Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/Monitor.py |
import os import pprint import signal import socket import socketserver import sys import threading import time import traceback import pickle as pickle try: import readline # Imported to _enable_ command line editing except ImportError: pass import select import queue from guppy.heapy.RemoteConstants import * from guppy.heapy.Console import Console from guppy.sets import mutnodeset from guppy.etc.etc import ptable from guppy.etc import cmd class Server(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer): pass def ioready(fd, wait): r, w, x = select.select([fd], [], [], wait) return len(r) def queue_get_interruptible(q, noblock=0): while 1: try: return q.get(timeout=0.2) except queue.Empty: if noblock: break # Special value signals that connection has been closed CONN_CLOSED = ('CLOSED',) class Handler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): allow_reuse_address = 1 def close(self): if not self.isclosed.tas(0): self.server.monitor.remove_connection(self) self.dataq.put(CONN_CLOSED) self.request.shutdown(2) self.request.close() def send_cmd(self, cmd): if not cmd.endswith('\n'): cmd += '\n' self.request.send(cmd.encode('utf-8')) def browser_cmd(self, cmd): if self.prompt == '>>> ': self.exec_cmd('q', retdata=1) if self.prompt == '<Annex> ': self.exec_cmd('cont', retdata=1) return self.exec_cmd(cmd, retdata=1) def exec_cmd(self, cmd, retdata=0, noblock=0): if cmd is not None: self.send_cmd(cmd) self.promptstate = False datas = [] while 1: p = queue_get_interruptible(self.dataq, noblock) if p is None: if self.promptstate: break else: time.sleep(1) continue if p is CONN_CLOSED: raise EOFError if p[0] == 'DATA': self.promptstate = False if retdata: datas.append(p[1]) else: sys.stdout.write(p[1]) elif p[0] == 'PROMPT': self.prompt = p[1] if self.dataq.empty(): self.promptstate = True break else: self.promptstate = False else: assert 0 if retdata: return ''.join(datas) def get_ps(self, name): for line in self.firstdata.split('\n'): if line.startswith(name): if '=' in line: ix = line.index('=') line = line[ix+1:].strip() return line return '' def get_val(self, expr): data = self.browser_cmd('dump %s' % expr) return pickle.loads(data) def handle(self): self.prompt = None self.promptstate = False self.isclosed = mutnodeset() self.dataq = queue.Queue() self.server.monitor.add_connection(self) while 1: try: data = self.rfile.readline().decode('utf-8') if not data: raise EOFError('End of file') if data.endswith(DONE): raise EOFError('DONE') except (EOFError, socket.error): break if data.endswith(READLINE): prompt = data[:-len(READLINE)] self.dataq.put(('PROMPT', prompt)) if self.prompt is None: self.firstdata = self.exec_cmd(cmd=None, retdata=1) else: self.dataq.put(('DATA', data)) self.close() class MonitorConnection(cmd.Cmd): use_raw_input = 1 def __init__(self, monitor): self.aliases = {} cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.hno = 0 self.isclosed = 0 self.forceexit = 0 self.prompt = '<Monitor> ' self.monitor = monitor self.server = s = Server((LOCALHOST, HEAPYPORT), Handler) self.server.monitor = monitor self.st = threading.Thread(target=self.run_server, args=()) self.st.start() def close(self): self.isclosed = 1 self.server.socket.shutdown(2) self.server.server_close() self.server.verify_request = lambda x, y: 0 def default(self, line): cmd.Cmd.default(self, line) cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, '') def run_server(self): s = self.server while not self.isclosed: s.handle_request() s.server_close() def exec_cmd(self, cmd): if not cmd: # I don't want the repeat of previous command when giving # empty command that is provided by cmd.py. # It turned out to be confusing sometimes. return line = cmd try: line = self.precmd(line) stop = self.onecmd(line) stop = self.postcmd(stop, line) return stop except BaseException: self.handle_error(line) def handle_error(self, cmdline): """Handle an error gracefully. May be overridden. The default is to print a traceback and continue. """ print('-'*40, file=sys.stderr) print('Exception happened during processing the command', end=' ', file=sys.stderr) print(repr(cmdline), file=sys.stderr) import traceback traceback.print_exc() print('-'*40, file=sys.stderr) # Alias handling etc copied from pdb.py in Python dist def precmd(self, line): """Handle alias expansion and ';;' separator.""" self.curline = line if not line: return line args = line.split() while args[0] in self.aliases: line = self.aliases[args[0]] if '%' in line: ii = 1 for tmpArg in args[1:]: line = line.replace("%" + str(ii), tmpArg) line = line.replace('%>=' + str(ii), ' '.join(args[ii:])) ii = ii + 1 line = line.replace("%*", ' '.join(args[1:])) else: line = line + ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:]) args = line.split() # split into ';;' separated commands # unless it's an alias command if args[0] != 'alias': marker = line.find(';;') if marker >= 0: # queue up everything after marker next = line[marker+2:].lstrip() self.cmdqueue.append(next) line = line[:marker].rstrip() return line def do_exit(self, arg): self.forceexit = 1 return 1 def help_exit(self): print("""exit ----- Exit from the monitor and from the Python process that started it. This makes sure to exit without waiting for the server thread to terminate. See also the q command.""") do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help def help_h(self): print("""h(elp) ----- Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command.""") def help_help(self): self.help_h() def do_int(self, arg): try: con = Console(stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout, locals=self.