Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/constants.py |
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt from __future__ import annotations import os import pathlib import platform import sys from datetime import datetime import astroid import platformdirs from pylint.__pkginfo__ import __version__ from pylint.typing import MessageTypesFullName PY38_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8) PY39_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9) PY310_PLUS = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10) IS_PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" PY_EXTS = (".py", ".pyc", ".pyo", ".pyw", ".so", ".dll") MSG_STATE_CONFIDENCE = 2 _MSG_ORDER = "EWRCIF" MSG_STATE_SCOPE_CONFIG = 0 MSG_STATE_SCOPE_MODULE = 1 # The line/node distinction does not apply to fatal errors and reports. _SCOPE_EXEMPT = "FR" MSG_TYPES: dict[str, MessageTypesFullName] = { "I": "info", "C": "convention", "R": "refactor", "W": "warning", "E": "error", "F": "fatal", } MSG_TYPES_LONG: dict[str, str] = {v: k for k, v in MSG_TYPES.items()} MSG_TYPES_STATUS = {"I": 0, "C": 16, "R": 8, "W": 4, "E": 2, "F": 1} # You probably don't want to change the MAIN_CHECKER_NAME # This would affect rcfile generation and retro-compatibility # on all project using [MAIN] in their rcfile. MAIN_CHECKER_NAME = "main" USER_HOME = os.path.expanduser("~") # TODO: 3.0: Remove in 3.0 with all the surrounding code OLD_DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME = ".pylint.d" DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME = platformdirs.user_cache_dir("pylint") DEFAULT_IGNORE_LIST = ("CVS",) class WarningScope: LINE = "line-based-msg" NODE = "node-based-msg" full_version = f"""pylint {__version__} astroid {astroid.__version__} Python {sys.version}""" HUMAN_READABLE_TYPES = { "file": "file", "module": "module", "const": "constant", "class": "class", "function": "function", "method": "method", "attr": "attribute", "argument": "argument", "variable": "variable", "class_attribute": "class attribute", "class_const": "class constant", "inlinevar": "inline iteration", "typevar": "type variable", "typealias": "type alias", } # ignore some messages when emitting useless-suppression: # - cyclic-import: can show false positives due to incomplete context # - deprecated-{module, argument, class, method, decorator}: # can cause false positives for multi-interpreter projects # when linting with an interpreter on a lower python version INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_USELESS_SUPPRESSION = frozenset( [ "R0401", # cyclic-import "W0402", # deprecated-module "W1505", # deprecated-method "W1511", # deprecated-argument "W1512", # deprecated-class "W1513", # deprecated-decorator "R0801", # duplicate-code ] ) def _warn_about_old_home(pylint_home: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Warn users about the old pylint home being deprecated. The spam prevention mechanism is due to pylint being used in parallel by pre-commit, and the message being spammy in this context Also if you work with an old version of pylint that recreates the old pylint home, you can get the old message for a long time. """ prefix_spam_prevention = "pylint_warned_about_old_cache_already" spam_prevention_file = pathlib.Path(pylint_home) / datetime.now().strftime( prefix_spam_prevention + "_%Y-%m-%d.temp" ) old_home = pathlib.Path(USER_HOME) / OLD_DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME if old_home.exists() and not spam_prevention_file.exists(): print( f"PYLINTHOME is now '{pylint_home}' but obsolescent '{old_home}' is found; " "you can safely remove the latter", file=sys.stderr, ) # Remove old spam prevention file if pylint_home.exists(): for filename in pylint_home.iterdir(): if prefix_spam_prevention in str(filename): try: os.remove(pylint_home / filename) except OSError: # pragma: no cover pass # Create spam prevention file for today try: pylint_home.