Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/simple_rpc/schema/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/simple_rpc/schema/proactive.yaml |
proactive list: type: dict return_type: ProactiveDefenseListAgentResponse help: List Proactive Defense events cli: users: - root schema: since: type: integer coerce: int default: 0 help: Show events after this unix timestamp. to: type: integer coerce: int default_setter: now help: Show events before this unix timestamp. limit: type: integer coerce: int default: 50 help: Page size offset: type: integer coerce: int default: 0 help: Page offset search: type: string nullable: true help: Search by file path, rule name, IP address, or hostname. user: type: string nullable: true help: | Admins can filter results by user. Users can only see the events relevant to them. order_by: type: list schema: type: order_by coerce: order_by nullable: true help: | List of fields to order by, each followed by a `+` (ascending) or `-` (descending). proactive details: type: dict return_type: ProactiveDefenseDetailsAgentResponse help: Show Proactive Defense event details cli: users: - root schema: id: type: integer coerce: int required: true positional: true help: Proactive Defense event ID, can be obtained from `proactive list` endpoint. user: type: string nullable: true help: (internal) proactive ignore list: type: dict return_type: ProactiveDefenseIgnoreAgentResponse help: List ignored paths cli: users: - root schema: since: type: integer coerce: int default: 0 help: Show entries added after this unix timestamp. to: type: integer coerce: int default_setter: now help: Show entries added before this unix timestamp. limit: type: integer coerce: int default: 50 help: Page size offset: type: integer coerce: int default: 0 help: Page offset search: type: string nullable: true help: Search by file path. user: type: string nullable: true help: | Admins can filter results by user. Users can only see entries relevant to them. order_by: type: list schema: type: order_by coerce: order_by nullable: true help: | List of fields to order by, each followed by a `+` (ascending) or `-` (descending). proactive ignore add: type: dict return_type: NullAgentResponse help: Ignore events by path, and, optionally, by rule ID cli: users: - root schema: path: type: string required: true help: Path to ignore rule_id: type: integer required: false coerce: int help: Only ignore events from this rule ID rule_name: type: string required: false help: (internal) user: type: string nullable: true help: (internal) proactive ignore addmany: type: dict return_type: NullAgentResponse help: Ignore events by path, and, optionally, by rule ID schema: items: type: list required: true schema: type: dict schema: path: type: string required: true help: Path to ignore rule_id: type: integer required: false coerce: int help: Only ignore events from this rule ID rule_name: type: string required: false help: (internal) user: type: string nullable: true help: (internal) proactive ignore delete path: type: dict return_type: NullAgentResponse help: Remove paths from ignore list cli: users: - root schema: paths: type: list required: true positional: true schema: type: string help: Paths to remove from ignore list user: type: string nullable: true help: (internal) proactive ignore delete rule: type: dict return_type: NullAgentResponse help: Remove a specific path + rule ID combination from ignore list cli: users: - root schema: path: type: string required: true help: Path to remove from ignore list id: type: integer coerce: int required: true help: Rule ID to remove from ignore list user: type: string nullable: true help: (internal)