Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/plugins/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/plugins/store.py |
""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright © 2019 Cloud Linux Software Inc. This software is also available under ImunifyAV commercial license, see <https://www.imunify360.com/legal/eula> """ import functools import glob import json import os import pwd import re import time from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum from logging import getLogger from typing import Any, Union import peewee import defence360agent.internals.logger from defence360agent.api import inactivity from defence360agent.contracts.messages import MessageType from defence360agent.contracts.plugins import ( MessageSink, MessageSource, expect, ) from defence360agent.model.simplification import run_in_executor from defence360agent.subsys.panels.hosting_panel import HostingPanel from defence360agent.utils import Scope, nice_iterator from imav.malwarelib.config import ( CLEANUP, CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE, MalwareEvent, MalwareEventPostponed, MalwareHitStatus, MalwareScanResourceType, MalwareScanType, NOTIFY, ) from imav.malwarelib.model import ( MalwareHit, MalwareHitAlternate, MalwareScan as MalwareScanModel, ) from imav.malwarelib.plugins.detached_scan import ( MalwareScanMessageInfo, ) from imav.malwarelib.scan.mds.report import MalwareDatabaseHitInfo from imav.malwarelib.subsys.malware import ( HackerTrapHitsSaver, MalwareAction, MalwareActionIm360, ) logger = getLogger(__name__) class MalwareScanJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(o, Enum): return o.value return super().default(o) class StoreMalwareHits(MessageSink, MessageSource): SCOPE = Scope.AV malware_action = MalwareAction _loop, _sink = None, None async def create_source(self, loop, sink): self._loop = loop self._sink = sink async def create_sink(self, loop): pass @expect(MessageType.MalwareScan, async_lock=False) async def process_hits(self, message): """MalwareScan is saved to DB when: 1. Detached scan started - message has no results 2. Any scan finished - message has summary and results Message without summary means that detached scan is finished and summary will arrive along with results in another message. """ if not message["summary"].get("path"): return with inactivity.track.task("store_scan"): await self._store_scan(message) @expect(MessageType.MalwareScan) async def store_log(self, message): with defence360agent.internals.logger.openMalwareScanLog() as logf: json.dump( dict(summary=message["summary"]), logf, indent=2, sort_keys=False, cls=MalwareScanJSONEncoder, ) @staticmethod def _store_hit(scanid, filename, status, resource_type, data): return MalwareHit.create( scanid=scanid, resource_type=resource_type, owner=data["owner"], user=data["user"], size=data["size"], hash=data["hash"], orig_file=filename, type=data["hits"][0]["matches"], timestamp=data["hits"][0]["timestamp"], status=status, malicious=not data["hits"][0]["suspicious"], ) @staticmethod def get_outdated_entries( path_obj: Union[str, list], scan_type: str = None, ): """ Return files that may already not be infected, yet we still consider them such. For example, an infected file might have been removed manually. """ possibly_infected_statuses = [MalwareHitStatus.FOUND] paths = [path_obj] if isinstance(path_obj, str) else path_obj if scan_type == MalwareScanType.REALTIME: # to avoid duplicates (DEF-10404) yield from iter(paths) return for target_path in paths: for path in glob.iglob(target_path): path = os.path.realpath(path) if ( os.path.isfile(path) and MalwareHit.select() .where( (MalwareHit.orig_file == path) & (MalwareHit.status.in_(possibly_infected_statuses)) & ( MalwareHit.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value ) ) .first() ): yield path else: scanned_dir = re.escape(path) + r"(/.