Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/modules/woocommerce/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/modules/woocommerce/module.php |
<?php namespace ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce; use Elementor\Widget_Base; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Skins\Skin_Loop_Product; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Skins\Skin_Loop_Product_Taxonomy; use ElementorPro\Core\Utils as ProUtils; use ElementorPro\Plugin; use ElementorPro\Base\Module_Base; use ElementorPro\Modules\ThemeBuilder\Classes\Conditions_Manager; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Conditions\Woocommerce; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product_Post; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product_Archive; use Elementor\Utils; use Elementor\Core\Documents_Manager; use Elementor\Settings; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module as Ajax; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Classes\Products_Renderer; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Widgets\Products as Products_Widget; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Data\Controller as WoocommerceDataController; use Elementor\Icons_Manager; use ElementorPro\Modules\LoopBuilder\Module as LoopBuilderModule; use ElementorPro\License\API; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Module extends Module_Base { const WOOCOMMERCE_GROUP = 'woocommerce'; const TEMPLATE_MINI_CART = 'cart/mini-cart.php'; const OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART = 'use_mini_cart_template'; const MENU_CART_FRAGMENTS_ACTION = 'elementor-menu-cart-fragments'; const MENU_CART_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'woocommerce-menu-cart'; const SINGLE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'product-single'; const ARCHIVE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'product-archive'; const SITE_SETTINGS_PAGES_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'settings-woocommerce-pages'; const SITE_SETTINGS_NOTICES_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'settings-woocommerce-notices'; const DYNAMIC_TAGS_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME = 'dynamic-tags-wc'; const LOOP_PRODUCT_SKIN_ID = 'product'; const LOOP_PRODUCT_TAXONOMY_SKIN_ID = 'product_taxonomy'; const WC_PERSISTENT_SITE_SETTINGS = [ 'woocommerce_cart_page_id', 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id', 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id', 'woocommerce_terms_page_id', 'woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id', 'woocommerce_shop_page_id', ]; const WIDGET_NAME_CLASS_NAME_MAP = [ 'woocommerce-products' => 'Products', 'wc-products' => 'Products_Deprecated', 'woocommerce-product-add-to-cart' => 'Product_Add_To_Cart', 'wc-elements' => 'Elements', 'wc-categories' => 'Categories', 'woocommerce-product-price' => 'Product_Price', 'woocommerce-product-title' => 'Product_Title', 'woocommerce-product-images' => 'Product_Images', 'woocommerce-product-upsell' => 'Product_Upsell', 'woocommerce-product-short-description' => 'Product_Short_Description', 'woocommerce-product-meta' => 'Product_Meta', 'woocommerce-product-stock' => 'Product_Stock', 'woocommerce-product-rating' => 'Product_Rating', 'woocommerce-product-data-tabs' => 'Product_Data_Tabs', 'woocommerce-product-related' => 'Product_Related', 'woocommerce-breadcrumb' => 'Breadcrumb', 'wc-add-to-cart' => 'Add_To_Cart', 'wc-archive-products' => 'Archive_Products', 'woocommerce-archive-products' => 'Archive_Products_Deprecated', 'woocommerce-product-additional-information' => 'Product_Additional_Information', 'woocommerce-menu-cart' => 'Menu_Cart', 'woocommerce-product-content' => 'Product_Content', 'woocommerce-archive-description' => 'Archive_Description', 'woocommerce-checkout-page' => 'Checkout', 'woocommerce-cart' => 'Cart', 'woocommerce-my-account' => 'My_Account', 'woocommerce-purchase-summary' => 'Purchase_Summary', 'woocommerce-notices' => 'Notices', 'wc-single-elements' => 'Single_Elements', ]; const WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS = true; protected $docs_types = []; protected $use_mini_cart_template; protected $woocommerce_notices_elements = []; public static function is_active() { return class_exists( 'woocommerce' ); } public static function is_product_search() { return is_search() && 'product' === get_query_var( 'post_type' ); } /** * @param $settings * @param string $icon * @return void */ public static function render_menu_icon( $settings, string $icon ) { if ( ! empty( $settings['icon'] ) && 'custom' === $settings['icon'] ) { self::render_custom_menu_icon( $settings ); } else { Icons_Manager::render_icon( [ 'library' => 'eicons', 'value' => 'eicon-' . $icon, ] ); } } /** * @param $settings * @return void */ private static function render_custom_menu_icon( $settings ) { if ( empty( $settings['menu_icon_svg'] ) ) { echo '<i class="fas fa-shopping-cart"></i>'; // Default Custom icon. } else { Icons_Manager::render_icon( $settings['menu_icon_svg'], [ 'class' => 'e-toggle-cart-custom-icon', 'aria-hidden' => 'true', ] ); } } public function get_name() { return 'woocommerce'; } public function get_widgets() { return API::filter_active_features( static::WIDGET_NAME_CLASS_NAME_MAP ); } const RECOMMENDED_POSTS_WIDGET_NAMES = [ 'theme-post-featured-image', 'woocommerce-product-title', 'woocommerce-product-add-to-cart', 'woocommerce-product-price', 'woocommerce-product-rating', 'woocommerce-product-stock', 'woocommerce-product-meta', 'woocommerce-product-short-description', 'woocommerce-product-content', 'woocommerce-product-data-tabs', 'woocommerce-product-additional-information', ]; // 'WC page name' => 'Elementor widget name' const WC_STATUS_PAGES_MAPPED_TO_WIDGETS = [ 'Cart' => 'woocommerce-cart', 'Checkout' => 'woocommerce-checkout-page', 'My account' => 'woocommerce-my-account', ]; public function add_product_post_class( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'product'; return $classes; } public function add_products_post_class_filter() { add_filter( 'post_class', [ $this, 'add_product_post_class' ] ); } public function remove_products_post_class_filter() { remove_filter( 'post_class', [ $this, 'add_product_post_class' ] ); } public function register_tags() { if ( ! API::is_licence_has_feature( static::DYNAMIC_TAGS_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME, API::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK ) ) { return; } $tags = [ 'Product_Gallery', 'Product_Image', 'Product_Price', 'Product_Rating', 'Product_Sale', 'Product_Content', 'Product_Short_Description', 'Product_SKU', 'Product_Stock', 'Product_Terms', 'Product_Title', 'Category_Image', 'Woocommerce_Add_To_Cart', ]; /** @var \Elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Manager $module */ $module = Plugin::elementor()->dynamic_tags; $module->register_group( self::WOOCOMMERCE_GROUP, [ 'title' => esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'elementor-pro' ), ] ); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { $tag = 'ElementorPro\\Modules\\Woocommerce\\tags\\' . $tag; $module->register( new $tag() ); } } public function register_wc_hooks() { wc()->frontend_includes(); } /** * @param