Your IP :
These classes provide models for the data returned by the GeoIP2
web service and databases.
The only difference between the City and Insights model classes is which
fields in each record may be populated. See
http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/web-services for more details.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-few-public-methods
import ipaddress
from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import geoip2.records
from geoip2.mixins import SimpleEquality
class Country(SimpleEquality):
"""Model for the GeoIP2 Precision: Country and the GeoIP2 Country database.
This class provides the following attributes:
.. attribute:: continent
Continent object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Continent`
.. attribute:: country
Country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the
country where MaxMind believes the IP is located.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: maxmind
Information related to your MaxMind account.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.MaxMind`
.. attribute:: registered_country
The registered country object for the requested IP address. This record
represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block in
and may differ from the user's country.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: represented_country
Object for the country represented by the users of the IP address
when that country is different than the country in ``country``. For
instance, the country represented by an overseas military base.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry`
.. attribute:: traits
Object with the traits of the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Traits`
continent: geoip2.records.Continent
country: geoip2.records.Country
maxmind: geoip2.records.MaxMind
registered_country: geoip2.records.Country
represented_country: geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry
traits: geoip2.records.Traits
def __init__(
self, raw_response: Dict[str, Any], locales: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None:
if locales is None:
locales = ["en"]
self._locales = locales
self.continent = geoip2.records.Continent(
locales, **raw_response.get("continent", {})
self.country = geoip2.records.Country(
locales, **raw_response.get("country", {})
self.registered_country = geoip2.records.Country(
locales, **raw_response.get("registered_country", {})
self.represented_country = geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry(
locales, **raw_response.get("represented_country", {})
self.maxmind = geoip2.records.MaxMind(**raw_response.get("maxmind", {}))
self.traits = geoip2.records.Traits(**raw_response.get("traits", {}))
self.raw = raw_response
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({self.raw}, {self._locales})"
class City(Country):
"""Model for the GeoIP2 Precision: City and the GeoIP2 City database.
.. attribute:: city
City object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.City`
.. attribute:: continent
Continent object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Continent`
.. attribute:: country
Country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the
country where MaxMind believes the IP is located.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: location
Location object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Location`
.. attribute:: maxmind
Information related to your MaxMind account.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.MaxMind`
.. attribute:: postal
Postal object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Postal`
.. attribute:: registered_country
The registered country object for the requested IP address. This record
represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block in
and may differ from the user's country.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: represented_country
Object for the country represented by the users of the IP address
when that country is different than the country in ``country``. For
instance, the country represented by an overseas military base.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry`
.. attribute:: subdivisions
Object (tuple) representing the subdivisions of the country to which
the location of the requested IP address belongs.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Subdivisions`
.. attribute:: traits
Object with the traits of the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Traits`
city: geoip2.records.City
location: geoip2.records.Location
postal: geoip2.records.Postal
subdivisions: geoip2.records.Subdivisions
def __init__(
self, raw_response: Dict[str, Any], locales: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> None:
super().__init__(raw_response, locales)
self.city = geoip2.records.City(locales, **raw_response.get("city", {}))
self.location = geoip2.records.Location(**raw_response.get("location", {}))
self.postal = geoip2.records.Postal(**raw_response.get("postal", {}))
self.subdivisions = geoip2.records.Subdivisions(
locales, *raw_response.get("subdivisions", [])
class Insights(City):
"""Model for the GeoIP2 Precision: Insights web service endpoint.
.. attribute:: city
City object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.City`
.. attribute:: continent
Continent object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Continent`
.. attribute:: country
Country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the
country where MaxMind believes the IP is located.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: location
Location object for the requested IP address.
.. attribute:: maxmind
Information related to your MaxMind account.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.MaxMind`
.. attribute:: registered_country
The registered country object for the requested IP address. This record
represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block in
and may differ from the user's country.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: represented_country
Object for the country represented by the users of the IP address
when that country is different than the country in ``country``. For
instance, the country represented by an overseas military base.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry`
.. attribute:: subdivisions
Object (tuple) representing the subdivisions of the country to which
the location of the requested IP address belongs.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Subdivisions`
.. attribute:: traits
Object with the traits of the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Traits`
class Enterprise(City):
"""Model for the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
.. attribute:: city
City object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.City`
.. attribute:: continent
Continent object for the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Continent`
.. attribute:: country
Country object for the requested IP address. This record represents the
country where MaxMind believes the IP is located.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: location
Location object for the requested IP address.
.. attribute:: maxmind
Information related to your MaxMind account.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.MaxMind`
.. attribute:: registered_country
The registered country object for the requested IP address. This record
represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block in
and may differ from the user's country.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Country`
.. attribute:: represented_country
Object for the country represented by the users of the IP address
when that country is different than the country in ``country``. For
instance, the country represented by an overseas military base.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.RepresentedCountry`
.. attribute:: subdivisions
Object (tuple) representing the subdivisions of the country to which
the location of the requested IP address belongs.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Subdivisions`
.. attribute:: traits
Object with the traits of the requested IP address.
