Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/elFinder.history.js |
/** * @class elFinder.history * Store visited folders * and provide "back" and "forward" methods * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ elFinder.prototype.history = function(fm) { "use strict"; var self = this, /** * Update history on "open" event? * * @type Boolean */ update = true, /** * Directories hashes storage * * @type Array */ history = [], /** * Current directory index in history * * @type Number */ current, /** * Clear history * * @return void */ reset = function() { history = [fm.cwd().hash]; current = 0; update = true; }, /** * Browser native history object */ nativeHistory = (fm.options.useBrowserHistory && window.history && window.history.pushState)? window.history : null, /** * Open prev/next folder * * @Boolen open next folder? * @return jQuery.Deferred */ go = function(fwd) { if ((fwd && self.canForward()) || (!fwd && self.canBack())) { update = false; return fm.exec('open', history[fwd ? ++current : --current]).fail(reset); } return $.Deferred().reject(); }, /** * Sets the native history. * * @param String thash target hash */ setNativeHistory = function(thash) { if (nativeHistory && (! nativeHistory.state || nativeHistory.state.thash !== thash)) { nativeHistory.pushState({thash: thash}, null, location.pathname + location.search + (thash? '#elf_' + thash : '')); } }; /** * Return true if there is previous visited directories * * @return Boolen */ this.canBack = function() { return current > 0; }; /** * Return true if can go forward * * @return Boolen */ this.canForward = function() { return current < history.length - 1; }; /** * Go back * * @return void */ this.back = go; /** * Go forward * * @return void */ this.forward = function() { return go(true); }; // bind to elfinder events fm.bind('init', function() { if (nativeHistory && !nativeHistory.state) { setNativeHistory(fm.startDir()); } }) .open(function() { var l = history.length, cwd = fm.cwd().hash; if (update) { current >= 0 && l > current + 1 && history.splice(current+1); history[history.length-1] != cwd && history.push(cwd); current = history.length - 1; } update = true; setNativeHistory(cwd); }) .reload(fm.options.reloadClearHistory && reset); };