Conditions_Manager $conditions_manager */ public function register_conditions( $conditions_manager ) { $woocommerce_condition = new Woocommerce(); $conditions_manager->get_condition( 'general' )->register_sub_condition( $woocommerce_condition ); } /** * @param Documents_Manager $documents_manager */ public function register_documents( $documents_manager ) { if ( API::is_licence_has_feature( static::SINGLE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME, API::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK ) ) { $this->docs_types = [ 'product-post' => Product_Post::get_class_full_name(), ]; $this->docs_types['product'] = Product::get_class_full_name(); } if ( API::is_licence_has_feature( static::ARCHIVE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME, API::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK ) ) { $this->docs_types['product-archive'] = Product_Archive::get_class_full_name(); } foreach ( $this->docs_types as $type => $class_name ) { $documents_manager->register_document_type( $type, $class_name ); } } public static function render_menu_cart_toggle_button( $settings ) { if ( null === WC()->cart ) { return; } $product_count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); $sub_total = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal(); $icon = ! empty( $settings['icon'] ) ? $settings['icon'] : 'cart-medium'; ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__toggle elementor-button-wrapper"> <a id="elementor-menu-cart__toggle_button" href="#" class="elementor-menu-cart__toggle_button elementor-button elementor-size-sm" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="elementor-button-text"><?php echo $sub_total; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?></span> <span class="elementor-button-icon"> <span class="elementor-button-icon-qty" data-counter="<?php echo esc_attr( $product_count ); ?>"><?php echo $product_count; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?></span> <?php self::render_menu_icon( $settings, $icon ); ?> <span class="elementor-screen-only"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Cart', 'elementor-pro' ); ?></span> </span> </a> </div> <?php } /** * Render Menu Cart * * The `widget_shopping_cart_content` div will be populated by woocommerce js. * * When in the editor we populate this on page load as we can't rely on the woocoommerce js to re-add the fragments * each time a widget us re-rendered. */ public static function render_menu_cart( $settings ) { if ( null === WC()->cart ) { return; } $widget_cart_is_hidden = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden', false ); $is_edit_mode = Plugin::elementor()->editor->is_edit_mode(); ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__wrapper"> <?php if ( ! $widget_cart_is_hidden ) : ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__toggle_wrapper"> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__container elementor-lightbox" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__main" aria-hidden="true"> <?php self::render_menu_cart_close_button( $settings ); ?> <div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"> <?php if ( $is_edit_mode ) { woocommerce_mini_cart(); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php self::render_menu_cart_toggle_button( $settings ); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!-- close elementor-menu-cart__wrapper --> <?php } public static function render_menu_cart_close_button( $settings ) { $has_custom_icon = ! empty( $settings['close_cart_icon_svg']['value'] ) && 'yes' === $settings['close_cart_button_show']; $toggle_button_class = 'elementor-menu-cart__close-button'; if ( $has_custom_icon ) { $toggle_button_class .= '-custom'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo sanitize_html_class( $toggle_button_class ); ?>"> <?php if ( $has_custom_icon ) { Icons_Manager::render_icon( $settings['close_cart_icon_svg'], [ 'class' => 'e-close-cart-custom-icon', 'aria-hidden' => 'true', ] ); } ?> </div> <?php } /** * Menu cart fragments. * * Ajax action to create fragments for the menu carts in a page. * * @return void */ public function menu_cart_fragments() { $all_fragments = []; if ( ! isset( $_POST['_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['_nonce'] ), self::MENU_CART_FRAGMENTS_ACTION ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, it's used only for nonce verification wp_send_json( [] ); } $templates = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'templates' ); if ( ! is_array( $templates ) ) { wp_send_json( [] ); } if ( 'true' === ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'is_editor' ) ) { Plugin::elementor()->editor->set_edit_mode( true ); } foreach ( $templates as $id ) { $this->get_all_fragments( $id, $all_fragments ); } wp_send_json( [ 'fragments' => $all_fragments ] ); } /** * Get All Fragments. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param $id * @param $all_fragments * @return void */ public function get_all_fragments( $id, &$all_fragments ) { $fragments_in_document = $this->get_fragments_in_document( $id ); if ( $fragments_in_document ) { $all_fragments += $fragments_in_document; } } /** * Get Fragments In Document. * * A general function that will return any needed fragments for a Post. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access public * * @param int $id * * @return mixed $fragments */ public function get_fragments_in_document( $id ) { $document = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get( $id ); if ( ! is_object( $document ) ) { return false; } $fragments = []; $data = $document->get_elements_data(); Plugin::elementor()->db->iterate_data( $data, $this->get_fragments_handler( $fragments ) ); return ! empty( $fragments ) ? $fragments : false; } /** * Get Fragments Handler. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param array $fragments * @return void */ public function get_fragments_handler( array &$fragments ) { return function ( $element ) use ( &$fragments ) { if ( ! isset( $element['widgetType'] ) ) { return; } $fragment_data = $this->get_fragment_data( $element ); $total_fragments = count( $fragment_data ) / 2; for ( $i = 0; $i < $total_fragments; $i++ ) { $fragments[ $fragment_data['selector'][ $i ] ] = $fragment_data['html'][ $i ]; } }; } /** * Empty Cart Fragments * * When the Cart is emptied, the selected 'Empty Cart Template' needs to be added as an item * in the WooCommerce `$fragments` array, so that WC will push the custom Template content into the DOM. * This is done to prevent the need for a page refresh after the cart is cleared. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param array $fragments * @return array */ public function empty_cart_fragments( $fragments ) { // Only do this when the cart is empty. if ( WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() !