Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/rpc/endpoints/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/rpc/endpoints/base.py |
""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright © 2019 Cloud Linux Software Inc. This software is also available under ImunifyAV commercial license, see <https://www.imunify360.com/legal/eula> """ import asyncio import base64 import functools import logging import os import warnings from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Sequence from peewee import DoesNotExist from defence360agent.contracts.config import Malware, UserType from defence360agent.contracts.license import LicenseError from defence360agent.contracts.messages import MessageType from defence360agent.contracts.permissions import ( MS_IGNORE_LIST_EDIT, check_permission, ) from defence360agent.feature_management.constants import AV, AV_REPORT, FULL from defence360agent.feature_management.lookup import feature from defence360agent.model.instance import db from defence360agent.model.simplification import run_in_executor from defence360agent.rpc_tools.lookup import ( CommonEndpoints, RootEndpoints, bind, ) from defence360agent.rpc_tools.utils import run_in_executor_decorator from defence360agent.rpc_tools.validate import ValidationError from defence360agent.utils import ( Scope, does_path_belong_to_user, get_path_owner, get_results_iterable_expression, is_cloudways, safe_fileops, ) from imav.malwarelib.config import ( MalwareHitStatus, MalwareScanResourceType, MalwareScanType, ) from imav.malwarelib.cleanup.storage import CleanupStorage from imav.malwarelib.model import ( MalwareHistory, MalwareHit, MalwareIgnorePath, ) from imav.malwarelib.rpc.endpoints.ondemand import split_args from imav.malwarelib.scan.crontab import get_crontab from imav.malwarelib.scan.queue_supervisor_sync import ( QueueSupervisorSync as ScanQueue, ) from imav.malwarelib.subsys.malware import MalwareAction from imav.malwarelib.utils import malware_response, user_list from imav.malwarelib.utils.endpoints import MaliciousEndpointStatus from imav.malwarelib.utils.submit import ( FALSE_NEGATIVE, FALSE_POSITIVE, submit_malware, ) from imav.utils import get_files_diff logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) IgnoreParameters = namedtuple( "IgnoreParameters", ["path", "app_name", "db_host", "db_port", "db_name"], defaults=(None, None, None, None, None), ) class SubmitEndpoints(RootEndpoints): SCOPE = Scope.AV _SEND_FILES_DISABLED_BANNER = """\ Warning: This server’s security can be enhanced \ by enabling the MALWARE_SCANNING.sends_file_for_analysis option. \ This may minimize the number of undetected malware, \ making your system more resistant to new threats. The command below can be used to enable the option: imunify-antivirus config update \ '{"MALWARE_SCANNING": {"sends_file_for_analysis": true}}' - or - imunify360-agent config update \ '{"MALWARE_SCANNING": {"sends_file_for_analysis": true}}' """ @bind("submit", "false-positive") async def submit_fp(self, filename, reason, scanner=None): # WARNING: scanner parameter is deprecated try: await submit_malware(filename, FALSE_POSITIVE, reason=reason) except LicenseError as e: raise ValidationError(e) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValidationError("File {} doesn't exist.".format(filename)) @bind("submit", "false-negative") async def submit_fn(self, filename): try: await submit_malware(filename, FALSE_NEGATIVE) except LicenseError as e: raise ValidationError(e) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValidationError("File {} doesn't exist.".format(filename)) else: if not Malware.SEND_FILES: return warnings.warn(self._SEND_FILES_DISABLED_BANNER) class MaliciousEndpoints(CommonEndpoints): SCOPE = Scope.AV def __init__(self, sink): super().__init__(sink) self.queue = ScanQueue(sink=sink) @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "malicious", "list") @run_in_executor_decorator def malicious_list(self, user=None, **kwargs): return MalwareHit.malicious_list(user=user, **kwargs) @classmethod @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "read") async def read_file(cls, path, offset, limit, user=None, **_): mode = "rb" if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError("notifications.fileNotFound") if user: open_fun = functools.partial( safe_fileops.safe_open_file, path, mode, user, respect_homedir=False, ) else: open_fun = functools.partial(open, path, mode) try: with open_fun() as f: f.seek(offset) chunk = f.read(limit) eof = False if chunk else True text = chunk.