Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/search.js |
/** * @class elFinder command "search" * Find files * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ elFinder.prototype.commands.search = function() { "use strict"; this.title = 'Find files'; this.options = {ui : 'searchbutton'}; this.alwaysEnabled = true; this.updateOnSelect = false; /** * Return command status. * Search does not support old api. * * @return Number **/ this.getstate = function() { return 0; }; /** * Send search request to backend. * * @param String search string * @return $.Deferred **/ this.exec = function(q, target, mime, type) { var fm = this.fm, reqDef = [], sType = type || '', onlyMimes = fm.options.onlyMimes, phash, targetVolids = [], setType = function(data) { if (sType && sType !== 'SearchName' && sType !== 'SearchMime') { data.type = sType; } return data; }, rootCnt; if (typeof q == 'string' && q) { if (typeof target == 'object') { mime = target.mime || ''; target = target.target || ''; } target = target? target : ''; if (mime) { mime = $.trim(mime).replace(',', ' ').split(' '); if (onlyMimes.length) { mime = $.map(mime, function(m){ m = $.trim(m); return m && ($.inArray(m, onlyMimes) !== -1 || $.grep(onlyMimes, function(om) { return m.indexOf(om) === 0? true : false; }).length )? m : null; }); } } else { mime = [].concat(onlyMimes); } fm.trigger('searchstart', setType({query : q, target : target, mimes : mime})); if (! onlyMimes.length || mime.length) { if (target === '' && fm.api >= 2.1) { rootCnt = Object.keys(fm.roots).length; $.each(fm.roots, function(id, hash) { reqDef.push(fm.request({ data : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : hash, mimes : mime}), notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : (rootCnt > 1? false : true)}, cancel : true, preventDone : true })); }); } else { reqDef.push(fm.request({ data : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : target, mimes : mime}), notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}, cancel : true, preventDone : true })); if (target !== '' && fm.api >= 2.1 && Object.keys(fm.leafRoots).length) { $.each(fm.leafRoots, function(hash, roots) { phash = hash; while(phash) { if (target === phash) { $.each(roots, function() { var f = fm.file(this); f && f.volumeid && targetVolids.push(f.volumeid); reqDef.push(fm.request({ data : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : this, mimes : mime}), notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : false}, cancel : true, preventDone : true })); }); } phash = (fm.file(phash) || {}).phash; } }); } } } else { reqDef = [$.Deferred().resolve({files: []})]; } fm.searchStatus.mixed = (reqDef.length > 1)? targetVolids : false; return $.when.apply($, reqDef).done(function(data) { var argLen = arguments.length, i; data.warning && fm.error(data.warning); if (argLen > 1) { data.files = (data.files || []); for(i = 1; i < argLen; i++) { arguments[i].warning && fm.error(arguments[i].warning); if (arguments[i].files) { data.files.push.apply(data.files, arguments[i].files); } } } // because "preventDone : true" so update files cache data.files && data.files.length && fm.cache(data.files); fm.lazy(function() { fm.trigger('search', data); }).then(function() { // fire event with command name + 'done' return fm.lazy(function() { fm.trigger('searchdone'); }); }).then(function() { // force update content data.sync && fm.sync(); }); }); } fm.getUI('toolbar').find('.'+fm.res('class', 'searchbtn')+' :text').trigger('focus'); return $.Deferred().reject(); }; };