There are no valid users selected for deletion."
msgstr "Nepasirinkta vartotojų, kuriuos būtų galima ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:57
msgid "These settings may be overridden for individual articles."
msgstr "Šios nuostatos gali būti keičiamos kiekvienam įrašui atskirai."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:83
msgid "This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification."
msgstr "<br/>Šis adresas bus naudojamas administravimo reikmėms."

#: wp-admin/update-core.php:108
msgid "This localized version contains both the translation and various other localization fixes. You can skip upgrading if you want to keep your current translation."
msgstr "Ši tinkinta versija savyje turi sulietuvinimą ir keletą jam skirtų pataisymų. Jei norite išsaugoti savąjį sulietuvinimą, nesinaudokite šia atnaujinimo funkcija."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:172
msgid "This plugin has been deactivated because your changes resulted in a <strong>fatal error</strong>."
msgstr "Įskiepis išjungtas, nes jūsų pakeitimai sukėlė <strong>kritinę klaidą</strong>."

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:173
msgid "This timezone is currently in standard time."
msgstr "Šiuo metu galioja žiemos laikas."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:245
msgid "Threaded Comments"
msgstr "Komentarų gijos"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:220
msgid "Three Columns"
msgstr "Trys skiltys"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:53
msgid "Thumbnail size"
msgstr "Miniatiūra"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:117
msgid "To post to WordPress by email you must set up a secret email account with POP3 access. Any mail received at this address will be posted, so it&#8217;s a good idea to keep this address very secret. Here are three random strings you could use: <kbd>%s</kbd>, <kbd>%s</kbd>, <kbd>%s</kbd>."
msgstr "Jei norite skelbti įrašus el. paštu, privalote sukurti slaptą el. pašto paskyrą su POP3 galimybe. Bus paskelbti visi šiuo adresu gauti įrašai, taigi laikykite jį paslaptyje. Štai trys atsitiktiniai variantai, kuriuos galite naudoti: <kbd>%s</kbd>, <kbd>%s</kbd>, <kbd>%s</kbd>."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:219
msgid "Two Columns"
msgstr "Dvi skiltys"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:509
msgid "Type your new password again."
msgstr "Dar kartą įveskite naująjį slaptažodį."

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:63
msgid "Unable to locate WordPress theme directory."
msgstr "Unable to locate WordPress theme directory."

#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:273
msgid "Update File and Attempt to Reactivate"
msgstr "Atnaujinti failą ir bandyti įjungti"

#: wp-admin/media.php:116 wp-admin/media.php:125
msgid "Update Media"
msgstr "Atnaujinti"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:625
msgid "Update Profile"
msgstr "Atnaujinti profilį"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:38 wp-admin/options-writing.php:159
msgid "Update Services"
msgstr "Pranešti tarnyboms apie naujus įrašus"

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:254
msgid "Update to %s"
msgstr "Update to %s"

#: wp-admin/media-new.php:40
msgid "Upload New Media"
msgstr "Įkelti naują failą"

#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:49 wp-admin/theme-install.php:120
#: wp-admin/theme-install.php:122 wp-admin/update.php:258
msgid "Upload Theme"
msgstr "Įkelti temą"

#: wp-admin/options-media.php:99
msgid "Uploading Files"
msgstr "Failų įkėlimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/user.php:494
msgid "Use https"
msgstr "Naudokite https"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:177
msgid "User updated."
msgstr "Vartotojo profilis atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/install.php:124
msgid "User(s) already exists."
msgstr "Vartotojas(ai) jau egzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:67
msgid "Users must be registered and logged in to comment"
msgstr "Komentuoti gali tik užsiregistravę ir prisijungę vartotojai"

#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:819
msgid "Verifying the unpacked files&#8230;"
msgstr "Tikrinami išarchyvuoti failai&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:608 wp-admin/theme-install.php:267
#: wp-admin/themes.php:425
msgid "Version: %s"
msgstr "Versija: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:746
msgid "Visit plugin site"
msgstr "Aplankyti įskiepio puslapį"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:227
msgid "Wavatar (Generated)"
msgstr "Wavatar"

#: wp-admin/options-general.php:287
msgid "Week Starts On"
msgstr "Savaitės pradžia"

#: wp-admin/maint/repair.php:20
msgid "WordPress &rsaquo; Database Repair"
msgstr "WordPress &rsaquo; Database Repair"

#: wp-admin/install.php:73
msgid "WordPress &rsaquo; Installation"
msgstr "WordPress &rsaquo; Diegimas"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:66
msgid "WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically"
msgstr "WordPress turi automatiškai pataisyti netaisyklingą XHTML kodą"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:247
msgid "Writing"
msgstr "Rašymas"

#. translators: Content suitability rating: http:bit.ly/89QxZA
#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:205
msgid "X &#8212; Even more mature than above"
msgstr "X &#8212; Dar brandesniems asmenims nei R"

#: wp-admin/plugins.php:348
msgid "Yes, delete these files"
msgstr "Taip, noriu ištrinti šiuos failus"

#: wp-admin/media.php:23 wp-admin/media.php:57
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this attachment."
msgstr "Jums neleidžiama redaguoti šio failo."

#: wp-admin/async-upload.php:57 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:173
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:290 wp-admin/includes/post.php:1778
#: wp-admin/media-upload.php:46 wp-admin/post.php:117
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this item."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti šį elementą."

#: wp-admin/includes/update.php:203
msgid "You are using a development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>."
msgstr "Jūs naudojate bandomąją versiją (%1$s). Šaunu! Visada naudokite <a href=\"%2$s\">naujausią versiją</a>."

#: wp-admin/media.php:61
msgid "You attempted to edit an attachment that doesn&#8217;t exist. Perhaps it was deleted?"
msgstr "Jūs bandėte redaguoti failą, kuris nebeegzistuoja. Gal jis buvo ištrintas?"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:159 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:180 wp-admin/post.php:107
msgid "You attempted to edit an item that doesn&#8217;t exist. Perhaps it was deleted?"
msgstr "Jūs norite redaguoti elementą, kuris neegzistuoja. Gal jis buvo ištrintas?"

#: wp-admin/users.php:441
msgid "You can&#8217;t delete the current user."
msgstr "Jūs negalite ištrinti šio vartotojo."

#: wp-admin/users.php:167 wp-admin/users.php:207
msgid "You can&#8217;t delete users."
msgstr "Jūs negalite trinti vartotojų."

#: wp-admin/users.php:97 wp-admin/users.php:122
msgid "You can&#8217;t edit that user."
msgstr "Jūs negalite redaguoti šio vartotojo."

#: wp-admin/media.php:63
msgid "You can&#8217;t edit this attachment because it is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash and try again."
msgstr "Jūs negalite redaguoti šio failo, nes jis yra šiukšlinėje. Atkurkite jį ir bandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/post.php:120
msgid "You can&#8217;t edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and try again."
msgstr "Jūs negalite redaguoti šio elemento, nes jis yra šiukšlinėje. Atkurkite jį ir bandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:322
#: wp-admin/plugin-editor.php:32
msgid "You do not appear to have any plugins available at this time."
msgstr "Įskiepių nėra."

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:80 wp-admin/user-edit.php:109
#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:162
msgid "You do not have permission to edit this user."
msgstr "Neturite teisės redaguoti šio vartotojo."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:152
msgid "You should update your .htaccess now."
msgstr "Jeigu kyla kokių nors problemų dėl nuorodų struktūros pakeitimo, informuokite administratorių."

