Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/subsys/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/subsys/malware.py |
""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright © 2019 Cloud Linux Software Inc. This software is also available under ImunifyAV commercial license, see <https://www.imunify360.com/legal/eula> """ import asyncio import binascii import functools import os import pwd import shutil import time from collections import defaultdict from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import ( Callable, Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) from peewee import IntegrityError from defence360agent.contracts.config import ( Core, HackerTrap, MyImunifyConfig, UserType, choose_use_backups_start_from_date, choose_value_from_config, should_try_autorestore_malicious, ) from defence360agent.contracts.permissions import ( MS_CONFIG_DEFAULT_ACTION_EDIT, has_permission, myimunify_protection_enabled, ) from defence360agent.internals.global_scope import g from defence360agent.model.simplification import run_in_executor from defence360agent.subsys import web_server from defence360agent.subsys.panels import hosting_panel from defence360agent.subsys.panels.base import ( ModsecVendorsError, PanelException, ) from defence360agent.utils import ( COPY_TO_MODSEC_MAXTRIES, LazyLock, atomic_rewrite, base64_decode_filename, base64_encode_filename, log_failed_to_copy_to_modsec, retry_on, safe_sequence, ) from imav.contracts.messages import ( MalwareCleanupRevert, MalwareCleanupTask, ) from imav.malwarelib.config import ( ADDED_TO_IGNORE, CLEANUP, CLEANUP_DONE, CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE, CLEANUP_REMOVED, DELETED_FROM_IGNORE, FAILED_TO_CLEANUP, FAILED_TO_DELETE_FROM_IGNORE, FAILED_TO_IGNORE, FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP, FAILED_TO_RESTORE_ORIGINAL, FAILED_TO_STORE_ORIGINAL, FOUND, MalwareEvent, MalwareEventPostponed, MalwareHitStatus, MalwareScanResourceType, MalwareScanType, NOTIFY, NOT_EXIST, REQUIRES_MYIMUNIFY_PROTECTION, RESTORED_FROM_BACKUP, RESTORED_ORIGINAL, SUBMITTED_FOR_ANALYSIS, UNABLE_TO_CLEANUP, ) from imav.malwarelib.model import ( MalwareHistory, MalwareHit, MalwareHitAlternate, MalwareIgnorePath, MalwareScan, ) from imav.malwarelib.scan.mds.report import MalwareDatabaseHitInfo from imav.malwarelib.subsys.restore_from_backup import restore_files from imav.malwarelib.utils import hash_path from imav.malwarelib.utils.submit import submit_in_background from imav.plugins.event_hook_executor import detected_hook if TYPE_CHECKING: from imav.malwarelib.cleanup.storage import RestoreReport logger = getLogger(__name__) #: a type for generic path functions PathLike = Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] #: Declare type variable, to be used in generic functions T = TypeVar("T") #: Type variable for generic apply_default_action function HitInfoType = TypeVar( "HitInfoType", MalwareHitAlternate, MalwareDatabaseHitInfo ) def update_malware_history(coro): """Decorator responsible for logging malware events into DB""" @functools.wraps(coro) async def async_wrapper( cls, path, file_owner, file_user, initiator=None, cause=None, resource_type=None, app_name=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_name=None, table_name=None, table_field=None, table_row_inf=None, scan_id=None, **kwargs, ): result = await coro( cls, path=path, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=initiator or UserType.ROOT, app_name=app_name, resource_type=resource_type, db_host=db_host, db_port=db_port, db_name=db_name, scan_id=scan_id, **kwargs, ) await run_in_executor( asyncio.get_event_loop(), lambda: MalwareHistory.save_event( event=result.title, path=path, app_name=app_name, resource_type=resource_type, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=initiator, cause=cause, db_host=db_host, db_port=db_port, db_name=db_name, table_name=table_name, table_field=table_field, table_row_inf=table_row_inf, scan_id=scan_id, ), ) return result @functools.wraps(coro) def