Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ f2py2e - Fortran to Python C/API generator. 2nd Edition. See __usage__ below. Copyright 1999--2011 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved, Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee> Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy License. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. $Date: 2005/05/06 08:31:19 $ Pearu Peterson """ import sys import os import pprint import re from pathlib import Path from . import crackfortran from . import rules from . import cb_rules from . import auxfuncs from . import cfuncs from . import f90mod_rules from . import __version__ from . import capi_maps f2py_version = __version__.version numpy_version = __version__.version errmess = sys.stderr.write # outmess=sys.stdout.write show = pprint.pprint outmess = auxfuncs.outmess __usage__ =\ f"""Usage: 1) To construct extension module sources: f2py [<options>] <fortran files> [[[only:]||[skip:]] \\ <fortran functions> ] \\ [: <fortran files> ...] 2) To compile fortran files and build extension modules: f2py -c [<options>, <build_flib options>, <extra options>] <fortran files> 3) To generate signature files: f2py -h <filename.pyf> ...< same options as in (1) > Description: This program generates a Python C/API file (<modulename>module.c) that contains wrappers for given fortran functions so that they can be called from Python. With the -c option the corresponding extension modules are built. Options: --2d-numpy Use numpy.f2py tool with NumPy support. [DEFAULT] --2d-numeric Use f2py2e tool with Numeric support. --2d-numarray Use f2py2e tool with Numarray support. --g3-numpy Use 3rd generation f2py from the separate f2py package. [NOT AVAILABLE YET] -h <filename> Write signatures of the fortran routines to file <filename> and exit. You can then edit <filename> and use it instead of <fortran files>. If <filename>==stdout then the signatures are printed to stdout. <fortran functions> Names of fortran routines for which Python C/API functions will be generated. Default is all that are found in <fortran files>. <fortran files> Paths to fortran/signature files that will be scanned for <fortran functions> in order to determine their signatures. skip: Ignore fortran functions that follow until `:'. only: Use only fortran functions that follow until `:'. : Get back to <fortran files> mode. -m <modulename> Name of the module; f2py generates a Python/C API file <modulename>module.c or extension module <modulename>. Default is 'untitled'. '-include<header>' Writes additional headers in the C wrapper, can be passed multiple times, generates #include <header> each time. --[no-]lower Do [not] lower the cases in <fortran files>. By default, --lower is assumed with -h key, and --no-lower without -h key. --build-dir <dirname> All f2py generated files are created in <dirname>. Default is tempfile.mkdtemp(). --overwrite-signature Overwrite existing signature file. --[no-]latex-doc Create (or not) <modulename>module.tex. Default is --no-latex-doc. --short-latex Create 'incomplete' LaTeX document (without commands \\documentclass, \\tableofcontents, and \\begin{{document}}, \\end{{document}}). --[no-]rest-doc Create (or not) <modulename>module.rst. Default is --no-rest-doc. --debug-capi Create C/API code that reports the state of the wrappers during runtime. Useful for debugging. --[no-]wrap-functions Create Fortran subroutine wrappers to Fortran 77 functions. --wrap-functions is default because it ensures maximum portability/compiler independence. --include-paths <path1>:<path2>:... Search include files from the given directories. --help-link [..] List system resources found by system_info.py. See also --link-<resource> switch below. [..] is optional list of resources names. E.g. try 'f2py --help-link lapack_opt'. --f2cmap <filename> Load Fortran-to-Python KIND specification from the given file. Default: .f2py_f2cmap in current directory. --quiet Run