== 0 ) { return $fragments; } $document = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get( url_to_postid( wp_get_referer() ) ); if ( is_object( $document ) ) { $data = $document->get_elements_data(); Plugin::elementor()->db->iterate_data( $data, function( $element ) use ( &$fragments ) { if ( isset( $element['widgetType'] ) && 'woocommerce-cart' === $element['widgetType'] && ( isset( $element['settings']['additional_template_switch'] ) && 'active' === $element['settings']['additional_template_switch'] ) && ( isset( $element['settings']['additional_template_select'] ) && 0 < $element['settings']['additional_template_select'] ) ) { $fragments[ 'div.elementor-element-' . $element['id'] . ' .elementor-widget-container' ] = '<div class="elementor-widget-container">' . do_shortcode( '[elementor-template id="' . $element['settings']['additional_template_select'] . '"]' ) . '</div>'; } } ); } return $fragments; } public function maybe_init_cart() { $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( ! $has_cart ) { $session_class = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_session_handler', 'WC_Session_Handler' ); WC()->session = new $session_class(); WC()->session->init(); WC()->cart = new \WC_Cart(); WC()->customer = new \WC_Customer( get_current_user_id(), true ); } } public function localized_settings_frontend( $settings ) { $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( $has_cart ) { $settings['woocommerce']['menu_cart'] = [ 'cart_page_url' => wc_get_cart_url(), 'checkout_page_url' => wc_get_checkout_url(), 'fragments_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( self::MENU_CART_FRAGMENTS_ACTION ), ]; } return $settings; } public function theme_template_include( $need_override_location, $location ) { if ( is_product() && 'single' === $location ) { $need_override_location = true; } return $need_override_location; } public function add_loop_recommended_widgets( $config, $post_id ) { if ( ! $this->is_source_set_to_products( $post_id ) ) { return $config; } $config = $this->add_woocommerce_widgets_to_recommended( $config ); return $this->hide_woocommerce_widgets_in_loop_document( $config ); } /** * Add plugin path to wc template search path. * Based on: https://www.skyverge.com/blog/override-woocommerce-template-file-within-a-plugin/ * @param $template * @param $template_name * @param $template_path * * @return string */ public function woocommerce_locate_template( $template, $template_name, $template_path ) { if ( self::TEMPLATE_MINI_CART !== $template_name ) { return $template; } if ( ! $this->use_mini_cart_template ) { return $template; } $plugin_path = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'woocommerce/wc-templates/'; if ( file_exists( $plugin_path . $template_name ) ) { $template = $plugin_path . $template_name; } return $template; } /** * WooCommerce/WordPress widget(s), some of the widgets have css classes that used by final selectors. * before this filter, all those widgets were warped by `.elementor-widget-container` without chain original widget * classes, now they will be warped by div with the original css classes. * * @param array $default_widget_args * @param \Elementor\Widget_WordPress $widget * * @return array $default_widget_args */ public function woocommerce_wordpress_widget_css_class( $default_widget_args, $widget ) { $widget_instance = $widget->get_widget_instance(); if ( ! empty( $widget_instance->widget_cssclass ) ) { $default_widget_args['before_widget'] .= '<div class="' . $widget_instance->widget_cssclass . '">'; $default_widget_args['after_widget'] .= '</div>'; } return $default_widget_args; } public function register_admin_fields( Settings $settings ) { if ( ! API::is_licence_has_feature( static::MENU_CART_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME, API::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK ) ) { return; } $settings->add_section( Settings::TAB_INTEGRATIONS, 'woocommerce', [ 'callback' => function() { echo '<hr><h2>' . esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'elementor-pro' ) . '</h2>'; }, 'fields' => [ self::OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART => [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Mini Cart Template', 'elementor-pro' ), 'field_args' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'initial', 'options' => [ 'initial' => '', // Relevant until either menu-cart widget is used or option is explicitly set to 'no'. 'no' => esc_html__( 'Disable', 'elementor-pro' ), 'yes' => esc_html__( 'Enable', 'elementor-pro' ), ], 'desc' => esc_html__( 'Set to `Disable` in order to use your Theme\'s or WooCommerce\'s mini-cart template instead of Elementor\'s.', 'elementor-pro' ), ], ], ], ] ); } /** * Load Widget Before WooCommerce Ajax. * * When outputting the complex WooCommerce shortcodes (which we use in our widgets) e.g. Checkout, Cart, etc. WC * immediately does more ajax calls and retrieves updated html fragments based on the data in the forms that may * be autofilled by the current user's browser e.g. the Payment section holding the "Place order" button. * * This function runs before these ajax calls. Using the `elementorPageId` and `elementorWidgetId` querystring * appended to the forms `_wp_http_referer` url field, or the referer page ID, it loads the relevant Elementor widget. * The rendered Elementor widget replaces the default WooCommerce template used to refresh WooCommerce elements in the page. * * This is necessary for example in the Checkout Payment section where we modify the Terms & Conditions text * using settings from the widget or when updating shipping methods on the Cart. * * @since 3.5.0 */ public function load_widget_before_wc_ajax() { // Make sure is a WooCommerce ajax call. $wc_ajax = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_GET, 'wc-ajax' ); if ( ! $wc_ajax ) { return; } // Only handle relevant WC AJAX calls if ( ! in_array( $wc_ajax, [ 'update_order_review', 'update_shipping_method' ], true ) ) { return; } // Security checks. switch ( $wc_ajax ) { case 'update_order_review': check_ajax_referer( 'update-order-review', 'security' ); break; case 'update_shipping_method': check_ajax_referer( 'update-shipping-method', 'security' ); break; } $page_id = false; $widget_id = false; // Try to get the `$page_id` and `$widget_id` we added as a query string to `_wp_http_referer` in `post_data`. // This is only available when a form is submitted. $raw_post_data = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'post_data' ); if ( $raw_post_data ) { $raw_post_data = html_entity_decode( $raw_post_data ); parse_str( $raw_post_data, $post_data ); if ( isset( $post_data['_wp_http_referer'] ) ) { $wp_http_referer = wp_unslash( $post_data['_wp_http_referer'] ); $wp_http_referer_query_string = wp_parse_url( $wp_http_referer, PHP_URL_QUERY ); if ( ! empty( $wp_http_referer_query_string ) ) { parse_str( $wp_http_referer_query_string, $wp_http_referer_query_string ); if ( isset( $wp_http_referer_query_string['elementorPageId'] ) ) { $page_id = $wp_http_referer_query_string['elementorPageId']; } if ( isset( $wp_http_referer_query_string['elementorWidgetId'] ) ) { $widget_id = $wp_http_referer_query_string['elementorWidgetId']; } } } } if ( ! $page_id ) { $page_id = url_to_postid( wp_get_referer() ); } // Bail if no `$page_id`. if ( ! $page_id ) { return; } // Get Elementor document from `$page_id`. $document = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get_doc_for_frontend( $page_id ); // Bail if not Elementor page. if ( ! $document ) { return; } // Setup $page_id as the WP global $post, so is available to our widgets. $post = get_post( $page_id, OBJECT ); setup_postdata( $post ); $widget_data = false; if ( $widget_id ) { // If we did manage to pass `$widget_id` to this ajax call we get the widget data by its ID. $widget_data = Utils::find_element_recursive( $document->get_elements_data(), $widget_id ); } else { // If we didn't manage to pass `$widget_id` to this ajax call we use this alternate method and get the first // of the type of widget used on the WC endpoint pages responsible for these ajax calls - cart or checkout widget. $woocommerce_widgets = [ 'woocommerce-cart', 'woocommerce-checkout-page' ]; $document_data = $document->get_elements_data(); Plugin::elementor()->db->iterate_data( $document_data, function( $element ) use ( $woocommerce_widgets, &$widget_data ) { if ( $widget_data && ( ! isset( $element['widgetType'] ) || ! in_array( $element['widgetType'], $woocommerce_widgets, true ) ) ) { return; } $widget_data = $element; } ); } // If we found a widget then run `add_render_hooks()` widget method. if ( $widget_data ) { $widget_instance = Plugin::elementor()->elements_manager->create_element_instance( $widget_data ); if ( method_exists( $widget_instance, 'add_render_hooks' ) ) { $widget_instance->add_render_hooks(); } } } /** * Elementor Woocommerce Checkout Login User * * Handle the Ajax call for the custom login form on the Checkout Widget * * @since 3.5.0 */ public function elementor_woocommerce_checkout_login_user() { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { wp_logout(); } $error = false; $error_message = ''; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'nonce' ), 'woocommerce-login' ) ) { $error = true; $error_message = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Bold text opening tag, 2: Bold text closing tag. */ esc_html__( '%1$sError:%2$s The nonce security check didn’t pass. Please reload the page and try again. You may want to try clearing your browser cache as a last attempt.', 'elementor-pro' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); } else { $info = [ 'user_login' => trim( ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'username' ) ), 'user_password' => $_POST['password'] ?? '', // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash, A password should not be sanitized. 'remember' => ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'remember' ), ]; $user_signon = wp_signon( $info, false ); if ( is_wp_error( $user_signon ) ) { $error = true; $error_message = $user_signon->get_error_message(); } } if ( $error ) { wc_add_notice( $error_message, 'error' ); $response = [ 'logged_in' => false, 'message' => wc_print_notices( true ), ]; } else { $response = [ 'logged_in' => true ]; } echo wp_json_encode( $response ); wp_die(); } /** * Register Ajax Actions. * * Registers ajax action used by the Editor js. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param Ajax $ajax */ public function register_ajax_actions( Ajax $ajax ) { // `woocommerce_update_page_option` is called in the editor save-show-modal.js. $ajax->register_ajax_action( 'pro_woocommerce_update_page_option', [ $this, 'update_page_option' ] ); $ajax->register_ajax_action( 'pro_woocommerce_mock_notices', [ $this, 'woocommerce_mock_notices' ] ); } /** * @throws \Exception */ public function woocommerce_mock_notices( $data ) { $document = ProUtils::_unstable_get_document_for_edit( $data['editor_post_id'] ); if ( in_array( 'wc_error', $data['notice_elements'], true ) ) { $notice_message = sprintf( '%1$s <a href="#" class="wc-backward">%2$s</a>', esc_html__( 'This is how an error notice would look.', 'elementor-pro' ), esc_html__( 'Here\'s a link', 'elementor-pro' ) ); wc_add_notice( $notice_message, 'error' ); } if ( in_array( 'wc_message', $data['notice_elements'], true ) ) { $notice_message = sprintf( '<a href="#" tabindex="1" class="button wc-forward">%1$s</a> %2$s <a href="#" class="restore-item">%3$s</a>', esc_html__( 'Button', 'elementor-pro' ), esc_html__( 'This is what a WooCommerce message notice looks like.', 'elementor-pro' ), esc_html__( 'Here\'s a link', 'elementor-pro' ) ); wc_add_notice( $notice_message, 'success' ); } if ( in_array( 'wc_info', $data['notice_elements'], true ) ) { $notice_message = sprintf( '<a href="#" tabindex="1" class="button wc-forward">%1$s</a> %2$s', esc_html__( 'Button', 'elementor-pro' ), esc_html__( 'This is how WooCommerce provides an info notice.', 'elementor-pro' ) ); wc_add_notice( $notice_message, 'notice' ); } return '<div class="woocommerce-notices-wrapper">' . wc_print_notices( true ) . '</div>'; } /** * Update Page Option. * * Ajax action can be used to update any WooCommerce option. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param array $data */ public function update_page_option( $data ) { $is_admin = current_user_can( 'manage_options' ); $is_shop_manager = current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ); $is_allowed = $is_admin || $is_shop_manager; if ( ! $is_allowed ) { return new \WP_Error( 401 ); } $allowed_options = [ 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id', 'woocommerce_cart_page_id', 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id', 'elementor_woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id', ]; $option_name = $data['option_name']; $post_id = absint( $data['editor_post_id'] ); if ( ! in_array( $option_name, $allowed_options, true ) ) { return new \WP_Error( 400 ); } update_option( $option_name, $post_id ); } public function init_site_settings( \Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Kit $kit ) { $kit->register_tab( 'settings-woocommerce', \ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Settings\Settings_Woocommerce::class ); } public function add_products_type_to_template_popup( $form ) { $this->add_products_to_options( $form, '_elementor_source' ); } public function add_products_type_to_loop_settings_query( $form ) { $this->add_products_to_options( $form, 'source' ); } public function add_products_taxonomy_type_to_template_popup( $form ) { $this->add_taxonomies_to_options( $form, '_elementor_source' ); } public function add_products_taxonomy_type_to_loop_settings_query( $form ) { $this->add_taxonomies_to_options( $form, 'source' ); } public function e_cart_count_fragments( $fragments ) { $product_count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); $fragments['.elementor-menu-cart__toggle_button span.elementor-button-text'] = '<span class="elementor-button-text">' . WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal() . '</span>'; $fragments['.elementor-menu-cart__toggle_button span.elementor-button-icon-qty'] = '<span class="elementor-button-icon-qty" data-counter=' . $product_count . '>' . $product_count . '</span>'; return $fragments; } /** * @param $form * @param $control_name * @return void */ protected function add_products_to_options( $form, $control_name ) { if ( empty( $form ) ) { return; } $controls = $form->get_controls( $control_name ); if ( ! $controls || ! isset( $controls['options'] ) ) { return; } $options = $controls['options']; $options[ self::LOOP_PRODUCT_SKIN_ID ] = esc_html__( 'Products', 'elementor-pro' ); $form->update_control( $control_name, [ 'options' => $options, ] ); } protected function add_taxonomies_to_options( $form, $control_name ) { $controls = $form->get_controls( $control_name ); if ( ! $controls || ! isset( $controls['options'] ) ) { return; } $options = $controls['options']; $options[ self::LOOP_PRODUCT_TAXONOMY_SKIN_ID ] = esc_html__( 'Product Taxonomy', 'elementor-pro' ); $form->update_control($control_name, [ 'options' => $options, ]); } /** * Add Update Kit Settings Hooks * * Add hooks that update the corresponding kit setting when the WooCommerce option is updated. */ public function add_update_kit_settings_hooks() { add_action( 'update_option_woocommerce_cart_page_id', function( $old_value, $value ) { Plugin::elementor()->kits_manager->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'woocommerce_cart_page_id', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'update_option_woocommerce_checkout_page_id', function( $old_value, $value ) { Plugin::elementor()->kits_manager->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'update_option_woocommerce_myaccount_page_id', function( $old_value, $value ) { Plugin::elementor()->kits_manager->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'update_option_woocommerce_terms_page_id', function( $old_value, $value ) { Plugin::elementor()->kits_manager->update_kit_settings_based_on_option( 'woocommerce_terms_page_id', $value ); }, 10, 2 ); } /** * Elementor WC My Account Logout * * Programatically log out if $_REQUEST['elementor_wc_logout'] is set. * The $_REQUEST variables we have generated a custom logout URL for in the My Account menu. * * @since 3.5.0 */ public function elementor_wc_my_account_logout() { $elementor_wc_logout = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, 'elementor_wc_logout' ); $nonce = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, '_wpnonce' ); if ( $elementor_wc_logout && $nonce && wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'customer-logout' ) ) { wp_logout(); // Log the user out Programatically. wp_safe_redirect( esc_url( ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, 'elementor_my_account_redirect' ) ) ); // Redirect back to the widget page. exit; } } /** * Add Localize Data * * Makes `woocommercePages` available with the page name and the associated post ID for use with the various * widgets site settings modal. * * @param $settings * @return array */ public function add_localize_data( $settings ) { $settings['woocommerce']['woocommercePages'] = [ 'checkout' => wc_get_page_id( 'checkout' ), 'cart' => wc_get_page_id( 'cart' ), 'myaccount' => wc_get_page_id( 'myaccount' ), 'purchase_summary' => get_option( 'elementor_woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id' ), ]; return $settings; } /** * Localize Added To Cart On Product Single * * WooCommerce doesn't trigger `added_to_cart` event on its products single page which is required for us to * automatically open our Menu Cart if the settings is chosen. We make the `productAddedToCart` setting * available that we can use in the Menu Cart js to check if a product has just been added. * * @since 3.5.0 */ public function localize_added_to_cart_on_product_single() { add_filter( 'elementor_pro/frontend/localize_settings', function ( $settings ) { $settings['woocommerce']['productAddedToCart'] = true; return $settings; } ); } public function e_notices_body_classes( $classes ) { if ( $this->should_load_wc_notices_styles() ) { foreach ( $this->get_styled_notice_elements() as $notice_element ) { $classes[] = 'e-' . str_replace( '_', '-', $notice_element ) . '-notice'; } } return $classes; } public function get_styled_notice_elements() { if ( empty( $this->woocommerce_notices_elements ) ) { $kit = Plugin::elementor()->kits_manager->get_active_kit_for_frontend(); $this->woocommerce_notices_elements = $kit->get_settings_for_display( 'woocommerce_notices_elements' ); } return ! empty( $this->woocommerce_notices_elements ) ? $this->woocommerce_notices_elements : []; } public function custom_gutenberg_woocommerce_notice() { $min_suffix = Utils::is_script_debug() ? '' : '.min'; wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-gutenberg-woocommerce-notice', ELEMENTOR_PRO_URL . '/assets/js/gutenberg-woocommerce-notice' . $min_suffix . '.js', [ 'wp-blocks' ], ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION, false ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-gutenberg-woocommerce-notice', 'elementor-pro' ); } public function e_notices_css() { if ( ! $this->should_load_wc_notices_styles() ) { return false; } wp_enqueue_style( 'e-woocommerce-notices', ELEMENTOR_PRO_URL . 'assets/css/woocommerce-notices.min.css', [], ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION ); } public function get_order_received_endpoint_url( $url, $endpoint, $value ) { $order_received_endpoint = get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_order_received_endpoint', 'order-received' ); if ( $order_received_endpoint === $endpoint ) { $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id = get_option( 'elementor_woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id' ); $order = wc_get_order( $value ); if ( $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id && $order ) { $url = trailingslashit( trailingslashit( trailingslashit( get_permalink( $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id ) ) . $order_received_endpoint ) . $order->get_id() ); } } return $url; } public function maybe_define_woocommerce_checkout() { $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id = get_option( 'elementor_woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id' ); if ( $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id && intval( $woocommerce_purchase_summary_page_id ) === get_queried_object_id() ) { if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) { define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true ); } } } /** * Products Query Sources Fragments. * * Since we introduced additional query sources to the Products Widget, * some of these query sources can now be used outside of the Single Product template. * * For example the Related Products and Cross-Sells. * * But now we'll need to make those sections also update when the Cart is updated. So * we'll do this by creating fragments for each of these. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param array $fragments * * @return array */ public function products_query_sources_fragments( $fragments ) { if ( WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() !== 0 ) { $document = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get( url_to_postid( wp_get_referer() ) ); if ( is_object( $document ) ) { $data = $document->get_elements_data(); Plugin::elementor()->db->iterate_data( $data, function( $element ) use ( &$fragments ) { if ( isset( $element['widgetType'] ) && 'woocommerce-products' === $element['widgetType'] ) { $settings = $element['settings']; if ( isset( $settings[ Products_Renderer::QUERY_CONTROL_NAME . '_post_type' ] ) ) { $query_type = $settings[ Products_Renderer::QUERY_CONTROL_NAME . '_post_type' ]; $query_types_to_check = [ 'related_products', 'upsells', 'cross_sells' ]; if ( in_array( $query_type, $query_types_to_check, true ) ) { switch ( $query_type ) { case 'related_products': $content = self::get_products_related_content( $settings ); break; case 'upsells': $content = self::get_upsells_content( $settings ); break; case 'cross_sells': $content = self::get_cross_sells_content( $settings ); break; default: $content = null; } if ( $content ) { $fragments[ 'div.elementor-element-' . $element['id'] . ' div.elementor-widget-container' ] = '<div class="elementor-widget-container">' . $content . '</div>'; } } } } } ); } } else { $fragments['div.elementor-widget-container .woocommerce .cross-sells'] = '<div class="cross-sells"></div>'; $fragments['div.elementor-widget-container .woocommerce section.up-sells'] = '<section class="up-sells upsells products"></section>'; } return $fragments; } /** * Get Products Related Content. * * A function to return content for the 'related' products query type in the Products widget. * This function is declared in the Module file so it can be accessed during a WC fragment refresh * and also be used in the Product widget's render method. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access public * * @param array $settings * * @return mixed The content or false */ public static function get_products_related_content( $settings ) { global $product; $product = wc_get_product(); if ( ! $product ) { return; } return self::get_product_widget_content( $settings, 'related_products', 'woocommerce_product_related_products_heading', 'products_related_title_text' ); } /** * Get Upsells Content. * * A function to return content for the 'upsell' query type in the Products widget. * This function is declared in the Module file so it can be accessed during a WC fragment refresh * and also be used in the Product widget's render method. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access public * * @param array $settings * * @return mixed The content or false */ public static function get_upsells_content( $settings ) { return self::get_product_widget_content( $settings, 'upsells', 'woocommerce_product_upsells_products_heading', 'products_upsells_title_text' ); } /** * Get Cross Sells Content. * * A function to return content for the 'cross_sells' query type in the Products widget. * This function is declared in the Module file so it can be accessed during a WC fragment refresh * and also be used in the Product widget's render method. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access public * * @param array $settings * * @return mixed The content or false */ public static function get_cross_sells_content( $settings ) { return self::get_product_widget_content( $settings, 'cross_sells', 'woocommerce_product_cross_sells_products_heading', 'products_cross_sells_title_text' ); } /** * Print Woocommerce Shipping Message * * Format the shipping messages that will be displayed on the Cart and Checkout Widgets. * This will add extra classes to those messages so that we can target certain messages * with certain style controls. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $html the original HTML from WC * @param string $classes the classes we will surround $html with * @return string the final formatted HTML that will be rendered */ private function print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, $classes ) { return '<span class="' . wp_sprintf( '%s', $classes ) . '">' . $html . '</span>'; } /** * Should load WC Notices Styles * * Determine if we should load the WooCommerce notices CSS. * It should only load: * - When we are in the Editor, regardless if any notices have been activated. * - If WooCoomerce is active. * - When we are on the front end, if at least one notice is activated. * * It should not load in WP Admin. * * @return boolean */ private function should_load_wc_notices_styles() { if ( ! API::is_licence_has_feature( static::SITE_SETTINGS_NOTICES_LICENSE_FEATURE_NAME, API::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK ) ) { return false; } $woocommerce_active = in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ); $is_editor = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_GET, 'elementor-preview' ); // Editor checks. if ( $woocommerce_active && $is_editor ) { return true; } // Front end checks. if ( 0 < count( $this->get_styled_notice_elements() ) // At least one notice has been activated. && $woocommerce_active // WooCommerce is active. && ( ! is_admin() || $is_editor ) // We are not in WP Admin. ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get Product Widget Content. * * A general function to create markup for the new query types in the Products widget. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $settings The widget settings. * @param string $type The query type to create content for. * @param string $title_hook The hook name to filter in the widget title. * @param string $title_key The control ID for the section title. * * @return mixed The content or false */ private static function get_product_widget_content( $settings, $type, $title_hook, $title_key = '' ) { add_filter( $title_hook, function ( $heading ) use ( $settings, $title_key ) { $title_text = isset( $settings[ $title_key ] ) ? $settings[ $title_key ] : ''; if ( ! empty( $title_text ) ) { return $title_text; } return $heading; }, 10, 1 ); ob_start(); $args = self::parse_product_widget_args( $settings, $type ); if ( 'related_products' === $type ) { woocommerce_related_products( $args ); } elseif ( 'upsells' === $type ) { woocommerce_upsell_display( $args['limit'], $args['columns'], $args['orderby'], $args['order'] ); } else { /** * We need to wrap this content in the 'woocommerce' class for the layout to have the correct styling. * Because this will only be used as a separate widget on the Cart page, * the normal 'woocommerce' div from the cart widget will be closed before this content. */ echo '<div class="woocommerce">'; woocommerce_cross_sell_display( $args['limit'], $args['columns'], $args['orderby'], $args['order'] ); echo '</div>'; } $products_html = ob_get_clean(); remove_filter( $title_hook, function() {}, 10 ); if ( $products_html ) { $products_html = str_replace( '<ul class="products', '<ul class="products elementor-grid', $products_html ); return wp_kses_post( $products_html ); } return false; } /** * Parse Product Widget Args. * * A general function to construct an arguments array for the new query types in the * Products widget according to the widget's settings. * These arguments will later be passed to the WooCommerce template functions. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $settings The widget settings. * @param string $type The query type to create arguments for. * * @return array $args */ private static function parse_product_widget_args( $settings, $type = 'related_products' ) { $limit_key = 'related_products' === $type ? 'posts_per_page' : 'limit'; $query_name = Products_Renderer::QUERY_CONTROL_NAME; $args = [ $limit_key => '-1', 'columns' => ! empty( $settings['columns'] ) ? $settings['columns'] : 4, 'orderby' => ! empty( $settings[ "{$query_name}_orderby" ] ) ? $settings[ "{$query_name}_orderby" ] : 'rand', 'order' => ! empty( $settings[ "{$query_name}_order" ] ) ? $settings[ "{$query_name}_order" ] : 'desc', ]; if ( ! empty( $settings['rows'] ) ) { $args[ $limit_key ] = $args['columns'] * $settings['rows']; } return $args; } /** * Get Fragment Data. * * A function that will return the selector and HTML for WC fragments. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $element * * @return array $fragment_data */ private function get_fragment_data( $element ) { $fragment_data = []; if ( 'woocommerce-menu-cart' === $element['widgetType'] ) { ob_start(); self::render_menu_cart_toggle_button( $element['settings'] ); $fragment_data['html'][] = ob_get_clean(); $fragment_data['selector'][] = 'div.elementor-element-' . $element['id'] . ' div.elementor-menu-cart__toggle'; } return $fragment_data; } /** * Is Preview * * Helper to check if we are doing either: * - Viewing the WP Preview page - also used as the Elementor preview page when clicking "Preview Changes" in the editor * - Viewing the page in the editor, but not the active page being edited e.g. if you click Edit Header while editing a page * * @since 3.7.0 * * @return bool */ public static function is_preview() { return Plugin::elementor()->preview->is_preview_mode() || is_preview(); } public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); new WoocommerceDataController(); add_action( 'elementor/kit/register_tabs', [ $this, 'init_site_settings' ], 1, 40 ); $this->add_update_kit_settings_hooks(); add_action( 'elementor/template-library/create_new_dialog_fields', [ $this, 'add_products_type_to_template_popup' ], 11 ); add_action( 'elementor-pro/modules/loop-builder/documents/loop/query_settings', [ $this, 'add_products_type_to_loop_settings_query' ], 11 ); add_action( 'elementor/template-library/create_new_dialog_fields', [ $this, 'add_products_taxonomy_type_to_template_popup' ], 13 ); add_action( 'elementor-pro/modules/loop-builder/documents/loop/query_settings', [ $this, 'add_products_taxonomy_type_to_loop_settings_query' ], 13 ); $this->use_mini_cart_template = 'yes' === get_option( 'elementor_' . self::OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART, 'no' ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'elementor/admin/after_create_settings/' . Settings::PAGE_ID, [ $this, 'register_admin_fields' ], 15 ); } add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'maybe_init_cart' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/dynamic_tags/register', [ $this, 'register_tags' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/documents/register', [ $this, 'register_documents' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/theme/register_conditions', [ $this, 'register_conditions' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_woocommerce_checkout_login_user', [ $this, 'elementor_woocommerce_checkout_login_user' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_elementor_woocommerce_checkout_login_user', [ $this, 'elementor_woocommerce_checkout_login_user' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_menu_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'menu_cart_fragments' ] ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_elementor_menu_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'menu_cart_fragments' ] ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'e_cart_count_fragments' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/theme/need_override_location', [ $this, 'theme_template_include' ], 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'elementor/document/config', [ $this, 'add_loop_recommended_widgets' ], 11, 2 ); add_filter( 'elementor_pro/frontend/localize_settings', [ $this, 'localized_settings_frontend' ] ); // Load our widget Before WooCommerce Ajax. See the variable's PHPDoc for details. add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', [ $this, 'load_widget_before_wc_ajax' ] ); add_action( 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', [ $this, 'load_widget_before_wc_ajax' ] ); // On Editor - Register WooCommerce frontend hooks before the Editor init. // Priority = 5, in order to allow plugins remove/add their wc hooks on init. $action = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, 'action' ); if ( 'elementor' === $action && is_admin() ) { add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register_wc_hooks' ], 5 ); } // Allow viewing of Checkout page in the Editor with an empty cart. if ( ( 'elementor' === $action && is_admin() ) // Elementor Editor || 'elementor_ajax' === $action // Elementor Editor Preview - Ajax Render Widget || ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, 'elementor-preview' ) // Elementor Editor Preview ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_redirect_empty_cart', '__return_false', 5 ); } if ( $this->use_mini_cart_template ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_locate_template', [ $this, 'woocommerce_locate_template' ], 10, 3 ); } $wc_ajax = ProUtils::_unstable_get_super_global_value( $_REQUEST, 'wc-ajax' ); if ( 'get_refreshed_fragments' === $wc_ajax ) { add_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'products_query_sources_fragments' ] ); // Render the Empty Cart Template on WC fragment refresh add_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'empty_cart_fragments' ] ); } add_filter( 'elementor/widgets/wordpress/widget_args', [ $this, 'woocommerce_wordpress_widget_css_class' ], 10, 2 ); add_action( 'elementor/ajax/register_actions', [ $this, 'register_ajax_actions' ] ); // Make the Logout redirect go to our my account widget page instead of the set My Account Page. add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'elementor_wc_my_account_logout' ], 5 ); add_filter( 'elementor_pro/editor/localize_settings', [ $this, 'add_localize_data' ] ); add_action( 'wp', [ $this, 'maybe_define_woocommerce_checkout' ] ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_endpoint_url', [ $this, 'get_order_received_endpoint_url' ], 10, 3 ); // Filters for messages on the Shipping calculator add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_may_be_available_html', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-shipping-may-be-available-html e-checkout-message e-cart-content' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_not_enabled_on_cart_html', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-shipping-not_enabled-on-cart-html e-checkout-message e-cart-content' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_estimate_html', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-shipping-estimate-html e-checkout-message e-cart-content' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_no_shipping_available_html', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-cart-no-shipping-available-html e-checkout-message e-cart-content' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_no_available_payment_methods_message', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-no-available-payment-methods-message e-description' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_no_shipping_available_html', function ( $html ) { return $this->print_woocommerce_shipping_message( $html, 'woocommerce-no-shipping-available-html e-checkout-message' ); }, 10, 1 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart', [ $this, 'localize_added_to_cart_on_product_single' ] ); foreach ( LoopBuilderModule::LOOP_WIDGETS as $widget_type ) { add_action( 'elementor/widget/' . $widget_type . '/skins_init', function( Widget_Base $widget ) { $widget->add_skin( new Skin_Loop_Product( $widget ) ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/widget/' . $widget_type . '/skins_init', function ( Widget_Base $widget ) { $widget->add_skin( new