#: wp-admin/install.php:177
msgid "Your Email"
msgstr "Jūsų el. paštas"

#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:76
msgid "Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!"
msgstr "Naudojatės naujausia WordPress duomenų bazės versija!"

#. translators: add new file
#: wp-admin/media.php:110 wp-admin/menu.php:52 wp-admin/upload.php:80
#: wp-admin/upload.php:221
msgctxt "file"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Įkelti naują failą"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:118
msgid "older"
msgstr "senesni"

#. translators: add new plugin
#: wp-admin/menu.php:205 wp-admin/plugins.php:512
msgctxt "plugin"
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Įdiegti įskiepį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php:363
msgctxt "plugins"
msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:246
msgctxt "settings screen"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Pagrindinės"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:893
msgid "Screen Options"
msgstr "Ekrano nustatymai"

#: wp-admin/ms-delete-site.php:13 wp-admin/my-sites.php:13
msgid "Multisite support is not enabled."
msgstr "Multinklalapio palaikymas neįjungtas."

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:212
msgid "Custom Structure"
msgstr "Pasirinktinė struktūra"

#: wp-admin/menu.php:50
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Failų saugykla"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:44
msgid "Mature"
msgstr "Mature"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:223
msgid "Disable the visual editor when writing"
msgstr "Rašant išjungti raiškųjį redagavimą"

#: wp-admin/user-edit.php:222
msgid "Visual Editor"
msgstr "Raiškioji rašyklė"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:196
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this theme '%s'\n"
"  'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
"Jūs norite ištrinti temą '%s'\n"
"Spauskite 'Atsisakyti', jei norite sustabdyti veiksmą, arba 'Gerai', jei norite ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:91
msgctxt "Plugin Installer"
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Siūlomi"

#: wp-admin/options-permalink.php:144
msgid "Permalink structure updated. Remove write access on web.config file now!"
msgstr "Nuorodų struktūra atnaujinta. Dabar jau galite pašalinti įrašymo prieigą web.config faile."

#: wp-admin/install.php:347
msgid "WordPress has been installed. Were you expecting more steps? Sorry to disappoint."
msgstr "WordPress sėkmingai instaliuotas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:457 wp-admin/options-discussion.php:14
msgid "Discussion Settings"
msgstr "Komentarų nuostatymai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:212
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Paskutinis atnaujinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:41
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Archyvuota"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:504
msgid "Unarchive"
msgstr "Išarchyvuoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:520
#: wp-admin/my-sites.php:119
msgid "Visit"
msgstr "Aplankyti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:43
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Ištrinta"

#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:194
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/options-reading.php:93
msgid "Blog pages show at most"
msgstr "Tinklaraščio puslapiuose rodoma daugiausiai:"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:65
msgid "Convert emoticons like <code>:-)</code> and <code>:-P</code> to graphics on display"
msgstr "Tekstines šypsenėles kaip <code>:-)</code> ir <code>:-P</code> tinklalapyje pakeisti grafiniais paveikslėliais"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:180
msgid "Hello world!"
msgstr "Pirmasis tinklalapio įrašas!"

#: wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php:171
msgid "Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!"
msgstr "Sveikiname pasirinkus WordPress. Tai pirmasis jūsų tinklalapio įrašas, galite jį redaguoti arba ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-users-list-table.php:118
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:155
#: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:561
msgid "No users found."
msgstr "Vartotojų nerasta."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-sites-list-table.php:336
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niekada"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:131 wp-admin/options.php:79
msgid "You are not allowed to delete these items."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės tai ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:163
msgid "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, email, or IP, it will be put in the trash. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so &#8220;press&#8221; will match &#8220;WordPress&#8221;."
msgstr "Jei komentare bus kas nors iš šių žodžių, vardų, URL, el. paštų arba IP adresų, jis bus perkeltas į šiukšlinę. Vienoje eilutėje veskite tik vieną žodį, IP ar pan. Bus tikrinami ir žodžių fragmentai. Jei žemiau įvesite „press“, tai komentarai su žodžiu „WordPress“ taip pat bus pažymėti."

#: wp-admin/media-upload.php:38
msgid "Invalid item ID."
msgstr "Netinkamas ID."

#. translators: %s: UTC time
#: wp-admin/options-general.php:150
msgid "<abbr title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</abbr> time is %s"
msgstr "<abbr title=\"Coordinated Universal Time\">UTC</abbr> laikas yra %s"

#: wp-admin/options-writing.php:116
msgid "Post via email"
msgstr "Skelbti įrašus el. paštu"

#. translators: 1: plugin file 2: error message
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:446
msgid "The plugin %1$s has been <strong>deactivated</strong> due to an error: %2$s"
msgstr "Įskiepis %1$s buvo <strong>išjungtas</strong> dėl šios klaidos: %2$s"

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:219
msgid "For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their email address."
msgstr "Vartotojai, kurie neturi nustatyto avataro, galima rodyti arba standartinį logotipą arba pagal el.pašto adresą automatiškai sugeneruotą paveikslėlį."

#. translators: WP_PLUGIN_DIR constant value
#: wp-admin/plugins.php:418
msgid "If something goes wrong with a plugin and you can&#8217;t use WordPress, delete or rename that file in the %s directory and it will be automatically deactivated."
msgstr "Jeigu dėl kurio nors įskiepio kiltų problemų ir negalėtumėte naudotis WordPress, ištrinkite arba pervadinkite tą failą %s kataloge ir įskiepis bus automatiškai išjungtas."

#: wp-admin/options-discussion.php:154
msgid "When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, email, or IP, it will be held in the <a href=\"edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated\">moderation queue</a>. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so &#8220;press&#8221; will match &#8220;WordPress&#8221;."
msgstr "Jei komentare bus kas nors iš šių žodžių, vardų, URL, el. paštų arba IP adresų, jis bus sulaikomas <a href=\"edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated\">priežiūros eilėje</a>. Vienoje eilutėje veskite tik vieną žodį, IP ar pan. Bus tikrinami ir žodžių fragmentai. Jei žemiau įvesite „press“, tai bus sulaikomi ir komentarai su žodžiu „WordPress“."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:129 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:799
#: wp-admin/includes/theme.php:58
msgid "Filesystem error."
msgstr "Failų sistemos klaida."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:138
msgid "Installing the latest version&#8230;"
msgstr "Diegiama naujausia versija&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:615 wp-admin/includes/file.php:723
msgid "Incompatible Archive."
msgstr "Nesuderinamas archyvas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:816
msgid "Installing the plugin&#8230;"
msgstr "Diegiamas įskiepis&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:819
msgid "Plugin installed successfully."
msgstr "Įskiepis įdiegtas sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1265
msgid "Removing the old version of the theme&#8230;"
msgstr "Šalinama sena temos versija&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1284
msgid "Theme installed successfully."
msgstr "Tema įdiegta sėkmingai."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:233
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:570
msgid "Activate Plugin"
msgstr "Įjungti įskiepį"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:369
msgid "The uploaded file could not be moved to %s."
msgstr "Įkelto failo nepavyko perkelti į %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:154
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Konfigūruoti"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:67 wp-admin/includes/template.php:401
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentaras"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:569
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:604
msgid "Mark this comment as spam"
msgstr "Pažymėti šį komentarą kaip šlamštą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:581
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:609
msgid "Move this comment to the trash"
msgstr "Perkelti komentarą į šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:30 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:817
msgid "Page Template"
msgstr "Puslapio šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:89
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:62
#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:31
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Paieškos rezultatai"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:476
msgid "Could not create Temporary file."
msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti laikino failo."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1123
msgid "FTP"
msgstr "FTP"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1125
msgid "FTPS (SSL)"
msgstr "FTPS (SSL)"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1127
msgid "SSH2"
msgstr "SSH2"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1236
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Tęsti"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:162
msgid "Rotate counter-clockwise"
msgstr "Pasukti prieš laikrodžio rodyklę"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:163
msgid "Rotate clockwise"
msgstr "Pasukti pagal laikrodžio rodyklę"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:171
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Apversti vertikaliai"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:172
msgid "Flip horizontally"
msgstr "Apversti horizontaliai"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:147
msgid "All sizes except thumbnail"
msgstr "Visi dydžiai, išskyrus miniatiūrą"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:18
msgid "From Computer"
msgstr "Iš kompiuterio"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:20
msgid "Gallery"
msgstr "Galerija"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:62
msgid "Gallery (%s)"
msgstr "Galerija (%s)"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:451 wp-admin/includes/template.php:1578
#: wp-admin/install.php:80 wp-admin/maint/repair.php:26
#: wp-admin/setup-config.php:102 wp-admin/upgrade.php:71
msgid "WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1066 wp-admin/includes/media.php:1223
msgid "File URL"
msgstr "Failo URL"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1478 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2598
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2604
msgid "Insert into Post"
msgstr "Įterpti į įrašą"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1490 wp-admin/upgrade.php:77
#: wp-admin/upgrade.php:111
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Tęsti"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2209
msgid "All Tabs:"
msgstr "Visos kortelės:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2268
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Data/Laikas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2397
msgid "All Types"
msgstr "Visi tipai"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2471
msgid "Filter &#187;"
msgstr "Filtruoti &#187;"