*|\b)" yield from ( i.orig_file for i in MalwareHit.select().where( (MalwareHit.orig_file.regexp(scanned_dir)) & ( MalwareHit.status.in_( possibly_infected_statuses ) ) & ( MalwareHit.resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value ) ) ) async def _store_scan(self, message: MessageType.MalwareScan) -> None: """Process scan message results. message: MalwareScan message """ summary = message["summary"] if not summary["started"]: # Scan is queued/aborted. return message_type = MalwareScanMessageInfo(message) if message_type.is_summary: if not ( MalwareScanModel.select() .where(MalwareScanModel.scanid == message["summary"]["scanid"]) .exists() ): scan = MalwareScanModel.create( **summary, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, initiator=message.initiator, ) scan.total_malicious = 0 scan.save() else: logger.warning( "Scan %s already in database", message["summary"]["scanid"] ) else: await self._store_scan_from_results(message) @classmethod def _delete_outdated_entries(cls, summary: dict) -> None: file_patterns = summary.pop("file_patterns", None) exclude_patterns = summary.pop("exclude_patterns", None) if ( summary.get("error") is None and file_patterns is None and exclude_patterns is None ): outdated_entries = cls.get_outdated_entries( summary["path"], scan_type=summary["type"] ) MalwareHit.delete_hits(outdated_entries) @staticmethod async def _process_default_action_results( hit_data, default_action_results ): pass async def _store_scan_from_results(self, message: MessageType.MalwareScan): summary = message["summary"] results = message["results"] scan_id = summary["scanid"] scan, created = MalwareScanModel.get_or_create( scanid=scan_id, defaults={ **summary, "resource_type": MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, }, ) if not created: # Detached scan only (second message). # Update completed time if scan already exists. scan.completed = summary["completed"] # get('path') indicates that this is the second message, # even if they are out of order if results is not None and summary.get("path") is not None: self._delete_outdated_entries(summary) hits = { hit.orig_file: hit for hit in MalwareHit.get_hits(files=list(results)) } postponed_hits = defaultdict(list) # type: dict total_malicious = 0 def _hit_status_race_detected(hit: MalwareHit, detected_timestamp): return ( hit.status == MalwareHitStatus.CLEANUP_STARTED or hit.status in ( MalwareHitStatus.CLEANUP_DONE, MalwareHitStatus.CLEANUP_REMOVED, ) and hit.cleaned_at > detected_timestamp ) # ignore hits are already processed by another scan # to avoid send its to CH multiple times async for file in nice_iterator(tuple(results.keys())): if file in hits and _hit_status_race_detected( hits[file], results[file]["hits"][0]["timestamp"] ): results.pop(file) malicious_hits = [ MalwareHitAlternate.create(scan.scanid, file, data) for file, data in results.items() if not data["hits"][0]["suspicious"] ] action_results = await self.malware_action.apply_default_action( hits=malicious_hits, initiator=message.get("initiator"), cause=summary["type"], sink=self._sink, ) apply_dict = {} for hit_info, event, action, try_restore in action_results: apply_dict[hit_info.orig_file] = (event, action, try_restore) for file, data in results.items(): status = MalwareHitStatus.FOUND result = None if file in apply_dict: ( result, default_action, try_restore, ) = apply_dict[file] # sent to CH if ( isinstance(result, MalwareEventPostponed) and result.action == CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE ): # report to CH only well-known `cleanup` / `notify` actions default_action = ( CLEANUP if summary["type"] == MalwareScanType.BACKGROUND else NOTIFY ) data["default_action"] = default_action data["try_restore"] = try_restore total_malicious += 1 if isinstance(result, MalwareEvent): if result.malware_eliminated: continue hit = await run_in_executor( self._loop, functools.partial( self._store_hit, scan.scanid, file, status, MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value, data, ), ) if isinstance(result, MalwareEventPostponed): key = ( result.message, ( result.cause, result.initiator, result.post_action, result.action, ), ) postponed_hits[key].append(hit) scan.total_malicious = total_malicious scan.total_resources = summary["total_files"] scan.timestamp = int(time.time()) if error := summary.get("error"): scan.error = error scan.save() if self._sink: for ( (msg_cls, (cause, initiator, post_action, action)), hits, ) in postponed_hits.items(): if ( action == CLEANUP_ON_SCHEDULE and summary["type"] != MalwareScanType.BACKGROUND ): logger.info( "Skipping auto-cleanup because it's allowed for " "scheduled scans only" ) else: await self._sink.process_message( msg_cls( hits=hits, scan_id=scan_id, cause=cause, initiator=initiator, post_action=post_action, ) ) await self._process_default_action_results( results, {hit.orig_file: event for hit, event, _, _ in action_results}, ) class StoreMalwareHitsIm360(StoreMalwareHits): SCOPE = Scope.IM360 malware_action = MalwareActionIm360 async def create_sink(self, loop): await super().create_sink(loop) await HackerTrapHitsSaver.init() @staticmethod async def _process_default_action_results( hit_data, default_action_results ): """Do additional processing for malicious files""" hacker_trap_hits = [] hacker_trap_sa_hits = [] for path, data in hit_data.items(): result = default_action_results.get(path) if not isinstance(result, MalwareEvent): continue if result.malware_eliminated: hacker_trap_hits.append(path) if any( HackerTrapHitsSaver.STANDALONE_MARK in hit["matches"] for hit in data["hits"] ): hacker_trap_sa_hits.append(path) await HackerTrapHitsSaver.add_hits(hacker_trap_hits) await HackerTrapHitsSaver.update_sa_hits(hacker_trap_sa_hits, []) @expect(MessageType.MalwareDatabaseScan) async def store_db_scan( self, message: MessageType.MalwareDatabaseScan ) -> None: if not message.started or message.type is None: # Scan is queued/aborted or stopped while AVD is not finished yet return try: scan = MalwareScanModel.create( scanid=message.scan_id, started=message.started, completed=message.completed, type=message.type, path=message.path, error=message.error, total_resources=message.total_resources, total_malicious=message.total_malicious, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value, initiator=message.initiator, ) except peewee.IntegrityError: scan = MalwareScanModel.get(scanid=message.scan_id) if ( not message.completed or message.error or (scan.completed and not scan.error) or not scan.completed or message.path != scan.path or message.type != scan.type or scan.resource_type != MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value ): logger.error( "The scan %s has already been saved: type=%s, path=%s," " completed=%s", scan.scanid, scan.resource_type, scan.path, scan.completed, ) return # Update scan with latest data from message scan.started = message.started scan.completed = message.completed scan.error = message.error scan.total_resources = message.total_resources scan.total_malicious = message.total_malicious scan.resource_type = MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value scan.initiator = message.initiator scan.save() logger.info( f"Updated scan {scan.scanid} with new data from message" ) if not message.hits: return # FIXME: remove this mapping # when we start to store UID instead of username in the db panel_users = set(await HostingPanel().get_users()) uid_to_name = { pw.pw_uid: pw.pw_name for pw in pwd.getpwall() if pw.pw_name in panel_users } unique_db_hits = MalwareDatabaseHitInfo.get_hits_per_db(message.hits) self._delete_outdated_db_entries(unique_db_hits) # apply default action to all hits (to store them in history table) action_results = await self.malware_action.apply_default_action( hits=message.hits, initiator=message.get("initiator"), cause=message.get("type"), sink=self._sink, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value, ) apply_dict = {} for hit, event, action, _ in action_results: apply_dict[hit.path] = (event, action) postponed_hits = defaultdict(list) # type: dict for hit_info in unique_db_hits: result = None if hit_info.path in apply_dict: ( result, default_action, ) = apply_dict[hit_info.path] # FIXME: DEF-18112 add default_action to hit and send to CH if isinstance(result, MalwareEvent): if result.malware_eliminated: continue new_hit: MalwareHit = MalwareHit.create( scanid=scan, owner=uid_to_name.get(hit_info.owner, hit_info.owner), user=uid_to_name.get(hit_info.user, hit_info.user), orig_file=hit_info.path, type=hit_info.signature, malicious=True, hash=None, size=None, timestame=None, status=MalwareHitStatus.FOUND, cleaned_at=None, resource_type=MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value, app_name=hit_info.app_name, db_host=hit_info.db_host, db_port=hit_info.db_port, db_name=hit_info.db_name, snippet=hit_info.snippet, ) if isinstance(result, MalwareEventPostponed): key = ( result.message, (result.cause, result.initiator, result.post_action), ) postponed_hits[key].append(new_hit) if self._sink: for ( (msg_cls, (cause, initiator, post_action)), hits, ) in postponed_hits.items(): await self._sink.process_message( msg_cls( hits=hits, scan_id=message.scan_id, cause=cause, initiator=initiator, post_action=post_action, ) ) @staticmethod def _delete_outdated_db_entries(hits): orig_files = [hit.path for hit in hits] MalwareHit.delete_hits(orig_files)