Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/defence360agent/contracts/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/defence360agent/contracts/license.py |
import asyncio import base64 import datetime import json import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time from contextlib import suppress from json import JSONDecodeError from pathlib import Path from subprocess import TimeoutExpired from typing import Optional from defence360agent.application.determine_hosting_panel import ( is_cpanel_installed, ) from defence360agent.contracts import sentry from defence360agent.contracts.config import ( ANTIVIRUS_MODE, Core, CustomBilling, int_from_envvar, logger, ) from defence360agent.contracts.hook_events import HookEvent from defence360agent.internals.global_scope import g from defence360agent.utils import get_external_ip, retry_on, timed_cache from defence360agent.utils.common import HOUR, rate_limit from peewee import OperationalError AV_DEFAULT_ID = "IMUNIFYAV" UNLIMITED_USERS_COUNT = 2147483647 # no need to check the license file more often than # once every 10 minutes, this should be enough to fix DEF-14677 _CACHE_LICENSE_TOKEN_TIMEOUT = int_from_envvar( "IMUNIFY360_CACHE_LICENSE_TOKEN_TIMEOUT", 10 * 60 # in seconds ) # path to openssl binary used to check license signature # we need to check several paths because of different OSes # and different installation paths with fallback to system default if not (OPENSSL_BIN := Path("/opt/alt/openssl11/bin/openssl")).exists(): if not (OPENSSL_BIN := Path("/opt/alt/openssl/bin/openssl")).exists(): OPENSSL_BIN = Path("/usr/bin/openssl") throttled_log_error = rate_limit(period=HOUR, on_drop=logger.warning)( logger.error ) class LicenseError(Exception): """Used to communicate that some function requires a license""" class LicenseCLN: VERIFY_FIELDS_V1 = ( "id", "status", "group", "limit", "token_created_utc", "token_expire_utc", ) VERIFY_FIELDS_V2 = ( "id", "status", "limit", "token_created_utc", "token_expire_utc", "group_id", "permissions", ) VERIFY_FIELDS_MAP = { 1: VERIFY_FIELDS_V1, 2: VERIFY_FIELDS_V2, } _PUBKEY_FILE = "/usr/share/imunify360/cln-pub.key" _ALTERNATIVE_PUBKEY_FILES = ( # keys for self-signed licenses "/usr/share/imunify360/alt-license-pub.key", ) _LICENSE_FILE = "/var/imunify360/license.json" _FREE_LICENSE_FILE = "/var/imunify360/license-free.json" AV_PLUS_BUY_URL = ( "https://cln.cloudlinux.com/console/purchase/ImunifyAvPlus" ) IM360_BUY_URL_TEMPLATE = ( "https://www.cloudlinux.com/upgrade-imunify-{user_count}/" ) VERSION_THRESHOLDS = [1, 30, 250] _token = {} users_count = None @staticmethod @retry_on(TimeoutExpired, max_tries=2) def _verify_signature( pubkey_path: str, content: bytes, signature: bytes ) -> tuple[bool, Optional[list[str]]]: """Verify that `content` is correctly signed with public key from file `pubkey_path` with resulting `signature`. Returns a tuple with (success, error_list). """ errors: list[str] = [] result = False with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as sig_file: sig_file.write(signature) sig_file.flush() cmd = [ OPENSSL_BIN, "dgst", "-sha512", "-verify", pubkey_path, "-signature", sig_file.name, ] try: p = subprocess.run( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, input=content, timeout=1, ) except FileNotFoundError as e: errors.append(f"openssl command failed: missing {e.filename}") else: if p.returncode == 0: result = True else: errors.append( "Signature verification failed - " f"openssl returned {p.returncode}. " f"stdout: {p.stdout}, stderr: {p.stderr}" ) return result, errors or None @classmethod def _get_signature_input(cls, license, version: int = 1) -> bytes: parts = [] for key in cls.VERIFY_FIELDS_MAP[version]: value = license[key] if isinstance(value, dict): parts.append( "".join( f"{subkey}={subvalue}" for subkey, subvalue in value.items() ) ) elif value is None: parts.append("null") else: parts.append(str(value)) return "".join(parts).encode() @classmethod def _find_signature( cls, license_token, signature_list: list[tuple[str, int]] ) -> tuple[Optional[str], bool]: """ Verify signatures in license :return: signature, is_alternative, version """ sign: str all_errors: list[str] = [] def verify_and_collect_errors(*args, **kwargs): success, errors = cls._verify_signature(*args, **kwargs) if errors: all_errors.extend(errors) return success for sign, version in signature_list: signature = base64.b64decode(sign) try: content = cls._get_signature_input( license_token, version=version ) except KeyError: continue if verify_and_collect_errors(cls._PUBKEY_FILE, content, signature): return sign, False for alt_pubkey in cls._ALTERNATIVE_PUBKEY_FILES: if verify_and_collect_errors(alt_pubkey, content, signature): return sign, True for error