wrapper( cls, path, file_owner, file_user, initiator=None, cause=None, resource_type=None, app_name=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_name=None, table_name=None, table_field=None, table_row_inf=None, scan_id=None, **kwargs, ): result = coro( # coro is a ordinary function here cls, path=path, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=initiator or UserType.ROOT, app_name=app_name, resource_type=resource_type, db_host=db_host, db_port=db_port, db_name=db_name, scan_id=scan_id, **kwargs, ) MalwareHistory.save_event( event=result.title, path=path, app_name=app_name, resource_type=resource_type, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=initiator, cause=cause, db_host=db_host, db_port=db_port, db_name=db_name, table_name=table_name, table_field=table_field, table_row_inf=table_row_inf, scan_id=scan_id, ) return result return async_wrapper if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro) else wrapper def multiple_update_malware_history(coro): """ Decorator responsible for logging multiple malware events into DB at once. Decorated function accepts an iterable of `MalwareHit`s. """ async def wrapper( cls, hits: Iterable[MalwareHit], initiator=None, cause=None ): results = await asyncio.gather( *( coro( cls, path=hit.orig_file, file_owner=hit.owner, file_user=hit.user, ) for hit in hits ) ) if not results: return results MalwareHistory.save_events( [ { "event": result.title, "path": hit.orig_file, "resource_type": hit.resource_type, "app_name": hit.app_name, "file_owner": hit.owner, "file_user": hit.user, "cause": cause or MalwareScanType.MANUAL, "initiator": initiator or UserType.ROOT, "db_host": hit.db_host, "db_port": hit.db_port, "db_name": hit.db_name, "scan_id": hit.scanid, } for hit, result in zip(hits, results) ] ) return results return wrapper def bulk_update_malware_history(coro): """ Decorator responsible for logging multiple malware events into DB at once. Decorated function accepts an iterable of `MalwareHit`s. """ async def wrapper( cls, hits: Iterable[MalwareHit], cause=None, initiator=None, **kwargs ): hit_results = await coro(cls, hits, **kwargs) if not hit_results: return hit_results MalwareHistory.save_events( [ { "event": result.title, "path": hit.orig_file, "file_owner": hit.owner, "file_user": hit.user, "cause": cause or MalwareScanType.MANUAL, "initiator": initiator or UserType.ROOT, } for hit, result in hit_results.items() ] ) return hit_results return wrapper def choose_action_for_malicious(username: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: if MyImunifyConfig.ENABLED: if not myimunify_protection_enabled(username): return NOTIFY, username if has_permission(MS_CONFIG_DEFAULT_ACTION_EDIT, username): return choose_value_from_config( "MALWARE_SCANNING", "default_action", username ) return choose_value_from_config("MALWARE_SCANNING", "default_action") class MalwareAction: """ Responsible for manipulations with malware files. As long as each handler function is wrapped in `update_malware_history`, arguments should be passed in kwargs form. """ _CALLBACK = defaultdict(set) @classmethod async def run_callbacks_for(cls, method_name, path, title): """Execute callback for specific action""" for callback in cls._CALLBACK[method_name]: try: await callback(path, MalwareEvent(title)) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: logger.exception( "Error '{!r}' happened when run callback {} for" "MalwareAction {} method".format(e, callback, method_name) ) @classmethod def add_callback(cls, method_name, coro): cls._CALLBACK[method_name].add(coro) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def submit_for_analysis( cls, path, type, reason=None, **_ ) -> MalwareEvent: submit_in_background(path, type, reason) return MalwareEvent(SUBMITTED_FOR_ANALYSIS) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def ignore(cls, path, resource_type, **_) -> MalwareEvent: try: await run_in_executor( asyncio.get_event_loop(), lambda: MalwareIgnorePath.create( path=path, resource_type=resource_type ), ) except IntegrityError: title = FAILED_TO_IGNORE