quietly. --verbose Run with extra verbosity. --skip-empty-wrappers Only generate wrapper files when needed. -v Print f2py version ID and exit. numpy.distutils options (only effective with -c): --fcompiler= Specify Fortran compiler type by vendor --compiler= Specify C compiler type (as defined by distutils) --help-fcompiler List available Fortran compilers and exit --f77exec= Specify the path to F77 compiler --f90exec= Specify the path to F90 compiler --f77flags= Specify F77 compiler flags --f90flags= Specify F90 compiler flags --opt= Specify optimization flags --arch= Specify architecture specific optimization flags --noopt Compile without optimization --noarch Compile without arch-dependent optimization --debug Compile with debugging information Extra options (only effective with -c): --link-<resource> Link extension module with <resource> as defined by numpy.distutils/system_info.py. E.g. to link with optimized LAPACK libraries (vecLib on MacOSX, ATLAS elsewhere), use --link-lapack_opt. See also --help-link switch. -L/path/to/lib/ -l<libname> -D<define> -U<name> -I/path/to/include/ <filename>.o <filename>.so <filename>.a Using the following macros may be required with non-gcc Fortran compilers: -DPREPEND_FORTRAN -DNO_APPEND_FORTRAN -DUPPERCASE_FORTRAN -DUNDERSCORE_G77 When using -DF2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT, a performance report of F2PY interface is printed out at exit (platforms: Linux). When using -DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=<int>, a message is sent to stderr whenever F2PY interface makes a copy of an array. Integer <int> sets the threshold for array sizes when a message should be shown. Version: {f2py_version} numpy Version: {numpy_version} Requires: Python 3.5 or higher. License: NumPy license (see LICENSE.txt in the NumPy source code) Copyright 1999 - 2011 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved. https://web.archive.org/web/20140822061353/http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e""" def scaninputline(inputline): files, skipfuncs, onlyfuncs, debug = [], [], [], [] f, f2, f3, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 verbose = 1 emptygen = True dolc = -1 dolatexdoc = 0 dorestdoc = 0 wrapfuncs = 1 buildpath = '.' include_paths = [] signsfile, modulename = None, None options = {'buildpath': buildpath, 'coutput': None, 'f2py_wrapper_output': None} for l in inputline: if l == '': pass elif l == 'only:': f = 0 elif l == 'skip:': f = -1 elif l == ':': f = 1 elif l[:8] == '--debug-': debug.append(l[8:]) elif l == '--lower': dolc = 1 elif l == '--build-dir': f6 = 1 elif l == '--no-lower': dolc = 0 elif l == '--quiet': verbose = 0 elif l == '--verbose': verbose += 1 elif l == '--latex-doc': dolatexdoc = 1 elif l == '--no-latex-doc': dolatexdoc = 0 elif l == '--rest-doc': dorestdoc = 1 elif l == '--no-rest-doc': dorestdoc = 0 elif l == '--wrap-functions': wrapfuncs = 1 elif l == '--no-wrap-functions': wrapfuncs = 0 elif l == '--short-latex': options['shortlatex'] = 1 elif l == '--coutput': f8 = 1 elif l == '--f2py-wrapper-output': f9 = 1 elif l == '--f2cmap': f10 = 1 elif l == '--overwrite-signature': options['h-overwrite'] = 1 elif l == '-h': f2 = 1 elif l == '-m': f3 = 1 elif l[:2] == '-v': print(f2py_version) sys.exit() elif l == '--show-compilers': f5 = 1 elif l[:8] == '-include': cfuncs.outneeds['userincludes'].append(l[9:-1]) cfuncs.userincludes[l[9:-1]] = '#include ' + l[8:] elif l[:15] in '--include_paths': outmess( 'f2py option --include_paths is deprecated, use --include-paths instead.\n') f7 = 1 elif l[:15] in '--include-paths': f7 = 1 elif l == '--skip-empty-wrappers': emptygen = False elif l[0] == '-': errmess('Unknown option %s\n' % repr(l)) sys.exit() elif f2: f2 = 0 signsfile = l elif f3: f3 = 0 modulename = l elif f6: f6 = 0 buildpath = l elif f7: f7 = 0 include_paths.extend(l.split(os.pathsep)) elif f8: f8 = 0 options["coutput"] = l elif f9: f9 = 0 options["f2py_wrapper_output"] = l elif f10: f10 = 0 options["f2cmap_file"] = l elif f == 1: try: with open(l): pass files.append(l) except OSError as detail: errmess(f'OSError: {detail!s}. Skipping file "{l!s}".