__dict__) con.interact( "Local interactive console. To return to Monitor, type %r." % con.EOF_key_sequence) finally: pass def help_int(self): print("""int ----- Local interactive console. This will bring up a Python console locally in the same interpreter process that the Monitor itself.""") def do_ki(self, arg): if not arg: arg = self.conid arg = int(arg) c = self.monitor.connections[arg] if c.get_ps('noninterruptible'): print('''\ Error: Can not interrupt this remote connection (uses Python < 2.4)''') else: print('Sending KeyboardInterrupt to connection %s.' % arg) c.send_cmd(KEYBOARDINTERRUPT) def help_ki(self): print("""ki <connection ID> ----- Keyboard Interrupt Send a command to interrupt the remote thread on the specified connection (default is the last one connected to). Notes: It currently only works with Python >= 2.4. The remote thread will not always be awakened, for example if it is waiting in time.sleep(). Sometimes using several ki commands helps.""") def do_lc(self, arg): table = [['CID', 'PID', 'ARGV']] for cid, con in list(self.monitor.connections.items()): table.append([cid, con.get_ps('target.pid'), con.get_ps('target.sys.argv')]) ptable(table, self.stdout) def help_lc(self): print("""lc ----- List Connections. List the currently open connections. The table printed has one line per connection in this form: CID PID ARGV 1 17999 ['/home/nilsson/bin/solitaire.py'] CID is the connection ID, which may be used as argument to the sc command. PID is the process ID of the target interpreter process. In Linux, this is the parent of the remote control interpreter thread that runs the Annex that the connection is talking to. ARGV is the argument vector in the target Python interpereter.""") def do_sc(self, arg): if arg: self.conid = int(arg) print('Remote connection %d. To return to Monitor, type <Ctrl-C> or .<RETURN>' % self.conid) self.monitor.set_connection(self.monitor.connections[self.conid]) def help_sc(self): print("""sc <connection ID> ----- Set connection to communicate with a remote thread. With an argument, set current connection to the number specified. Without argument, use the same connection as last time. You will then be talking to a remote process via that connection. You can return to Monitor at any time by <Ctrl-C>. You may also use the '.' command (followed by <Return>), if the remote process is waiting for input. The '.' character may be followed by a monitor command, to execute it directly instead of returning to the monitor. For example, when talking to a connection, '.sc 1' will directly change to connection 1.""") def do_q(self, arg): return 1 def help_q(self): print("""q ----- Quit from the monitor. This will not exit from Python itself if called from an interactive interpreter. To make sure to exit from Python, use the exit command.""") class Monitor: use_raw_input = 1 def __init__(self): self.connection = self.monitor_connection = MonitorConnection(self) self.connections = {} self.ids = 0 self.prompt = None def newid(self): if not self.connections: self.ids = 1 self.monitor_connection.conid = self.ids else: self.ids = max([1]+[c for c in list(self.connections.keys())])+1 return self.ids def add_connection(self, connection): hid = self.newid() self.connections[hid] = connection connection.monitor_id = hid self.print_async('*** Connection %s opened ***' % hid) def print_async(self, text): """ Print text only if we are waiting for input, and then restore the prompt. """ if self.prompt is not None: print('\n'+text) sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() def remove_connection(self, connection): del self.connections[connection.monitor_id] if connection is self.connection: self.set_connection(self.monitor_connection) self.print_async('*** Connection %s closed ***' % connection.monitor_id) def run(self): try: stop = 0 while not stop: try: while not stop: conn = self.connection self.prompt = conn.prompt if conn is not self.monitor_connection: conn.exec_cmd(cmd=None, noblock=1) cmd = input(conn.prompt) self.prompt = None conn = None if cmd.startswith('.'): if cmd == '.': self.connection = self.monitor_connection else: cmd = cmd[1:] conn = self.monitor_connection # elif cmd or self.connection is self.monitor_connection: else: conn = self.connection if conn: try: r = conn.exec_cmd(cmd) except EOFError: r = 1 if conn is self.monitor_connection and r: stop = 1 except EOFError: 'We better exit in case the input is from a file' print('*** End Of File - Exiting Monitor ***') self.connection = self.monitor_connection stop = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print('KeyboardInterrupt') print('Use the ki command to interrupt a remote process.') self.connection = self.monitor_connection continue finally: self.prompt = None # Avoid closing messages self.close() def close(self): for c in list(self.connections.values()): try: c.close() except socket.error: pass try: self.monitor_connection.close() except socket.error: pass if self.monitor_connection.forceexit: os._exit(0) def set_connection(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.prompt = connection.prompt def monitor(): """monitor() [0] Start an interactive remote monitor. This can be used to get information about the state, in particular the memory usage, of separately running Python processes. References [0] heapy_Use.html#heapykinds.Use.monitor""" from guppy.heapy import Remote Remote.off() m = Monitor() m.run() if __name__ == '__main__': monitor()