Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/plugins/resident/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/plugins/resident/lists.py |
import datetime import ipaddress import json from peewee import DoesNotExist from defence360agent.rpc_tools.utils import ( generate_warnings, run_in_executor_decorator, ) from defence360agent.contracts.plugins import ( MessageSink, MessageSource, expect, ) from defence360agent.utils import Scope from im360.api.ips import ( IgnoredByPortAPI, IPApi, PortAPI, GroupIPSyncSender, IPApiWithIdempotentAdd, ) from defence360agent.contracts.messages import MessageType from im360.model.firewall import ( IPList, Purpose, ) from im360.subsys.whitelist_rbl import create_rbl_whitelist from im360.model.firewall import ( BlockedPort, ) from defence360agent.rpc_tools import ValidationError class ManageLists(MessageSink, MessageSource): SCOPE = Scope.IM360_RESIDENT async def create_sink(self, loop): self._loop = loop async def create_source(self, loop, sink): self._loop = loop self._sink = sink async def _delete_ip_from(self, items, listname): """Unblock from *listname*""" to_ignore, to_unblock = [], [] not_affected = [] for ip in items: net = ipaddress.ip_network(ip) supernets = IPList.find_closest_ip_nets( net, listname=[listname], limit=1 ) # all(a.subnet_of(b) for a, b in zip([net]+supernets, supernets)) if supernets: if supernets[0].ip_network != net: # net is a part of supernet(s) to_ignore.append(net) else: # the first supernet == net to_unblock.append(net) else: # net is not a subnet not_affected.append( { "rec": net, "listname": IPList.get_field("listname", ip=ip), } ) for ip in to_ignore: # no way to unblock IP, because it a part of blocked supernets so, # sending ClientUnblock in order to put it in ignore list await self._sink.process_message( MessageType.ClientUnblock( attackers_ip=ip, plugin_id="imunify360" ) ) affected, not_unblocked = await IPApi.unblock( to_unblock, listname=listname ) affected += to_ignore not_affected += not_unblocked return affected, not_affected async def _ip_delete_local(self, items, listname): group_ip_sender = await GroupIPSyncSender().collect(items) affected, not_affected = await self._delete_ip_from(items, listname) if listname == IPList.GRAY: splash_affected, splash_not_affected = await self._delete_ip_from( items, IPList.GRAY_SPLASHSCREEN ) affected += [ addr for addr in splash_affected if addr not in affected ] na = [] not_affected_lists = (not_affected, splash_not_affected) for not_affected_list in not_affected_lists: na += [ net for net in not_affected_list if (net["rec"] not in affected) and (net not in na) ] not_affected = na await group_ip_sender.filter(affected).send("del") generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=listname, all_list=items, success_warning="{}/{} ip(s) were successfully deleted", failure_warning="Noop: unable to delete {} from {}", in_another_list_warning="IP {} is already in {} list", ) async def _ip_add_idempotent( self, listname, items, comment=None, expiration=0, full_access=None, scope=None, comment_autogenerated=False, ): assert listname in [IPList.BLACK, IPList.WHITE, IPList.GRAY] if comment is None: now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") auto_generated_comment = "Manually added on %s" % now comment = auto_generated_comment comment_autogenerated = True group_ip_sender = GroupIPSyncSender() if scope == IPList.SCOPE_LOCAL: await group_ip_sender.collect(items) affected, not_affected = await IPApiWithIdempotentAdd.block( listname=listname, items=items, comment=comment, full_access=full_access, expiration=expiration, scope=scope, # "whitelist ip add" doesn't remove expired manually blacklisted # subnets keep_manual_expired_subnets=(listname == IPList.WHITE), manual=True, comment_autogenerated=comment_autogenerated, ) if scope == IPList.SCOPE_LOCAL: await group_ip_sender.filter(affected).send("del") await (await GroupIPSyncSender().collect(affected)).send("add") generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=listname, all_list=items, success_warning="{}/{} ip(s) were successfully added", failure_warning="Noop: unable to add {} to {}", in_another_list_warning="IP {} is already in {} list", ) @expect(MessageType.IPListsUpdate) async def update_local_iplist(self, message): action = message["action"] transport = message.get("transport") response = {} if transport: message.pop("transport") try: if action == "add": await self.ip_list_local_add(message) elif action == "delete": await self.ip_list_local_delete(message) except ValidationError as exc: response = {"error": "ValidationError", "message": str(exc)} except Exception as exc: response = {"error": "Exception", "message": str(exc)} finally: self._respond_to_transport(transport, json.dumps(response)) def _respond_to_transport(self, transport, message): """Writes the provided message to the transport if it exists""" if transport: transport.write(message.encode() + b"\n") async def ip_list_local_add(self, message): """replacements for old whitelist/graylist/blacklist ip list/add/delete/edit, With changes: new add will include functionality of old add/edit/move""" list_name = Purpose.listname(message["purpose"]) _ips = message["items"].pop("items") await self._ip_add_idempotent( listname=list_name, items=[ipaddress.ip_network(_ip) for _ip in _ips], comment=message["items"].get("comment"), expiration=message["items"].get("expiration", 0), full_access=message["items"].get("full_access"), scope=message["items"].get("scope"), ) async def ip_list_local_delete(self, message): """Used for removing record from IPList table, same as old rpc calls: `[white/black/gray]list ip delete`, but now also splachscreen is allowed to delete """ list_name = Purpose.listname(message["purpose"]) await self._ip_delete_local( listname=list_name, items=[ipaddress.ip_network(_ip) for _ip in message["items"]], ) @expect(MessageType.UpdateCustomLists) async def update_custom_lists(self, message): await create_rbl_whitelist() @expect(MessageType.BlockedPortUpdate) async def blocked_port_update(self, message): transport = message.pop("transport", None) response = {} try: if message.action == "add": await self._blocked_port_add( message["items"], message["ips"], message["comment"] ) elif message.action == "delete": await self._blocked_port_delete(message["items"]) elif message.action == "edit": await self._blocked_port_edit( message["items"], message["comment"] ) except ValidationError as exc: response = {"error": "ValidationError", "message": str(exc)} except Exception as exc: response = {"error": "Exception", "message": str(exc)} finally: self._respond_to_transport(transport, json.dumps(response)) @expect(MessageType.BlockedPortIPUpdate) async def blocked_port_ip_update(self, message): transport = message.pop("transport", None) response = {} try: ips = [ipaddress.ip_network(ip) for ip in message["ips"]] if message.action == "add": await self._ignored_by_port_add_ip( message["items"], ips, message["comment"] ) elif message.action == "delete": await self._ignored_by_port_delete_ip(message["items"], ips) elif message.action == "edit": await self._ignored_by_port_edit_ip( message["items"], ips, message["comment"] ) except ValidationError as exc: response = {"error": "ValidationError", "message": str(exc)} except Exception as exc: response = {"error": "Exception", "message": str(exc)} finally: self._respond_to_transport(transport, json.dumps(response)) async def _blocked_port_add(self, items, ips, comment=None): affected, not_affected = await PortAPI.block(items, comment=comment) for ip in [ipaddress.ip_network(ip) for ip in ips]: for port, proto in affected: await IgnoredByPortAPI.block([ip], port=port, proto=proto) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=items, success_warning="{}/{} port(s) were successfully added", failure_warning="Noop: unable to add {}", ) async def _blocked_port_delete(self, items): affected, not_affected = await PortAPI.unblock(items) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=items, success_warning="{}/{} port(s) were successfully deleted", failure_warning="Noop: unable to delete {}", ) async def _blocked_port_edit(self, items, comment): affected, not_affected = await PortAPI.edit(items, comment) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=items, success_warning="{}/{} port(s) were successfully edited", failure_warning="Noop: unable to edit {}", ) async def _ignored_by_port_add_ip(self, items, ips, comment=None): for port, proto in items: if not await self.check_port_proto(port, proto): raise ValidationError( "Port and proto does not exist {}:{}".format(port, proto) ) affected, not_affected = [], [] for port, proto in items: _affected, _not_affected = await IgnoredByPortAPI.block( items=ips, port=port, proto=proto, comment=comment ) affected.extend(_affected) not_affected.extend(_not_affected) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=ips, success_warning="{}/{} ip(s) were successfully added", failure_warning="Noop: unable to add {}", ) async def _ignored_by_port_edit_ip(self, items, ips, comment=None): for port, proto in items: if not await self.check_port_proto(port, proto): raise ValidationError( "Port and proto does not exist {}:{}".format(port, proto) ) affected, not_affected = [], [] for port, proto in items: _affected, _not_affected = await IgnoredByPortAPI.edit( items=ips, port=port, proto=proto, comment=comment ) affected.extend(_affected) not_affected.extend(_not_affected) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=ips, success_warning="{}/{} ip(s) were successfully edited", failure_warning="Noop: unable to edit {}", ) async def _ignored_by_port_delete_ip(self, items, ips): for port, proto in items: if not await self.check_port_proto(port, proto): raise ValidationError( "Port and proto does not exist {}:{}".format(port, proto) ) affected, not_affected = [], [] for port, proto in items: _affected, _not_affected = await IgnoredByPortAPI.unblock( items=ips, port=port, proto=proto ) affected.extend(_affected) not_affected.extend(_not_affected) return generate_warnings( affected, not_affected, dest_listname=None, all_list=ips, success_warning="{}/{} ip(s) were successfully deleted", failure_warning="Noop: unable to delete {}", ) @run_in_executor_decorator def check_port_proto(self, port, proto): try: BlockedPort.get(port=port, proto=proto) except DoesNotExist: return False return True