Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/commands/open.js |
/** * @class elFinder command "open" * Enter folder or open files in new windows * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ (elFinder.prototype.commands.open = function() { "use strict"; var fm = this.fm, self = this; this.alwaysEnabled = true; this.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd = true; this._handlers = { dblclick : function(e) { var arg = e.data && e.data.file? [ e.data.file ]: void(0); if (self.getstate(arg) === 0) { e.preventDefault(); fm.exec('open', arg); } }, 'select enable disable reload' : function(e) { this.update(e.type == 'disable' ? -1 : void(0)); } }; this.shortcuts = [{ pattern : 'ctrl+down numpad_enter'+(fm.OS != 'mac' && ' enter') }]; this.getstate = function(select) { var sel = this.files(select), cnt = sel.length, filter = function(files) { var fres = true; return $.grep(files, function(file) { fres = fres && file.mime == 'directory' || ! file.read ? false : true; return fres; }); }; return cnt == 1 ? (sel[0].read ? 0 : -1) : (cnt && !fm.UA.Mobile) ? ($.grep(sel, function(file) { return file.mime == 'directory' || ! file.read ? false : true;}).length == cnt ? 0 : -1) : -1; }; this.exec = function(hashes, cOpts) { var dfrd = $.Deferred().fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); }), files = this.files(hashes), cnt = files.length, thash = (typeof cOpts == 'object')? cOpts.thash : false, opts = this.options, into = opts.into || 'window', file, url, s, w, imgW, imgH, winW, winH, reg, link, html5dl, inline, selAct, cmd; if (!cnt && !thash) { { return dfrd.reject(); } } // open folder if (thash || (cnt == 1 && (file = files[0]) && file.mime == 'directory')) { if (!thash && file && !file.read) { return dfrd.reject(['errOpen', file.name, 'errPerm']); } else { if (fm.keyState.ctrlKey && (fm.keyState.shiftKey || typeof fm.options.getFileCallback !== 'function')) { if (fm.getCommand('opennew')) { return fm.exec('opennew', [thash? thash : file.hash]); } } return fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'open', target : thash || file.hash}, notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}, syncOnFail : true, lazy : false }); } } files = $.grep(files, function(file) { return file.mime != 'directory' ? true : false; }); // nothing to open or files and folders selected - do nothing if (cnt != files.length) { return dfrd.reject(); } var doOpen = function() { var openCB = function(url) { var link = $('<a rel="noopener">').hide().appendTo($('body')); if (fm.UA.Mobile || !inline) { if (html5dl) { if (!inline) { link.attr('download', file.name); } else { link.attr('target', '_blank'); } link.attr('href', url).get(0).click(); } else { wnd = window.open(url); if (!wnd) { return dfrd.reject('errPopup'); } } } else { getOnly = (typeof opts.method === 'string' && opts.method.toLowerCase() === 'get'); if (!getOnly && url.indexOf(fm.options.url) === 0 && fm.customData && Object.keys(fm.customData).length // Since playback by POST request can not be done in Chrome, media allows GET request && !file.mime.match(/^(?:video|audio)/) ) { // Send request as 'POST' method to hide custom data at location bar url = ''; } if (into === 'window') { // set window size for image if set imgW = winW = Math.round(2 * screen.availWidth / 3); imgH = winH = Math.round(2 * screen.availHeight / 3); if (parseInt(file.width) && parseInt(file.height)) { imgW = parseInt(file.width); imgH = parseInt(file.height); } else if (file.dim) { s = file.dim.split('x'); imgW = parseInt(s[0]); imgH = parseInt(s[1]); } if (winW >= imgW && winH >= imgH) { winW = imgW; winH = imgH; } else { if ((imgW - winW) > (imgH - winH)) { winH = Math.round(imgH * (winW / imgW)); } else { winW = Math.round(imgW * (winH / imgH)); } } w = 'width='+winW+',height='+winH; wnd = window.open(url, target, w + ',top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=no'); } else { if (into === 'tabs') { target = file.hash; } wnd = window.open('about:blank', target); } if (!wnd) { return dfrd.reject('errPopup'); } if (url === '') { var form = document.createElement("form"); form.action = fm.options.url; form.method = 'POST'; form.target = target; form.style.display = 'none'; var params = Object.assign({}, fm.customData, { cmd: 'file', target: file.hash, _t: file.ts || parseInt(+new Date()/1000) }); $.each(params, function(key, val) { var input = document.createElement("input"); input.name = key; input.value = val; form.appendChild(input); }); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } else if (into !== 'window') { wnd.location = url; } $(wnd).trigger('focus'); } link.remove(); }, wnd, target, getOnly; try { reg = new RegExp(fm.option('dispInlineRegex'), 'i'); } catch(e) { reg = false; } // open files html5dl = (typeof $('<a>').get(0).download === 'string'); cnt = files.length; while (cnt--) { target = 'elf_open_window'; file = files[cnt]; if (!file.read) { return dfrd.reject(['errOpen', file.name, 'errPerm']); } inline = (reg && file.mime.match(reg)); fm.openUrl(file.hash, !inline, openCB); } return dfrd.resolve(hashes); }; if (cnt > 1) { fm.confirm({ title: 'openMulti', text : ['openMultiConfirm', cnt + ''], accept : { label : 'cmdopen', callback : function() { doOpen(); } }, cancel : { label : 'btnCancel', callback : function() { dfrd.reject(); } }, buttons : (fm.getCommand('zipdl') && fm.isCommandEnabled('zipdl', fm.cwd().hash))? [ { label : 'cmddownload', callback : function() { fm.exec('download', hashes); dfrd.reject(); } } ] : [] }); } else { selAct = fm.storage('selectAction') || opts.selectAction; if (selAct) { $.each(selAct.split('/'), function() { var cmdName = this.valueOf(); if (cmdName !== 'open' && (cmd = fm.getCommand(cmdName)) && cmd.enabled()) { return false; } cmd = null; }); if (cmd) { return fm.exec(cmd.name); } } doOpen(); } return dfrd; }; }).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command