#: wp-admin/export.php:200 wp-admin/export.php:237
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:77
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Būsena:"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:128
msgid "Visibility:"
msgstr "Matomumas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:136 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:159
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1680
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Apsaugotas slaptažodžiu"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:177
msgid "Scheduled for: <b>%1$s</b>"
msgstr "Suplanuota: <b>%1$s</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:179
msgid "Published on: <b>%1$s</b>"
msgstr "Paskelbta: <b>%1$s</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:183
msgid "Schedule for: <b>%1$s</b>"
msgstr "Suplanuoti: <b>%1$s</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:606
msgid "Send trackbacks to:"
msgstr "Siųsti pranešimus apie citavimą:"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:705
msgid "Show comments"
msgstr "Rodyti komentarus"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1461
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:828
msgid "Default Template"
msgstr "Numatytasis šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:950
msgid "New category name"
msgstr "Naujos kategorijos pavadinimas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1026
msgid "rel:"
msgstr "ryšys:"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1044
msgid "acquaintance"
msgstr "pažįstamas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1047
msgid "friend"
msgstr "draugas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1050 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1083
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1106
msgid "none"
msgstr "nėra"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1055 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1056
msgid "physical"
msgstr "fizinis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1063 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1064
msgid "professional"
msgstr "profesinis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1066
msgid "co-worker"
msgstr "bendradarbis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1069
msgid "colleague"
msgstr "kolega"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1074 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1075
msgid "geographical"
msgstr "geografinis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1080
msgid "neighbor"
msgstr "kaimynas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1091
msgid "child"
msgstr "vaikas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1094
msgid "kin"
msgstr "giminaitis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1103
msgid "spouse"
msgstr "sutuoktinis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1114
msgid "muse"
msgstr "mūza"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1123
msgid "sweetheart"
msgstr "mylimasis"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1148
msgid "RSS Address"
msgstr "RSS adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:133
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1156
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Vertinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:217
msgid "Popular tags"
msgstr "Populiarios žymos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:457
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:286
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:291
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:649
#: wp-admin/includes/theme-install.php:147
msgid "Install Now"
msgstr "Įdiegti"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:488 wp-admin/update.php:123
msgid "Plugin Install"
msgstr "Įskiepio diegimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:532
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:549
msgid "Last Updated:"
msgstr "Atnaujinta:"

#. translators: user role
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:638
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administratorius"

#. translators: user role
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:640
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktorius"

#. translators: user role
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:642
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autorius"

#. translators: manage posts column name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:505
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Pavadinimas"

#. translators: column name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:278
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Failas"

#. translators: column name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:313
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:132
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Matomas"

#: wp-admin/export.php:169 wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php:319
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Įrašai"

#. translators: Between password field and private checkbox on post quick edit
#. interface
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1367
msgid "&ndash;OR&ndash;"
msgstr "&ndash;ARBA&ndash;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1496
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1505
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Leisti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1497
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1506
msgid "Do not allow"
msgstr "Neleisti"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1523
msgid "Allow Pings"
msgstr "Leisti pranešimus"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:396
msgid "Reply to Comment"
msgstr "Atsakyti į komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:488 wp-admin/includes/template.php:503
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:567 wp-admin/includes/template.php:628
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Reikšmė"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:557
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Raktas"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:864
msgid "Maximum size: %s"
msgstr "Maksimalus dydis: %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:869
msgid "Upload file and import"
msgstr "Įkelti failą ir importuoti"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:321
msgid "Unknown action."
msgstr "Nežinomas veiksmas."

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:275 wp-admin/custom-header.php:545
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:63
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1930 wp-admin/includes/media.php:1932
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Įkelti"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:127
msgid "Approve Comment"
msgstr "Patvirtinti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:285
msgid "Search Comments"
msgstr "Ieškoti komentarų"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:294
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:559
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:565
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:601
msgid "Unapprove"
msgstr "Atšaukti patvirtinimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:296
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:561
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:564
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:600
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Patvirtinti"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:137 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:140
msgid "Post updated."
msgstr "Įrašas atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:144
msgid "Post saved."
msgstr "Įrašas išsaugotas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:151 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:154
msgid "Page updated."
msgstr "Puslapis atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:428
msgid "Update Comment"
msgstr "Atnaujinti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:53
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:15 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:894
msgid "Update Link"
msgstr "Atnaujinti nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:19
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Links</a> / Add New Link"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Nuorodos</a> / Pridėti naują nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:76
msgid "Link added."
msgstr "Nuoroda pridėta."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:14
msgid "Item added."
msgstr "Elementas pridėtas."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:15
msgid "Item deleted."
msgstr "Elementas ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:16
msgid "Item updated."
msgstr "Elementas atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:17
msgid "Item not added."
msgstr "Elementas nepridėtas."

#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:19
msgid "Items deleted."
msgstr "Elementai ištrinti."

#: wp-admin/edit.php:269
msgid "%s post updated."
msgid_plural "%s posts updated."
msgstr[0] "%s įrašas atnaujintas."
msgstr[1] "%s įrašai atnaujinti."
msgstr[2] "%s įrašų atnaujinta."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:297
msgctxt "posts"
msgid "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "Mine <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Mano <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Mano <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Mano <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:317
msgctxt "posts"
msgid "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgid_plural "All <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[0] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[1] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"
msgstr[2] "Visi <span class=\"count\">(%s)</span>"

#: wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php:200
msgid "Could not update link in the database"
msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti nuorodos duomenų bazėje"

#. translators: %s: directory name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php:283
msgid "Changing to %s"
msgstr "Keičiama į %s"

#. translators: %s: directory name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php:298
msgid "Found %s"
msgstr "Rasta %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:31
msgid "The ftp PHP extension is not available"
msgstr "Ftp PHP plėtinys nepasiekiamas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:46
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:45
msgid "FTP hostname is required"
msgstr "Būtinas FTP serverio adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php:594
msgid "Displaying %s&#8211;%s of %s"
msgstr "Rodoma %s&#8211;%s iš %s"

#. translators: user role
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:646
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Subscriber"
msgstr "Skaitytojas"

#. translators: %s: number of comments approved
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:232
msgid "%s comment approved"
msgid_plural "%s comments approved"
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras patvirtintas"
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai patvirtinti"
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų patvirtinta"

#. translators: %s: number of comments marked as spam
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:238
msgid "%s comment marked as spam."
msgid_plural "%s comments marked as spam."
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras pažymėtas kaip šlamštas."
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai pažymėti kaip šlamštas."
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų pažymėta kaip šlamštas."

