Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/stat.js |
/** * @class elFinder ui * Display number of files/selected files and its size in statusbar * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ $.fn.elfinderstat = function(fm) { "use strict"; return this.each(function() { var size = $(this).addClass('elfinder-stat-size'), sel = $('<div class="elfinder-stat-selected"></div>') .on('click', 'a', function(e) { var hash = $(this).data('hash'); e.preventDefault(); fm.exec('opendir', [ hash ]); }), titleitems = fm.i18n('items'), titlesel = fm.i18n('selected'), titlesize = fm.i18n('size'), setstat = function(files) { var c = 0, s = 0, cwd = fm.cwd(), calc = true, hasSize = true; if (cwd.sizeInfo || cwd.size) { s = cwd.size; calc = false; } $.each(files, function(i, file) { c++; if (calc) { s += parseInt(file.size) || 0; if (hasSize === true && file.mime === 'directory' && !file.sizeInfo) { hasSize = false; } } }); size.html(titleitems+': <span class="elfinder-stat-incsearch"></span>'+c+', <span class="elfinder-stat-size'+(hasSize? ' elfinder-stat-size-recursive' : '')+'">'+fm.i18n(hasSize? 'sum' : 'size')+': '+fm.formatSize(s)+'</span>') .attr('title', size.text()); fm.trigger('uistatchange'); }, setIncsearchStat = function(data) { size.find('span.elfinder-stat-incsearch').html(data? data.hashes.length + ' / ' : ''); size.attr('title', size.text()); fm.trigger('uistatchange'); }, setSelect = function(files) { var s = 0, c = 0, dirs = [], path, file; if (files.length === 1) { file = files[0]; s = file.size; if (fm.searchStatus.state === 2) { path = fm.escape(file.path? file.path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '') : '..'); dirs.push('<a href="#elf_'+file.phash+'" data-hash="'+file.hash+'" title="'+path+'">'+path+'</a>'); } dirs.push(fm.escape(file.i18 || file.name)); sel.html(dirs.join('/') + (s > 0 ? ', '+fm.formatSize(s) : '')); } else if (files.length) { $.each(files, function(i, file) { c++; s += parseInt(file.size)||0; }); sel.html(c ? titlesel+': '+c+', '+titlesize+': '+fm.formatSize(s) : ' '); } else { sel.html(''); } sel.attr('title', sel.text()); fm.trigger('uistatchange'); }; fm.getUI('statusbar').prepend(size).append(sel).show(); if (fm.UA.Mobile && $.fn.tooltip) { fm.getUI('statusbar').tooltip({ classes: { 'ui-tooltip': 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow' }, tooltipClass: 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow', track: true }); } fm .bind('cwdhasheschange', function(e) { setstat($.map(e.data, function(h) { return fm.file(h); })); }) .change(function(e) { var files = e.data.changed || [], cwdHash = fm.cwd().hash; $.each(files, function() { if (this.hash === cwdHash) { if (this.size) { size.children('.elfinder-stat-size').addClass('elfinder-stat-size-recursive').html(fm.i18n('sum')+': '+fm.formatSize(this.size)); size.attr('title', size.text()); } return false; } }); }) .select(function() { setSelect(fm.selectedFiles()); }) .bind('open', function() { setSelect([]); }) .bind('incsearch', function(e) { setIncsearchStat(e.data); }) .bind('incsearchend', function() { setIncsearchStat(); }) ; }); };