Current Path : /proc/self/root/usr/local/lib64/perl5/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/local/lib64/perl5/Template.pm |
#============================================================= -*-perl-*- # # Template # # DESCRIPTION # Module implementing a simple, user-oriented front-end to the Template # Toolkit. # # AUTHOR # Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org> # # COPYRIGHT # Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. # # This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # #======================================================================== package Template; use strict; use warnings; use 5.006; use base 'Template::Base'; use Template::Config; use Template::Constants; use Template::Provider; use Template::Service; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); our $VERSION = '3.101'; our $ERROR = ''; our $DEBUG = 0; our $BINMODE = 0 unless defined $BINMODE; our $AUTOLOAD; # preload all modules if we're running under mod_perl Template::Config->preload() if $ENV{ MOD_PERL }; #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # process($input, \%replace, $output) # # Main entry point for the Template Toolkit. The Template module # delegates most of the processing effort to the underlying SERVICE # object, an instance of the Template::Service class. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub process { my ($self, $template, $vars, $outstream, @opts) = @_; my ($output, $error); my $options = (@opts == 1) && ref($opts[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift(@opts) : { @opts }; $options->{ binmode } = $BINMODE unless defined $options->{ binmode }; # we're using this for testing in t/output.t and t/filter.t so # don't remove it if you don't want tests to fail... $self->DEBUG("set binmode\n") if $DEBUG && $options->{ binmode }; $output = $self->{ SERVICE }->process($template, $vars); if (defined $output) { $outstream ||= $self->{ OUTPUT }; unless (ref $outstream) { my $outpath = $self->{ OUTPUT_PATH }; $outstream = "$outpath/$outstream" if $outpath; } # send processed template to output stream, checking for error return ($self->error($error)) if ($error = &_output($outstream, \$output, $options)); return 1; } else { return $self->error($self->{ SERVICE }->error); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # service() # # Returns a reference to the internal SERVICE object which handles # all requests for this Template object #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub service { my $self = shift; return $self->{ SERVICE }; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # context() # # Returns a reference to the CONTEXT object within the SERVICE # object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub context { my $self = shift; return $self->{ SERVICE }->{ CONTEXT }; } sub template { shift->context->template(@_); } #======================================================================== # -- PRIVATE METHODS -- #======================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _init(\%config) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _init { my ($self, $config) = @_; # convert any textual DEBUG args to numerical form my $debug = $config->{ DEBUG }; $config->{ DEBUG } = Template::Constants::debug_flags($self, $debug) || return if defined $debug && $debug !~ /^\d+$/; # prepare a namespace handler for any CONSTANTS definition if (my $constants = $config->{ CONSTANTS }) { my $ns = $config->{ NAMESPACE } ||= { }; my $cns = $config->{ CONSTANTS_NAMESPACE } || 'constants'; $constants = Template::Config->constants($constants) || return $self->error(Template::Config->error); $ns->{ $cns } = $constants; } $self->{ SERVICE } = $config->{ SERVICE } || Template::Config->service($config) || return $self->error(Template::Config->error); $self->{ OUTPUT } = $config->{ OUTPUT } || \*STDOUT; $self->{ OUTPUT_PATH } = $config->{ OUTPUT_PATH }; return $self; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # _output($where, $text) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _output { my ($where, $textref, $options) = @_; my $reftype; my $error = 0; # call a CODE reference if (($reftype = ref($where)) eq 'CODE') { &$where($$textref); } # print to a glob (such as \*STDOUT) elsif ($reftype eq 'GLOB') { print $where $$textref; } # append output to a SCALAR ref elsif ($reftype eq 'SCALAR') { $$where .= $$textref; } # push onto ARRAY ref elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { push @$where, $$textref; } # call the print() method on an object that implements the method # (e.g. IO::Handle, Apache::Request, etc) elsif (blessed($where) && $where->can('print')) { $where->print($$textref); } # a simple string is taken as a filename elsif (! $reftype) { local *FP; # make destination directory if it doesn't exist my $dir = dirname($where); eval { mkpath($dir) unless -d $dir; }; if ($@) { # strip file name and line number from error raised by die() ($error = $@) =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+\n?