else: title = ADDED_TO_IGNORE return MalwareEvent(title) @classmethod @update_malware_history def delete_from_ignore_sync(cls, path, **_) -> MalwareEvent: deleted = ( MalwareIgnorePath.delete() .where(MalwareIgnorePath.path == path) .execute() ) return MalwareEvent( DELETED_FROM_IGNORE if deleted else FAILED_TO_DELETE_FROM_IGNORE ) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def notify(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(FOUND) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def cleanup_failed_restore(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(FAILED_TO_RESTORE_ORIGINAL) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def cleanup_failed_store(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(FAILED_TO_STORE_ORIGINAL) @classmethod @update_malware_history async def cleanup_restored_original( cls, *_, initiator: str, report: "RestoreReport" = None, **__ ): if report and (sink := g.get("sink")): report.initiator = initiator await sink.process_message(MalwareCleanupRevert(report.to_dict())) return MalwareEvent(RESTORED_ORIGINAL) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def cleanup_unable(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(UNABLE_TO_CLEANUP) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def cleanup_done(cls, path, *_, **__): await cls.run_callbacks_for("cleanup", path, CLEANUP_DONE) return MalwareEvent(CLEANUP_DONE) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def cleanup_removed(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(CLEANUP_REMOVED) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def cleanup_failed(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(FAILED_TO_CLEANUP) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def cleanup_requires_myimunify_protection(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(REQUIRES_MYIMUNIFY_PROTECTION) @classmethod @multiple_update_malware_history async def not_exist(cls, *_, **__): return MalwareEvent(NOT_EXIST) @classmethod async def apply_default_action( cls, hits: List[MalwareHitAlternate], initiator=None, cause=None, sink=None, **kwargs, ) -> List[Tuple[MalwareHitAlternate, MalwareEvent, str, bool]]: """Perform action with malware which user set in the config""" results = [] for h in hits: _, config_owner = choose_action_for_malicious(username=h.user) event = await cls.notify( file_owner=h.owner, file_user=h.user, path=h.orig_file, initiator=initiator or config_owner, cause=cause, **kwargs, ) results.append((h, event, NOTIFY, False)) return results @classmethod async def multiple(cls, action, hits): """ Apply the action to multiple hits :param action: thr action to apply :param hits: list of hits """ for hit in hits: await action(hit.orig_file, hit.user) @classmethod def _get_tmp_dir(cls, file_owner): hp = hosting_panel.HostingPanel() try: user = pwd.getpwnam(file_owner) except (KeyError, TypeError): return Core.TMPDIR try: tmp_dir = str(hp.base_home_dir(user.pw_dir)) except (RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError): return Core.TMPDIR return tmp_dir @classmethod def _split_hits_on_restore(cls, hits): to_restore = [] not_restore = [] for hit in hits: path = hit.orig_file file_ctime = None try: file_ctime = int(os.path.getctime(path)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( "File %s not found during restore from backup process", safe_sequence.path(path), ) if ( file_ctime is None or MalwareHistory.select() .where( MalwareHistory.path == path, MalwareHistory.event == FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP, MalwareHistory.ctime >= file_ctime, ) .first() is None ): to_restore.append(hit) else: not_restore.append(hit) return to_restore, not_restore @classmethod @bulk_update_malware_history async def restore_from_backup( cls, hits, **kwargs ) -> Dict[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent]: to_restore, not_restore = cls._split_hits_on_restore(hits) for f in not_restore: logger.warning( "File %s wasn't restored from backup" ", because last restore attempt