in all_errors: logger.warning("%s", error) return None, False @classmethod def _load_token(cls, path): """ Load license token from file and verify signature If signature verification successful, put first valid signature to 'sign' field of license token :return: license token """ default = {} # default value returned on error try: with open(path) as f: license_token = json.load(f) if not isinstance(license_token, dict): logger.error( "Failed to load license. Expected JSON object, got %r" % (license_token,) ) return default signature, is_alternative = cls._find_signature( license_token, [ (sign, 1) for sign in license_token.get("signatures", []) ], ) if sign := license_token.get("signature_v2"): _sign, _ = cls._find_signature(license_token, [(sign, 2)]) if _sign is None: throttled_log_error( "Failed to verify license signature v2" ) license_token.pop("permissions", None) if signature is None: throttled_log_error("Failed to verify license signature") return default license_token["sign"] = signature license_token["is_alternative"] = is_alternative return license_token except FileNotFoundError: # this is a common case logger.info("Failed to load license: not registered?") except (OSError, JSONDecodeError, KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: # not loading broken license logger.error("Failed to load license: %s", e) return default @classmethod @timed_cache( datetime.timedelta(seconds=_CACHE_LICENSE_TOKEN_TIMEOUT), maxsize=1 ) def get_token(cls) -> dict: """ Get available license. In Antivirus mode, if main license is unavailable, return free license :return: license token """ lic_token = {} license_files = ( [cls._LICENSE_FILE, cls._FREE_LICENSE_FILE] if ANTIVIRUS_MODE else [cls._LICENSE_FILE] ) for lf in license_files: lic_token = cls._load_token(lf) if lic_token: return lic_token return lic_token @classmethod def get_server_id(cls) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: server id """ return cls.get_token().get("id") @classmethod def is_registered(cls): """ :return: bool: if we have token """ return bool(cls.get_token()) @classmethod def is_valid_av_plus(cls): """ :return: Return true only if we have valid ImunifyAV+ or Imunify360 license """ return ANTIVIRUS_MODE and cls.is_valid() and (not cls.is_free()) @classmethod def is_free(cls): if not ANTIVIRUS_MODE: return False return cls.get_server_id() == AV_DEFAULT_ID @classmethod def is_valid(cls, token=None): """License check based on license token return True - if license token is valid for this server return False - if license token is invalid """ token = token or cls.get_token() if not token: return False if ANTIVIRUS_MODE: return ( token.get("status", "").startswith("ok") and token["token_expire_utc"] >= time.time() ) return ( token["status"] in ("ok", "ok-trial") and token["token_expire_utc"] >= time.time() and (cls.users_count is None or cls.users_count <= token["limit"]) ) @classmethod def has_permission(cls, permission: str, token=None): """License check for a specific permission based on a license token return True - if license token has a given permission for this server return False - if license token does not have permission """ token = token or cls.get_token() if not token: return False return ( permission in (perm := token.get("permissions", [])) and perm[permission] == "ENABLED" ) @classmethod def update(cls, token): """ Write new license token to file :param token: new token :return: """ old_token = cls.get_token() temp_file = cls._LICENSE_FILE + ".tmp" flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL mode = 0o640 with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(temp_file) with os.fdopen(os.open(temp_file, flags, mode), "w") as f: json.dump(token, f) shutil.chown(temp_file, user="root", group="_imunify") os.rename(temp_file, cls._LICENSE_FILE) cls.get_token.cache_clear() sentry.set_server_id(cls.get_server_id()) sentry.set_product_name(cls.get_product_name()) try: cls.renew_hook(old_token, token) except OperationalError: pass @classmethod def renew_hook(cls, old_token, token): important_keys = ["license_expire_utc", "status", "limit", "id"] exp_time = token.get("license_expire_utc") license_type = cls.fill_license_type(token) condition = any( [token.get(elem) != old_token.get(elem) for elem in important_keys] ) if condition: license_updated = HookEvent.LicenseRenewed( exp_time=exp_time, license=license_type ) from defence360agent.hooks.execute import execute_hooks asyncio.gather( execute_hooks(license_updated), return_exceptions=True ) @classmethod def delete(cls): """ Delete license token along with old-style license data :return: """ with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(cls._LICENSE_FILE) cls.get_token.cache_clear() sentry.set_server_id(None) sentry.set_product_name(cls.get_product_name()) @classmethod def fill_license_type(cls, token): license_type = token.get("status") license_type_to_product = { "ok": "imunify360", "ok-trial": "imunify360Trial", "ok-av": "imunifyAV", "ok-avp": "imunifyAVPlus", } return license_type_to_product.get(license_type) @classmethod def is_ip_license_type(cls): token = cls.get_token() if token.get("id", "").lower().startswith("ip-"): return True return False @classmethod def license_info(cls): token = cls.get_token() key_360 = token.get("status") in ("ok", "ok-trial") message = token.get("message", None) if ( ANTIVIRUS_MODE and CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL and not CustomBilling.NOTIFICATIONS ): message = None if ANTIVIRUS_MODE and key_360 and not message: # TODO: remove after auto-upgrade will be implemented message = ( "You've got a license for the advanced security product " "Imunify360. Please, uninstall ImunifyAV and replace it with " "the Imunify360 providing comprehensive security for your " "server. Here are the steps for upgrade: " "https://docs.imunify360.com/installation/" ) if token: info = { "status": cls.is_valid(), "expiration": token.get("license_expire_utc", 0), "user_limit": token.get("limit"), "id": token.get("id"), "user_count": cls.users_count, "message": message, "license_type": cls.fill_license_type(token), } else: info = {"status": False} info["upgrade_url"] = None info["upgrade_url_360"] = None if ANTIVIRUS_MODE: ignored_messages = [ "user limits", ] if info.get("message"): for msg in ignored_messages: if msg in info["message"]: info["message"] = None # TODO: detect IP license for registered AV+ without custom billing info["ip_license"] = CustomBilling.IP_LICENSE and ( CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL is not None or CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL_360 is not None ) info["upgrade_url"] = ( CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL or token.get("upgrade_url") or cls.AV_PLUS_BUY_URL ) info["upgrade_url_360"] = ( CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL_360 or upgrade_url_default() ) else: info["redirect_url"] = token.get("upgrade_url", None) if cls.is_demo(): # pragma: no cover info["demo"] = True return info @classmethod def get_product_name(cls) -> str: if not ANTIVIRUS_MODE: return Core.NAME license_status = cls.get_token().get("status", "") if license_status == "ok-av": return "imunify.av" elif license_status in ("ok-avp", "ok", "ok-trial"): return "imunify.av+" else: logger.error("Unknown license %s", license_status) return "Unknown license" @classmethod def is_demo(cls) -> bool: return os.path.isfile("/var/imunify360/demo") @classmethod def is_unlimited(cls): token = cls.get_token() return token.get("limit", 0) >= UNLIMITED_USERS_COUNT @classmethod def get_im360_buy_url(cls) -> str: if cls.users_count is None: return cls.IM360_BUY_URL_TEMPLATE.format(user_count=1) for threshold in cls.VERSION_THRESHOLDS: if cls.users_count <= threshold: return cls.IM360_BUY_URL_TEMPLATE.format(user_count=threshold) return cls.IM360_BUY_URL_TEMPLATE.format(user_count="unlimited") def upgrade_url_default(): n = LicenseCLN.users_count iaid = g.get("iaid", "") if ( # apply custom direct store links on cPanel is_cpanel_installed() # where upgrade URL is not set or set to the old value and CustomBilling.UPGRADE_URL == "../../../scripts14/purchase_imunifyavplus_init_IMUNIFY" ): # We have a complex default value for cPanel installations configured # with that use cPanel as a reseller. They don't populate # the CUSTOM_BILLING config well, so we generate the links here. # (they care less about upsell than we do) if not _eligible_for_new_upgrade_links(iaid): # A/B experiment control (old) variant: # return the old URL that leads through cPanel login page return "../../../scripts14/purchase_imunify360_init_IMUNIFY" # A/B experiment test (new) variant: # return the new URL that leads directly to the store base_url = ( "https://store.cpanel.net/index.php?rp=/store/partner-addons/" ) server_ip = get_external_ip() if n == 1: suffix = ( f"imunify360-for-cpanel-solo&customfield%5B55%5D={server_ip}" ) else: suffix = f"imunify360&customfield%5B375%5D={server_ip}" return base_url + suffix return ( LicenseCLN.get_im360_buy_url() + f"?iaid={iaid}" + f"&users={n}" * bool(n) ) def _eligible_for_new_upgrade_links(iaid: str) -> bool: logger.debug("checking if iaid: %s is eligible for upgrade", iaid) if len(iaid) == 0: logger.warning("receive empty iaid, fallback to old link") return False try: hex_bucket = int(iaid[0], 16) except ValueError: logger.warning("iaid is not hex, fallback to old link") return False hex_mid = 8 # check if iaid falls under 50% of iaid distribution return hex_bucket < hex_mid