$//; } elsif (open(FP, '>', $where)) { # binmode option can be 1 or a specific layer, e.g. :utf8 my $bm = $options->{ binmode }; if (not(defined $bm)) { $bm = $BINMODE; } if ($bm && $bm eq 1) { binmode FP; } elsif ($bm){ binmode FP, $bm; } print FP $$textref; close FP; } else { $error = "$where: $!"; } } # give up, we've done our best else { $error = "output_handler() cannot determine target type ($where)\n"; } return $error; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Template - Front-end module to the Template Toolkit =head1 SYNOPSIS use Template; # some useful options (see below for full list) my $config = { INCLUDE_PATH => '/search/path', # or list ref INTERPOLATE => 1, # expand "$var" in plain text POST_CHOMP => 1, # cleanup whitespace PRE_PROCESS => 'header', # prefix each template EVAL_PERL => 1, # evaluate Perl code blocks }; # create Template object my $template = Template->new($config); # define template variables for replacement my $vars = { var1 => $value, var2 => \%hash, var3 => \@list, var4 => \&code, var5 => $object, }; # specify input filename, or file handle, text reference, etc. my $input = 'myfile.html'; # process input template, substituting variables $template->process($input, $vars) || die $template->error(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This documentation describes the Template module which is the direct Perl interface into the Template Toolkit. It covers the use of the module and gives a brief summary of configuration options and template directives. Please see L<Template::Manual> for the complete reference manual which goes into much greater depth about the features and use of the Template Toolkit. The L<Template::Tutorial> is also available as an introductory guide to using the Template Toolkit. =head1 METHODS =head2 new(\%config) The C<new()> constructor method (implemented by the L<Template::Base|Template::Base#new()> base class) instantiates a new C<Template> object. A reference to a hash array of configuration items may be passed as a parameter. my $tt = Template->new({ INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates', EVAL_PERL => 1, }) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n"; A reference to a new C<Template> object is returned, or undef on error. In the latter case, the error message can be retrieved by calling L<error()> as a class method or by examining the C<$Template::ERROR> package variable directly. my $tt = Template->new(\%config) || die Template->error(), "\n"; my $tt = Template->new(\%config) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n"; For convenience, configuration items may also be specified as a list of items instead of a hash array reference. These are automatically folded into a hash array by the constructor. my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => '/tmp', POST_CHOMP => 1) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n"; =head2 process($template, \%vars, $output, %options) The C<process()> method is called to process a template. The first parameter indicates the input template as one of: =over 4 =item * a filename relative to C<INCLUDE_PATH>, if defined =item * a reference to a text string containing the template text =item * a file handle reference (e.g. C<IO::Handle> or sub-class) or C<GLOB> (e.g. C<\*STDIN>), from which the template can be read. =back A reference to a hash array may be passed as the second parameter, containing definitions of template variables. # filename $tt->process('welcome.tt2') || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # text reference $text = "[% INCLUDE header %]\nHello world!\n[% INCLUDE footer %]"; $tt->process(\$text) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # file handle (GLOB) $tt->process(\*DATA) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; __END__ [% INCLUDE header %] This is a template defined in the __END__ section which is accessible via the DATA "file handle". [% INCLUDE footer %] By default, the processed template output is printed to C<STDOUT>. The C<process()> method then returns C<1> to indicate success. A third parameter may be passed to the C<process()> method to specify a different output location. This value may be one of: =over 4 =item * a plain string indicating a filename which will be opened (relative to C<OUTPUT_PATH>, if defined) and the output written to =item * a file GLOB opened ready for output =item * a reference to a scalar (e.g. a text string) to