Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/restore_infected/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/restore_infected/helpers.py |
import datetime import ftplib import functools import inspect import os import re import shutil import socket import warnings from itertools import chain from dateutil import parser def from_env(**param_to_env): def decorator(f): spec = inspect.getfullargspec(f) assert all( param in chain(spec.args, spec.kwonlyargs) for param in param_to_env ) f.from_env = param_to_env return f return decorator class DateTime(datetime.datetime): def __new__(cls, s): return parser.parse(s, ignoretz=True) fromtimestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp now = datetime.datetime.now utcfromtimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp def reconnect_ftp(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(ftp, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(ftp, *args, **kwargs) except ftplib.error_temp: ftp.connect() return func(ftp, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class FtpError(Exception): pass def _handle_ftp_error(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(ftp, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(ftp, *args, **kwargs) except (ftplib.Error, socket.error) as e: raise FtpError(*e.args) return wrapper @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) class Ftp: ftp = None def __init__(self, host, login, password, use_ftps, passive_mode=True, port=21, timeout=10, **_): self.host = host self.login = login self.password = password self.passive_mode = passive_mode self.use_ftps = use_ftps self.port = port self.timeout = timeout @property def _address(self): return self.login + '@' + self.host + ':' + str(self.port) def __str__(self): protocol = 'ftps' if self.use_ftps else 'ftp' return protocol + '://' + self._address @_handle_ftp_error def connect(self): if self.use_ftps: ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS() else: ftp = ftplib.FTP() ftp.connect(self.host, self.port, self.timeout) ftp.login(self.login, self.password) if self.use_ftps: ftp.prot_p() ftp.set_pasv(self.passive_mode) self.ftp = ftp @_handle_ftp_error @reconnect_ftp def listdir(self, *args): return self.ftp.nlst(*args) @_handle_ftp_error @reconnect_ftp def mlistdir(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.ftp.mlsd(*args, **kwargs) @_handle_ftp_error @reconnect_ftp def retrieve(self, path, destination): """ :raises FtpError: :raises IsNotDirError: :raises DirNotEmptyError: """ if not os.path.isabs(destination): destination = os.path.abspath(destination) destination = os.path.join(destination, self._address) target_name = os.path.join(destination, path.lstrip(os.path.sep)) target_dir = os.path.dirname(target_name) mkdir(target_dir) free_space = shutil.disk_usage(target_dir).free try: target_size = self.size(path) except FtpError: # Skip this step if SIZE command is not supported on the server pass else: if target_size > free_space: raise FtpError('Disk is full', free_space, target_size) with open(target_name, 'wb') as w: self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + path, w.write) return target_name @_handle_ftp_error @reconnect_ftp def size(self, dir_path): """ Get the size of the file on the server """ try: self.ftp.sendcmd('TYPE I') return self.ftp.size(dir_path) finally: # Fallback to the default ASCII mode self.ftp.sendcmd('TYPE A') class DirNotEmptyError(FileExistsError): def __init__(self, message=None): message = message or 'destination directory exists and it is not empty' super().__init__(message) class IsNotDirError(FileExistsError): def __init__(self, message=None): message = message or 'destination exists but it is not a directory' super().__init__(message) class ActionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None, code=1): self.message = message self.code = code def mkdir(path, check_empty=False): if os.path.isdir(path): if check_empty and os.listdir(path): raise DirNotEmptyError() elif os.path.exists(path): raise IsNotDirError() else: os.makedirs(path) def read(fileobj, size=2 ** 20): for chunk in iter(lambda: fileobj.read(size), b''): yield chunk optional_arg_match = re.compile(r'--(?P<key>\w+)(=(?P<value>\S+))?') def parse_extra_args(arg_list): # FIXME: move this logic into a special ArgumentParser argument and # get rid of `extra_args` magic args = [] kwargs = {} for arg in arg_list: match = optional_arg_match.match(arg) if match: kw = match.groupdict() value = kw['value'] if value is None or value.lower() in ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'y'): value = True elif value.lower() in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'n'): value = False kwargs[kw['key']] = value else: args.append(arg) return args, kwargs def _fill_out_positional_args(parsed_args, env_vars, positional_parameters): if len(parsed_args) < len(positional_parameters): provided_args_it = iter(parsed_args) result = [] for param in positional_parameters: if param in env_vars: result.append(env_vars[param]) else: try: result.append(next(provided_args_it)) except StopIteration: continue result.extend(provided_args_it) return result return parsed_args def _fill_out_keyword_args(parsed_kwargs, env_vars, keyword_parameters): return { **{ arg: env_vars[arg] for arg in keyword_parameters if arg in env_vars }, **parsed_kwargs, } def fill_args_from_env(spec, parsed_args, parsed_kwargs, env_vars): defaults_len = len(spec.defaults) if spec.defaults else 0 required = spec.args[: -defaults_len] optional = spec.args[-defaults_len:] return ( _fill_out_positional_args(parsed_args, env_vars, required), _fill_out_keyword_args(parsed_kwargs, env_vars, optional), ) def validate_params(spec, args, kwargs): """ Return tuple of lists with missing and unknown arguments of a func :param spec: func spec :param args: list of args to validate :param kwargs: list of args to validate :return: tuple of missing and unknown lists of arguments """ defaults_len = -len(spec.defaults) if spec.defaults else None required = spec.args[:defaults_len] required_len = len(required) args_len = len(args) varargs = spec.varargs if not varargs and required_len != args_len or required_len > args_len: missing = required else: missing = [] optional = spec.args[defaults_len:] unknown = list(set(kwargs) - set(optional)) return missing, unknown def _formatwarning(message, *_, **__): return 'Warning: %s%s' % (message, os.linesep) warnings.formatwarning = _formatwarning def warning(message, once=False): if once: warnings.warn(message) else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('always') warnings.warn(message)