failed", safe_sequence.path(f.orig_file), ) user_hits = {} # Dict[str, List[MalwareHit]] for hit in to_restore: user_hits.setdefault(hit.user, []).append(hit) res = {} # type: Dict[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent] for user, _hits in user_hits.items(): res.update( await cls._restore_from_backup( _hits, file_owner=user, **kwargs ) ) res.update( (hit, MalwareEvent(FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP)) for hit in not_restore ) return res @classmethod async def _restore_from_backup( cls, hits, file_owner, sink=None, **_ ) -> List[Tuple[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent]]: paths = [h.orig_file for h in hits] tmp_dir = cls._get_tmp_dir(file_owner) restored, failed = await restore_files( files=paths, until=choose_use_backups_start_from_date(file_owner), sink=sink, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, ) res = [] restored_hits = [h for h in hits if h.orig_file in restored] failed_hits = [h for h in hits if h.orig_file in failed] for p in restored: safe_path = safe_sequence.path(p) logger.info("File %s was restored from backup", safe_path) title = RESTORED_FROM_BACKUP res.extend([(rh, MalwareEvent(title)) for rh in restored_hits]) for p in failed: safe_path = safe_sequence.path(p) logger.warning("File %s wasn't restored from backup", safe_path) title = FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP res.extend([(fh, MalwareEvent(title)) for fh in failed_hits]) return res def subscribe_to_malware_action(action, coro): MalwareAction.add_callback(action, coro) class HackerTrapHitsSaver: BASE_DIR = HackerTrap.DIR BASE_PD_DIR = HackerTrap.DIR_PD NAME = HackerTrap.NAME MAX_HITS_COUNT = 1000 # lets do 1000 files for now, see how it works SECONDS_BEFORE_CLEAN = 24 * 60 * 60 # 24 hours between cleanups STANDALONE_MARK = "-SA-" LOCK = LazyLock() @classmethod def _filepath(cls, filename=None) -> Path: name = filename or cls.NAME return Path(cls.BASE_DIR, name) @classmethod def _clean_filepath(cls) -> Path: return Path(cls.BASE_DIR, cls.NAME + ".clean") @classmethod def _write(cls, file_list: List[Path], filename=None): try: atomic_rewrite( cls._filepath(filename), b"\n".join(base64_encode_filename(name) for name in file_list), backup=False, allow_empty_content=True, permissions=0o644, ) except OSError as oe: logger.error("Unable to write HackerTrap file: %r", oe) @classmethod def _extend(cls, file_list: List[T], files_to_add: List[T]) -> List[T]: """ adds files_to_add to file_list the method has side_effect (file_list will be modified) yet, given that it is private class method -- we can do it :param file_list: existing files :param files_to_add: files to add :return: joined list, limited to MAX_HITS_COUNT """ file_set = set(file_list) # we will use it to speed up lookups _file_list = file_list.copy() for file in files_to_add: # if we are re-adding file, re-add it at the bottom, # so it doesn't rotate out too fast if file in file_set: _file_list.remove(file) _file_list.append(file) return _file_list[-cls.MAX_HITS_COUNT :] @staticmethod def _clean_list(file_list: Iterable[PathLike]) -> List[PathLike]: """ This method checks if any of the files on the list is present and removes that entry from the list :param file_list: list of files :return: new list of files, in the same order, with files that exist skipped """ return [file for file in file_list if not os.path.exists(file)] @classmethod def _should_clean(cls, file_mtime, current_time): return current_time - file_mtime > cls.SECONDS_BEFORE_CLEAN @classmethod def _clean_file(cls, file_list: Iterable[PathLike]): """ We will use extra file to track last time we cleaned For that we will use mtime of that file :param file_list: list to clean :return: cleaned list """ p = cls._clean_filepath() if p.exists(): if cls._should_clean(p.stat().st_mtime, time.time()): p.write_bytes(b"") file_list = cls._clean_list(file_list) else: p.write_bytes(b"") return file_list @classmethod def _read(cls, filename=None, skip_exists=True) -> List[Path]: try: file_list: List[bytes] = ( cls._filepath(filename).read_bytes().split() ) decoded_file_list: List[Path] = [] for file in file_list: try: decoded_file_list.append(base64_decode_filename(file)) except binascii.Error as e: logger.error( "Can't decode filepath [%r] with error [%r]", file, e ) return ( cls._clean_file(decoded_file_list) if skip_exists else decoded_file_list ) except FileNotFoundError: return [] @classmethod async def add_hits(cls, files_to_add: List[Path], *args, **kwargs): """Same behavior as for separate hit.""" await cls._add_hits(files_to_add, *args, **kwargs) await cls.update_sa_hits(files_to_add=[], files_to_remove=files_to_add) @classmethod async def _add_hits(cls, files_to_add: List[Path], *args, **kwargs): try: file_list: List[Path] = cls._read() result: List[Path] = cls._extend(file_list, files_to_add) cls._write(result) await cls._copy_to_modsec_rules(cls.NAME) except OSError as oe: logger.error("Unable to read HackerTrap file %r", oe) @classmethod async def add_hit(cls, file_to_add: Path, *args, **kwargs): """When storing separate hit it needs to be added to malware_found_b64.list and excluded from malware_sa_found_b64.list as well from proactive/dangerous/[hash]""" return await cls.add_hits([file_to_add]) @classmethod async def init(cls): await cls.add_hits([]) @classmethod @retry_on( FileNotFoundError, max_tries=COPY_TO_MODSEC_MAXTRIES, on_error=log_failed_to_copy_to_modsec, silent=True, ) async def _copy_to_modsec_rules(cls, malware_list_name): hp = hosting_panel.HostingPanel() try: vendor = await hp.get_i360_vendor_name() except (ModsecVendorsError, PanelException) as e: logger.warning(str(e)) return False try: target = await hp.build_vendor_file_path(vendor, malware_list_name) except ModsecVendorsError as e: logger.exception("Can't get malware found list file: %s", e) return False found_list = Path(HackerTrap.DIR, malware_list_name) target_tmp = target.with_suffix(target.suffix + ".tmp") if ( target.exists() and target.stat().st_size == found_list.stat().st_size and target.read_bytes() == found_list.read_bytes() ): logger.info("Nothing to update") return False try: shutil.copy(str(found_list), str(target_tmp)) target_tmp.rename(target) return True except FileNotFoundError as e: raise e except OSError as e: logger.error("Failed to copy malware found list: %s", e) return False @classmethod def _get_exists_hash_files(cls): with os.scandir(cls.BASE_PD_DIR) as it: return [entry.name for entry in it if entry.is_file()] @classmethod def _create_hash_files(cls, files): for fname in files: (Path(cls.BASE_PD_DIR) / Path(fname)).touch(0o644) @classmethod def _remove_hash_files(cls, files): for fname in files: (Path(cls.BASE_PD_DIR) / Path(fname)).unlink() @classmethod def _update_sa_hash_files(cls): """ SA hits stored for PD as sha256 hash of full path in HackerTrap.DIR_PD. Not more than MAX_HITS_COUNT files in dir. Remove older (by mtime) files first. """ try: saved_files_list = cls._read( filename=HackerTrap.SA_NAME, skip_exists=False ) hash_file_list = [ hash_path(path) for path in saved_files_list if path ] exists_hash_file_list = cls._get_exists_hash_files() files_to_create = set(hash_file_list) - set(exists_hash_file_list) files_to_delete = set(exists_hash_file_list) - set(hash_file_list) cls._create_hash_files(files_to_create) cls._remove_hash_files(files_to_delete) except OSError as e: logger.warning( "HackerTrap error: %r%s", e, f" ({e.filename!r})" if e.filename else "", ) @classmethod def _update_sa_hit_list( cls, files_to_add: List[Path], files_to_remove: List[Path] ) -> bool: """ Update file of malware standalone list. Return True if malware standalone list was changed otherwise False. """ try: saved_list: List[Path] = cls._read( filename=HackerTrap.SA_NAME, skip_exists=False ) extended_list: List[Path] = cls._extend(saved_list, files_to_add) updated_list = [ path for path in extended_list if path not in files_to_remove ] if updated_list != saved_list: cls._write(updated_list, filename=HackerTrap.SA_NAME) return True except OSError as e: logger.error("HackerTrap error: %s", e) return False @classmethod async