Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/tree.js |
/** * @class elFinder folders tree * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ $.fn.elfindertree = function(fm, opts) { "use strict"; var treeclass = fm.res('class', 'tree'); this.not('.'+treeclass).each(function() { var c = 'class', mobile = fm.UA.Mobile, /** * Root directory class name * * @type String */ root = fm.res(c, 'treeroot'), /** * Open root dir if not opened yet * * @type Boolean */ openRoot = opts.openRootOnLoad, /** * Open current work dir if not opened yet * * @type Boolean */ openCwd = opts.openCwdOnOpen, /** * Auto loading current directory parents and do expand their node * * @type Boolean */ syncTree = openCwd || opts.syncTree, /** * Subtree class name * * @type String */ subtree = fm.res(c, 'navsubtree'), /** * Directory class name * * @type String */ navdir = fm.res(c, 'treedir'), /** * Directory CSS selector * * @type String */ selNavdir = 'span.' + navdir, /** * Collapsed arrow class name * * @type String */ collapsed = fm.res(c, 'navcollapse'), /** * Expanded arrow class name * * @type String */ expanded = fm.res(c, 'navexpand'), /** * Class name to mark arrow for directory with already loaded children * * @type String */ loaded = 'elfinder-subtree-loaded', /** * Class name to mark need subdirs request * * @type String */ chksubdir = 'elfinder-subtree-chksubdir', /** * Arraw class name * * @type String */ arrow = fm.res(c, 'navarrow'), /** * Current directory class name * * @type String */ active = fm.res(c, 'active'), /** * Droppable dirs dropover class * * @type String */ dropover = fm.res(c, 'adroppable'), /** * Hover class name * * @type String */ hover = fm.res(c, 'hover'), /** * Disabled dir class name * * @type String */ disabled = fm.res(c, 'disabled'), /** * Draggable dir class name * * @type String */ draggable = fm.res(c, 'draggable'), /** * Droppable dir class name * * @type String */ droppable = fm.res(c, 'droppable'), /** * root wrapper class * * @type String */ wrapperRoot = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-root', /** * Un-disabled cmd `paste` volume's root wrapper class * * @type String */ pastable = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-pastable', /** * Un-disabled cmd `upload` volume's root wrapper class * * @type String */ uploadable = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-uploadable', /** * Is position x inside Navbar * * @param x Numbar * * @return */ insideNavbar = function(x) { var left = navbar.offset().left; return left <= x && x <= left + navbar.width(); }, /** * To call subdirs elements queue * * @type Object */ subdirsQue = {}, /** * To exec subdirs elements ids * */ subdirsExecQue = [], /** * Request subdirs to backend * * @param id String * * @return Deferred */ subdirs = function(ids) { var targets = []; $.each(ids, function(i, id) { subdirsQue[id] && targets.push(fm.navId2Hash(id)); delete subdirsQue[id]; }); if (targets.length) { return fm.request({ data: { cmd: 'subdirs', targets: targets, preventDefault : true } }).done(function(res) { if (res && res.subdirs) { $.each(res.subdirs, function(hash, subdirs) { var elm = fm.navHash2Elm(hash); elm.removeClass(chksubdir); elm[subdirs? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](collapsed); }); } }); } }, subdirsJobRes = null, /** * To check target element is in window of subdirs * * @return void */ checkSubdirs = function() { var ids = Object.keys(subdirsQue); if (ids.length) { subdirsJobRes && subdirsJobRes._abort(); execSubdirsTm && clearTimeout(execSubdirsTm); subdirsExecQue = []; subdirsJobRes = fm.asyncJob(function(id) { return fm.isInWindow($('#'+id))? id : null; }, ids, { numPerOnce: 200 }) .done(function(arr) { if (arr.length) { subdirsExecQue = arr; execSubdirs(); } }); } }, subdirsPending = 0, execSubdirsTm, /** * Exec subdirs as batch request * * @return void */ execSubdirs = function() { var cnt = opts.subdirsMaxConn - subdirsPending, atOnce = fm.maxTargets? Math.min(fm.maxTargets, opts.subdirsAtOnce) : opts.subdirsAtOnce, i, ids; execSubdirsTm && cancelAnimationFrame(execSubdirsTm); if (subdirsExecQue.length) { if (cnt > 