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") return { "data": { "chunk": text, "eof": eof, "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "size": os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size, }, } except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: raise PermissionError("notifications.permissionError") from e @staticmethod @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "malicious", "remove-from-list") async def malicious_remove_from_list(ids, user=None): hits_to_remove = MalwareHit.malicious_select(ids, user=user) MalwareHit.delete_instances(hits_to_remove) return MaliciousEndpointStatus(hits_to_remove, []) @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "malicious", "move-to-ignore") async def malicious_move_to_ignore(self, ids, user=None): ignored = await self._malicious_move_to_ignore(ids, user) return len(ignored) async def _malicious_move_to_ignore(self, ids, user=None): check_permission(MS_IGNORE_LIST_EDIT, user) hits = await run_in_executor( asyncio.get_event_loop(), partial(MalwareHit.malicious_select, ids, user=user), ) # flush found malicious_found = ( h for h in hits if h.status == MalwareHitStatus.FOUND ) await run_in_executor( asyncio.get_event_loop(), partial(MalwareHit.delete_instances, malicious_found), ) file_hits = [ hit for hit in hits if hit.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value ] file_items = [ IgnoreParameters(path=hit.orig_file) for hit in file_hits ] db_items = [ IgnoreParameters( hit.orig_file, hit.app_name, hit.db_host, hit.db_port, hit.db_name, ) for hit in hits if hit.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value ] ignored = await IgnoreEndpoints(self._sink).try_add_to_ignore( file_items, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, ) + await IgnoreEndpoints(self._sink).try_add_to_ignore( db_items, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value, ) if Malware.SEND_FILES: for hit in file_hits: # DEF-31406 send the original file (not cleaned) content_path = str( CleanupStorage.get_hit_store_path(hit) if hit.status in MalwareHitStatus.CLEANED else hit.orig_file ) file = malware_response.MalwareHitPath( content_path=content_path, real_path=hit.orig_file, ) await MalwareAction.submit_for_analysis( type=FALSE_POSITIVE, reason=hit.type, path=file, file_owner=hit.owner, file_user=hit.user, initiator=user, ) return ignored @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "malicious", "diff") async def malicious_diff(self, id, user=None, **kwargs): """ Return the base64 encoded difference between infected and cleaned file in unified diff format """ hit_id = id try: hit = MalwareHit.get( MalwareHit.id == hit_id, MalwareHit.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, MalwareHit.malicious == True, *([MalwareHit.user == user] * bool(user)), ) except DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( f"No malware file hit found (id={hit_id}, {user=})." ) diff = b"" if hit.status in MalwareHitStatus.CLEANED: backup_file = CleanupStorage.get_hit_store_path(hit) origin_file = Path(hit.orig_file) if not backup_file.exists(): # no backup, shouldn't happen raise FileNotFoundError( f"Backup file not found for hit(id={hit_id})." ) if not origin_file.exists(): # original file deleted # compare backup with empty file origin_file = BytesIO(b"") elif origin_file.stat().st_ctime > hit.cleaned_at: raise ValidationError( "The file was modified after cleaning, diff is not valid." ) # don't block the whole loop while reading files loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() diff = await loop.run_in_executor( None, get_files_diff, backup_file, origin_file ) else: logger.warning("Malicious file was not cleaned. There is no diff.") return {"diff": base64.b64encode(diff).decode("utf-8")} @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) @bind("malware", "history", "list") @run_in_executor_decorator def get_history(self, user=None, **kwargs): return MalwareHistory.get_history(user=user, **kwargs) @bind("malware", "user", "list") async def user_list( self, offset, limit, search=None, order_by=None, user=None, ids=None ): if user: # user endpoint _, users = await user_list.fetch_user_list( self.queue.get_scans_from_paths, match={user} ) max_count = len(users) elif search: # search _, users = await user_list.fetch_user_list( self.queue.get_scans_from_paths, match=search ) max_count = len(users) elif ids: # filter by ids max_count, users = await user_list.fetch_user_list( self.queue.get_scans_from_paths, match=ids ) else: # all users max_count, users = await user_list.fetch_user_list( self.queue.get_scans_from_paths ) # sort users = user_list.sort(users) for order in reversed(order_by or []): users = user_list.sort(users, order.column_name, desc=order.desc) # limit and offset start = offset end = offset + limit return max_count, users[start:end] @bind("malware", "user", "scan") async def user_scan( self, scan_file, scan_db, background=False, **scan_args ): if not scan_file and not scan_db: raise ValidationError( "Either --scan-file or --scan-db should be specified" ) if background and self.queue.status().get("background"): raise ValidationError("Background scan pending") if background: scan_type = MalwareScanType.BACKGROUND else: scan_type = MalwareScanType.ON_DEMAND users = await user_list.panel_users() paths = [user["home"] for user in users] if scan_db: await self.queue.put( paths=paths, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.DB, scan_type=scan_type, **split_args(scan_args), ) if scan_file: await self.queue.put( paths=paths, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.FILE, scan_type=scan_type, **split_args(scan_args), ) if background and Malware.CRONTABS_SCAN_ENABLED: crontab_paths = [get_crontab(user["user"]) for user in users] await self.queue.put( paths=crontab_paths, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.FILE, scan_type=scan_type, **split_args(scan_args), ) @bind("malware", "suspicious", "list") @run_in_executor_decorator def suspicious_list(self, user=None, **kwargs): return MalwareHit.suspicious_list(user=user, **kwargs) @bind("malware", "suspicious", "move-to-ignore") async def suspicious_move_to_ignore(self, ids): total = 0 def expression(ids): return MalwareHit.select().where(MalwareHit.id.in_(ids)) hits = await run_in_executor( asyncio.get_event_loop(), lambda: list(get_results_iterable_expression(expression, ids)), ) for hit in hits: MalwareIgnorePath.get_or_create( path=hit.orig_file, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, ) hit.delete_instance() total += 1 return total def get_file_ownership(path, user) -> tuple[str, str]: if is_cloudways(): # return a file owner and a user who keeps a file for Cloudways owner = get_path_owner(path) user = user or UserType.ROOT else: # use the same value for owner and user in other cases owner = user = user or get_path_owner(path) return owner, user @feature(AV, [FULL, AV_REPORT]) class IgnoreEndpoints(CommonEndpoints): @bind("malware", "ignore", "list") @run_in_executor_decorator def ignore_list(self, user=None, **kwargs): check_permission(MS_IGNORE_LIST_EDIT, user) if user is not None: kwargs["user"] = user return MalwareIgnorePath.paths_count_and_list(**kwargs) @bind("malware", "ignore", "delete-ui") async def ignore_delete_ui(self, ids, user=None): return await self.ignore_delete( ids=ids, user=user, skip_rescan=False, ) @bind("malware", "ignore", "delete") async def ignore_delete(self, ids, user=None, skip_rescan=False): check_permission(MS_IGNORE_LIST_EDIT, user) ignore_paths: List[MalwareIgnorePath] = list( MalwareIgnorePath.select().where(MalwareIgnorePath.id.in_(ids)) ) if user is not None: user_crontab_path = get_crontab(user) ignore_paths = [ ignore_path for ignore_path in ignore_paths if does_path_belong_to_user(ignore_path.path, user) or ignore_path.path == user_crontab_path ] file_paths = [ ignore_path.path for ignore_path in ignore_paths if ignore_path.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value ] with db.atomic(): for ignore_path in ignore_paths: file_owner, file_user = get_file_ownership( ignore_path.path, user ) MalwareAction.delete_from_ignore_sync( path=ignore_path.path, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=user or UserType.ROOT, resource_type=ignore_path.resource_type, ) if file_paths: if not skip_rescan: await self._sink.process_message( # FIXME: this spawns a scan with the `realtime` type MessageType.MalwareScanTask(filelist=file_paths) ) await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.MalwareIgnorePathUpdated() ) return len(ignore_paths) @bind("malware", "ignore", "add") async def ignore_add(self, resource_type, paths, user=None): items = [IgnoreParameters(path) for path in paths] added = await self.try_add_to_ignore(items, resource_type, user) return len(added) async def try_add_to_ignore( self, items: Sequence[IgnoreParameters], resource_type: str, user: str = None, ) -> List[str]: check_permission(MS_IGNORE_LIST_EDIT, user) added = [] items = [item for item in items if os.path.isabs(item.path)] if user is not None: user_crontab_path = get_crontab(user) items = ( i for i in items if does_path_belong_to_user(i.path, user) or i.path == user_crontab_path ) already_ignored = MalwareIgnorePath.path_list( resource_type=resource_type ) items = (items for items in items if items.path not in already_ignored) for item in items: file_owner, file_user = get_file_ownership(item.path, user) result = await MalwareAction.ignore( path=item.path, resource_type=resource_type, file_owner=file_owner, file_user=file_user, initiator=user or UserType.ROOT, app_name=item.app_name, db_host=item.db_host, db_port=item.db_port, db_name=item.db_name, ) if result.successful: added.append(item.path) if added: await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.MalwareIgnorePathUpdated() ) return added async def is_path_ignored(self, check_path, user=None): assert os.path.isabs(check_path) if user is not None and not does_path_belong_to_user(check_path, user): return False return await MalwareIgnorePath.is_path_ignored(check_path) class MalwareRebuildPatterns(RootEndpoints): @bind("malware", "rebuild", "patterns") async def rebuild_patterns(self): await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.MalwareIgnorePathUpdated() ) return {} class MalwareRescanEdnpoints(RootEndpoints): @bind("malware", "rescan") async def malware_rescan_files(self, files: List[str]): await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.MalwareRescanFiles(files=files) ) return {} class MalwareSendFiles(RootEndpoints): @bind("malware", "send", "files") async def malware_send_files(self, reason: str, files: List[str]): await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.MalwareSendFiles(reason=reason, files=files) ) return {}