Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/cleanup/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/cleanup/cleaner.py |
""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright © 2019 Cloud Linux Software Inc. This software is also available under ImunifyAV commercial license, see <https://www.imunify360.com/legal/eula> """ import asyncio import json import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile import time from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import suppress from itertools import islice from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from defence360agent.contracts.config import ( Malware, MalwareSignatures, MyImunifyConfig, ) from defence360agent.contracts.messages import MessageType from defence360agent.contracts.permissions import ( ms_clean_requires_myimunify_protection, ) from defence360agent.utils import ( RecurringCheckStop, Singleton, base64_encode_filename, recurring_check, ) from imav.contracts.config import MalwareTune from imav.malwarelib.model import MalwareHit from imav.malwarelib.utils.revisium import ( RevisiumCSVFile, RevisiumJsonFile, RevisiumTempFile, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def cleaner_result_instance(tempdir=None, mode=None): if MalwareTune.USE_JSON_REPORT: return RevisiumJsonFile(tempdir, mode) return RevisiumCSVFile(tempdir, mode) class MalwareCleanerLog(RevisiumTempFile): pass class MalwareCleanerProgress(RevisiumJsonFile): """ Get progress from external source """ _progress = 0 @recurring_check(2) async def watch(self, callback): try: data = self.read() except FileNotFoundError: raise RecurringCheckStop() except json.JSONDecodeError: return progress = data["current"] increment, self._progress = progress - self._progress, progress callback(increment) class MalwareCleanupFileList(RevisiumTempFile): def write(self, filelist): with self._path.open("wb") as w: w.writelines(base64_encode_filename(f) + b"\n" for f in filelist) def _parse_int(value: Union[str, int]) -> int: """Convert str|int to int, in case errors return -2 -1 used as default value when storing CH """ try: return int(value) except ValueError: return -2 class CleanupResultEntry(dict): def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]): # fields: # d - cleanup result # e - error description # s - signature that was triggered for the file during scan # f - file path (it's unexpected that f is absent) # r - the result of aibolit rescan after cleanup # # We shouldn't fail on parsing one record (to do not stop processing # report), so we consider default values for all fields. super().__init__( d=_parse_int(data.get("d", -1)), e=_parse_int(data.get("e", -1)), s=data["s"], f=data["f"], r=_parse_int(data.get("r", -1)), ) def is_cleaned(self): if self.is_failed() or self.requires_myimunify_protection(): return False if self["e"] == 4: logger.warning( "File has changed, assuming that it was cleaned: %s", self["f"] ) return True return self["e"] == 0 and self["d"] == 0 def is_removed(self): return not self.is_failed() and self["e"] == 0 and self["d"] > 0 def is_failed(self): return self["r"] == 1 def requires_myimunify_protection(self): return self["r"] == 2 def not_exist(self): return not self.is_failed() and self["e"] == 5 class CleanupResult(Dict[str, CleanupResultEntry]): """ Cleanup result container for result entries """ def __init__(self, report=None): if report: super().__init__({e["f"]: CleanupResultEntry(e) for e in report}) @staticmethod def __key(hit: Union[str, MalwareHit]) -> str: return getattr(hit, "orig_file", hit) def __contains__(self, hit: Union[str, MalwareHit]): return super().__contains__(self.__key(hit)) def __getitem__(self, hit: Union[str, MalwareHit]): return super().__getitem__(self.__key(hit)) class MalwareCleaner: PROCU_PATH = "/opt/ai-bolit/procu2.php" PROCU_DB = MalwareSignatures.PROCU_DB def __init__(self, loop=None, sink=None): self._loop = loop if loop else asyncio.get_event_loop() self._proxy = MalwareCleanupProxy() self._sink = sink def _cmd( self, filename, progress_path, result_path, log_path, soft, *, username, blacklist=None, use_csv=True, standard_only=True, ): cmd = [ "/opt/ai-bolit/wrapper", self.PROCU_PATH, "--deobfuscate", "--nobackup", "--forcibly_cleanup", "--rescan", "--list=%s" % filename, "--input-fn-b64-encoded", "--username=%s" % username, ] if blacklist: cmd.append("--black-list=%s" % blacklist) cmd.extend( [ "--log=%s" % log_path, "--progress=%s" % progress_path, ] ) if Malware.CLEANUP_DISABLE_CLOUDAV: cmd.append("--disable-cloudav") if use_csv: cmd.extend(["--csv_result=%s" % result_path]) else: cmd.extend(["--result=%s" % result_path]) if standard_only: cmd.extend(["--standard-only"]) if os.path.exists(self.PROCU_DB): cmd.append("--avdb") cmd.append(self.PROCU_DB) if soft: cmd.append("--soft") return cmd @staticmethod def _get_cleaner_error_info( exc: Exception, cmd: List[str], returncode: int, stdout: Optional[bytes], stderr: Optional[bytes], ): return dict( exception=exc.