which output/error is appended =item * a reference to a subroutine which is called, passing the output as a parameter =item * any object reference which implements a C<print()> method (e.g. C<IO::Handle>, C<Apache::Request>, etc.) which will be called, passing the generated output as a parameter. =back Examples: # output filename $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, 'welcome.html') || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # reference to output subroutine sub myout { my $output = shift; ... } $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, \&myout) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # reference to output text string my $output = ''; $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, \$output) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; print "output: $output\n"; In an Apache/mod_perl handler: sub handler { my $req = shift; # ...your code here... # direct output to Apache::Request via $req->print($output) $tt->process($file, $vars, $req) || do { $req->log_reason($tt->error()); return SERVER_ERROR; }; return OK; } After the optional third output argument can come an optional reference to a hash or a list of C<(name, value)> pairs providing further options for the output. The only option currently supported is C<binmode> which, when set to any true value will ensure that files created (but not any existing file handles passed) will be set to binary mode. # either: hash reference of options $tt->process($infile, $vars, $outfile, { binmode => 1 }) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # or: list of name, value pairs $tt->process($infile, $vars, $outfile, binmode => 1) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; Alternately, the C<binmode> argument can specify a particular IO layer such as C<:utf8>. $tt->process($infile, $vars, $outfile, binmode => ':utf8') || die $tt->error(), "\n"; The C<OUTPUT> configuration item can be used to specify a default output location other than C<\*STDOUT>. The C<OUTPUT_PATH> specifies a directory which should be prefixed to all output locations specified as filenames. my $tt = Template->new({ OUTPUT => sub { ... }, # default OUTPUT_PATH => '/tmp', ... }) || die Template->error(), "\n"; # use default OUTPUT (sub is called) $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars) || die $tt->error(), "\n"; # write file to '/tmp/welcome.html' $tt->process('welcome.tt2', $vars, 'welcome.html') || die $tt->error(), "\n"; The C<process()> method returns C<1> on success or C<undef> on error. The error message generated in the latter case can be retrieved by calling the L<error()> method. See also L<CONFIGURATION SUMMARY> which describes how error handling may be further customised. =head2 error() When called as a class method, it returns the value of the C<$ERROR> package variable. Thus, the following are equivalent. my $tt = Template->new() || die Template->error(), "\n"; my $tt = Template->new() || die $Template::ERROR, "\n"; When called as an object method, it returns the value of the internal C<_ERROR> variable, as set by an error condition in a previous call to process(). $tt->process('welcome.tt2') || die $tt->error(), "\n"; Errors are represented in the Template Toolkit by objects of the L<Template::Exception> class. If the L<process()> method returns a false value then the C<error()> method can be called to return an object of this class. The L<type()|Template::Exception#type()> and L<info()|Template::Exception#info()> methods can called on the object to retrieve the error type and information string, respectively. The L<as_string()|Template::Exception#as_string()> method can be called to return a string of the form C<$type - $info>. This method is also overloaded onto the stringification operator allowing the object reference itself to be printed to return the formatted error string. $tt->process('somefile') || do { my $error = $tt->error(); print "error type: ", $error->type(), "\n"; print "error info: ", $error->info(), "\n"; print $error, "\n"; }; =head2 service() The C<Template> module delegates most of the effort of processing templates to an underlying L<Template::Service> object. This method returns a reference to that object. =head2 context() The L<Template::Service> module uses a core L<Template::Context> object for runtime processing of templates. This method returns a reference to that object and is equivalent to C<< $template-E<gt>service-E<gt>context() >>. =head2 template($name) This method is a simple wrapper around the L<Template::Context> method of the same name. It returns a compiled template for the source provided as an argument. =head1 CONFIGURATION SUMMARY The following list gives a short summary of each Template