Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/resize.js |
/** * @class elFinder command "resize" * Open dialog to resize image * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * @author Alexey Sukhotin * @author Naoki Sawada * @author Sergio Jovani **/ elFinder.prototype.commands.resize = function() { "use strict"; var fm = this.fm, losslessRotate = 0, getBounceBox = function(w, h, theta) { var srcPts = [ {x: w/2, y: h/2}, {x: -w/2, y: h/2}, {x: -w/2, y: -h/2}, {x: w/2, y: -h/2} ], dstPts = [], min = {x: Number.MAX_VALUE, y: Number.MAX_VALUE}, max = {x: Number.MIN_VALUE, y: Number.MIN_VALUE}; $.each(srcPts, function(i, srcPt){ dstPts.push({ x: srcPt.x * Math.cos(theta) - srcPt.y * Math.sin(theta), y: srcPt.x * Math.sin(theta) + srcPt.y * Math.cos(theta) }); }); $.each(dstPts, function(i, pt) { min.x = Math.min(min.x, pt.x); min.y = Math.min(min.y, pt.y); max.x = Math.max(max.x, pt.x); max.y = Math.max(max.y, pt.y); }); return { width: max.x - min.x, height: max.y - min.y }; }; this.updateOnSelect = false; this.getstate = function() { var sel = fm.selectedFiles(); return sel.length == 1 && sel[0].read && sel[0].write && sel[0].mime.indexOf('image/') !== -1 ? 0 : -1; }; this.resizeRequest = function(data, f, dfrd) { var file = f || fm.file(data.target), tmb = file? file.tmb : null, enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled('resize', data.target); if (enabled && (! file || (file && file.read && file.write && file.mime.indexOf('image/') !== -1 ))) { return fm.request({ data : Object.assign(data, { cmd : 'resize' }), notify : {type : 'resize', cnt : 1} }) .fail(function(error) { if (dfrd) { dfrd.reject(error); } }) .done(function() { if (data.quality) { fm.storage('jpgQuality', data.quality === fm.option('jpgQuality')? null : data.quality); } dfrd && dfrd.resolve(); }); } else { var error; if (file) { if (file.mime.indexOf('image/') === -1) { error = ['errResize', file.name, 'errUsupportType']; } else { error = ['errResize', file.name, 'errPerm']; } } else { error = ['errResize', data.target, 'errPerm']; } if (dfrd) { dfrd.reject(error); } else { fm.error(error); } return $.Deferred().reject(error); } }; this.exec = function(hashes) { var self = this, files = this.files(hashes), dfrd = $.Deferred(), api2 = (fm.api > 1), options = this.options, dialogWidth = 650, fmnode = fm.getUI(), ctrgrup = $().controlgroup? 'controlgroup' : 'buttonset', grid8Def = typeof options.grid8px === 'undefined' || options.grid8px !== 'disable'? true : false, presetSize = Array.isArray(options.presetSize)? options.presetSize : [], clactive = 'elfinder-dialog-active', clsediting = fm.res('class', 'editing'), open = function(file, id, src) { var isJpeg = (file.mime === 'image/jpeg'), dialog = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-container"></div>'), input = '<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all"/>', row = '<div class="elfinder-resize-row"></div>', label = '<div class="elfinder-resize-label"></div>', changeTm = null, operate = false, opStart = function() { operate = true; }, opStop = function() { if (operate) { operate = false; control.trigger('change'); } }, control = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-control"></div>') .on('focus', 'input[type=text],input[type=number]', function() { $(this).trigger('select'); }) .on('change', function() { changeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(changeTm); changeTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { var panel, quty, canvas, ctx, img, sx, sy, sw, sh, deg, theta, bb; if (sizeImg && ! operate && (canvas = sizeImg.data('canvas'))) { panel = control.children('div.elfinder-resize-control-panel:visible'); quty = panel.find('input.elfinder-resize-quality'); if (quty.is(':visible')) { ctx = sizeImg.data('ctx'); img = sizeImg.get(0); if (panel.hasClass('elfinder-resize-uiresize')) { // resize sw = canvas.width = width.val(); sh = canvas.height = height.val(); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, sw, sh); } else if (panel.hasClass('elfinder-resize-uicrop')) { // crop sx = pointX.val(); sy = pointY.val(); sw = offsetX.val(); sh = offsetY.val(); canvas.width = sw; canvas.height = sh; ctx.drawImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, 0, 0, sw, sh); } else { // rotate deg = degree.val(); theta = (degree.val() * Math.PI) / 180; bb = getBounceBox(owidth, oheight, theta); sw = canvas.width = bb.width; sh = canvas.height = bb.height; ctx.save(); if (deg % 90 !== 0) { ctx.fillStyle = bg.val() || '#FFF'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, sw, sh); } ctx.translate(sw / 2, sh / 2); ctx.rotate(theta); ctx.drawImage(img, -img.width/2, -img.height/2, owidth, oheight); ctx.restore(); } canvas.toBlob(function(blob) { if (blob) { size1 = blob.size; quty.next('span').text(' (' + fm.formatSize(blob.size) + ')'); } }, 'image/jpeg', Math.max(Math.min(quty.val(), 100), 1) / 100); } } }); }) .on('mouseup', 'input', function(e) { $(e.target).trigger('change'); }), preview = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-preview"></div>') .on('touchmove', function(e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('touch-punch')) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }), spinner = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-loading">'+fm.i18n('ntfloadimg')+'</div>'), rhandle = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle touch-punch"></div>'), rhandlec = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle touch-punch"></div>'), uiresize = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-uiresize elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'), uicrop = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-uicrop elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'), uirotate = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'), uideg270 = $('<button></button>').attr('title',fm.i18n('rotate-cw')).append($('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-l"></span>')), uideg90 = $('<button></button>').attr('title',fm.i18n('rotate-ccw')).append($('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-r"></span>')), uiprop = $('<span ></span>'), reset = $('<button class="elfinder-resize-reset">').text(fm.i18n('reset')) .on('click', function() { resetView(); }) .button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n' }, text: false }), uitype = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-type"></div>') .append('<input type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-resize" value="resize" checked="checked" /><label for="'+id+'-resize">'+fm.i18n('resize')+'</label>', '<input class="api2" type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-crop" value="crop" /><label class="api2" for="'+id+'-crop">'+fm.i18n('crop')+'</label>', '<input class="api2" type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-rotate" value="rotate" /><label class="api2" for="'+id+'-rotate">'+fm.i18n('rotate')+'</label>'), mode = 'resize', type = uitype[ctrgrup]()[ctrgrup]('disable').find('input') .on('change', function() { mode = $(this).val(); resetView(); resizable(true); croppable(true); rotateable(true); if (mode == 'resize') { uiresize.show(); uirotate.hide(); uicrop.hide(); resizable(); isJpeg && grid8px.insertAfter(uiresize.find('.elfinder-resize-grid8')); } else if (mode == 'crop') { uirotate.hide(); uiresize.hide(); uicrop.show(); croppable(); isJpeg && grid8px.insertAfter(uicrop.find('.elfinder-resize-grid8')); } else if (mode == 'rotate') { uiresize.hide(); uicrop.hide(); uirotate.show(); rotateable(); } }), width = $(input) .on('change', function() { var w = round(parseInt(width.val())), h = round(cratio ? w/ratio : parseInt(height.val())); if (w > 0 && h > 0) { resize.updateView(w, h); width.val(w); height.val(h); } }).addClass('elfinder-focus'), height = $(input) .on('change', function() { var h = round(parseInt(height.val())), w = round(cratio ? h*ratio : parseInt(width.val())); if (w > 0 && h > 0) { resize.updateView(w, h); width.val(w); height.val(h); } }), pointX = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView();}), pointY = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView();}), offsetX = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView('w');}), offsetY = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView('h');}), quality = isJpeg && api2? $(input).val(fm.storage('jpgQuality') > 0? fm.storage('jpgQuality') : fm.option('jpgQuality')) .addClass('elfinder-resize-quality') .attr('min', '1').attr('max', '100').attr('title', '1 - 100') .on('blur', function(){ var q = Math.min(100, Math.max(1, parseInt(this.value))); control.find('input.elfinder-resize-quality').val(q); }) : null, degree = $('<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all" maxlength="3" value="0" />') .on('change', function() { rotate.update(); }), uidegslider = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate-slider touch-punch"></div>') .slider({ min: 0, max: 360, value: degree.val(), animate: true, start: opStart, stop: opStop, change: function(event, ui) { if (ui.value != uidegslider.slider('value')) { rotate.update(ui.value); } }, slide: function(event, ui) { rotate.update(ui.value, false); } }).find('.ui-slider-handle') .addClass('elfinder-tabstop') .off('keydown') .on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); rotate.update(Number(degree.val()) + (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT? 1 : -1), false); } }) .end(), pickimg, pickcanv, pickctx, pickc = {}, pick = function(e) { var color, r, g, b, h, s, l; try { color = pickc[Math.round(e.offsetX)][Math.round(e.offsetY)]; } catch(e) {} if (!color) return; r = color[0]; g = color[1]; b = color[2]; h = color[3]; s = color[4]; l = color[5]; setbg(r, g, b, (e.type === 'click')); }, palpick = function(e) { setbg($(this).css('backgroundColor'), '', '', (e.type === 'click')); }, setbg = function(r, g, b, off) { var s, m, cc; if (typeof r === 'string') { g = ''; if (r && (s = $('<span>').css('backgroundColor', r).css('backgroundColor')) && (m = s.match(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/i))) { r = Number(m[1]); g = Number(m[2]); b = Number(m[3]); } } cc = (g === '')? r : '#' + getColorCode(r, g, b); bg.val(cc).css({ backgroundColor: cc, backgroundImage: 'none', color: (r+g+b < 384? '#fff' : '#000') }); preview.css('backgroundColor', cc); if (off) { imgr.off('.picker').removeClass('elfinder-resize-picking'); pallet.off('.picker').removeClass('elfinder-resize-picking'); } }, getColorCode = function(r, g, b) { return $.map([r,g,b], function(c){return ('0'+parseInt(c).toString(16)).slice(-2);}).join(''); }, picker = $('<button>').text(fm.i18n('colorPicker')) .on('click', function() { imgr.on('mousemove.picker click.picker', pick).addClass('elfinder-resize-picking'); pallet.on('mousemove.picker click.picker', 