#. translators: %s: number of comments permanently deleted
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:259
msgid "%s comment permanently deleted"
msgid_plural "%s comments permanently deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras ištrintas negrįžtamai"
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai ištrinti negrįžtamai"
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų ištrinta negrįžtamai"

#. translators: %s: number of comments restored from the spam
#: wp-admin/edit-comments.php:243
msgid "%s comment restored from the spam"
msgid_plural "%s comments restored from the spam"
msgstr[0] "%s komentaras pažymėtas kaip ne šlamštas"
msgstr[1] "%s komentarai pažymėti kaip ne šlamštas"
msgstr[2] "%s komentarų pažymėta kaip ne šlamštas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:444
msgid "%s from now"
msgstr "%s nuo dabar"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:553
msgid "%s or higher"
msgstr "%s or higher"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1341
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1421
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1457
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1495
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1504
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1536
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1557
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1585
msgid "&mdash; No Change &mdash;"
msgstr "&mdash; Jokių pokyčių &mdash;"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1165
msgid "(Leave at 0 for no rating.)"
msgstr "(Palikite 0, jei nenorite vertinti.)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:495
msgid "(Unattached)"
msgstr "(Nepriskirta jokiam įrašui)"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:575
msgid "(based on %s rating)"
msgid_plural "(based on %s ratings)"
msgstr[0] "(based on %s rating)"
msgstr[1] "(based on %s ratings)"
msgstr[2] "(based on %s ratings)"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:947 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:949
msgid "+ Add New Category"
msgstr "+ Kurti naują kategoriją"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:43
msgid ".htaccess (for rewrite rules )"
msgstr ".htaccess (for rewrite rules )"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:34
msgid "404 Template"
msgstr "404 Template"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:14
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Links</a> / Edit Link"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Nuorodos</a> / Redaguoti nuorodą"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:971
msgid "<code>_blank</code> &mdash; new window or tab."
msgstr "<code>_blank</code> &mdash; naujame lange ar kortelėje."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:977
msgid "<code>_none</code> &mdash; same window or tab."
msgstr "<code>_none</code> &mdash; tame pačiame lange ar kortelėje."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:974
msgid "<code>_top</code> &mdash; current window or tab, with no frames."
msgstr "<code>_top</code> &mdash; esamame lange ar kortelėje, be rėmelių (with no frames)."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:625
msgid "<strong>Warning:</strong> This plugin has <strong>not been marked as compatible</strong> with your version of WordPress."
msgstr "<strong>Dėmesio:</strong> Šis įskiepis <strong>nepažymėtas kaip suderinamas</strong> su dabartine jūsų WordPress versija."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:623
msgid "<strong>Warning:</strong> This plugin has <strong>not been tested</strong> with your current version of WordPress."
msgstr "<strong>Dėmesio:</strong> Šis įskiepis <strong>nebuvo ištestuotas</strong> su dabartine jūsų WordPress versija."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-themes-list-table.php:187
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:669
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:748
msgid "Activate &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Aktyvuoti &#8222;%s&#8220;"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:660
msgid "Add Custom Field"
msgstr "Pridėti vartotojo lauką"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:623
msgid "Add New Custom Field:"
msgstr "Pridėti naują vartotojo lauką:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1996
msgid "Add media files from your computer"
msgstr "Failų, esančių kompiuteryje, įkėlimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:139
msgid "All image sizes"
msgstr "Visi paveikslėlių dydžiai"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:649
msgid "Allow <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">trackbacks and pingbacks</a> on this page."
msgstr "Leisti į šį puslapį siųsti <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">citatas ir atgalinius pranešimus</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1518
msgid "Allow Comments"
msgstr "Leisti komentuoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:597
msgid "Already pinged:"
msgstr "Jau pranešta apie citavimą:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1268 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2568
msgid "Alt text for the image, e.g. &#8220;The Mona Lisa&#8221;"
msgstr "Tekstas, kuris bus rodomas, jei nepavyks parodyti šio paveikslėlio"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:135
msgid "Apply changes to:"
msgstr "Kam pritaikyti pakeitimus:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:561
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:564
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:600
msgid "Approve this comment"
msgstr "Patvirtinti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2214 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2282
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Didėjantis"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:101
msgid "Aspect ratio:"
msgstr "Pasirinktas santykis:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:154
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:500
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:646
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Priskirti"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1205
msgid "Authentication Keys"
msgstr "Authentication Keys"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:598
msgid "Auto Draft"
msgstr "Automatiškai išsaugotas juodraštis"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:573
msgid "Average Rating"
msgstr "Vidutinis vertinimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:858
msgid "Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:"
msgstr "Prieš įkeliant importavimo failą, reikia ištaisyti šią klaidą:"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:159
msgid "Blogger"
msgstr "Blogger"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:183
msgid "Blogroll"
msgstr "Nuorodos"

#: wp-admin/edit.php:216 wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:464
msgid "Bulk Actions"
msgstr "Masinis veiksmas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1295
msgid "Bulk Edit"
msgstr "Masinis redagavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:603
msgid "Cannot load image metadata."
msgstr "Nepavyksta įkelti paveikslėlio metaduomenų."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:659
msgid "Cannot save image metadata."
msgstr "Nepavyko išsaugoti paveikslėlio metaduomenų."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:157 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:517
msgid "Categories, unlike tags, can have a hierarchy. You might have a Jazz category, and under that have children categories for Bebop and Big Band. Totally optional."
msgstr "Kategorijos, skirtingai nei žymos, gali turėti hierarchiją. Pvz., galite turėti tėvinę kategoriją „Muzika“ ir jai priskirti tokias subkategorijas kaip „Metalas“, „Klasikinė muzika“ ir pan."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:29
msgid "Category Template"
msgstr "Kategorijos šablonas (template)"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1322
msgid "Change Permalinks"
msgstr "Keisti nuorodų stuktūrą"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:864
msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
msgstr "Pasirinkite failą iš kompiuterio:"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:271 wp-admin/custom-header.php:541
msgid "Choose an image from your computer:"
msgstr "Pasirinkite paveikslėlį iš savo kompiuterio:"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:770
msgid "Choose the part of the image you want to use as your header."
msgstr "Pasirinkite paveikslo dalį, kurią norite naudoti savo antraštėje."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:979
msgid "Choose the target frame for your link."
msgstr "Pasirinkite, kaip bus atidaroma ši nuoroda."