def update_sa_hits( cls, files_to_add: List[Path], files_to_remove: List[Path] ): if files_to_add or files_to_remove: async with cls.LOCK: if cls._update_sa_hit_list(files_to_add, files_to_remove): if await cls._copy_to_modsec_rules(HackerTrap.SA_NAME): await web_server.graceful_restart() cls._update_sa_hash_files() @classmethod async def reset_sa_hits(cls): """ Re-populate HackerTrap records using data from database """ # WARN: It is critically important to check the 'resource_type'! # In some cases when scanning DB for malwares the results contain # '-SA-' mark in the 'type' column. For instance: # SMW-SA-20634-php.bkdr.wp.fakeplugin-0 # What happens next: # 1) New 'MalwareHit' records appear, with 'resource_type'=="DB" and # 'orig_file'=="path to a root directory". # 2) The config 'malware_standalone_b64.list' gets these paths to root # directories, instead of paths to scripts. # 3) The action 'pmFromFile' in the modsec rule 77316817 (and some # others) matches 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' variable with lines in the config. # 4) The matching in the modsec module is not a strict comparison, # but the occurrence of a string within a string. # For instance, when the config contains the line: # /home/domain/public_html # Than all the paths are match with it: # /home/domain/public_html/admin.php # /home/domain/public_html/cms/main.php # As the result of all above, the modsec rule makes false-positive # conclusion and blocks the request. # To prevent that, the 'resource_type' must be equal to 'FILE'. resource_type = MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value async with cls.LOCK: files = ( MalwareHit.select(MalwareHit.orig_file) .where( # Only standalone malicious files that was found, # but not yet cleared/restored MalwareHit.status.in_( [ MalwareHitStatus.FOUND, MalwareHitStatus.CLEANUP_STARTED, MalwareHitStatus.RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP_STARTED, ] ), MalwareHit.malicious, MalwareHit.type.contains(cls.STANDALONE_MARK), MalwareHit.resource_type == resource_type, ) .order_by(MalwareHit.timestamp.desc()) .limit(cls.MAX_HITS_COUNT) .tuples() ) cls._write( [os.fsencode(f) for [f] in files], filename=HackerTrap.SA_NAME ) if await cls._copy_to_modsec_rules(HackerTrap.SA_NAME): await web_server.graceful_restart() cls._update_sa_hash_files() class MalwareActionIm360(MalwareAction): @classmethod def _get_handler(cls, action) -> Callable: possible_actions = { NOTIFY: cls.notify, CLEANUP: cls.postpone( MalwareCleanupTask, post_action=cls.detect, action=CLEANUP, ), CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE: cls.postpone( MalwareCleanupTask, post_action=cls.detect, action=CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE, ), } try: result = possible_actions[action] except KeyError: result = possible_actions[NOTIFY] logger.error( "There is no such action '%s'. Config is invalid", action ) return result @classmethod def postpone(cls, message, **kwargs): async def wrapper(*_, initiator, cause, **kw): # store `found` events in history await cls.notify(initiator=initiator, cause=cause, **kw) return MalwareEventPostponed( message, initiator=initiator, cause=cause, **kwargs ) return wrapper @classmethod async def detect(cls, scan_id, sink, **_): scan = MalwareScan.get(scanid=scan_id) await detected_hook( sink, scan_id, scan.type, scan.started, scan.path, scan.total_resources, ) @classmethod @bulk_update_malware_history async def restore_from_backup( cls, hits, **kwargs ) -> Dict[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent]: to_restore, not_restore = cls._split_hits_on_restore(hits) for f in not_restore: logger.warning( "File %s wasn't restored from backup" ", because last restore attempt failed", safe_sequence.path(f.orig_file), ) user_hits = {} # type: Dict[str, List[MalwareHit]] for hit in to_restore: user_hits.setdefault(hit.user, []).append(hit) res = {} # type: Dict[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent] for user, _hits in user_hits.items(): res.update( await