'span', palpick).addClass('elfinder-resize-picking'); }) .button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-pin-s' }, text: false }), reseter = $('<button>').text(fm.i18n('reset')) .on('click', function() { setbg('', '', '', true); }) .button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n' }, text: false }), bg = $('<input class="ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-bg" type="text">') .on('focus', function() { $(this).attr('style', ''); }) .on('blur', function() { setbg($(this).val()); }), pallet = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-pallet">').on('click', 'span', function() { setbg($(this).css('backgroundColor')); }), ratio = 1, prop = 1, owidth = 0, oheight = 0, cratio = true, cratioc = false, pwidth = 0, pheight = 0, rwidth = 0, rheight = 0, rdegree = 0, grid8 = isJpeg? grid8Def : false, constr = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n('aspectRatio')) .on('click', function() { cratio = ! cratio; constr.button('option', { icons : { primary: cratio? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'} }); resize.fixHeight(); rhandle.resizable('option', 'aspectRatio', cratio).data('uiResizable')._aspectRatio = cratio; }) .button({ icons : { primary: cratio? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked' }, text: false }), constrc = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n('aspectRatio')) .on('click', function() { cratioc = ! cratioc; constrc.button('option', { icons : { primary: cratioc? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'} }); rhandlec.resizable('option', 'aspectRatio', cratioc).data('uiResizable')._aspectRatio = cratioc; }) .button({ icons : { primary: cratioc? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked' }, text: false }), grid8px = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n(grid8? 'enabled' : 'disabled')).toggleClass('ui-state-active', grid8) .on('click', function() { grid8 = ! grid8; grid8px.html(fm.i18n(grid8? 'enabled' : 'disabled')).toggleClass('ui-state-active', grid8); setStep8(); }) .button(), setStep8 = function() { var step = grid8? 8 : 1; $.each([width, height, offsetX, offsetY, pointX, pointY], function() { this.attr('step', step); }); if (grid8) { width.val(round(width.val())); height.val(round(height.val())); offsetX.val(round(offsetX.val())); offsetY.val(round(offsetY.val())); pointX.val(round(pointX.val())); pointY.val(round(pointY.val())); if (uiresize.is(':visible')) { resize.updateView(width.val(), height.val()); } else if (uicrop.is(':visible')) { crop.updateView(); } } }, setuprimg = function() { var r_scale, fail = function() { bg.parent().hide(); pallet.hide(); }; r_scale = Math.min(pwidth, pheight) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(owidth, 2) + Math.pow(oheight, 2)); rwidth = Math.ceil(owidth * r_scale); rheight = Math.ceil(oheight * r_scale); imgr.width(rwidth) .height(rheight) .css('margin-top', (pheight-rheight)/2 + 'px') .css('margin-left', (pwidth-rwidth)/2 + 'px'); if (imgr.is(':visible') && bg.is(':visible')) { if (file.mime !== 'image/png') { preview.css('backgroundColor', bg.val()); pickimg = $('<img>'); if (fm.isCORS) { pickimg.attr('crossorigin', 'use-credentials'); } pickimg.on('load', function() { if (pickcanv && pickcanv.width !== rwidth) { setColorData(); } }) .on('error', fail) .attr('src', canvSrc); } else { fail(); } } }, setupimg = function() { resize.updateView(owidth, oheight); setuprimg(); basec .width(img.width()) .height(img.height()); imgc .width(img.width()) .height(img.height()); crop.updateView(); jpgCalc(); }, setColorData = function() { if (pickctx) { var n, w, h, r, g, b, a, s, l, hsl, hue, data, scale, tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2, rgb, domi = {}, domic = [], domiv, palc, rgbToHsl = function (r, g, b) { var h, s, l, max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b), min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b); // Hue, 0 ~ 359 if (max === min) { h = 0; } else if (r === max) { h = ((g - b) / (max - min) * 60 + 360) % 360; } else if (g === max) { h = (b - r) / (max - min) * 60 + 120; } else if (b === max) { h = (r - g) / (max - min) * 60 + 240; } // Saturation, 0 ~ 1 s = (max - min) / max; // Lightness, 0 ~ 1 l = (r * 0.3 + g * 0.59 + b * 0.11) / 255; return [h, s, l, 'hsl']; }, rgbRound = function(c) { return Math.round(c / 8) * 8; }; calc: try { w = pickcanv.width = imgr.width(); h = pickcanv.height = imgr.height(); scale = w / owidth; pickctx.scale(scale, scale); pickctx.drawImage(pickimg.get(0), 0, 0); data = pickctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data; // Range to detect the dominant color tx1 = w * 0.1; tx2 = w * 0.9; ty1 = h * 0.1; ty2 = h * 0.9; for (var y = 0; y < h - 1; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < w - 1; x++) { n = x * 4 + y * w * 4; // RGB r = data[n]; g = data[n + 1]; b = data[n + 2]; a = data[n + 3]; // check alpha ch if (a !== 255) { bg.parent().hide(); pallet.hide(); break calc; } // HSL hsl = rgbToHsl(r, g, b); hue = Math.round(hsl[0]); s = Math.round(hsl[1] * 100); l = Math.round(hsl[2] * 100); if (! pickc[x]) { pickc[x] = {}; } // set pickc pickc[x][y] = [r, g, b, hue, s, l]; // detect the dominant color if ((x < tx1 || x > tx2) && (y < ty1 || y > ty2)) { rgb = rgbRound(r) + ',' + rgbRound(g) + ',' + rgbRound(b); if (! domi[rgb]) { domi[rgb] = 1; } else { ++domi[rgb]; } } } } if (! pallet.children(':first').length) { palc = 1; $.each(domi, function(c, v) { domic.push({c: c, v: v}); }); $.each(domic.