0) { for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (subdirsExecQue.length) { subdirsPending++; subdirs(subdirsExecQue.splice(0, atOnce)).always(function() { subdirsPending--; execSubdirs(); }); } } } else { execSubdirsTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { subdirsExecQue.length && execSubdirs(); }); } } }, drop = fm.droppable.drop, /** * Droppable options * * @type Object */ droppableopts = $.extend(true, {}, fm.droppable, { // show subfolders on dropover over : function(e, ui) { var dst = $(this), helper = ui.helper, cl = hover+' '+dropover, hash, status; e.stopPropagation(); helper.data('dropover', helper.data('dropover') + 1); dst.data('dropover', true); if (ui.helper.data('namespace') !== fm.namespace || ! fm.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) { dst.removeClass(cl); helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus'); return; } if (! insideNavbar(e.clientX)) { dst.removeClass(cl); return; } helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus'); dst.addClass(hover); if (dst.is('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) { dst.data('expandTimer', setTimeout(function() { dst.is('.'+collapsed+'.'+hover) && dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click'); }, 500)); } if (dst.is('.elfinder-ro,.elfinder-na')) { dst.removeClass(dropover); //helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus'); return; } hash = fm.navId2Hash(dst.attr('id')); dst.data('dropover', hash); $.each(ui.helper.data('files'), function(i, h) { if (h === hash || (fm.file(h).phash === hash && !ui.helper.hasClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus'))) { dst.removeClass(cl); return false; // break $.each } }); if (helper.data('locked')) { status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-plus'; } else { status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-move'; if (fm._commands.copy && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { status += ' elfinder-drag-helper-plus'; } } dst.hasClass(dropover) && helper.addClass(status); requestAnimationFrame(function(){ dst.hasClass(dropover) && helper.addClass(status); }); }, out : function(e, ui) { var dst = $(this), helper = ui.helper; e.stopPropagation(); if (insideNavbar(e.clientX)) { helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus'); } helper.data('dropover', Math.max(helper.data('dropover') - 1, 0)); dst.data('expandTimer') && clearTimeout(dst.data('expandTimer')); dst.removeData('dropover') .removeClass(hover+' '+dropover); }, deactivate : function() { $(this).removeData('dropover') .removeClass(hover+' '+dropover); }, drop : function(e, ui) { insideNavbar(e.clientX) && drop.call(this, e, ui); } }), spinner = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')), /** * Directory html template * * @type String */ tpl = fm.res('tpl', 'navdir'), /** * Permissions marker html template * * @type String */ ptpl = fm.res('tpl', 'perms'), /** * Lock marker html template * * @type String */ ltpl = fm.res('tpl', 'lock'), /** * Symlink marker html template * * @type String */ stpl = fm.res('tpl', 'symlink'), /** * Directory hashes that has more pages * * @type Object */ hasMoreDirs = {}, /** * Html template replacement methods * * @type Object */ replace = { id : function(dir) { return fm.navHash2Id(dir.hash); }, name : function(dir) { return fm.escape(dir.i18 || dir.name); }, cssclass : function(dir) { var cname = (dir.phash && ! dir.isroot ? '' : root)+' '+navdir+' '+fm.perms2class(dir); dir.dirs && !dir.link && (cname += ' ' + collapsed) && dir.dirs == -1 && (cname += ' ' + chksubdir); opts.getClass && (cname += ' ' + opts.getClass(dir)); dir.csscls && (cname += ' ' + fm.escape(dir.csscls)); return cname; }, title : function(dir) { return opts.attrTitle? (' title="' + fm.escape(fm.path(dir.hash, true) || dir.i18 || dir.name) + '"') : ''; }, root : function(dir) { var cls = ''; if (!dir.phash || dir.isroot) { cls += ' '+wrapperRoot; if (!dir.disabled || dir.disabled.length < 1) { cls += ' '+pastable+' '+uploadable; } else { if ($.inArray('paste', dir.disabled) === -1) { cls += ' '+pastable; } if ($.inArray('upload', dir.disabled) === -1) { cls += ' '+uploadable; } } return cls; } else { return ''; } }, permissions : function(dir) { return !dir.read || !dir.write ? ptpl : ''; }, symlink : function(dir) { return dir.alias ? stpl : ''; }, style : function(dir) { return dir.icon ? fm.getIconStyle(dir) : ''; } }, /** * Return html for given dir * * @param Object directory * @return String */ itemhtml = function(dir) { return tpl.replace(/(?:\{([a-z]+)\})/ig, function(m, key) { var res = replace[key] ? replace[key](dir) : (dir[key] || ''); if (key === 'id' && dir.dirs == -1) { subdirsQue[res] = res; } return res; }); }, /** * Return only dirs from files list * * @param Array files list * @param Boolean do check exists * @return Array */ filter = function(files, checkExists) { return $.map(files || [], function(f) { return (f.mime === 'directory' && (!checkExists || fm.navHash2Elm(f.hash).length)) ? f : null; }); }, /** * Find parent subtree for required directory * * @param String dir hash * @return jQuery */ findSubtree = function(hash) { return hash ? fm.navHash2Elm(hash).next('.'+subtree) : tree; }, /** * Find directory (wrapper) in required node * before which we can insert new directory * * @param jQuery parent directory * @param Object new directory * @return jQuery */ findSibling = function(subtree, dir) { var node = subtree.children(':first'), info; while (node.length) { info = fm.file(fm.navId2Hash(node.children('[id]').attr('id'))); if ((info = fm.file(fm.navId2Hash(node.children('[id]').attr('id')))) && compare(dir, info) < 0) { return node; } node = node.next(); } return subtree.children('button.elfinder-navbar-pager-next'); }, /** * Add new dirs in tree * * @param Array dirs list * @return void */ updateTree = function(dirs) { var length = dirs.length, orphans = [], i = length, tgts = $(), done = {}, cwd = fm.cwd(), append = function(parent, dirs, start, direction) { var hashes = {}, curStart = 0, max = fm.newAPI? Math.min(10000, Math.max(10, opts.subTreeMax)) : 10000, setHashes = function() { hashes = {}; $.each(dirs, function(i, d) { hashes[d.hash] = i; }); }, change = function(mode) { if (mode === 'prepare') { $.each(dirs, function(i, d) { d.node && parent.append(d.node.hide()); }); } else if (mode === 'done') { $.each(dirs, function(i, d) { d.node && d.node.detach().show(); }); } }, update = function(e, data) { var i, changed; e.stopPropagation(); if (data.select) { render(getStart(data.select)); return; } if (data.change) { change(data.change); return; } if (data.removed && data.removed.length) { dirs = $.grep(dirs, function(d) { if (data.removed.indexOf(d.hash) === -1) { return true; } else { !changed && (changed = true); return false; } }); } if (data.added && data.added.length) { dirs = dirs.concat($.grep(data.added, function(d) { if (hashes[d.hash] === void(0)) { !changed && (changed = true); return true; } else { return false; } })); } if (changed) { dirs.sort(compare); setHashes(); render(curStart); } }, getStart = function(target) { if (hashes[target] !== void(0)) { return Math.floor(hashes[target] / max) * max; } return void(0); }, target = fm.navId2Hash(parent.prev('[id]').attr('id')), render = function(start, direction) { var html = [], nodes = {}, total, page, s, parts, prev, next, prevBtn, nextBtn; delete hasMoreDirs[target]; curStart = start; parent.off('update.'+fm.namespace, update); if (dirs.length > max) { parent.on('update.'+fm.namespace, update); if (start === void(0)) { s = 0; setHashes(); start = getStart(cwd.hash); if (start === void(0)) { start = 0; } } parts = dirs.slice(start, start + max); hasMoreDirs[target] = parent; prev = start? Math.max(-1, start - max) : -1; next = (start + max >= dirs.length)? 0 : start + max; total = Math.ceil(dirs.length/max); page = Math.ceil(start/max); } $.each(parts || dirs, function(i, d) { html.push(itemhtml(d)); if (d.node) { nodes[d.hash] = d.node; } }); if (prev > -1) { prevBtn = $('<button class="elfinder-navbar-pager elfinder-navbar-pager-prev"></button>') .text(fm.i18n('btnPrevious', page, total)) .button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-caret-1-n" } }) .on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); render(prev, 'up'); }); } else { prevBtn = $(); } if (next) { nextBtn = $('<button class="elfinder-navbar-pager elfinder-navbar-pager-next"></button>') .text(fm.i18n('btnNext', page + 2, total)) .button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-caret-1-s" } }) .on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); render(next, 'down'); }); } else { nextBtn = $(); } detach(); parent.empty()[parts? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-navbar-hasmore').append(prevBtn, html.join(''), nextBtn); $.each(nodes, function(h, n) { fm.navHash2Elm(h).parent().replaceWith(n); }); if (direction) { autoScroll(fm.navHash2Id(parts[direction === 'up'? parts.length - 1 : 0].hash)); } ! mobile && fm.lazy(function() { updateDroppable(null, parent); }); }, detach = function() { $.each(parent.children('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper'), function(i, elm) { var n = $(elm), ch = n.children('[id]:first'), h, c; if (ch.hasClass(loaded)) { h = fm.navId2Hash(ch.attr('id')); if (h && (c = hashes[h]) !== void(0)) { dirs[c].node = n.detach(); } } }); }; render(); }, dir, html, parent, sibling, init, atonce = {}, updates = [], base, node, lastKey, lastNodes = {}; while (i--) { dir = dirs[i]; if (done[dir.hash] || fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).length) { continue; } done[dir.hash] = true; if ((parent = findSubtree(dir.phash)).length) { lastKey = dir.phash || 'treeroot'; if (typeof lastNodes[lastKey] === 'undefined') { lastNodes[lastKey] = parent.children(':last'); } init = !lastNodes[lastKey].length; if (dir.phash && (init || parent.hasClass('elfinder-navbar-hasmore') || (sibling = findSibling(parent, dir)).length)) { if (init) { if (!atonce[dir.phash]) { atonce[dir.phash] = []; } atonce[dir.phash].push(dir); } else { if (sibling) { node = itemhtml(dir); sibling.before(node); ! mobile && (tgts = tgts.add(node)); } else { updates.push(dir); } } } else { node = itemhtml(dir); if (init) { parent.prepend(node); } else { lastNodes[lastKey].after(node); } if (!dir.phash || dir.isroot) { base = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).parent(); } ! mobile && updateDroppable(null, base); } } else { orphans.push(dir); } } // When init, html append at once if (Object.keys(atonce).length){ $.each(atonce, function(p, dirs){ var parent = findSubtree(p), html = []; dirs.sort(compare); append(parent, dirs); }); } if (updates.length) { parent.trigger('update.' + fm.namespace, { added : updates }); } if (orphans.length && orphans.length < length) { updateTree(orphans); return; } ! mobile && tgts.length && fm.lazy(function() { updateDroppable(tgts); }); }, /** * sort function by dir.name * */ compare = function(dir1, dir2) { if (! fm.sortAlsoTreeview) { return fm.sortRules.name(dir1, dir2); } else { var asc = fm.sortOrder == 'asc', type = fm.sortType, rules = fm.sortRules, res; res = asc? rules[fm.sortType](dir1, dir2) : rules[fm.sortType](dir2, dir1); return type !== 'name' && res === 0 ? res = asc ? rules.name(dir1, dir2) : rules.name(dir2, dir1) : res; } }, /** * Timer ID of autoScroll * * @type Integer */ autoScrTm, /** * Auto scroll to cwd * * @return Object jQuery Deferred */ autoScroll = function(target) { var dfrd = $.Deferred(), current, parent, top, treeH, bottom, tgtTop; autoScrTm && clearTimeout(autoScrTm); autoScrTm = setTimeout(function() { current = $(document.getElementById((target || fm.navHash2Id(fm.cwd().hash)))); if (current.length) { // expand parents directory (openCwd? current : current.parent()).parents('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper').children('.'+loaded).addClass(expanded).next('.'+subtree).show(); parent = tree.parent().stop(false, true); top = parent.offset().top; treeH = parent.height(); bottom = top + treeH - current.outerHeight(); tgtTop = current.offset().top; if (tgtTop < top || tgtTop > bottom) { parent.animate({ scrollTop : parent.scrollTop() + tgtTop - top - treeH / 3 }, { duration : opts.durations.autoScroll, complete : function() { dfrd.resolve(); } }); } else { dfrd.resolve(); } } else { dfrd.reject(); } }, 100); return dfrd; }, /** * Get hashes array of items of the bottom of the leaf root back from the target * * @param Object elFinder item(directory) object * @return Array hashes */ getEnds = function(d) { var cur = d || fm.cwd(), res = cur.hash? [ cur.hash ] : [], phash, root, dir; root = fm.root(cur.hash); dir = fm.file(root); while (dir && (phash = dir.phash)) { res.unshift(phash); root = fm.root(phash); dir = fm.file(root); if (fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).hasClass(loaded)) { break; } } return res; }, /** * Select pages back in order to display the target * * @param Object elFinder item(directory) object * @return Object jQuery node object of target node */ selectPages = function(current) { var cur = current || fm.cwd(), curHash = cur.hash, node = fm.navHash2Elm(curHash); if (!node.length) { while(cur && cur.phash) { if (hasMoreDirs[cur.phash] && !fm.navHash2Elm(cur.hash).length) { hasMoreDirs[cur.phash].trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { select : cur.hash }); } cur = fm.file(cur.phash); } node = fm.navHash2Elm(curHash); } return node; }, /** * Flag indicating that synchronization is currently in progress * * @type Boolean */ syncing, /** * Mark current directory as active * If current directory is not in tree - load it and its parents * * @param Array directory objects of cwd * @param Boolean do auto scroll * @return Object jQuery Deferred */ sync = function(cwdDirs, aScr) { var cwd = fm.cwd(), cwdhash = cwd.hash, autoScr = aScr === void(0)? syncTree : aScr, loadParents = function(dir) { var dfd = $.Deferred(), reqs = [], ends = getEnds(dir), makeReq = function(cmd, h, until) { var data = { cmd : cmd, target : h }; if (until) { data.until = until; } return fm.request({ data : data, preventFail : true }); }, baseHash, baseId; reqs = $.map(ends, function(h) { var d = fm.file(h), isRoot = d? fm.isRoot(d) : false, node = fm.navHash2Elm(h), getPhash = function(h, dep) { var d, ph, depth = dep || 1; ph = (d = fm.file(h))? d.phash : false; if (ph && depth > 1) { return getPhash(ph, --depth); } return ph; }, until, closest = (function() { var phash = getPhash(h); until = phash; while (phash) { if (fm.navHash2Elm(phash).hasClass(loaded)) { break; } until = phash; phash = getPhash(phash); } if (!phash) { until = void(0); phash = fm.root(h); } return phash; })(), cmd; if (!node.hasClass(loaded) && (isRoot || !d || !fm.navHash2Elm(d.phash).hasClass(loaded))) { if (isRoot || closest === getPhash(h) || closest === getPhash(h, 2)) { until = void(0); cmd = 'tree'; if (!isRoot) { h = getPhash(h); } } else { cmd = 'parents'; } if (!baseHash) { baseHash = (cmd === 'tree')? h : closest; } return makeReq(cmd, h, until); } return null; }); if (reqs.length) { selectPages(fm.file(baseHash)); baseId = fm.navHash2Id(baseHash); autoScr && autoScroll(baseId); baseNode = $('#'+baseId); spinner = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')).insertBefore(baseNode.children('.'+arrow)); baseNode.removeClass(collapsed); $.when.apply($, reqs) .done(function() { var res = {},data, treeDirs, dirs, argLen, i; argLen = arguments.length; if (argLen > 0) { for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) { data = arguments[i].tree || []; res[ends[i]] = Object.assign([], filter(data)); } } dfd.resolve(res); }) .fail(function() { dfd.reject(); }); return dfd; } else { return dfd.resolve(); } }, done= function(res, dfrd) { var open = function() { if (openRoot && baseNode) { findSubtree(baseNode.hash).show().prev(selNavdir).addClass(expanded); openRoot = false; } if (autoScr) { autoScroll().done(checkSubdirs); } else { checkSubdirs(); } }, current; if (res) { $.each(res, function(endHash, dirs) { dirs && updateTree(dirs); selectPages(fm.file(endHash)); dirs && updateArrows(dirs, loaded); }); } if (cwdDirs) { (fm.api < 2.1) && cwdDirs.push(cwd); updateTree(cwdDirs); } // set current node current = selectPages(); if (!current.hasClass(active)) { tree.find(selNavdir+'.'+active).removeClass(active); current.addClass(active); } // mark as loaded to cwd parents current.parents('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper').children('.'