Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/checkers/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/checkers/spelling.py |
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Checker for spelling errors in comments and docstrings.""" from __future__ import annotations import re import sys import tokenize from re import Pattern from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from astroid import nodes from pylint.checkers import BaseTokenChecker from pylint.checkers.utils import only_required_for_messages if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal else: from typing_extensions import Literal if TYPE_CHECKING: from pylint.lint import PyLinter try: import enchant from enchant.tokenize import ( Chunker, EmailFilter, Filter, URLFilter, WikiWordFilter, get_tokenizer, ) PYENCHANT_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: # pragma: no cover enchant = None PYENCHANT_AVAILABLE = False class EmailFilter: # type: ignore[no-redef] ... class URLFilter: # type: ignore[no-redef] ... class WikiWordFilter: # type: ignore[no-redef] ... class Filter: # type: ignore[no-redef] def _skip(self, word: str) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError class Chunker: # type: ignore[no-redef] pass def get_tokenizer( tag: str | None = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument chunkers: list[Chunker] | None = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument filters: list[Filter] | None = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Filter: return Filter() def _get_enchant_dicts() -> list[tuple[Any, enchant.ProviderDesc]]: # Broker().list_dicts() is not typed in enchant, but it does return tuples return enchant.Broker().list_dicts() if PYENCHANT_AVAILABLE else [] # type: ignore[no-any-return] def _get_enchant_dict_choices( inner_enchant_dicts: list[tuple[Any, enchant.ProviderDesc]] ) -> list[str]: return [""] + [d[0] for d in inner_enchant_dicts] def _get_enchant_dict_help( inner_enchant_dicts: list[tuple[Any, enchant.ProviderDesc]], pyenchant_available: bool, ) -> str: if inner_enchant_dicts: dict_as_str = [f"{d[0]} ({d[1].name})" for d in inner_enchant_dicts] enchant_help = f"Available dictionaries: {', '.join(dict_as_str)}" else: enchant_help = "No available dictionaries : You need to install " if not pyenchant_available: enchant_help += "both the python package and " enchant_help += "the system dependency for enchant to work." return f"Spelling dictionary name. {enchant_help}." enchant_dicts = _get_enchant_dicts() class WordsWithDigitsFilter(Filter): # type: ignore[misc] """Skips words with digits.""" def _skip(self, word: str) -> bool: return any(char.isdigit() for char in word) class WordsWithUnderscores(Filter): # type: ignore[misc] """Skips words with underscores. They are probably function parameter names. """ def _skip(self, word: str) -> bool: return "_" in word class RegExFilter(Filter): # type: ignore[misc] """Parent class for filters using regular expressions. This filter skips any words the match the expression assigned to the class attribute ``_pattern``. """ _pattern: Pattern[str] def _skip(self, word: str) -> bool: return bool(self._pattern.match(word)) class CamelCasedWord(RegExFilter): r"""Filter skipping over camelCasedWords. This filter skips any words matching the following regular expression: ^([a-z]\w+[A-Z]+\w+) That is, any words that are camelCasedWords. """ _pattern = re.compile(r"^([a-z]+(\d|[A-Z])(?:\w+)?)") class SphinxDirectives(RegExFilter): r"""Filter skipping over Sphinx Directives. This filter skips any words matching the following regular expression: ^(:([a-z]+)){1,2}:`([^`]+)(`)? That is, for example, :class:`BaseQuery` """ # The final ` in the pattern is optional because enchant strips it out _pattern = re.compile(r"^(:([a-z]+)){1,2}:`([^`]+)(`)?") class ForwardSlashChunker(Chunker): # type: ignore[misc] """This chunker allows splitting words like 'before/after' into 'before' and 'after'. """ _text: str def next(self) -> tuple[str, int]: while True: if not self._text: raise StopIteration() if "/" not in self._text: text = self._text self._offset = 0 self._text = "" return text, 0 pre_text, post_text = self._text.split("/", 1) self._text = post_text self._offset = 0 if ( not pre_text or not post_text or not pre_text[-1].isalpha() or not post_text[0].isalpha() ): self._text = "" self._offset = 0 return f"{pre_text}/{post_text}", 0 return pre_text, 0 def _next(self) -> tuple[str, Literal[0]]: while True: if "/" not in self._text: return self._text, 0 pre_text, post_text = self._text.split("/", 1) if not pre_text or not post_text: break if not pre_text[-1].isalpha() or not post_text[0].isalpha(): raise StopIteration() self._text = pre_text + " " + post_text raise StopIteration() CODE_FLANKED_IN_BACKTICK_REGEX = re.compile(r"(\s|^)(`{1,2})([^`]+)(\2)([^`]|$)") def _strip_code_flanked_in_backticks(line: str) -> str: """Alter line so code flanked in back-ticks is ignored. Pyenchant automatically strips back-ticks when parsing tokens, so this cannot be done at the individual filter level. """ def replace_code_but_leave_surrounding_characters(match_obj: re.Match[str]) -> str: return match_obj.group(1) + match_obj.group(5) return CODE_FLANKED_IN_BACKTICK_REGEX.sub( replace_code_but_leave_surrounding_characters, line ) class SpellingChecker(BaseTokenChecker): """Check spelling in comments and docstrings.""" name = "spelling" msgs = { "C0401": ( "Wrong spelling of a word '%s' in a comment:\n%s\n" "%s\nDid you mean: '%s'?", "wrong-spelling-in-comment", "Used when a word in comment is not spelled correctly.", ), "C0402": ( "Wrong spelling of a word '%s' in a docstring:\n%s\n" "%s\nDid you mean: '%s'?", "wrong-spelling-in-docstring", "Used when a word in docstring is not spelled correctly.", ), "C0403": ( "Invalid characters %r in a docstring", "invalid-characters-in-docstring", "Used when a word in docstring cannot be checked by enchant.", ), } options = ( ( "spelling-dict", { "default": "", "type": "choice", "metavar": "<dict name>", "choices": _get_enchant_dict_choices(enchant_dicts), "help": _get_enchant_dict_help(enchant_dicts, PYENCHANT_AVAILABLE), }, ), ( "spelling-ignore-words", { "default": "", "type": "string", "metavar": "<comma separated words>", "help": "List of comma separated words that should not be checked.", }, ), ( "spelling-private-dict-file", { "default": "", "type": "path", "metavar": "<path to file>", "help": "A path to a file that contains the private " "dictionary; one word per line.", }, ), ( "spelling-store-unknown-words", { "default": "n", "type": "yn", "metavar": "<y or n>", "help": "Tells whether to store unknown words to the " "private dictionary (see the " "--spelling-private-dict-file option) instead of " "raising a message.", }, ), ( "max-spelling-suggestions", { "default": 4, "type": "int", "metavar": "N", "help": "Limits count of emitted suggestions for spelling mistakes.", }, ), ( "spelling-ignore-comment-directives", { "default": "fmt: on,fmt: off,noqa:,noqa,nosec,isort:skip,mypy:", "type": "string", "metavar": "<comma separated words>", "help": "List of comma separated words that should be considered " "directives if they appear at the beginning of a comment " "and should not be checked.", }, ), ) def open(self) -> None: self.initialized = False if not PYENCHANT_AVAILABLE: return dict_name = self.linter.config.spelling_dict if not dict_name: return self.ignore_list = [ w.strip() for w in self.linter.config.spelling_ignore_words.split(",") ] # "param" appears in docstring in param description and # "pylint" appears in comments in pylint pragmas. self.ignore_list.extend(["param", "pylint"]) self.ignore_comment_directive_list = [ w.strip() for w in self.linter.config.spelling_ignore_comment_directives.split(",") ] if self.linter.config.spelling_private_dict_file: self.spelling_dict = enchant.DictWithPWL( dict_name, self.linter.config.spelling_private_dict_file ) else: self.spelling_dict = enchant.Dict(dict_name) if self.linter.config.spelling_store_unknown_words: self.unknown_words: set[str] = set() self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer( dict_name, chunkers=[ForwardSlashChunker], filters=[ EmailFilter, URLFilter, WikiWordFilter, WordsWithDigitsFilter, WordsWithUnderscores, CamelCasedWord, SphinxDirectives, ], ) self.initialized = True # pylint: disable = too-many-statements def _check_spelling(self, msgid: str, line: str, line_num: int) -> None: original_line = line try: # The