Toolkit configuration option. See L<Template::Manual::Config> for full details. =head2 Template Style and Parsing Options =head3 ENCODING Specifies the character encoding. =head3 START_TAG, END_TAG Define tokens that indicate start and end of directives (default: 'C<[%>' and 'C<%]>'). =head3 TAG_STYLE Set C<START_TAG> and C<END_TAG> according to a pre-defined style (default: 'C<template>', as above). =head3 PRE_CHOMP, POST_CHOMP Removes whitespace before/after directives (default: 0/0). =head3 TRIM Remove leading and trailing whitespace from template output (default: 0). =head3 INTERPOLATE Interpolate variables embedded like C<$this> or C<${this}> (default: 0). =head3 ANYCASE Allow directive keywords in lower case (default: 0 - UPPER only). =head2 Template Files and Blocks =head3 INCLUDE_PATH One or more directories to search for templates. =head3 DELIMITER Delimiter for separating paths in C<INCLUDE_PATH> (default: 'C<:>'). =head3 ABSOLUTE Allow absolute file names, e.g. C</foo/bar.html> (default: 0). =head3 RELATIVE Allow relative filenames, e.g. C<../foo/bar.html> (default: 0). =head3 DEFAULT Default template to use when another not found. =head3 BLOCKS Hash array pre-defining template blocks. =head3 AUTO_RESET Enabled by default causing C<BLOCK> definitions to be reset each time a template is processed. Disable to allow C<BLOCK> definitions to persist. =head3 RECURSION Flag to permit recursion into templates (default: 0). =head2 Template Variables =head3 VARIABLES Hash array of variables and values to pre-define in the stash. =head2 Runtime Processing Options =head3 EVAL_PERL Flag to indicate if C<PERL>/C<RAWPERL> blocks should be processed (default: 0). =head3 PRE_PROCESS, POST_PROCESS Name of template(s) to process before/after main template. =head3 PROCESS Name of template(s) to process instead of main template. =head3 ERROR Name of error template or reference to hash array mapping error types to templates. =head3 OUTPUT Default output location or handler. =head3 OUTPUT_PATH Directory into which output files can be written. =head3 DEBUG Enable debugging messages. =head2 Caching and Compiling Options =head3 CACHE_SIZE Maximum number of compiled templates to cache in memory (default: undef - cache all) =head3 COMPILE_EXT Filename extension for compiled template files (default: undef - don't compile). =head3 COMPILE_DIR Root of directory in which compiled template files should be written (default: undef - don't compile). =head2 Plugins and Filters =head3 PLUGINS Reference to a hash array mapping plugin names to Perl packages. =head3 PLUGIN_BASE One or more base classes under which plugins may be found. =head3 LOAD_PERL Flag to indicate regular Perl modules should be loaded if a named plugin can't be found (default: 0). =head3 FILTERS Hash array mapping filter names to filter subroutines or factories. =head2 Customisation and Extension =head3 LOAD_TEMPLATES List of template providers. =head3 LOAD_PLUGINS List of plugin providers. =head3 LOAD_FILTERS List of filter providers. =head3 TOLERANT Set providers to tolerate errors as declinations (default: 0). =head3 SERVICE Reference to a custom service object (default: L<Template::Service>). =head3 CONTEXT Reference to a custom context object (default: L<Template::Context>). =head3 STASH Reference to a custom stash object (default: L<Template::Stash>). =head3 PARSER Reference to a custom parser object (default: L<Template::Parser>). =head3 GRAMMAR Reference to a custom grammar object (default: L<Template::Grammar>). =head1 DIRECTIVE SUMMARY The following list gives a short summary of each Template Toolkit directive. See L<Template::Manual::Directives> for full details. =head2 GET Evaluate and print a variable or value. [% GET variable %] # 'GET' keyword is optional [% variable %] [% hash.key %] [% list.n %] [% code(args) %] [% obj.meth(args) %] [% "value: $var" %] =head2 CALL As per L<GET> but without printing result (e.g. call code) [% CALL variable %] =head2 SET Assign a values to variables. [% SET variable = value %] # 'SET' also optional [% variable = other_variable variable = 'literal text @ $100' variable = "interpolated text: $var" list = [ val, val, val, val, ... ] list = [ val..val ] hash = { var => val, var => val, ... } %] =head2 DEFAULT Like L<SET>, but variables are only set if currently unset (i.e. have no true value). [% DEFAULT variable = value %] =head2 INSERT Insert a file without any processing performed on the contents. [% INSERT legalese.txt %] =head2 PROCESS Process another template file or block and insert the generated output. Any template L<BLOCK>s or variables defined or updated in the C<PROCESS>ed template will thereafter be defined in the calling template. [% PROCESS template %] [% PROCESS