+navdir).addClass(loaded); if (res) { fm.lazy(open).done(function() { dfrd.resolve(); }); } else { open(); dfrd.resolve(); } }, rmSpinner = function(fail) { if (baseNode) { spinner.remove(); baseNode.addClass(collapsed + (fail? '' : (' ' + loaded))); } }, dfrd = $.Deferred(), baseNode, spinner; if (!fm.navHash2Elm(cwdhash).length) { syncing = true; loadParents() .done(function(res) { done(res, dfrd); rmSpinner(); }) .fail(function() { rmSpinner(true); dfrd.reject(); }) .always(function() { syncing = false; }); } else { done(void(0), dfrd); } // trigger 'treesync' with my $.Deferred fm.trigger('treesync', dfrd); return dfrd; }, /** * Make writable and not root dirs droppable * * @return void */ updateDroppable = function(target, node) { var limit = 100, next; if (!target) { if (!node || node.closest('div.'+wrapperRoot).hasClass(uploadable)) { (node || tree.find('div.'+uploadable)).find(selNavdir+':not(.elfinder-ro,.elfinder-na)').addClass('native-droppable'); } if (!node || node.closest('div.'+wrapperRoot).hasClass(pastable)) { target = (node || tree.find('div.'+pastable)).find(selNavdir+':not(.'+droppable+')'); } else { target = $(); } if (node) { // check leaf roots node.children('div.'+wrapperRoot).each(function() { updateDroppable(null, $(this)); }); } } // make droppable on async if (target.length) { fm.asyncJob(function(elm) { $(elm).droppable(droppableopts); }, $.makeArray(target), { interval : 20, numPerOnce : 100 }); } }, /** * Check required folders for subfolders and update arrow classes * * @param Array folders to check * @param String css class * @return void */ updateArrows = function(dirs, cls) { var sel = cls == loaded ? '.'+collapsed+':not(.'+loaded+')' : ':not(.'+collapsed+')'; $.each(dirs, function(i, dir) { fm.navHash2Elm(dir.phash).filter(sel) .filter(function() { return $.grep($(this).next('.'+subtree).children(), function(n) { return ($(n).children().hasClass(root))? false : true; }).length > 0; }) .addClass(cls); }); }, /** * Navigation tree * * @type JQuery */ tree = $(this).addClass(treeclass) // make dirs draggable and toggle hover class .on('mouseenter mouseleave', selNavdir, function(e) { var enter = (e.type === 'mouseenter'); if (enter && scrolling) { return; } var link = $(this), hash, dir; if (!link.hasClass(dropover+' '+disabled)) { if (!mobile && enter && !link.data('dragRegisted') && !link.hasClass(root+' '+draggable+' elfinder-na elfinder-wo')) { link.data('dragRegisted', true); if (fm.isCommandEnabled('copy', (hash = fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id'))))) { link.draggable(fm.draggable); } } link.toggleClass(hover, enter); } // update title attr if necessary if (enter && opts.attrTitle) { dir = fm.file(hash || fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id'))); if (!dir.isroot && link.attr('title') === (dir.i18 || dir.name)) { link.attr('title', fm.path(hash, true)); } } }) // native drag enter .on('dragenter', selNavdir, function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) { var dst = $(this); dst.addClass(hover); if (dst.is('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) { dst.data('expandTimer', setTimeout(function() { dst.is('.'+collapsed+'.'+hover) && dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click'); }, 500)); } } }) // native drag leave .on('dragleave', selNavdir, function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) { var dst = $(this); dst.data('expandTimer') && clearTimeout(dst.data('expandTimer')); dst.removeClass(hover); } }) // open dir or open subfolders in tree .on('click', selNavdir, function(e) { var link = $(this), hash = fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id')), file = fm.file(hash); if (link.data('longtap')) { link.removeData('longtap'); e.stopPropagation(); return; } if (!link.hasClass(active)) { tree.find(selNavdir+'.'+active).removeClass(active); link.addClass(active); } if (hash != fm.cwd().hash && !link.hasClass(disabled)) { fm.exec('open', hash).done(function() { fm.one('opendone', function() { fm.select({selected: [hash], origin: 'navbar'}); }); }); } else { if (link.hasClass(collapsed)) { link.