Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/navdock.js |
/** * @class elfindernavdock - elFinder container for preview etc at below the navbar * * @author Naoki Sawada **/ $.fn.elfindernavdock = function(fm, opts) { "use strict"; this.not('.elfinder-navdock').each(function() { var self = $(this).hide().addClass('ui-state-default elfinder-navdock touch-punch'), node = self.parent(), wz = node.children('.elfinder-workzone').append(self), resize = function(to, h) { var curH = h || self.height(), diff = to - curH, len = Object.keys(sizeSyncs).length, calc = len? diff / len : 0, ovf; if (diff) { ovf = self.css('overflow'); self.css('overflow', 'hidden'); self.height(to); $.each(sizeSyncs, function(id, n) { n.height(n.height() + calc).trigger('resize.' + fm.namespace); }); fm.trigger('wzresize'); self.css('overflow', ovf); } }, handle = $('<div class="ui-front ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-n"></div>').appendTo(self), sizeSyncs = {}, resizeFn = [], initMaxHeight = (parseInt(opts.initMaxHeight) || 50) / 100, maxHeight = (parseInt(opts.maxHeight) || 90) / 100, basicHeight, hasNode; self.data('addNode', function(cNode, opts) { var wzH = fm.getUI('workzone').height(), imaxH = wzH * initMaxHeight, curH, tH, mH; opts = Object.assign({ first: false, sizeSync: true, init: false }, opts); if (!cNode.attr('id')) { cNode.attr('id', fm.namespace+'-navdock-' + (+new Date())); } opts.sizeSync && (sizeSyncs[cNode.attr('id')] = cNode); curH = self.height(); tH = curH + cNode.outerHeight(true); if (opts.first) { handle.after(cNode); } else { self.append(cNode); } hasNode = true; self.resizable('enable').height(tH).show(); fm.trigger('wzresize'); if (opts.init) { mH = fm.storage('navdockHeight'); if (mH) { tH = mH; } else { tH = tH > imaxH? imaxH : tH; } basicHeight = tH; } resize(Math.min(tH, wzH * maxHeight)); return self; }).data('removeNode', function(nodeId, appendTo) { var cNode = $('#'+nodeId); delete sizeSyncs[nodeId]; self.height(self.height() - $('#'+nodeId).outerHeight(true)); if (appendTo) { if (appendTo === 'detach') { cNode = cNode.detach(); } else { appendTo.append(cNode); } } else { cNode.remove(); } if (self.children().length <= 1) { hasNode = false; self.resizable('disable').height(0).hide(); } fm.trigger('wzresize'); return cNode; }); if (! opts.disabled) { fm.one('init', function() { var ovf; if (fm.getUI('navbar').children().not('.ui-resizable-handle').length) { self.data('dockEnabled', true); self.resizable({ maxHeight: fm.getUI('workzone').height() * maxHeight, handles: { n: handle }, start: function(e, ui) { ovf = self.css('overflow'); self.css('overflow', 'hidden'); fm.trigger('navdockresizestart', {event: e, ui: ui}, true); }, resize: function(e, ui) { self.css('top', ''); fm.trigger('wzresize', { inNavdockResize : true }); }, stop: function(e, ui) { fm.trigger('navdockresizestop', {event: e, ui: ui}, true); self.css('top', ''); basicHeight = ui.size.height; fm.storage('navdockHeight', basicHeight); resize(basicHeight, ui.originalSize.height); self.css('overflow', ovf); } }); fm.bind('wzresize', function(e) { var minH, maxH, h; if (self.is(':visible')) { maxH = fm.getUI('workzone').height() * maxHeight; if (! e.data || ! e.data.inNavdockResize) { h = self.height(); if (maxH < basicHeight) { if (Math.abs(h - maxH) > 1) { resize(maxH); } } else { if (Math.abs(h - basicHeight) > 1) { resize(basicHeight); } } } self.resizable('option', 'maxHeight', maxH); } }).bind('themechange', function() { var oldH = Math.round(self.height()); requestAnimationFrame(function() { var curH = Math.round(self.height()), diff = oldH - curH; if (diff !== 0) { resize(self.height(), curH - diff); } }); }); } fm.bind('navbarshow navbarhide', function(e) { self[hasNode && e.type === 'navbarshow'? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); }); } }); return this; };