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.v > b.v)? -1 : 1; }), function() { if (this.v < 2 || palc > 10) { return false; } pallet.append($('<span style="width:20px;height:20px;display:inline-block;background-color:rgb('+this.c+');">')); ++palc; }); } } catch(e) { picker.hide(); pallet.hide(); } } }, setupPicker = function() { try { pickcanv = document.createElement('canvas'); pickctx = pickcanv.getContext('2d'); } catch(e) { picker.hide(); pallet.hide(); } }, setupPreset = function() { preset.on('click', 'span.elfinder-resize-preset', function() { var btn = $(this), w = btn.data('s')[0], h = btn.data('s')[1], r = owidth / oheight; btn.data('s', [h, w]).text(h + 'x' + w); if (owidth > w || oheight > h) { if (owidth <= w) { w = round(h * r); } else if (oheight <= h) { h = round(w / r); } else { if (owidth - w > oheight - h) { h = round(w / r); } else { w = round(h * r); } } } else { w = owidth; h = oheight; } width.val(w); height.val(h); resize.updateView(w, h); jpgCalc(); }); presetc.on('click', 'span.elfinder-resize-preset', function() { var btn = $(this), w = btn.data('s')[0], h = btn.data('s')[1], x = pointX.val(), y = pointY.val(); btn.data('s', [h, w]).text(h + 'x' + w); if (owidth >= w && oheight >= h) { if (owidth - w - x < 0) { x = owidth - w; } if (oheight - h - y < 0) { y = oheight - h; } pointX.val(x); pointY.val(y); offsetX.val(w); offsetY.val(h); crop.updateView(); jpgCalc(); } }); presetc.children('span.elfinder-resize-preset').each(function() { var btn = $(this), w = btn.data('s')[0], h = btn.data('s')[1]; btn[(owidth >= w && oheight >= h)? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); }, dimreq = null, inited = false, setdim = function(dim) { var rfile = fm.file(file.hash); rfile.width = dim[0]; rfile.height = dim[1]; }, init = function() { var elm, memSize, r_scale, imgRatio; if (inited) { return; } inited = true; dimreq && dimreq.state && dimreq.state() === 'pending' && dimreq.reject(); // check lossless rotete if (fm.api >= 2.1030) { if (losslessRotate === 0) { fm.request({ data: { cmd : 'resize', target : file.hash, degree : 0, mode : 'rotate' }, preventDefault : true }).done(function(data) { losslessRotate = data.losslessRotate? 1 : -1; if (losslessRotate === 1 && (degree.val() % 90 === 0)) { uirotate.children('div.elfinder-resize-quality').hide(); } }).fail(function() { losslessRotate = -1; }); } } else { losslessRotate = -1; } elm = img.get(0); memSize = file.width && file.height? {w: file.width, h: file.height} : (elm.naturalWidth? null : {w: img.width(), h: img.height()}); memSize && img.removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height'); owidth = file.width || elm.naturalWidth || elm.width || img.width(); oheight = file.height || elm.naturalHeight || elm.height || img.height(); if (!file.width || !file.height) { setdim([owidth, oheight]); } memSize && img.width(memSize.w).height(memSize.h); dMinBtn.show(); imgRatio = oheight / owidth; if (imgRatio < 1 && preview.height() > preview.width() * imgRatio) { preview.height(preview.width() * imgRatio); } if (preview.height() > img.height() + 20) { preview.height(img.height() + 20); } pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height()); spinner.remove(); ratio = owidth/oheight; rhandle.append(img.show()).show(); width.val(owidth); height.val(oheight); setupPicker(); setupPreset(); setupimg(); uitype[ctrgrup]('enable'); control.find('input,select').prop('disabled', false) .filter(':text').on('keydown', function(e) { var cOpts; if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); cOpts = { title : $('input:checked', uitype).val(), text : 'confirmReq', accept : { label : 'btnApply', callback : function() { save(); } }, cancel : { label : 'btnCancel', callback : function(){ $(this).trigger('focus'); } } }; if (useSaveAs) { cOpts['buttons'] = [{ label : 'btnSaveAs', callback : function() { requestAnimationFrame(saveAs); } }]; } fm.confirm(cOpts); return; } }) .on('keyup', function() { var $this = $(this); if (! $this.hasClass('elfinder-resize-bg')) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { $this.val($this.val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')); }); } }) .filter(':first'); setStep8(); !fm.UA.Mobile && width.trigger('focus'); resizable(); }, img = $('<img/>') .on('load', init) .on('error', function() { spinner.html(fm.i18n('ntfsmth')).css('background', 'transparent'); }), basec = $('<div></div>'), imgc = $('<img/>'), coverc = $('<div></div>'), imgr = $('<img class="elfinder-resize-imgrotate" />'), round = function(v, max) { v = grid8? Math.round(v/8)*8 : Math.round(v); v = Math.max(0, v); if (max && v > max) { v = grid8? Math.floor(max/8)*8 : max; } return v; }, resetView = function() { width.val(owidth); height.val(oheight); resize.updateView(owidth, oheight); pointX.val(0); pointY.val(0); offsetX.val(owidth); offsetY.val(oheight); crop.updateView(); jpgCalc(); }, resize = { update : function() { width.val(round(img.width()/prop)); height.val(round(img.height()/prop)); jpgCalc(); }, updateView : function(w, h) { if (w > pwidth || h > pheight) { if (w / pwidth > h / pheight) { prop = pwidth / w; img.width(pwidth).height(round(h*prop)); } else { prop = pheight / h; img.height(pheight).width(round(w*prop)); } } else { img.width(round(w)).height(round(h)); } prop = img.width()/w; uiprop.text('1 : '+(1/prop).toFixed(2)); resize.updateHandle(); }, updateHandle : function() { rhandle.width(img.width()).height(img.height()); }, fixHeight : function() { var w, h; if (cratio) { w = width.val(); h = round(w/ratio); resize.updateView(w, h); height.val(h); } } }, crop = { update : function(change) { pointX.val(round(((rhandlec.data('x')||rhandlec.position().left))/prop, owidth)); pointY.val(round(((rhandlec.data('y')||rhandlec.position().top))/prop, oheight)); if (change !