
Your IP :

Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/restore_infected/backup_backends/
Upload File :
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/restore_infected/backup_backends/plesk.py

import base64
import glob
import os
import pwd
from abc import abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import pymysql
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

from .. import helpers
from ..backup_backends_lib import (

PLESK_CONFIG = '/etc/psa/psa.conf'
PLESK_CONFIG_DEFAULT = '/etc/psa/psa.conf.default'
PLESK_SECRET_KEY = '/etc/psa/private/secret_key'
PLESK_SHADOW = '/etc/psa/.psa.shadow'

# TODO implement other resources (not only from /var/www/vhosts)

class DomainUserDataResource(TarResourceMixin, BaseResource):
    User domain data resource
    root = '/var/www/vhosts'

    def __init__(self, path, domain):
        # type: (str, str) -> None
        resource = os.path.join(self.root, domain)
        super().__init__(path, resource)

    def _normalize_path(self, path):
        # type: (str) -> str
        resource_path = path[len(self.resource):].lstrip(os.sep)
        return resource_path

class DomainUserDataTarResource(DomainUserDataResource):
    User domain data resource in tar archive

    def __init__(self, path, domain, tar):
        # type: (str, str, TarFile) -> None
        super().__init__(path, domain)
        fileobj = tar.extractfile(path)
        self.fileobj = tarfile_open(fileobj=fileobj)

Resource = Union[DomainUserDataResource, DomainUserDataTarResource]

class BackupInfo:
    def __init__(self, path, domain: str, resources: Iterable[str]):
        self.path = path
        self.domain = domain
        self.resources = list(resources)

    def parse_xml(cls, path, xml_content: str):
        resources = []
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_content)
        domain_node = tree.find("domain")
        # FIXME: domain can be None
        domain: str = domain_node.get("name")
        phosting = domain_node.find("phosting")
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
        if phosting:
            content = phosting.find("content")
            if content:
                for cid in content:
                    if (cid_type := cid.get("type")) != "user-data":
                    cid_path = cid.get("path", default="")
                    filename = cid.find("content-file").text
                    resource_path = os.path.join(dir_name, cid_path, filename)
        return cls(path, domain, resources)

class PleskDomainBackup(BackupBase):
    Plesk backup of user domain
    def __init__(self, path, created):
        # type: (str, helpers.DateTime) -> None
        super().__init__(path, created)

        with open(path) as xml:
            xml_content = xml.read()

        backup_info = BackupInfo.parse_xml(path, xml_content)
        self.domain = backup_info.domain
        self.resources: List[Resource] = [
            DomainUserDataResource(resource_path, self.domain)
            for resource_path in backup_info.resources

class PleskFtpBackupBase(FtpBackupBase):
    Base class for Plesk backups on FTP server
    FTP_DIR_NAME = '.ri-plesk-ftp'

    def __init__(self, ftp, path, created, tmp_dir):
        # type: (helpers.Ftp, str, helpers.DateTime, str) -> None
        super().__init__(ftp, path, created, tmp_dir=tmp_dir)
        self.tar = None
        self._resources = None

    def _check_path(path):
        """ Check that this is a path to this backup's xml description """

    def _retrieve_resources(self):
        self._resources = []  # type: List[Resource]

        path = self._retrieve()
        if path is None:

        # FIXME: initialize in the __init__.
        # If there is a reason for a lazy loading, decouple the laziness logic
        # from the backup classes
        self.tar = tarfile_open(path)

        for path in self.tar.getnames():
            if not self._check_path(path):

            with self.tar.extractfile(path) as xml:
                xml_content = xml.read()

            backup_info = BackupInfo.parse_xml(path, xml_content)
            for resource_path in backup_info.resources:
                        resource_path, backup_info.domain, self.tar

    def resources(self):
        if self._resources is None:
        return self._resources

    def close(self):
        # type: () -> None
        self._resources = None
        if self.tar:
            self.tar = None

class PleskDomainFtpBackup(PleskFtpBackupBase):
    Plesk FTP backup of user domain

    def _check_path(path):
        # type: (str) -> bool
            _, = path.split('/')
        except ValueError:
            return False
        if not path.endswith('.xml'):
            return False
        return True

class PleskFtpBackup(PleskFtpBackupBase):
    Plesk FTP all-in-one backup

    def _check_path(path):
        # type: (str) -> bool
            c, _, d, _, _ = path.split('/')
        except ValueError:
            return False
        if (c, d) != ('clients', 'domains') or not path.endswith('.xml'):
            return False
        return True

def _backup_date(path):
    # type: (str) -> helpers.DateTime
    base, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
    _, created = base.rsplit('_', 1)
    return helpers.DateTime('20' + created)

def _decrypt_password(password):
    # type: (str) -> str
        _, encryption, iv, content = password.split("$")
    except ValueError:
        return password

    if encryption != 'AES-128-CBC':
        raise ValueError('Unsupported encryption: ' + encryption)

    with open(PLESK_SECRET_KEY, 'rb') as f:
        key = f.read()

    iv = base64.b64decode(iv)
    content = base64.b64decode(content)
    cipher = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
    plain = cipher.decrypt(content)
    plain = plain.rstrip(b'\0')
    return plain.decode()

def _is_true(s):
    # type: (str) -> bool
    return s == 'true'

    'backup_ftp_settingactive': ('active', _is_true),
    'backup_ftp_settinghost': ('host', str),
    'backup_ftp_settinglogin': ('login', str),
    'backup_ftp_settingpassword': ('password', _decrypt_password),
    'backup_ftp_settingdirectory': ('directory', str),
    'backup_ftp_settingpassive_mode': ('passive_mode', _is_true),
    'backup_ftp_settinguse_ftps': ('use_ftps', _is_true),
    # 'backup_ftp_settinguse_backup_password': ('use_backup_password', _is_true),  # noqa: E501
    # 'backup_ftp_settingbackup_password': ('backup_password', _decrypt_password)  # noqa: E501