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:468
msgid "Comment by %s marked as spam."
msgstr "Nurodytas komentaras pažymėtas kaip šlamštas<!--%s--> &#183;"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:465
msgid "Comment by %s moved to the trash."
msgstr "Į šiukšlinę buvo perkeltas komentaras, kurį parašė %s&#183;"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:46
msgid "Comments Template"
msgstr "Komentarų šablonas (template)"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:555
msgid "Compatible up to:"
msgstr "Suderinamas iki:"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1165
msgid "Connection Information"
msgstr "Prisijungimo duomenys"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1218
msgid "Connection Type"
msgstr "Jungsenos tipas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:128
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2938 wp-admin/includes/file.php:546
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:796 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:55
msgid "Could not access filesystem."
msgstr "Nepavyko pasiekti failų sistemos."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:685 wp-admin/includes/file.php:784
#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:819 wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1049
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1160
msgid "Could not copy file."
msgstr "Failo kopijavimas nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2174
msgid "Could not copy files."
msgstr "Nepavyko nukopijuoti failų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:141 wp-admin/includes/file.php:665
#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:771 wp-admin/includes/file.php:824
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1165
msgid "Could not create directory."
msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti direktorijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:682
msgid "Could not extract file from archive."
msgstr "Nepavyko išarchyvuoti failo."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:877
msgid "Could not fully remove the plugin(s) %s."
msgstr "Nepavyko pilnai pašalinti įskiepio(ių) %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php:208
msgid "Could not insert link into the database"
msgstr "Nepavyko įkelti nuorodos į duomenų bazę"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:800
msgid "Could not remove the old plugin."
msgstr "Nepavyko pašalinti senosios įskiepio versijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1266
msgid "Could not remove the old theme."
msgstr "Nepavyko pašalinti senosios temos versijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:621 wp-admin/includes/file.php:672
msgid "Could not retrieve file from archive."
msgstr "Nepavyko sugrąžinti failo iš archyvo."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:158
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Apkarpyti"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:92
msgid "Crop Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "Pasirinktas santykis"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:95
msgid "Crop Selection"
msgstr "Pasirinktas plotas"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:131
msgid "Current thumbnail"
msgstr "Dabartinė miniatiūra"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:183 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:230
msgid "Custom Background"
msgstr "Pasirinktinis fonas"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:275
msgid "Custom Fields"
msgstr "Vartotojo laukai"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:454 wp-admin/includes/theme.php:232
msgid "Custom Header"
msgstr "Antraštės paveikslėlis"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:139 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:153
msgid "Custom field deleted."
msgstr "Vartotojo laukas ištrintas."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:138 wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:152
msgid "Custom field updated."
msgstr "Vartotojo laukas atnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2215 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2285
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Mažėjantis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:140
msgid "Destination folder already exists."
msgstr "Paskirties aplankas jau egzistuoja."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:918
msgid "Disable accessibility mode"
msgstr "Išjungti galimybę pridėti valdiklius į valdiklių sritį jų netempiant su pele"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:146
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:1012
msgid "Disabling Maintenance mode&#8230;"
msgstr "Techninės priežiūros būsena išjungiama&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:70
msgid "Discard any changes and restore the original image."
msgstr "Atšaukti pakeitimus ir grąžinti originalų paveikslėlį."

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:290 wp-admin/menu.php:249
msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Komentarai"

#: wp-admin/export.php:280
msgid "Download Export File"
msgstr "Parsisiųsti failą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:137
msgid "Download failed."
msgstr "Atsisiuntimas nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:814
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1279
msgid "Downloading install package from <span class=\"code\">%s</span>&#8230;"
msgstr "Iš <span class=\"code\">%s</span> atsiunčiamas įdiegimo archyvas&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:797
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1263
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2172
msgid "Downloading update from <span class=\"code\">%s</span>&#8230;"
msgstr "Atsiunčiami atnaujinimui būtini failai: <span class=\"code\">%s</span>"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:47
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "El. paštas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:189
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:387
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:881
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:378
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:552
msgid "Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Redaguoti &#8222;%s&#8220;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:360
msgid "Empty Spam"
msgstr "Ištrinti šlamštą"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1145
msgid "Empty Title filled from filename."
msgstr "Jei pavadinimas paliekamas tuščias, bus naudojamas failo pavadinimas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:360
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:181
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:458
msgid "Empty Trash"
msgstr "Išvalyti šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:726
msgid "Empty archive."
msgstr "Archyvas tuščias."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:918
msgid "Enable accessibility mode"
msgstr "Įjungti galimybę pridėti valdiklius į valdiklių sritį jų netempiant su pele"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:145
#: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php:929
msgid "Enabling Maintenance mode&#8230;"
msgstr "Įjungiama techninės priežiūros būsena&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:649
msgid "Enter new"
msgstr "Sukurti naują"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:712
msgid "Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again."
msgstr "Saugant pakeisto mastelio paveikslėlį, įvyko klaida. Įkelkite puslapį iš naujo ir bandykite dar kartą."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:105
msgid "Example: <code>http://wordpress.org/</code> &#8212; don&#8217;t forget the <code>http://</code>"
msgstr "Pavyzdžiui: <code>http://wordpress.org/</code> &#8212; nepamirškite <code>http://</code>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:163
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php:1232
msgid "Excerpt View"
msgstr "Rodyti sąrašą su ištraukomis"

#: wp-admin/export.php:17 wp-admin/menu.php:239
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksportavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:57
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:56
msgid "FTP password is required"
msgstr "Būtinas FTP slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:52
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:51
msgid "FTP username is required"
msgstr "Būtinas FTP vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:283
msgid "Failed to write file to disk."
msgstr "Nepavyko failo įrašyti į diską."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:311 wp-admin/includes/import.php:84
msgid "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."
msgstr "File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:284
msgid "File upload stopped by extension."
msgstr "File upload stopped by extension."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:355
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:115
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:177
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:454
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtruoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1486
msgid "Find Posts or Pages"
msgstr "Ieškoti įrašų ir puslapių"

#. translators: 1: comment author, 2: post link, 3: notification if the comment
#. is pending
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:656
msgid "From %1$s on %2$s%3$s"
msgstr "%1$s apie %2$s%3$s"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:19
msgid "From URL"
msgstr "Iš interneto"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2292
msgid "Gallery columns:"
msgstr "Galerijos stulpelių skaičius:"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1187
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr "Serverio adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1129
msgid "If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check out <a href=\"http://gmpg.org/xfn/\">XFN</a>."
msgstr "Jei nuoroda veda į asmens interneto puslapį, viršuje galite nurodyti ryšį su juo. Jei norite apie tai sužinoti daugiau, pasidomėkite <a href=\"http://gmpg.org/xfn/\">XFN</a>."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:286
msgid "If you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here."
msgstr "Jei turite į .zip archyvą patalpintą įskiepį, čia galite jį įkelti."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1144
msgid "Image Address"
msgstr "Paveikslo adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2522
msgid "Image Caption"
msgstr "Antraštė"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:87
msgid "Image Crop"
msgstr "Apkarpymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2251
msgid "Image File"
msgstr "Paveikslėlis"

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:753 wp-admin/custom-header.php:889
msgid "Image Processing Error"
msgstr "Apdorojant paveikslėlį, įvyko klaida"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:26 wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:728
msgid "Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image."
msgstr "Paveikslėlio duomenys neegzistuoja, įkelkite jį iš naujo."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:664
msgid "Image metadata is inconsistent."
msgstr "Image metadata is inconsistent."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:666
msgid "Image restored successfully."
msgstr "Paveikslėlis sėkmingai grąžintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:861
msgid "Image saved"
msgstr "Paveikslėlis išsaugotas"