== 'xy') { offsetX.val(round((rhandlec.data('w')||rhandlec.width())/prop, owidth - pointX.val())); offsetY.val(round((rhandlec.data('h')||rhandlec.height())/prop, oheight - pointY.val())); } jpgCalc(); }, updateView : function(change) { var r, x, y, w, h; pointX.val(round(pointX.val(), owidth - (grid8? 8 : 1))); pointY.val(round(pointY.val(), oheight - (grid8? 8 : 1))); offsetX.val(round(offsetX.val(), owidth - pointX.val())); offsetY.val(round(offsetY.val(), oheight - pointY.val())); if (cratioc) { r = coverc.width() / coverc.height(); if (change === 'w') { offsetY.val(round(parseInt(offsetX.val()) / r)); } else if (change === 'h') { offsetX.val(round(parseInt(offsetY.val()) * r)); } } x = Math.round(parseInt(pointX.val()) * prop); y = Math.round(parseInt(pointY.val()) * prop); if (change !== 'xy') { w = Math.round(parseInt(offsetX.val()) * prop); h = Math.round(parseInt(offsetY.val()) * prop); } else { w = rhandlec.data('w'); h = rhandlec.data('h'); } rhandlec.data({x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h}) .width(w) .height(h) .css({left: x, top: y}); coverc.width(w) .height(h); }, resize_update : function(e, ui) { rhandlec.data({x: ui.position.left, y: ui.position.top, w: ui.size.width, h: ui.size.height}); crop.update(); crop.updateView(); }, drag_update : function(e, ui) { rhandlec.data({x: ui.position.left, y: ui.position.top}); crop.update('xy'); } }, rotate = { mouseStartAngle : 0, imageStartAngle : 0, imageBeingRotated : false, setQuality : function() { uirotate.children('div.elfinder-resize-quality')[(losslessRotate > 0 && (degree.val() % 90) === 0)? 'hide' : 'show'](); }, update : function(value, animate) { if (typeof value == 'undefined') { rdegree = value = parseInt(degree.val()); } if (typeof animate == 'undefined') { animate = true; } if (! animate || fm.UA.Opera || fm.UA.ltIE8) { imgr.rotate(value); } else { imgr.animate({rotate: value + (fm.UA.Chrome? '' : 'deg')}); } value = value % 360; if (value < 0) { value += 360; } degree.val(parseInt(value)); uidegslider.slider('value', degree.val()); rotate.setQuality(); }, execute : function ( e ) { if ( !rotate.imageBeingRotated ) return; var imageCentre = rotate.getCenter( imgr ); var ev = e.originalEvent.touches? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e; var mouseXFromCentre = ev.pageX - imageCentre[0]; var mouseYFromCentre = ev.pageY - imageCentre[1]; var mouseAngle = Math.atan2( mouseYFromCentre, mouseXFromCentre ); var rotateAngle = mouseAngle - rotate.mouseStartAngle + rotate.imageStartAngle; rotateAngle = Math.round(parseFloat(rotateAngle) * 180 / Math.PI); if ( e.shiftKey ) { rotateAngle = Math.round((rotateAngle + 6)/15) * 15; } imgr.rotate(rotateAngle); rotateAngle = rotateAngle % 360; if (rotateAngle < 0) { rotateAngle += 360; } degree.val(rotateAngle); uidegslider.slider('value', degree.val()); rotate.setQuality(); return false; }, start : function ( e ) { if (imgr.hasClass('elfinder-resize-picking')) { return; } opStart(); rotate.imageBeingRotated = true; var imageCentre = rotate.getCenter( imgr ); var ev = e.originalEvent.touches? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e; var mouseStartXFromCentre = ev.pageX - imageCentre[0]; var mouseStartYFromCentre = ev.pageY - imageCentre[1]; rotate.mouseStartAngle = Math.atan2( mouseStartYFromCentre, mouseStartXFromCentre ); rotate.imageStartAngle = parseFloat(imgr.rotate()) * Math.PI / 180.0; $(document).on('mousemove', rotate.execute); imgr.on('touchmove', rotate.execute); return false; }, stop : function ( e ) { if ( !rotate.imageBeingRotated ) return; $(document).off('mousemove', rotate.execute); imgr.off('touchmove', rotate.execute); requestAnimationFrame(function() { rotate.imageBeingRotated = false; }); opStop(); return false; }, getCenter : function ( image ) { var currentRotation = imgr.rotate(); imgr.rotate(0); var imageOffset = imgr.offset(); var imageCentreX = imageOffset.left + imgr.width() / 2; var imageCentreY = imageOffset.top + imgr.height() / 2; imgr.rotate(currentRotation); return Array( imageCentreX, imageCentreY ); } }, resizable = function(destroy) { if (destroy) { rhandle.filter(':ui-resizable').resizable('destroy'); rhandle.hide(); } else { rhandle.show(); rhandle.resizable({ alsoResize : img, aspectRatio : cratio, resize : resize.update, start : opStart, stop : function(e) { resize.fixHeight; resize.updateView(width.val(), height.val()); opStop(); } }); dinit(); } }, croppable = function(destroy) { if (destroy) { rhandlec.filter(':ui-resizable').resizable('destroy') .filter(':ui-draggable').draggable('destroy'); basec.hide(); } else { basec.show(); rhandlec .resizable({ containment : basec, aspectRatio : cratioc, resize : crop.resize_update, start : opStart, stop : opStop, handles : 'all' }) .draggable({ handle : coverc, containment : imgc, drag : crop.drag_update, start : opStart, stop : function() { crop.updateView('xy'); opStop(); } }); dinit(); crop.update(); } }, rotateable = function(destroy) { if (destroy) { imgr.hide(); } else { imgr.show(); dinit(); } }, checkVals = function() { var w, h, x, y, d, q, b = ''; if (mode == 'resize') { w = parseInt(width.val()) || 0; h = parseInt(height.val()) || 0; } else if (mode == 'crop') { w = parseInt(offsetX.val()) || 0; h = parseInt(offsetY.val()) || 0; x = parseInt(pointX.val()) || 0; y = parseInt(pointY.val()) || 0; } else if (mode == 'rotate') { w = owidth; h = oheight; d = parseInt(degree.val()) || 0; if (d < 0 || d > 360) { fm.error('Invalid rotate degree'); return false; } if (d == 0 || d == 360) { fm.error('errResizeNoChange'); return false; } b = bg.val(); } q = quality? parseInt(quality.val()) : 0; if (mode != 'rotate') { if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { fm.error('Invalid image size'); return false; } if (w == owidth && h == oheight && parseInt(size0 / 1000) === parseInt(size1/1000)) { fm.error('errResizeNoChange'); return false; } } return {w: w, h: h, x: x, y: y, d: d, q: q, b: b}; }, save = function() { var vals; if (vals = checkVals()) { dialog.elfinderdialog('close'); self.resizeRequest({ target : file.hash, width : vals.w, height : vals.h, x : vals.x, y : vals.y, degree : vals.d, quality: vals.q, bg : vals.b, mode : mode }, file, dfrd); } }, saveAs = function() { var fail = function() { dialogs.addClass(clsediting).fadeIn(function() { base.addClass(clactive); }); fm.disable(); }, make = function() { self.mime = file.mime; self.prefix = file.name.replace(/ \d+(\.[^.]+)?$/, '$1'); self.requestCmd = 'mkfile'; self.nextAction = {}; self.data = {target : file.phash}; $.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)() .done(function(data) { var hash, dfd; if (data.added && data.added.length) { hash = data.added[0].hash; dfd = fm.api < 2.1032? fm.url(file.hash, { async: true, temporary: true }) : null; $.when(dfd).done(function(url) { fm.request({ options : {type : 'post'}, data : { cmd : 'put', target : hash, encoding: dfd? 'scheme' : 'hash', content : dfd? fm.convAbsUrl(url) : file.hash }, notify : {type : 'copy', cnt : 1}, syncOnFail : true }) .fail(fail) .done(function(data) { data = fm.normalize(data); fm.updateCache(data); file = fm.file(hash); data.changed && data.changed.length && fm.change(data); base.show().find('.elfinder-dialog-title').html(fm.escape(file.name)); save(); dialogs.fadeIn(); }); }).fail(fail); } else { fail(); } }) .fail(fail) .always(function() { delete self.mime; delete self.prefix; delete self.nextAction; delete self.data; }); fm.trigger('unselectfiles', { files: [ file.hash ] }); }, reqOpen = null, dialogs; if (checkVals()) { dialogs = fmnode.children('.' + self.dialogClass + ':visible').removeClass(clsediting).fadeOut(); base.removeClass(clactive); fm.enable(); if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2 && file.phash !== fm.cwd().hash) { reqOpen = fm.exec('open', [file.phash], {thash: file.phash}); } $.when([reqOpen]).done(function() { reqOpen? fm.one('cwdrender', make) : make(); }).fail(fail); } }, buttons = {}, hline = 'elfinder-resize-handle-hline', vline = 'elfinder-resize-handle-vline', rpoint = 'elfinder-resize-handle-point', canvSrc = src, sizeImg = quality? $('<img>').attr('crossorigin', fm.isCORS? 'use-credentials' : '').attr('src', canvSrc).on('load', function() { try { var canv = document.createElement('canvas'); sizeImg.data('canvas', canv).data('ctx', canv.getContext('2d')); jpgCalc(); } catch(e) { sizeImg.removeData('canvas').removeData('ctx'); } }) : null, jpgCalc = function() { control.find('input.elfinder-resize-quality:visible').trigger('change'); }, dinit = function(e) { if (base.hasClass('elfinder-dialog-minimized') || base.is(':hidden')) { return; } preset.hide(); presetc.hide(); var win = fm.options.dialogContained? fmnode : $(window), winH = win.height(), winW = win.width(), presW = 'auto', presIn = true, dw, ctrW, prvW; base.width(Math.min(dialogWidth, winW - 30)); preview.attr('style', ''); if (owidth && oheight) { pwidth = preview.width() - (rhandle.outerWidth() - rhandle.width()); pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height()); resize.updateView(owidth, oheight); } ctrW = dialog.find('div.elfinder-resize-control').width(); prvW = preview.width(); dw = dialog.width() - 20; if (prvW > dw) { preview.width(dw); presIn = false; } else if ((dw - prvW) < ctrW) { if (winW > winH) { preview.width(dw - ctrW - 20); } else { preview.css({ float: 'none', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'}); presIn = false; } } if (presIn) { presW = ctrW; } pwidth = preview.width() - (rhandle.outerWidth() - rhandle.width()); if (fmnode.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen')) { if (base.height() > winH) { winH -= 2; preview.height(winH - base.height() + preview.height()); base.css('top', 0 - fmnode.offset().top); } } else { winH -= 30; (preview.height() > winH) && preview.height(winH); } pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height()); if (owidth && oheight) { setupimg(); } if (img.height() && preview.height() > img.height() + 20) { preview.height(img.height() + 20); pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height()); setuprimg(); } preset.css('width', presW).show(); presetc.css('width', presW).show(); if (!presetc.children('span.elfinder-resize-preset:visible').length) { presetc.hide(); } dialog.elfinderdialog('posInit'); }, preset = (function() { var sets = $('<fieldset class="elfinder-resize-preset-container">').append($('<legend>').html(fm.i18n('presets'))).css('box-sizing', 'border-box').hide(), hasC; $.each(presetSize, function(i, s) { if (s.length === 2) { hasC = true; sets.append($('<span class="elfinder-resize-preset"></span>') .data('s', s) .text(s[0]+'x'+s[1]) .button() ); } }); if (!hasC) { return $(); } else { return sets; } })(), presetc = preset.clone(true), useSaveAs = fm.uploadMimeCheck(file.mime, file.phash), dMinBtn, base; size0 = size1 = file.size; uiresize.append( $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('width')), width), $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('height')), height, $('<div class="elfinder-resize-whctrls">').append(constr, reset)), (quality? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('quality')), quality, $('<span></span>')) : $()), (isJpeg? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('8pxgrid')).addClass('elfinder-resize-grid8'), grid8px) : $()), $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('scale')), uiprop), $(row).append(preset) ); if (api2) { uicrop.append( $(row).append($(label).text('X'), pointX), $(row).append($(label).text('Y')).append(pointY), $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('width')), offsetX), $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('height')), offsetY, $('<div class="elfinder-resize-whctrls">').append(constrc, reset.clone(true))), (quality? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('quality')), quality.clone(true), $('<span></span>')) : $()), (isJpeg? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('8pxgrid')).addClass('elfinder-resize-grid8')) : $()), $(row).append(presetc) ); uirotate.append( $(row).addClass('elfinder-resize-degree').append( $(label).text(fm.i18n('rotate')), degree, $('<span></span>').text(fm.i18n('degree')), $('<div></div>').append(uideg270, uideg90)[ctrgrup]() ), $(row).css('height', '20px').append(uidegslider), ((quality)? $(row)[losslessRotate < 1? 'show' : 'hide']().addClass('elfinder-resize-quality').append( $(label).text(fm.i18n('quality')), quality.clone(true), $('<span></span>')) : $() ), $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('bgcolor')), bg, picker, reseter), $(row).css('height', '20px').append(pallet) ); uideg270.on('click', function() { rdegree = rdegree - 90; rotate.update(rdegree); }); uideg90.on('click', function(){ rdegree = rdegree + 90; rotate.update(rdegree); }); } dialog.append(uitype).on('resize', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); if (api2) { control.append(/*$(row), */uiresize, uicrop.hide(), uirotate.hide()); } else { control.append(/*$(row), */uiresize); } rhandle.append('<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-top"></div>', '<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-bottom"></div>', '<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-left"></div>', '<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-right"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-e"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-se"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-s"></div>'); preview.append(spinner).append(rhandle.hide()).append(img.hide()); if (api2) { rhandlec.css('position', 'absolute') .append('<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-top"></div>', '<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-bottom"></div>', '<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-left"></div>', '<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-right"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-n"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-e"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-s"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-w"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-ne"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-se"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-sw"></div>', '<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-nw"></div>'); preview.append(basec.css('position', 'absolute').hide().append(imgc, rhandlec.append(coverc))); preview.append(imgr.hide()); } preview.css('overflow', 'hidden'); dialog.append(preview, control); buttons[fm.i18n('btnApply')] = save; if (useSaveAs) { buttons[fm.i18n('btnSaveAs')] = function() { requestAnimationFrame(saveAs); }; } buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() { dialog.elfinderdialog('close'); }; dialog.find('input,button').addClass('elfinder-tabstop'); base = self.fmDialog(dialog, { title : fm.escape(file.name), width : dialogWidth, resizable : false, buttons : buttons, open : function() { var doDimReq = function(force) { dimreq = fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'dim', target : file.hash, substitute : substituteImg? 400 : ''}, preventDefault : true }) .done(function(data) { if (!data.url && needPng) { dialog.elfinderdialog('close'); fm.error(['errOpen', file.name]); } else { if (data.dim) { var dim = data.dim.split('x'); file.width = dim[0]; file.height = dim[1]; setdim(dim); if (data.url) { img.attr('src', data.url); imgc.attr('src', data.url); imgr.attr('src', data.url); } return init(); } } }); }, needPng = !