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click'); } fm.select({selected: [hash], origin: 'navbar'}); } }) // for touch device .on('touchstart', selNavdir, function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; } var evt = e.originalEvent, p; if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT') { e.stopPropagation(); return; } p = $(this).addClass(hover) .removeData('longtap') .data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(e){ // long tap p.data('longtap', true); fm.trigger('contextmenu', { 'type' : 'navbar', 'targets' : [fm.navId2Hash(p.attr('id'))], 'x' : evt.touches[0].pageX, 'y' : evt.touches[0].pageY }); }, 500)); }) .on('touchmove touchend', selNavdir, function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT') { e.stopPropagation(); return; } clearTimeout($(this).data('tmlongtap')); $(this).removeData('tmlongtap'); if (e.type == 'touchmove') { $(this).removeClass(hover); } }) // toggle subfolders in tree .on('click', selNavdir+'.'+collapsed+' .'+arrow, function(e) { var arrow = $(this), link = arrow.parent(selNavdir), stree = link.next('.'+subtree), dfrd = $.Deferred(), slideTH = 30, cnt; e.stopPropagation(); if (link.hasClass(loaded)) { link.toggleClass(expanded); fm.lazy(function() { cnt = link.hasClass(expanded)? stree.children().length + stree.find('div.elfinder-navbar-subtree[style*=block]').children().length : stree.find('div:visible').length; if (cnt > slideTH) { stree.toggle(); fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1); checkSubdirs(); } else { stree.stop(true, true)[link.hasClass(expanded)? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp'](opts.durations.slideUpDown, function(){ fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1); checkSubdirs(); }); } }).always(function() { dfrd.resolve(); }); } else { spinner.insertBefore(arrow); link.removeClass(collapsed); fm.request({cmd : 'tree', target : fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id'))}) .done(function(data) { updateTree(Object.assign([], filter(data.tree))); if (stree.children().length) { link.addClass(collapsed+' '+expanded); if (stree.children().length > slideTH) { stree.show(); fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1); checkSubdirs(); } else { stree.stop(true, true).slideDown(opts.durations.slideUpDown, function(){ fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1); checkSubdirs(); }); } } }) .always(function(data) { spinner.remove(); link.addClass(loaded); fm.one('treedone', function() { dfrd.resolve(); }); }); } arrow.data('dfrd', dfrd); }) .on('contextmenu', selNavdir, function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var self = $(this); // now dirname editing if (self.find('input:text').length) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!self.data('tmlongtap')) { fm.trigger('contextmenu', { 'type' : 'navbar', 'targets' : [fm.navId2Hash($(this).attr('id'))], 'x' : e.pageX, 'y' : e.pageY }); } self.addClass('ui-state-hover'); fm.getUI('contextmenu').children().on('mouseenter', function() { self.addClass('ui-state-hover'); }); fm.bind('closecontextmenu', function() { self.removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }); }) .on('scrolltoview', selNavdir, function(e, data) { var self = $(this); autoScroll(self.attr('id')).done(function() { if (!data || data.blink === 'undefined' || data.blink) { fm.resources.blink(self, 'lookme'); } }); }) // prepend fake dir .on('create.'+fm.namespace, function(e, item) { var pdir = findSubtree(item.phash), lock = item.move || false, dir = $(itemhtml(item)).addClass('elfinder-navbar-wrapper-tmp'), selected = fm.selected(); lock && selected.length && fm.trigger('lockfiles', {files: selected}); pdir.prepend(dir); }), scrolling = false, navbarScrTm, // move tree into navbar navbar = fm.getUI('navbar').append(tree).show().on('scroll', function() { scrolling = true; navbarScrTm && cancelAnimationFrame(navbarScrTm); navbarScrTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { scrolling = false; checkSubdirs(); }); }), prevSortTreeview = fm.sortAlsoTreeview; fm.open(function(e) { var data = e.data, dirs = filter(data.files), contextmenu = fm.getUI('contextmenu'); data.init && tree.empty(); if (fm.UA.iOS) { navbar.removeClass('overflow-scrolling-touch').addClass('overflow-scrolling-touch'); } if (dirs.length) { fm.lazy(function() { if (!contextmenu.data('cmdMaps')) { contextmenu.data('cmdMaps', {}); } updateTree(dirs); updateArrows(dirs, loaded); sync(dirs); }); } else { sync(); } }) // add new dirs .add(function(e) { var dirs = filter(e.data.added); if (dirs.length) { updateTree(dirs); updateArrows(dirs, collapsed); } }) // update changed dirs .change(function(e) { // do ot perfome while syncing if (syncing) { return; } var dirs = filter(e.data.changed, true), length = dirs.length, l = length, tgts = $(), changed = {}, dir, phash, node, tmp, realParent, reqParent, realSibling, reqSibling, isExpanded, isLoaded, parent, subdirs; $.