__class__.__name__, return_code=returncode, command=cmd, out=stdout.decode(errors="replace") if stdout is not None else "", err=stderr.decode(errors="replace") if stderr is not None else "", ) async def _send_cleanup_failed_message(self, info: dict): if self._sink: try: msg = MessageType.CleanupFailed( {**info, **{"timestamp": int(time.time())}} ) await self._sink.process_message(msg) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception: logger.exception( "Exception while sending CleanupFailed message" ) async def start( self, user, filelist, soft=True, blacklist=None, standard_only=None, ) -> Tuple[CleanupResult, Optional[str], List[str]]: tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() result_file = cleaner_result_instance(tempdir=tempdir) use_csv = isinstance(result_file, RevisiumCSVFile) standard_only = self.is_standard_only(user, standard_only) with MalwareCleanupFileList( tempdir=tempdir, mode=0o644 ) as flist, MalwareCleanupFileList( tempdir=tempdir, mode=0o644 ) as blk, MalwareCleanerProgress( tempdir=tempdir ) as progress, result_file as result, MalwareCleanerLog( tempdir=tempdir ) as log: flist.write(filelist) if blacklist: blk.write(blacklist) self._loop.create_task(progress.watch(self._proxy.progress_cb)) if blacklist: cmd = self._cmd( flist.filename, progress.filename, result.filename, log.filename, soft, username=user, blacklist=blk.filename, use_csv=use_csv, standard_only=standard_only, ) else: cmd = self._cmd( flist.filename, progress.filename, result.filename, log.filename, soft, username=user, use_csv=use_csv, standard_only=standard_only, ) logger.debug("Executing %s", " ".join(cmd)) out, err = b"", b"" proc = None try: proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) out, err = await proc.communicate() report = result.read() except asyncio.CancelledError: if proc: with suppress(ProcessLookupError): proc.terminate() raise except Exception as exc: info = self._get_cleaner_error_info( exc, cmd, proc.returncode if proc else 126, # 126 - permission error stdout=out, stderr=err, ) # Group errors by exit code on Sentry logger.error( f"Cleanup failed exit_code={info.get('return_code')}: %s", f"{info.get('out')} {info.get('err')}", extra={**info, "exception": exc}, ) await self._send_cleanup_failed_message( {**info, **dict(message=str(exc))} ) return CleanupResult(), repr(exc), cmd return CleanupResult(report), None, cmd @staticmethod def is_standard_only(user: str, standard_only: bool) -> bool: """Check if only standard signatures should be applied for the user""" # FIXME: DEF-20763 Remove this line to enable standard signatures return False if not MyImunifyConfig.ENABLED: # Ignore standard_only value if MyImunify is disabled return False elif standard_only is None: # When cleaned by default action return not ms_clean_requires_myimunify_protection(user) return standard_only class MalwareCleanupProxy(metaclass=Singleton): _CHUNK_SIZE = 10000 """ Class to interconnect Cleanup status endpoint and Cleanup plugin """ def __init__(self): self.current = self.total = 0 self.hits = defaultdict(set) def add(self, cause, initiator, post_action, scan_id, standard_only, hits): self.hits[ (cause, initiator, post_action, scan_id, standard_only) ].update(hits) def flush(self) -> Tuple[str, str, Callable, str, Set]: while self.hits: scan_info, hits = self.hits.popitem() all_hits = iter(hits) hits = set(islice(all_hits, self._CHUNK_SIZE)) remaining_hit = next(all_hits, None) if remaining_hit is not None: self.hits[scan_info].add(remaining_hit) self.hits[scan_info].update(all_hits) self.total += len(hits) yield *scan_info, hits def progress_cb(self, increment=1): self.current += increment def reset(self): self.current = self.total = 0 def get_progress(self): try: return int(self.current / (self.total + len(self.hits)) * 100) except ZeroDivisionError: return None