#: wp-admin/update.php:231
msgid "Install Themes"
msgstr "Temų diegimo įrankis"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:654
msgid "Install Update Now"
msgstr "Įdiegti atnaujinimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:813
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1278
msgid "Install package not available."
msgstr "Install package not available."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1281
msgid "Installing the theme&#8230;"
msgstr "Tema diegiama&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:127
msgid "Invalid Data provided."
msgstr "Nurodyti netinkami duomenys."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:472
msgid "Invalid URL Provided."
msgstr "Nurodytas netinkamas URL."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:298
msgid "Invalid form submission."
msgstr "Invalid form submission."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:932
msgid "Invalid plugin path."
msgstr "Invalid plugin path."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:874
msgid "Keep this link private"
msgstr "Neviešinti nuorodos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:953
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Redaguotas"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:634 wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2239
msgid "Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s"
msgstr "Paskutinį kartą redagavo %1$s:  %2$s  %3$s"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:636 wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:2241
msgid "Last edited on %1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "Paskutinį kartą redaguota %1$s  %2$s"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:661
msgid "Latest Version Installed"
msgstr "Naujausia versija įdiegta"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2587
msgid "Link Image To:"
msgstr "Link Image To:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2561
msgid "Link text, e.g. &#8220;Ransom Demands (PDF)&#8221;"
msgstr "Nuorodos tekstas, pvz., „Išpirkos reikalavimas (PDF)“"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2246
msgid "Link thumbnails to:"
msgstr "Miniatiūra nukreipia į:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2592
msgid "Link to image"
msgstr "Link to image"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:35
msgid "Links Template"
msgstr "Links Template"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:171
msgid "LiveJournal"
msgstr "LiveJournal"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:907
msgid "Loading&#8230;"
msgstr "Palaukite&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1227
msgid "Location of the uploaded file."
msgstr "Įkelto failo vieta"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:16
msgid "Main Index Template"
msgstr "Main Index Template"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1567
msgid "Make this post sticky"
msgstr "Prilipdyti įrašą"

#: wp-admin/themes.php:67
msgid "Manage Themes"
msgstr "Tvarkyti temas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2266
msgid "Menu order"
msgstr "Meniu išdėstymas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:948
msgid "Missed schedule"
msgstr "Pradelstas suplanavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:282
msgid "Missing a temporary folder."
msgstr "Nerastas laikinasis aplankas."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:493 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:926
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:656
msgid "Most Used"
msgstr "Dažniausios"

#: wp-admin/includes/import.php:177
msgid "Movable Type and TypePad"
msgstr "Movable Type ir TypePad"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:119 wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:162
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:309
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:407
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1494 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:253
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Perkelti į šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:43
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Pavadinimas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:658
msgid "Newer Version (%s) Installed"
msgstr "Naujesnė versija (%s) įdiegta"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:189
msgid "No comments found."
msgstr "Komentarų nerasta."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:280
msgid "No file was uploaded."
msgstr "Nė vienas failas neįkeltas."

#: wp-admin/import.php:75
msgid "No importers are available."
msgstr "Nėra galimų importuotojų."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugin-install-list-table.php:233
msgid "No plugins match your request."
msgstr "Nėra jūsų užklausą atitinkančių įskiepių."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1559
msgid "Not Sticky"
msgstr "Neprilipdytas"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1152
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Užrašai"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:720
msgid "Nothing to save, the image has not changed."
msgstr "Nieko nepakeitėte, taigi nėra ir nieko, ką būtų galima išsaugoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:741
msgid "One of the plugins is invalid."
msgstr "Vienas iš įskiepių yra netinkamas."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1444
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1219 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2224
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:835 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:836
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Išdėstymo tvarka"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2261
msgid "Order images by:"
msgstr "Pagal ką išdėstyti paveikslėlius:"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2277
msgid "Order:"
msgstr "Išdėstymo tvarka:"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:54
msgid "Original dimensions %s"
msgstr "Originalūs matmenys %s"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:1075
msgid "Other WordPress News"
msgstr "Kitos WordPress naujienos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1409
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:796 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:797
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Tėvinis puslapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1312 wp-admin/includes/post.php:1342
msgid "Permalink:"
msgstr "Nuoroda:"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:123
msgid "Permanently Delete Comment"
msgstr "Ištrinti komentarą negrįžtamai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:341
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1502
msgid "Pings"
msgstr "Pranešimai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2540
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2574
msgid "Please select a file"
msgstr "Pasirinkite failą"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:934
msgid "Plugin file does not exist."
msgstr "Įskiepio failas nerastas (įskiepis tikriausiai buvo ištrintas)."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:818
msgid "Plugin install failed."
msgstr "Įskiepio įdiegti nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:289
msgid "Plugin zip file"
msgstr "Įskiepio .zip failas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:22
msgid "Popup Comments"
msgstr "Komentarai iškylančiame lange"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:47
msgid "Popup Comments Template"
msgstr "Komentarų iškylančiame lange šablonas"

#: wp-admin/tools.php:16 wp-admin/tools.php:40 wp-admin/tools.php:51
msgid "Press This"
msgstr "Press This"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1193
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-theme-install-list-table.php:256
msgid "Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti &#8222;%s&#8220;"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:53
msgid "Preview Changes"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti pakeitimus"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:73
msgid "Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted."
msgstr "Anksčiau redaguotos paveikslėlio kopijos nebus ištrintos."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1211
msgid "Private Key:"
msgstr "Private Key:"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:1207
msgid "Public Key:"
msgstr "Public Key:"

#. translators: %s: username
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:140
msgid "Public and Private keys incorrect for %s"
msgstr "Netinkami %s vieši ir privatūs raktai"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:181 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:189
msgid "Publish <b>immediately</b>"
msgstr "Paskelbti <b>nedelsiant</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:185
msgid "Publish on: <b>%1$s</b>"
msgstr "Skelbti: <b>%1$s</b>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1295
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:561
msgid "Quick Edit"
msgstr "Greitasis redagavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:589
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1175
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:433
msgid "Quick&nbsp;Edit"
msgstr "Greitasis&nbsp;redagavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:20
msgid "RTL Stylesheet"
msgstr "RTL stilius (stylesheet)"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2269
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Atsitiktinis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:131
msgid "Relationship"
msgstr "Ryšys"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:799
msgid "Removing the old version of the plugin&#8230;"
msgstr "Šalinama sena įskiepio versija&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:591
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:603
msgid "Reply to this comment"
msgstr "Atsakyti į šį komentarą"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:553
msgid "Requires WordPress Version:"
msgstr "Būtina WordPress versija:"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:255 wp-admin/custom-background.php:259
#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:68
msgid "Restore Original Image"
msgstr "Grąžinti originalų paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:77
msgid "Restore image"
msgstr "Atkurti paveikslėlį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:580
msgid "Return to Plugin Installer"
msgstr "Grįžti į įskiepių diegimo įrankį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:234
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:451
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:582
msgid "Return to Plugins page"
msgstr "Grįžti į įskiepių puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:675
msgid "Return to Theme Installer"
msgstr "Grįžti į temų įdiegimo įrankį"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:503
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:677
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:755
msgid "Return to Themes page"
msgstr "Grįžti į temų puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:42
msgid "Right Now"
msgstr "Trumpa informacija"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:76
msgid "SSH2 hostname is required"
msgstr "Būtinas SSH2 serverio adresas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:98
msgid "SSH2 password is required"
msgstr "Būtinas SSH2 slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:89
msgid "SSH2 username is required"
msgstr "Būtinas SSH2 vartotojo vardas"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1900 wp-admin/nav-menus.php:650
#: wp-admin/options.php:293
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Išsaugoti pakeitimus"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2023 wp-admin/includes/media.php:2234
#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2501
msgid "Save all changes"
msgstr "Išsaugoti pakeitimus"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:49
msgid "Scale Image"
msgstr "Keisti mastelį"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:32
msgid "Search Form"
msgstr "Search Form"

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:260
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:272
#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:275
msgid "Search Plugins"
msgstr "Ieškoti"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:110
msgid "Selection:"
msgstr "Pasirinktas plotas:"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:272
msgid "Send Trackbacks"
msgstr "Siųsti citatas"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:606
msgid "Separate multiple URLs with spaces"
msgstr "Skirtingus URL atskirkite tarpais"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:33
msgid "Single Post"
msgstr "Single Post"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:308 wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:115
#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:472
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1313
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:179
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php:569
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:723
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "Nuoroda (slug)"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2213
msgid "Sort Order:"
msgstr "Rūšiavimo nurodymas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:319
msgid "Specified file failed upload test."
msgstr "Specified file failed upload test."