\n') elif f == -1: skipfuncs.append(l) elif f == 0: onlyfuncs.append(l) if not f5 and not files and not modulename: print(__usage__) sys.exit() if not os.path.isdir(buildpath): if not verbose: outmess('Creating build directory %s\n' % (buildpath)) os.mkdir(buildpath) if signsfile: signsfile = os.path.join(buildpath, signsfile) if signsfile and os.path.isfile(signsfile) and 'h-overwrite' not in options: errmess( 'Signature file "%s" exists!!! Use --overwrite-signature to overwrite.\n' % (signsfile)) sys.exit() options['emptygen'] = emptygen options['debug'] = debug options['verbose'] = verbose if dolc == -1 and not signsfile: options['do-lower'] = 0 else: options['do-lower'] = dolc if modulename: options['module'] = modulename if signsfile: options['signsfile'] = signsfile if onlyfuncs: options['onlyfuncs'] = onlyfuncs if skipfuncs: options['skipfuncs'] = skipfuncs options['dolatexdoc'] = dolatexdoc options['dorestdoc'] = dorestdoc options['wrapfuncs'] = wrapfuncs options['buildpath'] = buildpath options['include_paths'] = include_paths options.setdefault('f2cmap_file', None) return files, options def callcrackfortran(files, options): rules.options = options crackfortran.debug = options['debug'] crackfortran.verbose = options['verbose'] if 'module' in options: crackfortran.f77modulename = options['module'] if 'skipfuncs' in options: crackfortran.skipfuncs = options['skipfuncs'] if 'onlyfuncs' in options: crackfortran.onlyfuncs = options['onlyfuncs'] crackfortran.include_paths[:] = options['include_paths'] crackfortran.dolowercase = options['do-lower'] postlist = crackfortran.crackfortran(files) if 'signsfile' in options: outmess('Saving signatures to file "%s"\n' % (options['signsfile'])) pyf = crackfortran.crack2fortran(postlist) if options['signsfile'][-6:] == 'stdout': sys.stdout.write(pyf) else: with open(options['signsfile'], 'w') as f: f.write(pyf) if options["coutput"] is None: for mod in postlist: mod["coutput"] = "%smodule.c" % mod["name"] else: for mod in postlist: mod["coutput"] = options["coutput"] if options["f2py_wrapper_output"] is None: for mod in postlist: mod["f2py_wrapper_output"] = "%s-f2pywrappers.f" % mod["name"] else: for mod in postlist: mod["f2py_wrapper_output"] = options["f2py_wrapper_output"] return postlist def buildmodules(lst): cfuncs.buildcfuncs() outmess('Building modules...\n') modules, mnames, isusedby = [], [], {} for item in lst: if '__user__' in item['name']: cb_rules.buildcallbacks(item) else: if 'use' in item: for u in item['use'].keys(): if u not in isusedby: isusedby[u] = [] isusedby[u].append(item['name']) modules.append(item) mnames.append(item['name']) ret = {} for module, name in zip(modules, mnames): if name in isusedby: outmess('\tSkipping module "%s" which is used by %s.\n' % ( name, ','.join('"%s"' % s for s in isusedby[name]))) else: um = [] if 'use' in module: for u in module['use'].keys(): if u in isusedby and u in mnames: um.append(modules[mnames.index(u)]) else: outmess( f'\tModule "{name}" uses nonexisting "{u}" ' 'which will be ignored.\n') ret[name] = {} dict_append(ret[name], rules.buildmodule(module, um)) return ret def dict_append(d_out, d_in): for (k, v) in d_in.items(): if k not in d_out: d_out[k] = [] if isinstance(v, list): d_out[k] = d_out[k] + v else: d_out[k].append(v) def run_main(comline_list): """ Equivalent to running:: f2py <args> where ``<args>=string.join(<list>,' ')``, but in Python. Unless ``-h`` is used, this function returns a dictionary containing information on generated modules and their dependencies on source files. You cannot build extension modules with this function, that is, using ``-c`` is not allowed. Use the ``compile`` command instead. Examples -------- The command ``f2py -m scalar scalar.f`` can be executed from Python as follows. .. literalinclude:: ../../source/f2py/code/results/run_main_session.dat :language: python """ crackfortran.reset_global_f2py_vars() f2pydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cfuncs.