Your IP :
# some high level utility stuff for rpm handling
# Client code for Update Agent
# Copyright (c) 1999--2016 Red Hat, Inc. Distributed under GPLv2.
# Author: Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>
# Adrian Likins <alikins@redhat.com>
# FIXME: Some exceptions in here are currently in up2date.py
# fix by moving to up2dateErrors.py and importing from there
import os
import rpm
from rhn.i18n import sstr
from up2date_client import transaction
import gettext
t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True)
# Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method
if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'):
t.ugettext = t.gettext
_ = t.ugettext
def installedHeaderByKeyword(**kwargs):
""" just cause this is such a potentially useful looking method... """
_ts = transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction()
mi = _ts.dbMatch()
for keyword in kwargs.keys():
mi.pattern(keyword, rpm.RPMMIRE_GLOB, kwargs[keyword])
# we really shouldnt be getting multiples here, but what the heck
headerList = []
for h in mi:
return headerList
def verifyPackages(packages):
""" given a list of package labels, run rpm -V on them
and return a dict keyed off that data
data = {}
missing_packages = []
# data structure is keyed off package
# label, with value being an array of each
# line of the output from -V
retlist = []
for package in packages:
# we have to have at least name...
# Note: we cant reliable match on epoch, so just
# skip it... two packages that only diff by epoch is
# way broken anyway
keywords = {'name': package[0],
'version': package[1],
'release': package[2],
# we left our epoch
'arch': package[4]
for key in (keywords.keys()):
if (keywords[key] == None) or (keywords[key] == ""):
headers = installedHeaderByKeyword(**keywords)
if len(headers) == 0:
for header in headers:
epoch = header['epoch']
if epoch == None:
epoch = ""
# gpg-pubkey "packages" can have an arch of None, see bz #162701
arch = header["arch"]
if arch == None:
arch = ""
pkg = (header['name'], header['version'],
header['release'], epoch,
# dont include arch in the label if it's a None arch, #162701
if header["arch"] == "":
packageLabel = "%s-%s-%s" % (pkg[0], pkg[1], pkg[2])
packageLabel = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (pkg[0], pkg[1], pkg[2], pkg[4])
verifystring = "/usr/bin/rpmverify -V %s" % packageLabel
fd = os.popen(verifystring)
res = fd.readlines()
reslist = []
for line in res:
retlist.append([pkg, reslist])
return retlist, missing_packages
#FIXME: this looks like a good candidate for caching, since it takes a second
# or two to run, and I can call it a couple of times
def getInstalledPackageList(msgCallback = None, progressCallback = None,
getArch=None, getInfo = None):
""" Return list of packages. Package is hash with keys name, epoch,
version, release and optionaly arch and cookie
pkg_list = []
if msgCallback != None:
msgCallback(_("Getting list of packages installed on the system"))
_ts = transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction()
count = 0
total = 0
for h in _ts.dbMatch():
if h == None:
count = count + 1
total = count
count = 0
for h in _ts.dbMatch():
if h == None:
package = {
'name': sstr(h['name']),
'epoch': h['epoch'],
'version': sstr(h['version']),
'release': sstr(h['release']),
'installtime': h['installtime']
if package['epoch'] == None:
package['epoch'] = ""
else: # convert it to string
package['epoch'] = "%s" % package['epoch']
if getArch:
package['arch'] = h['arch']
# the arch on gpg-pubkeys is "None"...
if package['arch']:
package['arch'] = sstr(package['arch'])
elif getInfo:
if h['arch']:
package['arch'] = sstr(h['arch'])
if h['cookie']:
package['cookie'] = sstr(h['cookie'])
if progressCallback != None:
progressCallback(count, total)
count = count + 1
pkg_list.sort(key=lambda x:(x['name'], x['epoch'], x['version'], x['release']))
return pkg_list
def setDebugVerbosity():
"""Set rpm's verbosity mode
except AttributeError:
print("extra verbosity not supported in this version of rpm")