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:157
msgid "Stick this post to the front page"
msgstr "Nuolat rodyti pirmame puslapyje"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1555
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1558
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1689
msgid "Sticky"
msgstr "Prilipdytas"

#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:429
msgid "Submit Reply"
msgstr "Įrašyti atsakymą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php:1497
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:272 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:273
msgid "Submit for Review"
msgstr "Išsaugoti peržiūrai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skins.php:554
msgid "Successfully installed the plugin <strong>%s %s</strong>."
msgstr "Sėkmingai įdiegtas įskiepis <strong>%s %s</strong>."

#. translators: 1: theme name, 2: version
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1286
msgid "Successfully installed the theme <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>."
msgstr "Sėkmingai įdiegta tema <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:133 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:474
msgid "The &#8220;slug&#8221; is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens."
msgstr "Nuoroda (slug) yra interneto nuorodoms pritaikyta pavadinimo versija. Paprastai ji būna sudaryta vien iš mažųjų raidžių, skaičių ir brūkšnelių."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:165 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:524
msgid "The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it."
msgstr "Aprašymas pagal nutylėjimą nerodomas, bet kai kurios temos gali jį parodyti."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:938
msgid "The plugin does not have a valid header."
msgstr "The plugin does not have a valid header."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:604
msgid "The plugin generated unexpected output."
msgstr "The plugin generated unexpected output."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:795
msgid "The plugin is at the latest version."
msgstr "Šis įskiepis yra naujausios versijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:65
msgid "The ssh2 PHP extension is available, however, we require the PHP5 function <code>stream_get_contents()</code>"
msgstr "The ssh2 PHP extension is available, however, we require the PHP5 function <code>stream_get_contents()</code>"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:61
msgid "The ssh2 PHP extension is not available"
msgstr "ssh2 PHP plėtinys nepasiekiamas"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1261
msgid "The theme is at the latest version."
msgstr "Ši tema yra naujausios versijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:279
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."
msgstr "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:36
msgid "Theme Functions"
msgstr "Theme Functions"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1283
msgid "Theme install failed."
msgstr "Temos diegimas nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/export.php:158
msgid "This format, which we call WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags."
msgstr "Šis formatas, kurį mes vadiname WordPress išplėstiniu RSS, arba WXR, apima įrašus, puslapius, komentarus, vartotojo laukus, kategorijas ir žymas."

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:907
msgid "This widget requires JavaScript."
msgstr "Šiam valdikliui reikia JavaScript."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:113
msgid "This will be shown when someone hovers over the link in the blogroll, or optionally below the link."
msgstr "Bus rodoma užvedus pelę ant nuorodos."

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:125
msgid "Thumbnail Settings"
msgstr "Miniatiūros nuostatos"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:130
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:147
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:639
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:655
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1182
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:337
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Į&#160;šiukšlinę"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:689
msgid "Unable to create new image."
msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti naujo paveikslėlio."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:131
msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content)."
msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti WordPress turinio direktorijos (wp-content)."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:132 wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:804
msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory."
msgstr "Nepavyko surasti WordPress įskiepių direktorijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:130
msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Root directory."
msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti šakninės WordPress direktorijos."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:133
msgid "Unable to locate WordPress Theme directory."
msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti WordPress temų direktorijos."

#. translators: %s: directory name
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:135
msgid "Unable to locate needed folder (%s)."
msgstr "Nepavyko surasti reikiamo aplanko: (%s)."

#. translators: %s: command
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:198
msgid "Unable to perform command: %s"
msgstr "Nepavyko įvykdyti %s komandos"

#: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:763
msgid "Unable to save the image."
msgstr "Bandymas išsaugoti paveikslėlį nepavyko."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:559
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:565
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:601
msgid "Unapprove this comment"
msgstr "Atšaukti komentaro patvirtinimą"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:815
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1280
msgid "Unpacking the package&#8230;"
msgstr "Išarchyvuojama&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:798
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1264
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:1920
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2173
msgid "Unpacking the update&#8230;"
msgstr "Atnaujinimas išarchyvuojamas&#8230;"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:438
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:928
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Nepaskelbtas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2313
msgid "Update gallery settings"
msgstr "Atnaujinti galerijos nuostatas"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:1458
msgid "Upload date:"
msgstr "Įkėlimo data."

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:451
msgid "Uploads"
msgstr "Įkelta"

#. translators: user role
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:644
msgctxt "User role"
msgid "Contributor"
msgstr "Pagalbininkas"

#. translators: %s: username
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:90
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:95
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:130
msgid "Username/Password incorrect for %s"
msgstr "Klaidingas %s vartotojo vardas arba slaptažodis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:644
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php:663
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1196
msgid "View &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Peržiūrėti &#8222;%s&#8220;"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:112
msgid "View all"
msgstr "Visi"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:866
msgid "Visit Link"
msgstr "Aplankyti puslapį"

#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1078
msgid "Warning! Wildcard DNS may not be configured correctly!"
msgstr "Warning! Wildcard DNS may not be configured correctly!"

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:102
msgid "Web Address"
msgstr "Interneto adresas"

#: wp-admin/export.php:157
msgid "When you click the button below WordPress will create an XML file for you to save to your computer."
msgstr "Kai paspausite žemiau esantį mygtuką, WordPress sukurs XML failą, kurį galėsite išsaugoti kompiuteryje."

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:2170
msgid "WordPress is at the latest version."
msgstr "Naudojate naujausią WordPress versiją."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:565
msgid "WordPress.org Plugin Page &#187;"
msgstr "WordPress.org Įskiepių Puslapis &#187;"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:126
msgid "You are about to approve the following comment:"
msgstr "Jūs norite patvirtinti šį komentarą:"

#: wp-admin/edit-tags.php:114 wp-admin/edit.php:140 wp-admin/post.php:255
#: wp-admin/themes.php:43 wp-admin/upload.php:155
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this item."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės ištrinti šį elementą."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:33 wp-admin/includes/post.php:71
msgid "You are not allowed to edit pages as this user."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti puslapių."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:424
msgid "You are not allowed to edit pages."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti puslapių"

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:35 wp-admin/includes/post.php:73
msgid "You are not allowed to edit posts as this user."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti įrašų."

#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:426
msgid "You are not allowed to edit posts."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti įrašų."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:935
msgid "You do not have permission to customize headers."
msgstr "Jums nesuteikta teisė redaguoti antraštę"

#: wp-admin/includes/menu.php:342 wp-admin/my-sites.php:16
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės pasiekti šį puslapį."