{'image/jpeg':true,'image/png':true,'image/gif':true,}[file.mime], substituteImg = fm.option('substituteImg', file.hash) && (needPng || file.size > options.dimSubImgSize)? true : false, hasSize = (file.width && file.height)? true : false; dMinBtn = base.find('.ui-dialog-titlebar .elfinder-titlebar-minimize').hide(); fm.bind('resize', dinit); img.attr('src', src).one('error.dimreq', function() { doDimReq(true); }); imgc.attr('src', src); imgr.attr('src', src); if (api2) { imgr.on('mousedown touchstart', rotate.start) .on('touchend', rotate.stop); base.on('mouseup', rotate.stop); } if (hasSize && !substituteImg) { return init(); } if (file.size > (options.getDimThreshold || 0)) { img.off('error.dimreq'); doDimReq(); } else if (hasSize) { return init(); } }, close : function() { if (api2) { imgr.off('mousedown touchstart', rotate.start) .off('touchend', rotate.stop); $(document).off('mouseup', rotate.stop); } fm.unbind('resize', dinit); $(this).elfinderdialog('destroy'); }, resize : function(e, data) { if (data && data.minimize === 'off') { dinit(); } } }).attr('id', id).closest('.ui-dialog').addClass(clsediting); // for IE < 9 dialog mising at open second+ time. if (fm.UA.ltIE8) { $('.elfinder-dialog').css('filter', ''); } coverc.css({ 'opacity': 0.2, 'background-color': '#fff', 'position': 'absolute'}), rhandlec.css('cursor', 'move'); rhandlec.find('.elfinder-resize-handle-point').css({ 'background-color' : '#fff', 'opacity': 0.5, 'border-color':'#000' }); if (! api2) { uitype.find('.api2').remove(); } control.find('input,select').prop('disabled', true); control.find('input.elfinder-resize-quality') .next('span').addClass('elfinder-resize-jpgsize').attr('title', fm.i18n('roughFileSize')); }, id, dialog, size0, size1 ; if (!files.length || files[0].mime.indexOf('image/') === -1) { return dfrd.reject(); } id = 'resize-'+fm.namespace+'-'+files[0].hash; dialog = fmnode.find('#'+id); if (dialog.length) { dialog.elfinderdialog('toTop'); return dfrd.resolve(); } fm.openUrl(files[0].hash, 'sameorigin', function(src) { open(files[0], id, src); }); return dfrd; }; }; (function ($) { var findProperty = function (styleObject, styleArgs) { var i = 0 ; for( i in styleArgs) { if (typeof styleObject[styleArgs[i]] != 'undefined') return styleArgs[i]; } styleObject[styleArgs[i]] = ''; return styleArgs[i]; }; $.cssHooks.rotate = { get: function(elem, computed, extra) { return $(elem).rotate(); }, set: function(elem, value) { $(elem).rotate(value); return value; } }; $.cssHooks.transform = { get: function(elem, computed, extra) { var name = findProperty( elem.style , ['WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform' , 'msTransform' , 'transform'] ); return elem.style[name]; }, set: function(elem, value) { var name = findProperty( elem.style , ['WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform' , 'msTransform' , 'transform'] ); elem.style[name] = value; return value; } }; $.fn.rotate = function(val) { var r; if (typeof val == 'undefined') { if (!!window.opera) { r = this.css('transform').match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/); return ( r && r[1])? Math.round(parseFloat(r[1]) * 180 / Math.PI) : 0; } else { r = this.css('transform').match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/); return ( r && r[1])? parseInt(r[1]) : 0; } } this.css('transform', this.css('transform').replace(/none|rotate\(.*?\)/, '') + 'rotate(' + parseInt(val) + 'deg)'); return this; }; $.fx.step.rotate = function(fx) { if ( fx.state == 0 ) { fx.start = $(fx.elem).rotate(); fx.now = fx.start; } $(fx.elem).rotate(fx.now); }; if (typeof window.addEventListener == "undefined" && typeof document.getElementsByClassName == "undefined") { // IE & IE<9 var GetAbsoluteXY = function(element) { var pnode = element; var x = pnode.offsetLeft; var y = pnode.offsetTop; while ( pnode.offsetParent ) { pnode = pnode.offsetParent; if (pnode != document.body && pnode.currentStyle['position'] != 'static') { break; } if (pnode != document.body && pnode != document.documentElement) { x -= pnode.scrollLeft; y -= pnode.scrollTop; } x += pnode.offsetLeft; y += pnode.offsetTop; } return { x: x, y: y }; }; var StaticToAbsolute = function (element) { if ( element.currentStyle['position'] != 'static') { return ; } var xy = GetAbsoluteXY(element); element.style.position = 'absolute' ; element.style.left = xy.x + 'px'; element.style.top = xy.y + 'px'; }; var IETransform = function(element,transform){ var r; var m11 = 1; var m12 = 1; var m21 = 1; var m22 = 1; if (typeof element.style['msTransform'] != 'undefined'){ return true; } StaticToAbsolute(element); r = transform.match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/); var rotate = ( r && r[1]) ? parseInt(r[1]) : 0; rotate = rotate % 360; if (rotate < 0) rotate = 360 + rotate; var radian= rotate * Math.PI / 180; var cosX =Math.cos(radian); var sinY =Math.sin(radian); m11 *= cosX; m12 *= -sinY; m21 *= sinY; m22 *= cosX; element.style.filter = (element.style.filter || '').replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\([^)]*\)/, "" ) + ("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(" + "M11=" + m11 + ",M12=" + m12 + ",M21=" + m21 + ",M22=" + m22 + ",FilterType='bilinear',sizingMethod='auto expand')") ; var ow = parseInt(element.style.width || element.width || 0 ); var oh = parseInt(element.style.height || element.height || 0 ); radian = rotate * Math.PI / 180; var absCosX =Math.abs(Math.cos(radian)); var absSinY =Math.abs(Math.sin(radian)); var dx = (ow - (ow * absCosX + oh * absSinY)) / 2; var dy = (oh - (ow * absSinY + oh * absCosX)) / 2; element.style.marginLeft = Math.floor(dx) + "px"; element.style.marginTop = Math.floor(dy) + "px"; return(true); }; var transform_set = $.cssHooks.transform.set; $.cssHooks.transform.set = function(elem, value) { transform_set.apply(this, [elem, value] ); IETransform(elem,value); return value; }; } })(jQuery);