Skin_Loop_Product_Taxonomy( $widget ) ); }, 13 ); } // WooCommerce Notice Site Settings add_filter( 'body_class', [ $this, 'e_notices_body_classes' ] ); add_filter( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'e_notices_css' ] ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', [ $this, 'custom_gutenberg_woocommerce_notice' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/query/query_args', function( $query_args, $widget ) { return $this->loop_query( $query_args, $widget ); }, 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_prepare_system_status', function( $response, $system_status, $request ) { return $this->add_system_status_data( $response, $system_status, $request ); }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'elementor/editor/localize_settings', function ( $config ) { return $this->populate_persistent_settings( $config ); }); add_action( 'elementor/frontend/after_register_styles', [ $this, 'register_styles' ] ); } public function add_system_status_data( $response, $system_status, $request ) { foreach ( $response->data['pages'] as $index => $wc_page ) { $this->modify_response_if_widget_exists_in_page( $wc_page, $response, $index ); } return $response; } private function modify_response_if_widget_exists_in_page( $wc_page, &$response, $index ) { if ( empty( $wc_page['page_name'] ) || empty( $wc_page['page_id'] ) || ! array_key_exists( $wc_page['page_name'], static::WC_STATUS_PAGES_MAPPED_TO_WIDGETS ) ) { return; } if ( isset( $wc_page['shortcode_present'] ) && false !== $wc_page['shortcode_present'] ) { return; } $document = Plugin::elementor()->documents->get( $wc_page['page_id'] ); if ( ! $document || ! $document->is_built_with_elementor() ) { return; } $elementor_data = get_post_meta( $wc_page['page_id'], '_elementor_data', true ); $widget_name = static::WC_STATUS_PAGES_MAPPED_TO_WIDGETS[ $wc_page['page_name'] ]; $widget_exists_in_page = false !== strpos( $elementor_data, $widget_name ); if ( $widget_exists_in_page ) { $response->data['pages'][ $index ]['shortcode_present'] = true; } } public function loop_query( $query_args, $widget ) { if ( ! $this->is_product_query( $widget ) ) { return $query_args; } return $this->parse_loop_query_args( $widget, $query_args ); } private function is_product_query( $widget ) { $widget_config = $widget->get_config(); return ( ! empty( $widget_config['is_loop'] ) && 'product' === $widget->get_current_skin_id() ); } private function parse_loop_query_args( $widget, $query_args ) { $settings = $this->adjust_setting_for_product_renderer( $widget ); // For Products_Renderer. if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['post'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['post'] = null; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } $shortcode = Products_Widget::get_shortcode_object( $settings ); $parsed_query_args = $shortcode->parse_query_args(); unset( $parsed_query_args['fields'] ); $override_various_query_args = array_filter( $query_args, function( $key ) { return in_array( $key, [ 'posts_per_page', 'offset', 'paged' ], true ); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); return wp_parse_args( $override_various_query_args, $parsed_query_args ); } private function adjust_setting_for_product_renderer( $widget ) { $settings = $widget->get_settings_for_display(); $query_name = $widget->get_query_name(); $unique_query_settings = array_filter( $settings, function( $key ) use ( $query_name ) { return 0 === strpos( $key, $query_name ); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $query_settings = []; foreach ( $unique_query_settings as $key => $value ) { $query_settings[ 'query' . str_replace( $query_name, '', $key ) ] = $value; } $settings = array_merge( $settings, $query_settings ); if ( isset( $settings['posts_per_page'] ) && isset( $settings['columns'] ) ) { $settings['rows'] = ceil( $settings['posts_per_page'] / $settings['columns'] ); } $settings['paginate'] = 'yes'; $settings['allow_order'] = 'no'; $settings['show_result_count'] = 'no'; $settings['query_fields'] = false; return $settings; } /** * @param $post_id * @return bool */ private function is_source_set_to_products( $post_id ) { return 'product' === get_post_meta( $post_id, '_elementor_source', true ); } /** * @param array $config * @return array */ private function add_woocommerce_widgets_to_recommended( array $config ) { foreach ( static::RECOMMENDED_POSTS_WIDGET_NAMES as $recommended_posts_widget_name ) { $config['panel']['widgets_settings'][ $recommended_posts_widget_name ] = [ 'categories' => [ 'recommended' ], 'show_in_panel' => true, ]; } return $config; } private function hide_woocommerce_widgets_in_loop_document( array $config ) { $config['panel']['widgets_settings']['woocommerce-product-images'] = [ 'show_in_panel' => false, ]; return $config; } private function populate_persistent_settings( array $config ) { $config['persistent_keys'] = array_key_exists( 'persistent_keys', $config ) ? array_merge( $config['persistent_keys'], self::WC_PERSISTENT_SITE_SETTINGS ) : self::WC_PERSISTENT_SITE_SETTINGS; return $config; } /** * Get the base URL for assets. * * @return string */ public function get_assets_base_url(): string { return ELEMENTOR_PRO_URL; } /** * Register styles. * * At build time, Elementor compiles `/modules/woocommerce/assets/scss/widgets/*.scss` * to `/assets/css/widget-*.min.css`. * * @return void */ public function register_styles(): void { $direction_suffix = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : ''; $widget_styles = $this->get_widgets_style_list(); $has_custom_breakpoints = Plugin::elementor()->breakpoints->has_custom_breakpoints(); foreach ( $widget_styles as $widget_style_name => $widget_has_responsive_style ) { $should_load_responsive_css = $widget_has_responsive_style ? $has_custom_breakpoints : false; wp_register_style( $widget_style_name, Plugin::get_frontend_file_url( "{$widget_style_name}{$direction_suffix}.min.css", $should_load_responsive_css ), [ 'elementor-frontend' ], $should_load_responsive_css ? null : ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION ); } } private function get_widgets_style_list(): array { return [ 'widget-woocommerce-cart' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-categories' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-checkout-page' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-menu-cart' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-my-account' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-notices' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-add-to-cart' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-additional-information' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-data-tabs' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-images' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-meta' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-price' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-product-rating' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-products' => ! self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-products-archive' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, 'widget-woocommerce-purchase-summary' => self::WIDGET_HAS_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS, ]; } }