Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/restore.js |
/** * @class elFinder command "restore" * Restore items from the trash * * @author Naoki Sawada **/ (elFinder.prototype.commands.restore = function() { "use strict"; var self = this, fm = this.fm, fakeCnt = 0, getFilesRecursively = function(files) { var dfd = $.Deferred(), dirs = [], results = [], reqs = [], phashes = [], getFile; dfd._xhrReject = function() { $.each(reqs, function() { this && this.reject && this.reject(); }); getFile && getFile._xhrReject(); }; $.each(files, function(i, f) { f.mime === 'directory'? dirs.push(f) : results.push(f); }); if (dirs.length) { $.each(dirs, function(i, d) { reqs.push(fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'open', target : d.hash}, preventDefault : true, asNotOpen : true })); phashes[i] = d.hash; }); $.when.apply($, reqs).fail(function() { dfd.reject(); }).done(function() { var items = []; $.each(arguments, function(i, r) { var files; if (r.files) { if (r.files.length) { items = items.concat(r.files); } else { items.push({ hash: 'fakefile_' + (fakeCnt++), phash: phashes[i], mime: 'fakefile', name: 'fakefile', ts: 0 }); } } }); fm.cache(items); getFile = getFilesRecursively(items).done(function(res) { results = results.concat(res); dfd.resolve(results); }); }); } else { dfd.resolve(results); } return dfd; }, restore = function(dfrd, files, targets, ops) { var rHashes = {}, others = [], found = false, dirs = [], opts = ops || {}, id = +new Date(), tm, getFile; fm.lockfiles({files : targets}); dirs = $.map(files, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory'? f.hash : null; }); dfrd.done(function() { dirs && fm.exec('rm', dirs, {forceRm : true, quiet : true}); }).always(function() { fm.unlockfiles({files : targets}); }); tm = setTimeout(function() { fm.notify({type : 'search', id : id, cnt : 1, hideCnt : true, cancel : function() { getFile && getFile._xhrReject(); dfrd.reject(); }}); }, fm.notifyDelay); fakeCnt = 0; getFile = getFilesRecursively(files).always(function() { tm && clearTimeout(tm); fm.notify({type : 'search', id: id, cnt : -1, hideCnt : true}); }).fail(function() { dfrd.reject('errRestore', 'errFileNotFound'); }).done(function(res) { var errFolderNotfound = ['errRestore', 'errFolderNotFound'], dirTop = ''; if (res.length) { $.each(res, function(i, f) { var phash = f.phash, pfile, srcRoot, tPath; while(phash) { if (srcRoot = fm.trashes[phash]) { if (! rHashes[srcRoot]) { if (found) { // Keep items of other trash others.push(f.hash); return null; // continue $.each } rHashes[srcRoot] = {}; found = true; } tPath = fm.path(f.hash).substr(fm.path(phash).length).replace(/\\/g, '/'); tPath = tPath.replace(/\/[^\/]+?$/, ''); if (tPath === '') { tPath = '/'; } if (!rHashes[srcRoot][tPath]) { rHashes[srcRoot][tPath] = []; } if (f.mime === 'fakefile') { fm.updateCache({removed:[f.hash]}); } else { rHashes[srcRoot][tPath].push(f.hash); } if (!dirTop || dirTop.length > tPath.length) { dirTop = tPath; } break; } // Go up one level for next check pfile = fm.file(phash); if (!pfile) { phash = false; // Detection method for search results $.each(fm.trashes, function(ph) { var file = fm.file(ph), filePath = fm.path(ph); if ((!file.volumeid || f.hash.indexOf(file.volumeid) === 0) && fm.path(f.hash).indexOf(filePath) === 0) { phash = ph; return false; } }); } else { phash = pfile.phash; } } }); if (found) { $.each(rHashes, function(src, dsts) { var dirs = Object.keys(dsts), cnt = dirs.length; fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'mkdir', target : src, dirs : dirs}, notify : {type : 'chkdir', cnt : cnt}, preventFail : true }).fail(function(error) { dfrd.reject(error); fm.unlockfiles({files : targets}); }).done(function(data) { var cmdPaste, hashes; if (hashes = data.hashes) { cmdPaste = fm.getCommand('paste'); if (cmdPaste) { // wait until file cache made fm.one('mkdirdone', function() { var hasErr = false; $.each(dsts, function(dir, files) { if (hashes[dir]) { if (files.length) { if (fm.file(hashes[dir])) { fm.clipboard(files, true); fm.exec('paste', [ hashes[dir] ], {_cmd : 'restore', noToast : (opts.noToast || dir !== dirTop)}) .done(function(data) { if (data && (data.error || data.warning)) { hasErr = true; } }) .fail(function() { hasErr = true; }) .always(function() { if (--cnt < 1) { dfrd[hasErr? 'reject' : 'resolve'](); if (others.length) { // Restore items of other trash fm.exec('restore', others); } } }); } else { dfrd.reject(errFolderNotfound); } } else { if (--cnt < 1) { dfrd.resolve(); if (others.length) { // Restore items of other trash fm.exec('restore', others); } } } } }); }); } else { dfrd.reject(['errRestore', 'errCmdNoSupport', '(paste)']); } } else { dfrd.reject(errFolderNotfound); } }); }); } else { dfrd.reject(errFolderNotfound); } } else { dfrd.reject('errFileNotFound'); dirs && fm.exec('rm', dirs, {forceRm : true, quiet : true}); } }); }; // for to be able to overwrite this.restore = restore; this.linkedCmds = ['copy', 'paste', 'mkdir', 'rm']; this.updateOnSelect = false; this.init = function() { // re-assign for extended command self = this; fm = this.fm; }; this.getstate = function(sel, e) { sel = sel || fm.selected(); return sel.length && $.grep(sel, function(h) {var f = fm.file(h); return f && ! f.locked && ! fm.isRoot(f)? true : false; }).length == sel.length ? 0 : -1; }; this.exec = function(hashes, opts) { var dfrd = $.Deferred() .fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); }), files = self.files(hashes); if (! files.length) { return dfrd.reject(); } $.each(files, function(i, file) { if (fm.isRoot(file)) { return !dfrd.reject(['errRestore', file.name]); } if (file.locked) { return !dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]); } }); if (dfrd.state() === 'pending') { this.restore(dfrd, files, hashes, opts); } return dfrd; }; }).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command