Your IP :
* elFinder command prototype
* @type elFinder.command
* @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.command = function(fm) {
"use strict";
* elFinder instance
* @type elFinder
this.fm = fm;
* Command name, same as class name
* @type String
this.name = '';
* Dialog class name
* @type String
this.dialogClass = '';
* Command icon class name with out 'elfinder-button-icon-'
* Use this.name if it is empty
* @type String
this.className = '';
* Short command description
* @type String
this.title = '';
* Linked(Child) commands name
* They are loaded together when tthis command is loaded.
* @type Array
this.linkedCmds = [];
* Current command state
* @example
* this.state = -1; // command disabled
* this.state = 0; // command enabled
* this.state = 1; // command active (for example "fullscreen" command while elfinder in fullscreen mode)
* @default -1
* @type Number
this.state = -1;
* If true, command can not be disabled by connector.
* @see this.update()
* @type Boolen
this.alwaysEnabled = false;
* Do not change dirctory on removed current work directory
* @type Boolen
this.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd = false;
* If true, this means command was disabled by connector.
* @see this.update()
* @type Boolen
this._disabled = false;
* If true, this command is disabled on serach results
* @type Boolean
this.disableOnSearch = false;
* Call update() when event select fired
* @type Boolean
this.updateOnSelect = true;
* Sync toolbar button title on change
* @type Boolean
this.syncTitleOnChange = false;
* Keep display of the context menu when command execution
* @type Boolean
this.keepContextmenu = false;
* elFinder events defaults handlers.
* Inside handlers "this" is current command object
* @type Object
this._handlers = {
enable : function() { this.update(void(0), this.value); },
disable : function() { this.update(-1, this.value); },
'open reload load sync' : function() {
this._disabled = !(this.alwaysEnabled || this.fm.isCommandEnabled(this.name));
this.update(void(0), this.value);
* elFinder events handlers.
* Inside handlers "this" is current command object
* @type Object
this.handlers = {};
* Shortcuts
* @type Array
this.shortcuts = [];
* Command options
* @type Object
this.options = {ui : 'button'};
* Callback functions on `change` event
* @type Array
this.listeners = [];
* Prepare object -
* bind events and shortcuts
* @return void
this.setup = function(name, opts) {
var self = this,
fm = this.fm,
setCallback = function(s) {
var cb = s.callback || function(e) {
fm.exec(self.name, void(0), {
_userAction: true,
_currentType: 'shortcut'
s.callback = function(e) {
var enabled, checks = {};
if (self.enabled()) {
if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2) {
enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled(self.name);
} else {
$.each(fm.selected(), function(i, h) {
if (fm.optionsByHashes[h]) {
checks[h] = true;
} else {
$.each(fm.volOptions, function(id) {
if (!checks[id] && h.indexOf(id) === 0) {
checks[id] = true;
return false;
$.each(checks, function(h) {
enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled(self.name, h);
if (! enabled) {
return false;
if (enabled) {
self.event = e;
delete self.event;
i, s, sc;
this.name = name;
this.title = fm.messages['cmd'+name] ? fm.i18n('cmd'+name)
: ((this.extendsCmd && fm.messages['cmd'+this.extendsCmd]) ? fm.i18n('cmd'+this.extendsCmd) : name);
this.options = Object.assign({}, this.options, opts);
this.listeners = [];
this.dialogClass = 'elfinder-dialog-' + name;
if (opts.shortcuts) {
if (typeof opts.shortcuts === 'function') {
sc = opts.shortcuts(this.fm, this.shortcuts);
} else if (Array.isArray(opts.shortcuts)) {
sc = opts.shortcuts;
this.shortcuts = sc || [];
if (this.updateOnSelect) {
this._handlers.select = function() { this.update(void(0), this.value); };
$.each(Object.assign({}, self._handlers, self.handlers), function(cmd, handler) {
fm.bind(cmd, $.proxy(handler, self));
for (i = 0; i < this.shortcuts.length; i++) {
s = this.shortcuts[i];
!s.description && (s.description = this.title);
if (this.disableOnSearch) {
fm.bind('search searchend', function() {
self._disabled = this.type === 'search'? true : ! (this.alwaysEnabled || fm.isCommandEnabled(name));
self.update(void(0), self.value);
* Command specific init stuffs
* @return void
this.init = function() {};
* Exec command
* @param Array target files hashes
* @param Array|Object command value
* @return $.Deferred
this.exec = function(files, opts) {
return $.Deferred().reject();
this.getUndo = function(opts, resData) {
return false;
* Return true if command disabled.
* @return Boolen
this.disabled = function() {
return this.state < 0;
* Return true if command enabled.
* @return Boolen
this.enabled = function() {
return this.state > -1;
* Return true if command active.
* @return Boolen
this.active = function() {
return this.state > 0;
* Return current command state.
* Must be overloaded in most commands
* @return Number
this.getstate = function() {
return -1;
* Update command state/value
* and rize 'change' event if smth changed
* @param Number new state or undefined to auto update state
* @param mixed new value
* @return void
this.update = function(s, v) {
var state = this.state,
value = this.value;
if (this._disabled && this.fm.searchStatus === 0) {
this.state = -1;
} else {
this.state = s !== void(0) ? s : this.getstate();
this.value = v;
if (state != this.state || value != this.value) {
* Bind handler / fire 'change' event.
* @param Function|undefined event callback
* @return void
this.change = function(c) {
var cmd, i;
if (typeof(c) === 'function') {
} else {
for (i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {
cmd = this.listeners[i];
try {
cmd(this.state, this.value);
} catch (e) {
this.fm.debug('error', e);
return this;
* With argument check given files hashes and return list of existed files hashes.
* Without argument return selected files hashes.
* @param Array|String|void hashes
* @return Array
this.hashes = function(hashes) {
return hashes
? $.grep(Array.isArray(hashes) ? hashes : [hashes], function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) ? true : false; })
: fm.selected();
* Return only existed files from given fils hashes | selected files
* @param Array|String|void hashes
* @return Array
this.files = function(hashes) {
var fm = this.fm;
return hashes
? $.map(Array.isArray(hashes) ? hashes : [hashes], function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) || null; })
: fm.selectedFiles();
* Wrapper to fm.dialog()
* @param String|DOMElement content
* @param Object options
* @return Object jQuery element object
this.fmDialog = function(content, options) {
if (options.cssClass) {
options.cssClass += ' ' + this.dialogClass;
} else {
options.cssClass = this.dialogClass;
return this.fm.dialog(content, options);