__file__)) fobjhsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir, 'src', 'fortranobject.h') fobjcsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir, 'src', 'fortranobject.c') files, options = scaninputline(comline_list) auxfuncs.options = options capi_maps.load_f2cmap_file(options['f2cmap_file']) postlist = callcrackfortran(files, options) isusedby = {} for plist in postlist: if 'use' in plist: for u in plist['use'].keys(): if u not in isusedby: isusedby[u] = [] isusedby[u].append(plist['name']) for plist in postlist: if plist['block'] == 'python module' and '__user__' in plist['name']: if plist['name'] in isusedby: # if not quiet: outmess( f'Skipping Makefile build for module "{plist["name"]}" ' 'which is used by {}\n'.format( ','.join(f'"{s}"' for s in isusedby[plist['name']]))) if 'signsfile' in options: if options['verbose'] > 1: outmess( 'Stopping. Edit the signature file and then run f2py on the signature file: ') outmess('%s %s\n' % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), options['signsfile'])) return for plist in postlist: if plist['block'] != 'python module': if 'python module' not in options: errmess( 'Tip: If your original code is Fortran source then you must use -m option.\n') raise TypeError('All blocks must be python module blocks but got %s' % ( repr(plist['block']))) auxfuncs.debugoptions = options['debug'] f90mod_rules.options = options auxfuncs.wrapfuncs = options['wrapfuncs'] ret = buildmodules(postlist) for mn in ret.keys(): dict_append(ret[mn], {'csrc': fobjcsrc, 'h': fobjhsrc}) return ret def filter_files(prefix, suffix, files, remove_prefix=None): """ Filter files by prefix and suffix. """ filtered, rest = [], [] match = re.compile(prefix + r'.*' + suffix + r'\Z').match if remove_prefix: ind = len(prefix) else: ind = 0 for file in [x.strip() for x in files]: if match(file): filtered.append(file[ind:]) else: rest.append(file) return filtered, rest def get_prefix(module): p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__file__)) return p def run_compile(): """ Do it all in one call! """ import tempfile i = sys.argv.index('-c') del sys.argv[i] remove_build_dir = 0 try: i = sys.argv.index('--build-dir') except ValueError: i = None if i is not None: build_dir = sys.argv[i + 1] del sys.argv[i + 1] del sys.argv[i] else: remove_build_dir = 1 build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() _reg1 = re.compile(r'--link-') sysinfo_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg1.match(_m)] sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in sysinfo_flags] if sysinfo_flags: sysinfo_flags = [f[7:] for f in sysinfo_flags] _reg2 = re.compile( r'--((no-|)(wrap-functions|lower)|debug-capi|quiet|skip-empty-wrappers)|-include') f2py_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg2.match(_m)] sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in f2py_flags] f2py_flags2 = [] fl = 0 for a in sys.argv[1:]: if a in ['only:', 'skip:']: fl = 1 elif a == ':': fl = 0 if fl or a == ':': f2py_flags2.append(a) if f2py_flags2 and f2py_flags2[-1] != ':': f2py_flags2.append(':') f2py_flags.extend(f2py_flags2) sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in f2py_flags2] _reg3 = re.compile( r'--((f(90)?compiler(-exec|)|compiler)=|help-compiler)') flib_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg3.match(_m)] sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in flib_flags] _reg4 = re.compile( r'--((f(77|90)(flags|exec)|opt|arch)=|(debug|noopt|noarch|help-fcompiler))') fc_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg4.match(_m)] sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in fc_flags] del_list = [] for s in flib_flags: v = '--fcompiler=' if s[:len(v)] == v: from numpy.distutils import fcompiler fcompiler.load_all_fcompiler_classes() allowed_keys = list(fcompiler.fcompiler_class.keys()) nv = ov = s[len(v):].lower() if ov not in allowed_keys: vmap = {} # XXX try: nv = vmap[ov] except KeyError: if ov not in vmap.values(): print('Unknown vendor: "%s"' % (s[len(v):])) nv = ov i = flib_flags.index(s) flib_flags[i] = '--fcompiler=' + nv continue for s in del_list: i = flib_flags.index(s) del flib_flags[i] assert len(flib_flags) <= 2, repr(flib_flags) _reg5 = re.compile(r'--(verbose)') setup_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg5.match(_m)] sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in setup_flags] if '--quiet' in f2py_flags: setup_flags.append('--quiet') modulename = 'untitled' sources = sys.argv[1:] for optname in ['--include_paths', '--include-paths', '--f2cmap']: if optname in sys.argv: i = sys.argv.index(optname) f2py_flags.extend(sys.argv[i:i + 2]) del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i] sources = sys.argv[1:] if '-m' in sys.argv: i = sys.argv.index('-m') modulename = sys.argv[i + 1] del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i] sources = sys.argv[1:] else: from numpy.distutils.command.build_src import get_f2py_modulename pyf_files, sources = filter_files('', '[.]pyf([.]src|)', sources) sources = pyf_files + sources for f in pyf_files: modulename = get_f2py_modulename(f) if modulename: break extra_objects, sources = filter_files('', '[.](o|a|so|dylib)', sources) include_dirs, sources = filter_files('-I', '', sources, remove_prefix=1) library_dirs, sources = filter_files('-L', '', sources, remove_prefix=1) libraries, sources = filter_files('-l', '', sources, remove_prefix=1) undef_macros, sources = filter_files('-U', '', sources, remove_prefix=1) define_macros, sources = filter_files('-D', '', sources, remove_prefix=1) for i in range(len(define_macros)): name_value = define_macros[i].split('=', 1) if len(name_value) == 1: name_value.append(None) if len(name_value) == 2: define_macros[i] = tuple(name_value) else: print('Invalid use of -D:', name_value) from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info num_info = {} if num_info: include_dirs.extend(num_info.get('include_dirs', [])) from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension ext_args = {'name': modulename, 'sources': sources, 'include_dirs': include_dirs, 'library_dirs': library_dirs, 'libraries': libraries, 'define_macros': define_macros, 'undef_macros': undef_macros, 'extra_objects': extra_objects, 'f2py_options': f2py_flags, } if sysinfo_flags: from numpy.distutils.misc_util import dict_append for n in sysinfo_flags: i = get_info(n) if not i: outmess('No %s resources found in system' ' (try `f2py --help-link`)\n' % (repr(n))) dict_append(ext_args, **i) ext = Extension(**ext_args) sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + setup_flags sys.argv.extend(['build', '--build-temp', build_dir, '--build-base', build_dir, '--build-platlib', '.', # disable CCompilerOpt '--disable-optimization']) if fc_flags: sys.argv.extend(['config_fc'] + fc_flags) if flib_flags: sys.argv.extend(['build_ext'] + flib_flags) setup(ext_modules=[ext]) if remove_build_dir and os.path.exists(build_dir): import shutil outmess('Removing build directory %s\n' % (build_dir)) shutil.rmtree(build_dir) def main(): if '--help-link' in sys.argv[1:]: sys.argv.remove('--help-link') from numpy.distutils.system_info import show_all show_all() return # Probably outdated options that were not working before 1.16 if '--g3-numpy' in sys.argv[1:]: sys.stderr.write("G3 f2py support is not implemented, yet.\\n") sys.exit(1) elif '--2e-numeric' in sys.argv[1:]: sys.argv.remove('--2e-numeric') elif '--2e-numarray' in sys.argv[1:]: # Note that this errors becaust the -DNUMARRAY argument is # not recognized. Just here for back compatibility and the # error message. sys.argv.append("-DNUMARRAY") sys.argv.remove('--2e-numarray') elif '--2e-numpy' in sys.argv[1:]: sys.argv.remove('--2e-numpy') else: pass if '-c' in sys.argv[1:]: run_compile() else: run_main(sys.argv[1:])