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) { node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'prepare' }); }); while (l--) { dir = dirs[l]; phash = dir.phash; if ((node = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash)).length) { parent = node.parent(); if (phash) { realParent = node.closest('.'+subtree); reqParent = findSubtree(phash); realSibling = node.parent().next(); reqSibling = findSibling(reqParent, dir); if (!reqParent.length) { continue; } if (reqParent[0] !== realParent[0] || realSibling.get(0) !== reqSibling.get(0)) { reqSibling.length ? reqSibling.before(parent) : reqParent.append(parent); } } isExpanded = node.hasClass(expanded); isLoaded = node.hasClass(loaded); tmp = $(itemhtml(dir)); node.replaceWith(tmp.children(selNavdir)); ! mobile && updateDroppable(null, parent); if (dir.dirs && (isExpanded || isLoaded) && (node = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash)) && node.next('.'+subtree).children().length) { isExpanded && node.addClass(expanded); isLoaded && node.addClass(loaded); } subdirs |= dir.dirs == -1; } } // to check subdirs if (subdirs) { checkSubdirs(); } $.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) { node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'done' }); }); length && sync(void(0), false); }) // remove dirs .remove(function(e) { var dirs = e.data.removed, l = dirs.length, node, stree, removed; $.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) { node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { removed : dirs }); node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'prepare' }); }); while (l--) { if ((node = fm.navHash2Elm(dirs[l])).length) { removed = true; stree = node.closest('.'+subtree); node.parent().detach(); if (!stree.children().length) { stree.hide().prev(selNavdir).removeClass(collapsed+' '+expanded+' '+loaded); } } } removed && fm.getUI('navbar').children('.ui-resizable-handle').trigger('resize'); $.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) { node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'done' }); }); }) // lock/unlock dirs while moving .bind('lockfiles unlockfiles', function(e) { var lock = e.type == 'lockfiles', helperLocked = e.data.helper? e.data.helper.data('locked') : false, act = (lock && !helperLocked) ? 'disable' : 'enable', dirs = $.grep(e.data.files||[], function(h) { var dir = fm.file(h); return dir && dir.mime == 'directory' ? true : false; }); $.each(dirs, function(i, hash) { var dir = fm.navHash2Elm(hash); if (dir.length && !helperLocked) { dir.hasClass(draggable) && dir.draggable(act); dir.hasClass(droppable) && dir.droppable(act); dir[lock ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](disabled); } }); }) .bind('sortchange', function() { if (fm.sortAlsoTreeview || prevSortTreeview !== fm.sortAlsoTreeview) { var dirs, ends = [], endsMap = {}, endsVid = {}, topVid = '', single = false, current; fm.lazy(function() { dirs = filter(fm.files()); prevSortTreeview = fm.sortAlsoTreeview; tree.empty(); // append volume roots at first updateTree($.map(fm.roots, function(h) { var dir = fm.file(h); return dir && !dir.phash? dir : null; })); if (!Object.keys(hasMoreDirs).length) { updateTree(dirs); current = selectPages(); updateArrows(dirs, loaded); } else { ends = getEnds(); if (ends.length > 1) { $.each(ends, function(i, end) { var vid = fm.file(fm.root(end)).volumeid; if (i === 0) { topVid = vid; } endsVid[vid] = end; endsMap[end] = []; }); $.each(dirs, function(i, d) { if (!d.volumeid) { single = true; return false; } endsMap[endsVid[d.volumeid] || endsVid[topVid]].push(d); }); } else { single = true; } if (single) { $.each(ends, function(i, endHash) { updateTree(dirs); current = selectPages(fm.file(endHash)); updateArrows(dirs, loaded); }); } else { $.each(endsMap, function(endHash, dirs) { updateTree(dirs); current = selectPages(fm.file(endHash)); updateArrows(dirs, loaded); }); } } sync(); }, 100); } }); }); return this; };