template var = val, ... %] =head2 INCLUDE Similar to C<PROCESS>, but using a local copy of the current variables. Any template C<BLOCK>s or variables defined in the C<INCLUDE>d template remain local to it. [% INCLUDE template %] [% INCLUDE template var = val, ... %] =head2 WRAPPER The content between the C<WRAPPER> and corresponding C<END> directives is first evaluated, with the output generated being stored in the C<content> variable. The named template is then process as per C<INCLUDE>. [% WRAPPER layout %] Some template markup [% blah %]... [% END %] A simple F<layout> template might look something like this: Your header here... [% content %] Your footer here... =head2 BLOCK Define a named template block for L<INCLUDE>, L<PROCESS> and L<WRAPPER> to use. [% BLOCK hello %] Hello World [% END %] [% INCLUDE hello %] =head2 FOREACH Repeat the enclosed C<FOREACH> ... C<END> block for each value in the list. [% FOREACH variable IN [ val, val, val ] %] # either [% FOREACH variable IN list %] # or The variable is set to [% variable %] [% END %] =head2 WHILE The block enclosed between C<WHILE> and C<END> block is processed while the specified condition is true. [% WHILE condition %] content [% END %] =head2 IF / UNLESS / ELSIF / ELSE The enclosed block is processed if the condition is true / false. [% IF condition %] content [% ELSIF condition %] content [% ELSE %] content [% END %] [% UNLESS condition %] content [% # ELSIF/ELSE as per IF, above %] content [% END %] =head2 SWITCH / CASE Multi-way switch/case statement. [% SWITCH variable %] [% CASE val1 %] content [% CASE [ val2, val3 ] %] content [% CASE %] # or [% CASE DEFAULT %] content [% END %] =head2 MACRO Define a named macro. [% MACRO name <directive> %] [% MACRO name(arg1, arg2) <directive> %] ... [% name %] [% name(val1, val2) %] =head2 FILTER Process enclosed C<FILTER> ... C<END> block then pipe through a filter. [% FILTER name %] # either [% FILTER name( params ) %] # or [% FILTER alias = name( params ) %] # or content [% END %] =head2 USE Load a plugin module (see C<Template::<Manual::Plugins>), or any regular Perl module when the C<LOAD_PERL> option is set. [% USE name %] # either [% USE name( params ) %] # or [% USE var = name( params ) %] # or ... [% name.method %] [% var.method %] =head2 PERL / RAWPERL Evaluate enclosed blocks as Perl code (requires the C<EVAL_PERL> option to be set). [% PERL %] # perl code goes here $stash->set('foo', 10); print "set 'foo' to ", $stash->get('foo'), "\n"; print $context->include('footer', { var => $val }); [% END %] [% RAWPERL %] # raw perl code goes here, no magic but fast. $output .= 'some output'; [% END %] =head2 TRY / THROW / CATCH / FINAL Exception handling. [% TRY %] content [% THROW type info %] [% CATCH type %] catch content [% error.type %] [% error.info %] [% CATCH %] # or [% CATCH DEFAULT %] content [% FINAL %] this block is always processed [% END %] =head2 NEXT Jump straight to the next item in a C<FOREACH> or C<WHILE> loop. [% NEXT %] =head2 LAST Break out of C<FOREACH> or C<WHILE> loop. [% LAST %] =head2 RETURN Stop processing current template and return to including templates. [% RETURN %] =head2 STOP Stop processing all templates and return to caller. [% STOP %] =head2 TAGS Define new tag style or characters (default: C<[%> C<%]>). [% TAGS html %] [% TAGS <!-- --> %] =head2 COMMENTS Ignored and deleted. [% # this is a comment to the end of line foo = 'bar' %] [%# placing the '#' immediately inside the directive tag comments out the entire directive %] =head1 SOURCE CODE REPOSITORY The source code for the Template Toolkit is held in a public git repository on Github: L<https://github.com/abw/Template2> =head1 AUTHOR Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt> L<http://wardley.org/> =head1 VERSION Template Toolkit version 3.100, released on July 13 2020. =head1 SUPPORT The Template Toolkit mailing list provides a forum for discussing issues relating to the use and abuse of the Template Toolkit. There are a number of knowledgeable and helpful individuals who frequent the list (including the author) who can often offer help or suggestions. Please respect their time and patience by checking the documentation and/or mailing list archives before asking questions that may already have been answered. To subscribe to the mailing list, send an email to: template-toolkit+subscribe@groups.io You can also use the web interface: https://groups.io/g/template-toolkit For information about commercial support and consultancy for the Template Toolkit, please contact the author. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1996-2022 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: perl # perl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: