Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/internals/core/firewall/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/im360/internals/core/firewall/__init__.py |
import os from functools import lru_cache from typing import AbstractSet, Tuple from defence360agent.utils import subprocess from defence360agent.utils.common import LooseVersion from im360.contracts.config import Firewall, UnifiedAccessLogger from im360.utils.validate import IP, IPVersion from .iptables import Iptables #: Firewall rule definition represented as iptables command-line args RuleDef = Tuple[str, ...] # TypeAlias 3.10+ @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def iptables_version(): cmd = ["iptables", "-V"] out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, vstring = out.decode().split("v") return vstring.strip() @lru_cache() def is_nat_available(ip_version: IPVersion): """ip6tables nat table correctly works only with kernel version >= 3.8 and iptables version >= 1.4.18 https://sector7g.be/posts/ipv6-nat-pre-routing-with-iptables """ if ip_version == IP.V4: return True else: return iptables_version() >= LooseVersion("1.4.18") async def get_firewall(ip_version: IPVersion): return Iptables(version=iptables_version(), ip_version=ip_version) @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def firewall_logging_enabled(): return not os.path.exists(Firewall.LOGGING_DISABLE_FLAG) class FirewallRules: # The lower number the higher is the priority. # 0 is the highest priority # priority is used to create rules in correct order HIGHEST_PRIORITY = 0 # Priority for remote-proxy rules REMOTE_PROXY_PRIORITY = 2 # Priority for rule for whitelisted ips with full access FULL_ACCESS_PRIORITY = 4 # Priority for blocked ports rules PORT_PROTO_PRIORITY = 6 # priority for ipset with ip of current host HOST_IPS_PRIORITY = 6 # Common whitelist WHITELIST_PRIORITY = 8 # Black list (both country and user-defined) BLACKLIST_PRIORITY = 10 # Static whitelist STATIC_WHITELIST_PRIORITY = 12 # drop.sync DROP_SYNC_PRIORITY = 14 # default priority for rules DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 20 LOWEST_PRIORITY = 30 ACCEPT = "ACCEPT" DROP = "DROP" RETURN = "RETURN" REJECT = "REJECT" REDIRECT = "REDIRECT" LOG = "LOG" FILTER, NAT, MANGLE = "filter", "nat", "mangle" IMUNIFY_INPUT_CHAIN = "INPUT_imunify360" IMUNIFY_OUTPUT_CHAIN = "OUTPUT_imunify360" COUNTRY_BLACKLIST_CHAIN = "imunify360_country_blacklist" COUNTRY_WHITELIST_CHAIN = "imunify360_country_whitelist" BP_INPUT_CHAIN = "INPUT_imunify360_bp" BP_OUTPUT_CHAIN = "OUTPUT_imunify360_bp" LOG_BLACKLIST_CHAIN = "imunify360_log_bl" LOG_BLACKLISTED_COUNTRY_CHAIN = "imunify360_log_bl_country" LOG_GRAYLIST_CHAIN = "imunify360_log_gl" LOG_BLOCK_PORT_CHAIN = "imunify360_log_port_block" WEBSHIELD_PORTS_INPUT_CHAIN = "imunify360_webshield_ports" DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "info" @classmethod def compose_rule(cls, *filters, action) -> RuleDef: return sum(filters, tuple()) + action @classmethod def compose_action(cls, action, **kwargs) -> RuleDef: args = ["-j", action] for k in sorted(kwargs.keys()): args.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-")) args.append(kwargs[k]) return tuple(args) @classmethod def interface(cls, interface): assert interface, 'Network interface "%s" is not valid!' % interface return ("-i", interface) @classmethod def block_dst_port_list(cls, ports, policy=DROP) -> tuple: return ( "-p", "tcp", "-m", "multiport", "--dport", ",".join(map(str, sorted(ports))), "-j", policy, ) @classmethod def protected_by_webshield(cls, dst_port, target_port) -> tuple: return ( "-p", "tcp", "-m", "multiport", "--dport", str(dst_port), "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", ":" + str(target_port), ) @classmethod def open_all_for_src_net(cls, net: str) -> RuleDef: """Return a rule to open traffic with source IP address""" return ("-s", net, "-j", cls.ACCEPT) @classmethod def open_dst_ports_for_src_list( cls, listname: str, ports: AbstractSet[int], policy=ACCEPT ) -> RuleDef: """Return a rule to open traffic with TCP destination `ports` and source addresses in ipset `listname`.""" return ( "-m", "set", "--match-set", listname, "src", "-m", "multiport", "-p", "tcp", "--dport", ",".join([str(p) for p in sorted(ports)]), "-j", policy, ) @staticmethod def redirect_to_captcha( listname: str, dest_port: int, target: int ) -> RuleDef: """Returns iptables command parameters to redirect traffic destined to tcp port `dest_port` to local port `target`""" return ( "-m", "set", "--match-set", listname, "src", "-p", "tcp", "--dport", str(dest_port), "-j", "DNAT", "--to-destination", ":" + str(target), ) @staticmethod def stop_redirection(listname: str) -> RuleDef: """Returns iptables command parameters to do not redirect traffic destined to webshield port""" return ( "-m", "set", "--match-set", listname, "dst", "-p", "tcp", "-j", "RETURN", ) @staticmethod def redirect_to_captcha_via_tproxy( listname: str, dest_port: int, target: int ) -> RuleDef: """Returns iptables command parameters to redirect traffic destined to tcp port `dest_port` to local port `target`, using TPROXY""" return ( "-m", "set", "--match-set", listname, "src", "-p", "tcp", "--dport", str(dest_port), "-j", "TPROXY", "--tproxy-mark", "0x1/0x1", # mark traffic for TPROXY "--on-port", str(target), ) @staticmethod def traffic_not_from_tproxy(set_name: str, policy: str = DROP) -> RuleDef: return ( "-m", "set", "--match-set", set_name, "src", "-m", "mark", "!", "--mark", "0x1/0x1", # mark traffic for TPROXY "-j", policy, ) @staticmethod def ipset(set_name): return ("-m", "set", "--match-set", set_name, "src") @staticmethod def ipset_rule(set_name, policy) -> RuleDef: """ RuleDef for ipset :param policy: ACCEPT, RETURN or DROP :param set_name: ipset collection :return: """ return FirewallRules.ipset(set_name) + FirewallRules.compose_action( policy ) @staticmethod def port_rule(set_name, port, proto, policy=REJECT) -> RuleDef: return ( "-m", "set", "!", "--match-set", set_name, "src", "-p", proto, "--dport", str(port), "-j", policy, ) @classmethod def smtp_test_rule(cls) -> RuleDef: return ( "-p", "tcp", "--dport", "9999", "-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", "0", "-j", cls.ACCEPT, ) @staticmethod def nflog_group(ip_version: IPVersion): return str(UnifiedAccessLogger.NFLOG_GROUPS[ip_version]) @staticmethod def nflog_action(group, prefix): return FirewallRules.compose_action( "NFLOG", nflog_group=group, nflog_prefix=prefix )