#: wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:218
msgid "You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Plugin Directory:"
msgstr "Taip pat galite naršyti įskiepių kataloge pagal populiariausias jų žymas:"

#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:659 wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:666
msgid "[Pending]"
msgstr "[Laukia patvirtinimo]"

#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1034
msgid "another web address of mine"
msgstr "kitas mano interneto puslapis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1077
msgid "co-resident"
msgstr "gyvena netoliese"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1041
msgid "contact"
msgstr "verslo kontaktas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1117
msgid "crush"
msgstr "susižavėjimas"

#. translators: %1$s is type of comment, %2$s is link to the post
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:688
msgctxt "dashboard"
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s apie %2$s"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1120
msgid "date"
msgstr "mergina ar vaikinas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1088 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1089
msgid "family"
msgstr "šeimos"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1038 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1039
msgid "friendship"
msgstr "draugiškas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1030 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1031
msgid "identity"
msgstr "asmeninis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1058
msgid "met"
msgstr "sutiktas gyvenime"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:42
msgid "my-hacks.php (legacy hacks support)"
msgstr "my-hacks.php (legacy hacks support)"

#. translators: post state
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1687
msgctxt "post state"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Laukia patvirtinimo"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1111 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1112
msgid "romantic"
msgstr "romantinis"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1100
msgid "sibling"
msgstr "brolis ar sesuo"

#. translators: mark as spam link
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:569
#: wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:604
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Spam"
msgstr "Šlamštas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:41
msgid "Application Attachment Template"
msgstr "Programėlės failo šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:40
msgid "Audio Attachment Template"
msgstr "Audio failo šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:39
msgid "Video Attachment Template"
msgstr "Video failo šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:38
msgid "Image Attachment Template"
msgstr "Paveikslėlio failo šablonas"

#: wp-admin/includes/file.php:37
msgid "Attachment Template"
msgstr "Failo šablonas"

#. translators: xfn: http:gmpg.org/xfn/
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1097
msgid "parent"
msgstr "tėvinis"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1415
msgid "Main Page (no parent)"
msgstr "Nepriklausomas puslapis (neturi tėvinio)"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-links-list-table.php:329
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:888
msgid ""
"You are about to delete this link '%s'\n"
"  'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."
msgstr ""
"Jūs norite ištrinti šią nuorodą '%s'\n"
" Spauskite 'Atsisakyti', jei norite sustabdyti veiksmą, arba 'Gerai', jei norite ištrinti."

#. translators: blog tagline
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:532
msgid "Just another %s site"
msgstr "Kol kas tik dar vienas %s tinklalapis"

#. translators: blog tagline
#: wp-admin/includes/schema.php:401
msgid "Just another WordPress site"
msgstr "Kol kas tik dar vienas WordPress tinklalapis"

#: wp-admin/custom-background.php:200
msgid "Background updated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit your site</a> to see how it looks."
msgstr "Fonas atnaujintas. <a href=\"%s\">Peržiūrėkite, kaip atrodo jūsų tinklalapis</a>."

#: wp-admin/custom-header.php:471
msgid "Header updated. <a href=\"%s\">Visit your site</a> to see how it looks."
msgstr "Antraštės paveikslėlis atnaujintas. <a href=\"%s\">Aplankykite savo tinklalapį</a> ir pažiūrėkite, kaip jis atrodo."

#: wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php:111 wp-admin/edit-tags.php:468
msgid "The name is how it appears on your site."
msgstr "Pavadinimas, kuris bus rodomas tinklalapyje."

#: wp-admin/edit-link-form.php:97
msgid "Example: Nifty blogging software"
msgstr "Pavyzdžiui: Blogr.lt tinklalapių namai"

#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php:399
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-post-comments-list-table.php:28
msgctxt "column name"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentaras"

#. translators: %s: hostname:port
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php:80
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:75
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php:85
msgid "Failed to connect to FTP Server %s"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie FTP serverio %s"

#. translators: %s: hostname:port
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php:119
msgid "Failed to connect to SSH2 Server %s"
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie SSH2 serverio %s"

#. translators: %s: date and time of the revision
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:156
msgid "Page restored to revision from %s."
msgstr "Puslapis atstatytas į versiją iš %s."

#. translators: %s: date and time of the revision
#: wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:142
msgid "Post restored to revision from %s."
msgstr "Įrašas atstatytas į versiją iš %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1759
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:543
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1322
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:76 wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1759
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1533
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Būsena"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:61 wp-admin/comment.php:247
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1524
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Atgal"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2430 wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:347
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:621
msgid "&raquo;"
msgstr "&raquo;"

#: wp-admin/includes/media.php:2429 wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:346
#: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php:620
msgid "&laquo;"
msgstr "&laquo;"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:39 wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:16
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:395
msgid "Edit Comment"
msgstr "Redaguoti komentarą"

#: wp-admin/admin.php:239
msgid "Invalid plugin page"
msgstr "Netinkamas įskiepio puslapis"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1771
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:950
#: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php:1540
#: wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:88 wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:111
#: wp-admin/includes/template.php:1692
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "Suplanuotas"

#: wp-admin/admin.php:242
msgid "Cannot load %s."
msgstr "Nepavyksta įkelti %s."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:738
msgid "Comment %d does not exist"
msgstr "Komentaras %d neegzistuoja"

#. translators: %s: date and time
#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:866
msgid "Draft saved at %s."
msgstr "Juodraštis išsaugotas: %s."

#: wp-admin/admin.php:298 wp-admin/import.php:17 wp-admin/menu.php:238
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importavimas"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1713
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1718
#: wp-admin/includes/edit-tag-messages.php:18
msgid "Item not updated."
msgstr "Elementas neatnaujintas."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1253
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1258
#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1278
msgid "Please provide a custom field value."
msgstr "Nurodykite vartotojo lauko reikšmę."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1607
msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this page."
msgstr "Išsaugoti negalima: %s šiuo metu redaguoja šį puslapį."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1607
msgid "Saving is disabled: %s is currently editing this post."
msgstr "Išsaugoti negalima: %s šiuo metu redaguoja šį įrašą."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1606
msgid "Someone"
msgstr "Kažkas"

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1011
msgid "Sorry, you must be logged in to reply to a comment."
msgstr "Jūs privalote prisijungti, jei norite atsakyti į komentarą."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:67
msgid "This comment is in the Trash. Please move it out of the Trash if you want to edit it."
msgstr "Šis komentaras yra šiukšlinėje, iškelkite jį iš ten, jei norite redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/comment.php:122
msgid "You are about to delete the following comment:"
msgstr "Jūs norite ištrinti šį komentarą:"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:114
msgid "You are about to mark the following comment as spam:"
msgstr "Jūs norite pažymėti šį komentarą kaip šlamštą:"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:118
msgid "You are about to move the following comment to the Trash:"
msgstr "Jūs norite perkelti šį komentarą į šiukšlinę:"

#: wp-admin/comment.php:249 wp-admin/edit-comments.php:213
#: wp-admin/includes/comment.php:49
msgid "You are not allowed to edit comments on this post."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės redaguoti šio įrašo komentarų."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1598 wp-admin/includes/post.php:206
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisių šiam puslapiui redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:1601 wp-admin/includes/media.php:3098
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:208 wp-admin/includes/post.php:1716
#: wp-admin/includes/post.php:1720
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisių šiam įrašui redaguoti."

#: wp-admin/admin.php:275
msgid "You are not allowed to import."
msgstr "Jūs neturite teisės importuoti."

#: wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php:116
msgid "You did not enter a category name."
msgstr "Neįvedėte kategorijos pavadinimo."

#. translators: draft saved date format, see http:php.net/date
#: wp-admin/includes/misc.php:864
msgid "g:i:s a"
msgstr "G:i:s"