mypy warning is caught by the except statement initial_space = re.search(r"^\s+", line).regs[0][1] # type: ignore[union-attr] except (IndexError, AttributeError): initial_space = 0 if line.strip().startswith("#") and "docstring" not in msgid: line = line.strip()[1:] # A ``Filter`` cannot determine if the directive is at the beginning of a line, # nor determine if a colon is present or not (``pyenchant`` strips trailing colons). # So implementing this here. for iter_directive in self.ignore_comment_directive_list: if line.startswith(" " + iter_directive): line = line[(len(iter_directive) + 1) :] break starts_with_comment = True else: starts_with_comment = False line = _strip_code_flanked_in_backticks(line) for word, word_start_at in self.tokenizer(line.strip()): word_start_at += initial_space lower_cased_word = word.casefold() # Skip words from ignore list. if word in self.ignore_list or lower_cased_word in self.ignore_list: continue # Strip starting u' from unicode literals and r' from raw strings. if word.startswith(("u'", 'u"', "r'", 'r"')) and len(word) > 2: word = word[2:] lower_cased_word = lower_cased_word[2:] # If it is a known word, then continue. try: if self.spelling_dict.check(lower_cased_word): # The lower cased version of word passed spell checking continue # If we reached this far, it means there was a spelling mistake. # Let's retry with the original work because 'unicode' is a # spelling mistake but 'Unicode' is not if self.spelling_dict.check(word): continue except enchant.errors.Error: self.add_message( "invalid-characters-in-docstring", line=line_num, args=(word,) ) continue # Store word to private dict or raise a message. if self.linter.config.spelling_store_unknown_words: if lower_cased_word not in self.unknown_words: with open( self.linter.config.spelling_private_dict_file, "a", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: f.write(f"{lower_cased_word}\n") self.unknown_words.add(lower_cased_word) else: # Present up to N suggestions. suggestions = self.spelling_dict.suggest(word) del suggestions[self.linter.config.max_spelling_suggestions :] line_segment = line[word_start_at:] match = re.search(rf"(\W|^)({word})(\W|$)", line_segment) if match: # Start position of second group in regex. col = match.regs[2][0] else: col = line_segment.index(word) col += word_start_at if starts_with_comment: col += 1 indicator = (" " * col) + ("^" * len(word)) all_suggestion = "' or '".join(suggestions) args = (word, original_line, indicator, f"'{all_suggestion}'") self.add_message(msgid, line=line_num, args=args) def process_tokens(self, tokens: list[tokenize.TokenInfo]) -> None: if not self.initialized: return # Process tokens and look for comments. for tok_type, token, (start_row, _), _, _ in tokens: if tok_type == tokenize.COMMENT: if start_row == 1 and token.startswith("#!/"): # Skip shebang lines continue if token.startswith("# pylint:"): # Skip pylint enable/disable comments continue if token.startswith("# type: "): # Skip python 2 type comments and mypy type ignore comments # mypy do not support additional text in type comments continue self._check_spelling("wrong-spelling-in-comment", token, start_row) @only_required_for_messages("wrong-spelling-in-docstring") def visit_module(self, node: nodes.Module) -> None: self._check_docstring(node) @only_required_for_messages("wrong-spelling-in-docstring") def visit_classdef(self, node: nodes.ClassDef) -> None: self._check_docstring(node) @only_required_for_messages("wrong-spelling-in-docstring") def visit_functiondef( self, node: nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.AsyncFunctionDef ) -> None: self._check_docstring(node) visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef def _check_docstring( self, node: nodes.FunctionDef | nodes.AsyncFunctionDef | nodes.ClassDef | nodes.Module, ) -> None: """Check if the node has any spelling errors.""" if not self.initialized: return if not node.doc_node: return start_line = node.lineno + 1 # Go through lines of docstring for idx, line in enumerate(node.doc_node.value.splitlines()): self._check_spelling("wrong-spelling-in-docstring", line, start_line + idx) def register(linter: PyLinter) -> None: linter.register_checker(SpellingChecker(linter))