DomainBackupSettings = Dict[str, Union[bool, str]]
UserBackupSettings = Dict[str, DomainBackupSettings]
BackupSettings = Dict[str, UserBackupSettings]

def _get_backup_settings():
    # type: () -> BackupSettings
    query = (
        'SELECT b.type, c.login, d.name, b.param, b.value '
        'FROM BackupsSettings AS b '
        'LEFT JOIN domains AS d ON b.id=d.id '
        'LEFT JOIN clients as c ON d.cl_id=c.id '

    with open(PLESK_SHADOW) as f:
        password = f.read()

    with pymysql.connect(user='admin', password=password, db='psa') as cur:

        settings = {}
        for setting_type, login, domain, param, value in cur:
            if param in PLESK_BACKUP_SETTINGS:
                if setting_type == 'server':
                    login = 'admin'
                    domain = ''
                key, value_type = PLESK_BACKUP_SETTINGS[param]
                user = settings.setdefault(login, {})
                domain_settings = user.setdefault(domain, {'active': True})
                domain_settings[key] = value_type(value)

        return settings

def _get_config():
    # type: () -> Dict[str, str]
        return _parse_config(PLESK_CONFIG)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return _parse_config(PLESK_CONFIG_DEFAULT)

def _parse_config(path):
    # type: (str) -> Dict[str, str]
    config = {}
    with open(path) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if line and not line.startswith('#'):
                key, value = line.split()
                config[key] = value
    return config

PleskBackup = Union[PleskDomainBackup, PleskDomainFtpBackup, PleskFtpBackup]

def _domains_backups(domains, until=None, usernames=()):
    # type: (str, helpers.DateTime, Iterable[str]) -> List[PleskBackup]
    backup_list = []  # type: List[PleskBackup]
    if os.path.isdir(domains):
        for domain in os.listdir(domains):
            if usernames:
                domain_home = os.path.join(DomainUserDataResource.root, domain)
                domain_owner = _get_domain_owner(domain_home)
                if domain_owner not in usernames:
            domain_dumps = os.path.join(domains, domain)
            domain_dumps_xml = os.path.join(domain_dumps, '*.xml')
            for backup_xml in glob.glob(domain_dumps_xml):
                backup_date = _backup_date(backup_xml)
                if until is None or until <= backup_date:
                    backup = PleskDomainBackup(backup_xml, backup_date)
                    if backup.resources:
    return backup_list

def backups_local(until=None, usernames=()):
    # type: (helpers.DateTime, Iterable[str]) -> List[PleskBackup]
    Get list of local backups
    backup_list = []  # type: List[PleskBackup]

    config = _get_config()
    dump_d = config['DUMP_D']

    dump_clients_d = os.path.join(dump_d, 'clients')
    if os.path.isdir(dump_clients_d):
        for client in os.listdir(dump_clients_d):
            if usernames and client not in usernames:
            client_domains = os.path.join(dump_clients_d, client, 'domains')
            client_backups = _domains_backups(client_domains, until=until)

    dump_domains_d = os.path.join(dump_d, "domains")
    domains_backups = _domains_backups(
        dump_domains_d, until=until, usernames=usernames

    backup_list = sorted(backup_list, reverse=True)
    return backup_list

def backups_ftp(until=None, tmp_dir=None):
    # type: (helpers.DateTime) -> List[PleskBackup]
    Get list of remote backups
    backup_settings = _get_backup_settings()

    backup_list = []  # type: List[PleskBackup]
    for _, domains in backup_settings.items():
        for domain, ftp_settings in domains.items():
            if ftp_settings['active']:
                backup_cls = PleskDomainFtpBackup if domain else PleskFtpBackup
                    ftp = helpers.Ftp(**ftp_settings)
                except TypeError:  # missing required positional arguments
                except helpers.FtpError:
                    helpers.warning('Error connecting to %s' % ftp)
                    ftp_dir = ftp.listdir(ftp_settings['directory'])
                except helpers.FtpError:
                    helpers.warning('Error listing of %s/%s' %
                                    (ftp, ftp_settings['directory']))
                for path in ftp_dir:
                    if path.endswith('.tar'):
                        backup_date = _backup_date(path)
                        if until is None or until <= backup_date:
                            backup = backup_cls(
                                ftp, path, backup_date, tmp_dir=tmp_dir

    backup_list = sorted(backup_list, reverse=True)
    return backup_list

def _get_domain_owner(filename):
    root = Path(DomainUserDataResource.root)
    path = Path(filename)
        rel = path.relative_to(root)
        domain = root / rel.parts[0]
        st = domain.stat()
        pw = pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid)
        return pw.pw_name
    except Exception:
        return None

def pre_backups(files, until=None):
    usernames = []
    for f in files:
        user = _get_domain_owner(f)
        if user is None:

    return {
        'usernames': usernames,

def backups(until=None, *, usernames=(), tmp_dir=None):
    # type: (helpers.DateTime, Iterable[str]) -> List[PleskBackup]
    Get list of all available backups

    backup_list = []  # type: List[PleskBackup]

    backup_list.extend(backups_local(until, usernames))
    backup_list.extend(backups_ftp(until, tmp_dir=tmp_dir))

    backup_list = sorted(backup_list, reverse=True)
    return backup_list

def cleanup():
    # type: () -> None
    Remove all temp files

def is_suitable():
    return os.path.isfile(PLESK_CONFIG)