:type: :py:class:`geoip2.records.Traits`
class SimpleModel(SimpleEquality, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Provides basic methods for non-location models"""
raw: Dict[str, Union[bool, str, int]]
ip_address: str
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, Union[bool, str, int]]) -> None:
self.raw = raw
self._network = None
self._prefix_len = raw.get("prefix_len")
self.ip_address = cast(str, raw.get("ip_address"))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({self.raw})"
def network(self) -> Optional[Union[ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network]]:
"""The network for the record"""
# This code is duplicated for performance reasons
# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
network = self._network
if isinstance(network, (ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network)):
return network
ip_address = self.ip_address
prefix_len = self._prefix_len
if ip_address is None or prefix_len is None:
return None
network = ipaddress.ip_network(f"{ip_address}/{prefix_len}", False)
self._network = network
return network
class AnonymousIP(SimpleModel):
"""Model class for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP.
This class provides the following attribute:
.. attribute:: is_anonymous
This is true if the IP address belongs to any sort of anonymous network.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: is_anonymous_vpn
This is true if the IP address is registered to an anonymous VPN
If a VPN provider does not register subnets under names associated with
them, we will likely only flag their IP ranges using the
``is_hosting_provider`` attribute.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: is_hosting_provider
This is true if the IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider
(see description of ``is_anonymous_vpn`` attribute).
:type: bool
.. attribute:: is_public_proxy
This is true if the IP address belongs to a public proxy.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: is_residential_proxy
This is true if the IP address is on a suspected anonymizing network
and belongs to a residential ISP.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: is_tor_exit_node
This is true if the IP address is a Tor exit node.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: ip_address
The IP address used in the lookup.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: network
The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the
largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address have the same
:type: ipaddress.IPv4Network or ipaddress.IPv6Network
is_anonymous: bool
is_anonymous_vpn: bool
is_hosting_provider: bool
is_public_proxy: bool
is_residential_proxy: bool
is_tor_exit_node: bool
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, bool]) -> None:
super().__init__(raw) # type: ignore
self.is_anonymous = raw.get("is_anonymous", False)
self.is_anonymous_vpn = raw.get("is_anonymous_vpn", False)
self.is_hosting_provider = raw.get("is_hosting_provider", False)
self.is_public_proxy = raw.get("is_public_proxy", False)
self.is_residential_proxy = raw.get("is_residential_proxy", False)
self.is_tor_exit_node = raw.get("is_tor_exit_node", False)
class ASN(SimpleModel):
"""Model class for the GeoLite2 ASN.
This class provides the following attribute:
.. attribute:: autonomous_system_number
The autonomous system number associated with the IP address.
:type: int
.. attribute:: autonomous_system_organization
The organization associated with the registered autonomous system number
for the IP address.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: ip_address
The IP address used in the lookup.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: network
The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the
largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address have the same
:type: ipaddress.IPv4Network or ipaddress.IPv6Network
autonomous_system_number: Optional[int]
autonomous_system_organization: Optional[str]
# pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None:
self.autonomous_system_number = cast(
Optional[int], raw.get("autonomous_system_number")
self.autonomous_system_organization = cast(
Optional[str], raw.get("autonomous_system_organization")
class ConnectionType(SimpleModel):
"""Model class for the GeoIP2 Connection-Type.
This class provides the following attribute:
.. attribute:: connection_type
The connection type may take the following values:
- Dialup
- Cable/DSL
- Corporate
- Cellular
Additional values may be added in the future.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: ip_address
The IP address used in the lookup.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: network
The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the
largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address have the same
:type: ipaddress.IPv4Network or ipaddress.IPv6Network
connection_type: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None:
self.connection_type = cast(Optional[str], raw.get("connection_type"))
class Domain(SimpleModel):
"""Model class for the GeoIP2 Domain.
This class provides the following attribute:
.. attribute:: domain
The domain associated with the IP address.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: ip_address
The IP address used in the lookup.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: network
The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the
largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address have the same
:type: ipaddress.IPv4Network or ipaddress.IPv6Network
domain: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None:
self.domain = cast(Optional[str], raw.get("domain"))
class ISP(ASN):
"""Model class for the GeoIP2 ISP.
This class provides the following attribute:
.. attribute:: autonomous_system_number
The autonomous system number associated with the IP address.
:type: int
.. attribute:: autonomous_system_organization
The organization associated with the registered autonomous system number
for the IP address.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: isp
The name of the ISP associated with the IP address.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: organization
The name of the organization associated with the IP address.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: ip_address
The IP address used in the lookup.
:type: unicode
.. attribute:: network
The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the
largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address have the same
:type: ipaddress.IPv4Network or ipaddress.IPv6Network
isp: Optional[str]
organization: Optional[str]
# pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None:
self.isp = cast(Optional[str], raw.get("isp"))
self.organization = cast(Optional[str], raw.get("organization"))