cls._restore_from_backup( _hits, file_owner=user, **kwargs ) ) res.update( (hit, MalwareEvent(FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP)) for hit in not_restore ) return res @classmethod def _split_hits_on_restore(cls, hits): to_restore = [] not_restore = [] for hit in hits: path = hit.orig_file file_ctime = None try: file_ctime = int(os.path.getctime(path)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( "File %s not found during restore from backup process", safe_sequence.path(path), ) if ( file_ctime is None or MalwareHistory.select() .where( MalwareHistory.path == path, MalwareHistory.event == FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP, MalwareHistory.ctime >= file_ctime, ) .first() is None ): to_restore.append(hit) else: not_restore.append(hit) return to_restore, not_restore @classmethod async def _restore_from_backup( cls, hits, file_owner, sink=None, **_ ) -> List[Tuple[MalwareHit, MalwareEvent]]: paths = [h.orig_file for h in hits] tmp_dir = cls._get_tmp_dir(file_owner) restored, failed = await restore_files( files=paths, until=choose_use_backups_start_from_date(file_owner), sink=sink, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, ) res = [] restored_hits = [h for h in hits if h.orig_file in restored] failed_hits = [h for h in hits if h.orig_file in failed] for p in restored: safe_path = safe_sequence.path(p) logger.info("File %s was restored from backup", safe_path) title = RESTORED_FROM_BACKUP res.extend([(rh, MalwareEvent(title)) for rh in restored_hits]) for p in failed: safe_path = safe_sequence.path(p) logger.warning("File %s wasn't restored from backup", safe_path) title = FAILED_TO_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP res.extend([(fh, MalwareEvent(title)) for fh in failed_hits]) return res @classmethod def _get_tmp_dir(cls, file_owner): hp = hosting_panel.HostingPanel() try: user = pwd.getpwnam(file_owner) except (KeyError, TypeError): return Core.TMPDIR try: tmp_dir = str(hp.base_home_dir(user.pw_dir)) except (RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError): return Core.TMPDIR return tmp_dir @classmethod async def apply_default_action( cls, hits: Collection[HitInfoType], initiator=None, cause=None, sink=None, resource_type=None, **kwargs, ) -> List[Tuple[HitInfoType, MalwareEvent, str, bool]]: """Perform action with malware which user set in the config""" to_restore = [ hit for hit in hits if should_try_autorestore_malicious(hit.user) # restore from backup does not apply to db scans and not isinstance(hit, MalwareDatabaseHitInfo) ] restore_events = await cls.restore_from_backup( to_restore, initiator=initiator, sink=sink, cause=cause, **kwargs ) # FIXME: remove this mapping # when we start to store UID instead of username in the db panel_users = set(await hosting_panel.HostingPanel().get_users()) uid_to_name = { pw.pw_uid: pw.pw_name for pw in pwd.getpwall() if pw.pw_name in panel_users } res = [] for hit in hits: if isinstance(hit, MalwareDatabaseHitInfo): owner = uid_to_name.get(hit.owner, str(hit.owner)) user = uid_to_name.get(hit.user, str(hit.user)) path = cast(MalwareDatabaseHitInfo, hit).path else: owner = hit.owner user = hit.user path = cast(MalwareHitAlternate, hit).orig_file action, config_owner = choose_action_for_malicious(user) if hit in restore_events and restore_events[hit].successful: res.append((hit, restore_events[hit], action, True)) continue handler_kw_args = kwargs.copy() if isinstance(hit, MalwareDatabaseHitInfo): handler_kw_args["db_name"] = hit.db_name handler_kw_args["db_host"] = hit.db_host handler_kw_args["db_port"] = hit.db_port handler_kw_args["table_name"] = hit.table_name handler_kw_args["table_field"] = hit.table_field handler_kw_args["table_row_inf"] = hit.table_row_inf handler_kw_args["scan_id"] = hit.scan_id handler = cls._get_handler(action) event = await handler( path=path, file_owner=owner, file_user=user, cause=cause, initiator=initiator or config_owner, sink=sink, app_name=hit.app_name, resource_type=resource_type, **handler_kw_args, ) res.append((hit, event, action, False)) return res