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(spam_prevention_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("") except Exception as exc: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=broad-except print( "Can't write the file that was supposed to " f"prevent 'pylint.d' deprecation spam in {pylint_home} because of {exc}." ) def _get_pylint_home() -> str: """Return the pylint home.""" if "PYLINTHOME" in os.environ: return os.environ["PYLINTHOME"] _warn_about_old_home(pathlib.Path(DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME)) return DEFAULT_PYLINT_HOME PYLINT_HOME = _get_pylint_home() TYPING_NORETURN = frozenset( ( "typing.NoReturn", "typing_extensions.NoReturn", ) ) TYPING_NEVER = frozenset( ( "typing.Never", "typing_extensions.Never", ) ) DUNDER_METHODS: dict[tuple[int, int], dict[str, str]] = { (0, 0): { "__init__": "Instantiate class directly", "__del__": "Use del keyword", "__repr__": "Use repr built-in function", "__str__": "Use str built-in function", "__bytes__": "Use bytes built-in function", "__format__": "Use format built-in function, format string method, or f-string", "__lt__": "Use < operator", "__le__": "Use <= operator", "__eq__": "Use == operator", "__ne__": "Use != operator", "__gt__": "Use > operator", "__ge__": "Use >= operator", "__hash__": "Use hash built-in function", "__bool__": "Use bool built-in function", "__getattr__": "Access attribute directly or use getattr built-in function", "__getattribute__": "Access attribute directly or use getattr built-in function", "__setattr__": "Set attribute directly or use setattr built-in function", "__delattr__": "Use del keyword", "__dir__": "Use dir built-in function", "__get__": "Use get method", "__set__": "Use set method", "__delete__": "Use del keyword", "__instancecheck__": "Use isinstance built-in function", "__subclasscheck__": "Use issubclass built-in function", "__call__": "Invoke instance directly", "__len__": "Use len built-in function", "__length_hint__": "Use length_hint method", "__getitem__": "Access item via subscript", "__setitem__": "Set item via subscript", "__delitem__": "Use del keyword", "__iter__": "Use iter built-in function", "__next__": "Use next built-in function", "__reversed__": "Use reversed built-in function", "__contains__": "Use in keyword", "__add__": "Use + operator", "__sub__": "Use - operator", "__mul__": "Use * operator", "__matmul__": "Use @ operator", "__truediv__": "Use / operator", "__floordiv__": "Use // operator", "__mod__": "Use % operator", "__divmod__": "Use divmod built-in function", "__pow__": "Use ** operator or pow built-in function", "__lshift__": "Use << operator", "__rshift__": "Use >> operator", "__and__": "Use & operator", "__xor__": "Use ^ operator", "__or__": "Use | operator", "__radd__": "Use + operator", "__rsub__": "Use - operator", "__rmul__": "Use * operator", "__rmatmul__": "Use @ operator", "__rtruediv__": "Use / operator", "__rfloordiv__": "Use // operator", "__rmod__": "Use % operator", "__rdivmod__": "Use divmod built-in function", "__rpow__": "Use ** operator or pow built-in function", "__rlshift__": "Use << operator", "__rrshift__": "Use >> operator", "__rand__": "Use & operator", "__rxor__": "Use ^ operator", "__ror__": "Use | operator", "__iadd__": "Use += operator", "__isub__": "Use -= operator", "__imul__": "Use *= operator", "__imatmul__": "Use @= operator", "__itruediv__": "Use /= operator", "__ifloordiv__": "Use //= operator", "__imod__": "Use %= operator", "__ipow__": "Use **= operator", "__ilshift__": "Use <<= operator", "__irshift__": "Use >>= operator", "__iand__": "Use &= operator", "__ixor__": "Use ^= operator", "__ior__": "Use |= operator", "__neg__": "Multiply by -1 instead", "__pos__": "Multiply by +1 instead", "__abs__": "Use abs built-in function", "__invert__": "Use ~ operator", "__complex__": "Use complex built-in function", "__int__": "Use int built-in function", "__float__": "Use float built-in function", "__round__": "Use round built-in function", "__trunc__": "Use math.trunc function", "__floor__": "Use math.floor function", "__ceil__": "Use math.ceil function", "__enter__": "Invoke context manager directly", "__aenter__": "Invoke context manager directly", "__copy__": "Use copy.copy function", "__deepcopy__": "Use copy.deepcopy function", "__fspath__": "Use os.fspath function instead", }, (3, 10): { "__aiter__": "Use aiter built-in function", "__anext__": "Use anext built-in function", }, } EXTRA_DUNDER_METHODS = [ "__new__", "__subclasses__", "__init_subclass__", "__set_name__", "__class_getitem__", "__missing__", "__exit__", "__await__", "__aexit__", "__getnewargs_ex__", "__getnewargs__", "__getstate__", "__index__", "__setstate__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__post_init__", # part of `dataclasses` module ] DUNDER_PROPERTIES = [ "__class__", "__dict__", "__doc__", "__format__", "__module__", "__sizeof__", "__subclasshook__", "__weakref__", ]